4-of-cups · 4 years
I’ve got…like…four or five people in my inbox going “I want to curse someone but don’t know how”
Ok children, Auntie Witch is in, pull up a chair and get out a pen. This is how Auntie Systlin curses a bitch who needs cursing. 
TOOLS NEEDED; A stick, some red makeup, a knife
(For the red paint, I use red ochre and my own spit, but anything will work. Red invokes the color of blood.)
Protect yourself. I paint the rune Algiz on myself; on my forehead and on the back of each hand, and invoke its aspects of protection, to protect me from any kickback. 
(that’s this rune right here. Algiz, the elk, the rune of protection and defense)
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STEP 2; cast a circle or prepare a ritual space however you prefer. 
STEP 3; Carve the curse on the stick, while invoking the name of the person you wish to curse, the runes you are carving and what you wish to invoke from them, and the effect you wish to have. Hold your target’s face in your mind as you do this, and pour all your intent and will into it. 
Isa, the rune of ice, to freeze whatever fuckshit actions are warranting the curse in place, and to cause the target nothing but delay and frustration. 
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Thurisaz, the rune of Thor’s Hammer, reversed. To bring down destruction and ruin on your target, and to harness the sheer (and serious) elemental power this rune can bring to the party. 
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Haigall, the rune of hail, to bring chaos, radical change, and catastrophe to your target. 
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And finally Nied, the need-fire, to teach them a bitter and painful lesson drawn from their own deepest folly. 
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Carve these, speak their names, invoke the aspects you want. Speak the name of your target, speak why you cast this curse and what you wish the curse to do. MEAN IT, EVERY WORD, and drive all of your emotion and intent into those runes. 
You can carve them separately or make them a bindrune. Caster’s choice. 
Ask for the aid of any gods you wish to involve (optional)
Step 4; Say, “By my will, so let it be” and break the stave to send the power. 
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4-of-cups · 4 years
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The Ultimate Guide to Potion Bases
We all spend so much time thinking about the correspondences of the actual ingredients that go into our potions that we often forget to think about what the potion base represents! (At least I do.) It would be nice to have a list of all the various liquids that can be used in place of water. Naturally, I can’t think of everything but I think this is a pretty good starting point! What else can be used? Eventually, at some point down the road, I will compile all these thoughts into a book on potion making and want to include this! Keep in mind that these are my own correspondences. Let me know if you disagree or if you’d change anything up! Let’s see how big we can make this list. Also, I should probably note that not all of these liquids can be ingested. (Obviously.)
The List
Vinegar: Used for cleansing and purification potions.  Lemon Juice: Used in hexing, cursing, or revenge potions.  Cranberry Juice: Used in love potions. Apple Juice: Used in healing, knowledge, and youth potions.  Ammonia: Used in banishing, cursing, purification, and protection  Red Wine: Love potions and potions dealing with death and the afterlife.  White Wine: Used in platonic love potions as well as success brews.  Rum: Used in potions involving spirit work.  Whisky: Another good base for potion work.  Vodka: A good base for work involving rapid banishing.  Laundry detergent: Good for cleansing potions.  Oils: Used to speed up a process.  Molasses: Used in potions intended to slow a situation down.  Rubbing Alcohol: Another good base for cleansing and purification. Hydrogen Peroxide: Used in healing potions.  Milk: Used in potions to promote sleep and peace.  Sour Milk: Used to cause nightmares or in potions designed to torment. Orange Juice: For potions of solar importance, healing, success.  Soda Water: Used in potions designed to encourage laughter and giddiness.  Ginger Ale: Used in health or healing potions.  Olive Juice: Used in peace potions.  Honey: Used in potions to sweeten up another’s disposition. Syrup: Used in abundance and prosperity potions.  Beer: Used in potions intended to induce slumber.  Clam Juice: Used in aphrodisiacs.  Cough Syrup: Used in healing potions and to make someone ‘cough it up.’ Soy Sauce: Used in protection potions. (Thanks Lexa Rosean for this one!) Pineapple Juice: Used in abundance potions and fidelity potions.  Coconut Milk: Used in spiritual and magical cleansing potions.  Ice: Solid first, then melted for transformation potions. Coffee: Really, a potion in and of itself in my book. Vanilla Extract: In small amounts, used in passion potions. Witch Hazel: Used in communication and cleansing potions.
What else can you all think of?
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4-of-cups · 4 years
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Hello TMA fandom, how are you?
