#wip wip wip
131-vr · 1 month
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Zim wanted to give the whole blood-drinking thing a try
Smut warning:
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getvalentined · 8 months
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Thank you Ever Crisis for proving to me that Sephiroth can break my heart at age 14-15 just as easily as he did from ages 22 to 30.
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haysey-draws · 5 months
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Hey everyone, I am working on stuff, comm’s, con prep so please enjoy this WIP for ranni. Am busy… so busy.
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kaelidascope · 1 month
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👀 wip
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reallyhailey · 3 months
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we like him or no??
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strawdool · 2 months
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u guyssss.....
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geminijade · 17 days
What Are We? Pt. 4
A/N: Heavy on the angst with this one. Plane crash injuries. Vomit, blood and some vulgarity. Mentions of God, religion and atheism. That's everything, I think. As always all mistakes are my own and minors are strictly FORBODEN. You and you alone are responsible for your reading choices. Happy reading everyone 📚! Likes, hearts, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!! Much love ❤
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Coyote's POV:
Somewhere in the California Desert:
Pain. That's the first thing that came to Coyote's mind as he unhooked himself from his deflated parachute. His left arm at an odd angle, he grimaced as he looked down at it. Definitely dislocated, possibly broken. This is going to hurt he thought as he braced himself against the jagged rock wall.
He braced himself as best as he could and painfully shoved his arm back into the socket. "Son of a bitch!" Echoed in the vast darkness as Coyote popped his arm back into place. He spit blood into the sand and looked around for any sign of Hangman. He finally spotted Jake's white parachute tangled in some trees and Coyote saw his limp body dangling from the treetops. He ran over to where Jake was and grabbed onto his booted foot and started shaking him.
"Shit, Jake. C'mon man, ya gotta wake up. Please. " Coyote leaned against the base of the tree and hung his head. He lowered himself onto the ground and leaned his head against Jake's foot and felt the despair begin to settle in.
Jake's POV:
Pain. His whole body wracked with pain and something or someone leaning on his leg. Excruciating pain shot through Jake's head as he tried to look and see who or what it was. He couldn't see anything so he kicked whoever or whatever it was and he heard a faint "ow." Coyote looked up just in time for Jake's foot to kick him in the head.
"What the fuck, man." Coyote yelped as he pulled himself up using Jake's long legs to help. "Get me down from here." Jake groaned as the pressure in his head erupted and he leaned over and emptied the contents of his stomach. "I think that I'm going to be sick," Javy whined.
"Don't be a pussy," Jake spat as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Javy tossed him his pocket knife as Jake cut himself from his harness and fell to the arid desert ground with a thud. Coyote helped untangle Jake from his parachute and shoved it back into the bag. Jake laid there for a second, the wind knocked out of him as he took stock of his injuries. His head was pounding like he had the worst hangover known to mankind.
His whole body ached bone deep, he felt like he had been run over and dragged by a semi truck over broken glass but I guess that's what happens when you crash your grade A military fighter jet going at top speed. He didn't think that anything was seriously wrong, he just hurt like hell. Possibly a concussion and broken ribs. But it could have been a lot worse, Jake didn't believe in God but by the grace of he and Javy were going to walk out of the desert alive and in one piece. Javy helped him to stand and slung one of Jake's arms over his shoulders and they started walking towards the crash site.
They limped towards the wreckage and stood together in stunned silence. They held onto each other as they stared at the crashed fighter jet and Javy dropped Jake's arm and scrambled over the smoking wreckage and started digging around. "What are you looking for, man? There's nothing left that can help us." Jake heard Javy exclaim triumphantly as he held something small and dark in color above his head. "It's the radio, it might still work. Let them know that we're ok and maybe I can give them our location."
Jake watched as Coyote fiddled with the radio, trying to get a signal. Jake shook his head and started to say that it was useless when he heard it crackle to life. "Command central, this is Lt. Javy Machado and Lt. Jake Seresin we had to eject before we could get coordinates for our last known location. Is anyone out there?" The radio crackled once and went silent and Coyote looked over his shoulder as Jake hung his head in dejection. Javy was about to say that they should pick a direction and start walking when the radio crackled to life, "this is Admiral Johannsson we have military search and rescue on the way, stay where you are. They'll be there shortly. "
Javy clasped the radio to his chest and said a silent thank you to whoever was looking out for them. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Jake look up at the starry night sky and Javy knew that Jake was thinking about Y/N. Coyote made his way back over to Jake and clapped his shoulder and relayed the message and Jake nodded in acknowledgement. They stood together in thankful silence as they saw the lights and heard the sirens of the rescue team. A team of paramedics ushered Jake and Javy out of the way and into the back of the ambulance and put hypothermic blankets over their shoulders and started tending to their wounds.
