a-spiders-web · 1 month
The figure comes back and claws at the threads, releasing him before grabbing him and dragging him back up. Towards the light, through the threads maze.
He's still in panic mode, and he's struggling against the Frank. Once he's actually in light though, it seems to register to him and he's slowly not being as panicked as he was. And seeing as the spiders had left him , it helps him start to calm down at least a little bit.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
“Oh… to your creator, of course!” Frankie clasped his hands together, looking back at Baku still smiling.
You’re welcome.
The figure comes back and claws at the threads, releasing him before grabbing him and dragging him back up. Towards the light, through the threads maze.
He's still in panic mode, and he's struggling against the Frank. Once he's actually in light though, it seems to register to him and he's slowly not being as panicked as he was. And seeing as the spiders had left him , it helps him start to calm down at least a little bit.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
“Oh, a game! How wonderful!” He clasped his three sets of hands together. “Tell me, what will this game entail?”
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
“Well, that’s… something.”
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
Frankie was taken aback. A bit confused. “Why are you worried about someone bug spraying me?”
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
“You got me there.”
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
Frankie crosses his arms. Leaning close to the glass of the jar, slightly glaring at Eddie. “Someone told me that I could scare you. And that you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.”
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
“AH!” …and Frankie’s trapped.
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
Frankie steps in, through a portal. Looking down to the soaked spiders. “Well.”
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
The spiders movements became sluggish before dropping fully. Their bodies lining the floor.
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
The spiders follow, crawling up the walls and quickly nearing Eddie. Some of the spiders jump onto Eddie. Spilling threads on top of him.
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
The army of spiders chase after him.
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
hey I know an eddie you can bother >:3 he won't even be able to do anything about it it's
Frankie grinned. “With pleasure.”
Plush spider’s crawl into the room Eddie’s in.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
His smile fell, as his expression seemed to grow a bit somber. “Their creators left them. Either because nobody cared enough about them and their creator grew disinterested in them. This is about the different AU’s in the multiverse, by the way. Each of us has a creator. Some creators have multiple creations as well.”
He smiles at you. “You’re creator did a fine job on creating you, Baku.”
The figure comes back and claws at the threads, releasing him before grabbing him and dragging him back up. Towards the light, through the threads maze.
He's still in panic mode, and he's struggling against the Frank. Once he's actually in light though, it seems to register to him and he's slowly not being as panicked as he was. And seeing as the spiders had left him , it helps him start to calm down at least a little bit.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
He smiled, “Oh, just abandoned creations my creator and I decided to fix up. Do you happen to know anything about that?”
The figure comes back and claws at the threads, releasing him before grabbing him and dragging him back up. Towards the light, through the threads maze.
He's still in panic mode, and he's struggling against the Frank. Once he's actually in light though, it seems to register to him and he's slowly not being as panicked as he was. And seeing as the spiders had left him , it helps him start to calm down at least a little bit.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
Frankie seemed a bit surprised from the sudden shake. He stumbled in shaking his hand a bit, before releasing.
“Yes, my realm. It’s a space…” He looked up in thought, before continuing, “somewhere in the multiverse, I suppose. Not that, that clears anything… This is my web, you’re standing on. I’ve weaved this across a vast expanse of this area. Below you’ll find more thread. A lot more. Above, is another web. And around, well… take a look.”
There were some unfinished bodies made of foam lying around the web, as well as fabric and other materials strewn about. A small cluster of plushy spiders were sleeping a distance away and dolls of different neighbours were littered in the threads below.
The figure comes back and claws at the threads, releasing him before grabbing him and dragging him back up. Towards the light, through the threads maze.
He's still in panic mode, and he's struggling against the Frank. Once he's actually in light though, it seems to register to him and he's slowly not being as panicked as he was. And seeing as the spiders had left him , it helps him start to calm down at least a little bit.
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a-spiders-web · 1 month
“For fun!“ The Frank paused. “You were knocked out by a giant paw. And about your question. You are in my realm. You may call me Frankie, what should I call you?” He held a palm open towards the Eddie.
The figure comes back and claws at the threads, releasing him before grabbing him and dragging him back up. Towards the light, through the threads maze.
He's still in panic mode, and he's struggling against the Frank. Once he's actually in light though, it seems to register to him and he's slowly not being as panicked as he was. And seeing as the spiders had left him , it helps him start to calm down at least a little bit.
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