#texts from Etheria
thewitchoftherock · 9 months
….. back on fandom bullshit XD
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And a bonus image
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midnightechoes · 7 months
Five years ago today, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power premiered on Netflix. I had seen a few preview articles about it, and liked what I saw. Those articles mostly focused on She-Ra’s, Adora’s, Glimmer’s, Bow’s, and Catra’s redesigns, and I thought they were fabulous. I loved Adora’s new red jacket and bouffant hair style. Glimmer’s entire redesign was inspired, and I loved that they made Bow black so we could have more diversity in the main cast.
It was She-Ra’s and Catra’s redesigns that caught my eyes the most, though. They made Catra an actual catgirl, and not just in the anime sense where she's just a cute girl with cat ears and maybe a cat tail. She was a full-on furry. It was a brilliant design choice. Honestly it’s no wonder that so many were instantly drawn to her.
And of course, She-Ra herself. I loved her new look, and her huge ass new Sword of Protection. In fact, I loved it so much that I drew this picture of her before the show even came out:
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Then the show came out, and needless to say, I fell in love. And honestly, it changed my life.
I know, I know. That sounds very hyperbolic, and to an extent it is, but in a lot of ways, I’m absolutely serious.
Alright, I have to back up a little. Back when I was in college, and for a few years after, a couple of friends and I tried to make a webcomic called The Devil’s Gate. It was minorly successful but eventually floundered. Then I met some people and we tried to make a video game, which also failed. After those few years, I found myself on my own and trying to rework the concept of my webcomic. Making comics, creating stories, those have always been my dream, and I was desperately trying to figure out a story I could make work, something that I believed in. But it never truly got off the ground. By the end of 2015 I had given up on the comic, realizing that after working on it for years in different forms that I needed to step away from it.
I didn’t really know what to do after that. I was still doing my quick daily doodles, but I wasn’t writing, I wasn’t drawing anything of note. I felt emotionally and physically drained of my creativity. I was honestly getting to the point where I thought it might be time for me to give up on trying to be creative or making things all together.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power came out on November 13, 2018, but despite looking forward to it, I didn’t actually watch it when it came out. It wasn’t until that weekend that I decided to check it out.
I was instantly hooked. I binged through the entire season in two days, and did plenty of crying and cheering. And then rewatched it immediately. I was in love. I was obsessed. It had been a long time since anything grabbed me like SPOP did. I loved the characters. I loved the colorful, sci-fi-fairy tale world of Etheria. I loved how unapologetically feminine it was. And most of all, I loved how queer it was.
I hadn’t done a ton of shipping before SPOP. I’ve been down bad for harlivy for what feels like my whole life, and I was angry when Mika and HG didn’t get together in Warehouse 13, but more often than not I had just been conditioned not to look for queer things in mainstream culture, and even barely in subculture.
That is to say, when I was smashed in the face with Catradora I was surprised how much I glommed onto it immediately. I was absolutely taken with Adora and Catra and their relationship. Both characters were so relatable, and despite not quite being text (although the subtext was so loud and obvious it might as well have been text), it was impossible to not read their feelings for each other as romantic.
It wasn’t just Catradora, even if that was a lot of it. Spinnerella and Netossa being canon from the start was wonderful. How much Glimmer and Bow screamed “BISEXUAL DISASTERS” from the start was adorable. Scorpia’s crush on Catra was as cute as it was sad in its one-sidedness.
I had never really been in a fandom. That is, yeah I’ve liked things, loved things even, but I never found other people to talk about it at length, never found discords just for that thing, never read or wrote fanfic, barely ever drew fanart. 
But, I watched SPOP, and then I watched it again. And then I drew Catra. And then I drew Adora. And then I drew them again. And suddenly I was on AO3, a site I never frequented, reading Catradora fics. And then I had an AO3 account. That December I participated in Catradora Week 2018 (I’d never heard of this kind of thing) and drew two pictures for it and wrote my first fanfic.
By the end of February I had drawn more in the three months since the show had premiered than I had in the previous year. I was working furiously on a long, multi-chapter fanfic, and writing more words than I had in the previous couple of years combined.
I was inspired again.
In the 18 months that SPOP ran for, I drew more than I had in years, I wrote hundreds of thousands of words. I felt so rejuvenated and happy about my creativity and free for the first time in years.
It’s hard to put into words exactly how it felt. I was so close to giving up my art and writing, which honestly, would have been giving up a part of myself. An important part of myself. It’s not overstating that SPOP saved me, or at least my creative spirit.
I also learned about the wonders of being in a fandom and fandom things like fan weeks, big bangs, zines. And I made some wonderful friends that I cherish to this day.
Even as I inevitably moved onto other hyperfixations, my love for She-Ra hasn’t diminished. Plushie Catra and Adora sit next to me on my desk every day. Catradora art still hangs on my wall.
The inspiration that SPOP ignited in me hasn’t died either. It’s carried me through a tremendous level of creativity that I’ve been riding since the premiere. It let me create a ton of fan art for SPOP, and then RWBY and then the Witch From Mercury, and I’ve written a ton of fanfics for RWBY and Supergirl. And perhaps the best, that inspiration has helped me create more OC stuff in the last couple years than I had in a long time.
I owe She-Ra and The Princesses of Power so much. I am so happy that it exists and that it happened when it did. I’ll always cherish it.
And for real, Netflix, SPOP spin-off movies WHEN?!
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sometipsygnostalgic · 24 days
Likable vs Complex vs "Good"
EDIT: Couple people came up to me thinking of alternatives for category 3 "Good" and my favourite is Kimberly's suggestion of "effective". I think "effective" is great because it means well utilized. It's pretty much exactly what I was going for when writing the descriptions in this post.
I feel that when it comes to describing characters, there are strong differences between a
Likable character - Someone you enjoy watching, like to have on screen, might want to share a drink with. Most protagonists. Usually a blorbo with a mass fandom who says they were done wrong if theyre a side character.
Complex character - how many layers does this one have? how much do you have to talk about them to explain them? Do you see people defending them with massive text posts? Do you follow this blog? You have experience with complex characters.
"Good" character - I don't mean a good person. That is more of a "likable" characteristic. I mean, does this character serve a solid role in the story? Do they have a job, and do they perform it well? This can include minor characters you don't care for, and it can actually exclude complex characters if their motivations don't seem to make sense or have relevance to the story.
I think a "good" character can be further broken down into subcategories but it's impossible to define whether a character is good by a basic description for all series. It requires comprehension of the source material and what it's trying to do.
Allow me to illustrate this with some examples.
I was considering what show to use for this. Let's go with She-Ra for now because it's my current thing and I don't want to be roasting SU or Owl House, and I think Adventure Time is a bad fit due to how episodic it is. I'd have to categorise by season for each example. Let me know if you want me to talk about any specific characters.
Sea Hawk
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Likable: Yes Complex: No Good: No
Sea Hawk is a side character in She-Ra who gets kinda sidelined. He hasn't got much to do with anything but he makes me smile when he shows up. I don't think Sea Hawk has a purpose other than to make chaotic background noise. I think that's fine? But he's not a good character and the show would lose almost nothing if he was gone.
Edit: I feel kinda bad for implying sea hawk is not a good character so remember that I mean he isn't used effectively, he doesn't have much involvement and presence. I think a key example is his absence from season 5 entirely when he could have been used more effectively and wasn't.
Light Hope
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Likable: Not really Complex: Not really Good: YES
Light Hope is Adora's mentor as She-Ra who is actually manipulating her. Light Hope has a tragic story that adds to her complexity but she's deeply overshadowed by other characters in the story.
What makes her a good character is how strongly Light Hope ties to the themes of the story. Her reveal as being "actually evil" could have been shallow and bad in a different series (anyone else playing Halo recently?) but Light Hope having her agency stolen from her, just like Adora, makes it liberating and heartbreaking when she is destroyed alongside the Sword of Protection.
Light Hope represents the oppressive regime of the First Ones and the ways they would control Etheria, while being a victim herself. She heavily parallels Adora. She does not require being complex or likable to have an important impact on the story.
