365daysoftaleesa · 3 years
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365daysoftaleesa · 4 years
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I love him
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365daysoftaleesa · 5 years
The world is a terrifying place but at least the erupting volcano of Mayon is waking the ancients to remind us of our place
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
So yeah, I’m seriously slacking lately with my updates.. I’ll just do this in short because I don’t have the memory to sit here and type everything. Monday was me heading to school as usual after catching the bus with Twiggy and then the day went pretty normal (with the exception of Virgilio cutting class because he didn’t do his project) and then we did a complete run through of the show because why not .-. After school I went to Nate’s and eventually he had the balls to kiss me, but just once. I left his house early because Krystal got out of class early but she was crippled so I carried her from Quick Check to the light rail and then we went home and eventually went back out to get her some Icy Hot and then I gave her a massage because I’m a real boy. 
It was the same thing on Tuesday, Virgilio didn’t go to class, I went to Nate’s after school, he got the balls to kiss me again after I did his eyebrows, and then we walked down to Krystal’s house. And then today was a regular school day and Virgilio actually went to class. I didn’t play in Jazz because my stomach hurt, I didn’t go to personal finance but that’s nothing new.. And yeah, we had the NJCU clinic today and it was actually pretty fun. :) After school we went to the mall (Nate, Chris, Krystal, Dave) and got our mothers day gifts. Then we went to the park and now we’re here. Nate is getting a bit more ballsy everyday and he kissed me several times today but that’s whatever.. I’m confused, but I’ll get over it.. And yeah, that’s pretty much the last three days in short. (y) 
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
So today was a nice enough Sunday. :) I woke up pretty early and somehow got the idea to place tape of my broken screen because I didn’t want anymore glass splinters ;~; After that, I just ate some cereal and put my laundry in the wash before trying to start my homework. I finished a little less than half before mom came home and told me to get ready to go to the park. I wasn’t going to go, but she said Troy and Luigi would be there, so I showered, shaved and got ready before rushing out to the car in about twenty minutes. It was stressful to say the least lmao but yeah..
Once in the car (and making a stop back to the house because we left the babies sandals--and I wanted to change my clothes..) we dropped off Cereena and then headed to Warinaco Park for the first time in years. We had a nice enough time despite everyone almost dying from allergies ;~; But yeah, we stopped by the cemetery before heading home, and once there, I ate some soup and tried to finish homework. It’s ten o’clock now, and I just finished, but at least I’m getting paid, so that’s good. It’ll bring me closer to my tattoo goal, and that’s really all I care about. I’m starting to get a little doubtful, but I know this is something that I want, so no regrets!
Um.. Well yeah, I guess that’s it. :) Unfortunately, I have to go back to first and fifth tomorrow, but I’ll suck it up and just go to class. It’s better than summer school, and it’s only for a few weeks, so it’s whatever. I don’t know what work I have to make up, but we’ll see what happens. But yeah, today was pretty chill. :) And now, to pack my bag and get some sleep because I have to catch that early ass bus in the morning. >_> 
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Another dual update because I’ve just been really tired and exhausted lately that I haven’t had time (or energy to post). I’m not even going to pretend that I know what happened on Thursday because quite frankly, I don’t remember. I do know that there was PARCC testing, everyone was in school late, we went to the gym but I found myself in the theater with Vanessa Gil because I didn’t wanna get hit by a ball in the gym.. And I wanted to see Jeffrey but he kind of ignored me all day--not in an angry way, but he didn’t wanna talk so it was whatever. We spoke briefly during eighth period, but that was it, nothing special. And then I went home after school just because, and that leaves us on Friday morning. (y)
FRIDAY: So mom gave us a ride to school and from there since I got there early enough, I ate breakfast with some of the band kids before heading to the theater. We all sat together as usual, talked about random shit for like three periods before we were finally allowed out and to go to forth period. We played because Ms. B was getting evaluated and then from there I went to lunch, ate and then went downstairs with Adrian. That eventually turned into me cursing out Vanessa because she tried to get Nate to kick me out of the practice room but she did it through his notepad, like really? Are we fucking five? Anyway, sixth was pretty pleasant for the most part, I cut seventh and since Katzin wasn’t in, we still played (the people that didn’t cut anyway) and then my mom picked me up from school. From there we got Cereena (bringing Nate along with us) and then went to walmart before dropping him off and heading home. We also got my dress, but as soon as we got home, mom made burgers and I knocked out so I didn’t actually try it on until Saturday.
