aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Pros and Cons of Wooden Garage Doors
Written by Admin and published on https://www.precisiondoorprovidence.com/.
With regards to picking a garage door for your private and business reason, you have a few choices, and wood is among them. Wooden garage doors add a style and class to your home and accompany a few advantages. Despite what might be expected, numerous individuals favour aluminium, steel, or other material entryways. Along these lines, the following is a clarification on wooden garage doors so you can settle on the correct choice while picking a carport entryway for your premises. So, let’s discover the major pros and cons of wooden garage doors.
Wooden Garage Doors: The Benefits and Advantages
The Pros and Cons of Wooden Garage Doors
Wooden garage doors are popular among homeowners who choose to replace their doors instead of getting garage door repair in Providence. Just like any other type of material, wood has pros and cons. Here are some pros and cons of wooden garage doors to help you decide what type of door to buy.
Con of Wooden Garage Doors: Cost
Wooden doors have a pleasing aesthetic, but that often comes with a hefty price tag. Wooden doors cost more because of the time and tools it takes to make them. They also weigh more and require more hardware to install. Faux wood doors make a great alternative if you’re on a budget.
Con: Garage Door Maintenance
When wood doors get wet, they can buckle and develop mould. You also have to ensure it stays free from termites and stays properly sealed to protect it from moisture. This means you must be ready for a commitment to regular maintenance and possible garage door repair.
Pro: Durability and Easier Garage Door Repair
Unlike steel doors, wooden doors won’t rust or dent easily, because they can withstand some impact. When a steel door gets damaged, you likely have to replace the whole door. In most cases, you should be able to repair sections of wood doors without having to replace the whole door.
Pro: Garage Door Customization
A major benefit of wooden garage doors is they can be customized to match almost any exterior finish. Unlike metal doors, it is possible to replace one panel with a window or other design of your choosing. If you get tired of the colour or need to update it, you can refinish or paint the door.
Wooden Garage Doors are Eco-Friendly and Energy Efficient
Contrary to what you may have heard, wood garage doors are energy efficient. If they are insulated during production and sealed properly they lower utility bills. Wood is a renewable energy source that lasts a long time with proper care, and more garage door makers take sustainability seriously these days in sourcing wood. This means you don’t have to be too concerned about your door being involved in the depleting of forests.
Original post here https://ift.tt/38Mtv3c.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
How to Minimize Bugs and Other Pests from Entering Your Garage
Written by Vivek Shah and published on https://www.pestworld.org/.
According to the American Housing Survey, nearly 80,000 Americans have a garage. Garages are a great asset to have at home — they keep your vehicles safe, provide additional storage and can be used as a workshop or hobby room. Unfortunately, many garage owners struggle with an unwanted pest infestation, including bugs and rodents. Once these pests make their way into a garage, they can destroy your belongings, damage the structural integrity of the room and may make their way into your main living space if not stopped. If you are suffering from a garage pest infestation, here are some steps you can take.
Common Pests & Bugs Found in the Garage
The garage is meant to give shelter to your car, store tools, sports equipment and anything else that needs to be packed up out of sight. It also serves as the perfect shelter for bugs and rodents. Compared to more secure parts of the house, the garage – sometimes left open for extended periods of time – provides easy access to your home for bugs and other small critters seeking protection from the outdoor elements. The first step in keeping bugs out of the garage is identifying them.
Identifying Bugs in the Garage
Silverfish in the Garage
Known to infest almost all parts of the house, silverfish are particularly fond of garages. They either gain entry by sneaking under doors or by being brought in via infested items like cardboard boxes. Once inside, these fast and agile pests will feed on paper items, glue, clothing, and food such as flour, meat, and even other silverfish. An infestation can quickly grow, as females can lay up to three eggs per day, hiding them in cracks and under objects.
Crickets in the Garage
Camel crickets, named for their humpback appearance, will often invade structures such as garages when the weather gets too hot and dry for them. Camel crickets are also able to traverse environments using their jumping abilities and can wreak havoc in garages by damaging fabrics and clothing, no matter how high of a shelf they are stored on.
Mice in the Garage
During the winter months, deer mice will seek shelter from the harsh conditions in garages. While these invaders will build nests in storage boxes and wall voids, they can even sneak into cars for extra warmth. Plus, cars have an abundance of chewable items – from food crumbs to wires – making garages even more enticing to them. Able to squeeze through holes as small as a pencil, deer mice can easily make a home out of any garage that is not properly sealed.
Spiders in the Garage
Feeding on smaller insects, house spiders have a difficult time surviving in modern-day homes that employ effective pest control methods. As a result, they migrate to areas of the house that are more susceptible to pests, such as garages, in order to feed themselves. Once inside, they will get started spinning webs and laying eggs.
Sowbugs in the Garage
Sowbugs are land-dwelling crustaceans with worldwide distribution. Sowbugs are confined to areas of high moisture because they lack a closing device for their respiratory system and an outer waxy layer of their exoskeleton that would reduce water loss. For this reason, they are inactive during the day when the sun is shining and instead hide under objects to prevent moisture loss. They can be found around buildings and will occasionally enter homes via door thresholds. Homes with sliding glass doors are particularly susceptible to a sowbug infestation. If a homeowner finds multiple sowbugs inside, it likely means that there is a large population immediately outside the home.
Flies in the Garage
Homeowners may encounter flies in the garage and other areas of the home. Flies are attracted to buildings by air currents and odors. Oftentimes, they will enter garages when the garage door is open. House flies can be found resting on nearly any surface including on walls, floors, window sills and other various objects found in the garage. 
Ground Beetles in the Garage
Ground beetles get their name from their general habit of occurring on the ground. They are usually found hiding underneath stones during the daytime. Most species are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night. Ground beetles enter homes by crawling under poorly sealed garage doors or flying through open windows.
Why Pests are Attracted to the Garage
Though the garage provides pests with the same amenities as other parts of the house, such as warmth and food, its accessibility relative to other rooms is what sets it apart. As vehicles and people move in and out of the garage, the constant opening of the garage door allows pests to easily enter. After sneaking inside, intruders like silverfish and deer mice will make themselves at home in storage boxes and wall voids, while house spiders and other pests cozy up in the corners. Since the garage is generally used for housing cars or storing old sports equipment, it is typically not cleaned very often, allowing pests to hide and survive amongst the clutter. Additionally, house spiders can feed on smaller bugs while silverfish and deer mice will eat food being stored in the garage. Ground beetles are attracted to lights, so any lights left on overnight in the garage will draw them in.
Tips to Keep Bugs Out of the Garage
Similar to other areas of the house, eliminating access points and minimizing pests’ ability to gain entry are essential to keeping both pests and their prey out of the garage. Homeowners should outfit windows and doors with effective weather stripping and seal any cracks or holes with silicone-based caulk, steel wool or a combination of both. Silverfish, camel crickets and sowbugs are attracted to moisture, so fix any leaky pipes and use a dehumidifier if necessary.
Cleanliness is key, as well, to prevent an infestation in the garage. Reduce clutter by organizing storage items and keeping them off of the floor.
Consider using resealable plastic containers rather than cardboard boxes when possible. Doing so will help get rid of any potential nesting spots for silverfish and deer mice. Be sure to routinely sweep or vacuum the garage, too, in order to remove food crumbs, spider webs and eggs. Additionally, inspect items for pests before storing them in the garage.
Threats Posed by Bugs in the Garage
Although you may not spend much time in your garage, an infestation in this part of the house can still be troublesome. House spiders, sowbugs, ground beetles, camel crickets and silverfish do not pose any serious health threats, although the latter two can cause damage by chewing on items such as clothing, upholstery and paper goods. Deer mice, however, can transmit the potentially fatal hantavirus through physical contact or the breathing in of aerosolized urine droplets. Furthermore, they have been known to make their way into cars for added warmth, causing damage by chewing on critical wiring. Flies can harbour more than 100 different kinds of disease-causing pathogens.