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Likable: Yes Complex: Yes proportional to screentime Good: Not consistently
I really like Micah. He's one of my favourite side characters. So why can I not call him a good character?
It's because he only serves to drive the actions of others, and when he is onscreen as an actual character, the show doesn't know what to do with him.
Micah was "dead" for most of the show and his life and death drove the decisions of plenty of others. He learnt from Shadow Weaver and was an important part of her corruption arc, being better at magic than her but scared away by the dark magic, which ended up attacking her. His disappearance is why Angella and Glimmer's relationship is so strained, why Glimmer is so determined to prove herself, and when he was in the Portal World, both characters had to give up the "wrong future" with him to restore the world.
Micah has a character with way more depth than you'd expect from a dead dad. He has a funny likable personality and is a highly skilled mage with a variety of relationships, who has survived on an island for god knows how long.
However, this kind of speaks to him being the protagonist of his own story, and She-ra is so chock full of characters aiming to a specific goal. Micah actually being alive has very little to do with the story of season 5. He isn't part of the space mission. He has an episode with Frosta, another character who has little to do with anything, and then he gets chipped for the rest of the show.
The reason Micah ended up this way is because he's a complex character in a story that has no room to do anything with him. He's not the only victim of season 5's crunch time, far from it, but he never got any screentime or "arc" and his actions don't tie in to the show very much.
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Likable: No Complex: Yes Good: Yes
Edit: I'm guessing this one was what got me flack? But Glimmer is easily in my top 3 favourite characters and imo she is the character i by far most greatly resemble. I used her here because I think she's a much more interesting example of a disliked yet very well written character than Catra for this post. But it's evident, if you look at the fandom behaviour, casual viewers don't like her much. People either love her for her everything or kind of hate her, and she's treated badly in a lot of fanfic. The reasons for this exist in the show's writing and framing and how people interpret her. She's far from the first blorbo of mine to exist in these conditions, i mean just look at PB from AT who is a thousand times more hated but also the best character.
So Glimmer's likability yoyos significantly across the series, she's far from the most offensive abrasive friend character, but she's one of the least likable characters in She-Ra. This is down to the show not having any particularly unlikable characters apart from Shadow Weaver, if I'm honest, and Glimmer's constant rubbing against other far more liked characters such as Adora, Bow, Catra, so on.
Glimmer is annoying as a bare minimum and nasty as shit at other times, going through challenges that turn her against her friends and make her seek power and lash out against others.
However, these are flaws the show is hyper aware of and has baked into her story. They are all part of what makes her Glimmer, they are all what makes her so memorable and interesting.
It is the push and pull of Glimmer's courage, her desire to be there for her friends, with her insecurities about being weak, her failure to protect her mother, that mean... When Glimmer is handed the powers of the moonstone and offered tutoring in magic, you're giving a powerless beaten down puppy a MACHINE GUN. Of course she's going to use that power ineffectively.
Complexity doesn't always make a good character. If you look at Steven Universe or even Adventure Time, you have a lot of complex characters in that series who fail to serve any strong role, or who zigzag in so many directions taht you can no longer make sense of their motivations.
However, Glimmer's motivations are not only internally consistent across the entire series, the show gives her a complete character arc where she goes from a powerless brat, to a responsible commander, to a brokenhearted powerhouse, to someone who understands where she fucked up and is trying very very hard to lead her friends into a hopeful future using the very same character traits that led her to go astray - Her love, courage, and rage.
There are a couple of weaknesses for Glimmer. I would say mainly that the show goes too far to make her snap at Adora in season 4. I don't think she needed to go that far, and it would've been fine if they dealt with it properly in season 5, but Adora and Glimmer's relationship is completely brushed over in season 5. Adora and Glimmer aren't the only victims of this - there is Micah, and season 5 is the difference between Scorpia being a good character vs an "ok" character - but it is a very very good story, and it's hard to say how it could've improved these characters with the timeframe that it had.
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Likable: Yes Complex: No Good: Yes
What makes Entrapta different from Micah and Glimmer and Sea Hawk is that she's a very basic, likable character, but she has a severe impact on every single season on the show. Entrapta is second to Catra, in my opinion, in terms of making a "good" character in She-ra, but she doesn't require any of Catra or Glimmer's complexity to get there.
Entrapta's character does not change much, but she does have challenges, which tie strongly to the base themes of She-ra - understanding, acceptance and love. Entrapta is thrown around the plot like a pinball but her movements are being noticed by all the other characters. When she joins the Horde, it changes both the Horde and the Rebellion. She puts Hordak on his path to independence. She's a big reason Catra descended into desperation, going through a repeat of the cycle of abuse. She's also why Adora and Glimmer went into hardcore martyrdom, though that has less to do with Entrapta herself and more to do with how her "death" triggered their prior conditioning. She did the runestone experiment, and created the portal. And when Entrapta is removed from the equation, it is a major catalyst for other characters to step into the hole she left behind.
But while these feats are impressive, they don't say much about Entrapta herself. What makes her a good character and not just a plot device?
Well, Entrapta has an internal logic and a strong sense of personality that is present throughout the show. While other mad scientists might act randomly and not have much character going on, Entrapta has an entire arc that has less to do with science and is instead focused on her goal of connection. She has a deep love for science but also for friendship and she wants to connect those things together, she wants to express love through her science and be liked for who she is.
That's what makes her compelling and likable. It's not that deep but it ties in to everything she does. It's what connects her to the other characters.
That's why Entrapta can seamlessly work with the good guys, and the bad guys, and be ideologically opposed to the true big bad of the series just as the rest of the characters are, without having to change much as a person or to be that complex. The show moves her around where she is most effective at serving its story themes as her current self, and she never has a period of inactivity in the story even when absent. And she never has to do anything that contradicts her previous actions.
I have strong opinions on other series. I'm thinking a lot about SU, because it's full of complex characters who get discarded, but also I'm thinking about Princess Bubblegum. I think I'd rate Princess Bubblegum differently for every season of Adventure Time.
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birindale · 5 months
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Adventure of the Blue Diamond
Frosta learns about stranger danger, Catra blots out the 'daystar', and She-Ra smashes a priceless gem for no discernible reason.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: A cover and 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “Adventure of the Blue Diamond”.
Cover: She-Ra stands in a snowy field, staring at something. Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow stand behind her, none of them dressed for cold weather. Bow has an arrow nocked, and his embedded ‘heart’ is situated low on his torso, more where a belly button would be. All parties look vaguely concerned. The ‘Princess of Power’ logo stands in sharp contrast to the indigo sky, while the title ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ is a washed out azure with insufficient lining to read well against the lighter purple background and blue of Bow’s pants.
Page 1: A yellow text box reads, “The duties of the day behind her. PRINCESS ADORA indulges in a rare moment of quiet reflection. But her sweet peace is to be short lived… For all is not well in Etheria… ”
Adora is looking into a mirror, brushing her hair despite still wearing her crown and high-collared cape. She’s smiling peacefully.
Adora notices something in her reflection, pausing in her brushing. 
What appears to be a window glows gold in the reflection of the mirror, and she stares at it with a concerned frown. 
Kowl bursts into the room, frantic, calling, “Oh, fair princess, woe is me! DANGER! DANGER… all I see! QUICKLY! You must follow me! HOOT! HOOT!” Adora whips around to face him. 
“Good heavens, Kowl! What IS the matter?” she asks. The words ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ appear on a title scroll at the bottom of the page. ‘Blue Diamond’ is rendered as though made of cut gems.
End Page 1.
Page 2: “Just look and listen!” says Kowl, leading her to the open window of the Crystal Castle. A strong and ominous wind hisses outside.
“CATRA! Up to her old tricks! I’d recognize that voice anywhere!” says Adora, looking out into a gathering storm. 
“She’s gone too far I fear! Etheria’s DOOM is all too near!” says Kowl. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” says Adora, with a confident smile. 
