aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Reminds me of the Lannisters in Game of Thrones: “Remember, whatever he’s paying you, I’ll pay more” -Tyrion
I think the royal family saw this book for the disaster it was, knew it wouldn’t sell, and made Omid an offer he couldn’t refuse.  I’m sure Omie has some skeletons of his own.  He appeared on the scene roughly the same time as Meghan Markle, suddenly became a “royal expert” and part of the rota, accompanying them on tours and visits, and now this book.  He’s also suddenly backtracking on his age and pumping it up to 39.  I’m wondering if he isn’t trying to cover for some underaged hijinx in his backstory?  We know he is supposedly part of SoHo House and “dated” Mr. Anderson, but not much else.  
There IS no info out there on Omid, who he is, where he grew up, did he attend any schools, and does he have a work history prior to becoming Meg’s biographer, because it’s pretty strange for someone who is “39″ to suddenly show up out of nowhere within a 4 year time period, with no records.  Whatever it is, the royal family certainly know and they definitely used it to lean on him.
Ms. Durand has disappeared into thin air, if she ever existed at all.
So the real question is:  WHO the hell is Omid Scobie REALLY?
Is Omid Scobie a double agent, working undercover for the BRF?
Because this FF book exposes Markle in the very worst possible way, as a charlatan, as a liar, as a manipulator, as a gross deviation from the image she supposedly is trying to portray.
The Daily Mail comments are universally scathing - readers loathe this woman.
Just a superficial perusal of the text demonstrates how ghastly it all is.
Meghan adopted a warrior yoga pose, "while the birds serenaded her"?
For F*ck Sake
This biography reads like an infantile novel. It's impossible not to grasp the intent and aim of the authors....... it seems to me like this is an apocalyptic moment in the MM story.
She's illuminated in the garish light of reality, and no-one who reads FF will not perceive her as an evil, self - centred, desperate, pathetic caricature of what a woke ( hate that word) strong woman would be.
As for Harry's supposed declaration that on their first meeting he said she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen....... well, scroll back through Tumblr and you'll see multiple photo collages proving the opposite.
It's incredibly difficult to see this book as anything other than a catastrophic disaster for Megs. OMG, she emerges as a wretched, cloying, delusional, angry, spiteful, petulant, insecure tart.
As Skippy says, 'trash be trash "
The BRF have played this out masterfully, doing everything from wishing Nutter a happy birthday, to keeping qyiet in the face of her continued revelations that aim only to undermine and ridicule them.
You're a lost cause, Nutter. Everyone in Britain loathes you. This is the final nail in the coffin as regards the negative perception of you that the public generally held anyway. This is confirmation that you're pitiful and crazy.
And it beggars belief that a so - called confidante such as Omid ( such as ANYONE - surely someone '*proof read' this pile of literary crap)...... it beggars belief that someone could compile this sh*t show of a book and not realise that it would irreparably label Megs as a crude, grotesque, selfish, bitter, false, jealous, yacht girl.
Omid has exposed MM in a way that none of us could have achieved by penning words of truth.
So, whose side is Obie really on?.
Whose colours has he pinned on his lance in this battle?
Seems like he's handed victory to the crown
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
The windows on the house in the Travalyst video were clearly from the UK.  That’s not California style, they’re definitely British though.
Luxury California homes are predominantly Spanish/ Misson style or completely Post Modern.
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Hey Plant, the windows on the property that was posted on your blog don’t match his Travalyst vid ones. They are too straight edge on the trims and don’t have molding around them.
I found this property that was sold in June. Look the pic provided. The corner of this pic matches the ones from Harry’s Travalyst vid although it seems they were painted. If you see his vid ones when it’s dark you can actually see the wall sconces lit and it’s the same shape. Here’s the property. http://santabarbarasluxuryhomes.com/singlefamily/ca/montecito/765-rockbridge-rd/
This is the only listing that will show you pics because the other listings have hidden the pics.
Don’t be fooled by the $36+ mil price. It actually sold for a little over $15mil. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/765-Rockbridge-Rd-Santa-Barbara-CA-93108/130997907_zpid/
If you look at the garden it also matches the ones from his Travalyst vid. Im sure we’ll get more pics but for now I’m sticking to this one.
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
The only “race” issue here is the race to the  bottom.  Period.  End of.
Comments on Finding Freedom (Epilogue)
How convenient that in the days leading up to the publication of Finding Freedom “Good Morning America” has been featuring segments on Harry and Meghan? They want viewers in the USA to know that Prince Harry is speaking out on systemic racism. Omid Scobie is a GMA correspondent and spoke on the program this morning. And in that segment, he said “In terms of ticking those boxes that may ruffle feathers within an ancient institution such as that of the monarchy, she had really ticked all of them.” He added, “Race did play a role.”
Is the narrative not clear enough?
We are supposed to feel sympathy for the plight of these two ultra popular and modern royals. They, especially Meghan, were sorely mistreated and shunned by the British Royal Family. “Racism did play a role,” but because there is apparently no solid proof of such a damning accusation, he goes on to call it “otherism.” 