How to Get Rid of Bugs in the Garage
The most effective way to get rid of bugs in the garage is to call a licensed pest control professional. A qualified professional will conduct a garage inspection to identify the source of the problem and recommend a proper course of treatment. He or she will look for entry points, signs of pest damage to storage and more. If sowbugs are found in the garage, they can be removed with a vacuum.
Original post here https://ift.tt/35Rtesj.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
How to Fix A Crooked Garage Door
Written by Admin and published on https://bnwgaragedoors.ca/.
Has your garage door gone crooked? It’s irritating at best, and a security issue at worst. If the door isn’t sitting in the frame right, you’ll need to repair it as soon as possible. This can be a bit of a process, so we thought it might be helpful to share a step-by-step guide.
6 Reasons Why Your Garage Door Might Be Crooked and Why You Need to Get It Fixed
Our garage doors repair team have fixed hundreds of crooked doors in Calgary and the surrounding area, helping local homeowners to save money and stay safe in the process. If you have a crooked garage door and you would rather not replace it as it is still in good condition, a professional technician should be able to fix it in no time at all. There are several reasons that garage doors become crooked, which we are going to look at in the next section. After that, we will examine the reasons crooked doors should be fixed at the earliest possible opportunity, explaining some of the risks you may face if your door is not attended to by a qualified and experienced professional. If, after reading this guide, you would like further information about how to deal with crooked doors or you wish to find out more about the services we provide.
Our Garage Doors Repair Team Explains How Doors Become Crooked
This section was written in consultation with our experienced technicians, who have collectively worked in the industry for many years and helped numerous local residents during that time. If your garage door is not correctly aligned and looks wonky when it is closed, it is most likely because of one of the following reasons.
1. Broken Torsion Springs
Most up and over garage doors utilize a matching pair of torsion springs in the opening and closing mechanism and broken springs are one of the most common causes of crooked doors. In the event that one of your torsion springs breaks or loses its elasticity, you may well find that not only does the door open and close more slowly than it should, but it also sits crooked in the frame once it has eventually closed. Fortunately, replacing broken torsion springs is an easy task for an experienced technician so if this is the reason that your door is sitting crooked in the frame when closed, our garage doors parts and service team will be able to fix it for you at a very reasonable cost. We carry an extensive stock of torsion springs covering all popular makes and models so please do not hesitate to call for a quote if you think you might need a new one.
2. Frayed Cables
Up and over garage doors normally feature cables along with springs, to help lift and lower the door, and to keep it correctly aligned. Over time, the wear and tear on these cables can cause them to weaken and fray. If the cables on one side of your door have deteriorated to the extent that they are no longer able to do their job properly, the result is usually a crooked door. Eventually, it may become difficult to open and close the door as well, which is why it is important to call a professional in as soon as you notice the symptoms. Broken or worn springs and cables can render your door dangerous to operate too: another very good reason to have them repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Wherever you live in Calgary, we can come to your home and replace damaged or worn springs and cables at very short notice.
3. Damaged Rollers
Both automatic and manual up and over garage doors have rollers on either side that run along tracks as the doors are opened and closed. If they are damaged or worn, they can cease to function properly and cause your door to appear crooked when closed. In severe cases, they may stop your door from moving at all. In either case, you need to call a local technician to repair or replace the rollers in order to ensure that you are able to operate your door safely in the future and to avoid any further damage to the opening and closing mechanism or to the door itself.
4. Jumped Rollers
If the rollers on one side of your garage door have jumped off the tracks completely, this will result in a noticeably crooked door that poses a danger to anybody who tries to open or close it. Whether the door can be realigned without replacing the rollers or the tracks will depend on why they jumped off in the first place but if it is possible to do so, our garage doors repair technicians will be more than happy to carry out the necessary work on your behalf. In the event that it is not possible to fix the door without replacing the rollers or tracks, you will be pleased to know that we keep a good selection of these parts in our local depot.
5. Damaged or Loose Tracks
Another reason that your garage door may appear crooked in the frame is that the tracks on which the rollers run are damaged or have come loose. In order for your door to open and close smoothly, and for it to be correctly aligned in both its open and closed state, the tracks on either side must be maintained in good condition and must be fastened tightly to the surfaces on which they have been installed. If one side of the part of the tracks that keeps the rollers in position is damaged, the rollers can move out of alignment or come off completely, causing the door to become crooked. If the tracks start to come away from the surface on which they have been installed, this can also result in the door sitting crooked in the frame and moving at an odd angle when it is opened and closed. In either case, you should call a qualified technician to repair or replace them at the earliest opportunity.
6. Debris in the Tracks
Sometimes, the tracks themselves may be in excellent condition but because debris has become lodged inside them, the rollers are unable to traverse the length of the tracks without becoming misaligned, resulting in a crooked door. Whilst it might be tempting to try to remove the debris yourself, this is not something we would recommend, owing to the dangers that unqualified personnel face when working with heavy, movable doors. Every member of our skilled garage doors installation and repair teams has received extensive training and is intimately familiar with the workings of up and over doors, as well as the risks they pose and how to mitigate these risks when performing maintenance or repair tasks. For this reason, we recommend calling us to perform the work unless you are 100% confident in your ability to do it and possess the necessary experience.
Why You Should Fix a Crooked Garage Door Without Delay
All of the above-mentioned issues can pose a danger to people and property, especially if they are left to deteriorate over time, which is why you should always have a crooked door attended to by an experienced technician as soon as you can. Below, we take a look at what might happen if you decide to leave your door as it is, outlining exactly why you should have it fixed in each case, whether by our garage doors repair team or by another reputable company in the area.
Loose, Damaged or Debris-Filled Tracks
If your tracks are coming away from their mountings, you should consult a professional garage doors service team as soon as possible. If you do not and they come off completely, your garage door could fall to the ground and cause serious injury to anyone in the vicinity when it happens. Damaged tracks also have the potential to deteriorate to the point where they are unable to hold the door in place, with similar consequences. Debris, if left to build up, could knock the rollers off the tracks or cause irreparable damage to them.
Damaged or Jumped Rollers
Rollers that are damaged are only likely to get worse over time and the likely outcome, if they have not jumped off the tracks already, is that they will do so at some point in the future. This could put too much tension on the springs and cables on one side, resulting in their complete failure and a door that is hanging in a very dangerous position.
Damaged Springs and Cables
If you do not attend to these quickly, you can expect a similar outcome to the one outlined above: more damage to other components and a door that could come completely loose at some point in the near future.
Don’t take a chance with crooked doors: let our garage doors repair specialists come to your home or business premises in Calgary and fix them for you as soon as possible.
Original post here https://ift.tt/3pqSZta.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
The Beauty of Decorative Garage Door Hardware
Written by Admin and published on https://www.qualityoverheaddoor.com/.
Installing decorative garage door hardware is an affordable way to increase the curb appeal of your garage door. There is a wide variety of decorative hardware available, including different styles and materials. When you think of decorating your home, you often won’t think of decorating the garage door. That’s true even if you’ve spent time making improvements to your windows, doors, and other aspects of the home’s exterior. However, adding decorations to your garage can actually make all the difference. Here’s what you can do to add to your garage door, and how it improves the overall look of your home.
Decorative Hardware Options for Garage Doors
When it comes to curb appeal, sometimes it’s all about the details. Choosing the right garage door style in the perfect colour can do wonders for a home’s exterior, but simple details are what ties an entire look together. The right accessories can take almost any garage door from boring to beautiful, but how do you determine which accessories are best for a garage door and where to place decorative garage door hardware?
Fortunately, there are some objective rules you can follow when choosing and placing decorative hardware for garage doors. Adding garage door handles and hinges can improve a home’s overall appearance and perceived value if done tastefully and appropriately.
