Spine surgery is traditionally done as “open surgery,” meaning the area being operated on is opened with a long incision to allow the surgeon to view and access the anatomy. In recent years, however, technological advances have allowed more back and neck conditions to be treated with a minimally invasive surgical technique.
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Pharmacologic pain management is one of many treatment options available to provide pain relief and a better quality of life. Depending on your acute or chronic pain condition, our professional pain management physicians may decide that pain medications are ideal or they may suggest other interventional procedures.
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Interventional pain management can give you hope for a better quality of life. Interventional pain management means that a team comprised of more than two professionals from different healthcare disciplines is dedicated to your ongoing and integrated care.
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An epidural steroid injection (ESI) is a minimally invasive course of action that can help alleviate  leg, back, arm, and neck pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves. ESIs may be carried out to relieve pain produced by spinal stenosis, or disc herniation. Medicines are dispensed to the spinal nerve through the epidural space, the region between the protective covering of the spinal cord and vertebrae. The effects of ESI tend to be brief. The objective is to reduce pain so that you may continue normal activities and a physical therapy program.
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Want to See a Fort Lee Pain Management Doctor? Find More on Treatments Here!
Managing lower back pain, also known lumbar spine pain, can be hard. When you visit a Fort Lee pain management doctor for a treatment, keep in mind that surgery isn’t the only solution. In general, doctors start with pain medications, including oral steroids, NSAIDs, or acetaminophen, as required. There are also other forms of treatment, such as manual manipulation, use of heat and nice, massage therapy, and exercise, which can be used as a part of the treatment plan. Your doctor may also recommend what is known as an epidural injection, which can ensure instant relief and reduced inflammation. Certain lifestyle changes can also be recommended, such as quitting smoking and having a more active regular life.
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Advanced Pain Care offers the most comprehensive care for lower back pain in Fort Lee, and we welcome patients to experience our approach. Our aim is simple – to ensure a better quality of life for every patient and we specialize in a bunch of treatments. Feel free to get an appointment, and our experts will answer your queries and suggest treatments, so that you can avoid expensive surgeries. To know more on treatments, please refer to our website or call us for details.
 Our Contact Information:  
 Advanced Pain Care    
Phone: 973-379-3688  
Fax: (908) 242-3911  
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Over the years, the techniques and treatments for back pain have evolved, and therefore, it is easier to reduce your dependency on medicines and surgery. Even if surgery is advised, your doctor will explain the risks, costs, benefits and other aspects in detail.
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Facet joint injections are commonly used to determine what is causing back pain. Facet joint injections are primarily diagnostic injections, meaning that they help your doctor determine the cause of your back pain but may not provide you with any long-term relief from the pain.
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Quick Things to Know Before Getting Injections for Low Back Pain in Springfield
If you are suffering from lower back pain, you probably have heard about steroid injections. An epidural steroid injection works wonders for treating pain that’s often triggered by inflamed spinal nerves. ESIs can be used for pain caused by disc herniation, as well as, spinal stenosis. The procedure is rather a simple one, where medication containing the steroid and an anesthetic agent is administered directly into the spinal nerve through the epidural space. ESI works briefly to offer relief, and often it is combined with an extensive form of treatment, so as to offer long-term relief to the patient. You doctor may have a physical therapy program in mind and suggest a few dos and don’ts for your daily life. Corticosteroid injections have been in use for decades and can help in reducing inflammation by direct injection into the area. This is a simple outpatient procedure, which is safe and can offer immediate relief for a considerable time, like a week to up to a year.
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At Advanced Pain Care, we offer injections for low back pain in Springfield, and we are committed to your health. Check our website to find more details or take an appointment to discuss things with our experts.
 Our Contact Information:  
 Advanced Pain Care    
Phone: 973-379-3688  
Fax: (908) 242-3911  
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Radiofrequency Neurolysis is used on a variety of different nerve locations to cause neural ablation or destruction of nerves that have been identified as “pain generating nerves.” These nerves are the potential cause of your pain.
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Our doctors want to make sure the injection will put the medication where it can do the most good. Once the correct position is confirmed, the anesthetic and cortisone are injected, and the needle is removed.
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What to Expect While Visiting a Pain Management Doctor in Springfield?
