#tw sui ideation
Me trying to explain to my friend why I felt fine an hour earlier and why I feel bad now (I have BPD):
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(TW: Suicide)
I didn’t want to make this post, but my situation been getting worse.
If you follow me or interact with my forced masculinization posts, you are probably some sort of transmasculine or transgender.
I am transmasc myself and have recently been dealing with my abusive parents after returning home from university.
They don’t know I am transgender, and they never will.
My sibling and I want to get out. We are finding it harder to live with them, and want to life independently. We know that if we come out we will be kicked out, as they have threatened it before.
It is very possible that after university, I may be homeless. It’s hard for me to find a job as an autistic man. Even as a black trans man who doesn’t exactly pass. These things may seem trivial to some of you, but you’ll never know how hard my identity makes it for me to just survive.
I’ve considered (and attempted) suicide. I’ve considered running away. I’m scared, and my support system is currently nowhere near me because of my parents pressuring me to stay at their house.
I want to be able to pay for top surgery, get out of this house, and start looking for ways to get testosterone.
Even £1 is fine. £5, I’d be grateful for. Anything helps.
I don’t even think this will spread as far as my other posts did, but if you see this, please just like or reblog.
And please don’t give unless you really have the money to spare. I feel bad enough that I’m asking, but again, anything helps.
PayPal: @lathanml
Thank you for reading this far.
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ima-end-itt · 3 days
"no don't worry you're never annoying me, so what's bothering you?"
I text as there's blood flowing down my arms
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naokoiam · 2 days
I have 99 problems that dying can solve all of them
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CW suicide ASPD + BPD culture is attempting suicide and then moments later not feeling a single thing about it.
ASPD + BPD culture is
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dazai-mackerel · 2 days
guys. guys. suicide. right now. please.
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foxlungz · 2 days
Just let me sleep and never wake up please and thank you
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stonerskinny · 1 day
just took a shower and got so genuinely repulsed by my naked body that i threw up!
weighed at 284.8. i don’t understand how because i fasted all day yesterday and have puked everything i’ve eaten today but whatever. at this point im gonna kms before i ever hit 280 because i just keep going fucking backwards.
gonna get high tonight so as to postpone my inevitable demise
meeting with my psych on the 15th and i might just tell her im purging to see what she does. guess we’ll see if i have the guts. i most certainly will not be telling her the full scope of this tho.
debating some sh. we’ll see how things go tonight w the whole taking an edible thing. probably will end up ordering food bc i don’t know how else to cope with life 🤡
fun fact: i attempted to this song last dec. lmao. still luv it tho
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nnayomaise · 4 hours
does anyone else think about the possibility of kabru figuring out that mithrun was essentially trying to kill himself the whole time before mithrun did himself
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tianavln · 1 day
Annoyed because cvtting doesn’t relax me enough to fall asleep anymore maybe I should try her01n
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"Your scars will stay there forever." - Thanks Karen for enlightening me. I didn't know.
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My second attempt.
(...this isn't a story, or a poem or made up. This actually... is real. TW for suicide attempt, depression, use of overdosing as a metaphor, and... yeah, I'm sorry.)
This happened on June 3rd, 2024.
Monday, June 3rd, 2024, sometime around 5 pm.
Was when I attempted to take my life for the second time.
I've been feeling so... uneasy, the past few days. I thought, "It must be one of my moots!" So to every moot in my list, I checked on them. I'm glad I did, I got good and bad news from each one, I got to hear different stories, I got to offer my comfort and congratulations.
...but the feeling was still there.
So I kept asking, my moots, friends, people I've never talked to too much—How are you?
It was still there, eating me from the inside out
...And, on June 3rd... something clicked.
I was kinda thinking of it for the past couple days, of doing this. I think my posts, my demeanour reflected it even before i knew.
I was talking to someone on discord. They might've thought it was a nice conversation... I was planning on taking my life while we joked around.
I think that feeling, might've been me. Might've been my gut saying "Hey, don't do this!" Might've been myself reminding me of a promise I made to my twin. My sister, my best friends, my platonic spouse, my mum, the people I care about. The family I've made here.
I tried... anyways.
Because I just couldn't see any further thsn right now, the heaviness that pushed my body down, the bad thoughts I overdosed on.
And... I didn't tell anyone. That would've been my biggest regret, because I love them all so, so fucking much. They are my family.
And my other friends, moots... I would've missed immensely too.
So... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for trying something so.... stupid. I'm sorry I didn't talk to anyone, I'm sorry I've been distancing myself, I'm sorry if I worried anyone, I'm sorry.
...But the one thing, the one thing I'm not sorry about...
I'm not sorry it didn't work.
I'm glad it didn't. I'm glad I got to tell my family on here, that I love them. That they're a family to me.
I'm glad I got to tell them good morning. I'm glad I told them. I'm glad... I'm here, I think, yeah. I'm glad, grateful for the people I have in my life. Thank you.
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endlessmidnights · 8 months
I hate when people say suicide is the easy way out, they have no idea the pain you must be in to want to end your own life
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i-am-confused-always · 6 months
what I say: “it is what it is”
what I mean: “I have cried about this for hours and have probably self harmed and contemplated suicide over this.
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neil-gaiman · 17 days
Hi, sir. Do you have any suggestions or tips for someone who feels like they do not want to go on living anymore?
I know that it sounds kind of counter-productive that someone who wishes to end their state of living to be seeking advice; but to be honest, I’m just looking for an excuse to hold on.
The best advice I can give, as someone who has been there, is, because it gets better again. Killing yourself is an incredibly permanent solution to what is often, in retrospect, a temporary condition. You are miserable now, so miserable that existing is painful, but you may not always be miserable. And when the sun comes out in your life and your mind and your heart, you could be very glad you are still alive and breathing.
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themindofmine · 8 months
I feel like I’m already dead but I have to keep on living
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