100-push-ups-a-day · 9 hours
Reps 9
Need to do these earlier in the day cause I get so tired lol. Had a good day today.
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Reps: 8
Today was so great I can’t even believe it. I had my last ever piano recital, on the way home found out I won this crazy scholarship, and then met up with my awesome friends that I’ve missed. I even found a skate park in a nearby town where I tried a ramp and slope for the first time (and thank god nobody was there).
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100-push-ups-a-day · 3 days
Reps: 7
Decided to drop the weights part because it takes too much effort to find obscure liftable objects and I won’t be able to weigh anything above 30 lbs on my scale 😭. I did however get a yoga mat! Made my tailbone feel much better
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100-push-ups-a-day · 3 days
Day 6
I used a blue porcelain tea cup for my 3 lb weight. Today I went into town to get yarn but not much else. Watched a movie, cleaned up, etc.
The one that’s getting me most is probably sit ups just cause they hurt my tail bone and feet lol. The one that’s getting me more than I thought is the squats, I thought I had those down but they’re equally tough
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100-push-ups-a-day · 4 days
Day 5
For a 2.5 lb weight I used a statue of a frog. Today I mostly drew and washed my sheets. Very much procrastinated all day but oh well, there’s always tomorrow.
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100-push-ups-a-day · 6 days
Day 4
Staying inside today to get some work done & heal my sunburn. The push ups are definitely the worst on me, lol, so hopefully I’ll get better quick. I used a porcelain plate for my 2 lb weight. 
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100-push-ups-a-day · 7 days
Day 3
Got done early today. Planning to ride my scooter and swim later, then meet up with a friend ☺️.
For 1.5 lb weight I used a tiny red cream pitcher 
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100-push-ups-a-day · 7 days
Day 2
Hung out with some fun people today that I’ve rarely hung with, plus a good friend. It was fun! I skated for a good 2 hours and played pickle ball for a long while, so I was pretty tired when I got home.
For the 1lb weight I used a stick of face sunscreen
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 days
How I’m doing the weights
I’m doing ten reps curling it up from the front and ten reps pushing it above my head and down either behind my head or next to my head, depending on size of the weight
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 days
Push ups, sit ups, squats, and lifts
Day 1
I was planning on trying to reach the full One Punch Man work out, but I do a lot of walking in a day, so an additional run might hurt more than help. So instead, I’ll be lifting, and adding a half-pound each day. Today was 10 reps of 1/2 pounds, and I used a small lead weight. Since it was small, I alternated hands, but when the object gets bigger, I’ll probably change strategy.
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100-push-ups-a-day · 23 days
Sorry it’s been 2 years but
We Are Back on Saturday, May 25!
Get ready for the ultimate summer course on push-ups, squats, and stretching, lead by someone who has practically zero experience or ability 😎 if you’ve been looking to get into exercise with someone at your level, join me!
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 months
The link to the previous series is here. This is the final 20 day chain post of adding one push up every day.
Push ups: 81
Notes: I’m trying to take shorter breaks between each segment, though that’s a bit hard as the numbers increase. Also, even though school is starting this week I want to miss as few days as possible, both so that I keep up my endurance and make the most of the last few weeks 😎
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 months
The fourth installment of my push ups challenge. The link to my previous chain is here.
Push ups: 61
Notes: it was noticeably easier to do more in a given timeframe, and I could’ve probably done 25 before a breather if not for fear of someone opening the bathroom door on me lol.
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 months
Continuing my daily push ups challenge. If you’re seeing this you most likely know the drill. If not here’s part one and part two
Push ups: 41
Notes: easier than last time. Arms still do not feel so good
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 months
Continuing a challenge where I increase my push ups every day. [Days 1-20 are here]
Push ups: 21
Notes: was in a weird mood, but it didn’t affect the push ups for me so that’s okay.
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100-push-ups-a-day · 9 months
Starting a challenge where I increase the average amount push ups I would usually do by one every day.
Push-ups: 1
Notes: harder than it should have been, but easy enough. Anticipating success. Will keep everyone up to date.
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