“BY THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL… I AM SHE-RA!” she yells, holding the Sword of Protection aloft. Magic swirls around her, and the word ‘BOOM!’ is printed in big red letters. Her crown inverts, but does not cover her eyes as a mask. 
“I must find the source of this dark trouble at once! Kowl, summon BOW and DOUBLE TROUBLE… quickly… I’ll need their HELP!” She-Ra says to Kowl.
End Page 2. 
Page 3: A yellow caption box reads, “Moments later…” and we see that it’s begun to snow. A large vehicle with lepidopteran wings, somewhere between the Butterflyer and the Flutter Plane in design but colored to match Double Trouble’s outfit, is parked in front of the Crystal Castle, where She-Ra meets with her allies. 
“Brave Bow, far greater is the force of Catra’s folly this day than I have ever seen it! I know not the SOURCE of her dark powers, but we must NOT let her EVIL TREACHERY SUCCEED!” says She-Ra. 
“Never have I seen Etheria look more DESOLATE and DREARY! Whatever Catra’s up to… It must be a vile TRICK indeed!” says Bow. 
“She-Ra, surely you must have some sort of PLAN!” says Double Trouble. 
“Indeed I do and much of it depends on you, Double Trouble., with your SPY DISGUISE you can make it into Catra’s camp UNDETECTED! GO NOW and discover for me just what wretched scheme that fiendish feline has up her sleeve!” says She-Ra. 
Double Trouble stands with her hands on her hips, wind buffeting Bow behind her. “And when I have your answer?” she asks. 
“Then send a SIGNAL skyward. The FLUTTER PLANE will bring Bow and me to your side in a but a moment!” says She-Ra, so apparently that is in fact the Flutter Plane, just riffing on the earlier two-seater concept art that Filmation discarded and Mattel never produced. Cool.
A yellow caption box reads, “A clever scout, Double Trouble soon finds herself on the evil Catra’s trail…” and we see Double Trouble slogging through the snow, following a very neat and precise course. 
“FOOT PRINTS! Catra has been here all right!” she says, following them as it continues to snow. The ground is now completely covered.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: “... and up ahead… a CAVE!” says Double Trouble, trudging through even deeper snow, approaching, you guessed it, a cave. “If I don’t miss my guess, the SINISTER FELINE seeks shelter from the storm inside!” 
“Just as I suspected! BUT WAIT… What’s this? The fiendish feline holds a PRISONER!” Double Trouble thinks to herself, peering into the cave to see an exultant Catra, wearing a silver fur cloak, gloating over a woman with long blue hair tied to a stalagmite. 
“AT LAST! The treasured SNOW CAPE and its powerful SECRETS are mine… ALL MINE!” says Catra.
End Page 4.
Page 5: “HELP! Somebody HELP ME!” yells the prisoner. Catra smiles dismissively and pulls out her mask and says, “FROSTA, my dear, you are a FOOL! There is no one to hear your cries, nor anyone to interfere with thissss…
“My most diabolical plot to SEIZE CONTROL of all Etheria!” she declares, putting on her mask. 
The space between panels reads, “Unleashed by Catra’s evil threats, Double Trouble CHANGES into her SPY DISGUISE - a face that Catra recognizes as a FRIEND!” followed by a four-panel sequence of Double Trouble shifting into evil mode. 
“CATRA! What have we here?” she asks. 
“WHA…? Oh it’s you, Double Trouble!” says Catra. “This foolish girl has given me her precious SNOW CAPE, and with its secrets, Etheria will soon be MINE!”
End Page 5.
Page 6:
“HOW? What secrets? Tell me your plan!” says Double Trouble. 
“I took Frosta’s powerful WAND and FROZE ETHERIA!” says Catra. “But its freezing effect is only temporary! Fear not, friend—I’ve discovered a MAP in her cape that will lead me to the BLUE ICE DIAMOND! And I will have the power to freeze Etheria FOREVER!” 
“Double Trouble, guard Frosta until I return!” says Catra, running from the cave.
A yellow caption box reads, “Above Etheria’s moonlit horizon, Bow and She-Ra watch… and wait…” and we see the Flutter Plane flying over a snow-covered landscape.
“LOOK THERE! It’s Double Trouble’s SIGNAL!” says Bow, pointing at a flare of magic from the pilot’s seat. 
“GOOD! Let’s take ‘er down…” says She-Ra. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: “She-Ra, Etheris is in the greatest PERIL! Frosta, QUICKLY, you must tell She-Ra everything you know!” says Double Trouble, as she emerges from the cave, supporting Frosta. Bow and She-Ra run towards her.
“So LONELY have I been here, in the frozen north, for Catra’s TRICKERY I was an easy mark! A day ago, she befriended me… but it has COST me DEARLY!” says Frosta, beginning to cry. Double Trouble holds her closer in support.
“Go on, tell her about the SNOW CAPE!” she urges. 
“Foolishly, I GAVE my snow cape to Catra in exchange for her company! Inside the cape, there is a map that will lead her to the Blue Ice Diamond!” says Frosta, dripping tears. 
“THE BLUE ICE DIAMOND! Catra will use the gemstone’s powerful magic to turn Etheria into a frozen wasteland FOREVER! We must STOP her!” says She-Ra, evidently horrified.
A yellow caption box reads, “With Frosta in the lead, She-Ra and her stalwart cohorts race across the Dreaming Mountain! But can they reach the Blue Ice Diamond in time?” 
The Flutter Plane flies overhead while Double Trouble and Frosta (who has been mistakenly colored to look like She-Ra) ride in another vessel. It’s a sailing sledge (an iceboat meant for dry land) with an unstayed mast & single lateen sail, long and narrow in the style of a stereotypical viking ship, complete with an ornate figurehead of a bird of prey. The entire ship is a similar shade of green to Double Trouble, including the sail, which is feather-patterned. There are struts visible in later panels which confirm this is a sleigh and not a magical land-ship of some kind. The whole thing is reminiscent of the Sea Harp in shape, but that hasn't been designed yet.
End Page 7. 
Page 8: A yellow caption box reads, “... or does Catra ALREADY hold Etheria’s fate in her grasp?” as Catra gloats over a gem, which glows a vivid green. 
“CATRA!” shouts Frosta, now colored correctly, “HALT! Or I shall FREEZE you where you stand!” She climbs from the sailing sledge and brandishes her Snowflake Wand (which is really more of a staff). 
“You’re TOO LATE Frosta… TOO LATE!” Catra calls back, lifting a faceted gem to her face as she smiles in evil glee.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: “LOOK! Etheria’s bright daystar DIMS even as I speak, and a CLOAK OF DARKNESS SWEEPS THE LAND!” she yells, gesturing at what I think it’s safe to assume is a sun and not the planet Venus because it’s flipping huge, “Soon I shall rule FOREVER!” 
“WHISSSSHHHH,” goes the Snowflake Wand, which now more resembles a scepter, then “ZZZAAA,” in a spidery, electric sort of style. Sparkles emerge from the wand and Frosta looks pretty pissed.
“--KRAKK!” finish the onomatopoeia, as we return to Catra, who’s surrounded by sparkles as the sun darkens behind her. 
We zoom in closer to reveal she’s frozen solid, still cackling. 
The focus shifts to the sun, now completely dark. 
End Page 9. 
Page 10:  Frosta falls to her knees in despair, burying her face in her hands as Double Trouble tries to comfort her. In the background, the Flutter Plane lands and She-Ra leaps from within. 
“Oh She-Ra, I have FAILED! There is NOTHING we can do to save Etheria from darkness… it’s all MY FAULT!” sobs Frosta as She-Ra lays a supportive hand on her shoulder. 
She-Ra doesn’t respond immediately, trudging over to Catra as Bow reaches the sledge. 
“Perhaps there is MORE to this blue ice diamond than meets the eye!” She-Ra says, plucking the gem from the frozen Catra’s grasp. 
“BOW! Stand fast and make ready an arrow! I have an idea!” she calls back over her shoulder. Bow moves forward obediently. Frosta is still kneeling in the snow and Double Trouble’s still in the sledge. 