Over the course of this series, I have pointed out some of the inconsistencies and gaps in the account of Sussexit as explained in “their side of the story.” At the end of Part 16, I came to the conclusion that we, the readers, were supposed to remember above all that Meghan was emotionally bruised, that she is the victim. Now that the narrative has been so clearly laid out for us by the co-author, I no longer have to draw conclusions. Allow me to refute it more bluntly.
When someone accepts a role within an organization, they are expected to adapt to the culture, follow the rules, and competently perform the job for which they are hired. Job descriptions, orientation, and on-the-job training are provided. A chart showing the organizational hierarchy may even be made available. If, during the course of employment, the institution doesn’t agree for their culture to be overhauled at the urging of the newcomer, isn’t willing to change the rules, and expects the employee to carry out the duties corresponding to the hierarchal rank for which they were hired, the fault does not lie with the institution. 
Let’s take the workplace analogy further. What if, after a few months with the organization, the new employee realizes that this job wasn’t a good fit? But rather than doing some self-reflection on possible ways they could adjust their attitude or behavior, or rather than deciding to stick it out for a little longer to see if things improve, or rather than maybe just confessing it was a mismatch and quietly resigning, the employee decides to implement a plot leveraging perceived public opinion against the institution. This plot shamefully disrespects others in the organization, all the way to the very top. When the rules still do not bend and the employee is told “No, and actually we think that you are not a good fit for our organization,” the fault does not lie with the employer. 
That’s not racism, sexism, or “otherism.” Rather, it’s a lack of courtesy, respect, and responsibility on the part of the employee. “But Bee, you obviously don’t consider her a human.” I absolutely do think of Meghan and Harry as human beings. Nothing I have written indicates otherwise. “Well humans make mistakes. Why don’t you cut them some slack?” Yes, humans make mistakes. How we respond to those mistakes is what matters. Humility is required for self-reflection, growth, and change. Alternatively, we can choose to dig in our heels, never admit our own shortcomings, instead pointing the blame at everyone and everything else, but that’s not the path of success. I tell my children frequently, “Own your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward!” 
Now, take note: what I just described (leveraging perceived public opinion against the institution) and what I have expounded on in previous posts is a form of blackmail. And this isn’t any organization. This is the British Monarchy. This is also a family business. The documentary filmed in South Africa saw Meghan and Harry both speak negatively of Harry’s family in front of cameras. For example, Meghan said, “Not many people have asked if I’m okay.” Harry spoke about his personal relationship with his brother and included phrases like “We have good days and bad days.” Soon after this documentary aired (the timing being most unfortunate and NOT a coincidence), host Tom Bradby wrote that he knew a tell-all interview from the couple would be damaging to the BRF. This whole episode was a threat, and it was not even thinly veiled. 
Harry and Meghan then announced they would take a 6 week sabbatical (see part 9). They expected a meeting alone with the Queen upon their return. When this was denied, they published a secret website which laid out for all to see the list of accommodations they would require going forward. The accommodations equated to their own autonomous court in North America. Neither the plan nor the website had gotten approval from anyone in the institution. See, they believed public sentiment and threatening allegations of “mistreatment” or “racism” would compel the Queen to make concessions in their favor. Where did they get such an idea? The last time the Queen was forced to change course due to public sentiment was in the week following Diana, Princess of Wales’s death. 
If Harry and Meghan thought they could manipulate the Queen with a tide of public emotion, they were sorely mistaken. Not only did they misjudge the Queen, but they misjudged the British public. Perhaps they forgot that Diana wasn’t regarded as a “saint” until after her tragic death. Perhaps they didn’t consider how many years she had carried out her duties and served the Queen. Perhaps they didn’t understand the difference between her impactful charity work and their condescending lectures. Perhaps they didn’t realize that the idea of Charles’s infidelity and Diana’s broken heart garnered much more public sympathy than publishing petty complaints relaying squabbles with your in-laws. 
No, the majority of the public did not look favorably on Harry and Meghan on the morning of January 9, 2020. Instead, their attempt to make demands of the Queen backfired. Once again, the request for their own rival court (this time across the ocean) was denied and they were shown the door. They spent the majority of their 22 months in the institution upset that they were not given precedence. Apparently, they are still angry. And so the blackmail continues with this book, Finding Freedom. Even the title is meant to evoke thoughts of “oppression.” Harry and Meghan were not oppressed. They were not allowed to turn the monarchy on its head. There is a difference, but the couple, the authors of this book, and a very vocal group of people on Twitter do not want you to see that difference.
If I could offer advice to Harry and Meghan, it would be this: Drop this “victim” narrative. You are not victims. Stop with the efforts to smear the reputation of Harry’s family. If you wanted to be free of the institution and its rules, good, you almost are. Stop using titles given to you by the Queen. Eliminate your reliance on funding from the Prince of Wales. Don’t allow “Good Morning America” to use footage of you with William and Catherine while talking about your “enormous platform.” Pick up and move forward, do your own thing. Talk about whatever causes you want to talk about. Go wherever you want to go. I don’t care. But do not utter or write another negative word about the British Royal Family. Purge them completely out of your mouth and your PR. 
