Zebedee flinched as Dorsey’s paw touched his, whimpering slightly at the way his body jostled as a result. He was only half listening to Dorsey as he spoke, his thoughts overpowering any sense of rationality he currently had. What he did hear of Dorsey’s attempts at comfort however, weren’t providing the comfort he had hoped.
Tears still flowed down Zebedee’s face as he shook his head quietly, “n-no no no Dorsey you... if you’re on this t-thing then you know what that means. I’ll n-never... I’ll never be safe again. I’ll always have to look over m-my shoulder, have to flinch at every s-sound, have to hide for the rest of my f-fuckin life I... I don’t want that! That’s the exact reason I-I left home to begin with I didn’t... I-I...”.
Dorsey watched as Zebedee buried his face in the pillows beneath, body still trembling but not as much as before. For a moment all Dorsey heard was the sound of muffled sobs as the kit clung to the cushion like a lifeline. Then he heard Zebedee’s voice briefly come through the tears, “w-what did I do wrong? What d-did I fucking do....?”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Zebedee’s mind could be best be described as a chaotic machine. His thoughts went at supersonic speeds as his attention drifted easily between various focuses in his ever changing world. Now though, for a brief moment, the machine ground to a screeching halt. It was like the world had gone silent, and instead of thousands of words and thoughts buzzing about he could only think of one.
Dorsey watched as Zebedee froze in place, his entire body stiffening at the sound of the Macavity’s name. After a moment Zebedee let out a nervous laugh, looking up at Dorsey with his usual smile as if waiting for a punchline of a joke. Then he looked in Dorsey’s eyes more closely. Then he saw Dorsey’s posture and listened to his tone. Then he realized he was being serious.
“No... no no no no it can’t... why would he... I’ve never even... how... no no no no.”.
Then suddenly, the machine in his mind didn’t just kick back on. It went into overdrive. Zebedee could feel his body trembling, shaking even harder than it had been when a Tom’s claws were at his neck. He could feel his shoulder protesting at the movement, but in that moment the pain as the last thing on his mind. It felt like the house was collapsing in on him... he couldn’t think, he couldn’t move he... he couldn’t breath.
Dorsey watched as Zebedee seemed to curl in on himself. Zebedee always carried himself with a level of cockiness and maturity most kittens didn’t usually display. But now, as tears began to form in his eyes, he never looked more small. Zebedee breaths came out short and panicked, a wave of sickening dread washing over him.
He looked up at Dorsey, his voice quiet and laced with terror, “p-please tell me this is a joke. Cats don’t escape M-Macavity, cats don’t survive Macavity, cats are never safe from Macavity once he wants them... m-mate if this is a joke it’s not funny. This isn’t f-f-fucking funny...”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Zebedee felt his tail begin to lash slightly at Dorsey’s question. It wasn’t something he really enjoyed thinking about, let alone talking it out with someone. Still... it couldn’t hurt could it?
Zebedee sighed, shifting slightly on the pillows as he spoke, “I mean I n-never accepted any of their offers if that’s what you’re asking. Cats would look at me, the little kitten in a d-dollies coat, and take me for a fool. Waving little trinkets in front me and expecting me to go racing to hell and b-back for em... it got real old real f-fast.”.
Zebedee grimaced slightly as he tried to remember the details of the jobs themselves, he eventually let out a sigh, “I mean I usually cut off the sales pitch before they got to the details m-mate. I’m not the biggest cat in the world so I f-figure most wanted me to sneak through mail slots, cracks in the wall, stuff like that. I mean, one Tom even t-tried to talk me into distracting a watch dog somewhere or other. There ain’t enough shiny things in the world to make try that!”.
Zebedee chuckled for a moment at the thought before letting out quiet sigh, “I mean... they stopped showing up after a while but... I guess I took their pitches to heart. I’ve always looked at myself through other cats eyes... guess seeing how little everyone thoguht of me just... stung. It was nice honestly, when they finally stopped coming round. Those two assholes were actually the first cats that have come by here in weeks. I mean besides you of course mate...”.
Zebedee trailed off for a moment, brow furrowing as he tried to comprehend it all. He had always stayed out of other cats way before now, and he had never intentionally gotten on someone’s bad side. Who could possibly want to scratch him off a bloody list? What had he ever done to get on fuckin list?!?
