acosmicvrse · 3 years
this blog is now archived  [  …  ]  find hope over HERE !!!  
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
this blog is now archived  [  …  ]  find hope over HERE !!!  
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
this blog is now archived  [  …  ]  find hope over HERE !!!  
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
this blog is now archived  [  . . .  ]  find hope over HERE !!!  
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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\ seriously contemplating moving hope off of sideblog status ; if i do she'll be dash only still tho . but it would be easy to get things switched around and whatnot . i'll make a new promo and stuff too ; i'll keep y'all posted .  
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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All I know is -  it was a summoning ritual. So you cut a deal. With who? It wasn’t that long ago but it’s just… gone. I can’t remember who it was.
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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“the horror in your eyes that night when you saw me is burned into my memory.”
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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starter call !! 
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
 The  completed  status  of  the  girl  before  her  wasn’t  exactly  a  secret.  Not  when  most  of  the  school  went  into  a  state  of…  well,  panic.  They  already  feared  Hope  Mikaelson,  the  name  of  her  father  weighing  heavy  on  that.  But  even  then,  Jade  never  made  the  connection  in  her  mind  with  her  ability  to  turn  whenever  she  wished  and  the  empty  woods.  Her  mind  entirely  occupied  by  the  same  nightmares  that  made  it  impossible  for  her  to  sleep.  
 The  impact  of  the  wolf  against  her  body  could  still  be  felt  on  her  skin.  The  pulsing  sensation  for  something  that  was  no  longer  there.  Even  when  her  body  healed  fast  and  automatically.  She  slowly  stood  up,  dusting  off  her  pants  and  then  her  hands  to  rid  herself  of  any  sticks  and  dirt.  She  probably  had  more  on  her  hair  and  her  jacket  but  right  now,  she  tried  to  focus  more  on  fighting  the  blush  off  her  face  after  finally  registering  the  state  of  nakedness  of  the  other.  Turning,  she  waited  for  Hope  to  dress.
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 “ Yeah  yeah,  tribrid.”  she  rolled  her  eyes  amusedly,  only  daring  to  turn  when  she  didn’t  hear  any  more  sound  of  clothes  rustling.  A  shrug  offered  to  the  other,  she  found  herself  tucking  her  hands  once  more  into  her  pockets.  “ I’m  fine,  you  pulled  back  soon  enough,  though  I  have  to  admit…”  a  teasing  grin  on  her  lips.  “ You’re  a  lot  heavier  than  I  thought.”
there had always been a part of her that wished for some semblance of normalcy , but the fact remained that this was nothing more than a pipe dream . how could one wish for what they've never known ? perhaps it was possible , but she would not know that ; and for eternity her life would be plagued with the repercussions of her species , the terminal uniqueness leaving her to watch people she loved grow old , and go into the ground or meet an early tragic demise . 
in doing so , she felt every molecule in her body vibrate all the time with extreme power ; radiating from her in outbursts both emotional and magical . but then , beneath that part of her that despised being feared was the monster which thrived upon it . of course , this piece of herself was kept well hidden under the shroud of martyrdom but the times it would come out , she could still hear alaric's voice pounding in her ear , a distant memory of him say that the wrath , vengeance , hatred was not her but rather her father . but what if , all along , he had been WRONG ? what if this was her ? the longer she was fully activated , the more present this overwhelming thought became . 
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ears intently focus towards the vampire's words ; sounds much more louder now . wolf hearing was one thing but wolf and vampire hearing , a whole other animal . a faint whisper of a grin toys with her lips , a slow and exaggerated nod follows suit . she's tempted to laugh , and even for a fleeting moment it threatens to come , but it is soon stiffed , repressed . all that manifests is a TWINKLE of the devil in her eye .
 " . . . hmm , i'll take that as a compliment . " tender , playful retort is quickly followed by a serious expression . " i'm glad you're not hurt . what brings you all the way out here in the middle of the night ? "  her words are followed by a curious raise of her brow . a probing question , no doubt . but perhaps hope had not been the only one feeling restless that night . 
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
 She  was  restless,  another  sleepless  night  that  had  her  turning  frustratedly  on  her  bed  before  she  stood  up  almost  angry.  Grabbing  her  leather  jacket  had  been  almost  automatic  after  putting  on  her  boots  and  before  she  knew  it  she  was  outside.  In  the  back  of  her  mind,  she  figured  it  shouldn’t  be  this  easy  to  sneak  out  of  a  school  made  for  supernatural  creatures  and  once  again  she  wondered  if  Alaric  ever  gave  thought  to  that  after  the  last  time  she  was  there.  But  it  was  evident  that  no,  he  didn’t.  And  as  she  walked  through  the  mass  of  trees  around  her,  she  couldn’t  be  quite  bothered  by  it.  The  silence  in  the  wood  was  soothing  in  a  way  the  silence  in  her  room  wasn’t  and  she  wondered  if  perhaps  it  was  the  school  the  problem.
