56853 · 6 days
More Characters You Will Meet in Pale
A kid who engages in guerilla warfare against colonialist wizards. She gets a magic earring to let her eavesdrop, for reconnaissance and so she can hear when people are talking shit.
A girl whose luck with father figures would be pitied by Peter Parker.
The most responsible character in the book, who once shot a trashcan in her room with a gun she did not think was real. She later threatens to shoot a teacher in class and earns points for it.
A teenager who can give improvised verbal essays about systemic issues and advocates for reform in her town council, and still has to take notes on what to say on a date.
The group's best fighter who would much rather just convince people to not fight, and reaches out to people with jokes and music. She once made her friend try a cake made of teeth.
Wildbow's proof that he can write a heterosexual woman.
A magical girl who dresses like a military larper, talks like she's pre-law, and tries to adopt a veteran.
I have misled you, these are all Lucy Ellingson.
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56853 · 11 days
Oh no, this is a Sony Pictures production. Which is like the MCU except with lower budgets, worse ideas, and they can only use secondary characters from Spider-man comics but not Spider-man himself. It's awful, it's great.
hi, Madame Web should be in the library of congress
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56853 · 15 days
Oddly enough the subplot with the mutant cure in X-men 3 did ok in that regard. It ends with Rogue choosing to get the cure so she can touch people, despite judgement from other mutants. Granted it’s a small part of an overall bad movie but it stood out to me as at least seriously engaging with the dilemma.
maybe there is a smart piece of xmen media that handles this gracefully but whenever i encounter something from that setting i think about that post where storm lectures rogue about how their powers are a gift when storm can control the weather and rogue hurts everyone she touches
it also just fundamentally does not work very well as a metaphor for discrimination
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56853 · 1 month
This is all getting too much for you. Good news is the higher ups are bringing in the world’s greatest detective to work the case. This guy can narrow down the suspect to a single city in a day. And then you meet him and he’s another fucking teenager.
It's so funny that Misa is famous. Imagine that you're a normal ass cop and you get put on a special task force to catch a mass murderer. And you meet with the expert detective in charge. And he tells you your top 2 suspects are a random teenager and like. Ariana grande
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56853 · 2 months
Time is a flat circle, Tumblr is repeating the steps of Spacebattles circa 2012.
Tumblr, from wildbow's point of view, came into his house, took his books, wrote extensive fanfic about those books, and then told him that it's the new canon for that fandom, basically.
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56853 · 2 months
you get excited when the price appears to be $1 and are then informed by the waiter that it’s actually the amount subtracted from the base price, determined based on the amount of money in your wallet plus or minus your hunger modifier.
D&D themed tex mex restaurant where you can order thac0s
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56853 · 2 months
The other problem with people calling Astarion and Senshi tumblr sexymen is that they’re attractive on purpose. Granted you only see Senshi with his helmet off occasionally, but the silly little guy to handsome man transition is part of the joke. It’s very different than pixelated skeleton in a hoodie or a beanpole from a mediocre children’s film.
we haven't had a true tumblr sexyman in years. Sans was like the last one. I can still see his weird glowing goo ghost dick when I close my eyes. that kind of absolute derangement just doesn't happen anymore. some people just liking Astarion and Senshi a lot is not the same. a true tumblr sexyman makes this website absolutely unusable
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56853 · 2 months
Was he the esoteric socialist theory nutcase, or the phantom time hypothesis nutcase, or a third type of Russian chess nutcase that I haven’t heard of?
Kasparov is kind of a weird figure - he's either the greatest or second-greatest chess player of all time, he basically was chess for two whole decades, and yet I feel like I barely see him at chess events - other former world champions like Anand and Kramnik are much more active. And it's true they're technically the generation after him, but he's only 60! He's really not that old.
Reminiscent of Michael Jordan, I guess.
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56853 · 2 months
Imagine Dragons strikes me as the kind of band that will just continue churning out songs in the same style forever. And because they seem to sit at the perfect middle ground of genres and quality they will always get play on radio and Spotify playlists even as people turn against them for those very qualities.
I bet Radioactive got a resurgence in Clawverse sometime around the first collapse and wildfires though.
The biggest unanswered worldbuilding question posed by Claw, though, is: how has multiple government collapses and regime changes effected the career of Imagine Dragons?
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56853 · 2 months
Well now we need the 10,000 mile breakdown post
my patreon-picked romance of the month is Spoiler Alert (Olivia Dade) and I don't say this lightly but this book was maybe cooked in a lab to make me insane. I keep wanting to post something about one of the countless red flags but there are too many of them to even know where to start. this book is so much more unhinged than the blurb made it sound. I've never seen characters in their 30s and 40s infantilized like this. why would you move in together after three dates. surely people aren't actually THAT horny about the idea of actors from their favorite TV shows secretly writing fanfic about the shows they're on. why is the entire book about fandom and yet written so awkwardly it feels like the author has only heard of fandom described in an academic text. I'm in hell there are acid holes forming in my brain.
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56853 · 2 months
The phrase “you’ve ruined something beautiful. now swallow it. Has been lodges in my brain for years now.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
raise a toast to the magi, protectors new and old.
inspired by a conversation with my friend, journeysquad. please fullview them! the madokarita is resized horribly in the preview.
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56853 · 2 months
I’d also posit that Warhammer has an advantage in recruiting new players in spite of the high cost, because it has multiple avenues of appeal. Some people like the lore, some people like the collecting and painting minis, some were introduced by one of the novels or video games. And for the younger wargamers who might like those other games if they tried them, they gravitated to warhammer first because it’s popularity means it’s by far the most visible table-top wargame, so that’s what they learned.
why don't 20 year olds play non-miniatures wargames anymore? why is it all eurogame-this, eurogame-that?
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56853 · 2 months
Hmm major metro region with a distinct accent that is often overshadowed in media by its more populace neighbor? new concept: Kansai as Massachusetts, Osaka is Boston.
I'd encountered the whole "rendering Japanese rural dialects into American equivalents (mostly southern/midwestern)," but this recording of Number9Dream is the first instance I've encountered an equivalent rendering into British dialect
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56853 · 2 months
the main reason I wouldn’t on the whole recommend American Psycho to 14 year olds isn’t that I think most would miss the satire and think that murder and misogyny is good, it’s that they would miss the satire and think the book is boring.
American Psycho is a book about, among other things, monotony. Just endless repetition of designer labels, and drink orders, and corporate titles, and Patty Winters episodes, and if you don’t jive with the thematic and satirical intent behind it, you probably won’t even last long enough to be titillated by the sex and violence, the description of which eventually becomes just as numbing as Patrick’s description of his sound system (which is the point).
the website full of teenagers: *says things that are deeply true for teenagers, like it's important to avoid romanticizing abuse dynamic bc those things really do affect teenagers' understanding of the world*
you: god why aren't you all fully formed adults already? you're so reactionary
do you think the reason people get into abusive relationships is because they read too much yandere destiel fanfiction or whatever as teens and it corrupted their brains
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56853 · 2 months
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56853 · 2 months
Reblogging because it’s more true today than ever.
I'm glad Claw is getting the moral debates out of the way early. Remember kids at home: Mia is someone to admire & attempt to emulate in your day to day life
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56853 · 2 months
I'm glad Claw is getting the moral debates out of the way early. Remember kids at home: Mia is someone to admire & attempt to emulate in your day to day life
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