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I posted links to this before but never put all the pics on here, so here we go. Norse gods in pinup style–entirely started because of the word “Ás”. Not my fault. It had to be done.
(Also on Etsy. Greek version here. Non-pinup Norse goddesses here)
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If there’s a “heavens no” and a “hell yes” why isn’t there a “purgatory maybe”
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The Talmud has many stories that are insightful or moving. this is not one of those stories
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Millennial Sisyphus keeps entering all the information from his resume into the web form, only for it to delete everything when he tries to move to the next page. He just goes back and types it all up again, over and over again, forever, and he never gets a job.
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• Gathering poisonous mushrooms on the outskirts of a haunted wood humming ancient hymns to various wicked forest elves  
If Tumblr dies here’s a list of the places you can find me!
The woods at 3:48 am
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the internet is an inherently haunted place if you think about it like. it's so weird to see long abandoned discussion boards stuck in a snapshot of the past, old conversations between kids from over a decade ago who have now grown into their own lives, obituaries taking the form of half finished profiles. and the silence that fills the gaps between. there's a constant ghostly record of each generation's thoughts, fads, their sense of humour. back when the future was at their fingertips. even stranger, people you used to know exist openly in that space, and they watch you watching them. if you want, deceased musicians can play through your headphones. there's always an underlying sense of reminiscing and time escaping our ever shortening attention spans. what a fuckin graveyard
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here’s a picture of the Angel Gabriel holding Baby Jesus while the Blessed Mother tries to rip off Satan’s head
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what’s up crones and hags???
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12. Garden Answers - Another plant identification app for both android and apple I believe? Works just like PictureThis
What are your favorite witch apps?
Please specify where they’re downloaded from for your smartphone. Such as iPhone App Store, Android Google Play, etc.
Mine for iOS (from the App Store) are:
MoonPhase - extensive moon data, includes lunar calendar
The Moon - includes symbols, crystals, and advice for the day based on current moon phase
Wicca - spells, witchy dictionary, herb correspondences, journaling capabilities, not religiously affiliated despite the name
Spellcaster - spells
Tarot - flashcards for studying tarot
Golden Thread Tarot - free mobile readings, multiple spreads, card meaning database, free mini lessons
Stone - crystal correspondences, beautiful images
Essential Oils - metaphysical correspondences, scientific uses, application methods, safety, blends, personalized list of current oils
AboutMyWoods - lists local region’s plants and wildlife
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I read a book that did not exist, and it had an afterward by Bill Nye. "Toronto is the only city in the world where I have been asked to unhook a giraffe from a pier. Why? Because it needed to be done. Science is the practice of looking at the world with rigor, and when you do that, you can't forget people. So let's unhook this giraffe."
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*claps hands vigorously while nodding head over-excitedly*
clap your hands if you’re BISEXUAL and A LITTLE BIT OF A DUMBASS
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do i give off snail vibes or slug vibes?
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we get it, you’re a bottom
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don’t live with me if you’re not prepared for me to occasionally jump out from under your bed
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Getting to Know the Elements
The 4 Elements are the best known correspondences in magic - they represent all things of the material realm. If you practice a form of Western magic, you may recognize a 5th Element called Spirit (or Quintessence).
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Direction: East
Time of Day: Dawn / sunrise
Sabbat: Spring Equinox / Ostara
State of Matter: Gas
Astrological Signs: Libra, Aquarius, & Gemini
Earth Level: Atmosphere
Animal Parts: Feathers, wings
Craft Tools: Bell, wand, incense smoke
Tarot (card) Suit: Wands / clubs
Human Parts: Breath
Spells: Divination, prophecy
Spell Disposal: To scatter - in wind
Represents: Intellect, mind
Colors: Yellow / white
Elemental: Sylphs
Energy: Yang / masculine
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Direction: South
Time of Day: Noon
Sabbat: Summer Solstice / Litha / Midsummer’s Eve
State of Matter: Plasma
Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius
Earth Level: Magnetosphere
Animal Parts: Fangs, claws
Craft Tools: Sword, athame, candle
Tarot (card) Suit: Swords / spades
Human Parts: Blood
Spells: Purification, repulsion, love magic
Spell Disposal: To burn - in fire
Represents: Energy, force
Colors: Red / orange
Elemental: Salamanders
Energy: Yang / masculine
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Direction: West
Time of Day: Dusk / sunset
Sabbat: Autumn Equinox / Mabon
State of Matter: Liquid
Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces
Earth Level: Hydrosphere
Animal Parts: Shells, fins
Craft Tools: Chalice, cauldron
Tarot (card) Suit: Cups / hearts
Human Parts: Tears
Spells: Offering, to conjure rain
Spell Disposal: To dissolve - in water
Represents: Emotion, desire
Colors: Blue / silver
Elemental: Undines
Energy: Yin / feminine
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Direction: North
Time of Day: Midnight
Sabbat: Winter Solstice / Yule
State of Matter: Solid
Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, & Virgo
Earth Level: Geosphere
Animal Parts: Bones, hide
Craft Tools: Altar stone, pentacle, salt
Tarot (card) Suit: Pentacles / diamonds
Human Parts: Nails, hair
Spells: Healing, prosperity, banishing
Spell Disposal: To bury - in the ground
Represents: Matter, body
Colors: Green / black
Elemental: Gnomes
Energy: Yin / feminine
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Direction: Changing of the seasons / Wheel of the Year
Craft Tools: Pentacle, robe, cord, rope
Spells: Enlightenment, spiritual knowledge
Represents: Center, origin
Colors: Purple / white / black
Energy: Universal
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Here's a tip
Carry a fork with you. If someone tries to rob you, pull the fork out of your pocket and say “thank you, Lord for this meal I’m about to have” and charge at them with the fork
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“When you start to notice the mystical, the mystical will start to notice you.”
— Dacha Avelin  (via crimsonkismet)
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