And since we know Harry reads comments about himself, I’ll end with a note for him, just in case. Harry, I’ve not called you the first cruel name. I’ve not wished ill on you or Meghan or Archie. And I can assure you, I’m no paid troll. Own your mistakes, learn from them, and move forward!
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
I’ll be completely honest, I have questioned openly before whether or not these two really met each other in some kind of inpatient facility.
Sometimes it’s truly the only explanation that makes sense.....
I’m not being flippant either.
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 16)
“One of their final engagements was the Commonwealth service at Westminster Abbey. But if they ever needed confirmation that stepping away from the institution was the right move, the machinations that had preceded it served as a useful reminder.”
And if we ever needed confirmation that they really, really cared about their status in the Royal Family and were angry that they weren’t given a leading role, the Commonwealth service proves a useful reminder. 
“Although they had been part of the procession of senior royals who entered the church with the Queen in previous years…”
WRONG. It is very simple to disprove this. The services they attended in 2018 and 2019 are available to view on Youtube. They only entered with the Queen in 2019. So did Prince Andrew. 
“this year they discovered they had been removed from the line-up.”
What about Edward and Sophie? Were they upset to not be included in the procession? Did Harry and Meghan think it would have been appropriate for them to walk with the Queen (by the way they had just QUIT in an extremely public and disastrous fashion) while Edward and Sophie sat alone? Makes no sense. 
“The decision had been made without their consultation.”
Why would they need to be consulted? Their consent was not required.
“This year it would just be the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Cornwall walking through the abbey with the Queen. It felt intentional.”
IT WAS. Again, they had just QUIT in an extremely public and disastrous fashion which brought a great deal of embarrassment to the Queen and the rest of the family. This, in combination with the other scandal in the family, which is currently being sorted in the US justice system, necessitated that the Royal Family emphasize a specific message. The message is this: “Please disregard all of the drama and scandal. Those aren’t the important players. The Crown is safe and stable. Pay attention to the Queen, Charles, and William.” The message was absolutely intentional. 
“’Harry was more than disappointed,’ a friend said. ‘He spoke up, but the damage had already been done.’“ 
So there was a tantrum. Was this outburst similar to the one he directed towards the Queen’s dresser, Angela Kelly, for doing her job? Or was it more akin to the shaming he gave Rhiannon Mills on camera in Malawi? Either way, had I been in charge, I would have informed him that he and his wife were no longer required to attend the Commonwealth service, and that would have been that. 
(But that wasn’t that.)
“To smooth things over, the Cambridges agreed to take their seats at the same time as the Sussexes and the Earl and Countess of Wessex.”
Should not have happened.
But if looks were anything to go by, the Cambridges were unhappy with the decision. 
Was anyone happy with yet another petulant foot stamping from these two? Nope. Oh, and a little golden nugget. Did you know that the family had recently been informed that Harry was hoaxed into a phone call with two Russian guys posing as Greta Thunberg and her dad? (Again, where were his aides?) He bad mouthed the Prime Minister, who was also in attendance at this service. He bad mouthed the President of the United States. He offered to help the plight of “arctic” penguins stranded in a non-existent place called Chunga Chunga. He also told “Greta” he would see about arranging a marriage for her with either Prince George or James, Viscount Severn. 
But yes, between the all-too-public and disastrous Sussexit saga, the fake Greta hoax call, and the outburst over the order of service, everyone should have definitely been just so overjoyed to be in the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Big, happy smiles all around! 
‘It should have been the one public moment where the royal family put their arms around the couple for a show of support,’ a source close to Harry and Meghan said. ‘They purposefully chose not to put them in the procession and not to be welcoming. It was most unpleasant.’”
Because Harry and Meghan have never, ever done anything “most unpleasant.”
And as for “the one public moment where the royal family put their arms around the couple for a show of support,” did all of the other moments not count? Inviting her to stay at Anmer before marriage and join the family at Sandringham? Charles walking her down the aisle? They, as a couple, were given so many of those public shows of support from the family. To the extent it could be argued that it was special treatment. And yet, after they acted in an extremely offensive and harmful way toward the family, William and Kate were wrong for not exuding joy in their presence? 
We all have a person or two like this in our lives from time to time. Maybe it’s the family member who publicly disrespects your elderly grandmother and is constantly asking for more money from your dad. Maybe it’s the friend who decides to never speak to you again because you dared to encourage them not to rush into marriage. Maybe it’s the coworker who causes major problems for you at your job, making reckless decisions and never considering your professional reputation. Maybe it’s the person you know is stabbing you in the back but when you see them at church they make a scene of how friendly they are and how much they love you. Maybe it’s all of those things and even more, all at once. 
And what happens if you dare to not mimic the joyous facade or offer friendly chit chat for the onlookers? That person, usually the sort who has absolutely no reservation over completely dropping friends and family members like a hot potato if they are deemed “toxic,”  will insist a curt approach from you in response to their toxic behavior is unforgivable. They have been wronged by you.