End Page 10.
Page 11: “The SECRET of this gemstone’s POWER may lie WITHIN…” says She-Ra, setting the blue ice diamond atop a rock. 
She lifts her sword. In this panel and the next, she’s shown with her inverted crown functioning as a mask. “... so, if we CRACK it…” 
She brings the Sword of Protection down with a huge “SMASH!” 
“... we can set its magic FREE!” she finishes, revealing that there was a second, smaller diamond inside the first diamond, matryoshka doll style. For some reason. 
“Now, let your arrow FLY!” she says to Bow, as he ties this smaller diamond to an arrow. It glows a soft yellow. She-Ra’s crown is no longer a mask. 
End page 11. 
Page 12: Bow aims directly at the darkened sun. 
We get a close-up of his face, deep in concentration, as he releases the arrow with a loud “SPUNGG!”
The arrow sails towards the sun. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow look on. Bow lowers his bow. 
The arrow disappears from sight, leaving only the darkness and the blotted daystar. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, Bow, and She-Ra watch in silence. 
The sun remains dark 
End page 12. 
Page 13: “BULL’SEYE!” hollers Bow, lifting his bow to the sky in jubilation as the sun goes “BUH WHOOM!” and begins emitting light once more. He slings a celebratory arm around Frosta’s waist, like he means to hug her but is just too excited about archery to bother. 
Catra begins to defrost beneath the heat of the sun. 
She comes to staring at her now-empty hand, startled and soaking wet from the melted ice, the snow cape falling from her shoulders. We see that beneath the snow, this was some kind of arid plain, which contradicts its earlier description as being the “Dreaming Mountain”, as the Dreaming Mountains are the home of Castle Chill (and thus, chilly) from Filmation. 
“CURSES! FOILED AGAIN!” shouts Catra, sprinting into the distance. 
End Page 13. 
Page 14: “YOU’VE DONE IT! The daystar glows brighter than ever!” says Frosta, clapping her hands together in delight. 
“Etheria is SAFE once more and I am FREE at last of Catra’s EVIL MAGIC!” she says, holding her snow cape over one shoulder like a jock with a letterman jacket. 
“Yes—Etheria is SAFE and BEAUTIFUL once more!” says She-Ra, walking over to her. 
“Bow, Double Trouble, time to go! The CRYSTAL CASTLE and NEW ADVENTURES await!” says She-Ra, looking over her shoulder to her friends. 
“But WAIT! How can I ever REPAY your kindness? Perhaps my coat…?” says Frosta, holding the snow cape out to She-Ra as Double Trouble and Bow climb into the Flutter Plane. 
“Fair Frosta—haven’t you learned a moral after all that’s happened? REMEMBER THIS!” says She-Ra:
“FRIENDSHIP can’t be bought or sold… it must come from the HEART! And from OUR hearts to YOURS—a friendship that’s EVERLASTING!” says She-Ra, in the traditional red text they use for morals. Everybody smiles at each other. 
The End.
End of Page 14.
Back Cover: The “Princess of Power” logo, with the text “Collect Princess of Power (trademarked) Dolls & Accessories! Each Sold Separately.
Cardback illustrations for She-Ra the “most powerful woman in the universe”, Bow the “special friend”, Double Trouble the “glamorous double-agent”, Frosta the “Ice Empress of Etheria”, Catra the “Jealous Beauty”, Castaspella the “Enchantress who hypnotizes”, Kowl “The Know-It-Owl”, Angella the “Angelic winged guide”, and Glimmer the “Guide who lights the way”. 
Illustrations copyright Mattel Inc., 1984. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A.
PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. 
End of ID]
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copepods · 2 years
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only the most quality fanart here on pineapplefishh dot tumblr dot com
[id: two pictures of she ra characters drawn over memes. the first one has text that says “what if catra had whatsapp” with three crying laughing emoji. to the right is an image of catra from season 4, looking exhausted. to the left is a whatsapp notifications screen, showing messages from several characters. hordak, glimmer and lonnie have all messaged “fucking kill yourself”, scorpia says “i need entrapta back”, double trouble says “i need money”, and adora says “horde prime has 121 billion dollars. the population of etheria” with the rest cut off. the second drawing is of horde prime pressing a red button labeled “immanentize” on a white machine called “eschatron 9000″, with a smirk on his face. end id]
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lefemmerougewriter · 5 months
Rise of the Scarlet Wildcat
Catra tells Adora to break-up with Pearl and it goes badly. She gets thrown out. Adora tries to search for Catra, with the assistance of friends, and is unsuccessful. One day, everything changes for the wildcat when she meets someone, dressed in a red trench-coat and fedora, that... she never expected. They have a much deeper connection than either had originally anticipated.
Characters: Catra, Adora, Pearl (implied), Carmen Sandiego
Friendships: N/A (?)
Romantic pairings: Catra / Adora / Pearl [formerly], Adora / Pearl, Catra / Adora [formerly], Catra / Carmen Sandiego [presently], Carmen Sandiego / Julia Argent [formerly]
Words: 1970
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52999234
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1413710022-rise-of-the-scarlet-wildcat
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/16296028/Rise-of-the-Scarlet-Wildcat
A/N: After writing my Red Moonstone fic ("A Red Moonstone Shines Brightly"), and my Catsandra fic ("Cassandra and the Catgirl from the Sky"), both of which are inspirations for this story, I decided to write this one. It is a spinoff from my "An Unlikely Alliance" series. For the full context, please read that series, with some of the chapters of that series also listed as story inspiration for this fic. This is one crack ship I thought would be interesting considering what happened in that series.
It had been over a year since Catra, with assistance from the geeky princess, Entrapta, had gone through a portal from Etheria to Earth. She confessed to Adora, a girl and childhood friend that she slowly realized she had feelings for. However, Adora already was in a relationship with another woman: Pearl! Over time, she came around to Pearl. At the same time, Adora started to realize that she loved Catra as well. All three of them had become a trouple and returned to Earth, just in time for a dance party in Beach City.
Good things don’t always last. Pearl began to get on Catra’s nerves more and more every day. While she ignored it at first, one day she blew up. She demanded that Adora break up with Pearl. She explained that even though she deeply loved Adora, she found Pearl to be annoying, bossy, and inconsiderate. Adora took offense at this, explaining that she would not have "such toxicity" in her life. She asked Catra to leave. Bawling her eyes out, she flew out of the apartment window, with glass smashing around her. She had nothing but the shirt on her back. She vowed to never return.
Adora realized she had handled this badly. She had made a big mistake. Catra was gone. Adora stood on her apartment's balcony, sobbing as raindrops streaked down her cheeks. As the days passed, her friends on Earth searched for Catra high and low, in every nook and cranny. This was to no avail. Pearl comforted her in these dark days.
She realized something: Catra didn’t want to be found. She wanted to disappear. Adora accepted this and went on with her life. One day, this all changed.
Yawning, Catra stretched. She opened one eye and got up with a start. She didn't know where she was. After moving her arms a bit more, she realized that her dirty and soot-laden clothes had disappeared. Instead, she had on gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. The front was emblazoned with the words "Black Sheep Incorporated." On the back was the saying "A Charity for the Masses." As she began to take off her shirt, a beautiful woman, wearing a red v-neck t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with a white drawstring, approached her. "Oh, you are finally up! I thought you might like some warm tea."
Unsure of how to respond, Catra fumbled her words. "Uh…sure…that’s fine." Before she could say anything more, Carmen interrupted. She sighed. She wanted to make sure that this woman was ok. When she found her the previous night, she didn’t look too good. "I’m sorry I had to change your clothes last night…I couldn’t turn my back on someone in need." Catra nodded. Carmen then added, "you were drunk…and at one of the BSI shelters…so I thought I'd help." This sounded a little fishy to Catra. This woman took her in after she was drunk. How could she be sure that this woman didn’t do anything to her during the night?