A number of conditions and treatments can trigger pain. Think of frequent headaches or pain caused due to cancer treatments or a surgery. Many of us also deal with chronic back and neck pain, which is related to other factors, such as posture. In most cases, doctors start the treatment and then refer the case to pain management specialist for helping the patient better. However, you can always to choose to talk to a pain management doctor in Springfield at your end.
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On your first appointment, your pain doctor will try to understand the nature and cause of pain, which will be followed by a physical examination. In case you have not been under medical care, he may suggest a few tests to know your condition better. Factors like family history, lifestyle, and type of job of the patient are also considered before considering a line of treatment. Treatments can involve anything from physical therapy to medications, surgery and trigger point injections.
 If you want to know more on pain management, consider visiting us at Advanced Pain Care. With an experience team of doctors at work, we are capable of treating most pain-related disorders. Check our website to find more.
 Our Contact Information:  
 Advanced Pain Care    
Phone: 732-902-6488  
Fax: (908) 242-3911  
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Joint injections are given to treat inflammatory joint conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, tendinitis, bursitis and occasionally osteoarthritis. Corticosteroids are frequently used for this procedure, as they are anti-inflammatory agents that slow down the accumulation of cells responsible for producing inflammation within the joint space. Hyaluronic acid (Hyalgan ®, Synvisc®) is a lubricating substance that may relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.
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Discography in addition is labeled as discogram is presently used to establish whether the disk is the cause of pain in patients with primarily axial back or neck pain. http://www.advancedpaincare.net/discography/
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Trigger point injection (TPI) may be an option in treating pain for some patients. TPI is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle that contain trigger points, or knots of muscle that form when muscles do not relax. Many times, such knots can be felt under the skin. Trigger points may irritate the nerves around them and cause referred pain, or pain that is felt in another part of the body.
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Talk To the Best Edison Pain Management Doctor Now!
Living with pain is anything but easy. Yes, you can take those over-the-counter medicines once in a while, but when it comes to pain management, you need to see a doctor. Pain doctors, as they are often called, help in treating all kinds of pain, right from cancer pain to chronic back pain, headaches and more. The treatment usually starts with a detailed diagnosis, which also includes evaluating the family history of the patient besides understanding the physical condition. Treatments can include medications, nerve blocks, use of corticosteroids, implantable devices like stimulators, surgery, and physical therapy. In some cases, doctors may use trigger point injections and may suggest additional lifestyle changes.
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If you are looking for the best Edison pain management doctor, visit us at Advanced Pain Care. Dr. Ningning He is a board certified doctor in anesthesiology with ABA subspecialty in pain medicine. With a strong team of expert doctors with her, she offers treatments for all pain-related disorders and is one of the most compassionate doctors in town. You can check our website to know on what we offer at our clinic, or call us directly to schedule an appointment. With Dr. He for help, you don’t have to live with pain.
 Our Contact Information:  
 Advanced Pain Care    
Phone: 732-902-6488  
Fax: (908) 242-3911    
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Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) placement is a procedure designed to implant a non obtrusive system into the patient’s body. This system is similar to a modern day pacemaker. SCS delivers small streams of electrical impulses to the spinal cord targeting pain. The patient is given a remote to control the frequency and strength of SCS as needed.
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Things to Expect While Visiting a Fort Lee Pain Management Doctor
Managing back, neck and chronic pain in other parts of the body can be hard at times. When it comes to pain management, most people don’t see a doctor, unless and until they are done with painkillers. If you have back pain that refuses to subside within a week, you should consult an expert at the earliest. When you first visit a Fort Lee pain management doctor, expect to get a lot of questions. He will ask about the history of your pain conditions, so as to understand the possible causes. Based on the initial diagnosis, he may suggest a few tests and x-rays, which will help in finding the actual point and cause of the pain. In some cases, initial medications are suggested to offer immediate relief.
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Over the years, the techniques and treatments for back pain have evolved, and therefore, it is easier to reduce your dependency on medicines and surgery. Even if surgery is advised, your doctor will explain the risks, costs, benefits and other aspects in detail. If you are in Fort Lee, contact us at Advanced Pain Care, and we will be more than happy to help with your questions. Take an appointment and talk to our pain doctors now.
 Our Contact Information:  
 Advanced Pain Care    
Phone: 732-902-6488  
Fax: (908) 242-3911    
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