abswifey · 4 hours
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He's so cute in this scene 🫠why?
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abswifey · 4 hours
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When Benny teases leaving…you follow him no hesitation
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abswifey · 5 hours
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190 notes · View notes
abswifey · 5 hours
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♪ Heartbreaker♫
621 notes · View notes
abswifey · 7 hours
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He’s smoking hot and he knows it 🥵
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abswifey · 2 days
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74 notes · View notes
abswifey · 2 days
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29 notes · View notes
abswifey · 2 days
ight not to be such a total fucking slut but this photo has me convinced Austin has the prettiest cock 🤤🫣🫠…sorry but like I’m not 😅 blame his slutty ass!
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that happy trail and beauty mark come on! 🙃😭
damn little daddy I’ve never wanted to choke on it so bad in my lifeeeeeeee 🥹
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117 notes · View notes
abswifey · 2 days
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♪ Heartbreaker♫
621 notes · View notes
abswifey · 2 days
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Austin Butler on sight 💯 💦
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abswifey · 3 days
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The Belt
Label Mature 18+
Summary During the cast party for his latest film, you spoke very poorly about Austin to a co-star, confessing your dissatisfaction about him being overly controlling when he is stressed at home and a neglectful workaholic when he is not.
When word gets back to Austin about what you said, he is livid because you didn't tell him and he prides himself on his professional reputation. Despite him giving you everything you desire, you still remain unsatisfied, behaving like a brat. He decides it's time to punish you again teaching you a lesson to make you behave.
When he summons you to his office, you already know he's going to punish you and that somehow, word got back to him. If he weren't so dominating, you might even enjoy it. However, he loves to make you red and raw until the very end, providing you with sexual relief only when he's ready.
Established relationship married 💍
⚠️ Hardcore Smut ⚠️ Male dominance • spankings• name calling•choking •overstimulation •nipple play • biting • manhandling •manipulation •oral sex on male by force • clit play• body slapping • humiliation kink • dirty talk•oral on female •cum eating•multiple orgasms
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You guys voted hard for this……😬🫡 💀 Austin Punishment level 💯
🔗Master List ••• 🔗Upcoming List
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The Belt
Austin sat in the leather reading chair of his office. The room was a grand sanctuary adorned with movie posters memorabilia and mantled awards that attested to his successful acting career. The city skyline glimmered through the expansive window behind him contrasting sharply with his tensed demeanor.
He glared at you upon entering the room his fingertips pointed together on his lips, his hands were interlaced palms apart, and his elbows were firmly rested on the armrests.
He was in a pose of deep contemplation, his legs spread wide one tapping restlessly in agitation the only movement betraying his otherwise calm demeanor.
He looked immaculate wearing a sleeveless black tank top accentuating his muscular defined arms. His leather pants hugged snugly around his firm legs, the material molding to every curve and contour. A belt adorned his waist fastened with an ornate silver buckle that gleamed in the low lighting.
He was the definition of a sex god. His sandy brown hair tousled perfectly contrasting sharply with his furrowed brow. His blue eyes were intense and piercing as they bore into yours, making it impossible to look away.
You understood exactly why he summoned you to his office of your shared estate. A sense of apprehension filled the room as you awaited his response. You knew full well he was displeased with your recent behavior.
There was an unspoken dynamic in your marriage. The more he sought to control you, the stronger your desire to rebel, the tension between you two increasing drastically whenever he was away.
This time, when he returned from filming his latest movie, his absence once again fueled the familiar strain on your marriage and feeling neglected, you pushed back against his control upon his return. The intensifying conflict finally reaching its peak at one of his events.
During the extravagant cast party celebrating his latest film, you committed a cardinal sin: divulging intimate details about your marriage with him.
After a few drinks and meaningful conversation with his co star at the party you began to blabber about Austin over the loud music.
“He’s profoundly loving and handsome on one hand always making me feel special and adored.” You confided taking another sip of your drink before continuing. “But on the other hand, he has this intense need for control over me. When he isn’t obsessing over every detail of my life, he’s a total workaholic, letting ‘his craft’ overshadow everything he does and completely neglecting me.” You added downing the last of your drink. Even though your words are true, his co star gave you a concerned look, it didn’t sound like Austin at all.
Those words would come back to haunt you because if there was one thing Austin prided himself on, it was his reputation.
Word reached Austin swiftly due to it sounding so out of character. His co star only relaying to him.
“You might want to make sure your wife is okay, she mentioned something about feeling neglected and controlled?”
The remark ignited a fury inside of Austin. Though he didn't show it outwardly, he was seething inside. You had been behaving so well, and he was giving you everything you desired while he was away filming his newest film; your betrayal cut deep.
Now in his office as you stood in front of him the intensity of his gaze bore down on you, the tension in the air was thick. You knew from his clenched jaw and furrowed brow that he was deeply displeased. It was in the way his eyes narrowed, glinting with a mixture of disappointment and frustration.
You had seen this look before feeling the sting of his reprimands. It was a familiar pattern, one that left no room for doubt. As you stood there chest tight with anxiety, you braced yourself for the inevitable consequences of your disobedience.
"Well?" Austin demanded his voice ripping through the silence of the room. "Did you or did you not share personal information about me with my co star last night?" He inquired.
You took a deep breath before answering already feeling the depth of his dissatisfaction.
"Austin, I didn't say anything," you lied, your voice trembling slightly under his intense gaze as he glared at you from his chair.
Austin took a sharp inhale and sighed heavy with disappointment.
"As soon as I ask the one you told, it’s going to get back to me exactly what you said. It's better you tell me now, and I punish you, than I find out from the other person and punish you even harder." He relays as his eyes narrow awaiting your response.
Your breath catches in your throat from his intense gaze. You understand exactly what he means by ‘punish you harder.’ No matter what you know he wont be able to contain his temper for what you did. With your heart beating wildly, you nod in acknowledgment.
"Alright, Austin, I did say some personal things about you. I told your co star you were extremely controlling over me, a workaholic who when isnt obsessing over me, ignores me completely," as soon as the words leave your mouth, Austin's eyes burn with displeasure.
"Bend over my lap "he orders in agitation.
“Austin this is exactly what I mean by your control! You can’t discipline me like this I’m a grown woman!” You say firmly standing up for yourself for the first time wanting a more reasonable way to resolve the issue.
Austin remains stoic and places his hands calmly on the arm rests of his chair.
"Age has nothing to do with it, it’s about respect," he says with his tone resolute.
“You're my wife, I keep you safe, I feed you, I clothe you, I deeply care for you. Nothing you have is yours without me, and yet you disrespect me at a party hosted for my film? in front of my co stars ?" he questions, his voice rising in anger on each word.
After a contemplative pause he makes his decision.
"You’ll get your spankings with my hand for disrespecting me and then youll get the belt for lying to me about it."
Your heart drops
“Please Austin not the belt!” you beg, your legs almost give out knowing you’ll be sore for hours if not a full day.
“You brought this on yourself,” Austin replies sternly. “You need to understand the consequences of your actions.”
"Austin, I confessed!" you plead, your voice filled with desperation, hoping to reduce the punishment but It only enrages Austins and he erupts.
"But you lied first! You lied to me to cover your own ass because you knew what was coming. Now get over here and kneel," he snaps, and you hesitate. Your heart pounding loudly in your chest from the adrenaline.
“Don’t make me get up,” he says sternly, and by the tone in his voice you quickly come to kneel in front of him.
