(Ok, so I have lost almost ALL of my old muses. While Rocket is fine and well over on gooeyhero (and I’m planning on adding another blog as well), forgotten-reflection-warle, kaitethenovicepuyoplayer, and adventures-in-bootleg-puyo will be dropped in one fell swoop.
The reason for this? First of all, I have moved fandoms. Second, looking back, I’m not to happy about how they have turned out.
As such, I’LL BE DELETING ALL OF THOSE BLOGS, ALONGSIDE THIS ONE AS WELL. If you want to keep track of me, go to gooeyhero.
Otherwise, it’s been fun RPing with these guys, but I just ain’t feeling it. This is to cut down on my blog amount, as well as keeping everything organized.)
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"Let him rest, Yi Ling. He deserves it."
Ohoho promptly fell asleep himself.
The Corrupted
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He seemed happy enough, although his smile belied serious distress on the inside. What exactly did he know he could say? Curse this small vocabulary.
She watched the train go in several loops before turning it back off. She waited for Ohoho’s reaction.
156 notes · View notes
She watched the train go in several loops before turning it back off. She waited for Ohoho's reaction.
He remained quiet for the rest of the ride.
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Before Yi Ling could answer, Mimi responded.
"No... he was complaining about being tired while you were gone, and couldn't sleep. The eyepatch must have fixed that."
"Wh̵a̸t̶ ̕a̷ ̢s̵hame͝... ͡I̷ ̷w̨àņted͞ to҉ sḩo̶w ̵h͏i̵m w҉hat eĺse̢ I͠ ͏b́ough͢t̴ fòr h̴i̡m͞."̴
The Corrupted
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Ohoho stared blankly before turning his attention back to Yi Ling.
"Is that an eye patch with some kind of negative effect?"
The Corrupted
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He remained quiet for the rest of the ride.
She watched the train go around the track, with Ohoho in it.
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Ashura managed to get the eyepatch on... only to fall asleep immediately afterwards.
The Corrupted
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She watched the train go around the track, with Ohoho in it.
"Ahh, ehh…"
He had so much to learn, didn’t he?
156 notes · View notes
"Ahh, ehh..."
He had so much to learn, didn't he?
She turned the train back on, and placed him in it.
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"The round part goes over your eye. Then you tie it around the back."
The Corrupted
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Yi Ling glared at Ohoho.
"You͢ we͜r̛en̢'͘t̕ th̵e ͢one҉ s̢hópp̀i̛ng."̨
Yi Ling tossed the bag to Ashura.
"̶H̵e̛r͠ę ҉y͡ou ̀gò!͡ ̸T̸h̨e e͞y̸e̷pat̢c͡h͡ ͡iş įn̡ ͡the̕r͟e͞, al͠on̡g w̢ìt̨h ̕ą s͞urpri͜se!͝"̛
Ashura took out the eyepatch, and fiddled around with it.
"̀Ho͢w̴ ̷do I̷ w̡ȩar th͢i͡s?̸"
The Corrupted
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She turned the train back on, and placed him in it.
He nodded.
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"Man, I'm tired."
The Corrupted
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He nodded.
She turned the train off, and set it on the tracks near Ohoho.
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She turned the train off, and set it on the tracks near Ohoho.
Ohoho continued to tilt his head. His small vocabulary really wasn’t helping any.
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"Wel͟l,̨ ̵we̛ g͜ot́ ͝what ҉w̡e n̡eede̢d̕. ̸L҉e̶t̴'s ́head͟ b҉a͏ck.̛"͏
The Corrupted
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