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i'm the real executioner smough and i'm here to say: all of you fucking freaks are banned from ornstein
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know the difference
smough: owo
ornstein: >:3c
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The chibis are still on my plans donยดt worry! Just that Iโ€™ve been busy these days and finally finished the Badass Anor Londo Duo today (aka Chip and Chop)
Plus, I have started an Illustration degree this week, so I am most likely to be reeeally busy this year, but I will try to find time to contiue doing the chibis.
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not to be disgusting or validate the really gross violent people on here but the idea of ornstein having a vore fetish and smough being weirded out by it is a million times funnier than the other way around
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alternatively, you could see it as a mercy kill or even as a necessary measure to defend the lordvessel since once ornstein falls smough is dramatically weaker in comparison. with ornstein on death's door, what benefit is there to trying to keep him alive and leaving yourself a sitting duck. maybe it was even an agreed upon thing among them. your goddess needs protecting, ornstein has the power to do so but not the means, you have the means but not the power. you know what to do you son of a bitch.
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i used to like seeing smough killing ornstein during the fight as just him being violent and jealous but the events on the flipside of things really put his own actions into perspective, even if they initally seem to make him look even more violent and petty.
when smough dies. ornstein lays a hand on him, seems to have a moment of mourning, and then absorbs his power for himself. while one could argue this is more civil, which, to be fair, it is, it also shows that absorbing the soul of your fallen comrade is a thing ornstein does too, and that smough is essentially doing the same thing but in a more distinctly smough way.
but, that's not why i bring his death cutscene up. while in battle, super smough largely acts the same but with lightning, but super ornstein has an entirely expanded moveset. specifically, he adopts many of smough's tendencies, including more weapon swinging and a drop attack, and even does the same laugh. i bring this all up for my next point.
in either death cutscene, the survivor doesn't simply kill the other, or even take their power. they're literally giving the other one free reign to inhabit their own body alongside them. i forgot where i was going with this
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smough has a very powerful "good" side to his character that goes very untouched on in speculation and stuff in favor of his negative traits, violent tendencies or just giving him a completely different characterization entirely. smough's biggest strength and weakness is how fervent his loyalty is. he lives for gwyn, he dies for gwyn, he kills for gwyn. he eats human flesh for gwyn. he's content to spend the rest of his life keeping watch over an empty lifeless city for gwyn. when he actually gives a shit about someone, he'd go to the ends of the fucking earth to do whatever they'd want or whatever would please them, at costs that even include his own life (he was the literal last knight standing to defend anor londo from aldrich). he just picks really shitty ways to show that loyalty
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smough keeps reminding ornstein to actually do stuff like eat and sleep and not overwork himself because ornstein is trying to in a way punish himself by eternally guarding anor londo and that he doesn't want to do anything anymore because everyone he cared about is dead and as it slowly actually works and smough gets him to start taking care of himself ornstein is like "you know, you're a lot more compassionate than people actually give you credit for." and smough is like "what the fuck??" because he's just used to being the most hated man in lordran and nobody liking him
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i love smoughstein where they're like actually mutually helpful to each other; ornstein helps smough realize that You Can Actually Change And You Aren't Required To Keep Being Terrible Just Becuase Everyone Expects It Of You, and smough helps ornstein cope and move past the loss of all of his friends and allies in oolacile and gets him to like get his shit together. idk i like it a lot more than a really one-sided thing that makes ornstein have to play therapist or fod forbid the stuff some people on here to where ornstein's relegated to a punching bag or, and i can't believe i have to actually bear witness to this, a meal
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if ornstein had a pet it'd be a cat, obviously, he is the leo knight after all. but like, if smough had a pet i imagine it'd be a huge floofy dog, like a newfoundland, and in addition that he'd be ridiculously caring and sweet to it, more so than he is to like 99% of people he interacts with. like ornstein's watching like "???????" at how completely different smough is when he's interacting with his dog
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these look way more washed out on my phone than my computer, damn. anyways it's The Boys we all kmow and love and my interpretations of their unarmoured selves. orn has a lot of influence from stuff like vaatil's interpretation (though i wanted him to look a bit more hairy, i guess i just forgot to give him the beard) and smough is just me doing the best with what i'm given since canon smough is a very... strange design to try and get a normal human being out of
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i don't like saying a lot without sending something so here's some old smough doodles showing how much i love drawing the big ol bastard
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smough's design is actually really nice when he isn't in permasquat, like when you see his model in a standing pose it lets you see that his body has a very nice curve to it, and like his proportions are visually appealing in a sort of weird way. i even like how his model's helmet has just a blank sort of surprised looking face, like he's just sort of confused XD i almost wish his equippable helmet had the same face, though the really bitter old man look is also really good
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a few people have pointed out that the "canon" option is about as equally fandom as the fanon one. that is true, and especially so in the case of smough since his character and motives are extremely ambiguous. however, i stand by my main point that a lot of smoughstein is kind of fucked up and leaves ornstein as sort of the punching bag and that the relationship is portrayed not just as unhealthy and abusive, but is celebrated and fantasized about specifically for being portrayed as such.
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hey uh this is just a little thought
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