Basic Garage Door Decorative Hardware
Traditional garage door hardware accessories usually come in the form of subtle, classic pieces that give garage doors a more polished, put-together aesthetic. Most garage door hardware suppliers provide the following decorative pieces:
Handles: Decorative garage door handles are popular options for carriage-style garage doors and any other style that opens from the centre, such as a regular set of double doors. You should place handles no lower than shoulder height on garage doors and ensure they’re securely fastened. These decorative pieces not only add charm to garage doors but are also highly functional if installed properly.
Hinges: Adding hinges to the sides of a garage door — or set of doors — adds a rustic elegance to a home’s exterior. You typically place decorative hinges on the sides of a garage door where the door’s normal hinges are — usually near the top and bottom of the door. Decorative hinges are popular additions to carriage house garage doors and barn-style garage doors due to their old-fashioned beauty.
Clavos: Clavos are essentially decorative nails. They look like bolts, also a popular decorative hardware option, except they’re designed specifically for decorative purposes. Clavos add subtle flair to any type of garage door and are especially popular in garage doors with arched tops, rustic styles and industrial designs. As with handles and hinges, clavos come in a variety of different shapes, materials and finishes.
Ring Pullers: Ring pullers are a popular alternative to decorative garage door handles that give a home’s exterior a unique twist on the traditional garage door. Usually fastened to the same place one would normally put handles, ring pullers make a garage door stand out and add charm to a home’s overall look.
Garage door locks are another way homeowners can add decorative touches to their garage doors without overwhelming the doors with too much accessorizing. Depending on the style of garage door, decorative hinges, handles locks and other hardware can make an overwhelming difference in a home’s appearance.
Tips for Adding Decorative Hardware to Your Garage Door
A garage door’s design is entirely up to you — and there’s no “right answer” to where to put garage door handles. However, keeping the following design principles in mind will ensure that the end results will be as aesthetically appealing and style-appropriate as possible:
Decorate according to the style of the garage door and house, so no garage door handle hardware looks out of place.
Don’t overdo it — let decorative garage door hinges and handles enhance the look of the door instead of overwhelming it.
Use proper placement. Any hardware placed on a garage door should make sense from both aesthetic and functional standpoints. Talk to a garage door expert for more advice on how to outfit any style with garage door locks and handles.
Original post here https://ift.tt/35paKAV.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Know the Difference Between Insulated and Non-Insulated Garage Doors
Written by Ekaete Bailey and published on https://www.hunker.com/.
There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a new garage door. This includes everything from material and style to colour and insulation. If you are wondering what the difference between insulated and non-insulated garage doors are, you are in luck. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of garage doors and which one might be the best option for you!
Insulated Vs. Non-Insulated Garage Doors
Garage doors have an important function in any home; they help protect your vehicles, tools and personal items stored in your garage. Garage doors come in two different types: insulated and non-insulated. Many homeowners with attached garages fail to recognize the connection between heat loss and a non-insulated garage door. The type of garage door you choose depends on the type of climate you live in and whether or not you have an attached garage.
Usually, garages that are attached to homes are built differently than separated garages. Attached garage doors tend to have thicker steel and stronger construction due to them being a part of the structure of your home. When shopping for a new garage door, ensure the steel is 24 or 25 gauge. The best garage doors have galvanized steel frames. Being galvanized helps steel from becoming rusty. The types of joints a garage door has will ensure that it resists string winds and create more stability.
An insulated garage door is made of two layers of steel with insulation in between each layer. These types of doors are much thicker than non-insulated doors and can be insulated a little or a lot, depending on your preferences. According to Dupagedoor.com, the higher the “R-value” of your insulated garage door, the better insulation inside. Many companies now sell environmentally friendly insulation that is made up of CFC-free and HCFC-free polystyrene. In addition to energy savings, insulated garage doors are quieter than non-insulated doors, more attractive, and resist dents and dings well.
A non-insulated garage door has an open back. Constructed only of steel, a non-insulated garage door is most appropriate for consistently warm climates. If it gets too hot or too cold in a certain area, a non-insulated garage door will either seep cold air into the garage or overheat the garage. The room over the garage will always take on some of the properties of the garage. When the garage is cold, the room above it will be the coldest room in the house.
Choosing the correct type of garage door for you is important. According to Doorsys.com, most attached garages represent 40 per cent of your home’s exterior. If you reside in a location, where the weather doesn’t typically get above 70 degrees or below 45 degrees, then a non-insulated door would be perfectly fine for your garage. A non-insulated door would also work of an unattached garage. If you use your unattached garage as a work or leisure area, then having an insulated door is best. In any other climate, whether it is hot or cold, an insulated garage door is essential to the comfort and energy efficiency of your home.
When shopping for your next garage door, consider all of the information regarding climate and garage use, but also think about your budget. An insulated garage door is significantly more expensive than a non-insulated door. Depending on the area where you live, most garage door companies will change an average of $1,000 to install a two-car, insulated garage door, with a 6.5 R-value. As the R-value increases, so will the price. If you can afford an insulated garage door, that would be your best choice, particularly in colder climates. Even with a lesser R-value, an insulated garage door will save you hundreds in heat bills over time.
  Original post here https://ift.tt/3nmr0sw.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
The Benefits of Winter Garage Door Maintenance
Written by Admin and published on https://markhamgaragedoors.com/.
In case you haven’t noticed, the weather has started turning cooler. Winter is quickly approaching, and that means preparing for long nights and cold days. For many people, this means verifying that your heating system is working properly and sealing up any areas where cold can sneak into the home. It may also mean that it’s time to get the chimney cleaned and ready for another winter of toasty fires.
One thing that you may not think about is winterizing your garage door. While it’s frequently forgotten until it stops working, following these tips can extend the life of your garage door and prevent you from getting left out in the cold during a harsh winter. Many homeowners may not give a second thought to winterizing their garage doors. However, broken and poorly insulated doors can contribute to heat loss and other problems during the winter months. If you need a garage door repair or maintenance services in Lansing, MI and the surrounding area we recommend to do it now before the air turns bitter cold.
Factors That Affect the Operation of a Garage Door in the Winter
Winter Weather Conditions Can Result in a Need for Garage Door Repair Service
After an unseasonably mild and snow-free beginning to winter, the inevitability of stormy weather and cold temperatures have finally arrived.  This means that many winter rituals have also returned, such as wearing warmer clothing, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, and stocking up on rock salt and windshield washer fluid.
Okay, these may not be rituals in the purest sense but they are common comforts and safety practices for a vast number of homeowners, in much the same way that they take solace in knowing that their garage door is working properly – especially on those bitter cold days and nights when homeowners want to enter or exit their garages quickly and effortlessly and without having to deal with the outside elements.
Unfortunately, winter weather and temperatures can conspire to derail the reliability of a garage door and hence disrupt the homeowner’s desire, make that need, for a smoothly functioning garage door throughout this season; in other words, that are climate conditions that can make a garage door bang, clang, stick, and even fail altogether during the winter, in contrast to quieter and more dependable opening-and-closing at other times of the year.
Much of the sub-par performance of a garage door in winter can be directly attributed to cold temperatures, although wind, snow, and ice, or any combinations thereof, can have adverse effects on doors and automatic door openers too.  These environmental factors can produce a number of conditions that will cause a garage door or door-opening device to malfunction or fail altogether throughout winter season:
Metal contraction
Wood frame contraction
Hardening of vinyl or rubber
Cracking/shattering of plastic
Moisture absorption (wood doors)
Increased viscosity of grease/lubricants
As a result of such circumstances, garage doors and their accessories may be subjected to several types of minor or major damage, including:
Broken springs or cables
Bent or misaligned tracking
Cracked/split or frozen rollers
Shifted or imbalanced door weight
Ineffective weather stripping/gaskets
Excessive strain on door opener motors
Seized or corroded hardware/metal parts
Interference with the safety reversal system setup
If any of the above issues arise throughout the winter, they will undoubtedly require the services of garage door repair professionals to rectify the matter quickly and efficiently in order to restore full function to the garage door or opener and alleviate the associated inconveniences to the homeowner and their family.