“Take off my belt,” he demands staring down at your kneeling form and you slowly reach to his waist, unclasping the buckle as you shudder at its thickness.
All you can think of is how painful it will be snapping across your ass as you pull its thick length through the loops of his pants.
As you work, your forearm brushes against his hardening cock. His pleasure is evident, he will become extremely harder as he spanks you. The power play of his dominance is too intoxicating.
Once the belt is free, you hold to up to him, but he pushes it back.
“You hold the belt this time while I’m spanking you so you know what’s next,” he says adding another layer to your apprehension.
You hope maybe he will soften his resolve if you apologize first this time.
"I'm sorry, Austin," you say quickly, your voice trailing off as you await his response.
"No you’re not sorry yet, but you will be.” He says eyes narrowing.
He firmly grabs your arm and swiftly pulls you across his lap. He positions you in a submissive posture over his knees, and you close your eyes bracing for the inevitable, as you hold his belt in your hands awaiting your punishment.
Austin rests his large hand on your skirt, rubbing it over the thin material as he speaks.
“You think you can get away with disrespecting and lying to me? You’ll learn your lesson tonight.” He pauses, letting the words sink in before continuing. “Now, let’s see how sorry you really are.”
He raises his hand and brings it down with a resounding swat on the back of your skirt. The force of the spank rocks you on his lap, but it doesn’t hurt.
He brings his hand down several more times, each spank forceful enough that you begin to feel the heat radiating from the impact. His cock pokes into your stomach with each strike in rhythm with the sound of the spanks echoing the room.
All you can think of is what is to come, how he will pull your skirt up and pull your panties down and the spankings will really begin. As you feel Austin begin to peel your skirt up, you tense feeling the material slide up your thighs and over your panties, exposing your ass.
“You wanted to test my patience?” He says gripping and squeezing the soft skin of your ass with a seductive dominance.
“You’re about to find out exactly what happens when you push me too far.” He rasps and hooks his hand into the band of your panties sliding them down and revealing your pussy.
His cock pokes into your stomach at the sight.
“You’re fucking wet!” he confirms firmly grabbing your thighs pulling them apart.
“Mmm" you whimper from his rough handling. “Moaning too?" He questions. “Why are you so fucking wet this is a punishment?" He demands but you have no answer.
He spreads your ass cheeks apart, squeezing each one and exposing your pussy. Then he realizes he doesn’t just want to spank you anymore he wants to fuck you.
"I don't think spanking and using my belt is going to cut it this time.” he says sternly.
Your eyes grow wide
“What are you going to do Austin?" You ask panicked.
"You will have to wait and see. But for now I have a special punishment for my defiant little whore wife who gets wet from spankings."
Before you can protest Austin claps his hand hard on your bare ass cheeks in rapid succession intensifying each smack harder and faster until they are burning red. You begin to squirm in his lap with each sharp clap of your skin echoing in the room.
He alternates striking the bottom of one cheek to the other relentlessly harder on each pass until you begin to moan. Your skin starts tingling as you go numb from the pain. With each loud clap, you begin to grunt through gritted teeth, struggling to endure, your body tensing with each strike. Sensing your limits, Austin finally stops and rests his hand gently on your reddened skin.
“You’re handling these spankings like a pro” he says with a smirk playing on his lips. His touch becomes gentler and he moves his hand in slow deliberate circles over your reddened skin soothing the sting away.
Then he delivers a series of sporadic, loud resounding spanks, each one harder than the last, until you are struggling in his lap, groaning to endure.
“Austin …please” you beg through gasps. When he doesn’t stop at your limit your cries begin to mix with the sound of each impact, echoing through the room.
“Take it,” Austin growls low and commanding. “Feel every bit of it.” He continues. The intensity of each spank sends shock waves of pain and pleasure coursing through your body.
You gasp for air as your body constricts against him. Your muscles tighten with every spank until desperate breathy noises escape your mouth in a mix of agony and ecstasy.
Austin suddenly stops with his hand lingering on your reddened skin.
“You’ve had enough for now,” he reassures, allowing you a moment to catch your breath.
Your entire being feels consumed by the intensity of his spankings. The heat and stinging sensation radiates from the aftermath of his relentless discipline but you know it’s only the beginning.
As you hang over Austin’s lap holding his belt you want to reach back and rub your soreness but you know he won’t allow that he isn’t done with your punishment yet.
Austin’s touch transitions to soothing again as he rubs down your back and traces his hands along your inner thighs, his fingers are firm yet firm gentle against your skin.
When he grabs the tender flesh of your ass, you flinch and cry out from the pain and he swiftly gives you two sharp swats on it intensifying the pain making you cry out and squirm even more.
“Hold still,” he orders holding you tightly in place and you realize he will spank you even more if you disobey.
His breathing is heavy as he releases you revealing his arousal in the moment as he forces you to endure him rubbing your sore cheeks. You remain perfectly still wincing as you bear through the pain.
His hand changes to moving down your thighs with deliberate slowness before his fingers brush against your soaked pussy and you softly moan overwhelmed with the sensation.
The contrast between the intense stinging of his spanks and the tender teasing touch of his fingers against your pussy leaves you breathless and craving for more.
"Why are you moaning? Do you like it when I touch you like this? " he asks.
“Yes Austin” you beg “please more” You say feeling the pleasure course through your entire body as he continues.
“What makes you think you deserve to have me touch you like this hm?” he asks, his tone low and commanding.
He wants you to face him and takes ahold of your waist forcing you to sit up in his lap. You wince in pain when your skin makes contact with the slick leather of his pants rubbing against your soreness. Once you settle he studies your face locking eyes with you.
“With that smart mouth” he says holding your jaw firm in his grasp “you’re lucky I touch you at all,” he chastises but his gaze is intense and seductive unable to hide his desire for you.
“Show me your pussy,” he commands, and you obey, opening your legs wide in his lap and leaning back to hold onto his knees for support. The erotic sight enraptures him entirely and you hope that means he is done with your spankings.
With a skillful movement you slowly release his belt from your hand allowing the leather to slide through your palm until the buckle softly thuds against the floor.
You feel a surge of excitement when he doesn’t notice.
“I can’t see your pussy that way,” he says, his voice low and commanding. “Show me your full pussy.”
Wanting to prove your obedience, you take one hand and spread your pussy lips open with two fingers giving Austin a clear view of your wet entrance.
Austin’s eyes are fixated as his large hand moves with a deliberate slowness grazing his fingertips along your sensitive folds.
The touch sends shivers through your entire body making you relax in his lap as his fingers slide through your slick folds tracing the outline of your wet entrance.
He slowly circles your clit with his thumb, applying just the right amount of pressure to make you gasp. Each touch is deliberate his thumb moving in slow tantalizing circles that send waves of pleasure radiating through you.
“You feel how wet you are for me?” he asks alternating between gentle strokes and firmer presses through your slick folds as he smirks at you.
“Y-yes, Austin,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper, your breath hitching at his soft touch.
His fingers slide lower teasing your entrance before returning to your clit increasing the intensity.
“Tell me how good it feels.”he says low and seductive.
“Austin it feels so good” you relent. Every touch, every word drives you closer to the edge, your body responding eagerly to his skilled hands.
“I can feel you trembling” he says with a grin as your thighs involuntarily shudder. You’re getting close” he observes with a devious stare.
“…-Yes…” you pant, the sensation of his touch is almost too much to bear as your breath hitches with each delicate stroke.
You begin to arch into his touch and he abruptly removes his hand leaving you yearning for more.