SATURDAY: I woke up pretty early because I slept from eight to eight .-. Which is fine, after brushing my teeth I went to play with the babies and then mom and Kyle got into this huge fight so I took the babies and Cereena outside. We set up the tent and everyone played for a bit before mom came out. Then Kyle but mom didn’t wanna be bothered so we both went inside and she helped me try on my prom dress. I honestly can’t lose anymore weight or it’ll be too big :x So I just have to maintain my current weight of 167/168 and then once prom is over I can lose some more weight :) Anyway, after that we went for a drive to get Mom’s license plates and then back home. Everyone got ready to go to Jojo’s but I didn’t wanna go because I didn’t wanna socialize, but Troy and Kayle picked me up and made me go. Two wine coolers later I was fine and then we came home pretty quickly. While going over there, my phone screen cracked so I’m kind of pissed about that (got glass in my finger, might’ve swallowed a piece by accident ;~; I don’t even know). I tore up the basement, literally, looking for Troy’s spare iPhone, but to no avail. Luckily I downloaded an app to replace my home button for now, so we’ll see what happens.. And yeah, now i’m just laying here, so I guess today was alright. I was in a pretty crabby mood all day, but I’m good now. .-. I guess. But oh! Mom made empanada’s so that was a plus. :3 And yeah..
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
So the last two days have been pretty uneventful--and I didn’t take videos so I’m just gonna do one post for two days .-.
Tuesday:  So because of PARCC testing we didn’t have to go to homeroom. My homeroom was in the gym but Jeffrey didn’t wanna sit alone so I sat with him in the theater--not that I’m complaining. :x We were there for two periods before we walked up to english and then went about our day as usual. We met up forth as usual, same thing with lunch. Because he had sixth free, we just walked around for a bit and ended up sitting in the stairs and watching traffic from the third floor (which was actually a lot nicer than it sounds). After walking him to class, I went down to health--and then got sent to Enrico’s who told me that I have to go to first and fifth or I’ll end up in summer school.. It’s whatever I guess, it sucks because it’s less time with Jeffrey, but I’ll be fine ( ._.) That’s probably good for me. Anyway, after health we played in band and then after waiting for Chris and Krystal, we all walked up to Nate’s and stayed there until about nine before taking the lightrail down to Krystal’s :3 The day from there was pretty chill. Randomly I got a call from Virgilio around eleven thirty right before I knocked out--which was actually pretty funny lol but yeah, after that  I knocked out. (y) 
Wednesday: Another day of PARCC testing so I left the house a little later than usual (plus I walked with Jeffrey and he took forever to get ready) but that’s all good. He was really tired so it was kind of quiet but other than that, it was nice--until he got to school and he ditched me for Paola.. but whatever. I was in the theater with the band kids until third and then I went to English (Nate walked me today). I met up with Jeffrey fourth but he was pretty out of it so he just went to class. I wasn’t expecting him to sit with us at lunch, but he did and then we walked around for a bit before he went to class. Sixth I was in the practice room with a few people and Cristal noticed my very obvious bad mood (which was present since very early this morning) but she left me alone so that’s good. She did talk to me about it seventh because she knows how easily it is for Jeffrey to control my emotions, and she called me out on it, but not in a mean way. I love talking to her because she’s so understanding.. ;~; But yeah, we took a surprise test because the health class wouldn’t shut the fuck up -_- Eighth we ran Flashpoint and Camino, but then Katzin had a meeting so Ben and Fuentes ran the class for ninth period before we left for the day. I was still super pissed by the time we left, but I met up with Krystal and Chris and we all walked down and took a nap and it was an alright night. Now we’re just sitting here listening to music :3 I have my fro back, so that’s good. I missed my curls lol but yeah, that’s it :) Today was pretty chill--which is only a comment for the second half because I was in a shitty mood all day, but yeah.. (y) 
