2814-2 · 2 months
i miss it here ,,
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2814-2 · 1 year
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doom patrol (1986) #26 / unstoppable doom patrol (2023) #3
shout out to udp referencing this very minor jli appearance tbh
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2814-2 · 1 year
mostly lurking currently bc of uni stuff, but i am here 💕
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2814-2 · 1 year
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believe it or not, guy has respect for all living things ━━━ even if they looked weird as all hell. intelligent life is intelligent life for a reason, regardless of whether they look like fish, squirrels, or scrotums. arguably that is rather superficial, but does it really matter if the outcome is the same ? exterior doesn’t matter. so he wasn’t going to treat her any different just because she was a bunch of ones and zeroes, especially considering that hal is convinced that she is more than just an artificial intelligence. guy can see it. and despite what some people might believe, he respects hal enough to consider his opinion on certain things ━━━ including what hal considered to be a friend. and a friend of hal’s is . . . no one to guy ━━━ hal has some terrible tastes. but still, hal’s vouch does count for something. he rolls his shoulders back after shaking her hand. perhaps not a universal gesture, but she knew what to do anyway. he isn’t going to try a fist bump ━━━ partly because it’s not the time for that, mostly because she probably wouldn’t get it either. ❝ they do. ❞ his tone is flat, he had asked for someone familiar with red lanterns, so he assumed they would have sent someone aware of that fact. he doesn’t have time to train some rookie.
he follows her closer to the forest floor, keeping an eye on what she’s doing with the information given. he had run some scans via the ring already, but he isn’t going to stop her from seeing if she can find some more helpful information besides ❛ it rained approximately 3.7 days ago. ❜ sure, it’s a bit unusual for this kind of forest at this time of year, but every planet has dry seasons. ( climate change is a bitch. ) not really helpful in determining why there is a corpse rotting beneath their feet, clinging to a red lantern ring. yeah, yeah ━━━ technically, the ring is clinging to the corpse. whatever. ❝ nah, should be regulated like ev’ry other corps. might be nothin’ but the faulty ring of a screw’d up fucker, but there’s no tellin’. ❞ he moved closer to the ground, to the opening of the cave. ❝ tell me if you’re gonna soil yer pants now so i can call somebody else. ━━━or expect a trap. ❞
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it had been rare for any of hal's endless stories about earth to be anything more than a way to fill the time, a way for him to break the silence when the crew had slipped into bitter moods and he couldn't bear the quiet anymore. she can't determine what's more unusual:   the idea that a sentient lifeform is treating her with respect or that one of hal's rambling stories had served a purpose beyond satiating her curiosity about the world he came from. she's quick to shake his hand even as her processors race through a dozen different trains of thought, background scans and all the protocols that kilowog taught her little more than an afterthought with so much of her focus occupied by the myriad social subroutines that she had tried   [ but failed ]   to perfect with hal's assistance.   ❛ i am   …   happy to assist you! ❜   not that she knows what a scully or a mulder is, yet another earth curiosity she's never heard of, but she's long since accepted that humans are quite puzzling in that way. it rarely warrants prolonged consideration.   ❛ a ring. do red lantern rings not return to their point of origin to be redeployed? ❜
nosferatu. hal had referred to one of his league companions as nosferatu once, had been particularly amused with himself for reasons that were obvious only to him. his answer when pressed had been a strange mumble about bats and caves that had seemed wholly unrelated to anything and she'd been quick to write it off as a strange human expression, the way she had with much of hal's   [ incomprehensible ]   vocabularly, confident the topic wouldn't come up again and she'd never need to know exactly what a nosferatu was. perhaps she should have questioned it, if other humans know of this nosferatu as well. she drifts lower, careful not to touch the forest floor even as she extends a wary hand towards the dimly lit cave as her attention shifts towards running various scans.   ❛ i failed to detect additional red lantern energy along my flightpath, but i was unaware of the risk. could the ring be awaiting collection by a member of their corps? ❜
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2814-2 · 1 year
Why did the author kill you off?