“’Meg just wanted to get home,’ said a friend, noting that the duchess was emotionally bruised and exhausted. ‘At that point she couldn’t imagine wanting to set a foot back into anything royal again.’“
(deep breath)
We are finally at the end of the authors’ retelling of Sussexit. And after everything we have read, what we’re supposed to remember here is that Meghan was “emotionally bruised” by Kate not making eye contact with her at the Commonwealth service. Forget everything else that had transpired over the past 2-3 years, especially any emotional stress Kate endured. (I won’t get into that here. Maybe later.) Forget what transpired in January. Forget what had just taken place only a couple of hours ago. Forget that William and Kate sat rather than taking their rightful place in procession with the Queen. Forget all of that. What you must remember is that Meghan was bruised. She is the victim here. 
That is what you must take away from Finding Freedom.
I will be writing one more post in this series, an epilogue of sorts. 
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
@honeytothebee  This is me standing up and applauding both your writing and your insights!  Well done!
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 15)
We are finally nearing the end of this excerpt! But as the authors continue to elaborate on the Sussexit saga, the claims seem to get more and more outrageous. If it seems my tone is more snarky, that’s why. 
The authors mention that courtiers and some members of the family blame Meghan for the Sussexit debacle. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I’ve personally made it clear in Part 8 of this series that I blame both Harry and Meghan. I blame them for refusing to accept their supportive role in the Monarchy or rather just leave quietly, and instead plotting to force the family into giving into their demands. I blame them for refusing advice from courtiers and apparently consulting Meghan’s LA team.
“The media speculated that Meghan was behind the decision for the couple to step back, but few knew how much she sacrificed to try to make it work. As Meghan tearfully told a friend in March: ‘I gave up my entire life for this family. I was willing to do whatever it takes. But here we are. It’s very sad.’”
No she wasn’t. Not according to all the other information we’ve already read in this excerpt. She wasn’t willing to listen to the advice of palace aides, she wasn’t willing to play a supportive role rather than a lead role, she wasn’t willing to defer to the Queen and the heirs. The same can be said for Harry. 
“’Fundamentally, Harry wanted out,’ a source close to the couple said. ‘Deep down, he was always struggling within that world. She’s opened up the door for him on that.’“
In my opinion Harry was not happy with his role in the monarchy. He had previously made comments about William’s children soon eclipsing his popularity. There is evidence that he has jealousy toward William. But if he wanted out, he could have left without disrespecting the family. End of story. If that’s the door Meghan opened for him, then that’s shameful. 
Scobie and Durand then give details of the new plan decided on by the palace. This was released in a statement on January 18, 2020. Harry and Meghan would completely step back from being representatives of the Monarchy. 
“Although they could no longer formally represent the Queen, they ‘made clear that everything they do will continue to uphold the values of Her Majesty’.” 
Really? What you two just pulled was far from upholding the values of Her Majesty. Word of advice: Don’t consult the LA team again. Oh, and maybe think about this promise before you make a video call discussing the Commonwealth’s “shameful past.”   
There’s some talk about money…oh here read this about Frogmore Cottage:
“That was £2.4 million of taxpayer money that sections of the British public were furious about when the number was confirmed in the 2018-19 sovereign grant report, released the previous July. Constant negative press coverage surrounding their renovations did little to help.”
Sorry, not special. Negative press around home renovations is par for the course of royal life. Does anyone remember “two kitchens Kate?” It is the taxpayers’ money. They can gripe about it if they want. 
“The most demoralising aspect of the deal was Harry being stripped of his honorary military appointments…’It was so unnecessary’.”
Incorrect. Harry would no longer officially represent the Queen in any way. It was either in or out, he chose out.
Now the authors move on to Harry and Meghan’s return to the UK for some final engagements before the official March 31 Sussexit date. There’s a lot about how much they were working and how he talked to his father and had lunch with “granny.”
“’It’s been made very clear they can come back whenever they want, when they’re ready,’ a source involved with the negotiations said.”
Do we think this is still accurate, with the Commonwealth comments, bringing other members of the family up in legal documents, and uh, this masterstroke of a book that they definitely didn’t cooperate with? I’m going to go with “it’s a little more complicated now.”
Coming up next, William and Kate commit an unpardonable sin at the Commonwealth Day service! 
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Clearly Harry bought WAYYYY too far into his own “Popular Royal” press.
Maybe too much Game of Thrones “The people are FOR me”.....
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 11)
Sussexit continues…Harry and Meghan have called a meeting at Frogmore Cottage.
“With senior aides Harry and Meghan revealed details of their plans to the team. Whether their speedy approach was right or not, Harry and Meghan were more determined than ever.”
We don’t get details here about the reaction of the aides. I seem to recall that they begged and pleaded with the couple to no avail. Anyway…
“‘At this point they felt like they had brought up the subject enough times with family members over the past year and they were fed up of not being taken seriously,’ a source close to the couple said. ‘Everyone had their chance to help but no one did.’“
So after 8 months in the role, they brought up to the family that they wanted their own rival court, didn’t like deferring to the Queen and her heirs, wanted the palace to look after their own interests above those of the monarchy as a whole, and wanted negative stories in the press refuted, even if there was some truth to them? (Because as this book has so far clearly demonstrated, giving “your side of the story” is not the best policy.)
