a-lightbaund · 1 year
Shoto has moved at @deibreak
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a-lightbaund · 1 year
— blog update
You may have noticed I have moved blogs far too many times in the last few months. It's been an experimental period for me, testing which system works better for most people, what is best for me and what is best for you.
Now, this post is the explanation of my last blog move ( for real this time ). I won't be reblogging this post, this will serve as a pinned in case anyone wishes to know what happened, and where to find me. My new blog is:
moved → @h0pefall
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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轟焦凍  ❤  Shouto Todoroki
‘ Mother‘s Day ’
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
— Yor Forger | @bsqvad ​
            The first time Anya first brought Shouto over to their home,  Yor was just glad the girl had made another friend.  He was a well-behaved young boy,  and he never caused any trouble while he was with them.  She was surprised at how often Anya asked if he could come to play with her,  defaulting to Loid’s judgement to decide the response,  but nonetheless she was happy that permission was almost always given.  Having a little boy around the house reminded her of when Yuri was younger.
            Although she had no idea what was went on in the children’s day-to-day lives,  she couldn’t help but wonder what had happened when he stopped coming over.  She’d asked Anya how her friend was doing after a couple weeks had gone by,  but the girl strangely didn’t have much to say about him.  Maybe the two of them had gotten into an argument ?  Kids could be fickle and hold grudges over small incidents,  after all.  It was a shame,  though.  Shouto was such a nice boy.  When Anya finally mentioned him again,  all worries about whatever had caused the small hiccup in their relationship disappeared and Yor and Loid both encouraged her to invite him to visit. 
            As it turned out,  they should’ve been more concerned about their daughter’s friend.
            Yor couldn’t contain her gasp as she opened the door,  hands quickly moving to cover her mouth before she hastily shoved down her own emotions and schooled her expression into something she hoped was natural.  Smiling gently,  she ushered the boy inside and closed the door.  She had plenty of questions  ( What happened ?  And,  more importantly,  who was responsible ? )  but they could wait.  Crouching down to be closer to his level,  she greeted him as sweetly as she always did.
            “  Hi,  Shouto.  Are you hungry ?  Anya’s dad made cookies yesterday,  would you like some ?  ”  
Unfamiliar to what friendship was, Shoto has been. Forbidden from talking even to his siblings, when school started, a variety of possibilities the boy had never imagined unfolded before him. An environment much different from what he had known his entire life. His world, once limited to his house, had suddenly expanded to a building of hundreds of children and dozens of teachers, whose responsibility was to look after him in the many hours he'd spend apart from his mother. At first, knowing nobody and how to approach anyone, his mind only wandered to how she was doing when he wasn't around, struggling to find peace even for a moment. Until a girl made a move to speak to him, managing to keep busy his troubled mind for the first time.
Anya became his first friend. Shoto never had imagined he'd make a friend, or how happy someone could make him — as if always knowing what he needed to hear, as if knowing how to erase any dark thoughts when he'd have them. Often he'd even visit her house, getting to observe for a few hours what a family different than his own was like. A family where both parents loved their child, along with each other. A family he secretly wished he was part of.
But not this, not the friendship he had with Anya was any longer within his reach. Because he wasn't deserving of anything kind. The scar he had gained on his face was the proof, the reminder of what he was. A creature of hatred. Undeserving of love and kindness, of his mother's gentle touch. He barely remembered how he found himself standing before Anya's mother. He shouldn't be there. The girl had insisted he'd come, undeterred by his silence and avoidance. He couldn't have refused. This was the excuse he told himself. A selfish wish he had, to be treated, if only for a while, as if he wasn't someone to be feared. Mrs. Yor didn't know of the CURSE he carried, and Shoto wanted to take advantage of it. Of a single moment of comfort, to escape from himself to the warmth Anya's household offered.
Hesitantly he walked in, still uncertain about paying them a visit. “ Hello, Mrs. Yor, ” the boy whispered, keeping his gaze on the ground, in an attempt to hide his scar. He should be looking repulsive to her, now. Would she look the same way at him? Her voice was the same, but what if he raised his head and she got scared of him? What if she stared the same way his mother had? Nauseous he felt at the thought, shaking his head in refusal at the offer of cookies. He wouldn't be able to keep anything on his stomach. “ Thank you, but I just finished my lunch. ” An excellent liar he had turned into. His father had trained him, but he had now reached a whole different level, deceiving people with such ease, with no guilt at all.