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Every story has themes, with lessons within those themes. Your death was in service of one (or more) of these, your life made forfeit in favor of imparting wisdom... or what the author presented as wisdom. Were you too kind? Too trusting? Too forgiving? Did a cruel author kill you to prove that happy endings do not exist? Or were you too proud to ask for help? Too angry to let the past go? Did the author hold a mirror up to the protagonist, showing them your death where the reflection was supposed to go? On one hand, your death is pitiable, for it does not belong to you. On the other, you have been granted a gift many spend their whole lives searching for: A purpose. May you find comfort and truth within the circumstances of your demise (and may we all).
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tagged by : no one tagging : anyone !
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2814-2 · 1 year
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Y’know, that Guy.
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2814-2 · 1 year
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a bold laugh escapes him in a single HA !    ( it was funny, but not bwahaha funny. )    the way hal’s shoulders slump slightly tells him more than enough.    both of them can play the big man,  but regardless of whoever wins,  it wouldn’t be hal   ━━━   that’s for sure.    guy simply smacks him on the back of his shoulder amicably, a gesture amongst friends.          ❝ it’s easy to be amused when the amusement is so easy. ❞          let it be known that guy gardner had always had a way with words.    the earlier annoyance at hal’s demeanour has disappeared like snow in the sun,  as he had just been trying to get hal to take the bait   ━━━   which was so much easier when both of them were being stubborn.    deflection or no deflecting,  it had worked.
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how the tables turn.    that makes guy laugh,  throwing his head back.    he had never been one for subtlety, and neither was hal,  it seems.          ❝ who else would you ask ? ❞          the question is posed sarcastically,  but he would love an answer if hal has one.    the image of hal asking kilowag or salakk makes him smile regardless.    perhaps he should ask soranik,  that would be a treat to witness.    he doesn’t dare mention carol,  but the grin on his face doesn’t waver.    guy himself has had plenty of experiences with or without the uniform, but he has to admit that the uniform does tend to help   ━━━   a lot.    not too different from earth,  in that regard ;   everyone loved a man in uniform.    he leans back lazily,  hands behind his head as he makes eye contact with hal, eyebrow raised.    ( a challenge. )    guy has enough confidence to fuel an entire corps, he doesn’t need hal’s validation in that regard.          ❝ you gonna try an' run again ? ❞
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quick retort cuts through the lingering irritation with ease, laugh escaping as a huff and shoulders slumping in wordless defeat. it had been an undeniable overreaction to an obvious taunt, ego far too easily bruised despite how meaningless their argument was and how truly low the stakes were. its hardly the first time guy has managed to get under his skin so easily, a reoccurring trend throughout the years they've known each other, and he knows he shouldn't fall for every last scrap of bait laid out for him   —   but he always does, no matter how obvious it is.   ❛ i forgot how easily amused you can get. things must be real boring these days if riling me up is what passes for entertainment. ❜   its far from his best deflection, far too clumsy for him to expect it to work, but silence feels far too much like admitting defeat and he's never been any good at that. pointless as this debate is, he still doesn't like the idea of giving in.
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❛ yeah, gardner, because you're an expert on talking to women. when i'm desperate for advice, you're definitely the first person that springs to mind. ❜   there's no real bite to his words this time, the jab entirely toothless now the initial aggravation has dulled and left behind nothing more than the slightest tinge of embarrassment, lazy retort followed by an equally lazy grin and dismissive wave of his hand. he knows guy has a point, past experience having proven that the suit is enough to garner plenty of attention   ( whether he likes it or not )   and there's no reason to assume this would be any different   —   but if this does go wrong, he'd rather guy be the one to make a fool of himself.   ❛ sure, if you're so confident. go ahead, guy, show me how it's done. go sweep her off her feet if its so easy. ❜   
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2814-2 · 1 year
sorry i've been absent, i was fighting my depression in a denny's parking lot. i'm starting to feel much better, so expect replies soon!
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2814-2 · 1 year
Power Girl Special #1 also features a 10-page backup story about Fire and Ice [...] In the introductory tale, Fire and Ice respond to a natural disaster in Baltimore, debating whether to involve Ice’s old flame Guy Gardner. When Guy causes some major drama at the scene, Superman gets involved to stop the fight.
In Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville #1, Superman sent the former Justice Leaguers packing for Smallville to lie low following their extremely public and utterly disastrous mission in Baltimore, and in doing so doomed them to a fate worse than death: irrelevance.
what did guy do to send tora & bea to the time-out corner? 😭
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2814-2 · 1 year
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thank god that he doesn’t have x-ray vision,  because guy isn’t interested to see what kind of mug is hiding behind that mask.    best not too piss of the homocidal dictator too much,  however.         ❝ your schtick’s getting real old, real quick. ❞          guy is awfully tempted to repeat it a couple hundred more times just to get under the other man’s skin,  but that would feel too much like homework. ( and this entire “ diplomitical ” meeting felt like enough punishment. but SALAKK had insisted of guy doing it, despite john being right there too. in other words, if this mission fails, he’s not taking the blame. )    he shifts his hips as if to take a difference stance,  despite the fact that he hasn’t touched the ground for the entirety of their exchange.    a huff escapes him,  not intimidated.          ❝ my kind ?    you’re gonna have t’ elaborate on that one.    american or alien ?    ’cause i can assure you, i’m one-hundr’d percent red-blooded american.    sayin’ that in space just means they’ll double your bill.    but sayin’ that in lat-whatever-ia means ya get drones pointed at yer head.    which means literal squirrels are more civilized than you. ❞
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somewhere  inside  the  dark  depths  of  the  mask        (    accursèd monstrosity,  blessèd  reprieve  from  the  world’s  eyes    )        cracked  lips stretch,  warp  into  something  that  was  once  a  smile,  thin  and  cruel.  there is  no  need  to  share  his  plans  with  such  a  simple,  simian  creature, lacking  in  anything  like  intelligence,  and  so  the  mask  plays  its  role,  hides any  snide  emotion  from  this  so-called  diplomat.        ❝        repeat  it  as often  as  you’d  like,        ❞        an  airy  wave  of  his  gloved  hand  and  the drones  shiver  in  anticipation.        ❝        my  answer  remains  the  same.  you will  receive  no  aid  from  latveria.  you  cannot  expect  my  generosity  now when  your  kind  have  shown  me  none.        ❞
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2814-2 · 1 year
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two guys dudes.
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2814-2 · 1 year
NPC allocation
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secret BBEG
you are carrying so many feelings inside of yourself that never see the light of day, huh? the adventuring party you keep running into jokes and messes around with you, but they have no idea who you really are and they haven't even bothered trying to figure it out either. there's a reason secret is in the title, and it's because there are a lot of people out there who have been underestimating or overlooking you. the important things about you anyways. the ones you wish people would understand, but it seems like they just consistently disappoint. and while you are the last person they would want to do that to, how would they even know until it was too late? you keep things so tightly under wraps after all. you're the type of person who can blend in and move around behind the scenes unnoticed, but that doesn't mean you aren't working hard. in fact, you're probably working harder than most of the people being lauded super publicly for all of their accomplishments. you're just not loud about it. one day, when you either snap or when your carefully set plans fall into place and you're able to reveal how you really feel… well everyone is in for one hell of a ride.
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tagged by : @cowlled tagging : anyone !