[ID: Elias Bouchard, a mild aged, white male with graying hair, stands next to Jonathan Sims, a dark skinned man with black and gray hair, and scars over his body. Jon is seated, and is sipping from a coffee mug labeled “bean juice.” Elias gives a confused expression, as he asks Jon, “And..what are they doing?” Jon replies with, “Protesting.” The scene cuts to four women and one man: Basira, Melanie, Daisy, and Martin respectively, all leaning the upper part of their bodies back onto the legs of the person to their left, creating a supportive sort of human square. Elias looks at Jon and asks, “and…you are?” Jon, whilst sipping his coffee, simply replies with, “Beholding.” End ID]
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4-of-cups · 4 years
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4-of-cups · 4 years
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Melissa (lemon balm) Rosemary, sage, chives and oregano.
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4-of-cups · 4 years
~Floral Magic~
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Flower correspondences (X) (X) (X)
Flower color meanings
Edible flower correspondences (X) (X)
Floral tea correspondences (X) (X)
Floral witchcraft~
Flower witch - a concept
Flowers in witchcraft
Flowers for types of witches
Flowers and the signs
Rose water spray 
Flower crown magic
Floral sleep circle
Candying rose petals for magic
Lucky flower bath
Snow drop protection spell
Floral spell to bring joy to another
Full bloom spell
Dried flower jar for positive self image
Bloom with the flowers emoji spell
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4-of-cups · 4 years
The Magical Girl Guide to: Death Witchcraft
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Death is a daunting and controversial topic in society.
Sure a lot of our generation may joke about death lightly in various memes or ‘lol someone just kill me, I wanna die from this failure I committed’, but when actually confronted with death, some people start singing a different tun. We’ve all been affected by it some way or another, whether it be the death of a friend, family member, beloved pet, or an idol you adored. Reactions and how we are, in turn, affected by said death is variable.
Some take it better than others, others reel and take very long to recover, but it is never easy when someone reaches that inevitable ending.
As such, death witchery is a road less traveled when it comes to witches. I won’t lie and say it’s an easy path to take on. Because it isn’t, death witchcraft is probably one of the most daunting paths of witchcraft one can choose. Working closely with death isn’t for everyone and can be quite dreary on the mind, but hopefully with this entry level guide, you can really decide whether or not you truly think death witchery is a path for you. 
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4-of-cups · 4 years
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Made a cheat sheet for my notes to help me remember, thought it might be useful to others, too!
Text version is under the cut!
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4-of-cups · 5 years
storm’s coming
All you storm and weather witches listen up here, all of us secretly really get off on storms and that crackly energy in the air and the rumble of thunder and the flash of lightning and the wild feeling of freedom. So we don’t want to be caught off guard when a sudden storm arrives and we haven’t got all the jars out or we’re in the middle of something right?
Well, here’s an updated list on how to tell when a storm’s coming your way:
- read the clouds: 
cumulonimbus clouds - cumulonimbus clouds develop when cumulus clouds (pillowy, cotton wool-y, flat base) develop vertically or billow upwards. a cumulus cloud that turns into a cumulonimbus can develop into a powerful thunderstorm within an hour.
arcing “arcus” shelf clouds - these wedge-shaped clouds resemble a shelf, and can be described as rolling. these can also be a sign of foul weather incoming, especially if they’re turning darker.
cloud color - you may be thinking “well no shit Raven, dark clouds = stormy weather”, but well here’s dwelling into some specifics. Sure, very dark clouds mean the weather is going to turn stormy real quick, but did you know that green clouds mean severe weather? like those gray-greenish clouds that are very deep and tall? yeah those mean something big and mean is on its way. black clouds mean that there is a coming storm that does not have strong winds. brown clouds mean that there is a coming storm that does have strong winds. gray clouds usually mean a new or a light storm. however, gray skies mean that the storm is affecting a large area and may remain for awhile “red sky at night sailor’s delight, red sky in the morning sailors take warning” has some grain of truth to it too. red sky in the morning means bad weather is moving in.
- use your nose:
take a deep inhale - it’s true, you can smell incoming rain. ah, nothing like the sharp, strippingly fresh smell of ozone before a storm. there’s a whole science behind this, and I can cover how some chemical reaction caused by an electrical charge like lightning or a generator involving atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen molecules splitting, but that’s not the point here. the point is, you can smell the ozone. sweet, pungent, a zing, sharp, bare, that’s my description for it. so get ready to use that nose of yours.