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Another day, back in school. :3 so yeah, I didn't record all day because my phone was on the verge of dying but yeah :3 I played my initial bari instead of the silver one but it sounded beautiful! And then I came home and babysat .-. So yeah.. Amari fell asleep on my bed, and I made five bucks off of Kyle for answering a star wars question. 👌 definitely a good day lol
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
So today was alright.. 😒 I woke up, did laundry and then after a series of uneventful tasks we headed out to drop off cereena--which didn't happen because her dad couldn't come until way later and mom had to work .-. So she dropped me off first. I was supposed to chill with Alia but she got stuck in Hoboken so I ended up meeting up with a few band kids--that all decided to ignore me for who knows what fucking reason--so once Nate got his stuff from Vanessa's (who had the audacity to call me a bitch, but not to my face) we left to the park and eventually met up with Chris and Krystal where we got ice cream and mango and all of that. :3 then we headed to Krystal's, and we're still here so.. Yeah. 👌 despite realizing a shit ton of my friends are fake today was alright.
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Today was a usual Saturday in Dumont. Mom was doing stuff outside so naturally I found myself on the swing. Eventually we went to the store to buy twiggy a cake (which, if you watch the video, turned out to be a huge mess lol). No boys were home today so it was a tights and fuzzy socks kind of day :3 so yeah.. I don't know, um.. I confessed a bunch of shit to Virgilio today via twenty questions, and I think that was the most stressful part of my day because he now knows shit that no one else knows (/_\) but yeah.. Today was pretty chill despite stepping on those damn holly leaves outside. -_-
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Here we have an average Friday :) I didn't film much today but it was still a relatively nice day. First period I spent with my losers ❤ second period was the same because no one wanted to go to class .-. Third we had a test that I rushed to finish because we had a fire drill--which is shown in the video lol forth I couldn't play because my Bari is broken -_- fifth was lunch and chill time with bae. 😍 not really bae but one can dream 🙈 um.. Sixth was me in the practice room with a few bandies. Seventh was health and then I left eighth to go with Alia to get my nails done :x we finished in time for me to get to the bus on time and then when we got to Dumont mom picked us up from a random stop and I changed in the car for the wedding. Once there we did our jobs, took some pictures and then headed home for the night. Kyle ordered pizza and once everyone ate we all went to bed. Sounds boring but today was alright ;3 and my dress was on point!
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Today was alright :) mom drove me to school in the morning, and from there the day went on as usual. We all hung out first period, then I spent second with Jonathan and Saul before heading up English. 👌 Virgilio wasn't in school today for some reason (he said he overslept? Idk .-.) So English was whatever, and I even knocked out--which I never do ;-; forth, I met up with Jeffrey and Harlin again before heading to jazz, and then fifth I was with Jeffrey and Harlin again. Sixth I napped in the media center, seventh was health and then eight and nice was also pretty chill :) after school, Nikole came with me to do my hair and then we stopped by BK to meet up with Krystal. From there, me, Chris and Krystal walked up to Nate's house (and college) and eventually I knocked out. Next thing I know it's nine o'clock and I'm still just laying there ;-; only reason I woke up was because Nate woke me up .-. But yeah, Krystal's mom came and gave us a ride and now we're just sitting here. We were supposed to go to the movies, but Jeffrey had to work, so we rescheduled for next Wednesday :) and yeah, we'll see what happens.. Today was pretty chill! 😊