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2814-2 · 1 year
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there were more pleasant times and places to be meeting someone new, although it seems lanterns weren't privy to such pleasantries. they usually met at an appropriate time and place    ━━━    which, in their profession,  meant something was amiss.    he is levitating about 10 feet above the forest floor,  his left arm across his chest while his right fist is pressed against his chin.    it was an unusual sight,  to see guy gardner so drowned in his thoughts.    who could blame him ?    there was something odd going on in the cave system below them. he grunts in response to her mention of hal, before finally moving to look at her.    his eyes run across her body from head to toe,  his contemplative expression making way for a relaxed smirk.          ❝ yeah,  i know you  ━━━or, i know of you.    can see why they sent you, though. ❞          he drops his stance and reaches his hand out so she can shake it. although, it's always a guess which species shake hands or not. it was even considered incredibly rude in several cultures, as guy had found out.    ( his ring had warned him, he just hadn’t listened. )   ❝ name's GUY GARDNER, but today you'll get to be the scully to my mulder. ❞          he rolled his shoulder back and pointed to the entrance of the cave beneath them.          ❝ a body's been discovered.    medical team said it is a corpse,  i say it's a pile o' bones.    would've left it to the planet's authorities,  had it not been for the red lantern ring they found.    apparently it's functional but just decided that hanging around NOSFERATU for eternity was a good way to spend its time. ❞
her processors rapidly churn through her records of the corps, patchy and disjointed as they may be, eyes alright with curiosity as she floats perfectly motionless in front of the lantern.   [ IDENTIFYING    …    GREEN LANTERN @2814-2. guy gardner of earth, successor to hal jordan. an extremely competent lantern in his own right, with accomplishments that comfortably rival those of her mentor and may even surpass them   —   according the stories hal told, at the very least. ]   he had been new to the corps when her existence was abruptly interrupted, a veritable rookie if the timeline she'd been given when she had finally convinced hal to tell her anything about the time she was gone had been correct.   [ REMINDER: green lantern hal jordan has cautioned against discussion of your death. ]   he certainly doesn't appear to be a rookie anymore. she smiles, something small and uncertain, anxiety skittering through artificial synapses at the realisation no one will be there to bail her out if she makes a mistake in this conversation   —   but then she's pushing on regardless, all stubborn determination now that she's flown all the way out here.   ❛ green lantern hal spoke of you at length. ❜   he failed to disclose the lantern's opinion on small talk, unfortunately.   ❛ its an honor to meet you! i am aya, and i have been sent to offer my assistance. it seemed prudent to introduce myself, with that in mind. ❜
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2814-2 · 1 year
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guy simply stared at him for a moment,  letting the silence draw out before he sucked in some air through his teeth.    he was keeping his cool,  mostly because he figured the other man must've been dropped on his head as a kid.        ❝ let me repeat that. ❞          he spoke slowly as if the other man was a child,  his hand accentuating every word.          ❝ earth's in danger.    your little patch of dirt isn't gonna survive like an island in the void of space. ❞
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how  amusing,  to  watch  this  little  man  get  riled  up  and  flustered.  how  boring  it  must  be,  to  be  ruled  by  one’s  petty,  fleeting  emotions.                 ❝        IF  such  a  time  comes,  latveria  is  perfectly  capable  of  defending  itself.           ❞        there  is  nothing  that  viktor  hasn’t  prepared  for,  nothing  they  can’t  face.  and  besides,  he’s  always  believed  in  the  power  of  diplomacy.  one  man’s  loss  is  another  man’s  gain        —        he  is  sure  even  this  “darkseid”  wants  something  only  he  can  provide.  
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2814-2 · 1 year
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has anyone done this before
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2814-2 · 1 year
CONTINUED / @isfogo ( bea )
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he doesn't wait for her to respond in kind before pulling out a bar stool and going to sit next to her. perhaps he should have, she looks miserable enough as is ━━━ point is, he doesn't. guy snorts, knowing there is no fire in her words. even if there was, he would probably still have laughed. bea is allowed to tell him to shut up: a rare privilege. he raises his hand to alert the bartender to the fact that he hasn't been serviced yet, despite sitting down just a moment ago. quite frankly, he could use a drink if their night was going to go the way he suspected it might. ( tora didn’t like him drinking. ) the apple didn't fall too far from the tree, but it fell far enough to matter.
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❝ never even heard of it. ❞ there is no humor in his voice, even if it's clear that he tried. the bartender slides his drink towards him, they clearly don't want to step on bea's toes either. guy turns to face her, addressing the side of her face as he points to her with the same hand he's holding his non-descript alcoholic drink. ( he hadn't asked for anything specific. luck of the draw. ) ❝ but since you clearly have [   ...   ] what're you thinking about ? ❞ it isn't smooth nor subtle. frankly, it would sound like a bad pick-up line if they were anybody else. they aren't. it isn't.
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2814-2 · 1 year
not me going through i.njustice 2 for icons bc the art is pretty and getting extremely upset at the ted & booster moments.
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