Also, bilingual people can impose grammar of the language they are speaking on a word of their other language and call it a day when they forget a word. For example me, VERY frequently in a conversation: Czemu nie uh...no jak to sie... nie follołujesz go?" (Imposed Polish grammar on an english word follow) It is actually very popular among my bilingual friends to do that.
tips for writing bilingual characters
there are different types of bilinguals
the All Around: speaks, reads, and writes both languages pretty well
the Conversational: one language is stronger than the other; can speak the other language a lot better than they read/write it (a lot of kids of immigrants are this type)
the High Schooler: understands what’s being said to them in the other language, can’t really speak it
don’t have your characters randomly drop words from their other language mid-sentence around people who don’t speak it lol
languages are a mindset thing. like personally if i’m around english-speakers, i’m speaking english and i don’t really switch to my other language (which is portuguese)
so like if you’re writing a bilingual character who speaks spanish and have them say something like “hey chad let’s go to the biblioteca” to an english speaker i’ll probably spend 5 minutes laughing and then close your story lmao
exception: the character is speaking in their weaker language and forgot a word (”where are the…? uh… llaves…. keys! keys, where are they?”)
otherwise really the only time your character should be randomly switching languages mid-sentence is if they’re talking to another bilingual
like i don’t speak spanish but i’ve legit never heard a spanish speaker say “ay dios mio” to gringos lmao
conversations between two bilingual people can take a few different forms:
Pick One: they pick one language and kinda stick with it for the whole conversation (a conversation i might have with my portuguese-speaking mom: ”you okay?” “yeah, i’m good. how’re you?” “i’m fine, but your dad-”)
Back-and-Forth: someone says something in one language, the other person replies in the other (”tudo bem?” “yeah, i’m good. how’re you?” “tou bem, mas o seu pai-”)
Combo: they speak a combo of the two languages, a popular example being spanglish, though basically every bilingual has their own combo language (”tudo bem?” “sim, tou bem. how’re you?” “i’m fine, mas o seu pai-”)
when in doubt: just ask a bilingual to look at your stuff and tell you if anything sounds weird
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“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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a.k.a. you may find your work Bad and Cringy™️ but you wrote something and that’s a Good Thing™️.
All writing is good practice and progresses you as a writer.
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RTD’s Women: Jackie Tyler
“I was going to do shepherds pie. All of us. A proper sit down, ‘cause I’m ready to listen. I wanna learn about you and him and that life you lead. Only, I don’t know, he’s an alien. For all I know, he eats grass and safety pins and things.”
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what if writers did streams like artists did
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hold up !!!!
you know what’s sort of heartbreaking?
how rose and mickey had so much potential but they were never given a chance to reach it UNTIL they met the doctor .. like, mickey is so good with computers, he literally hacks into government agencies and is able to break codes all on a personal laptop but he’s still just a mechanic .. cause maybe his gran couldn’t afford to send him to a good school so he had to get a job to help out at home .. so he had to let go of this talent of his (and bring it out when needed) because real life got in the way
then there’s rose .. rose tyler who literally TRAVELED THROUGH UNIVERSES .. who EXPLAINED TIME TRAVEL TO DONNA NOBLE WHEN NEED BE .. she was just a shop girl because this is who society told her to be … she was always seen as this blonde chav because she grew up on an estate and she dropped out of school because of a mistake she tried so hard to overcome .. she was literally brushed off so early on in her life that she decided this was her life, she was just meant to be a shop girl … she was never meant to reach the stars
and like .. what would have happened if they never met the doctor? would they have been given a chance in life to become more than they were? would they have ever reached their potential?? 
like you just know these two are brilliant .. they are truly brilliant
 mickey being able to fight against daleks and cybermen and taking them out with a code .. becoming a soldier and this fantastic man all on his own
rose studying quantum physics and who knows what else in order to be able to understand the dimension cannon .. in order to be able to have that rank where she’s the one ordering around armies IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE
like, these were the kids who were probably told they would go nowhere because they were poor kids from the estate .. that much wasn’t expected of them .. that they would always stay on the estate .. yet, they are our HEROES .. they are the ones who save the universe … these two kids no one probably thought twice about when he was a mechanic and she was a shop girl, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO SAVE THE UNIVERSE and just, ISN’T THAT SUCH A BEAUTIFUL THING!!!!! 
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this movie is so fucking creepy jesus fuck
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For anyone living in Europe: the first heatwave of the season is forecast for tomorrow, and will likely stretch until Friday. Please stay safe.
Open your windows at night BUT close everything, including blinds and curtains, during the day
If you need it, buy a fan, a cold blanket or a cooler
Drink a lot
Also drink mostly water, without ice
If you can, avoid getting out in the sun between 11am and 6pm
If you need to go outside, wear sunscreen and a hat
Also loose clothes and natural, breathable fabrics
Think of your pets! 
Make sure they have access to water and shade, bring them inside the house if possible, don’t leave them in a car alone
Check on your grandma and other elderly relatives! 
Old people are at risk during hot weather, so remind them to drink and stay inside with their blinds closed
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If you or people you know are experiencing the following symptoms
chest pain
intense thirst
cramps that get worse or don’t go away
call an ambulance. 
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Hey Neil! What would need to happen in order for you to agree on having a season two of Good Omens? Or is it completely out the question for you.
It took five years to get to this point. Right now my dream is to get back into the day to day rhythms of being a writer, and to take some time off. My last days off were in June 2017, my last days as a writer of prose were April 2017. It’s been a long hard slog that was worth it. So, resting and writing. That’s what comes next.
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What would Sir Terry Pratchett think about the TV series of Good Omens?
I don’t know. I hope he’d like it, because Would Terry like this/approve of this/think this was funny or good? was uppermost in my mind every step of the way. Left to myself I would have let someone else make it, and stayed home and written novels.
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Hello Neil! What do you think, what does Pestilence do in retirement?
Spends a lot of time on the internet ranting about vaccines.
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In Good Omens, I was kind of expecting Death to speak in ALL CAPS in the subtitles, but he doesn't (at least in the english ones). Was that just something that fell through the cracks or some technical reason that eludes me, a non-industry person?
It’s been explained to me that the standards for subtitles strongly advise against all capitals because upper and lower case text is easier for people with reading issues (including dyslexia) to process faster.
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I'm sure you've answered this in the past, but why do the demons have bugs and other creatures on their heads in the Good Omens show? And why are they so large? I've been wondering ever since I watched it.
The other way of asking it of course, is why do the demons have people-shaped things beneath them to get them from place to place?
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illness cancelled my little sister made me honey n lemon tea and if that doesnt cure me then her sheer endearing belief that it’ll work Will
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Ridiculing/antagonizing girls for their lack of awareness re: the underlying motivations for performing femininity is not the same as criticizing the culture that creates a demand for that. Girls are not “upholding patriarchy” by wearing a face of makeup, they are trying desperately to function within it. Makeup is not “empowering” but wearing it isn’t a moral failure either. Sometimes people just need to get through the fucking day by any means necessary. There are ways to work toward dismantling eg makeup culture without further piling on to women who are using makeup to make their own lives easier in the short term. Being a woman is hard as fuck. Not every single strategy for short term ammelioration of this bullshit existence has to be decidedly empowering for us to deserve having it as an option.
That being said the replies to anti-makeup posts of “just put some concealer on and fix that unibrow” are just as bad if not worse so that shit really needs to stop too.
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About the line “Oh, I think perhaps you’ve got the wrong shop”
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Like honey… we hear it alright? sfkjgsfkg
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