acacius-asks · 3 months
Basic oc info!!!!
im still working on character references so have Acacius's backstory but summarized + some facts/headcanons :3
So y'know how the gaurdians of positivity and negativity (nightmare and dream) were created bc some dudes decided to steal apples from the tree?? so basically those apples ended up in Acacius's au somehow, and an evil scientist got their hands on it (cue shocked cat emoji) they start doing silly experiments, MEANWHILE!!!!! 14 yr old Acacius gets into an accident and goes comatose with near-guaranteed death, his mother (Anastasia) freaks tf out and somehow ends up meeting the scientist, the scientist is like "yo if u let me experiment on ur child I'll figure out how to keep them alive" Anastasia is desperate to keep her child alive so she agrees and boom!!1 the acacius we know is born (they do not remember anything lol) Anastasia being their literal mother basically automatically as she has her first interaction with her child realizes this and once again, freaks out. she ends up (along with the other scientists who are helping with the project) lying to acacius (+ other test subjects) and being like "aahahaha! no these experiments are good because they'll help humanity!" (they will not)
obivously, eventually acacius figures out it's a lie (funnily enough, he figures it out by stealing the key to Anastasias journals that date the experiments, along with one journal being a long ongoing diary), and their world literally breaks. Acacius freaks out, and in a frenzy, ends up getting their hands on a box cutter that they end up using to kill the scientists (including Anastasia) obviously, this interaction has spurred A LOT of negativity, so Nightmare goes to investigate so y'know. ppl won't be massacred by the JR. he finds a child covered in blood with a knife and some books in whats basically a hospital gown and is like. "bro wtf happened here" and acacius just like. hands him the books as an explanation bro reads thru them and is like !?!?!?? nightmare doesn't really know what to do so he just like brings acacius to him and his roommates house
Nightmare ends up keeping Acacius around because he assumes the murders were accidental and due to the reaction of heavy emotions and conflicting positive and negative energies (that's what the experiments were based around) and nightmare doesn't really want something like that happening again. But also...none of them rly know how to take care of a kid so Randy ends up helping a lot LOL
fun fact time!!!!!
Acacius already knows basic math + how to read (they were taught how in the lab). he knows literally nothing else though
She has a lot of trouble with morally grey things due to limited exposure to the outside world, so she views the JR as evil
Acacius is technically 27, but she's still mentally 13/14 due to her losing all her memories
Acacius uses any pronouns!
due to trauma, despite being conscious during quite a few experiments Acacius doesn't remember them. He also hardly remembers the actual incident where Nightmare found him
they're very quiet most of the time and never really ask for anything
Error taught them how to sew and knit! they made their own clothes, keeping to a "princely" theme (Japanese ouji fashion, for reference! specifically the gothic subtype)
Cross buys Acacius books. he struggled a lot at the beginning because they showed no interest in anything, so there weren't any interests to reference off of. He eventually figured out that they like overly convoluted fantasy books and warrior cats.
Nightmare fully believes that the murders Acacius committed were fully an accident due to their subdued, gentle and kind nature (they were on purpose, they believed it was for the better of humanity, however it was definitely a decision made under the influence of conflicting energies)
Acacius often spends a lot of time with Randy (especially at the beginning, due to the meme trios very limited experience with kids)
They're fairly strong and have a high pain tolerance due to the experiments conducted on them
Originally, due to positive and negative energies heavily conflicting, Acacius had a lot of mood swings, but after Nightmare gifted her a pendant that keeps the energies more at bay, the mood swings mostly died down
(just a note, if it isn't clear, the scientist who conducted the experiments was experimenting on Acacius with positive and negative energies, aka; the apples the scientist got their hands on)
anyways thanks for reading if you have!!! I know this is cringe and cliche but this entire thing is super self indulgent soo :3
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acacius-asks · 3 months
Basically like a "what is this blog?"
Hi! Welcome to my silly ask blog for my Dreamswap OC (acacius)! You can ask questions to any character in the ask box (+ the creator, make sure to specify who ur asking tho. general asks will go to acacius), but I'm probably mainly going to focus on Acacius :D
Also if u recognize my artstyle, no you don't :3
Dreamswap is an Undertale AU of an AU (dreamtale). and it's made by @/onebizarrekai
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