They were “fed up of not being taken seriously.” Ugh, his translates to “We’ll show you!”
“Everyone had their chance to help but no one did.” So, without getting into the personal things (like inviting them to stay at their private home, walking her down the aisle, inviting her on the Royal train for an away day) the Queen wasn’t trying to help when she gave them one of her most trusted aides, Samantha Cohen? Charles wasn’t trying to help when he funded their new office at Buckingham Palace? William wasn’t trying to help when he pushed for them to have more money for staff? They got Sara Latham, an extremely experienced PR professional! No one was trying to help when they were given their own autonomous Instagram account, something other working members of the family do not have?
I even read that The Countess of Wessex invited Meghan over for tea with an offer to mentor her, help her adjust to her new role in the monarchy and the family. Sophie had some difficult experiences early on. She has also learned to play that supportive role in the institution very well.
People did try to help. But people also said “No.” No to the rival court, no to constantly giving the press “their side of the story,” no to making them the stars of the “show” that isn’t a show. It’s the Monarchy. And for being told “No, we can’t do that,” Harry and Meghan became “fed up of not being taken seriously.”
“Few things remain secret between royal households and it didn’t take long after Harry’s initial email for the Sussexes’ grand plans to be the topic of conversation among most of the aides and family members.”
Well, obviously.
“Worried about losing control of the situation, Harry contacted his grandmother to explain his concerns, and she signed off on putting together a jointly agreed statement. The couple hesitated about involving the other households, not knowing if everyone involved would have their best intentions, but agreed for aides to meet up the next day and get on the same page.”
So Harry thought he had the upper hand? Okay. And what was this jointly agreed statement? At this point in the account, things get hazy. Apparently the couple got approval for a (never released) statement of their own which was to be followed up by a (never released) statement from Buckingham Palace. The Sussexes were not happy with the planned follow up statement.
“They had seen a draft of what Buckingham Palace planned to put out in a statement that would follow theirs and its ‘lack of warmth’ was a clear sign that not everyone supported their decision.” 
Why should everyone have supported their decision to form a rival court across the ocean?
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
This is VERY common behavior in children of divorce, called manipulation to get your way.  Their “sabbatical” was the “weekend at the other parent's house” to strategize manipulating the “other parent”, in this case the Monarchy, into accepting a different  tactic to get what they wanted originally all along....
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 9)
In the previous post, I listed many of the possible explanations commonly given for Harry and Meghan’s behavior as they became increasingly dissatisfied with their role in the British Royal Family. I explained why only one of these explanations seems to hold water: I believe Harry and Meghan fully understood their position but thought the rules would bend for them. This became increasingly apparent in the authors’ account of the dramatic events which I will call Sussexit. 
To recap, things weren’t going the way the couple hoped. The Sussexes were upset that they were told “no” about their own (rival) court. They tried to air their frustrations over “taking a backseat” but found these conversations unproductive. In fact, they were viewed as the “squeaky third wheel” at Buckingham Palace and felt “disparaged back within the institution’s walls for being too sensitive and outspoken.”
So they retreated to Canada to rest and regroup. 
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You know, I get that. I’ve retreated to Canada a couple of times myself, and it’s proven a beautiful and welcoming place to take a deep breath and get my head straight. Unfortunately, it seems that what transpired in the “Great White North” was less like a sabbatical (remember when the press billed it as such?) involving copious amounts of fresh air, maple syrup and poutine, and much more like a time to….plot.
Having left the royal courtiers and their advice behind in the UK, Meghan and Harry set out, with the help of her LA team (agent, business manager, lawyer, and PR guru), to “create a situation that would make for a better future.” The authors explain very delicately (for the slightly more blunt version see the now infamous website) how Harry and Meghan only wanted to do away with the royal rota (as they didn’t feel the need to have “that movie moment” in front of photographers) and funding from the Sovereign Grant. 
So it’s obvious they no longer want their roles in the monarchy, an institution which cannot function without the press and public funding, right? The press, for all of its excess, does have a role in keeping the monarchy both accessible and accountable. And without public funding, how is there any responsibility to the people? By eliminating both of these buffers, the Sussexes must be opting out of working in the institution, right?
“Despite the change, they still wanted to carry out their duties for the Queen. That was the one thing that they did not want to end – not just because of Harry’s love and respect for his grandmother, but also because Meghan felt she had given up so much to take her life down a path of service to the monarchy. She didn’t quit when she signed up for a task.” 
See, the path of service to the monarchy was the path of deference to the Queen and heirs. It was the path of “taking a backseat” and also listening to advice from palace aides and courtiers. All those things Harry and Meghan just couldn’t go on enduring, as the authors explain. And as difficult as it must be, the path of service to the monarchy does expose one to public criticism. It comes with the job.