- halo around moon and sun:
high clouds will refract a ring of light around the moon or sun, a halo around the moon indicates that a warm front is approaching. like that saying “ring around the moon? rain real soon”. I’m using a lot of sayings, huh. double halo around the moon could mean strong winds. 
- watch smoke from a fire
pressure determines which direction the smoke is gonna go. high pressure? smoke goes upwards. low pressure? smoke goes downwards. when smoke spirals downwards, bad weather’s on its way.
- humidity
now, I live in an area where humidity is at a constant high, so this probably won’t work for me and everyone else who lives in high-humidity regions. but here goes. high humidity precedes a storm, so check for signs of humidity like frizzy hair, curly leaves, swollen wood, or just feel it.
- count the stars
if you’re out at night, the stars could be an indicator. the more stars you see, the clearer the skies are. no stars mean heavy cloud coverage and could signify coming storms.
- observe the birds and the animals
birds -birds can sense bad weather coming and they usually fly low or seek refuge before a storm, and they’ll go quiet. that’s part of the reason why it’s so oddly quiet before a storm.
butterflies and bees - they will usually return to their homes before a storm for safety so you probably won’t see them out and about. 
adapted from my older (and jarringly slightly inaccurate) post on @sharpshootress. just as I posted this, a storm started right outside my window, how fitting.
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4-of-cups · 5 years
Making a Protective Shield With Death Energy from the Earth
One of the strongest energies I work with is that of death. It can be intimidating to outside forces, malevolent or otherwise, and I tend to use it sparingly in protection because of it’s all encompassing scare factor. I don’t want to scare away good things, and certainly don’t want to draw any bad things in. However, death isn’t always scary. Sometimes it’s a guardian force, as is the energy of cemeteries. There is a certain respect associated with death, and thus is what I pull from to make a shield from it.
This is a visualization I created as well as my directions for energy work and chants. You can switch things up if you like, this is just what I do.
What you’ll need:
A spot of ground, preferably inside your home somewhere, that has the Earth directly under it. This makes the energy work simpler, in my experience
Kneel or sit with your palms pressed into the floor. Take a few breaths and begin to visualize the energy beneath you stirring around and coming to meet your fingers.
Allow your energy to flow freely out into the Earth, and the Earth’s energy to go into you. There’s an exchange here and an important part of being able to use the energy, as you’ll be more connected to it.
Feel around in the energy below you and search for bones, fossils, undisturbed caves filled with fallen animals. Don’t wake any spirits if you feel them, just call to the energy of somber respect and invite it into your sculpting hands.
Once you’ve called this energy and gathered a fair amount of it, slowly raise your hands into a palms up position. Look ahead, not down anymore, to show this energy you are above the surface, not below it.
I use a wand for this step, but you can use your hand or fingers for it just as well. I draw the sigil I use to represent my own home in the air and say:
Earthen bays shall now release
Somber eyed and kindly beasts.
Guided up like brick and stone,
I summon thee, and thee alone.
Wrap around in sharpened spires,
Ivy cages and guarded fires.
Protect my home like the blessed dead,
From malice and spite and tidings of dread;
Cater to love, invite my warm friends,
Review all that passes except what I send.
Here I sit with you, hands facing thee.
This is my will, so it shall be.
After the chant, Invision a smoky wall of grey coming up and around you home, starting from a point underneath of it. When a sphere of some kind is formed, attach it to an energy source to provide a constant recharging base. I like the sun, moon, inner core of the Earth, and the ocean if you’re nearby it.
Close off the ritual by flipping your hands back over and onto the ground. Send a sealing energy into the ground and stand up to end everything.
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4-of-cups · 5 years
Curses & Maledictions 101
A curse or malediction is a spell that is performed with malintent. These kinds of spells are generally performed to cause misery, pain, strife, and/or destruction upon a target. 
Basic Terminology:
Baneful - causing destruction or serious damage
Curse - a spell performed with malintent
Hex - used interchangeably with “curse” or “jinx”
Jinx - said to be a lesser form of baneful magick; also used interchangeably with “curse” and “hex”
Malintent - “bad” or negative intent 
Target - the person on which you are performing the spell
Taglock - a personal item belonging to or describing the target (description of the target, a piece of DNA, their signature, their name written on paper, a poppet designed to represent them, etc.)
Steps to Casting a Curse:
Exhaust all mundane methods of resolving an issue before resorting to cursing. 
Educate yourself on various methods of protection before even thinking about casting a curse. 