"Austin . . . Please " your beg almost at tears.
“You’re even wetter than I thought.” he observes, seeing your glistening folds.
“These spankings are a reward for you, aren’t they?” He asks glaring up to meet your gaze, his eyes piercing yours with intensity.
“No! Of course not Austin!,” you protest in shock.
“Let’s see how wet you get from me spanking your pussy, then,” he says with a sadistic gleam in his eye. With deliberate precision, he begins delivering sharp swats onto your spread pussy as you hold it open.
“Oww, ow!” you cry with each swat as jolts of pain shoot through your sensitive clit. Tears begin to well up in your eyes as he increases the intensity.
“Please, Austin, it hurts so much,” you finally whimper, feeling like the punishment is going on forever.
He looks up into your pleading eyes, his expression softening slightly.
“You’ve been such a good girl for me taking your punishment,” he says with a mix of sternness and affection as he looks over your body. “Let’s see if I can make you feel better.”
Austin pulls your shirt up, exposing your chest. His fingers gliding along your supple skin, caressing your breasts gently until your nipples harden under his touch then he catches one between his fingertips and rolls it, eliciting a soft moan from you.
“Does that feel better?” he asks, his tone softer “Do you want more?” His eyes search yours, waiting for your response.
"Y-yes …Austin” you say barely above a whisper wanting him to give you more. You know you’re still being punished somehow but you are relieved he isn’t spanking you anymore.
“Please keep touching me softly like this Austin,” you beg tilting your head back and surrendering to his touch. He catches your other nipple between his fingers rolling it gently before giving it a firm squeeze making you gasp.
He watches your reactions intently a smirk of satisfaction playing on his lips at how easily you give in knowing what he can do.
His hand gently cups your breast and he splays his fingers out to squeeze and knead the soft flesh. His thumb brushes over your nipple, sending a shiver down your spine as he teases the buds.
He leans in and brushes his lips against your other nipple. His warm breath fanning across your skin heightening your arousal to a peak.
He takes your nipple into his mouth sucking it gently at first, then with more intensity drawing it in deeper. His tongue swirls around the peak, flicking it teasingly before he sucks hard and his teeth graze the sensitive flesh just enough to send a jolt of pleasure through you.
He continues to cup your other breast, squeezing it firmly digging his fingers into your flesh. He rolls your nipple between his fingers pinching and pulling it harder causing you to gasp and arch your back pushing your chest closer to his mouth.
He moves his mouth back and forth between each breast, lavishing attention, gently sucking and flicking his tongue across each nipple, eliciting soft moans and gasps from your lips. Then he releases sucking your left nipple with a wet pop, focusing all his attention on the right one.
He sucks it deeply into his mouth, his tongue pressing and flicking against it as his hand continues to tease and squeeze your other breast.
The combination of sensations makes your head spin every touch and suck of his mouth sending waves of pleasure coursing through your core until you are practically dripping with arousal for him.
He gently releases your nipple, his lips glistening as he looks up at you, his eyes dark with desire.
“You like this, don’t you?” he asks low and seductive as he cups both of your breasts, squeezing them affectionately.
“You just want all my attention because I’ve spoiled you too much,” he reveals. Not waiting for your response he brings his lips over your breast again, capturing your nipple in his warm mouth, sucking and licking it with such intensity that you become breathless.
The urgency of his suckling, the heat of his mouth, and the way he teases your other breast is too much for your body to handle. Your moans and gasps begin to fill the room as you endure so much pleasure you cave in and orgasm your walls throbbing around nothing pushed to the edge and beyond.
He pulls back to study your condition. You are panting with your pupils blown wide and look of pure sexual bliss on your face. He knows you’ve orgasmed and are reeling in the high completely forgetting you are being punished, and he smiles seductively before returning to his torturous routine.
He leans in and closes his lips over your nipple again, this time holding you tightly in place as he tugs on it with his nipping teeth.
“Ow, Austin!” you exclaim angrily and glare down at him. He abruptly stops and slaps you hard across your breast. “Stop whining,” he reprimands, and you stifle your cry, looking at him in shock.
Locking eyes with you as a warning, he moves to your other nipple, his lips parting slightly as he takes the bud between his teeth. With deliberate precision, he nips and tugs on your nipple with a piercing bite inflicting just enough pressure to elicit a tantalizing mix of pleasure and pain to course through your core before he releases it
“You think your punishment is over don’t you?” he asks, as you feel the radiating sting of his bite. You don’t react to it, knowing he will slap it harder.
"Where’s my belt ?" He asks commandingly
"No, no please Austin ," you plead.
“Baby… don’t make me ask twice,” he says with a threatening tone. You immediately lean back, feeling a surge of adrenaline, as you pick up his belt from the floor. You hold it tightly in your grasp presenting it to him ready to obey.
“Stand up,” Austin commands, and you rise on your feet, feeling the soreness from the spankings you just endured flood through you all at once.
He stands up from his chair, towering over you. His height is accentuated by the way he squares his shoulders making him appear even more imposing as he looks down at you.
“When you misbehave like this, it makes my dick painfully hard. Do you enjoy making me so hard that it’s painful?” he questions, a mix of frustration and desire in his tone.
Your gaze naturally drifts down his commanding figure, settling on the piercing, erect bulge straining against his leather pants. Feeling the intensity of his gaze, your eyes return to meet his.
“No, Austin.” You reply softly.
“Good because you made me this hard now you’re going to take care of it,” he commands, his voice firm and demanding.
He grips your shoulders tightly and forces you down on your knees. He steps closer with his cock inches from your face as he looks down on you with intent.
“Take me out,” he commands, and you obey placing the belt down on the floor. You reach up and unbutton his leather pants lowering down his zipper, the sound sending a shiver of anticipation through you.
As you reach inside, you feel the warmth of his hard erection and gently wrap your fingers around his thick shaft pulling his cock out from the confines of his pants, revealing his throbbing length in all its pulsating glory.
The sight of his impressive cock wrapped in your hand fully arouses you, sending a surge of desire through your body as you prepare to please him.
He guides you with a firm hand on the back of your head and you feel his control as his fingers tangle in your hair, pulling you closer to his erect cock.
“Take it deep,” he commands, his voice tense with desire. “Show me how much you want it.”
You look up to him as his large cock enters your mouth and fills you up stretching your lips around its girth. “That’s it, baby,” Austin groans, his voice husky with desire. “Take me all the way in.”
The sensation is overwhelming, the weight and heat of him pressing against your tongue with each glide in and out as you feel yourself succumbing to his rhythm. “That’s my good girl,” he praises, his words spurring you on.
Your tongue traces along his shaft as he moves, exploring every ridge and vein, and Austin groans in response as his hand grips into your hair harder “Don’t stop,” Austin urges, his voice thick with need.
The taste of him is intoxicating, and you feel the fullness of him as he thrusts deeper, filling your mouth completely on each movement. With every stroke, you feel yourself growing more aroused, the intensity of the moment building with each passing second.
“I’m so close baby….-keep going,” he says, his voice strained with arousal. He places both of his hands at the back of your head with his fingers tangling in your hair he begins bucking his hips thrusting into the back of your throat.
Each thrust becomes more deliberate, and you struggle to accommodate him, feeling the strain on your jaw stretching as the sensation pushes you to your limit. You finally gag as tears brim your eyes looking up at him through wet lashes, overwhelmed by the intensity of his thrusts.
