#youre beautiful
allura-raine · 4 months
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You're beautiful....
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aziralock · 4 months
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Crowley, drunk, singing to old hits. Making up his own lyrics.
Aziraphale, Aziraphale, Aziraphale it’s me.
I saw your face
Through time and space
And I don’t know what to do.
‘Cause I’ll never be with you…
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macyhaven · 10 months
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💫 pits n tits 💫
Come see the full pics...👀
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coffeexxcigarettes · 3 months
Sometimes, the words get stuck.
Like chewed bubblegum between gears.
They start.
And the gears catch,
"You're, uh. You."
The more they catch,
The sticker the situation becomes.
"I, uh. You-"
I don't know why I'm like that.
I wanted to say,
You're what every romance novel is about.
You're made of stardust and hope,
Sunlight and candy,
And you stain every part of me.
I wanted to say I'm so lucky
To even be speaking to you.
Because typically if a commoner approached royalty,
They'd be hauled away and locked up for treason.
But you look at me.
And you smile.
The gears turn desperately
Clicking, catching, locking on
That stringy, horrid gum.
"I'm yours."
You laugh.
And the machine spits out smoke and
And calls it quits.
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moonlightloverrr · 2 years
I’m the sensitive one. I’m the weird one. I have a big heart. I care. If I love you, I love deeply. If I’m your friend you can trust me. I love other weirdos. I love people with big hearts. If you read this and can relate. I’m sending you a big hug, my big-hearted weird friend. Don’t change. The world needs your love. The world needs you.
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sadie-little-dom · 4 months
When a cute girl feels bad and insecure i just want to kiss her all over for hours to show her how cute I think she is
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electrophonk · 2 months
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Mental Health Check
Y'all doing okay?
You're stronger than you think.
Keep going.
Just keep going.
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msznxqx · 2 months
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luvghostie · 2 years
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙜𝙚 + 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞 𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙚
𝙂𝙉 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Art doesn’t really care about body size. Skinny, chubby, curvy, it’s all the same to him and he sees no wrong with it.
When you two got together it was nice seeing how confident you were. You’d always power through struggles and crude remarks. Granted, art will no doubt kill someone if they make fun of you.
When you two are alone he’ll always try to help you no matter what. You are his lover and he cares very much about you and your wellbeing.
Art attempts to cook for you but if he fails he’ll just steal food from a near restaurant. However, he always asks what you want before doing so.
Art: *slides a paper to you with, “what would you like to eat pumpkin?” on it*
Him not talking isn’t a problem in the relationship. You just encourage him to use a notepad to write down things and give it to you. So far, he’s done a wonderful job but he has a hard time with some words.
You two will watch movies, play games, and cuddle nonstop. If you’re feeling bad and don’t want him to leave one day, he’ll put his garbage bag down and come back to your side in no time.
Art might be confined in you to teach him a couple of confidence tips. He gets many rude remarks daily just by his appearance. Do they hurt? No, but it’s still something he doesn’t want to hear.
He loves you a lot, no matter what your body size is. He’ll do anything he can to show you that. Gifts, murder, cuddles? Art will do it just for you and to see that beautiful smile on your face.
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crazyf0rswayze · 10 months
For anyone who needs to hear it
It's ok to have breakdowns
It's ok to get mad
It's ok to not know how to explain how you feel
It's ok to take time for yourself
It's ok to cut people out of you life bc it's draining you
It's ok to not be ok
It's ok to be healing
It's very ok to not be ready to come out
It's ok to cancel plans because you don't feel good, or you don't want to
You don't have to say sorry so much
You don't need to make other people happy
It's ok to be different
It's ok to feel different than others feel
It's ok if your not ready for something
You don't need to mend the friendship if you think your better off without them
You don't need to look a certain way
Hit the block button if you think it's good for you
It's ok to take days off and do absolutely nothing
It's ok to like things other don't. You don't need to fit in society's mold
It's ok to end friendships and romantic relationships if your not ready, it's not working out, you feel like your changing yourself for that person
You don't need to wear makeup to be perfect.
And if you do decide to wear it, you shouldn't wear it for others, wear it because it makes you feel good. Because you like how it looks
Men, you don't have to keep your hair short
Ladies, you don't have to keep your hair long
Anyone can do what they want and not feel judged
It's ok to have scars. They make you beautiful, they show you got through something bad. Maybe something painful
You don't owe anyone anything
It's ok to just sit around and listen to music, watch a movie, TV show.
I love you so much, no matter who u are. You're lovely, I love you, you're perfect, you're beautiful.
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wannabe-kafka · 1 year
Warning: sfx makeup
TW: scars
I love this community so much. Your pain is heard and understood. I used to find comfort in these tags in my darkest hours. Time to give a little back.
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My lil cousin made me this bracelet. so much said in 1 single picture. It doesn't always have to be this bad. this pain wouldn't be forevermore.
I do want to relapse at times but moments like these remind me why I have to keep fighting. It's a slippery slope, you have to find your rope, your support. Cling to minute things, tiny reasons why you want to get clean, it gets better I promise.
P.S: one tiny (huge) reason for u to get clean- I love you.
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coffeexxcigarettes · 2 months
Breathe on to my lips
Your hope for a better life.
Whimper as I show you
The parts that have been shamed
Should be worshipped.
You have grown into
The most breathtaking piece of art.
If I am lucky enough
To ever admire you,
I'll whisper desperate praise
On to yours.
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kaycatkit · 8 months
god I am begging someone please
y’all know what scene I’m talking about
please I am on my knees begging throwing up
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wormgoddess · 3 months
You have stumbled upon a great treasure!
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A magic worm! Plus a spare!
One for you and one for a friend!
Today may you have a magical bit of good luck!
And share the magic tomorrow with another!
Safe travels!
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theboredkids · 11 months
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☀️ She has a Soul Full of Sunshine 🌞
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