Know what you’re doing. Research, plan ahead, and set your intentions straight in your mind to prevent any kind of backlash from the curse. This means, be specific. Be sure that your curse is aimed at your target/s, and no one else, including yourself. 
When gathering ingredients, be sure that the correspondences match your intent. 
Be aware of any health risks that are associated with the ingredients you choose to use in your curse - for example, certain baneful herbs can be harmful when burned, ingested, or even touched. 
Formulate a curse that fits the crime in question. 
Set conditions for your curse, including some kind of “failsafe.” If you don’t want your curse to last indefinitely, be sure to acknowledge that. Set some kind of time limit, such as “when the target learns their lesson, this curse will be lifted.” 
Methods of cursing can include the construction of poppets, jar spells, sachets, effigies, sigils, or pretty much any other type of spell you can come up with. 
When you have constructed a taglock for your target, gathered your ingredients, and ultimately decided how you want to carry out your curse, you’re ready to cast it. 
Before actually casting the curse, set up some kind of method of protection, whether it be a ward, a shield, a circle, or calling upon external forces to protect you. 
Meditate on your intent and clear your mind. Be sure you are free from distractions before performing the curse.
After you’ve performed your curse, clean up your space, and do some deep cleansing - cleanse the area in which you performed the curse, cleanse yourself, and cleanse your entire home. 
Perform some self-care - eat something, take a bath/shower, drink water, and get a good night’s sleep.
Curse Correspondences
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4-of-cups · 5 years
💀 Curse Correspondences 💀
Agate - for use on a target who has entered a space uninvited, i.e. someone breaking into your home or vehicle
Alexandrite - causes obsession and delusions
Amethyst - causes sensitivity and self-destruction
Astrophyllite - causes those who have died at the hands of another to torment the target from the grave
Diamond - causes blindness, confusion, and disorientation
Diopside - lowers inhibitions and causes secrets to be revealed
Emerald - causes greed, selfishness, and isolation
Flint - causes conflicts
Garnet - leeches energy from a target
Kunzite - induces vulnerability 
Kyanite - used to infiltrate a target’s mind
Meteorite - used as a catalyst in baneful magick
Obsidian - used for general aggressive magick
Onyx - causes nightmares and mental torment, and is used to break up relationships
Opal - used to store negative energy, and then to be given to a target
Ruby - used to focus your intent on a target
Black - law, justice, manifestation, sorrow
Red - force, energy, confrontation, jealousy, anger
Greenish Yellow - strife, discord, illness, conflict, jealousy, greed
Magenta - catalyst
Ague Weed - confusion 
Angelica Root - misery, strife, distress, discord
Asafoetida - drives enemies away
Bayberry - depression
Bindweed - binding
Blackberry Root - distress
Black Salt - misery, strife, distress, discord
Bladderwrack - illness
Bloodroot - substitute for blood
Blueberry - confusion, strife
Boneset - distress, confusion
Cayenne Pepper - anxiety
Chicory - discord
Chili Powder - discord, misery, strife
Cinquefoil - discomfort
Clove - stopping gossip
Cramp Bark - pain, illness
Dogbane - deception
Dragon’s Blood - destruction, strife, misery
Hemlock - discord, sadness
Henbane - illness, discord, melancholy
Jezebel Root - wickedness, ending relationships, punishing unfaithful lovers
Knot Weed - binding
Lemon - sourness, bitterness
Lemon Verbena - a boost of power, ending relationships
Lime - sourness, bitterness
Lobelia - discord
Mace - misery, strife
Mandrake - misery, strife
Mistletoe - isolation, confusion
Mullein - spirit work, nightmares
Mustard Seed - strife, discord
Myrrh - a boost of power
Nightshade (Belladonna) - discord, illness
Onion - strife
Patchouli - illness
Poke Root - confusion, discord
Poppy Seed - discord
Rue - misery
Safflower - destruction
Spanish Moss - bad luck
Slippery Elm - ending relationships
Stinging Nettle - jealousy, envy, discomfort
Sumac - bad luck
Tobacco - a substitute for any baneful herb
Tormentil - distress, harm, discord
Vetiver - silence
Wormwood (Absinthe) - misery, strife
Yew - spirit work
Yohimbe Bark - impotency
Mars - power, force, energy, war, conflict, jealousy
Saturn - law, justice, chaos, revenge
Neptune - confusion, illusion, chaos
Pluto - death, mystery, crisis
Lunar Phases:
Waning - binding
Dark - destruction, banishing, justice
Black - power, manifestation
DNA (saliva, nail clippings, hair, blood, etc.)