His ears flattened at Dorsey’s second statement, his nerves lighting up as the Tom suggested he might know the culprit. He was curious sure but... but the thoguht of putting a name to the nights ordeal was surprisingly terrifying. Zebedee let out a nervous laugh as he glanced up at Dorsey, “m-mate wha... who you thinkin bout?”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Zebedee let out a bewildered laugh at Dorsey’s statement, watching as he fumbled to get the piece of paper out, “y-yeesh mate, didn’t realize when you took it you didn’t understand what ‘souvenir’ means. It’s a postcard not a library b-book!”.
He laughed at his joke for a moment more before cutting himself off with a wince, as he suddenly remembered he couldn’t painlessly move at the moment. As he took a few breaths to steady himself again he heard Dorsey’s question and felt his ears flatten.
There was a pause for a moment before the snowshoe let out a shaky sigh as he looked up at Dorsey, “when your a thief... that life has a tendency to follow you. Some cats would show up now and again asking me about doing jobs and such. Never knew any of them personally, but they would see me messing with tourists and... well they would get ideas and...”.
Zebedee went quiet for a moment, lost in his own world. After a few seconds he snapped back into reality, stuttering for a moment as he continued, “the umm... those t-two I... they came a few days ago. I noticed them watching me sneak a keychain and I-I assumed they were like the others that had come before. But then... they tried to pull me off to side, out of sight from the humans and that... that didn’t sit well with me. And I was getting bloody tired of people making those assumptions about me so... so I... well I...”.
Zebedee let out another laugh, though this one didn’t have the joy it had before, “I told them to fuck off, among other things. It kinda went downhill from there.”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Zebedee felt himself relax slightly at hearing Dorsey wasn’t badly hurt, then he blinked in confusion at Dorsey’s concerned question, “huh? Y-yeah mate I’m fine why do yo-“.
As Zebedee spoke he moved to sit up, but the moment he shifted his left shoulder he felt his sentence fall off with a sputtering gasp. Zebedee squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the pulsing in his shoulder, letting out a quiet hiss as he tried to ride it out, “f-fuck.”.
It took a moment before Zebedee blinked his eyes open again, looking back at Dorsey before letting out a shaky laugh, “n-never... never thought I’d get the same injury twice. G-guess I’m just lucky huh?”.
His laughter trailed off as he noted the concern on Dorsey’s face, “d-don’t worry mate, I’ve dealt with it once I can do it again.”. Zebedee paused, his gaze turning to one of confusion as he stared at the Tom, “what... what the hell were you doin mate? Last time we m-met you gave me the impression you weren’t coming back... ever.”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Zebedee didn’t respond to the first gentle nudge, it was only when he was nudged more firmly that he finally began to stir. As he crept back into the waking world, Zebedee couldn’t hold back a groan of pain. His body ached from the physical exertion of the evening, and his shoulder especially was impossible to ignore.
As he blearily blinked his left eye open, he watched as the world slowly came into focus. It took a few moments before the blur of brown in front of him formed into Dorsey’s face, but when it did he let out a small sigh of relief. If Dorsey was here then everything must have turned out ok with his human, after all he didn’t remember much after he was picked up.
Once his vision had mostly cleared he gave Dorsey a small tired smile, “h-hey mate...”.
His eyes moved down to see Dorsey’s bandaged side and a the smile faded slightly. He had assumed Dorsey was attacked, due to the yowl he let out, but it didn’t make seeing the aftermath any easier, “s-shit mate you alright? I figured they got a hit in but... didn’t realize it was t-that bad...”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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The gardener initially pulled back as Dorsey stepped away from him, but smiled slightly as the Tom eventually approached him once more. He carefully picked up Dorsey, being cautious to avoid the scratches on his side, and began to tromp away from the maze. He passed by a familiar shed before walking up small hill nearby. At the top, partially obscured by a large oak tree, was a small cabin.
As the trio entered Dorsey got a chance to look around the space. It became quickly clear where Zebedee had gotten his taste for nicknacks. The area was small but chocked with different souvenirs, maps, and photos from tourist destinations across the world. The space wasn’t as fancy or neat as the house Dorsey was currently living in, but it was cozy.
He didn’t have time to focus on the scenery for long though as the man set the cats down by the fireplace and set to work gathering the materials to fix the pair up. It took a good half hour to get the job done properly, though Dorsey noted that at some point on the walk there Zebedee had seemingly passed out.