One paramedic was putting Javy's left arm in a sling to stabilize it. Jake got the brunt of the injuries, as a paramedic shined a flashlight in his eyes. "Lt. Seresin, you have a concussion. Can you tell me what day it is?" Jake winced at the light and muttered "it's Tuesday, I think." She slipped the pen flashlight back into her breast pocket and nodded as she wrote something onto a piece of paper attached to a clipboard.
"Good, are you feeling nauseous or have you vomited within the last few hours?" Javy raised his right hand and answered the question for him. "Yes Ma'am, Hangman's vomit is currently on the ground. It was nasty." She cracked a small smile and made another note on the clipboard. "Alright Lieutenant, I want you to stand up please and let me know if you have any trouble balancing, feelings of dizziness or blurry and or double vision?" Jake stood up and wobbled on his feet.
She watched as he swayed on his feet and made more notes on his chart. "Feeling woozy? Sluggish? Hazy? Foggy? Sensitive to light and sound? Disoriented? Can't concentrate?" Jake nodded "All of the above, ma'am." She jotted down some more notes and helped Hangman sit back down. She took his blood pressure and made one final notation and indicated that he should lay down on the stretcher. "Is that really necessary?" he was barely able to get the question out as she put an oxygen mask over his face.
"Better safe than sorry, Lieutenant." She jumped out of the back of the ambulance and before she could slam the doors shut Jake struggled to sit up and he removed the oxygen mask, "wait! Where are you taking us? Can you please let my girl know that I'm ok? Please?" Hangman gave his best puppy dog eyes and she looked over her shoulder to make sure that nobody was watching her as she climbed back in and sat next to Coyote. She ripped off a piece of paper and wrote down the information that Jake gave to her. She slipped it in her back pocket and jumped out of the ambulance and before slamming the door she said "Gentlemen, you get an all expenses paid trip to the lovely and scenic Naval Hospital in Camp Pendleton. We hope you enjoy your stay." Jake groaned as he collapsed back onto the stretcher as the ambulance lit up the night sky and his only thought was of you. He whispered your name and thought of you as the darkness claimed him.
Back at the base camp word had quickly spread like wildfire that Hangman and Coyote had been found alive and being transported to the Naval Hospital at Camp Pendleton. Rooster didn't have the heart to wake you up but he knew that there would be hell to pay if he didn't. He looked down at you as gently snored and a little bit of drool was pooling in the corner of your mouth. He reached a big hand up to your shoulder and gently started shaking you awake. "Y/N, time to rise and shine. They found Jake and Javy, they're being transported to the hospital right now."
You groggily cracked one eye open and picked your head up off of something hard. You looked up into Rooster's honey brown eyes and he gave you an impish smile. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty. They found your Prince Charming." You shot up out of your chair, almost toppling it backwards as the blanket tumbled from your shoulders. You weren't sure if you were hearing him correctly and you just stared at him.
You stood there as comprehension slowly dawned on you. They found them. They found Jake and Javy. You stared at Rooster, not knowing what to say as you felt every single emotion from confusion and disbelief to utter euphoria. You felt the tears begin to form behind your eyes as you felt yourself sinking to the ground.
Before your knees could hit the ground, Rooster caught you and pulled you into his embrace. You began sobbing uncontrollably and he rocked you back and forth as he let you get it out of your system. You clung onto him as sobs painfully wracked your body. You felt the warmth of Rooster's big hand as he soothingly rubbed your back. He handed you a tissue as you tried to pull yourself back together.
Rooster stood up and he reached out a hand and pulled you up and onto your feet. You smiled weakly up at him as you heard a commotion further up the command post. You both looked over and saw a paramedic searching the crowd with her eyes. A piece of crumpled up paper in her hand. You two made eye contact with each other and she started to make her way through the crowd towards where you and Rooster were standing.
"Are you Y/N?" Rooster heard you audibly gulp and you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. What if something happened to them on the way to the hospital. She reached out to hand you the piece of paper and your hand was visibly shaking as you took it from her. She looked at you with compassion in her eyes as you struggled to open the note. You were shaking like a leaf in the frigid fall air as Rooster took pity on you and gently took the crumpled up piece of paper from your hands and thanked the paramedic as she nodded and disappeared into the night.
You shut your eyes and took a deep, calming breath and you heard the paper rustling as Rooster opened the note and gave it a quick glance as he looked over at you standing still with your face turned up towards the night sky as you felt a soft breeze against your skin. You felt something warm touch your upper arm and you wiped away tears of relief with the back of your hand and you reach over and take the note from him and grasp his hand in a quick show of your appreciation for him being there for you. Rooster nodded at you and stepped away to speak with Maverick and Phoenix and to give you some space to read Jake's note. You braced yourself and opened up the folded paper. It wasn't Jake's handwriting so you figured that he must have gotten the paramedic to write it.