The target’s name written on paper
The target’s signature
An item that belongs to the target
Other Ingredients:
Cigarette butts
Broken glass
Lemon/lime juice
Shark teeth
Catfish spines
Murex seashells
Flying Devil Oil
Dead insects
Black sand
Disclaimer: I do not condone the unethical practice of collecting or harvesting animal parts, or forcefully obtaining certain biological taglocks. These are just ideas, and I am not responsible for anything you choose to do with them. 
Updated: 3-9-2017
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4-of-cups · 5 years
guys! i made a quiz to determine which primal source you connect to!
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4-of-cups · 5 years
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Hugo Simberg, The Garden of Death, 1896.
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4-of-cups · 5 years
Feeling like a subpar human being today 👍
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4-of-cups · 5 years
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Ellie Davies, In Between the Trees
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4-of-cups · 5 years
Masterpost of Simple Beginner Friendly Potions
Here is a masterpost of a ton of potions I have in my grimoire that are simple and easy to make with simple easy to get ingredients. 
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Tea Potions
Headache Relief Potion
Ginger Root
Lemon Wedge
Steps: Add herbs to hot water and let them steep for a few minutes. Squeeze in lemon then let the wedge and skin soak for another 1 or 2 before drinking. 
Sour Tummy Be Gone Potion
Chamomile Tea
Ginger Root
Spoonful of Honey
Steps: Brew tea then add herbs to it, let them steep for 5 minutes before stirring in your honey counter-clockwise to banish the cramps and sourness in your stomach. 
Deep Slumber Potion
Chamomile Tea
Dried Rose Petals/Buds
Lemon Balm
Steps: Brew tea then add in herbs to steep for 5 to 6 minutes, add sugar or honey to taste. Drink slowly before bed in a quiet place.
“Bring Me My Own Love” Self Love Potion
Rose Water or Rose Tea
Milk or Milk substitute 
Steps: Brew your tea or warm your rose water. Pour in milk and sugar to taste and stir it clockwise to welcome in your own love. Drink while doing something you enjoy.
Release from a Bad Day Potion
Green Tea
Lemon Wedge
Steps: Brew and steep your tea and catnip, squeeze in your lemon and stir it counter clockwise to banish the negativity that the day has given you. Add sugar or honey to taste
Give My Heart Strength Potion
Black Tea
Orange Peel
Steps: Brew tea and let orange peel steep for 5 minutes, stir in your honey clockwise to bring yourself emotional strength.
Open My Mind Awareness Potion
Black Tea
Milk or Milk substitute
(Optional) pinch of Mugwort (use with caution)
Steps: Brew tea and add ingredients. Sit in a quiet place and drink the tea slowly while centering yourself and if you can meditate.
Cleansing Potion
Moon Water
Steps: Heat your moon water and let herbs steep for a minute or two before drinking. You may add sugar if you desire
Protect Me From Parasites Potion
(protects from psychic and energy parasites)
Moon Water
Steps: Heat moon water and steep your herbs for 5 minutes. Drink at the start of your day.
Coffee Potions
Strength For a Big Day
Sugar to Taste
Like a Storm Confidence Potion
Hazelnut creamer
Fresh Orange peel
Spark of Creativity Potion
2 Drops Vanilla extract
Fresh Orange Peel
Spoonful of Caramel
Romancing Myself Potion for Self Acceptance
Hot chocolate mix
Red rose petal
To Good Friends Friendship Potion
A cherry
A good friend to share it with
Hot Chocolate Potions
Warm My Bones Happiness Potion
Hot chocolate
Marshmallow/Marshmallow fluff
1 drop vanilla extract
To Get Through Hard Days Potion
Hot Chocolate
Fresh Mint Leaf
For Enhanced Energy Potion
Hot Chocolate
Orange Peel
Gem Elixir Potions
Note! Unlike the others, these ones are NOT edible nor should they be ingested! These potions are for anointing or bath magic.
None of these potions are made with the crystals in the water! I ALWAYS put my crystals around a jar or cup of water to charge over night. SOME OF THESE CRYSTALS SHOULD NEVER GO IN WATER!!! So please just place them around your jar of water over night, not in it.
I am Beautiful Potion
Angel Aura Quartz
Clear Quartz
Coconut Oil (small amount)
Peaceful Thoughts Potion
A Pinch of Luck Potion
Divination Improvement Potion
Orange Peels
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