It had been nearly an hour since their encounter with the henchcats now. The two Tom’s were laid on a pile of pillows near the fire and the gardener had dispersed around the corner into another room. Dorsey was wide awake, a large bandage wrapped around his torso as he looked at the kit beside him. Zebedee’s eyes remained closed, his torn jacket removed leaving him with only bandages and a collar on.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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For a moment Zebedee just stared up at the gardener, seemingly in a daze as Dorsey examined him. It wasn’t until the Tom spoke that Zebedee seemed to snap back into reality, “w-what? Oh yeah yeah I’ll.... I’ll be fine... I’ll b...”.
Zebedee felt his head begin to swim as the pain in his shoulder and face became more prevalent again, seemed the adrenaline was wearing off quicker than he thought it would. He let his head flop back onto to ground as he let out a quiet mewl of pain, attracting the attention of the figure above.
The gardener let out a grunt as he slowly knelt down, tucking his flashlight under his arm as he reached over to lift up the injured kit. He held Zebedee with a gentleness that contrasted his rough exterior, mumbling to himself quietly as he took in the kit’s injuries. It was then that he turned to Dorsey, looking the other cat over silently for a moment before noting the blood trickling down the cats side.
Despite the mans gentleness, Zebedee was still slightly jostled by the small movements and let out a quiet groan. Dorsey watched as the gardener noted to sound and let out a huff, before he slowly began reaching towards Dorsey with the intention to pick him up as well.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Despite the abject terror filling him in the moment, Zebedee couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling of relief as he saw Dorsey stand his ground. Coal’s eyes narrowed at the other Tom’s resolve however, tilting his head slightly as he gave the Tom a disappointed grin, “that’s really a shame mate...”.
In one quick moment he pulled his claw back, preparing to slice open the kits throat as he smiled at Dorsey, “...and here I thought you were smart.”.
Zebedee felt his stomach sink as the claw pulled back, realizing what it meant. There was no way Dorsey could get close enough to prevent the sudden strike, and he had no way to protect himself from the attack in his current position. This was it, wasn’t it? He could only squeeze his good eye shut as he braced for the final slash to come.
But it never did.
Rather, Zebedee let out a startled yelp as the paws holding him in place suddenly vanished, allowing him to collapse onto the ground once again. He lifted his head up in a daze, trying to comprehend where his attacker had gone, only to see a pair of boots. As his eyes trailed up he saw overalls, a thick sweater, and a familiar wrinkled face. He looked up stunned at the mazes gardener standing above him, one gloved hand holding a flashlight and the other holding coal up by his scruff.
Coal, to his credit, was attempting to scratch and claw at the man now holding him aloft. The mans thick clothing prevented any actual damage though, and the look on the human’s face as he examined the scene made the black cat realize he may be in trouble. This was proven true as the gardener threw Coal, luckily knocking him into a certain grey cat that was starting to sneak up behind Dorsey.
No sooner had Coal and Dust smashed into each other, then they were scrambling up and hurrying away from the larger human. Both Tom’s fixed Dorsey and Zebedee a vicious glare before they stumbled out of sight, leaving the other two cats alone with the human man.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Just as the grey Tom began to leap at Zebedee, he let our a shout of surprise as he felt something shove him off course. As Dorsey’s claws sank in he felt a searing pain burst forth, but it did nothing to shake his anger.
As Zebedee struggled to try and push himself up with his one good paw, he turned at the sound of the newfound commotion. The eye that had been hit a few moments before was already beginning to puff up, not helping his already blurred vision. He struggled to try and focus on what was happening, not noticing the quiet paws approaching behind him...
Meanwhile Dorsey and the Grey Tom seemed to be a fairly even match. While the grey Tom clearly had the size advantage, Dorsey had fought larger cats than himself before and won. After a few moments of tussling Dorsey managed to get into a position to deliver a firm punch on the Tom’s muzzle, knocking the larger cat on his side stunning him.
Before he could move to finish the job however, he heard a raspy voice call out, “‘scuse me mate, I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”.
As Dorsey turned he saw Coal had gotten down from the hedge and, in the commotion, had managed to sneak past them all. He now stood behind Zebedee, claws unsheathed and pressed tightly against the his neck. Zebedee’s unswollen eye was wide with fear as he took in shaky breaths, struggling to stay as still as possible to try and keep his throat intact.