When such actions are required, homeowners can rely on the award-winning services of Markham Garage Doors, a recognized leader in the repair and replacement of garage doors in Toronto and the GTA.
Garage Door Spring Repair is a Common Consequence of Winter Temperatures
When temperatures drop, garage door springs are often prone to breaking, especially if they have been in routine use for several years.  Cold weather can cause a metal spring to stiffen or become brittle, which in turn affects its response/movement when opening or closing the door; due to the weight of the door, the affected spring experiences undue or excessive pressure, causing it to break or snap.
Whether garage doors are raised and lowered manually or by automatic door openers, it is actually the springs that do the majority of the work; therefore, when a spring breaks, it can essentially incapacitate the door and, depending on the circumstances, also cause severe damage to the door, its components, and/or its accessories.
In such cases, homeowners will benefit from the services of garage door spring repair experts like the technicians from Markham Garage Doors.  These specialists will respond quickly and efficiently to ensure that:
The spring repair is completed in a safe and proper manner
A thorough inspection is done to assess any residual damage
Any other necessary repairs are addressed (cables, hardware)
The weight of the garage door is properly balanced/re-established
The garage door opener is inspected, reset, and tested accordingly
Furthermore, in the event that any secondary damage is sufficient enough to warrant a full garage door replacement, the team from Markham Garage Doors can expedite this action to minimize the amount of inconvenience and disruption created by the lack of a functioning door.
Original post here https://ift.tt/2U7w5bN.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Tips for Prolonging Your Garage Door’s Lifespan
Written by Admin and published on https://www.mandmdoors247.com/.
Garage door repair can be needed at the most inconvenient times. That’s why it’s a good idea to know the basics of garage door maintenance so that you can not only avoid major repairs, but prolong your door’s lifespan as well. Here are some tips for keeping your overhead door in good condition.
How to Increase the Life Span of Your Garage Door Operator
You probably use your garage door every day, so naturally the operator you use to open and close the door will be under a lot of stress. You want it to last as long as possible. While it can’t last forever, there are steps you can take to get the most out of your garage door opener as well as the entire system. Here are some tips on how to increase the lifespan of your garage door operator.
Life Span
Each unit will vary by make and model, but you can usually expect your garage door operator to last about 10 years before you have to replace it. Other elements of your garage door system will deteriorate and need replacement as well, but at different intervals. The garage door itself can last up to 30 years with the right maintenance. Torsion springs will last between five and 10 years.
In general, the better care you give to the components of your garage door system, the longer it will last. Here’s what you can do:
Be Observant
Pay close attention whenever you open or close the garage door. There will likely be signs of potential problems well before your system actually malfunctions. For example, be on the lookout for loud noises like screeching, thumping or clunking: this could mean the system is off- balance or that the operator is working much harder than it should to operate the door.
Maintain Your System
Regular maintenance is critical in ensuring your system works properly. When all of the mechanisms of your system work harmoniously together, your operator will be able to function at top efficiency. When you reduce the amount of wear and tear on your operator, you are doing your part to minimize repair costs and extend the life of the unit.
Lubricate the Parts
Friction is not a friend of your garage door system and its operator. One way you can cut down on the amount of friction your system experiences is to lubricate all moving parts on a regular basis. The lubricant allows all pieces to move smoothly and seamlessly together, thereby reducing the work the operator must perform to open and close the door.
When is Replacement Needed?
Eventually, there will come a time when you will need to replace the operator. Here are some signs it’s time to install a new motor:
Loud noises
Sporadic operation
Failure to open or close properly or at all
Outdated model
Older than 10 years
Slow cycling
Original post here https://ift.tt/35bIEZK.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
The Importance of Garage Door Safety for Children
Written by Admin and published on https://www.easyliftdoor.com/.
The garage door is a tool used by everyone in the family so it’s vital that everyone in the family also knows how to use it properly to avoid injury. Here are some things to talk about with your kids to help them understand and be safe around the garage door.
When your kids understand better how the garage door system works, they’ll be less likely to fiddle with it when they’re feeling curious. Go over the garage door system with them, including the following parts to help them understand how important it is:
Tips To Keep Children and Pets Safe Around Garage Doors
With the click of a button, your garage door provides convenient access to your home. It’s something we use every day. It increases your home’s value and curb appeal, and it protects access to your vehicles or personal belongings. But with such a great tool, comes great responsibility.
Garage door safety is imperative to ensuring access to your garage remains convenient and injury-free. The U.S. Product Consumer Safety Commission reports that garage doors lead to approximately 20,000 injuries annually – not including those incidents that go unreported. Many of those injuries involve children and pets, so when it comes to your home we want to help you ensure that your loved ones are safe. Here are some garage door safety tips:
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Your pets are part of your family, and unfortunately they are not immune to the potential danger posed by garage doors. However, there are a number of questions you can ask yourself when it comes to your pets and garage door safety:
Where are they? Make sure you know your pets’ whereabouts! Check to see that no pet is sleeping or lingering around your garage door before opening/closing it. It also helps if you know your pets’ habits. Do you have a cat who likes to sleep in your rafters? Do you have a dog who likes to run around the garage before/after a car ride? It’s always worth a second look to know your pets’ whereabouts.
Is a pet door a good idea? Installing a pet door in your garage will provide your pet(s) access to your home without creating an unsafe situation. While it’s possible to keep your garage door cracked to provide access, doing this will prematurely wear down your garage door components.
Do your sensors work? Pets (and kids!) will often make sudden runs in and out of the garage, so be
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Children can often be as unpredictable as pets in regards to their movements around your garage, which is why it’s important to consider these following questions to ensure your child’s safety around your garage door:
Where are they? As mentioned with your pets, know your child’s whereabouts before raising and lowering your garage door! Similarly, double check that none of their toys or other items belonging to your children are in the path of the garage door. It’s never too early to instill in your children the importance of garage door safety.
What’s the quality of my garage door? Make sure you purchase a quality, dependable garage door from the start! Trusted brands provide a track record of safety and success regarding their operation and safety features.
When’s the last time I serviced my garage door? We recommend setting up regular maintenance appointments once or twice a year to ensure your safety features are working, as well as repair any damaged hardware and run several other diagnostic tests. You can always contact our team for a FREE diagnostic!
Can my kids access the garage door opener? It’s imperative to install the garage door opener out of reach of children. This tool is not a toy and it’s important to teach this lesson to your children.
Are there any other visible dangers? Garage doors are not the only cause of injuries in the garage.
Make sure to store your tools are safely stored away, your electrical outlets have covers and any hazardous substances are safely locked away. If there are any sharp edges, try to safely cover, the same as you would with similar edges inside your home.
Garage Door Security
With the garage being the largest entry into your home, it’s one, if not the most important door to keep secure. Luckily thanks to smart home technology, name brand companies such as Liftmaster have designed WIFI enabled garage door openers that alert you every time your garage door is accessed. Through the myQ Smart Home app you can monitor your garage from the tips of your fingers. No more leaving a hidden key under the door. Instead, open & close your garage from anywhere. Contact Easy Lift Door Company for information on Liftmaster smart home openers & accessories.
  While there are many possible dangers associated with garage doors, with the proper attention and maintenance you can ensure that your children and pets remain safe at all times. Remember, your garage door is a valuable and powerful tool within your home!
Original post here https://ift.tt/3kf7Vqv.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
4 Ways to Give Your Home’s Exterior a Makeover
Written by Jane Lockhart and published on https://www.janelockhart.com/.