“You take me so well, don’t stop,” he growls, his voice thick with desire. You try to relax your throat as your mouth works to bring him over the edge, but he’s too forceful, each movement becoming more demanding as you feel the strain on your jaw and throat with each intense penetration.
The tension is evident in the way you gasp for air between his movements. Your moans of discomfort come in short wet gurgles around his cock, unable to keep pace with his relentless rhythm.
You claw at his thighs and whimper around his thrusting cock. Despite your efforts, he doesn’t release his grip, his hold on you firm as he continues thrusting into your mouth, driving deeper into your throat.
“Just like that, keep going oh fuck,” he urges, his grip tightening. “Oh fuck…oh fuck! I’m gonna cum,” he rasps.
As he reaches the peak you hear his primal cries of release echoing in the air as he ejaculates, filling your mouth with his warm cum. On his final thrust you swallow every drop savoring the taste of him.
Spent and satisfied he makes small sounds of pleasure as he pants, slowly withdrawing his cock from your wet mouth.
He looks down at you while you kneel before him, a mix of exhaustion and contentment washing over his face. You feel utterly drained your eyes wet and your body trembling from the intensity of the encounter.
His gaze shifts to the belt lying beside you and he nods towards the leather strap wordlessly instructing you to pick it up.
“You were a good girl,” he praises, his voice low and husky. “But we’re not finished yet.
With a sense of apprehension, you reach for the belts and take it in your hands knowing that it signifies the next phase of your punishment
“Stand up,” he commands, offering his hand to guide you to your feet. You feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension as you grasp his hand and rise from the floor.
“We’re going to the bedroom,” he says, his tone leaving no room for argument. He tucks his cock away into his leather pants and takes your hand firmly in his, while you clutch the belt in the other, its weight a constant reminder of what’s to come.
He leads you up the stairs as you try to think of a way to avoid your fate. The hallway seems longer than usual and every step amplifies your anxiety. When you finally reach the end of the hall, he opens the door and pulls you into the master bedroom. As he closes the door behind you, the quiet click of the latch sends a shiver down your spine.His eyes are dark with intent he approaches.
“You know what’s coming next, don’t you?” he asks, his voice low and almost dangerous.
“Hand me the belt,” he demands and your hands tremble as you hold out the belt, your eyes pleading for any hint of leniency. The feeling inside of you a mix of fear and anticipation.
He takes the belt from you without a word, his gaze unwavering and stern. You feel a wave of anxiety wash over you, the room around you blurring slightly as your focus sharpens on him and the belt.
“Go on, get on your hands and knees,” he says, pointing to the bed with the belt. His voice is firm, leaving no room for hesitation.
You climb onto the bed, the soft sheets a stark contrast to the hard reality of the situation. Your heart pounds in your chest as you assume the position, hands and knees resting centered on the mattress.
The anticipation is almost unbearable as you wait for his next move knowing that whatever comes next it will be intense and unforgettable.
“Please, Austin, I’m sorry,” you beg as a finale cry hoping for an any sort of leniency.
“Do you understand why you’re being punished?” he asks, his voice a mix of frustration and authority as he collects the belt running it through his hand.
“Yes Austin,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
“And you know it’s for your own good, don’t you?” he continues, his tone softening slightly as he slaps the belt in his palm.
Yes,” you reply struggling to contain your anxiety hearing jingle of the buckle as he plays with the belt.
“Good,” he says and you hear the faint sound of his zipper as he begins to strip naked. You peek over your shoulder, wondering why he hasn’t spanked you yet.
He climbs up behind you, his knees sinking into the bed, and you feel his hand roughly tugging your skirt up, making sure your red ass is fully exposed.
He raises his arm to bring down his thick belt across your exposed ass, but then he hesitates. Seeing your glistening pussy, he falters, deciding the spanking can wait. His cock is aching to be inside of you again.
“Look at you, dripping for me,” he mutters, his voice thick with desire.
“You think you can tease me like this and not face the consequences?” he rasps, pressing his hard cock against your entrance.
You feel a sense of relief wash over you when you hear the belt buckle hit the bed.“I-I’m sorry,” you say, fully aroused, feeling the heat of his tip pressing and slipping against your entrance
“Sorry isn’t enough,” he whispers, gripping your hips, enjoying the feel of your wetness covering his cock. “You’re going to take every inch of me first. Then we’ll see if you’re still sorry,” he says.
With that, he thrusts into you,and you moan as he fills you completely. His grip tightens as he sets a relentless pace, each movement sending waves of pleasure and pain through your body. The room fills with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, mingled with your gasps and his guttural groans.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he growls, his voice strained with pleasure. “You’re so tight, so perfect.”
Despite the initial shock, you quickly find yourself gasping in pleasure feeling the intensity of his desire. Your body starts responding eagerly to his every thrust. “Austin, oh God, don’t stop,” you manage to say between breaths.
He leans down, his breath hot against your ear. “I won’t stop until you’re begging for more,” he murmurs, his pace quickening, the sound of his hips slamming against you growing louder.
“Austin you feel so good,” you cry out your voice filled with lust.
His breathing becomes ragged as you match his rhythm, pushing back against him, desperate to satisfy him. The tension in the room mounts, every touch, every sound amplifying the connection between you.
With each powerful thrust, he collides his hips into yours, the intensity driving you over the edge. “Austin, I’m going to cum,” you say, your voice filled with ecstasy.
He groans in response, his own pleasure evident in the primal sounds escaping his lips. “Don’t cum yet …-you need to…-learn your lesson ” he urges, his voice husky with desire.
He pulls you up to him, his hand wrapping around your neck with just enough pressure to make you gasp. Your breath catches in your throat as waves of pleasure wash over you.
“You ever going to disrespect me in front of my friends again?” he demands, his voice low and intense.
“No, Austin,” you promise your voice trembling with arousal. His grip tightens slightly, sending a shiver down your spine.
"What about lying to me?” he asks with authority.
"I won’t lie to you! Austin I promise!” you cry out obeying his every word.
"Good girl.” He says bringing his other hand down spreading your pussy lips wide and rubbing around your clit.
"MMMM Yes !" You cry out feeling like it’s a reward from his punishment.
"Do you like this, baby?" he asks, rubbing a little harder.
"Yes Austin! Please more!" you beg.
“Good,” he growls, his lips brushing against your ear. “I like when you’re a good girl for me you’re going to take every bit of pleasure I give you.” He says as his fingers continue to work your clit, each movement sending sparks of ecstasy through your body.
You moan loudly, the sound reverberating his hand around your throat. He leans in, his breath hot against your skin as he whispers, “I want to feel you cum for me now.”
You are unable to form words, completely lost in the sensations he’s creating. His touch becomes more insistent, his fingers moving faster as he brings you closer to the edge.
“Oh fuck Austin” you moan out feeling dizzy from so much pleasure coursing your entire body at once.
“That’s it,” he murmurs, his voice filled with desire. “Let go for me. Show me how much you need this.”
He chokes you, and it cuts off your moans as he pounds into you. With a final fluttering of your walls on his cock, your body trembles as you reach the peak of your pleasure and you orgasm. Austin’s grip on your throat loosens and he watches you with a satisfied smile as you fall apart.
“That’s it, baby. Let it all go,” he whispers, his voice husky with satisfaction feeling your walls flutter on him with each thrust.
He holds you in his arms, pulling you close as your body endures wave after wave of intense pleasure until you go limp against him trembling and moaning.
“You came so well or me,” he whispers in your ear.