Carmen tried to lay off any suspicion. "Nothing happened last night, if that's what you are thinking…I'm not that type of person anymore." Catra raised an eyebrow. What the heck did this woman mean by that? Had she done something in the past? Carmen interjected once more to clarify. "I mean that I’m not in a relationship anymore. We parted ways. She’s still living in Tokyo and working at the VILE Museum."
Catra understood a little more. She recognized this woman, although she hadn't at first. She blurted out, "you’re Carmen Sandiego, aren’t you? The one that Adora kissed on the date in that lagoon? She told me about that." This took her aback. How could this woman know that? Who was she, anyway? Then a thought came to her mind. She must be the other woman she had heard about from her friends. She never saw that woman in person since she and Jules had missed the dance party in Beach City. "Uh, yes," she answered. This couldn’t be a coincidence. "Are you…Catra by chance?"
This was a little awkward. She knew that Adora had a crush on her. Later, something she learned made Pearl jealous. She also remembered the time, after she and Jules crashed into a skyscraper, that Adora visited her in a Japanese hospital. She was unaware how much it was common knowledge, among her many friends. How many people knew about the date she had with Adora in the lagoon?
Catra answered without hesitation. "Yeah, that’s me." Then she added, "I don’t use my last name for…certain reasons." Carmen was fine with that. Wanting to get back at Adora since she refused to dump Pearl, Catra came up with a devious plan. There was one hitch: it required Carmen's consent. What she was about to do would be risky. She hoped it would be worth it in the end.
"So…Carmen…can I kiss you?" This caught her completely by surprise. At the same time, it made as her happy as when Adora asked her out on a date, all that time ago. After all, she was bisexual. Even so, she was romantically drawn more to women than men. She struggled with taking off Catra’s clothes the previous night. She almost collapsed since touching another woman's body made her various embarrassed. Breathing deeply, and coming back to reality, Carmen answered, with a hint of hesitancy. "Yes?" She then added, "I don’t know you that well…yet…so, maybe we should take it slow?"
Gritting her teeth, Catra grabbed the reddish phone from a nearby table. She started to apologize. "I'm sorry in advance for what I’m about to do…I have to make someone jealous." Carmen nervously looked at her. The phone rang, with a new video call. A blonde-haired woman picked up. She was not expecting a call. "Carmen, we haven’t talked in such a long time…is everything ok?" Catra then looked into the camera and snickered loudly. She pulled Carmen close and turned her head toward the camera. "Adora, this is what happens when you dump me!"
Her lips touched the soft, succulent lips of her counterpart. Staring into her gray-blue eyes, Catra was entranced. Carmen’s lush auburn hair touched her forehead. If she had seen the trademark red trench-coat, and hat, like Adora had, that day she first spotted her in Beach City, she would have felt the same way. They both continued kissing, leading to further shock, and almost horror, from Adora.
Catra stopped for a second, breaking out of their tender embrace. She exclaimed, "and I’m dating her!" She clicked off the screen. Carmen wasn't sure what she had gotten herself into. What was Catra’s deal? Why did she want to get back at Adora? Putting that all aside, a cat-like woman, with slender and athletic build, had kissed her. And she couldn’t get enough of it. She smooched Catra on the cheek and whispered, "so, can I keep kissing you?" Catra shrugged. She could see now why Adora was so drawn in by her. As the night wore on, they cuddled. Carmen jokingly played with Catra. She used toys that would excite a cat, like a fake mouse and a ball of yarn.
As they lay on the couch next to one other, Carmen asked her what this was all about. She wanted to know. "Why did you call Adora...to make her jealous?" Catra cleared her throat. She had to tell the truth, even if it embarrassed her, at least this time. "I wanted to make her feel like she was missing out...since you were kind of her ex and all." Carmen laughed. She had only met Catra the previous night. But now she felt she couldn’t live without her. As she petted Catra behind her catlike ears, causing her to purr, she said "I know I said we should go slow, but...I really want to be with you...and I won't leave you behind."
Catra rubbed up against her. Resting her chin on Carmen’s chest, her almond heterochromatic eyes stared at Carmen. She felt so comfortable that the claws, on her toes and hands, had retracted. Her tail even began to wrap around Carmen’s body. They both felt safe with one another. As Carmen began stroking the wild, and spiked, cedar brown hair below Catra’s ears, Catra said softly, "Pearl is annoying, you know." Carmen nodded. She did find Pearl a bit extra sometimes. She then said, "I’ve heard that she can be controlling, has an inferiority complex, is pessimistic about humanity, can be selfish, and betrayed the trust of a Gem Warrior." Catra continued to purr. She couldn’t agree more with what Carmen was saying. Adora and Pearl had some sort of special bond, apparently forged on Etheria. It was much more than what she and Adora had. At least, that’s how it felt to her.
"I know she has pale skin, blue eyes, and peach-colored hair, and that she can be devoted. That might be something Adora needs. But I'm not part of that...and that’s okay." Carmen pulled Catra closer. She quickly fell asleep, with Catra in her arms. Both slept on the couch that night, getting closer than either one had imagined at the beginning of the day.
The sun shone through the apartment window. Carmen stretched and opened her eyes. Catra wasn't there! In a gesture of goodwill, she walked in with two teacups on a tray. "Good morning! Here’s your tea." Carmen carefully grabbed it off the tray and drank it. As she did so, she began to burn her tongue. She appreciated this. But she had to put the cup down before she hurt herself.
"I’d drink it but…it's too hot." Catra cringed. She half-expected this would happen. She began muttering and bowing her head. "I'm sorry…I won't do it again...I'm sorry, I won't disappoint you." Carmen got up. She hugged Catra tightly. She didn’t know everything that her feline friend had been through. But she guessed, rightly so, that Catra had been traumatized, in one way or another. "It’s okay, wildcat," she began. She then added, "you can take it easy...no need to apologize...I'll show you how it's done later."
Carmen was more chill than in the past. Recently, she had retired, discarding her original desire to become a model. Her friends Zack and Ivy had finally been returned to normal, after they were turned into caramelized monsters in a candy colony gone wrong. She barely talked to them anymore. Even Player had gone on to do his own thing. He became a member of ACME, so he could continue fighting evildoers. Even so, he had his doubts about private intelligence services becoming the salvation of the masses. The pay was good, so he stayed there.
"You are the best cat-person I know," Carmen exclaimed. She snickered, adding, "and the cutest." This made Catra's face warm. She began to blush. How could she have known that a woman who saved her from the dumps would be so nice and caring? If Adora had treated her like this, instead of staying with Pearl, then it might have been different. Maybe in some other universe, she and Adora were together, having a grand-old time, and traveled the galaxy together. However, in this world, she was happy where she was, and wouldn’t do anything differently.
At one point, Catra remarked, "together, we are the scarlet wildcat…and that’s alright." Carmen wasn’t sure exactly what she meant and she didn’t care. She gave her a peck on the cheek and continued hugging her. Even with war, famine, disease, and oppression across the world, for them, everything would be fine, no matter what happened next.
End note: This fic is also meant to show struggles in polyamorous relationships, as Catra / Adora / Pearl were in such a relationship before it fell apart. I used the “Carmen Sandiego (2019 character)” page on the Carmen Sandiego Wiki and the “Catra” page on the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki in this fic. I’m thinking of writing another fic which is like this one, but from Pearl’s perspective. I forgot how wild "An Unlikely Alliance" series was. After writing this fic, am inspired to rewrite it (on squidgeworld.org). A lot of this fic was written a while back (the file history on my computer says I started writing it in late December 2022). I'm in a different headspace nowadays and would probably write something differently. However, I wanted to get this story out there into the world. Where the story goes from here, I don't know! But I'm totally down to possibly continue this in the future.
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Where Do We Go Now?
A She-ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
The war is finally over. Prime is dead, the hive mind is broken, and everyone is reunited with their loved ones. However, there are some questions left unanswered. What will be the fate of Catra and Hordak? What are these new memories Wrong Hordak has? What is Etheria's place in the wider universe? Where do we go now?