 Turning  sharply,  a  frown  settled  on  her  features  at  the  sudden  sound  that  reached  her  ears,  a  sound  that  didn’t  belong  to  the  rustling  of  the  leaves  waving  for  the  wind.  But  before  she  had  time  to  react,  pull  her  hands  out  of  the  pockets  of  her  jackets  and  prepare,  she  found  herself  falling  backwards,  her  back  hitting  the  ground  with  enough  force  to  pull  a  groan  from  her  lips.  She  didn’t  need  to  open  her  eyes  to  know  what  had  knocked  her  down,  the  paws  on  her  shoulders  was  enough  of  a  tell.  Yet  when  she  did,  she  couldn’t  help  the  breath  she  sucked  in  and  the  shock  on  her  eyes.  Her  brain  struggling  to  catch  up  with  everything,  she  barely  caught  the  wolf  backing  away,  nor  the  turning  back  into  its  human  form.  
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 Sitting  up,  she  leant  on  one  of  her  hands,  pressing  the  palm  to  the  ground  as  the  other  moved  to  rub  where  the  wolf’s  paw  had  recently  been.  “ Well  I’m  sorry!  It’s  not  a  full  moon!  How  the  hell  was  I  supposed  to  know  you’d  be  wildly  running  around?!.”
another day of alaric saltzman trying valiantly to play disappointed dad , blurring the line of head master because the tribrid had fed from the vein , an action prohibited by the vampire students of the supernatural school . time and time again , she had to remind him that as much as she appreciated his guidance he was NOT her father . it created a great anger in her the more he did so . after all , no one could ever take the place of klaus mikaelson , and they were rather big shoes to fill in the first place .
 just a few more months and she could graduate , move on to the next chapter of her life . even though , even she had to admit she had a difficult time picturing what that would look like for her . flustered , hope finds clothing and begins to cover herself . lip curls upward , heavy breaths expelled as she tries to hold back the wrath , the hunger , the irritation she feels . but , jade did make a valid point . who could anticipate that she would have been there ? where did the irresponsibility truly lie ? nose crinkles , arms crossing beneath her chest . 
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“ fine , fair enough . “ a beat , a silence . “ but , tribrid , remember ? i don’t have to wait for the full moon . “ this is a fact that the redhead need not state , but she does so anyway . shaking her head , fingers find their way to her temples if only just for a moment . a little over a month had passed since she had activated her vampire side , and she was still having a hard time adjusting to all that was going on within her . if she thought her mind and body were busy before , they certainly were NOW . tongue darts out , moistening her lips before letting out an exasperated sigh .  “ are you alright ? “ 
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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when we’re young , we’re taught the distinction between a hero and a villain ,                                      good and evil ; a savior and a lost cause …            but what if the only real difference is who’s telling the story ?  
                       an independent , selective , &  private             canon divergent and meta based role - play blog for                            HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON    of the cw’s vampire diaries series sequels the originals & legacies . 
sideblog to @daelupyre   |  as narrated & adored by sam . 
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
the forest behind the salvatore school had been a refuge , an escape , a place where she could run free as the wolf she kept locked within . in times of extreme restlessness and rage , this would be a great solace . fingers make quick work of grasping at the hem of her shirt , removing it before tossing it aside carelessly . eyes of cerulean much like her father's drift up to the sky , beholding the MOON before removing her jeans . head rolls back , eyes close as she lets the beast take over . soon , all semblance of humanity vanishes and a grayish white wolf takes its place . 
four paws then begin to run through the brush , all of her problems evaporating if only just temporarily . the scent of a vampire nearby alerts her attention and she moves towards it , going so quickly her form is but a blur . a low grow bellows from her throat . suddenly , she finds herself pouncing on the girl , snarling and slobbery . lip curls back , revealing her sharp canines but soon she stops , realizing who it was . pulling back , the fur fades into human flesh , wavy locks of FIRE falling in her face as she pushes herself back . 
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     " are you insane ? i could've killed you ! " 
\ @sanguionus​ | jade . 
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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acosmicvrse · 3 years
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Everything I do is for   h e r 
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