You pulse around his cock as he nears his climax and his movements becoming erratic, his sounds more primal. “I can’t hold back…” he gasps feeling the surge of your arousal.
With a final, shuddering thrust, he reaches his peak, his cries of release filling the room as he orgasms, his cock pulsing rope after rope of cum into you as he holds you steady breathing heavily.
As you both catch your breaths the intensity of the moment begins to fade and he withdraws from you slowly, his movements gentle yet deliberate.
“Come here,” he murmurs, his voice husky with satisfaction as he pulls you down on the bed with him and wraps his arms around you. “You were amazing,” he whispers, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
After a moment he gently strokes your hair, his eyes softened with satisfaction. “You really do satisfy me,” he admits, brushing his hand along your jaw. “Even when you rebel like this and I have to punish you.” He grins his pleasure evident that he’s regained control.
He kisses you deeply as his earlier anger melts away. “I love you,” he whispers against your lips.
“I love you too Austin” you confess feeling complete.
He holds your jaw firm locking eyes with you “But don’t think I won’t punish you if you misbehave again.” He finalizes.
You nod in agreement as his words linger in the air, both a promise and a warning as he pulls you into a tender embrace.
Deep down, you revel in testing the limits of his control, feeling his passion, his desire, and his unwavering commitment to you. In those moments, you feel exhilarated beyond compare.
It’s a thrilling exchange of his controlling power and your submission of rebelliousness that reinforces the dynamics of your relationship. His punishments make you feel alive and deeply connected to him in a way that nothing else can.
⛓️‍💥 End ⛓️‍💥
🏷️ Always Tag Me List 💌
@burnthheparaphilia @abswifey @faegoddessog @lindszeppelin @purejasmine @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento @thegabbyh @fallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @shegatsby @denised916 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @rougegenshin @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @mamawiggers1980 @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha
164 notes · View notes
abswifey · 3 days
Has anyone else seen this?
Thank you, Lindsay
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abswifey · 5 days
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Eternal Ink 🪽
Label Mature 18+
Summary Austin is a renowned tattoo artist with his muscular physique covered in intricate ink. After careful contemplation and a little liquid courage, you decide tonight is the night you will finally get the tattoo you’ve been wanting at his shop. Upon entering, you’re immediately struck by his handsomeness and drawn in by his skill. As he works on your tattoo during a quiet, late night session, the intimacy between you two intensifies, fueling a passionate connection. At the end of the session, he satisfies you with something far more exhilarating than the tattoo.
❤️‍🔥Passionate Smut❤️‍🔥 Edging with unprofessional touch • seduction • dirty talk•nipple play•fingering•Austin covered in tattoos size kink •protection •sex on a tattoo table•multiple orgasms
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*Thank you for your votes! 🗳️ war camp will be released shortly *Please enjoy the winner tattoo 🏆
Eternal Ink 🪽
You stepped out of your car, feeling the cool night air against your skin as you made your way towards the tattoo shop. You were dressed nicely in fitted jeans a plunging halter top and mid calf leather boots. You’d been thinking about getting inked for a while now, and after a few drinks with friends for courage, tonight felt like the perfect opportunity.
Before you even set foot inside, you where well aware of this place’s unrivaled excellence, a testament to the exceptional skills of its artists. But it was the masterful artistry of the owner Austin that truly commanded attention. His reputation resounded through the city streets for his artistic brilliance.
The neon sign above the door glowed softly casting a warm light onto the pavement. ‘Eternal Ink’ it read in bold stylish letters. The sign was a striking blue its light flickering slightly creating an almost hypnotic effect. It was framed by a pair of tattooed wings that seemed to flutter with the movement of the light adding an artistic flair to the shop’s entrance.
The store front itself was equally impressive. Large glass windows allowed a glimpse into the shop’s interior, showcasing walls lined with framed tattoo designs and artwork. The door was a heavy dark wood with a polished brass handle, adding a touch of old world charm to the modern, edgy aesthetic of the shop.
Pushing the door open you were greeted by the scent of antiseptic mixed with a faint hint of bergamot. The lobby was both inviting and intimidating, a perfect blend of artistry and rugged masculinity.
Dark polished hardwood floors gleamed under the soft overhead lights, and the walls were covered in framed pieces of tattoo art each one more impressive than the last.
A plush black leather couch sat against one wall, next to a display case filled with tattoo designs and equipment. Next to the display case was a high table covered in tattoo design books. A large ornate mirror hung along the back wall reflecting the lobby making it feel even larger.
At this late hour it seemed the only occupant of the shop was the owner Austin working behind the counter organizing ink bottles.
He stood with his back to you his tall fit frame outlined against the soft lighting from the glass shelving he stood in front of.
His sandy brown hair was slightly tousled giving him a rugged yet polished look. The muscles on his back and shoulders were clearly defined, each contour accentuated by the soft lighting.
Tattooed angel wings adorned his shoulders, their intricate details peeking out from beneath the fabric of the black muscle tee clinging to his athletic form.
His chiseled arms were a canvas of intricate tattoos, each design seamlessly flowing into the next all the way up to his neck and down to his wrists. For a moment, you simply stood there, captivated by the sight of him.
The way he moved with such confidence and ease was mesmerizing. As he turned your eyes met and your breath instantly hitched in your throat as his piercing blue eyes locked onto yours. He was irresistibly attractive.
“Hey there,” he said eyeing you in return, his voice was smooth and deep with a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. He stepped around the counter and extended his hand.
“I’m Austin. How can I help you tonight?” you took his hand feeling the strength and warmth of his grip. Your eyes locked again and you felt a spark of something more pass between you.
His touch was firm yet gentle, his skin warm and roughened slightly from years of tattooing.
“Hi..yeah…” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady despite the fluttering in your chest. “I was hoping to get a tattoo tonight. Am I too late?”
His smile deepened, and he held your hand a moment longer than necessary before letting go.
“You’re just in time,” he said not even glancing at a clock. “What are you thinking about getting?” He asked as his gaze traveled subtly down your body, taking in your curves with a look of appreciation that sent a thrill through you.
When your eyes meet again Austin’s gaze lingered on yours and you couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness.
Despite his commanding presence there was a warmth in his eyes that put you at ease.
You shifted slightly, suddenly unsure of what tattoo you wanted. “I’m not exactly sure what I want,” you admitted, feeling a bit sheepish.
Austin’s smile remained “No worries, Let’s take a look at some tattoo books. We’ll find something that speaks to you.” He said reassuringly and gestured you to follow him to the high table in the lobby which was adorned with a variety of tattoo design books.
As you flipped through the pages together his hand would occasionally brush against your sending sparks of electricity flying through you.
You slowly regained your composure and began to explain your idea to him, a small intricate design on your inner hip, something personal and meaningful. He listened intently, his eyes focused on you with understanding as you discussed the details.
Then with a fluid motion, he pulled open a drawer from the table, retrieving his sketch book and flipping open a fresh page. “How about this?” he suggested his hand moving slowly as he sketched a design on the piece of paper.
Once finished, he handed it over for your approval and as you examined the drawing in your hand, you realized it was exactly what you had envisioned, perfect in every detail.
“That’s it!” you said your voice filling with excitement. “I love it!”
As your eyes lifted from the drawing to his you could see a hint of pride in his expression as a warm smile spread across his lips.
“I’m glad you like it,” he replied, his voice low and genuine as his eyes lingered on you. “Let’s get you set up.”