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
Oh mountains, oh oceans
Through paths untraveled you speak a tongue
Of black dirt and bleak earth
What lies untroubled in my heart
Loud and clear
Like a song from my heart before it dies
Rise after rise it changes form
Time after time, from yearn to love
Just like a blackberry plucked through the mist
From all the briers wrapping on my skin
My eyes no more see
My mind no more thinks
My hands no more grab
I'm less, but less
Sounds to me loud and clear
The rest feels to me
Like in shadows, like in dreams
The rest feels to me
Not like your rumbles, they sound so
Loud and clear
Like a song from my heart before it dies
Loud and clear, right from my heart
Straight from my heart
Like the carol of birds
Back straight to my heart
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED,  send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song.
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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@guiltscorched asked:
"shoto. . ." dabi's voice is a rasp, low and mocking, dragging over the syllables of his brother's name. he never put much thought, before, into how he'd feel when he faced the person he never even really knew as family. it isn't all as easy as pure hatred, after all. "are you really prepared to do whatever it takes to stop me? you know i'm not going to give up, don't you?"
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Words alone wouldn't reach him, he knew that well, the all-consuming isolation to deafen one from anything kind. His actions had to be loud enough, to pierce through the veil of hatred Toya protected himself with. Because he knew the change one could bring within themself, if facing everything they had become. He wasn't the same as Midoriya, and he was feeling as he'd never catch up to him — to the gift he had of reaching one's deepest parts of their soul — but maybe he didn't need to be. There wasn't anyone who could see Toya as who he truly was, other than him. He was the one meant to fight him, because he used to be the same.
He shouldn't be beyond saving. Because he hadn't been. Because he was given a chance to change, maybe for this moment only. “ I know what's like to burn in rage. ” A hypocrite he must look like in his eyes. But Shoto was covered in scars too. Not scars the eye could find, other than the one their mother had given him, scars one could see with their heart, if still beating. He had been burning himself for so long, in a hopeless attempt to give his existence reason, even if it was for revenge, only to find, being born wasn't a curse. There was a path for him to follow, that led to this encounter. What was left of him, stood before Toya, carrying the wishes of his family, for both of them to return alive, and the support of his friends who believed in the hero he wanted to become. A hero to SAVE him.
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“ I'll stop you, right here. I won't let anyone else get caught in your flames! ”
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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Ep 122 promo sketch by Noriko Morishima
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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Christmas mode is on for Shoto too!
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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changing with the tides by shelby leigh 💛
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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BNHA Ch 327 「Rest!!!」
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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todoroki shouto // ep. 60
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
what flavor is your soul?
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ah, the old soul, nice to meet again. the time of ages is etched into your bones, you see clearly. you've watched the heartache in this realm and sworn to solve it. but kindness without limits is self destruction. oh little leaf, strong and wise, you seek to bring peace with your presence. I'd be wrong to say you fail at this effort, but you mustn't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. you wish to please everyone, to protect them all. but if you shield the saplings from the sunlight they will never grow, and you one day will wither. protect yourself too. you know there are no happy heroes, so don't be one. be a friend. your loved ones will not forsake you for not being perseus slaying all their demons. you have your own monsters, why not meet them first before you conquer anyone else's nightmares. oh true-hearted paladin you are brave, and you are good enough. you know that right? be true to yourself, one cannot do anything saintly if they did not tend to their own wounds first.
tagged: reposting
tagging: steal it and tag me!
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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“ the future’s blurry but the past is a trap... ”
SHOTO, the hero whose presence puts everyone at ease ( @lightbaund )
HADES, the hero every criminal has to fear ( @rejectionbaund )
lightbaund: todoroki shoto singlemuse blog.
rejectionbaund: pro-hero todoroki toya. sideblog to knightinsourarmor ( multimuse hub blog ).
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a-lightbaund · 2 years
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❄️ SHOUTO ❄️
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