5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Market Report
With the collapse of House of Fraser the Mulberry brands shares have slumped, with the brand being sold and stocked in department stores the brand need to increase sales. Therefore, in order to increase sales the brand needs to engage a new/larger audience and raise brand awareness. Due to Covid-19 Debenham’s have also announced the potential of collapse, after closing stores earlier in the year. Although Mulberry isn’t stocked in Debenhams it presents an issue with Mulberry's instore sales with the decline of department stores popularity. Mulberry claim that their audience is 25+, market however from a YouGov survey their main customer is women over 35. As well as the brand being associated with the more mature woman, which is seen in product placement in films and television. Mulberry bags have recently been seen in the BBC show Gold Digger as well as in the film Bridget Jones Baby. In both, the Mulberry products have been worn by the protagonists both middle aged women. Therefore, to change this image and brand association, a promotional film campaign on Instagram using a model closer to the 25 age will engage this audience. Also, with the growth of e-commerce, the use of an social media campaign, with a swipe up to their website could increase sales without instore purchase, again amongst the younger generation. With the growth of the sustainable movement, within the fashion industry consumers are looking towards more sustainable and ethical brands and products. With a movement away from fast fashion many consumers aim to buy products which are classic in style and will therefore last a longer time, especially with the 25+ age bracket which have been the largest section of society as part of the environmental consciousness. Mulberry themselves pride themselves on their use of ethically and sustainably sourced materials, with their leather goods being sourced from ethical leather. They also are proud of their English roots with their leather goods still being produced in their Somerset factory, being hand crafted by local workers. With the strapline ‘Made to Last’, already shows the brands commitment to a sustainable view of fashion consumption. However, they don’t use this strapline largely in their social media campaigns and promotional material. Therefore, by creating a fashion film which focuses on how a Mulberry bag can last a lifetime and how the quality of the bag is ‘Made to Last’. By creating a film in a woodland park setting, the craftmanship is further enhanced by taking subtle inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement which focused on the handmade, and a painting in particular which showed a view of a lake. In the fashion industry there has also been a shift towards being more relatable to their consumer, especially in terms of body image. Usually, Mulberry use models who all look similar, in terms of being relatively thin and tall. Therefore, by casting a model who is an ordinary girl/woman who isn’t a model gives the film more of an authentic feel, which will make this age group relate more to the model and therefore the brand. By adding quotes to the film I hope this adds more of the models thinking and her personality, by letting the viewer know more about her and her life, will only make her more relatable.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Film Rationale
With the movement towards sustainable ways to consume fashion and the consumer requiring a brand to be open about their methods and sustainable practices. The Mulberry brand should present their brand as sustainable. They pride themselves on their handmade products, responsibly sourced materials under their slogan of made to last. In order to respond to the growing trend of sustainable and ethical fashion, Mulberry should make this slogan more evident and the main message in their promotional campaigns. Therefore, the message and concept of their fashion film should be how their products (especially their handbags and leather goods) are classic and made to last through a lifetime and through decades. The creative start points started with the idea of moving through different eras, initially a studio shoot similar to a Givenchy film of moving through different rooms of each era and finding the bag in each era. This then changed to a location shoot of a gritty location to give a different audience to the Mulberry brand, however after reviewing the market trends of sustainability I then took inspiration from the arts and crafts movement linking the handcraftsmanship of the Mulberry bag and products to the crafts movement. This influenced the change to a countryside location. I decided to promote the brand to a younger client, women of the 25 age bracket. Mulberry claim that their brand is aimed at the 25+ age bracket, however when looking at their sales and product placement the Mulberry products are seen as a brand for the more mature woman. Also, in terms of price point of their products the brand seems unattainable for women outside of the upper echelons of society and the more ‘normal’ woman. Therefore, by placing the film in a more authentic and relatable place, with the film focusing on a relatable activity of walking your dog. After analyzing Mulberry’s current and past advertising and films the models used are all thin and tall therefore, I wanted to use a normal woman, not a model, to add this air of authenticity which is also why there are quotes from the model in the film. Which adds her personality and why she shops (would shop) at Mulberry. I decided to use this to attract a market for which she represents, the 25 age bracket who primarily shop online and from increased awareness of sustainability and social responsibility aim to save to buy classic well made product which last. To target them this film will be screened on their social media channels, Instagram mainly, in order to increase brand awareness of Mulberry’s corporate social responsibility response.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
This fashion film was brought to my attention as it is very similar to my fashion film in terms of camera angles, location and the quotes. This film from Dolce & Gabbana is very similar to my film and is part of a series on their Instagram account which follows different dogs and their owners. However, I was unaware of this film until I had edited my own fashion film. 