There are lots of things you can do to the outside of your home that will make it easier to sell or just help you get a lot more enjoyment out of it. Talk to a garage door contractor for some ways that new or updated Clopay garage door replacement panels can greatly enhance your home’s curb appeal. Here are some of the things that you can do right away to make sure your home is as beautiful outside as it makes you feel inside.
7 Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home with Exterior Upgrades
The exterior of your home can make a big difference to its value when it comes time to sell. It can even affect how other homes are perceived within your larger neightbourhood. Curb appeal is definitely an important factor in visually increasing the appeal of a house when in a competitive selling market. It’s obviously not the only thing a buyer looks for but it can affect a buyer’s first impression.
Here are some design ideas to consider when wanting to improve the visual value of your property which will hopefully translate into dollars when its time to put it on the market. At the very least, it will look great when you arrive home after a long day of work.
1. The garage door dilemma
If you have a large garage and it’s at the front of the house, do not emphasize it more. It’s positioning already makes it strong. Paint it to blend into the substrate around it. If you have orange bricks however, that does not mean orange paint. Try a neutral like Benjamin Moore’s Kingsport Gray which will be closer to the mortar colour instead. This helps to blend the garage doors into the area and allows you to create architectural balance.
That said, improving the look of your garage doors in general could add a lot to a house too. Plain doors that were once only flat have morphed into ones with much more detail and better design overall. For several thousand dollars, this upgrade can add a lot to the front of a house. Look for carriage style, paneled, shaker details etc. All of these are way more interesting than the old “chocolate bar design” (lots of little equal sized panels in one large slab).
2. Add lighting
Nothing will improve the ambiance of a house better than a variety of lighting options. Obviously this is only visible at night but it can change the entire feel of your property. Add soffit lights to highlight the architecture of the house, ground lights to accent trees or high bushes and porch lights to create a welcome glow near the front door.
Don’t forget about adding light near your house’s number sign. This is important to guests and visitors. Don’t misunderstand this as an opportunity to add a fully lit number sign that looks like the electronic stock exchange board. This is not what I mean and it is not very welcoming despite its good function.
3. Paint it black
It has been noted in areas where homes are all “light” in colour that they are perceived as potentially less sturdy. Of course this is completely subjective and not a rational assumption but it does speak to our learned understanding of colour and marketing.
In North America, darker colours are perceived to be “heavier” so adding a touch of black or a darker colour to a house can help to ground it. Paint the cement parging close to the ground a darker colour, or add a black planter to the front of the house. By adding elements that provide contrast the house will seem more balanced and interesting.
4. Extend your flower garden
Several years ago, nurseries researched the value of adding coloured flowers to the front of the house. Of course they made people happy and they beautified the neighbourhood. But another interesting tidbit came out of the studies. When flowers were extended to the front of the property and were the same colour (or relatively close) to that of the front door, it made people believe the house was larger. Strange but true!
5. Add flagstone
This is not for those looking for a budget solution, but an investment in a dark flagstone even on the porch and stairs of a house can significantly upgrade the value of the property. This is not only a permenant solution for those in less than ideal climates but it adds visual weight to the front door and entry. Again, this creates a sense of permanence, an important aspect for potential buyers when looking to invest in a home.
6. Install permanent planters
If you aren’t much for gardening, one or two permanent planters at the front of the house can add that garden feel without the work. Colour and texture can break up a plain house and the deep colour of a planter can add needed contrast to houses that lack character. And planters offer a four-season opportunity to decorate the exterior with timely colour and accents.
7. Rethink your roof shingles
This is an expensive upgrade so this is one area you want to spend some time researching. In the past, asphalt shingles were an alternating pattern and were very flat. Today, there are so many different “textures” and shapes so they can appear much richer and thicker overall.
The days of avoiding black roofs for venting/heat reasons have gone so look at a darker roof if you have a strongly coloured home as this can add a neutral feel to the building. In addition, lighter coloured asphalt shingles haven’t been perceived as a value-add, unlike mid-tone or darker ones. And lighter shingles will show discolouration or markings much sooner than darker ones.
The outside of your home is like putting your best foot forward. A little investment now will pay off later!
Original post here https://ift.tt/35cbtFu.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Good Reasons to Upgrade Your Garage Door Opener
Written by Admin and published on https://scarborogaragedoors.com/.
Is it time to upgrade your garage door opener? Many people are still using the same garage door opener that was installed when they built their house. If this sounds like you, Ingstrup Garage Door and Construction, your local Lansing garage door company wants you to learn more about the benefits of upgrading. Garage door openers are fairly simple mechanisms that tend to last a long time. The average lifespan is 10 to 15 years, but if you keep current on the maintenance of the rollers and springs, it’s possible to get 20 years or more out of a good garage door opener. But even if yours is still working fine, there are good reasons to consider replacing it. Newer models offer increased safety, security, and convenience, and these advantages may well be reason enough to buy a new garage door opener.
Reasons to Upgrade to a New Garage Door Opener
Most homeowners use their garage doors as the primary entrance to their homes, making garage doors and openers one of the most important, useful systems throughout the home. Garage door openers, on average, can dependably open and close your door for at least 10 years, but many can operate for much longer with proper care. Even if your garage door opener still works, though, it is a good idea to upgrade it to a new machine to take advantage of improvements in home safety, security and daily convenience.
Why Replace Your Garage Door Opener?
Can you remember the last time you replaced your garage door opener? With proper care and regular maintenance, many garage door opener machines can function much longer than their expected lifespans. Many older models, however, especially those manufactured before 1993, lack upgraded features that improve the overall safety and functionality of your garage door opener.
If you’re curious whether you should purchase a new garage door opener, then consider these improvements only offered with updated machines:
Improved Safety Upgrades: When you were younger, you likely remember those old garage door opener models where you would click the wall-mounted controls then run to slip under the garage door before it closed. After 1993, garage door openers were manufactured with photo-eye sensors mounted at the base of the door. If a child, pet or object interrupts that signal, then the sensors instruct the door to raise. By having these sensors, you can prevent property damage and personal harm.
Increased Home Security: With older opener machines, they use a set remote code to control the door operations. Because the code never changed, intruders could easily copy this code to their own remotes and gain entrance to homes. New garage door openers use a rolling code feature that changes the code each time the opener is used.
Quieter Operations: Older chain-operated openers create a lot of noise while operating, which can be disruptive to those inside your home or nearby. Newer jackshaft or belt operated machines have quieter operations.
Battery Backup: If you’ve experienced a power outage with your old garage door opener, then you understand the frustration that comes from being unable to open or close the garage door. Updated garage door opener models feature battery backup capabilities that allow the door to open or close without power.
Added Convenience Features: Not only are newer opener models safer and more secure, but they also feature the latest technology, such as WiFi — you can control your door and lights from anywhere and have whole-home connectivity.
Benefits of LiftMaster Garage Door Openers
When searching for a new garage door opener for your home, choose only the best, most dependable and advanced brand and model to improve your daily living. LiftMaster has been a trusted, top-rated brand for many years, but their latest garage door opener models also feature the most recent upgrades and equipment to improve your safety and comfort, including:
MyQ Capabilities and WiFi Connectivity: With MyQ, you can monitor and control your garage door from anywhere in the world by using your smartphone.
Security+ 2.0 Advancements: The latest in security code technology, Security+ 2.0 creates rolling codes for your opener to prevent duplication.
Battery Backup: Safely and efficiently operate your garage door during power disruptions or outages.
Timers: Program your garage door to close after a set amount of time for peace of mind that your door is always secure.
Model Variety: Choose from a wide variety of models and styles to fit your needs and budget including chain, belt and jackshaft options.
Contact Scarboro Garage Doors Today
When you need a new garage door opener, consult with the skilled, knowledgeable professionals at Scarboro Garage Doors to assist you in selecting and installing a quality, convenient LiftMaster garage door opener.