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Hey tumblr :) so today was a chill day, I guess. First period, Jeffrey gave me another assignment to do for him, which was fine obviously since it wasn't hard.. Um, second period I was in the band room, third was English and we finally reached the last scene in Hamlet--big surprise, everyone dies. Forth period I didn't play because I was supposed to go home but that didn't happen until the end of fifth, so I ended up spending lunch with Harlin, Nate and Jeffrey until Kyle picked me up. When we got home, I started my ten hours of babysitting, I did Jeffrey's project, took a nap, then the babies napped, and yeah.. So I'm exhausted, and tomorrow is the big ass movie day we planned, and we'll see what happens. Besides a few temper tantrums from the babies, today was alright. :)
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Today is another chill day. :) I’m definitely going to start using videos as updates instead of texts, it’s much easier lol um.. Well yeah, there are a few things the video didn’t catch (like lunch with everyone–Nikole, Virgilio, Jeffrey, Vanessa, Fuentes, John, Alex, Jamari, etc.) and the bus ride, but yeah :) today was alright, no real complaints, I guess. What surprised me was that Jeffrey stopped by my locker after school to say hey even though he said he wasn’t going to, but yeah.. It was cool :3 and then a bunch of other stuff happened, but I won’t mention it until everything because clear to me .-. And yeah.. That’s it, I guess :3
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
So here's another day. :) I think filming it is much simpler than typing out long ass paragraphs .-. I don't know, but yeah. :) Happy 4/20, no, I didn't burn lmao I did come to a shocking revelation today though, but I won't write about it until I'm sure. :) anyway, yeah.. Today was pretty chill :3 no real complaints. I ended up going to Nate's for a bit after school, I knocked out and then caught the bus down, and now I'm here at Krystal's :) so yeah.. Just waiting for her to show up!
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
So I guess this video shows my entire day :) went to the park with the babies and then had dinner at Jojo's before heading home. Pretty much talked to a few people (Krystal and Virgilio .-.) and hung out with my babies all day. ❤ definitely a chill day.
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365daysoftaleesa · 9 years
Today was a lazy Saturday, and I mean that in every sense of the word lazy. For starters, since I went to bed so early, I woke up even earlier (at like six a.m.) and couldn’t fall asleep for a few minutes. So I tried to stay awake by reading something or going on Social Media, but I couldn’t even hold my phone up so I ended up going to sleep until about eleven. From there, mom called me and told me to go downstairs, and that resulted in me going into the backyard to see that she had redid the backyard again. So I hung out with her and the babies for a bit before Jojo came over, and for some reason that lead to a huge argument breaking out about me not wanting to miss project grad to go to some stupid ass orientation, so I went up to my room and just sat there while I waited for mom and Kyle to leave.
When they did, I did my workout and showered and all of that before showering and bringing back my fro--which I haven’t seen in a week so I’m very happy about that :3 Unfortunately, my hair was super dry so I had to put olive oil, Twisted Sista and oil in it to bring it back to life ;~; It’s okay now, very big and poofy :3 
Anyway, once all that was done, they came back from groceries (we got a new car, btw) and once that was put away and I had my lunch or whatever, I went up to my room and sat there until mom texted me and said since she didn’t have a partner, that Twiggy and I were going to be babysitting -_- Of course that annoyed me, but after a few hours of tv and feeding them, both babies knocked out and it’s only eleven o’clock so that’s good :3 They’ll probably wake up early as fuck in the morning, and that sucks, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Um, oddly enough, I spent the whole day talking to Virgilio, which was pretty weird, but kind of cool I guess. :3 Jeffrey also texted me, and now Nate is randomly texting me, and it’s like, why the fuck does everyone wanna talk to me on the same day? o.o I’m bored as fuck over here but damn, no one wants to talk to me and hang out when I’m in UC but as soon as I get to Dumont it’s a whole different ball park.. I don’t know man, I’m not complaining, I’m really not, I don’t mind talking to them. :3 And yeah.. So that was my day. OH, and also, I made burgers for dinner and it was awesome. (y) So yeah :3 Today was alright, even with the impromptu baby sitting session. 
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