He led you to a back room, his private tattoo space that exuded a dark masculine energy. The walls were painted a deep charcoal gray adorned with framed photos and artwork. Black leather furniture sleek and stylish filled the room. The scent of leather mixed with the faint aroma of ink and antiseptic created an edgy atmosphere.
There was a large framed picture of Austin on a powerful motorcycle above his desk, looking every bit the rugged artist that he was. Next to it were pieces of his favorite designs, detailed and vibrant tattoos that showcased his incredible talent.
In the center of the room was a black leather tattoo chair, its surface smooth and inviting. It looked like a throne, commanding attention in the dim lighting.
Austin gestured for you to sit and as you settled into the chair he pressed a button making you lay all the way flat, filling you with a mix of excitement and nerves.
"First time?" he asked, his eyes twinkling in amusement as he turned on his work light and directed its beam on your hip.
“Yeah,” you admitted, laughing nervously. “Go easy on me?”
He chuckled, a warm, reassuring sound. “I’ll take good care of you, don’t worry.”
As Austin prepared the equipment, his movements were precise and confident. The room was quiet the only sounds being the snap of his black gloves fitting onto his hands and the soft buzz of the machine as he tested it.
You took a breath and unbuttoned your jeans pulling them down low to reveal your right hip bone. His eyes remained steady on his task as he cleaned your skin.
His touch was gentle and professional, yet still he managed to send a shiver down your spine.
“Ready?” he asked, looking up at you with his intense blue eyes.
You took another deep breath and nodded. “Ready.”
Austin’s eyes lingered on yours for a moment longer before he turned his attention back to the task at hand.
He dipped the needle into the ink, and his fingers pressed lightly against your skin. As the needle touched your skin a sharp burning sensation shot through you. It was unlike anything I’d you’d ever felt before, painful and sharp, but also exhilarating.
The pain was sharp and constant but there was a rhythm to it, a hypnotic quality that made it bearable. You winced a bit biting your lip as the discomfort quickly began to mix with a strange, almost pleasurable sensation.
Austin paused for a moment lifting his gaze to meet yours. “You doing alright?” he asked with his hand gently rested on your hip.
You nodded, swallowing hard. “Yeah, I’m okay. It hurts, but it’s… different. Not as bad as I expected.”
He gave you a small, understanding smile. “Just let me know if it gets too much, alright? We can take a break if you need.”
His words were comforting and the way he looked at you with genuine care made you feel completely at ease despite the pain. You nodded and he returned to his work.
The needle continued its steady hum and his fingers occasionally brushed against your skin to wipe away any excess ink. The sensation of his touch, coupled with the steady rhythm of the needle ignited a wave of arousal within you, transforming the discomfort into a tantalizing pleasure.
You found yourself captivated by his face as he worked. His handsome features were well defined, his high cheekbones and strong jawline catching the light of the overhead lamp as he worked.
His intense focus made him even more attractive, the way his brows furrowed as he concentrated, his full lips pressing together in a thin line of determination.
Each time his eyes flicked up to meet yours it sent a thrill through you, unable to deny your desire for him. It became evident he felt the same way as the depth of his emotions mirrored your own, the undeniable attraction between you both conveyed through each intense gaze.
He leaned in closer to fill in the intricacies of the design and you felt his warm breath against your skin, each exhale sending a gentle shiver down your spine causing you to move slightly. His grip on your hip reactively tightened. His fingers pressing into your flesh in a way that felt both possessive and protective.
“You’re doing so well for me,” he encouraged, his voice low and soothing, keeping you calm as he worked on a vital area of the design. His eyes narrowed in concentration as he manipulated the needle in delicate lines of precision.
His face displayed such a focused intensity as he masterfully inked the tattoo needle into your skin that it made you feel a mixture of anticipation and exhilaration knowing his skilled hands were marking your body permanently.
You calmed your urges focusing on the steady rhythm of his breathing and the gentle caress of his hand, until it transformed into something more.
His fingers began to trail across your skin with a subtle intimacy that stirred the arousal in you once more and you couldn’t help but fixate on his hands. You began feeling increasingly turned on by the way his fingers moved with purpose, each touch deliberate and confident, sending waves of desire coursing through you.
The warmth of his touch and the firmness of his grip stirred a deep lust within you. As his fingers ventured closer to your pelvic line, your pulse quickened, and your breath hitched in your throat.
Austin looked up at you again, this time the intensity of his stare sent a thrill through you. There was a spark there that ignited within a wordless heat growing more intense between you two at every passing moment.
He paused, leaning back to wipe away any excess ink, his fingertips trailing along your hip in a tantalizing manner. The deliberate slowness of his touch sent waves of excitement through you, intensifying the already electric atmosphere.
Sensing your attraction for him he couldn’t help but feel a surge of his own desire rising. Firmly gripping your hip he began seductively tracing his thumb along the edge of your tattoo.
Each stroke elicited a soft gasp and a subtle shift in your breathing a silent acknowledgment of the pleasure he was bestowing upon you. As your eyes met he gazed at you with an allure that made it clear his touch fueling your arousal was intentional.
“You have very beautiful skin,” he said softly, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and desire. His gaze traveled down your body lingering on the curve of your hip where he was tattooing. “Perfect canvas.” He said passionately.
You felt a flush rise to your cheeks, your body reacting to the intensity of his gaze and the intimacy of his words.
“You’re doing incredibly well for your first tattoo,” he praised, his voice a blend of reassurance and seduction. “Almost done,” he confirmed. His eyes locked onto yours with a smoldering intensity as a playful smirk formed on his lips revealing his desire for you.
You nodded, unable to speak, your body trembling slightly with the intensity of the experience.
His touch returned even more intimate than before as if he was savoring the contact, making your breath hitch and your heart race on each touch. The warmth of his hand and his fingertips lingered after every stimulating touch, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as you became wet for him.
His eyes lifted to meet yours with a mischievous glint dancing within them. He spread his large hand wider across your pelvis, keeping the needle centered, as his fingers sensually teased under your panty line. The intimate touch ignited a fire within you, and it was evident he relished the effect. His smile only adding to the allure, intensifying your desire for him.
The sculpted muscles of his bicep flexed subtly as he finalized the design, showcasing the intricate tattoos adorning his own skin. Every movement he made captivated you, from the ink on his forearms to the designs gracing his neck. With each glimpse, your arousal heightened, fueled by an intense curiosity about the hidden artistry concealed beneath his clothing.
When he finally lifted the needle for the last time you let out a shaky breath, feeling a rush of relief and exhilaration from the intimate experience.
“All done,” he said, sitting back and snapping off his black gloves admiring his work. “Take a look.”
As you sat up he offered his hand, helping you to stand. You walked to the full length mirror in the room, lifting your shirt and pulling your jeans lower to admire your new tattoo.
It was beautiful, exactly what you had envisioned. The lines were clean and precise, the design was delicate yet striking. You turned to him filled with gratitude and something deeper swelling in your chest.
Before you could second guess yourself, you closed the distance between you stepping into his space with purpose. “It’s perfect,” you praised, your voice tinged with a hint of arousal.
You reached for him with a flicker of uncertainty dancing within as you gently placed your hands on his broad chest. “Thank you, Austin,” you breathed, your voice barely audible as you gazed up into his eyes overcome with desire.
He looked utterly irresistible, his hair tousled in a way that only added to his allure, a few strands falling playfully over his forehead and framing his beautiful blue eyes. His features exuded a quiet confidence and undeniable charm, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief as they met yours.
