a-spolecznaa · 2 years
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when the boyfriend calls you for the fourth time to remind you is not ok to keep running into walls and to ask you for the love of god to take care of your joints 
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Louis polubił kolejny cover 1d od Zayna. To był powód mojego rannego płaczu
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
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His little rainbow bracelet 🥹❤️‍🩹🫂
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Muszę przestać myśleć, bo mnie zaraz coś rozpierdoli
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Doszłam do tego momentu, gdzie mylę fanarty z wolfstar z stedie (przepraszam jeżeli zrobiłam literówkę)
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
it’s the fact that grapejuice is a long distance relationship anthem for me. Bear with me. 
First of all, the sound of his voice. To me, the verses sound like a literal voicemail and H is just telling this person about his days like “hey, sunny afternoon, I was just going to buy flowers for you, yup because I miss you. It would be such a good day to just lay down somewhere like the heath” and then it turns kinda dark and sad: “There’s never been someone who’s so perfect for me - But I got over it” and even his voice changes it gets deeper and he sounds tired and done until my favorite lyric of the whole album:
“I pay for it more than I did back then” ??? it’s literally one of his most layered lyrics of all times. It could mean nothing at all and it could mean everything at the same time. It could mean he gets a worse hangover now than years ago. It could also mean his freedom is way more compromised than years ago when he “couldn’t do anything” even when apparently today’s H is as free as he could get. It could mean being an artist and having to stay away from his partner during touring it’s way harder today than it was when they toured together. It could mean the closeting feels worse now and that for every moment of “freedom” he gets, he has to pay for it more, “make up” for it.
And then his voice goes back to normal for the chorus, it’s not a voicemail anymore and all he does is say “There’s just no getting through without you”, “I wouldn’t make it without you, I love you and I know I’m doing this because we are in this together and everything is going to be ok, just me and you.”
Next verse and we get the voicemail voice again while H literally says he is sitting alone having a couple of drinks and thinking of his SO. And again it sounds like he is telling them about his day: “hey, babe! I’m just drinking some wine sitting in the garden wby? Listen, I was wondering, how many places have we been to? Together? Well, ofc babe you’re always there.”
and then: I pay for it more than I did back then. (???) Have I already said how much I love that line??
And if it wasnt clear enough that this is not a happy love song but a bittersweet one, we get confirmation in the last line “ There’s just no getting through the grape juice blues.”
Ok and finally two things: 1. the 28 references because OF COURSE. (the 1982 in reverse + the numbers he sings through the song add up to 28)
2. the wine references. We know hl are drinkers. like WE KNOW.  “Smoke something, drink something, yeah, just like the first time”. Alcohol has just always being a part of their relationship so it just makes sense that the whole metaphor is going to revolve around something that is theirs. Like relaxing and drinking together and then just suffering through the longing of not being able to be together bc this is what they do this is their jobs. It is what it is. So, grapejuice started as a voicemail and endless calls so it’s basically about their long distance relationship. Fight me.
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Ronance headcanons
1. Robin loves to listen to Nancy go on about a new story she might have
2. Nancy loves when Robin gets so flustered that she goes off on a ramble (she likes the way the blush looks on her face)
3. Robin rents movies every Friday so her and Nancy can just cuddle up while watching shitty movies (Robin loves to be the big spoon)
4. Nancy likes to paint her and Robins nails to be matching (sometimes she’ll paint robins nails black with the pinky being a dusty pink and her nails a dusty pink with her pinky being black)
5. Robin likes to sometimes wake up earlier after a sleepover to just look at Nancy (she’s breathtakingly beautiful it scares her sometimes)
6. Anytime Nancy wrote a message on a post it or a pice of paper Robin kept it (Robin has them in a box she likes to look at them sometimes and trace over the hearts with her finger)
7. Robin climbs up to Nancys window after a nightmare they just cuddle as Robin talks aimlessly (Nancy had never felt so content)
8. Their first date consisted of a movie and then a picnic (the way the sun hit Robins face as it was setting Nancy swore her freckles looked like gold flakes)
9. Forehead kisses and lots of them all the time
10. They danced in the rain and Robin had whispered in Nancys ear that she loved her (it was the first time she said it and maybe some of the rain drops on her face weren’t rain at all, all she know was in that moment it was like time had stopped and they were the only people in the world)
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
thinking about Eddie and Steve's lockers being next to each other in high school and whenever he gets the chance, Eddie slips an anonymous love letter in Steve's locker so that the pretty boy thinks he has a secret admirer.