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The Sussexes “decided” that they would do away with the burdensome aspects of their role which made them answerable to the public but keep all the perks. They planned to continue representing the Queen as they were available, going on tours organized by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, supporting their patronages, serving as Commonwealth Youth Ambassador and holding royal military honors. 
The best part was that they would reduce pesky oversight from Buckingham Palace by splitting their time between “North America” and the UK while pursuing new income streams and charitable work under their established brand, Sussex Royal. Oh and they would be known in the United States North America as “Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex,” signifying their status as representatives of the monarchy. 
You know what that’s called? It’s called a rival royal court on a different continent. Good grief. Didn’t we already cover this?
Where were their advisors? Where were the experienced, wise professionals who could have explained to them why these changes couldn’t be implemented? Well, to put it simply, they weren’t invited to the strategic vision retreat. And while Harry’s grandmother and father read a vague email from him about how he and Meghan had “come to the decision to change the way they worked,” someone was busy building a very detailed website.
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(second half of the Sussexit commentary coming soon)
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
I agree with number 6.
What I find very interesting here is that you @honeytothebee chose to use a gif from the Spanish State Dinner, Harry’s first, and most likely last.
This was where, most likely for his comfort and ease, he was paired with Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Chomondeley, a tiara and ballgown event while Meghan, still a girlfriend, would never have been considered an invitation for such a diplomatic event. 
I believe this event right here is exactly what set off her misunderstanding and jealously leading to the now infamous “Rose Rumor”.  Meghan clearly did not understand State Events were not just some fancy formal family dinners, and that she was not being snubbed; also that as wife to the Lord Great Chamberlain, an important place in the royal court, that Rose and her husband were invited to ALL state events in the service of the Monarchy, not as “personal friends of Will and Kate” and that this was in no way a slight on Meghan personally.
I think she perceived this event as another “Pippa’s wedding” where she as a mere girlfriend was being excluded for personal reasons, and that is where the vile revenge rumor came in, not understanding clearly how the Monarchy functions, and that Rose and David are very important diplomatically, to the Queen.
For Markle, it was all about her.  SHE was being denied a fancy dress up dinner with tiara, ballgown and her boyfriend.  Precisely the reasons she got involved with Prince Harry in the first place.  She saw it as William, Kate and even Rose as mocking and excluding her when it was never at all personal.
Comments on Finding Freedom, Part 8
(This is Part 8 in a series. Please read my prior installments, especially Part 7, to understand the background of this post.)
Can Harry and Meghan’s behavior be explained, excused, or even justified? I will share some of the explanations I have pondered myself, as well as some possibilities others have presented:
1) Maybe Harry didn’t understand his role in the monarchy? Maybe he thought he was equal with William? Hmm. Well, while there is some proof that Harry may not be gifted with exceptional intelligence, it seems ludicrous to believe he can’t comprehend rank. He grew up in this institution. He knows the roles of his aunts and uncles. He has also served in the military, another hierarchical organization.
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2) Maybe Meghan didn’t understand her potential role in the monarchy, and Harry didn’t bother to explain it to her? Well, Meghan seems quite intelligent to me. I’ve read that she earned a degree from Northwestern and is a smart and hardworking woman. Yes, she is American. But are we Americans incapable of understanding the British monarchy’s line of succession, or how lead and supporting roles within a company work? I object to that! We live in a time when information is readily available. We are able to research and learn more quickly than ever before. Even if Harry was somehow unable to explain these things! Even if no information was provided by the palace (which most certainly was not the case). The history and traditions of this institution are easily discovered. No hard working, intelligent American woman would fail to do her research. I’m not buying it.
3) Maybe they were just head over heels and took things too fast? Maybe they should have thought about it longer? Especially deciding whether or not they desired the sort of life a supportive role in the monarchy requires? Well, as covered in Part 6 of this series, it seems William suggested to Harry that he slow down a bit. This suggestion was met with petulance and animosity.
4) Maybe the press and the aides and the courtiers mistreated Meghan because of her race or sex or nationality or all of the above? Well, even if this were true, it doesn’t explain why they would be upset deferring to the calendars of higher ranking family members. It doesn’t excuse why they would be interested first and foremost in capitalizing on their assumed global online popularity. It doesn’t justify being offended by the line of succession. How does negative press play into discontentment with their role in the monarchy and frustration that the firm wouldn’t promote them beyond their rank?
5) Maybe they just really loved each other and didn’t care about their “roles in the monarchy?” Well, then they could have gotten married and opted for a private life. She accepted the role in the monarchy. There was an alternative. Meghan could have kept her acting career, she could have declined the HRH style, they could have declined titles, funding, and work representing the Queen and lived life on their own terms. And if it took them a bit to recognize they had made a mistake and they really didn’t want to be part of the monarchy any longer, they could have just left quietly. By publishing their list of demands on their ill conceived website, they made perfectly clear that they very much care about the monarchy and wanted to maintain their connection to it. 
6) Maybe they understood all of this but thought things would change for them? Maybe they thought the rules would not apply because their potential for stardom would supersede the history and tradition of the British monarchy? That their status would be elevated above that of the Queen and future kings because of their perceived popularity? Hmm. Of all these possible explanations, this one seems to make the most sense. As The Duchess of Cambridge said in one of my favorite lockdown zoom engagements, “Six and two, tickety boo!”