Now for chapter 18. Wanna know what Entrapta was doing while Hordak was with his brothers?
Chapter 18: Video Chat
Entrapta sat in her lab drumming her fingers on a workbench. She did not want to start another project without Hordak nor had any of her works in progress interested her at the moment. She was bored a rare occurrence. She wished her Lab Partner was here
Is Hordak still classified as my Lab Partner? While on a technical level, they were two individuals working on scientific projects, but they were dating.
Are we dating? They never made it official even though they had confessed their mutual feelings only four days ago. Entrapta could not have misread the situation when Hordak had made his feelings abundantly clear. Also, everyone in the Alliance knew about their relationship. Wait, they haven’t even been on an official date, so they would be just partners in general.
Before she got too far down the rabbit hole, she was startled by the beeping of her computer. A small emoji of Bow popped up on her screen and the bottom text read as an incoming call. Steadying her breath, she accepted the call.
“Hi, Bow! Did you need anything?”
“Hey, Entrapta. Glimmer and Adora want the rest of the Alliance to come up to Prime’s ship and see if there are any clones left behind and I was wonder in if you and Hordak would like to see if there are any files or tech he has that we might find useful?”
“Yes! YES! YES!”
“Alright, we’ll pick you two up tomorrow say… nine?”
“We’ll be there!” Entrapta hung up abruptly flapping her hands and spinning in her seat. “Emily!” Emily awoke from sleep mode and rushed over to Entrapta.
“Help me pack we have a trip tomorrow!”
Entrapta furiously rushed around her lab grabbing all her tools and the converters needed for accessing all of the alien techs. She was in such a frenzy she barely noticed the lab doors opening until a tall, dark figure stood behind her.
“Oh great, Hordak you’re here! Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Not with anything particular, no.”
“Good because Bow just called and said we can come with the Alliance to The Velvet Glove to see what tech we can find.” She paused. “As long as it is ok with you.”
“This is… acceptable.”
“Ok, good. Wanna help me pack?”
“I would be glad to.”
Before the couple could get to work the doors hissed open. In came a robot holding a package.
“Oh good it came.” Entrapta rushed over to the bot and plucked the package from its hand before patting it on the head. “This is for you.”
Hordak took the box from her hands and gave it a small shake. He looked back down at her. He used one of his claws to rip the tape and gingerly opened the flaps of the box. He pulled out a pair of navy overalls with cobalt pockets and red stitching. With wide eyes, he looked at Entrapta with a mix of shock and adoration. 
“Do you like them? I thought since most of your belongings were destroyed and you don’t need the warlord persona anymore you would need something to wear around the lab.”
“I-I um,” he dropped to his knees into a bow, “thank you, Princess. I greatly appreciate this.”
Entrapta rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek while her hair brought him to his feet.
“Your welcome, Hordak, and you don’t have to be so formal with me. I’m your partner, not your superior.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. At least it was not ‘technologically sound’.”
“You are never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Never will.”
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etheriadearie · 2 years
Read your big Entrapta post. It was very interesting, and over 6000 words long, LMAO. You should use plain text more though, the heavily reformatted bold/italicised/etc text made it difficult to read.
So, a few things:
1. I absolutely agree that the characters are continuing the historical trauma of the first ones. Entrapta is a truth seeker trying to get to the heart of the issue and basically discovers the Heart of Etheria with the minimal amount of investigation in season 1, with nobody else questioning what the First Ones did because it would mean they have to question their entire power structure.
2. However, Entrapta is still a villain that the Princesses need to stop. Especially as the Black Garnet Experiment was hurting so many people, and she didn't even know what sort of dangerous weapon was lurking under the surface yet! Unfortunately I think the lack of communication with her in s1 is attributed to time - she only got a single episode to deal with them and just when they were warming up to each other they were separated. I like to think if this separation never happened, the other characters would've started to understand Entrapta better and let her do her thing. On the other hand, they probably wouldn't have let her mess with a runestone. A full Rebellion! Entrapta would face prejudice against tampering with tech, as you said. Only the Horde would be willing to fully embrace it, which is why Bow's tech is nowhere close to Entrapta's - hell, people tease him for it rather than ask him about it!
(This presumably changes after s5 where suddenly tech is a vital part of society and Entrapta carried the Rebellion through the transition.)
3. I do think you're right when you say, all the other characters are caught up in their anger and hurt, but Entrapta lets it pass through, and she can see most clearly the value in other people, and treats them better than she gets treated. She does carry and push down some hurt especially around getting rejected so many times no matter how hard she tries, and sometimes she questions her own philosophies of "imperfections are beautiful" because how can she believe that when her own imperfections keep leading to her pushing people away? But she has a strong heart, and pushes through that doubt and becomes a powerful force for individuality across the show. She is unabashedly herself, and transfers that positive energy onto other characters when de-chipping them, breaking up tension for other characters on the space ship, and helping Hordak figure out who he is.
Hi! Sounds like we agree on a lot, let me see if I can respond to a few things...
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Thanks! My Promise discussion is over 17,000 hah 💜😜💜✌️. And I think you're right about the text, thx for saying. I've been thinking about switching to all bold, an example of that here.
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Okay to this, I think we need to deal with the outdated and blasé boring 80s villain concept..
::metadiscuss She-ra and ND Stevenson's take on villains 🦹‍♀️
To be clear, my writing is never done to condone anyone's actions. What's happening is that they're all bad (until s5). SPOP is a waking disaster for pretty much every character, good guys and bad, they are all being hurtful and those decisions are bouncing off each other in a disastrous chaotic echo chamber. And Entrapta’s story, while messy, shows the truest line of good intentions towards others and to finding the truth.
Which is why I think judging Entrapta (or Catra and Hordak) as 'villains who need to be stopped’ isn't what ND wants us to do.
Catra and Hordak are absolutely being total assholes, but, there's only a couple really evil people in SPOP, who cause so much hurt and destruction in the story, and to which we can trace back all the other characters' actions to. What makes Catra and Hordak different from these evil people is that they aren't sociopaths. For example, one such sociopath villain- Shadow Weaver- gets away with the most terrible bullshit for the longest time. She abused Catra and Adora from an early age- and Adora and Catra only manage to stop her at the very end. This is a much more realistic storyline, as irl abusers fly under the radar, some never even face consequences for their actions.
But, this complexity is how ND Stevenson set out to give us a better story than the old 80s boring blasé “villains are evil and only exist to be stopped by the heroes”. Those stories lack any creativity, making 1 dimensional badguys to be knocked over by the heroes shooting gallery style.
The biggest clue that SPOP rejects such a blasé villain take is the plot itself- do the Princesses EVER even really stop them? Anything they try to do backfires- they didn't stop the portal from opening, they never regained control of the Black Garnet- and yet did the Horde ever use it again?
They could have, right? So, the Princesses struggle to even do the most basic thing of stopping the Horde. Stopping the villains isn't something we see them do until the end. The Princesses don't work together, before Adora showed up they all hid in their kingdoms and abandoned Etheria’s populace (and often their own people) to war. (see Bow’s dad George in s2ep7). But, by making unbalanced emotional decisions that are out of control they do make things worse for themselves, and for everyone on Etheria. This is because while the Horde is wrong, their own decisions add to the trauma of the other side, particularly Catra, perpetuating and increasing the violence.
For example, about one of the most villainous moments- Catra pulling the switch- we can see how Glimmer’s own actions of empowering Shadow Weaver in s3ep4 sends things out of control.
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That's the moment Catra's actions are solidified, before then she's not angry enough to do what she does. And from then on Glimmer continues to give Shadow Weaver even more power in s4, she falls for her deceptions, which contributes to Glimmer’s mistake of linking Scorpia to the Heart, looking to win by any option. The world almost ends; it's chaos.
To elaborate about the portal incident: I say confidently that what we're suppose to understand within the plot that the portal wouldn't have happened without Glimmer bringing Shadow Weaver to the Fight Zone.