Coal only smiled at Dorsey, “I’m feeling generous tonight mate. I can respect a fighter like yourself and that collar don’t fool me one bit. There’s a street cat in there somewhere, one not to different from myself or Dust there. Cause of that, I’m gonna give you one chance to walk off. I highly suggest you take it.”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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For a moment Zebedee felt weightless as they toppled off the hedge, his stomach flipping as he instinctively tried to turn his body mid air and right himself. His instincts failed him however, only causing another stab of pain in his shoulder as the claws jammed into him twisted preventing him from landing properly.
He felt his breath escape him as his back hit the ground, not helped at all by the full force his attacked landing on top of him. As Zebedee gasped for air, he tried to focus his blurred vision on the grinning form above him. The large Tom looked down at Zebedee smugly, playful twisting his claws in the wound and watching as Zebedee squirmed beneath him, “sorry kit, but plays times over.”.
In one quick movement, he ripped his claws out of Zebedee’s shoulder. Zebedee let out a yowl of pain but, as he saw the blurred image of the raised claws ready to strike, his instincts kicked in once again. He used his uninjured paw to bat at the Tom’s face, catching him off guard before planting his hind paws on the Tom’s chest. It took all his strength to push the Tom off and away from him, but he just managed.
The grey Tom was only pushed a short distance, but as he stumbled from the push he looked at Zebedee with rage. He glared at the trembling kit as he struggled to stand, letting out a snarl as he prepared to lunge for him one final time. Most cats enjoy a game of keep away of course, but this games ending was now long overdue.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Zebedee felt a spring of hope in his heart as he watched the grey Tom’s movements begin to falter, he was finally tiring him out. Just a few more swings and he could slip away, he just had to wait a few more....
Then he heard the yowl.
For a brief moment Zebedee turned to see the black cat slash at a Tom, who he assumed was the one who called out earlier. It took him only a few seconds to realize who it is was, and he could feel his stomach churn when he did, “DORSEY!!!”.
Zebedee’s mind immediately began to whir as he tried to think of how he could help, potential ways he could intervene, anything he could possibly do. Then he felt his gaze being torn away from the wandering cat as a strong paw knocked him across the face.
Zebedee stumbled back on the hedge, the right side of his face thumping with pain from the blow. He glanced up at the Tom who had taken advantage of the distraction, eyes feral and smug at finally landing a solid hit. He smiled at Zebedee, “what was that you said kit? About bein to slow?”.
Zebedee felt himself frantically moving backwards as the Tom began to slash at him again, letting out a yowl as one of the strikes met their target on his bad shoulder. For a moment the pain blurred his senses as the old wound was torn open, but as his vision cleared he saw the black Tom lunge.
Just as Dorsey was about to jump, he glanced to his left to see the large black cat leaping by. His claws were anchored in Zebedee’s shoulder, and he leaped off the edge taking the cat in the red coat with him.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Almost immediately after Dorsey positioned himself he saw as a black bloody muzzle appeared over the hedge. The moment coal ascended his attention zeroed in on Dorsey, a feral rage in his eyes and a snarl on his face.
He leaped across the hedges, over Dorsey’s head, and behind him. Dorsey watched as the Tom flipped himself midair, allowing him the perfect angle claw him in the side. Coal’s claws had lost their sharpness over the years, but their jagged texture allowed them hurt just as much as they always had.
He smiled at Dorsey, a smile that was missing quite a few teeth, before preparing to attack again.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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Coal was caught off guard, not expecting what he thoguht to be a lost house cat hiding behind the bushes to attack so quickly. He let out a yowl of pain as he stumbled back, feeling the gentle trickle of blood down his muzzle. Yet, as he moved to retaliate, he found the tips of his claws barely nicked the house cat as he began to rapidly climb the shrubbery. As he moved to give chase he let out a hiss of pain at his facial injuries, momentarily pausing his pursuit.
Meanwhile, atop the shrubbery, a different scene was playing out. Zebedee swiftly moved to dodge another slash of claws as the large grey Tom relentlessly released swing after swing. Before, when he was backed into a corner, Zebedee might have been nervous about this situation. Now that he was in a maneuverable position however, he couldn’t help but crack a smile at how easy the Tom was to evade, “oi mate! I’m all for relishing the moment, but can you try and speed up a bit? This is gettin a bit borin!”.
