adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
Ada followed Rian without question, letting hir drag her through the passageways. “Honeydukes?” she asked, furrowing her brow. “Is that some kind of food?”
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Rian tucked hirself around Ada, peering out from behind the girl down the hall then up and back down to see if ze could catch a glimpse of the thing. Hir fingers twitched and drummed against hir classmate’s arm. “I dunno, I really don’t? Where are we?” Ze tipped hir chin back and - oh, well that helps. “OH! I got it! Follow me!” And the slight child fell back, dragging Ada down with hir through the mirror.
In the gloom in the passageway, ze grinned up. “Fancy some Honeydukes?”
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
She nodded before clarifying. “I’m a seventh year,” she said. “It’s hard but it’s also been a really good experience so far. Hogwarts is great.”
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A Matter of Correspondence //Dahlia & Ada
“Ah. I didn’t realize you were new. That’s gotta be hard coming to a new school at your age. You must be in 6th or 7th year.”
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
Ada smiled shyly at her reaction, glad she didn’t think it was weird. “The history of dragons would be fascinating as well!” She thought about her question, trying to remember what sources she used. “I used a book a person wrote, I can’t quite think of the name right now, but they spent extensive time observing gnomes and their habits. It was a large book of all of the research they found,” she said. “It was really helpful.”
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“That’s really interesting!” Augusta smiled brightly, “I just wrote one on the history of dragons in Eastern Asia! But in all my years, I’ve never head of somebody writing a paper like that.” Augusta herself had helped to de-gnome her family’s garden in the past, but she had never considered the fact that they had colonies and groups of gnomes that might actually travel, “What other research did you do to write the paper?”
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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“That’s what I figure,” she replied. “At the very least, it can’t make me worse at directions,” she added with a smile. She bit back a smile at Flenn’s answer to her question of how old he was. He was adorable, in her opinion. “Yeah, that’s pretty cool,” she said, nodding at him. She wished that classes weren’t just organized according to year, she knew there were so many more people she hadn’t met yet because they were younger than her, or in a different house. She wished there was just more unity between everyone, instead of all of the divisions.
She was alarmed that she hurt his feelings for a moment before he dropped the act and she realized he was joking. She grinned back at him and took his arm when he offered. “I believe you!” she said, laughing. “Now, let’s go get lost and figure out where things are.”
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“That sounds pretty legit to me, at least it’s worth a try,” Flenn nodded with a smile. He had his own ways of memorizing things, places especially, but mostly it included getting lost a lot. For all the wonders the castle had to offer, it still felt like a right maze to him. “Ah, I’m er, I’m a fifth year. But I’m already sixteen!” he answered, nearly stumbling over his words, puffing out his chest and all. He didn’t want Ada to take him for a baby, he was already unimpressive enough as it was. Honestly, couldn’t his growth spurt hurry it up?
Morphing his face to a look of hurt, lower lip quivering with practiced ease (he had been a mama’s boy after all), he spoke in a feeble voice: “how could you for one second think I’d leave you alone? Scout’s honor, Ada, I’m not that kinda guy. Well, I’ve never been a scout, but I do have honor, for real!” Dropping the act he simultaneously offered her a grin and his arm. “Hold on to me if you don’t believe me.”
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
She shrugged again at his questioning, it made her rather uncomfortable when people asked her about it. She didn’t like being compared to her dad, because they weren’t the same person. “He did. I learned when I was really young. But I just don’t love it like he does, so I stopped when I got older,” she explained. 
Ada nodded when Lysander summed up what she had told him. She giggled when he said she conquered Durmstrang. “I did not conquer anything at Durmstrang,” she said, shaking her head. “And I don’t have ‘social butterfly wings’, either. If anything, I’m the opposite of a social butterfly.” She considered her feelings about Hogwarts before answering his question. “Yeah, I actually really love Hogwarts. It’s really great here. And I don’t think I’ve changed in a way you’d notice. But I am trying to talk to more people, make more friends,” she said with a shrug.
Her brow furrowed when he said she could have told the house what house she wanted to be in. “I did not know that,” she said. “What’s the point of a sorting hat if students can just decide what house they want to be in?” she asked him, confused about the process now. 