Entrapta actually had that under control, she had convinced Hordak to wait to try the portal, so they could perfect it (more really, for romance). And Adora did a good job warning Entrapta about the dangers, changing her mind. So, even though Catra wanted to do it, it wouldn't have happened. She wasn't the uncontrollably enraged person we see when she shocks Entrapta and then lies to Hordak.
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That all comes down to Catra being brought within an inch of her life by her abuser yet again. Catra has been powerless to stop her abuser all of her life. Seeing the Princesses enable her abuser is a bridge too far. She has to win, even if there's a chance the world will end.
Imho what Catra did to Entrapta is what she hates herself for the most. It wasn't supposed to happen, we see that on her face afterwards. Catra is (predictably) driven by fear, that no matter what she does her abuser will be enabled by others.
Even at that point in the story, Adora is an enabler of their abuser in Catra's eyes. She's wrong, Adora has no control- and feels as unsafe as she does.
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This is the kind of evidence that's there if you look for it, and Glimmer's decision to enable their abuser leaves both Adora and Catra unnerved and they begin to spiral during s4. What's also true is that Glimmer is partially responsible for her own pain in s4 and the loss of her mother. (I can talk in more detail about this cascade of events, lmk.)
In fact, Shadow Weaver switching sides is nothing- she's not trying to help the Princesses win, there's nothing left for her at the Horde and she uses it as a new opportunity to manipulate for power. In s4 she drives Glimmer towards releasing the power, for her own gain. It doesn't end like she intends when the Heart is set off instead.
But, as usual Shadow Weaver is getting away with it. She only faces consequences in s5 when Catra (‘a villain who needs to be stopped') helps Adora past all the manipulations with her love confession. Why is it Catra that has to bring the knowledge of love, why is she the wise one? It's literally the story of the series, her saving Adora with The Kiss.
So the story of the series isn't that Catra is a redeeming villain- it's why she has this special knowledge. Nor is Adora some miraculous hero- she can't be a real hero until she learns to accept that love.
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So Catra can't really be called a villain, she does act the part but it's more complicated than that. Hordak isn't one either- he is a trauma machine, but he helps them win in the end, too. And Entrapta is one of the least villainous people in her intentions- lead than the Princesses who try to use a horrific super weapon to win (obvious similarities to choosing the nuclear option). Instead, we should focus on the real villains- sociopathic manipulators who like to hurt others- Shadow Weaver, Horde Prime, and somewhat Light Hope.
They lack the ability to feel love or empathy, they want to hurt others, like many of the worst abusers in our societies (looking at you, capitalism). That emotional difference is where the root of evil actually lies, because it lets them hurt people indefinitely. And just like Shadow Weaver, Horde Prime got away with it for the longest time, he hurt Hordak and murdered many innocent worlds before being stopped. And what did it take to stop him? An act of love. Gay love. 🏳️‍🌈 That's a pretty great rejection of the blasé troupes if you ask me.
So, I don't agree with the 80s villain view of Entrapta and most other characters. Is Scorpia a villain? How about Kyle, Rogelio, and Lonnie? They're treated as such. It's so much better that we're shown both sides, to understand how their choices are affected by the Princesses own actions. So that way we can think about why they make the decisions that they do. It's chaos until they all agree to stop and understand each other. Meanwhile the sociopaths were getting away with manipulating them all.
Oh an Entrapta? She doesn't stop to placate anyone's fragile feelings, such as with the Princesses, because ignorance is worse than not knowing what's really going on and the deeper plot that threatens the entire universe.
Anyways... I am not worthy to speak for ND but I suspect that he'd say calling Entrapta a villain wasn't what he wanted us to see. Or with many of the other characters. Entrapta is always doing her best, she's also kind to others. Calling her villain is so surface, it's meh.
Hope that makes sense.
p.s I know my posts are long, but its because I'm trying to answer all of the questions and misconstrued comebacks I've seen all at once, every question all at once. I do wish my writings could be shorter, but then I'd leave too many things open to confusion. Also, many questions are answered in my hyperlinks- more good meta to read with a hot cuppa somethin'☕️☺️ (all hyperlinks are on tumblr)
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In a show where Catra and Adora struggle so much with becoming their true selves, Entrapta is always in touch with her most authentic self. She gives me all of the happy feelings 🥰
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I know, it hurts to see her suffer. 😥 She shouldn't be made to doubt. Then again, what's being alive more than doubting? Each major character in SPOP does it. Her story has so much humanity 😌
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Well said!! This is what I'm really saying when I talk about how the Princesses are privileged. Like, many privileged people accept the current economic order and that's wrong- it's destroying our environment and makes 3rd world counties impoverished. I see a real similarity in how the Princesses just accept their world order. Like irl, just because they don't know it's wrong doesn't make it any less wrong.
Thanks to anybody who hung out through this long post. If you like it, let me know. But reblogg if you can, because reblogs make the tumblr world go round ☺️💫🌍✨. Thanks for writing in op, I'm glad we agree on many things (some which I didn't have time to cover).
Happy Pride everybody!! ✨✨🏳️‍🌈✨✨!!!!
p.s if you have an ama pending I have received it and will respond just as soon as it's ready. Feel free to keep sending me asks my peoples!!
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baggebythesea · 1 year
Queen Glimmer commissions George and Lance to write a full official documentation of the War of Etheria which will be used for Brightmoon school ciriculum to ensure that the facts are given.
(Totally no patronage there ;p)
Hah, I like that.
George: Laaaaaance, it IS our daughter in law...
Lance: Even worse, what about our scientific integrity? I'LL COMPROMISE OUR SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY FOR NO PRINCESS
George: It's not like she asks us to tell anything other than the truth...
Lance: I suppose a truthful, wildly available account of the events WOULD be helpful to... NO, I'M NOT WORKING FOR NO PRINCESS
George: She DID talk about a donation to print all those first one's texts Adora is helping us translate...
Lance: I TAKE NO DONATION FROM NO PRI... wait, how big a donation?
George: We would pretty much OWN the printing shop for a month or two.
Lance: Well, she IS our daughter in law...
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pod-together · 2 years
Day 8 Reveals!