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
This was such a powerful moment, perhaps THE most powerful moment in the entire series.  The enormity, the gravity.  Very well done.
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The crown must win.
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
You all know I have NEVER been one to defend Meghan, and I still won’t.  She, as an adult for many years, should have done her own research.  But I cannot help but wonder here:  How much of a false Bill of Goods did Harry sell her?
It would appear he used her every bit as much as she used him.  Both saw each other as a way to make their own respective stars shine brighter.
I can’t help but wonder who was in the background nurturing those delusions along?  I have an idea....
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 5)
In Part 3 I mentioned how Harry absolutely should have understood his supporting role in the monarchy and explained that to Meghan. Now I will shift focus just a little to ask a question.
When? When should that conversation have taken place? When should Harry have explained that no matter how ordinary he acts, he isn’t ordinary and marrying him meant marrying the monarchy? We must understand this: to be a royal bride, one who accepts the style of Her Royal Highness and her husband’s title upon her marriage, one who agrees to represent and support the monarch, you not only marry the man. You marry the institution. 
You do not get the goods (the style, the title, the ability to call yourself “a royal”) without the attached strings. It is a life of privilege and some power. But it is a life of responsibility, duty, and criticism. Lots of criticism. It’s a life of hierarchy and rules. It’s a life of restraint and deference. (Could you do it? I could not.) 
There is an alternative. You can choose to decline the perks and live a non-royal life. Princess Anne made that choice for her children Peter and Zara. It has been reported that the Queen offered Harry and Meghan this opportunity, suggesting that Meghan could keep her acting career. We do not have confirmation that these reports are true, but it does seem probable. If the offer was there, it was declined. 
Meghan agreed to that life of duty, restraint, and deference. She agreed to be known as Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex in exchange for a supporting role in the monarchy. Did she have all the information and hope to change the institution of the British monarchy? Or did she go into this naively? The burden rested on Harry to explain all of this to her.
When should Harry have had this conversation with her? When should Meghan have closely observed Edward and Sophie to understand what the role entailed? When should she have given much careful reflection to the question of “Can I do this?” 
When? Well, this all would have taken lots of communication and time, and it should have taken place before the proposal. I wonder why no one bothered to encourage Harry to take his time and be sure Meghan understood all this and that both of them felt she was right for the role? After all, his parents’ hasty marriage resulted in disaster. Someone should have spoken up. Oh, wait…
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
This would be a great place for a football analogy (American Football, that is).  You have the offense, the defense, special teams, the kicker, the center, wide receivers.  Some are brought in for special plays such as intercepting the ball from the other team.  As a Patriots fan, this one play won us the Superbowl against the Seattle Seahawks, ironically coached by our former coach Pete Carroll, and made a hero out of relatively unknown player Malcolm Butler.
My point is, there is room in every team for each player to have their moment to shine, even if they are not all Tom Brady.
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 4)
Scobie and Durand give more details which show Harry and Meghan struggled with accepting their role in the family. 
“Harry felt as though he and Meghan had long been sidelined by the institution and were not a fundamental part of its future.” Well the role of supporting the current and future monarchs is absolutely fundamental. I wouldn’t describe that as being on the sidelines. You’re part of the team. But you are not the Captain, and it seems to me that is where the heart of the resentment lies.
“One didn’t have to look further than the family photos displayed during the Queen’s Speech on Christmas Day…viewers glimpsed photos of the Cambridges and their children, Charles and Camilla, Prince Philip, and a black-and-white image of George VI. Noticeably absent was a photo of Harry, Meghan, and their new baby, Archie.” How about “Noticeably absent was a photo of any of the Queen’s three younger children, her 7 other grandchildren, or her 5 other great grands”? I made the statement more accurate. These photos on her desk showed the line of succession. But the family members featured on her desk change every year. And there was a photo of Harry, Meghan, and Archie included in the broadcast! What more did Harry want? It seems he really struggled, not with the photos themselves, but with what they represented. And what they represented was the line of succession to the throne.
“One of their final engagements was the Commonwealth service at Westminster Abbey. But if they ever needed confirmation that stepping away from the institution was the right move, the machinations that preceded it served as a useful reminder. Although they had been part of the procession of senior royals who entered the church with the Queen in previous years, this year they discovered they had been removed from the line-up. The decision had been made without their consultation…’Harry was more than disappointed.’“ This incident, as well as the one above, really emphasizes that Harry cares deeply about his place in the hierarchy. If he didn’t mind having the supporting role, he wouldn’t mind seeing photos of the line of succession on the Queen’s desk or taking his seat with Prince Edward and Sophie while Her Majesty walked with her direct heirs. (They should never have been included in the 2019 procession. If the Queen’s younger children sit, the Prince of Wales’s younger son sits. It only makes sense.) 
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Again very well written and thought out!