A little lonely
Lysander let out a small laugh as she told him how awful of a flyer she is. Not that he was a good flyer either but she had the means to become a great flyer. She had a star player under her roof! He would have never imagined that she would be bad at flying since she had to have her dad to couch her. “You can’t be serious.” He exclaimed. “Did your dad just never coach you on flying?” It was a curious question to why she hadn’t inherited her father’s balance and skill. It could be possible that he didn’t want Adaline to have to follow in his footsteps.
He had turned his head more toward Ada as she started talking about why she had transferred over to Hogwarts. “You changed schools just because you wanted to?” There was only a year left of school for her and yet she wanted to transfer into a new school. His eyebrows scrunched down to his eyes for a brief moment as he considered what she said. “So you conquered Durmstrang already and needed a new place to spread your social butterfly wings..” A grin went over his lips. “Was Hogwarts everything you dreamt it would be? I don’t think I’ve noted a change in you but maybe you are limiting your change in front of people you haven’t met before.” He resettled his head on her lap and gave a quick smile again before he asked her if he looked comfy.
“Did you know that you could have told the hat where you wanted to be in when it came to the houses?” He mentioned, wondering if she had tried to curb the selection into her favor.
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
She shot him an exasperated look. “I  would assume it looks like I’m worried,” she said with a shake of her head. She knew she was too afraid of getting in trouble, but she didn’t exactly see it as a bad thing. She’d rather follow the rules and not get in trouble. She just didn’t see the benefits of getting in trouble. 
Ada nodded at his explanation. “That’s annoying. Obviously you know what you’re talking about, otherwise you wouldn’t be the tutor,” she said rolling her eyes at the thought of this fourth year. She hated the idea of someone being mean to her friends, even if it was just a silly fourth year. “And yeah, I don’t know if he can give detentions out or not. I would think he might, just because he’s kind of like a professor, in a way,” she said, thinking about it.
“The classes were challenging enough, they didn’t need to turn the building against us as well,” she said primly, shooting him a fake haughty look. “I was hardly under stimulated, I just wasn’t worried about the building literally moving around me.” She considered his question for a second before replying. “I read a lot,” she said, trying to think of what else she had done for fun. She was distracted though, when he shifted on the couch and ended up with his head in her lap. “Comfortable?” she asked, eyebrow quirked at him in amusement. “Sometimes I would go flying, if no one was around. If people were around, they would always expect me to be super amazing because of my dad, but I’m just ordinary at flying. Probably even a little bad,” she added with a shrug. “I bet your mum did do that. Although my dad was excited about me coming here, he enjoyed his time here during the Triwizard tournament. Well, at least before the whole thing went sour,” she amended with a slight wince.
She considered his words for a long moment before answering. “I actually wanted to transfer,” she said. “I wanted a challenge, new surroundings, new people,” she explained. “I thought it might be good to get away from everything I knew and start again. Maybe change things up for once, instead of being the same old Adaline as ever,” she said, meeting his eyes from where he was on her lap still. 
A little lonely
“You should see how your face looks when you get worried.” He was hardly worried about getting detention anymore. In his first years he would get anxiety about the possibility of detention. Detention meant that the one part of the free time that a student was allowed while being taken away. He would have to scrub vials or organize books or write sentences. It was different from being grounded at home because at least then he would get to be in his own room and did whatever he wanted.
“He was just arguing with me about one of the parts in his reading. He wouldn’t listen. Abernathy had to kick us out of the library. I actually don’t even know if he has the authority to give out detention."Now, it felt like the whole time he spent in school was close to being grounded the entire year until he returned home. Lysander had too much time to think about all the things he could be doing through the books he read and instead they were stuck on school grounds away  from the real world.
"So Durmstrang just has still staircases?.. And normal entrances..? Was there anything challenging about living there? Sounds like you’ve been under stimulated.” He sent a playful grin her way.  "What did you even do for fun there?“ It was one of the first times he had actually asked her about her old school. When he used to see her at family parties or dinners, they would just spend most of the time talking about books and anything else that trickled from that. Then before he didn’t want to remind her of the friends she had left behind. To soften the question, just in case the reasoning behind her leaving was something personal, he tried distracting her. He gave his back to her for a moment before he had settled his head in her lap and his legs went up on the arm. "I mean my mum sure likes to brag about Hogwarts. She could have planted that seed in your mum’s head about the rigorous riddles I have to solve just to go to sleep.” He couldn’t help but smile at his own sarcasm. “As much as I’d like to believe you enjoy being here–I have to feel as though you’ve been forced to transfer here. I can see it in your face–okay maybe I can’t but I’m assuming you were normally happier before than you are now with you being here."He explained looking up at Adaline’s face from his place on her lap.