Original post here https://ift.tt/3lfM5o1.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Smart Wi-Fi Garage Door Openers – Everything You Need To Know
Written by Vivint Smart Home and published on https://www.vivint.com/.
Technology has become so advanced in such a short amount of time that it can be hard to keep up and know how it can integrate into our lives to make our routines seamless. The idea of the smart garage door opener has been around for some time, even before we had the tech to make this future reality. To have a house that bends to our needs without so much of a flip of a switch, but rather with the ability to perform tasks knowingly, simply by existing as a sentient being, this has long been the dream of a wistful homeowner. Connecting the garage door to a Wi-Fi system is the first thing people tend to do with their garage door. It allows you to control your garage door from anywhere via your smartphone. This also allows you to check your garage door status anytime. This is a must! How many times have you turned back to check if you didn’t leave your garage door open? All you need for this is a Wi-Fi signal from your home.
Everything You Need to Know about Smart Garage Door Openers
If you’re like most people, at one point or another you’ve probably been in the middle of your workday or running errands when a thought crosses your mind: “Did I leave the garage door open?”
It’s a question that’s worth worrying about. According to the FBI, 33% of break-ins occur through an unlocked or open door or window, and that includes an open garage.
Luckily, you don’t have to worry about whether you remembered to close the garage door. With a smart garage door, you’ll not only know if it’s open or closed, but you’ll be able to control it wherever you are.
Take a look at how a smart garage door works and how it can benefit your home.
Benefits of a smart garage door
Most garage doors can be opened in one of two ways: manually, with a handle on the door you grab and pull, or automatically via a control pad in your garage or a fob you keep in your car.
A smart garage door, on the other hand, is an automated garage door that typically wires into your existing system to allow remote access. Because it operates via WiFi, it can also integrate with many of your home’s other smart devices.
If you don’t have a smart garage door yet, it’s a worthwhile investment. For families on the go, a smart garage door provides several benefits:
Better garage door security. As the largest entry point to your home, your garage door provides access to your entire home. It also houses valuables like your cars and tools. What’s more, it’s surprisingly easy to break into—in just six seconds, thieves can break into a garage door with just a coat hanger and a little pressure. This makes the garage a particularly attractive option for those who want to get into your home.
Remote monitoring. Did you leave the garage door open or did you close it? With a smart garage door, you can alleviate that nagging worry. With remote monitoring, you’ll receive a notification on your smartphone app if your garage door is open. And no, you don’t have to drive back home to close it.
Control wherever you go. Through your smartphone app, you can close (or open) your garage door no matter where you are.
Smart home integration. When integrated into a smart home system, a smart garage door integrates with other smart home devices. This can include home security cameras you can place in your garage or integration with your home’s security system.
Greater home security. When combined with security features like indoor and outdoor surveillance cameras and door alarms for the entrance leading into your home from the garage, a smart garage door provides enhanced home security.
Smart garage doors and safety
Your garage is one of the most vulnerable points of your home. Many people don’t lock the door from the garage leading into the home for convenience while coming and going, so it’s easy in for burglars. Your garage is also home to some of your most costly possessions, like your vehicles, tools, and expensive lawn care equipment. Thieves know this, which makes your garage an even more attractive option.
With a smart garage door, you always know whether your garage is open or closed, and you can close it wherever you are—making it harder for burglars to stroll in and take what they want. Read more here…
Smart also means Safe
Another important benefit is the ability to connect security cameras to your garage door system. These can detect records and even stream live footage when your garage door is being used. Whichever way you choose, upgrading your garage door and give it smart capabilities is a thing now and the prices are keep getting lower. Improving the storage systems and appearance of your garage will transform it into a part of your home that can serve your family better.
To make your home safe and you children, Read this blog post http://garageservicepros.com.au/tips-to-childproof-a-garage/.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Garage Lighting – Safe and Cost Effective Lighting
Written by Protect America and published on https://www.protectamerica.com/.
Businesses and organizations that rely on commercial garage door repair often use large commercial vehicles that are difficult to navigate. For that reason, additional safety measures help get these large vehicles in and out of garages without damage to the vehicles or commercial garage doors. Imagine sitting in the driver’s seat of an enormous fire truck. You’re expected to reverse the vehicle out of a large garage without damaging the vehicle or the door. These safety lights make your job much easier. The LED lights are solid red while the garage doors are fully closed. When the garage door is being raised, the lights flash red so that it’s clear the door is in operation. Then, once the garage doors are fully open, the lights become solid green.
Garage Door Sensor Is Blinking Red: A Troubleshooting Guide
Blinking sensors on a garage door usually aren’t a good thing, because they’re often coupled with the garage door not working the way it should.  Whether it won’t open, won’t close, or only responds intermittently, there’s a lot of frustration in a garage door that just won’t do what it should. You might also experience your garage door opener not working, which can be a huge inconvenience. A lot of homeowners who have these kinds of garage doors also have home automation and a security system that is tied to everything, but fixing a blinking sensor on a garage door is often not related to the other parts of the system. That can make it easier to correct — as long as the homeowner has some patience to troubleshoot the issues that could be causing the malfunction.
Fixing an Issue Quickly Is Important
Among the easiest issues to solve are objects blocking the sensor beam. Because garage door sensors rely on infrared technology to “see” if something is in the way of the door’s operational path, that path needs to be unobstructed.
Even a spider building a thick web near a sensor can cause that sensor to read that something is in the way. The same is true with an object left under where the garage door would close, or even large leaves or other debris that can block the sensor. By clearing away anything that could potentially be blocking the sensors’ ability to see one another along a solid infrared beam, a homeowner has the potential to quickly fix the issue at hand.
But what if that doesn’t work? Well, other things can be tried. With a security system that’s tied to the garage door sensors, other issues throughout the system could also cause a problem.
A Red Sensor Indicates a Problem
Red sensor lights are an issue because they should generally be green. And when they’re blinking they’re flashing a warning to the homeowner that something needs to be corrected. If getting debris away from the door makes no difference, then there’s more to the story. At that point a homeowner may want to try:
Unplugging the sensors for a few minutes to reset them
Replacing any batteries or related components
Resetting the system if the sensors are tied to other aspects of home automation or security
Replacing the sensors if they are wearing out or malfunctioning
It’s not always easy to be sure what’s causing a sensor issue, but there are many ways a homeowner can try to fix the problem themselves. If nothing they can do works, then it may be time to call in the security company or home automation company that installed the sensors, so they can get a professional opinion on what’s wrong and what can be done next. That can go a long way toward fixing any blinking red light on a garage door sensor, making it easier for a homeowner to have a working garage door once again.
Garage Door Sensor: Yellow Light Instead of Red
Does your garage door sensor have a yellow light that’s making you worry? Perhaps you fear the sensor might be low on batteries, or worse, nearing the end of its lifespan.
The good news is, yellow light is your garage door sensor’s descending line. Therefore, this yellow light should always be glowing. So there’s no need to panic if you see the yellow light. The light means your sensor is transmitting infrared beams to the receiving sensor, otherwise known as your green light.
How a Security Company Can Help
When homeowners have their garage sensors, home automation, and security system linked up, it’s possible that the security company can help them fix even simple issues. It’s worth working with a company that’s focused on customer service and support, to make sure a homeowner can get the best possible level of quality and value from the company and its equipment. Overall, fixing a garage door sensor problem usually isn’t difficult. But it can take time and require some troubleshooting. Homeowners who are dedicated to solving the issue and have a reliable company backing them up can quickly get back to using their garage door again.