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Since I have experimented with adding quotes to my film I have since seen that Mulberry have themselves released a fashion film also focusing on the Made to Last element of their brand concept. They also have added text to represent and develop this message. Therefore I have decided to add more text to my film to outline the key messages in my film with a bold text, as well as including the quotes from the model. However, I will use the same font and colour throughout unlike the Mulberry film, I also want it to be a bit bolder in how it enters the frame. 
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Looking at the starting credits of BBC drama The Split. This use of an effect to make the video look like archive rolling film gives this footage an archive style, with a reminiscent feeling. I’m unsure of whether this footage is really from the 70′s or has been recently recreated. However, I feel like the rolling film aspect makes it feel more authentic as well as gives an interest to the film. I think I could replicate this idea into the 70′s section of my fashion film to make it more authentic, as well as making the 70s section more obviously from this era. 
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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Brand report from 5006 unit, where I have accumulated research into Mulberry as a brand.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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Brand report from 5006 unit, where I have accumulated research into Mulberry as a brand.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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Brand report from 5006 unit, where I have accumulated research into Mulberry as a brand.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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Brand report from 5006 unit, where I have accumulated research into Mulberry as a brand.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
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Brand report from 5006 unit, where I have accumulated research into Mulberry as a brand.
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Here I was looking into the handbag market and the trend forecast of its future. As the bag is going to be the main focus of the film, I want to look into the market for this. This article states that the handbag market will grow by at a CAGR rate of 4.5%. It has been foretasted that this growth will come through the rise of social media platforms and influencers with the handbag market now targeting the users of social media, with Instagram in particular. Key markets have been identified as female workers as remaining as the largest market for handbag brands to sell to. 
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Looking at the BBC series of back in time, here is Back in Time for Dinner (with a family moving through the eras of owning a corner shop) which aired in 2020. This idea of pulling the calendar page off to clearly show which year the programme had since moved to. I tried to replicate this idea in my fashion film to make each era more clear. I did this by adding a screen between each era, which an image of a patterned wallpaper to represent each era as well as the year as text on top. However, this didn’t really work and looked more amateur, I think that it looked more professional and in the Mulberry tone when the change between the eras was more subtle and just presented through the change in styling. 
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
First edit for formative review. (the quality is bad as it has been compressed so that it can be upload on Tumblr) I do feel that the overall editing quality isn’t as strong, sleek or professional as I would like it to be. I feel that the film is also too long in length and could be cut down, I also am not sure about the 90s and 00s area of the film as I don’t think is that interesting. From my feedback I found that I should cut down the length by taking the 90′s and 00′s part out as they are the weakest parts, something which I felt myself. There was also a suggestion to add more information about the model to emphasis the idea that she is a normal girl. This could be done through adding quotes or information on the film or as a voice over. I have decided that I want to add quotes from the model herself to show why she buys a Mulberry handbag and what her lifestyle is. I have decided to add text as I feel visually it will add something to the style, as well as on Instagram and YouTube the viewer is more likely to engage in the film if they need to read. Personally, I want to develop the editing for the updated version of this film by adding a split screen to some sections, I also want to make both the 70s and 80s version more authentic by developing the editing. As well as creating a rolling film style to the 70s section. I will experiment with including the 90s and 2000s section by creating a skip/rewind style to this section, as I’m unsure whether the message will carry without all the decades included. I also want to look into changing my song as I feel like the one I used here doesn’t really work with the pace of the film. 
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5005-france-e-2019 · 4 years
Clips I filmed from my area during study week. My village in Sussex has houses which were designed and built during the arts and craft movement, therefore whilst I was on a walk I found some areas in which my film could be set or some clips which could be added. I thought that this focus on the countryside links closely to images seen in the book Mulberry at 40 which shows the surrounding area of the brands factory in Somerset. I like the clip of the footpath signs, however this may confuse the brand message, as they are proud of their Somerset heritage and if the sign has a hint to filming in Sussex. Also, after looking at Mulberry films I found that they often finish the film on a panoramic shot of the scenery, therefore I filmed some panoramic of the South Downs. Potentially, these clips could be used in my film alongside more gritty scenery where the model will be, in a split screen edit to show the different areas of England. This would present a broader image of England rather than the criticised stereotypical England that Mulberry normally presents. 
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