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
Ada smiled back at the other girl as she took it back from her. “It’s this paper I’m writing for History of Magic, about the migratory habits and mating rituals of gnomes,” she explained, cheeks flushing a little. Some people thought it was a silly topic. 
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“It’s no problem, at all.” Augusta smiled and looked down at the cover, wondering what she was using the book as a “So….what are you studying for?” Augusta asked, transferring the dropped book to Ada, “That’s a fairly challenging topic to talk about, if I say so myself.” 
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
Ada had just found what she considered to be the perfect book for her paper when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and noticed a girl she was unfamiliar with, who asked if she had dropped a book. In her haste, she must have dropped another one of the books she was carrying and hadn’t noticed. “Yeah, I must have. Thank you for noticing,” she said gratefully.
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Augusta had been putting away some of her books in the library when she was alert by the sound of an object hitting the floor. Noticing that a person had dropped a book in front of her, Augusta walked quickly towards the item to see if she could locate it’s owner. . The book on the hardwood floor should have alerted it’s temporary owner of it’s displacement, but she picked it up gingerly anyways. Approaching another person walking in the opposite direction, Augusta merely tapped the assumed book dropper on the shoulder, smiled, and asked, “I’m sorry, but did you drop this just recently?”
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adakrum-blog · 8 years
She batted at his arm playfully after he shoved her before rolling her eyes at his next statement. “If the layout of the castle was general, I’d be able to find my way around. But the staircases move, Ly,” she whined. “How am I supposed to know where I am when the castle literally shifts places?” She grinned at his reaction to her getting a new book. “As a matter of fact, it is another history book,” she said proudly. “It’s so cool, it really is. It’s about the trials real witches went through during the Salem witch trials.” She shook her head at him. “Both Charms and History of Magic are the best. Although, I don’t think I’d like to tutor in either, so I’ll give you that one,” she added with a shrug. She sniffed dramatically when he teased her about the gnomes. “They are much more complicated than we give them credit for, at least,” she defended them, even though she knew he just said it to get a rise out of her. 
She shook her head at him when he said he almost received detention. “Well, at least you didn’t actually get it. That’s good, right?” she asked, trying not to sound too disappointed. She just hated when anyone got in trouble. “It was with the kid you’re tutoring? What happened?” she asked, concerned. “Because you shouldn’t have to work with people you don’t get along with, that isn’t fair.”
A little lonely
Ada instantly made him laugh when she turned around and sent him a glare. He playfully pushed her to make the glare disappear. She continued to tell him of the hell she goes through with the maze of the interior of the castle. “You’re supposed to be smart, Adaline. Don’t let them know that the general layout of the castle confuses you.” Another grin followed over his lips and he was quick to dodge if she were to move to hit him. “Please don’t tell me another history book is in your possession.” He groaned, just knowing if she were to read a history book then that will be what he hears until she finishes it. Lysander brought his hand up and rested it across his own stomach. “I can only thank you with my lips.” To which he mouthed ‘thank you. “Only thing worse than Fourth Year Charms–is anything History of Magic.” He grinned briefly when she mentioned she would be scared of his bad side but lowered its severity by comparing it to everyone elses’ bad side. “I bet those gnomes are just so complicated.” Lysander teased, knowing basically nothing regarding Gnomes. Most people weren’t interested in unraveling the mysteries written in books about Gnomes–but not Ada.
“Not just mine? Speaking of bad side.. I almost received detention.” He grinned sheepishly. “Almost.” It was always just a bit difficult relaying getting into trouble sort of news over to Adaline because she would give him this look sometimes. It was a look like he should have known better and it definitely made him a bit more defensive. “The fourth year kid.. Well..I’m still tutoring him–we resolved it–kind of.” He shrugged it off as if it wasn’t a big deal. Obviously it wasn’t because he didn’t get detention, right?
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