His full lips curved into a smile and he pulled you in closer slowly wrapping his arms around your waist. "Stay a while?" he asked, his voice was a deep rich tone sending a surge of anticipation through you.
“I’d love to,” you breathed and he lowered his lips onto yours in a passionate kiss, the intensity of the moment flooded through you entirely. His kiss was tender yet hungry as his hands roamed your back holding you tightly against him.
You broke apart from him nearly breathless form the moment and he smiled down at you. His eyes locked onto yours showing the depth of his desire as he gently caressed the curve of your cheek.
“You know I own this place,” he said, his voice low and intimate. “So we have all the time in the world here.” He said with a smile that exuded confidence as he held your gaze.
“That’s good to know,” you replied, your voice laced with seduction. “I wouldn’t want to rush with someone as skillful as you,” you teased as you gazed up at him full of desire with a sensual smile spread across your lips.
Austin chuckled and tantalizingly traced his finger gently along your jawline “You’re something else, you know that?” He asked with his eyes narrowed.
You shrugged playfully as you responded “I get that a lot” with a hint of allure in your voice.
He grinned, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. “I bet you do.” He said moving closer. You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks as he leaned in, capturing your lips in another searing kiss. This time it was deeper, his mouth explored yours with an intense passion that made your heart race. His tongue teased and tasted yours each movement sending jolts of electricity through you as his hands roamed your body, exploring every curve and contour.
His grip was firm yet gentle on your waist as he broke the kiss pressing you against the leather edge of the tattoo table. His body was so close you could feel the heat radiating off of him in waves. His eyes darkened with desire locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter.
He leaned in so close that his lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, “I’ve wanted you from the moment you walked in.” His words sent tingles of excitement throughout your body as he gently trailed his fingers down your arms. “I never imagined you felt the same,” he confessed, his voice thick with desire.
You felt a surge of anticipation fill you as he pulled back just enough to look into your eyes with a slow sensual smile curving on his lips. Then without another word kissed you hard and demanding, his hands exploring your body gliding down your shoulders and over your chest gently squeezing the curves of your breasts through the fabric of your shirt.
His fingers teased your nipples with featherlight strokes until they hardened. Then with a tantalizing pull he gently tugged at the buds, eliciting a soft gasp of pleasure from your lips. His touch ignited a fierce desire within you, and you melted into him, your own hands reaching up to thread your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer as your mouths came together in a heated clash.
The tattoo table was sturdy behind you supporting as Austin’s kisses increased with desire. His lips moved from yours trailing down your neck, their warmth igniting a deeper lust with every tender press.
“You taste incredible,” he murmured, his voice a low caress against your skin. His teeth grazed your neck eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips as his hands roamed possessively over your curves, lingering on the bare flesh where your halter top didn’t cover.
“You feel so soft,” he whispered, his voice filled with admiration and lust, as if he couldn’t get enough of you.
He brushed his hand against the skin of your neck. “I want to see every inch of you,” he said, his eyes smoldering with desire. “And I want to touch every part of you,” he said his hands traveling possessively down to grip your hips.
A shiver ran through you as you finally answered. “Then take me, Austin. I’m yours.”
Austin’s breath hitched as he heard your words fulfilling his desire. With a hungry gaze, he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours as he whispered “I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”
His eyes darkened with lust as a smirk formed on his lips. Your consent giving him the final push to satisfy his overwhelming urge to indulge in the passion between you.
He kneeled down in front of you swiftly unzipping your boots, easing them off, one by one with a steady hand. He pulled down your jeans revealing your skin inch by inch to the cool air as he took them off. His eyes never left yours as he peered up at you hooking his thumbs into the waistband of your wet panties sliding them down until you stepped out of them.
As he stood his fingers grasped the hem of your shirt tugging it upwards. You lifted your arms, allowing him to pull it off and toss it aside. He paused for a moment, his eyes roaming over your naked form with a look of pure desire.
“You’re irresistible,” he whispered, bringing his hands to cup your breasts with adoration as his thumbs traced your nipples. His lips found their way to your neck trailing a line of soft kisses. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he murmured against your skin as his lips continued their journey up your neck.
As you opened your mouth to answer he captured your lips in another searing kiss his tongue boldly delving into your mouth, exploring with an irresistible need.
“Austin..” you breathed, pulling back slightly, your hands sliding up his muscular arms, feeling the strength beneath his skin. “I need you,” you confessed, holding his gaze with your faces mere inches apart.
”I need you too” he whispered against your lips. His words were filled with longing and urgency and he readily lifted you onto the edge of the tattoo table positioning himself between your legs. With his body pressed firmly against yours, you felt tingles of anticipation surging through you.
He stared into your eyes as he placed his hand on your thighs, gently spreading your legs apart on the tattoo table. His passionate touch sent waves of anticipation through you.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked, his voice was thick with desire.
You nodded, your breath coming in short gasps. “Yes, exactly.”
He smiled, his hands gripping your thighs tightly. “You have no idea how badly I want you.”
You shivered at his words, the anticipation building even more. “Then don’t hold back,” you urged, your voice barely more than a whisper.
Austin’s eyes darkened with lust as he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear. “I won’t.” he vowed.
His hand reach between your bodies and his fingers made contact with your wetness applying a gentle pressure, slowly gliding them along the slick surface of your folds. With each stroke he explored the contours of your most sensitive areas, looking into your eyes and paying attention to the subtle responses of your body.
The sensation intensified as he lingered on certain spots, teasing them with the delicate precision of his fingertips, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through you as you stared at him in shock.
“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice filled with desire as he looked into your eyes again seeking your confirmation. You nodded quickly as your heart raced in anticipation.
With a deliberate and tantalizing slowness he pushed his fingers deep inside, the sudden intrusion making you gasp in pleasure. The sensation was intoxicating as your walls clenched around his fingers, each movement of his expertly seeking and stimulating a sensitive spot within you.
He curled his fingers as he pushed them in and out of you sending surges of pleasure throughout your body, intensifying with every thrust as he skillfully explored your depths.
He wrapped his other hand around your throat, his lips returning to yours as he moved his fingers through you in a steady rhythm. Every touch, every kiss, and every thrust of his fingers sent waves of ecstasy coursing through your body.
The pain from the tattoo faded away, replaced by a pleasure so intense it left you breathless. You felt the familiar tightening in your core as Austin’s fingers worked, pulling along the ridge of your most sensitive spot with each skillful thrust.
With the deliberate strokes of his fingers, expertly penetrating your inner walls you felt yourself giving in to the intoxicating waves of pleasure crashing over you and began to tremble and pant into his mouth as he kissed you. His lips trailed down to your neck and he sucked on the soft skin causing your walls to flutter against his plunging fingers. “Let go for me” he whispered against your neck.
His seductive command was the final push to take you over the edge. A loud uninhibited moan escaped your lips, the sound echoing the room as he skillfully brought you a climax. Your core throbbed with the release of euphoria as sparks of ecstasy raced through every nerve ending in your body as you orgasmed.
You could barely form a coherent thought, let alone a response from the pleasure he had just allowed you to endure. “Austin!” you panted trying to form words as he stared into your eyes with a knowing grin. The desire to be consumed by him overwhelmed your mind entirely.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his voice low and reverent as he removed his fingers from you. He brought them to his wanting mouth his eyes never leaving yours as he traced along each finger with his tongue savoring the taste of you before sucking them clean. His eyes roamed your body with a hunger that made your heart race.