Y/N, I won't tell you not to worry because that's what you do best. We're OK, a little banged and bruised but nothing more serious than some scrapes. We're currently at the Naval Hospital in Camp Pendleton, I really want to see you.
Yours Forever, Jake.
You could feel the tears forming again behind your eyes but they didn't fall. You pulled yourself together as best as you could and you made your way towards your sister. You could feel Rooster and Maverick staring at you, their concern for you radiating off of them. You gave them a weak smile and stood next to Nat. You needed your big sister now more than ever and she could sense that.
You hugged Rooster and Maverick and thanked them for everything. Rooster walked with you towards Nat's car and opened up the door for you and you hugged him again and kissed his cheek as you settled yourself into the passenger seat. You buckled yourself in as you saw Nat say a few words to Rooster and Mav as you let your head rest against the seat and you looked out the window at the horizon as the inky blackness of the night sky gradually gave way to morning. You were bone tired and you could only begin to imagine how exhausted Jake and Javy must be. Surviving a near fatal plane crash must have been beyond terrifying.
You had no more tears to cry so you gave silent thanks to whoever was listening and you heard Nat say goodbye to Rooster and Maverick and she started the car and looked over at you. She smiled at you and you gave her one in return. You finally felt like you could breathe easier as Phoenix started the car and she said "Camp Pendleton?" You nodded in agreement and you felt yourself drifting off as you and Nat made the journey towards the hospital and you couldn't wait to see Jake again and make sure that he and Javy were okay. As you fell asleep, you dropped the note that Jake had written for you and Phoenix picked it up carefully and her curiosity got the better of her, she rolled to a stop at the red light and read what Jake had written to you. In the early dawn hours there was nobody else on the road so as the light turned green Phoenix folded up the note and gently put it in the glove box for safe keeping.
Driving on the back roads gave Phoenix plenty of time for contemplation. Everything happened so quickly, your parents untimely passing, the house back home still needs to be packed up and put on the market, you had only been in California for a few months and still hadn't fully settled in yet. Now another set back with Hangman getting hurt and you still haven't come to terms with everything that has happened to you in such a short period of time. Phoenix wondered when the universe would give you a chance to catch your breath and she whispered a silent prayer that you could finally get a break and a chance to be happy and Nat seriously hoped that once the dust settled you'd see a future for yourself in California.
(Until next time 😉)
@the-romanian-is-bae @hangmandruigandmav @maddithehugenerd @86laura11 @80pairsofcrocs @hardballoonlove @caitsymichelle13 @bellaireland1981 @halibshepherd @crazybeautiful1987 @rosiahills22 @roostersforevergirl @planetch1ld @quafflewaffle97 @killmyhyunmin @lovinghimisneverenough @drunk-on-hwa @kennediijordan @cdntheblackhearts @runningawayfromsociety @shelbycillian @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @rosedurin @luna-lovethegood @chlo-lo14 @themusingofagothicsoul @jason-toddbandit @rascallyrascals @kyleeisahotmess @queenslandlover-93 @emma8895eb @petehangmankazansky24 @thefantasticreadingsofadri @milber32 @ellianwhite @mamaskillerqueen @kyliesalvatore @lynnestra44 @djs8891 @hookslove1592 @beautifulandvoid @comicgollum20 @erindiggory @tonkatesuramen @fandom-life-12 @tootser98 @jakeyzzz @scarlettwidow19 @mrsevans90 @jessa-21
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paper-lilypie · 1 year
Hey, I had a rough day. Is there any cute art you haven't posted yet?
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ccrt aristocats sketches!!!! never finished them, so I’ll just throw these at you 💕
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131-vr · 3 months
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Wip, Somebody kill me.
Haven't watch the new episodes.
I remember I can and have the ability to draw what I want.
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crowlipso · 1 year
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Scottish man and Siamese lady.
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getvalentined · 17 days
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Thinking about the Degradation Paper again and decided I'm just gonna drop the whole outline because this is a project that's already taken literal years but I wanna get some form of it out there. There are citations missing from the outline because there's a separate file with timestamped in-game video links in it, a folder of images to be linked as examples for certain points, and a whole bookmarks directory with every real-world scientific citation, so they're not all pasted in here. I don't assume people will be typing any of them in by hand anyway, I just wanna clarify that I do have citations for everything! It's just writing it all up that is...so extremely difficult.
The whole last section of the outline just says this:
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I'll get there, me from the past.
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haysey-draws · 7 months
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Working on more pomni
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chocosnowflake0 · 6 months
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grinnin' catto wip 'cause imma lazy to draw clothes rn AAAAA
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fursona Work In Progress
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My art tag is #king’s paintbrush reblogging with tags helps artists!
I’m a 16 yo, queer, black artist!
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sttmxxn · 16 days
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Jason Todd, oh my Jason Todd. 🤭🫣
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