This goes on for a couple weeks. Eddie will slip a letter in Steve's locker and Steve will pull it out so gently, a smile tugging at his lips when he turns to Eddie to ask, "Munson, did you see who put this here?" And Eddie will just slam his locker shut and shrug.
"No, Harrington. Move." He'd shove past Steve, their shoulders brushing together, and he'd go about his day, ignoring the little voice in his head that tells him he has a crush on Steve fucking Harrington. Which is ridiculous, he hates Steve.
But then he starts to spend more time writing the letters. He starts to doodle little pictures of Steve on the back of the letter and he can't help the smile that breaks out on his face when Steve pulls it out of his locker and sees the drawings. "Oh my God, that's me!"
"It looks just as awful as the real you." Eddie says while peering over Steve's shoulder.
Steve jumps about 5 feet in the air and clutches the note to his chest. "Jesus, Munson, you need a bell or something." He flips the note over to read the writing, the little cursive letters had taken Eddie so long to get right. He couldn't write the note in his usual handwriting, everyone knows what his god awful handwriting looks like because the teacher shows it to the class as an example of what not to do. "Go away, you're ruining the best part of my day."
Eddie just nods dumbly and shuffles down the hallway. The notes are the best part of his day? Eddie pulls a piece of his hair in front of his face to hide his huge smile. God, he's screwed.
He writes the letters the whole time they are in school together and on Steve's last day of high school, he slips one final letter into his locker with a sigh. He's surprised no one has seen him do this over the years, he stopped being careful about it last year.
Steve opened his locker and carefully pulled the final letter out, a sad smile appearing on his face as he opened it and started to read. "Hmm."
"Hmm what, Harrington?" Eddie mused while pulling shit out of his locker. He knows exactly what caught Steve's attention.
He had signed the letter 'Love, E.' Instead of 'From anonymous.'
"Who do you know that starts with the letter E?" Steve was staring at the letter with a little frown, he turned it over to the back where Eddie had drawn a little graduation cap.
Eddie slammed his locker shut and pretended to think for a second, his heart hammering against his chest so hard it hurt. "Hmm... My name starts with an E." He said with a smirk, hoping Steve couldn't see how terrified he was.
Steve lifted his gaze to Eddie and he seemed to consider it for a moment before laughing. "Ha ha very funny, Munson." He said sarcastically as he shoved the letter in his front pocket. He pulled the rest of his stuff out of his locker and dumped it all unceremoniously into his backpack. "Well, see ya, Munson." And then he was gone.
"See ya, Steve."
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
stop normalizing toxic abusive relationship dynamics. looking at you tom and jerry fandom
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
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Louis in Latin America 💖
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
shout out to all the gays with dead comfort characters
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
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Love On Tour 2022: Munich. (11 July 2022)
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
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Choke her with a sea view. 🌊
Love On Tour 2022: Munich. (11 July 2022)
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Czasami czuję się samotna, w tym negatywnym sensie. Jakby moja siostra ma koleżanki. Wychodzi z nimi prawie codziennie, gdy ja sama siedzę w domu. Ma z kim wyjść do kina, z kim się spotkać.
Ja nie mam znajomych, którzy byli by chętni wyjść ze mną na miasto. Nie mam osoby, do której bym mogła się zwrócić, gdy będę musiała się wygadać. Wychodzę do kina tylko z tatą, bo nikt inny nie chcę. Każdy mnie wystawia.
Jestem samotna. Najbardziej to czuć gdy sama zapłakana w nocy, chcę by ktoś mnie przytulił. Nikt tego nie zrobi.
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Przestałam traktować słowa "kocham cię" jako nieważne. Raczej nie powiem ich w randomowych sytuacjach, po tym jak pierwszy raz się zakochałam.
Te dwa słowa mogą zmienić całą historię. Mogą spowodować utratę najważniejszych osób, lub ich uwagę.
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a-spolecznaa · 2 years
Uwielbiam to, że nikt tutaj mnie nie zna. Mogę tu pisać dosłownie nie wszystko, a bliscy się o niczym nie dowiedzą
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