15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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15 seconds of Boraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
Fifteen Seconds of Boraaaaaaa
With banana man and his banana guard surrounding them, it looks like Rob, Zubin and Future Bora are out of options. Fortunately, Rob has an idea.
Rob: hey, uh... banana man?
Banana Man: yeah?
Rob: you have something on your face.
Banana Man: oh peels, I do? Ugh this is unprofessional, hold on where's my clown seltzer bottle...
15 seconds of Boraaaaaaa
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
15 seconds of Boraaaaaaa
Banana man struts menacingly into the hallway, stepping over his banana guards curled in fetal positions. Zubin throws some ketchup at him, but he grabs it out of the air
Banana Man: I am more powerful than these measly bananafolk, I am the Banana GOD! MWAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAA! You shall be submitted to the bananafier and you will banana all de time!
The banana guards and Banana Man begin chanting the lyrics to banana man, and the guards seem to be recovering from the effects of the natural ketchup.
Future Bora: this can't be good.
Fifteen Seconds of Boraaaaaaa
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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As the Banana guards writhe in pain on the floor, stunned by the power of natural ketchup, Rob and Future Bora thank Zubin
Rob: thanks man, you're a real lifesaver
Zubin: no prob Rob, I like your PJs by the way
Rob glances down, remembering he's still in pink flamingo pajamas. He looks embarrassed.
Future Bora: yeah thanks Zubes, but how did you find us so quickly?
Zubin: I owe Rob big time for saving me from being un-born. Since he's the only reason I'm even alive, every time he's in danger, I am.
Future Bora: Time travel is so weird...
The men all nod in agreement.
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Future Bora and Rob run down the hall, chased by a parade of banana costumed guards. As they round the corner, it looks to be a dead end. Suddenly Zubin crashes through the ceiling, and pulls out two bottles of ketchup
Zubin: heard you were in a pickle Rob, thought you'd need some help!
Zubin sprays the ketchup all over the banana guards
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
15 seconds of Boraaaaaaaaaaaa
Rob and Future Bora both sprint to the door, pushing Banana Man aside. He stumbles and slips on his crushed banana, and falls with a comical splat
A line of marching men in banana costumes run past the door towards where Rob and Future Bora went.
Banana guards: Yes sir! We must banana all de time sir! Get the non believers!
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Banana Man stands enraged at the door, a crushed banana dripping from his fist. The end of the banana falls on to the ground, shattering the silence. Rob, Future Bora and Banana Man all stare at each other for 14 seconds.
Future Bora: RUN!
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Rob and Future Bora poke their heads out from behind a corner and watch as a myriad of men in banana suits walk past. They both scamper out from their hiding spot and into a room with a "DO NOT ENTER, COOL SECRET LAB" sign.
Rob: this must be it
The two men shut the door behind them and turn to see the Time Machine in all it's glory, hooked up to dozens of computers and gadgets. Deranged scribbles in yellow ink pepper the room; all crossed out sketches, calculations and theories.
Future Bora: come on, we have no time to lose! Help me unplug the Time Machine!
They rush to start unplugging the wires but a voice from behind startles them
Banana Man: WHAT are you doing with my Time Machine!?!
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Future Bora and Rob (still in flamingo pajamas) are attempting to climb on to the roof of Banana Inc.
Bora is on Rob's shoulders and is trying to reach the edge of the roof
Future Bora: C'mon just a little higher!
Rob: I think I should be on top, I have the better reach
Future Bora: no I think I-
They fall into a heap on the ground. Rob gets up and walks the building alone and stands on his tiptoes. He easily grasps the edge of the roof and pulls himself up.
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Banana Man stands in front of a whirring machine covered in lights, tubes and buttons. It is bright yellow and looks like a heavily modified phone booth.
Banana Man: Soon... Your timey wimey secrets will be mine... I will control the mechanical hands of time itself...
Banana Man throws a banana into the booth and presses a few buttons. After a few flashes, the banana disappears.
The camera pans to the window, where Future Bora is pressed against the glass in total fear
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Jod: Rob I need that time machine back, so I can fix all the mistakes you've made in the timeline
Rob: I gave it to Bora, don't you still have it?
Future Bora: about that... I kinda lost it a while ago...
Jod: YOU WHAT????
Future Bora: the Banana Company took it. I was trying to sneak into their building to get it back with younger Bora's help but it... Didn't go as planned.
Rob: the... Banana Company?
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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A young Rob Cantor is leaning on a wall beside the university of Michigan campus. A contraption that looks like a yellow telephone booth covered in dials and tubes appears in front of him, and a much older Rob steps out
Old Rob: I'm you, from the future.
Rob: okay???
Old Rob: you need to make a band.
Rob: I have one! It's called Listed Bla-
Old Rob cuts him off
Old Rob: no no no make a new one, have Zubin in it still, but get Andrew and Joe to join
Rob: Joe? Who's Joe?
Old Rob looks at him with a face of agony
Old Rob:.... Joe m.... Joe mam... He's going to be a good friend of yours okay? I have to go.
Old Rob hops back into the time machine and vanishes
End Flashback
Back in Jod's void, Bora looks at Rob judgementally
Future Bora: wow, you DO NOT care about the space time continuum do you?
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Rob, still in his flamingo pajamas, starts talking
Rob: I decided to use the time machine to get myself a job at Disney, and then I started lending it out. First to friends, then I started advertising...
Future Bora: Advertising???
Rob: Remember "Time Machine"? That song was just one elaborate ad/earworm to get people to pay to use my time machine! I only let Joe put it on his album because he was going to use it to ensure Zubin was never born, and I had to let him put the song on Hawaii Pt II. That's also why I wrote "Be Born"; to ensure Zubin would live.
Future Bora: Be Born??? But that's from... How long have you had the time machine!?!?
Rob: ummmmm....
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
Bonus 15 seconds from the discord:
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Rob Cantor, looking bearded and in flamingo pattern pajamas, appears in the void in front of Future Bora. He appears very confused
Rob: what the hell is going on here?
Jod's voice causes Rob to jump, and he seems more nervous than before
Rob: I-I-I um.... You said to only use it when absolutely necessary...?
Jod: AND????
Rob: ...and to never ever let it fall into the wrong hands...
Future Bora gives Rob a sheepish grin
Future Bora: I mean... I'm responsible... Usually.
Rob: oh no... It wasn't just you Bora
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Future Bora sits in the void on a comfortable looking leather armchair. He seems to be halfway through a conversation with Jod, the invisible voice in the sky
Future Bora: -so that you can just reset the timeline so that I won't go back in time in the first place!
Jod: no no, you're not understanding! You got your past self killed, so in essence you never found the time machine in the first place! But if you hadn't, then you never got yourself killed! It's a complex paradox! *Sigh* I should've never given Rob that time machine, I knew he'd do something foolish!
The camera zooms in on Future Bora's shocked face
Future Bora: Rob??!??!?
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15-seconds-of-bora · 3 years
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Future Bora, dressed in his usual black Bora shirt and eye patch, appears in a white void.
Future Bora: Hello? Is anyone there?
A deep booming voice sounds from above. It sounds vaugely reminiscent of Andrew Horowitz
Jod: It is I, Jod
Future Bora: don't you mean God?
Jod: No, It's pronounced Jod, it's a common misconception. Now, Future Bora, I have come to try you for crimes against the sacred timeline!
Future Bora: the sacred tim- like in Loki? Isn't that copyri-
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