adelevasari · 3 years
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I hope no one’s done this yet. 
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adelevasari · 3 years
if you believe that seraphinitegames‘ (both mishka and nai’s) treatment of fandom members of colour is wrong, and you are a subscriber to the patreon, you need to un-subscribe right now. 
yes, it’s nice to see extra content for your favourite ro from the creator’s mouth. but as someone who was subscribed at one point and now isn’t, it does not effect my life in any way to not know what n is up to in mishka’s pay-walled headcanons. i do not think about it at all. i have fanfics from talented friends and art from talented creators, most of whom are marginalised people who do this for free.
b0ycotts are effective. un-subscribe from the patreon. 
edit: @moonrisedreams / @magesmiths / @tuagonia have all pointed out that you can give a reason for unsubscribing.
@lilas has pointed out that patreon subscribers have the ability to communicate with mishka directly. 
please use your voice in these channels if you have them! 
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adelevasari · 3 years
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no cuz we knew it was mind control in new york and we knew we would get the redemption we needed and we knew loki ODINson was top tier.
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adelevasari · 3 years
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ivy: farah hauville - from the wayhaven chronicles (by @seraphinitegames)
the women really came out on top in this portrait series, and that also goes for our beautiful sunshine gal, farah! thank you @commander-sarahs-art for this lovely piece. even with the ivy and non-flower aesthetic compared to the other UB members, I think she shines just, if not more, brightly <3.
Unit Bravo flower portraits: [Adam] [Ava] [Nate] [Nat] [Mason] [Morgan] [Felix]
*goes without saying, but do not repost.
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adelevasari · 3 years
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havent drawn UB in a while!! i missed them 😔
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adelevasari · 3 years
please consider: F Hauville in any outfit ever worn by Prince because if anybody can then it’s F goddamn Hauville
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adelevasari · 3 years
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can u believe ive been drawing these 2 for over a year now and they still give me a headache each and every time
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adelevasari · 3 years
Is this true love?
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I think it is.
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adelevasari · 3 years
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Hello—yes—I would die for this sibling duo
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adelevasari · 3 years
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Let me see secret soft Morgan I know it’s there lemme have it 🙏
saw this weird pic a while ago and it was such a vibe for Morgan and Reese I had to redraw it
Open for better quality!
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adelevasari · 3 years
I loved how many different sides of N we saw in this demo!
Loved up N
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Eager to impress/ Strict parent scolding the kids N (poor F & M 😂)
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Suave N
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Grateful N
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I couldn't resist playing the other route, where the detective doesn't hide.
Fiercely protective N
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Angry/scared N
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I don't know how I feel about this route. Part of me finds it quite hot that N gets so angry and protective, but I also feel so bad making him/her that scared about losing the detective 😢
Lastly is it just me and my wishful thinking and wanting them to be at that point, or was N about to say something pretty special to the detective here??
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adelevasari · 3 years
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i only contribute meme redraws to fandoms original [ x ] from @anotherramblingfangirl
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adelevasari · 3 years
for the love of god PLEASE stop whitewashing N
i’ve seen a few people talking about this lately, and ever since then i’ve just been seeing it happen more and more.
i understand that as a visual novel, it’s up to us as the readers to visualize the characters, and yes, the official character art is only accessible on sera’s patreon. but n is written to have TAWNY SKIN
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tawny is a color that incompasses a wide range of warm browns and tans, and all it takes is one google search to see that. there are a wide range of colors that N could be, but they are clearly not lily white
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so stop whitewashing N. it’s not cute. find a poc faceclaim for them. use poc as models for references when coloring them. just... stop the clownery please
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adelevasari · 3 years
listen, now that i have gathered my thoughts:
N's counterattack against the trappers is...not? feral?
i mean, imagine existing for 300+ years harbouring an idea of love and never finding it. until you do. and you are completely thrown off by the fact that you have it now, and how it's actually so much better than what you ever thought it would be like. it's so new – even just the feeling of it. so tender. so precious. it's something that you want to allow to consume you and is also something you want to protect with everything you have in you.
now imagine living under the fear of this exceptionally precious thing – this little something that you share with someone, someone you value more than life itself – being taken away; not just the fact that this will eventually wither away (given that the detective is a human) but also that the detective's life is almost constantly in mortal danger because people can be greedy.
picture having already come very close to losing this once before, and imagine the memory of it and your feelings kind of branded in your consciousness. imagine having this fear constantly eat away at you – the fear of losing your person and the fear from just how close you had come to losing them once.
imagine seeing no way other than to be ready to "break yourself to keep them".
now imagine, this happens again. your person is in mortal danger. you see them get hurt and you see their attackers approach them menacingly, and you just know how it would end. it's like reliving the past. you could lose the detective all over again, especially when you have resolved to keep them safe and sound. that, all because you couldn't do your job well, because you fell short of protecting them. and you refuse to let that happen again.
suddenly, N's "feral" behaviour becomes the manifestation of their protectiveness, their worry, their fear, their desperation, their love, and their anger (surely at the trappers, but also maybe themself? a bit? at the situation? a little bit at the detective too?).
it's actually pretty standard, their reaction, then – don't you think? after all, wouldn't you want to (physically) fuck someone up if they hurt your partner? the only difference is, N is actually strong enough to do it, lol. there isn't much "feral" to this, just pure adrenaline, super-speed and super-strength.
i'm obviously not saying N's absolutely right in the way they react – just that it's natural for a person like them to behave like this. it's what makes N, well, N right now. they'll learn to set their love free and to ease out a bit but they just need some time because they've only just found something that they'd been looking for for most of their life.
also: there's just something unsettling/uncomfortable about people calling a brown character's justified anger and aggressive reaction as "feral", idk. 😬
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adelevasari · 3 years
twc gang as can you buy me pads meme
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adelevasari · 3 years
The hypocrisy has me screeching
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adelevasari · 3 years
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So a lovely person just asked me to commission this Wayhaven Book 1 piece just because they were curious on how I imagine the entire cast and how they would look like in my style, using my own Detective 😂
Aaaaaand I wouldn't mind drawing Unit Bravo all over again to be really honest. Bonus: UB only version haha
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