Ultimately for me. this comes down to leadership failure on the part of Charles.  Seems he never really thought things all the way through.  He may have considered the working  logistics, but failed to take into account the human side of the equation, how things would affect the feelings of his younger son; odd for a man who is reportedly considered sensitive himself.
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 3)
“Increasingly Harry had grown frustrated that he and Meghan often took a back seat to other family members.” This was not a new development for Harry. There is evidence he was frustrated with his role in the family for years. Did he fail to share the specifics of what his role was like with Meghan? Did he say “Look at Anne, Andrew, Edward. That’s the sort of supportive role I have in the family.” Or did he say “We will be on equal footing with my brother and his wife?” 
If that’s what he said, he lied to Meghan. But looking at other evidence in the surrounding paragraphs, it seems as if together they thought that building worldwide online popularity would mean they would take precedence in the institution. Both of them should have known better than this. That’s not how it works. I am an American and I understand. I suspect they understood as well.
“While they both respected the hierarchy of the institution,” Literally everything else written in this excerpt contradicts this statement. Placing it here doesn’t make it true. I’m left looking for supporting evidence.
“it was difficult when they wanted to focus on a project and were told that a more senior ranking family member, be it Prince William or Prince Charles, had an initiative or tour being announced at the same time - so they would just have to wait.” Respecting the hierarchy would have meant this wouldn’t be an issue. They would have understood and deferred to the calendars of HM, PC, and PW.
“For months the couple tried to air these frustrations, but the conversations didn’t lead anywhere.” Where exactly would those conversations lead? From the way this is presented, it sounds as if the only thing that would have made them content would have been to be told “You’re right, you get more Google searches than anyone else, so you’re exempt from having to defer to the hierarchy. Here’s your own court. Turn the monarchy on its head! You have our permission. Go for it!” 
That wasn’t going to happen.
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Knowing Harry’s reported “close friendship” with Barack Obama, I can guess who is giving him advice on rival courts and forming his own “Shadow Monarchy”.
Really well written @honeytothebee.  I’m enjoying both the writing and the content of your posts a LOT so far!
Comments on Finding Freedom (Part 1)
After reading the first excerpt published in The Times, I have thoughts and comments. I will share portions of Omid Scobie’s writing that stood out to me. I’m going to attempt to keep this professional and be as courteous as possible. The first section I would like to discuss follows:
“Harry and Meghan liked being in control of their narrative,” a source said, which is why originally agreeing to fold their household into Buckingham Palace, instead of creating their own independent court, had proved a big disappointment to them. Harry and Meghan had wanted to create their own individual household in Windsor, meaning their own office staffed with their own team, who would be separate from all others, But senior officials quickly ruled out that option.” 
What Scobie has described here is a rival royal court. This was the aspiration, this was the goal. Imagine, if you can, being the Sovereign, having taken a solemn oath over six decades ago “to govern the Peoples…according to their respective laws and customs.” Imagine that there are laws in the constitutional monarchy of which you are Head of State called the Act of Settlement and the Succession to the Crown Act. Imagine that you know history and stories of rival courts throughout. Now imagine that the younger brother of your grandson, your direct heir, is demanding his own court. He and his new wife do not like the way that the established courts, belonging to you, the Queen, and your two direct heirs operate. They want to set their own narrative, do things their own way, specifically promote their own popularity, but remain in the institution. Why would you permit this? 
“But senior officials quickly ruled out that option.” Their job is to support and advise the Queen and to protect the institution. While Harry and Meghan want to set the narrative that these courtiers were simply out to get them and Omid writes that they were described as “vipers,” It sounds to me as if they were only doing their job. In case I’m not being clear, what Scobie has written here explains that Harry and Meghan were attempting to set themselves up in opposition to the line of succession to the throne.
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
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My friend send me this and I’m rolling on the  floor now XD
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Close enough
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Well yeah, because it’s not really a title with any meaning so who cares?
It doesn’t come with any lands of incomes.  Harry and Meghan don’t actually own Sussex or derive any benefit.  It’s no different from me calling myself Duchess....
I can say “I am a Duchess”, but without an actual Duchy to back it up, it’s pretty meaningless.
This is the problem the RF are gonna have going forward plant when H&M go anywhere its not Harry and Meghan its sold as the D&DOS and that's dangerous IMO. This charity visit the other day expressly thanked the Duke and Duchess for visiting. They should have removed all their titles and like everything else they will regret not putting their foot down further.
Yep, and the effect will be magnified if they go even more political. But now it’s too late. They can’t take the titles back now because taking the titles would also be a political (arguably racist) act. They always underreact and it comes back to bit them.
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aceticvgina23 · 4 years
Dodgy relatives?  
Forgive me if I am incorrect, but Historically aren’t “Royals”, rather by definition, the absolute embodiment of “dodgy relatives”?  Hasn’t that been  the entire raison d’etre/ point of royal nuptials? Peace through usually loveless yet advantageous marriage?
I hardly think most Toffs are in a place to complain about an “Uncle Gary”.
At least not with that weak perspective, cough cough.
The Tatler article insulted Carole? What did they say!
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Here is the full article:
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