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he said, his voice low and intimate as he leaned in capturing your lips in another erotic kiss.
You pulled your lips back to meet his gaze. “Then show me,” you whispered, the intensity of desire evident in your voice.
His eyes bore into yours with a primal desire to conquer you before he deliberate took a step back, creating space to undress.
He knelt first and unlaced his boots, removing them with his socks before setting them aside and standing back up.
You watched in anticipation as Austin gripped the hem of his muscle tee, effortlessly lifting it over his head in one fluid motion and flinging it aside.
The sight that greeted you took your breath away. His torso was a masterpiece of art and strength. His skin was covered in intricate tattoos, each one telling a story, that highlighted the sculpted muscles beneath.
His chest was broad and firm adorned with a phoenix that rose majestically in the middle, its wings spreading across his pectorals in vibrant hues of red and gold.
On his rib cage, a dragon coiled, its scales meticulously detailed, the black ink contrasting sharply against his tan skin. His abs were a series of defined ridges, leading down to the waistband of his jeans.
Austin’s gaze met yours, a smoldering heat in his blue eyes as he reached for the button of his fly. With practiced ease, he unbuttoned and slid his jeans off, revealing his long, thick cock.
You couldn’t help but gasp at its size. He was impressively endowed, his cock throbbing with desire and anticipation, every vein pulsing beneath the smooth skin was a visual testament to his undeniable readiness to claim you.
His strong, muscular legs were also decorated with tattoos. A compass adorned one thigh, its points perfectly aligned, guided by the celestial bodies and a hyper realistic wave design graced his calf, as if the ocean itself had been captured in ink.
On his other thigh, an astral pattern began that extended down to his shin, depicting a cosmic journey in ink.
He stood there for a moment, letting you take in the full view of him, his body a striking combination of raw power and delicate artistry. The room seemed to pulse with the intensity of the moment with anticipation and desire.
“You like what you see?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, a hint of a smile playing at his lips.
You nodded, unable to find your voice.
Austin stepped closer, cock swaying as he leaned to reach his hand into the low drawer of his tattoo station. He retrieved the golden packet of a condom glinting in the low lighting as he tore it open.
You watched as he rolled the condom down his large cock with a practiced skill and a look of anticipation gleaming in his eyes.
“You ready for this?” he asked with his voice full of desire. You met his gaze, your eyes filled with a mix of excitement and longing.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart.
He returned to you, positioning himself between your thighs as you sat on the tattoo table. Every inch of him felt larger and more commanding, the embodiment of strength against your softness.
He reached down and wrapped his hand around the base of his thick shaft. With a firm grip, he guided his throbbing cock to the entrance of your soaking wet pussy, teasing the head along your slick folds, feeling the heat radiating from your core staring into your eyes.
“Ready for me?” he asked as he positioned himself at your entrance, seeking confirmation before the inevitable plunge.
You nodded eagerly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through you wrapping your arms around his muscular back reveling in his strength
He slowly pushed forward the tip of his cock parting your lips, the sensation of his hardness pressing against your softness eliciting a loud moan from your lips.
Each inch he pressed inside made you gasp, your walls stretching to accommodate his girth, as you gripped his back tightly, your nails dug into his skin as you moaned with pleasure.
He groaned in response, easing the rest of his remarkably large cock inside of you until he filled you to your core. His eyes locked on yours as he felt your walls throbbing around his cock, trying to adjust to his size.
He brought his hands to hold your hips, steadying himself, as his lips brushed against yours.
“You feel so good on me,” he whispered capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
He withdrew his hips, slightly sliding his cock out before returning it back in smacking his hips flush with your body as his tip pressed against your core beginning his strong rhythm.
With each of his thrusts the intensity grew, driving him deeper into you sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
You felt his muscular chest pressing against yours, skin sliding together with each movement as he held you firmly against him, bracing you to take the impact of each powerful thrust. His breath mingled with yours as your bodies moved in perfect rhythm.
“You feel incredible,” he groaned, his voice filled with desire staring at you for confirmation. You only gasped in response, unable to form words as the pleasure washed over you in relentless waves.
He increased his movements and your back arched with the quick jolt force of his thrusts.
You gasped, feeling the intense pressure of his hardness against you cervix as his hips clapped between your legs.
“Yes, Austin, yes just like that!” You finally cried out, unable to contain the overwhelming pleasure of being so completely filled by him.
Austin groaned in response to your plea “You’re making me so hard,” he rasped, his voice thick with arousal as he wrapped his hand around your throat in a possessive gesture continuing to thrust into you. Each clap of his hips between your legs igniting a new wave of pleasure.
You began gasping and panting for air between moans, locking eyes with him, knowing your orgasm was imminent. His eyes met yours with a primal hunger, his grip your throat tightening, adding to the overwhelming sensation of his control as he thrust into you with unyielding determination.
You could feel every inch of his powerful body dominating yours, his strength and authority driving you wild. In that moment, you were completely lost to him.
He panted against your lips, his grip firm on your throat as he thrust into you hard and fast
“I want to feel you cum for me,” he rasped over the hard claps of his hips between yours. Each word sent shivers down your spine, and you moaned in response, unable to form coherent words as the pleasure consumed you.
“Fuck!” he whispered sharply “You feel too good.” he admitted and shut his eyes tight enduring the pleasure as he rode into you ramming you full of him.
“Yes Austin take me” you relented arching your back, eagerly meeting his thrusts with your body trembling with ecstasy. “Im gonnna cum!” You gasped.
He growled eagerly, his primal instincts taking over as he locked eyes with yours. Without hesitation, he forcefully thrust into you, each movement becoming more intense with every snap of his hips, driving you both over the edge.
Your moans of pleasure mingled in the air as he delivered his a final, powerful push and gripped you tightly as his cock spasmed releasing rope after rope of his cum into your body.
You scratched your nails down his tattooed back and cried out feeling the throbbing sensation of his cock buried against your walls.
He hungrily captured your lips in a kiss, accepting the pain and pleasure, his tongue dominating yours, igniting a fierce passion that consumed you both.
He pulled his lips from yours and the room fell silent, only the soft sounds of your breaths mingling. He looked at you with his eyes softening. “Stay with me,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “Don’t leave.”
You smiled, your heart swelling with affection. “I’m not going anywhere,” you promised, pulling him in for another kiss.
With Austin’s muscular tattooed arms wrapping tightly around you flexing against your skin, you felt the warmth of his body pressing into yours. The fresh tattoo on your hip still tingled, a reminder of the intense connection you had just forged.
You could feel the tension building as Austin withdrew sliding his thick cock out of you with a slow and deliberate pace. Each inch leaving you causing a yearning to feel full of him all over again. When the tip finally slipped out, he immediately pulled you close, craving the intimacy of your connection once more.
In that moment as you looked into each other’s eyes you both smiled feeling completely satisfied. The depth of your connection was undeniable, a powerful bond forged in the heat of passion and intimacy. You knew that you had experienced something truly unforgettable, a moment that would remain tattooed in your hearts forever.
🏷️ Always Tag Me List 💌
@burnthheparaphilia @abswifey @faegoddessog @lindszeppelin @purejasmine @obsessedvibee @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento @thegabbyh @fallofthedamned @buckysteveloki-me @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @lovereadingfanfic @elvismylove04 @shegatsby @denised916 @thatoneweirdgirl17 @shockercoco @minispice-1 @meetmeatyourworst @rougegenshin @avidreader73 @jkdaddy01 @mamawiggers1980
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