A deep growl emanated from the grey Tom as he began to swing at Zebedee with renewed vigor. Zebedee had a plan, he just needed to outlast this Tom’s stamina and then he could make a mad dash for home. He probably wouldn’t be able to go out at night for while, but he’d rather some nights at home than repeating this experience. He just needed to dodge for a little bit longer. He just had to stay focused.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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“What the... I thought you said no other cats live round here you idiot!”, the deep voice hissed out angrily.
“None do! You don’t think I fucking checked you pollicle?!”, Raspy quickly responded. They quickly devolved into frustrated argument and accusations, but only for a short moment. Suddenly the loud shaking of leaves was heard from behind the hedge wall, and a quick glance revealed the red figure was quickly ascending higher than the other too.
“OI! YOU GET BACK HERE YOU LOUSY BRAT!”, the deep voice roared in rage as the grey shape moved to give chase. He was stopped momentarily though as he turned to look back at the black blur, “Coal you take care of whoever’s out there, we can’t have any witnesses! This kits had us chasing our damn tails for days, he’s mine!”.
At this declaration, the sound of another cat rapidly clawing his way up the shrubbery was heard as the black blur began to, albeit slower than the red figure, ascend. This realization was short lived however, as Dorsey glanced over to notice the leaves of the shrubbery shifting and shaking. A grunt was heard and the leaves parted as a cat started pushing his way through.
His fur was a deep black, although it was patchy in a few spots, and his thin frame allowed him to squeeze his way through the branches. His grey eyes quickly caught Dorsey’s, and a twisted smile spread across his face as his raspy voice was heard, “well well well, another kit poking his snout where it don’t belong.”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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As Dorsey carefully moved his visuals of the situation didn’t get much better, but the conversation occurring was now more clearly heard at least. He noticed three things immediately: he could hear three different cats, one of them was Zebedee, and Zebedee sounded... nervous.
Those nerves released in a shaky chuckle from the Tom in question as he spoke up, voice slightly breathy as if he had been running, “well that was a fun little run around w-wasn’t it mates? Always love a good game of chase at night. Heh...”.
Another voice then spoke up, this one much raspier, “what’s wrong kit? Too busy running to notice you were heading towards a dead end, eh? No more getting away from us by hiding in that bloody house of yours.”.
Faintly through the bushes now Dorsey could see a blur of black edging towards the red figure, in response a dry cough was heard as the red figure moved back, “l-look mates if... if this is about me doing s-some kind of job or somethin then you came to the wrong cat. I don’t... I don’t do that anymore. Not in that way anyways.”.
A deep chuckle was heard as a grey figure appeared behind the black one, his voice low and threatening, “oh kit, we ain’t here for that. We’re just here to do our job that’s all. You’ve gotten us behind schedule see, with your little games of hide and seek, and we’ve got to get back on track.”.
A rustle was heard as the red figure jostled slightly, implying it had hit the aforementioned ‘dead end’ of the maze. There was silence for a moment before Zebedee’s voice was heard, “what... what exactly is your j-job mate?”.
The deep voice chuckled quietly as the raspy voice happily answered, “crossing names off a list.”.
A Return to the Mazes
Dorsey sighed, clearing his head with a quick shake. He never thought he’d actually be back to the mazes; in fact, he’d planned not to. But there had been something nagging at him. It was a postcard; an old, folded picture of The Tower that Dorsey had no need for after moving in with Traven, but that he’d still held on to after taking it from the cat within the hedges.
He definitely hadn’t left the first visit with the highest regard for the tom, and the souveneir he’d taken that day, while fine enough during the remainder of his time in the Junkyard,  had simply begun making him feel..awkward. Unresolved. Something like that. He figured the best way to fix that was to hand it back and never see the garden again.
Timing probably wasn’t the best; Dejinti had been home all day, and Dorsey had been trying to limit his excursions from the home to daylight hours, but he wanted the card gone as quickly as he could lose it; so, instead of waiting until morning, he gave his boys nuzzles, said he’d be home shortly, and left as the sun began setting.
And now he was there; back again at the dreaded mazes. The plan:drop off the card, get back home, and sleep the rest of the night away with a clear conscience.
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