Benefits Of LED Lighting
LEDs are extremely energy efficient and consume up to 90% less power than incandescent bulbs. Since LEDs use only a fraction of the energy of an incandescent light bulb there is a dramatic decrease in power costs. The short of it is that you need an LED for displaying your garage door’s status, a switch that detects whether or not the door’s open, and enough materials to mount both in place. If you wanted to get fancy, you could add some sort of wireless system so you can have this switch in any part of the house as well, though the Instructables don’t cover that.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Know Your Garage Door Safety Features
Written by Micah The Great and published on http://micahthegreat.com/.
Garages are one of the most versatile spaces in our homes. We use them for everything from parking to storage. In fact, we use them so often that we usually don’t think about the potential danger that garage doors pose. Thankfully, they come equipped with various safety features that help protect us from injury. Here are the key safety features that you should know about.
Essential Garage Door Safety Features for Your Home
Garage doors are the largest moving piece in most households. As a homeowner, it is important to know which safety features to look out for when installing a garage door. These safety features help protect your family from unnecessary injury when operating the door. Here are some essential safety features that you can look out for.
1. Electric and Contact Sensors
There should be two electric sensors on either end of the garage door. If anything breaks the beam while the door is closing, it automatically stops and starts to open up again.
Additionally, there should be a contact sensor in the garage door unit, which reverses the operation of the garage door when it touches an object. This safety feature prevents anything or anyone from being crushed or bumped by the garage door operation.
2. Panel Lift Door Safety
Panel lift garage doors consist of a group of panels joined together by a hinge. They are usually operated with remote devices; therefore, they have no handles. Sometimes, you might have a power failure and have to operate the door by hand.
It is important to note that the panels can separate when opening the door. The spaces between the panels can be a very tempting hand holding position to try and open or close the door, but this might lead to breaking your finger or badly bruising your hand.
Safety improvements that have been made are to ensure there are no gaps between the panels from the inside or the outside. The edges of the panels should be double rolled so there’s no chance of cutting your fingers on any sharp edges.
3. Balance
The balance of the garage door can also tell you a lot about how safe it really is. If you disable the electric opener and open or close the garage door manually, it should slide up and down fairly easily by using one arm. If it comes crashing down because of imbalanced weight, then you need to call in a professional to adjust your torsion spring.
4. Roller Shield
Safety commissions advise against the risk of children touching moving rollers. Older garage door units had open tracts where rollers would run up and down. The tracts also had the potential to cut you if you slid your hand or finger along them.
Nowadays, garage doors have curved and enclosed roller shields that not only keep children away from the rollers but also protect the user from any cuts by the tracts. If you have an older garage door with exposed rollers and tracts, it is time for a safety upgrade.
Original post here https://ift.tt/2zurlFY.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Benefits of Garage Door Maintenance
Written by Best Doors and published on https://www.bestdoors.com.au/.
A large number of homeowners have their garage door installed and then forget all about them until there is a major problem and their door ceases operation. A garage door is a substantial investment for your home and because of this, you will want to expand its life as much as possible. This can be achieved by regular maintenance. All Doors recommends that you have your garage door serviced every 12 months. It is really important to consistently look after your garage door and opener to allow for a smooth and quietly open and close. If you neglect the maintenance of your garage door and the opener, you put the warranty at stake.
4 Good Reasons Why You Should Service Your Garage Door
Like all machines that are in regular use, your garage door suffers from wear and tear and is impacted by exposure to the elements, operating less efficiently over time and even posing a safety hazard to you and your family.
At Best Doors, we recommend that you have your garage door serviced by a professional every 12 to 24 months, dependent on the age of your door. On top of a regular service, keeping your eye (and ears) out for signs that your garage door needs repair is the best way to ensure it is always in good working order. Below are 4 of the top signs your garage door needs some attention.
1. Lots of noise
The vast majority of modern garage doors are extremely quiet when in operation; in fact, this is one of the major selling points of a quality garage door. Then, if your garage door is making lots of noise when opening or closing, something is not right. Not only is your noisy door probably getting on your neighbors’ nerves, but it’s also definitely time to have it looked at before things get worse.
2. Uneven closing
If your garage door is not closing evenly, with one side sagging or sticking, or if you always have to close it manually, there is potentially an issue with the tension spring or balance of your door. This is a serious malfunction and warrants immediate attention, as it puts both you and your family’s personal safety at risk, and also means your garage is not as secure as it should be. Read more…
The longer a garage door issue goes without repair, the more expensive it can be. Many problems will slowly degrade and become worse over time. Rather than being a simple fix, an unattended repair could turn into a replacement over time. An unbalanced door or roller that’s not moving properly can put undue strain on your garage door opener significantly shortening its lifespan.
How Often Should I Have My Garage Door Serviced?
You should have your garage door serviced at least once a year if no other issues arise. Service technicians prolong the life of your garage door with preventative maintenance: lubricating areas of the door, tightening bolts and screws and adjusting spring tension. Although your door may work just fine without it, annual service will prevent issues in the future.
It’s also a good idea to conduct your monthly check. Take these things into consideration when doing an overview of your garage door:
Determine if the door can be opened manually from the outside without the opener
Check for broken glass if your door has windows
Listen for unusual noises, such as clicks or a whine when opening and closing the door
Ensure that your door can completely close without issues
The information you provide to service technicians can help them diagnose and fix issues faster. The following are two tests that you can conduct yourself.
The photo-eye is the mechanism in your garage door that keeps your children, pets, and belongings safe if they are in the way of a closing garage door. It forces the door open to prevent accidents.
Check the eye’s effectiveness using a broom or other long object — not an arm or a leg –by placing it under the door close to the ground as it closes. The door should reverse and open back up. If it does not, keep people and pets away from the door and consult a garage door specialist.
Evaluate your door’s alignment by first disconnecting the opener. (Liftmaster provides a very helpful guide for disconnecting and reconnecting your opener, so do your research to know what you are doing beforehand).
The door should raise and lower manually. If opening it requires excessive force, or does not open relatively smoothly, there may be an issue that needs to be resolved. Next, raise the garage door halfway and let go. If it moves up or down, the door is out of balance and you should call a service technician.
If all goes well, you will be able to reconnect your opener after this test, and know that your garage door is good to go!
Don’t Let Issues Spread
It is very important to always consider the importance of your garage door and garage door openers maintenance. If these are not looked after, it can void your opener warranty, and over time become an expensive operation to be dealt with. If you do your part and consider all of the above, you will be making great moves to extend the longevity of your garage door.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
How to Choose the Right Garage Door Color
Written by Admin and published on https://www.garagedoorssandiego.net/.
Choosing a new color for your garage door is exciting. You may feel proud of your garage door and want to make it shine. After all, it’s protected you from the elements and has guarded some of your most beloved belongings. However, before you open a can of bright red paint, realize there are a lot of factors to consider when giving your garage door a brand-new face.
A garage door should complement your home’s existing architecture and enhance its curb appeal. The material and style are important, but color has a significant impact on the overall appearance of your home. Although you want a garage door that adds beauty to your home, you don’t want it to draw more attention than your front door.
To help you decide what color to paint your garage door, we’ll explore different options. We’ll take a look at what individual colors might be best for your home and style. We’ll also help you consider other factors, such as your neighbor’s home color and the region in which you live.
Color Coordinating Garage Door With the Rest of Your Home
Whether you are buying a new garage door or you are just thinking about revamping an old one, coordinating the color of your door with the rest of your home is a common design dilemma. There are many schools of thought on this matter, all of which claim to be the proper way, but in the end, it’s your home, and finding a color scheme that makes you happy is absolutely essential. Here is a quick breakdown on a couple of some of the more popular strategies along with a few new modern options.
Matching Your Garage Door to Your Front Door and Shutters
Generally there are two acceptable paint schemes that would qualify as traditionally the norm. The first one here is similar to matching your belt with your shoes! Looking at the front door, garage door and shutters as your home’s accessories, and painting them all the same color. This works great to pull your home together and is really a foolproof choice. A good rule of thumb to follow when choosing this design scheme is to pick three main colors for your home. A neutral tone for your siding, a slightly brighter or darker shade of the same color for your trim, and finally an accent color for your doors and shutters.
Choosing a Color to Blend with the Rest of your Home
The second of the more traditional routes is to draw as little attention to your garage door as possible, painting it the same color as your home’s siding. This is a smart way to go if you have other architectural features that you would rather be the focus of attention or if you just don’t really love the look of your garage door. Minimizing the focus on your door does not necessarily mean you have to pick the exact same color as your siding, especially if your home is brick or stone. A simple white or neutral tone pulled from the exterior will work just as well.
Staying On Trend with Natural Materials
The current swing towards rich wood tones and a more natural, authentic feel makes staying on top of modern design trends easy and totally doable. You would be hard pressed to find a home that’s look wouldn’t be drastically enhanced by a beautiful wood door. Coordinating the tone of the wood with your front door is an elegant and understated look that is both timeless and just enough on trend.
A Contrasting Color That Has a Little Pop
You know who you are! Those of you out there that need to stand out just a little from the crowd can choose to go with a bit more vivacious color scheme. The key is just to try and steer clear of gaudy. You can add a whole ton of interest to your home by just picking a slightly less obvious color, but one that still accentuates your home. This can be as simple as painting your garage door black or as fun as a bright yellow on your front and garage door. A pretty blue or even a dark aubergine can look really cool on the right home! Just have fun and pick something that makes you smile!
Original post here https://ift.tt/3l35yrG.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Garage Ceiling Storage
Written by Admin and published on https://garage-store.com/.
One of the most common things a garage is used for, after parking your car, of course, is storage. Sometimes keeping it organized and uncluttered can be nearly impossible, especially if you’re low on space. An excellent solution to adding storage area to your garage and freeing up some valuable square footage is to take advantage of the unused space above your garage door.
Fortunately, we live in a time where we are able to freely access vast libraries of do-it-yourself information at the touch of a button. Sites like YouTube, Pinterest, and good Google have made the days of spending hours digging through home improvement books or relying on advice from that kid at the hardware store obsolete. There are ideas out there for every skill level, so to get you started in the right direction with this convenient little project, we have found a couple of great tutorials and websites to check out.
Adjustable Garage Ceiling Overhead Storage
Does your garage have an overwhelming amount of clutter or is running out of storage space? Garage Store has a solution that is space efficient and easy to use. Adjustable Garage Overhead Storage allows you to store seasonal items, sporting goods and just about anything else you want to keep off the ground easily and efficiently.
Garage Store adjustable garage overhead storage is guaranteed to provide you with the storage space you need. Our professional installation team will install your adjustable garage overhead storage racks and will have you cleaning and de-cluttering your garage in no time. These adjustable overhead storage racks raise and lower allowing you to load, store and lift heavy items to the ceiling without using a ladder.
With adjustable heights, various sizes, several accessories and many ways to use overhead garage storage, the number of possible combinations is sure to fit your garage space perfectly. Adjustable garage overhead storage easily attaches to the roof of the ceiling in your garage and can hold up to 250 lbs. These adjustable garage overhead storage racks are sure to bring organization to every garage as well as our stationary garage overhead storage racks which offer an adjustable height range of up to 46 inches from the ceiling and come in a variety of sizes.
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Garage Store is your Chicago adjustable garage overhead storage leader servicing all of Chicagoland’s northwest suburbs such as Cary, Barrington, Crystal Lake, Palatine, Schaumburg, Naperville, and all surrounding suburbs including southern Wisconsin and northwest Indiana. Contact us today for our garage flooring, overhead storage, garage accessories and more.
Original post here https://ift.tt/2TO0f3r.
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aaagaragedoorpros · 3 years
Garage Door Contractor
Written by Admin and published on https://www.discountdoorservice.com/.
Whether it is a problem in your home or your business, whether it is a garage door repair at one point you are going to need some home improvement and repair services. You  may try and do it yourself, you can try contact a friend or a neighbor to come and help, or you can contact a professional handyman to come and fix whatever it is that need to be fixed. But before you call a repairman, there are few things you can do, in order to make sure that you will get the service you are expecting to get. You can search, for information about the problem, for example, if you need a garage door repair, but you have no idea of how to repair a broken garage door, or how much a repair is going to cost, a quick search online may give you a lot of important information. In this article, we will try and give you some tips and information on how to find a good contractor, and how to try and maximize the chanced and help you get the service you need in a reasonable price, in a reasonable time, and with the best results.
Tips on Hiring Contractors – From Garage Doors and More
Tips for Finding a Great Contractor – Whether For Your Garage Door or Something Else
Contractors- they can be life savers, miracle workers, or they can be just a total dud. I’ve had my share of total duds. What was I doing wrong, how do I find a good contractor?
It can be a challenge to find a good contractor, whether you’re talking specifically about garage door repairs or any other aspect of home repair or remodeling, especially this time of year when a lot of folks are fixing up their homes. And, of course, the very best place to start is to talk with your friends and neighbors who had some work done recently. People love to brag when they’ve done something well and they usually aren’t shy about complaining when someone is done bad work.
Another good idea is to talk to people who work at your local hardware store or lumber store. Local business people who serve the construction industry, they know who pays the bills regularly, who gets jobs done on time and who has the best reputation. You should also cross references referrals if you can.
And how do I do that?
For starters, check them for complains with the Better Business Bureau, but you don’t have to jump to conclusions if there are complaints, just see if the dispute has been resolved.
And number two, check the worker’s references. Ask the contractor to let you see some of his other jobs and if you can, talk to those homeowners.
And third, check the person out on online reviews sites. One really important note of caution: don’t rely just on one review site, consult several.
All right. I know this is an on-going debate. I should not always trust online reviews.
No, overall you can totally trust them, you just want to apply a little common sense and scrutiny because some companies might plant reviews to increase their rankings. For instance, we’ve heard about some reviews that have been written anonymously by a company’s employees, some reviews might have been paid for, companies hire people to write glowing reviews, or a rival company might write a negative review about a contractor.
That sounds like a total mess. So, how do you I know what’s real?
It’s not hard. It’s just a matter of applying a little judgment and leg work. So, check reviews over a person under few sites. Like I said, just don’t rely on one.
And when you see extreme reviews, like “Don’t let this guy step foot on your property!” or “It’s the best experience of my life”, take it with a grain of salt. Balance positive and negative reviews.
If you find a negative comment about a contractor you are interested in, check to see if he resolved it.
All right. Let’s say I found my contractor, I think I found the person I want the person I want to work on my house. How do I protect myself when it’s time to sign the contract?
First, you want to get itemized bids from three contractors, so that you get a good number of bids to compare and itemizing it’s important so you can see where the costs are assigned. So if you need to trim, you can find specific that you might be able to do without.
Some things that your contract should include is that the contractor will get all the permits and the approvals, that it names the start and end dates for the projects and a payment schedule.
And just as a tip: be sure to specify fifteen to thirty percent for the final payment, so you’re holding something back and that final payment should be made only if the work it totally completed and you were able to verify that the subcontractors have been paid.
Speaking of subcontractors, before you hire out , ask who will be in charge of the job site and meet the foreman.
Okay. So, say I’ve signed a deal with a contractor and he’s hired a team, what happens if the crew then is not reliable or they show up late or maybe sometimes not at all?
If you need to throw a hissy fit, because it is tempting to do so, do it privately, then take a deep breath and if the problem is chronic, document your grievances, know the days and times that the crew failed to show and for how long, make note of delayed deliveries of materials, appliances and then take photos of any shoddy work or inferior materials.
And talk to your contractor away from the crew. If that doesn’t work, then you need to consider other options like firing them, getting an attorney, or going to small claims court. Usually, it doesn’t come to that.
Original post here https://ift.tt/383BFUx.
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