The Paranormal Investigators [text, audio] (Welcome to Night Vale, Kane and Feels (Podcast)) written by Rosemarycat5, performed by EternalLibrary Summary: New people have come to Night Vale! The one who is … shorter is wearing several necklaces and amulets and earrings and rings. He looks very stylish and not at all like someone who walked into a jewelry store and tried to subtly steal everything in sight. The tall one is wearing an absolutely terrible leather jacket, which I can’t imagine is very comfortable in this heat. Where they go, the lighting becomes instantly dramatic and faint sounds of noir music play around them, much to their confusion. These are clearly paranormal investigators, listeners! How exciting. We haven’t had a paranormal investigator come to town since … Uhhhhhh. Huh. I’m not really sure when that was, but there were definitely snakes involved. Snakes with too many legs. And too many teeth. And too many ears. Gosh, when was that? Doesn’t matter. Before I tell you more about these paranormal investigators, here is a word from our sponsors. Die hässlichen Vögel (Men's Football RPF) written and performed by eafay70 Summary: Der Spitzname von den Werder-Stürmern wird durch Zauberei wörtlich. Feast and Famine [text, audio] (Hannibal (TV)) written by zombified_queer, performed by chrishuyen Summary: Five of these dishes were prepared in secret. A dish is prepared for an audience of one. Please, take a seat. what happened to Fx3 (not clickbait) (Original Work) written by poppyseedheart, performed by deepestbluesky, hollowcene, jamesbonds, and poppyseedheart Summary: CORI: Fx3 is a Margery/Heath fic that essentially rewrites the canon of the show to focus on how Margery, a firecracker of a tiefling whose spells are almost as hot as her trademark fishnets, might have gotten together with local normie human fighter-next-door Heath. AO3 users heathbar and forgetmenaught (that’s N A U G H T) are the visionaries we want and need in this world. If they’re selling it? I’m buying. CORI: Which brings us to the tragedy. Nearly a year and a half ago now, the first chapter of this fic was posted, and from there it updated twice a month, like clockwork, for eight months. Sixteen glorious chapters, running us all the way to episode 38, where Margery and Heath had their first true heart to heart. CORI: And then radio silence. CORI: Many have wondered what happened to Fx3, but have any truly tried to find out? dianthus caryophyllus (原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)) created by alstroemeria_thoughts and asthewavesdo Summary: Outsiders looking in on the relationship between Liyue Harbour's most famous trio of pining old men. I never understood what was at stake (Men's Hockey RPF) written by dreamofsummer, performed by snowkab The Secret Agent Job (Nikita (TV 2010), Leverage) written by shadowsong26, performed by farkenshnoffingottom Summary: After a mission gone wrong, an old friend of Eliot’s walks into the bar, looking for his help. Tinker, Tailor * Soldier, Spy (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) written by BardicRaven, performed by BardicRavenReads Gerardboard (Bandom, My Chemical Romance) written by ermengarde, performed by dapatty Summary: Frank is the undisputed king of dad jokes (and he's also a little shit). Drunk History: Etheria Versus The Intergalactic Horde (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), Drunk History) written by Petty_LaBelle and Caminante, performed by Caminante Summary: A year after the rebellion defeated Horde Prime, and in the midst of a series of lengthy and boring Oral History Interviews conducted enthusiastically by Lance and George to “preserve the record of this momentous and unprecedented event in the history of Etheria!" the Best Friends Squad needed to let off some steam after days of recounting some of the most harrowing events of their lives. Obviously, the only answer was for Adora and Glimmer to split a bottle of Crimson Waste Moonshine and regale Catra and Bow about "like, what really happened, you know?! Without all the boring his-TORY.” While Bow’s recording was thought to have been lost due to…um, user error, Mermista "helpfully" and suspiciously received a copy of the audio from “an anonymous benefactor.” (*cough* Catra *cough.*) The following story is…mostly true. Or, well, if "true" is too strong of a word, it was…the result.. Molten Core (Marvel Cinematic Universe) written by Chimeraspeak, performed by Ceewelsh Summary: Six months after returning to the States, the palladium in Tony Stark’s arc reactor begins to fail. Four years after being taken from the ruins of the Red Room, Natasha is left with Captain Rogers’ friend. MultiColors (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, A Stitch in Time: Andrew J. Robinson) created by BardicRaven and RisalSoran Summary: Color, like Truth, is multi-faceted, capable of many different combinations and forms at once.
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babyspacebatclone · 1 year
Welcome to “Tomorrow will be soul destroying, I have a fic idea, write as much as I can to feel happy!” rough drafts!
Companion to This Ficlet (Don’t Tell My Wife about the Tanks; She Thinks I’m Fishing with my Brothers) all the way at the bottom of the thread
Three Weeks in Etheria from Entrapta’s Perspective
“Entrapta, I wish to inform you I shall be - travelling with my brothers for… an unforeseen amount of time.”
The Dryl Princess looked up at Hordak from the circuit board she’d been soldering, smiling brightly beneath her mask.
“That sounds great! Family bonding activity?” she guessed.
Hordak repeated the words carefully, rolling each in his mouth as though none were familiar.
She clarified. “A planned enjoyable activity or series of activities shared with family members with the intention of reinforcing emotional bonds, trust, and happiness within the group.”
While the actual activities Scorpia had described to her had failed to sound particularly enjoyable or capable of achieving the desired result, Entrapta had found the concept itself fascinating and worth further exploration when time was convenient.
Approximately a third of Hordak’s clone Brothers had begun attempts at engaging in an Etherian lifestyle, with a third of those being able to be defined as “Great Success” by Entrapta’s reasoning and most of the remaining “Working towards Success.”
Hordak himself, however, had struggled greatly between his desire to help his Brothers and own feelings of awkwardness towards social interactions. To this point, Kadroh had taken the largest lead in encouraging healthy activities within the group, and Entrapta was thrilled Hordak was feeling a desire to participate.
Her lover frowned, the fine distinction that indicated “contemplating” instead of the more typical “exhausted frustration.”
“Is it still a - ‘family bonding activity’ if the event is one where… you are not enjoying the activity itself, but will feel a shared sense of satisfaction upon completing success?”
“Yep!” Entrapta beamed with confidence. From her understanding, the intention of shared time and experience mattered more than the activity itself, and when working with Hordak’s brothers “enjoyment” was often still a very sensitive, if not panic-inducing topic.
Hordak gave a sharp, wide grin of pleasure. “Then yes. My brothers and I shall be gone for an unforeseen, but hopefully short, period of time on a ‘Family Bonding Activity’ where we seek a successful completion of our objectives.”
“Awesome!” Entrapra was already turning on her blowtorch again.
Kadroh had been getting a lot of training from Adora about engaging in healthy, appropriate activities.
She could trust the group would be safe until notified otherwise.
Entrapta had intended to keep her communication pad with her while Hordak was gone, but like usual when she picked it up to go eat with Imp that evening, it was muted. She shrugged as she checked her messages; anything important, Hordak would have contacted her through the Castle’s interface.
There was no messages from Hordak, which was a good sign; no trouble he couldn’t handle, and engaged enough he wasn’t lonely!
The forty three awaiting video messages from Perfuma, however, was completed baffling.
Perfuma sat firmly in the status of “Close Friend’s Romantic Partner” in Entrapta’s social hierarchy. While technically she had more historical grievances with Catra than the Plumerian Princess, she also shared both more positive activities and interests with the catgirl.
This left Perfuma in a position where Entrapta viewed her either neutrally or as an annoyance, but one she was required to be polite to and had a great personal desire to achieve the latter for the wellbeing of Scorpia.
So, it was with resolve and only a little teeth grinding she opened the first message.
It was closed before two seconds had past, teeth grinding significantly harder.
This was an issue. The speech to text program she had developed to deal with undesired but necessary video and audio messages was under normal circumstances excellent, but showed a great weakness attempting to transcribe emotional distress.
And in those two seconds, in was clear Perfuma had worked herself into a hysterical meltdown.
No messages from Scorpia, at least; this shouldn’t be due to an issue with the romantic relationship.
Entrapta would have the transcription program run while she and Imp ate, and attempt to decipher the results later.
It couldn’t be that important.
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kazariloveandhavok · 1 year
First Five Chapters
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Chapter 1: Chapter 1- The New Generation
Chapter Text
Adora's Log #1...
20 years. It's been over 20 years since the defeat of Horde Prime. I can hardly believe so much time has passed. To me, it always felt like it was yesterday, what with the constant panic attacks and PTSD and whatnot. Then again, I try to remember everything that has happened. If I listed everything, I'd be here all day, but at the top of my head: I was made Grand Knight of Etheria, we discovered another dimension and met a different version of me (Sidenote- Retro Adora, as we've been calling her, is a bit of a weirdo. She can also become She-Ra, but she has a bizarre habit of announcing it to nobody in particular). We brought back Queen Angella, but it seems all those years in the void have caused some lasting damage to her psyche. Oh yeah, we also accidently resurrected the past She-Ras. Actually, my son, Finn, is at Liq'Ollem, training with Juliet right now. I wonder if-"
"Yo, Adora! You ready? We're gonna go check on Finn. Also, we have guest coming along"
Adora looked up at her wife, Catra. The magicat extended her hand, which Adora happily took.
Even after 20 years, it was still hard to believe that this place used to be the Fright Zone, but what stood in its place was a sprawling metropolis, a melting pot of all the cultures of Etheria. Let's go to the park, where Finn was busy building muscles and training with Juliet. Training for the G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi.
Following Finn's birth, Juliet was made to be a godmother to the son of Adora and Catra, a task she has excelled in greatly. "That's right. That's how you do it!" Juliet proudly told Finn as they did the 200th set of reps! "Thanks. It's all your doing. I have a great trainer you know." Finn winks at Juliet who has been a mentor and guide ever since they were born. Juliet laughed heartily at them. "Damn right! Hey, your moms are here!" she said, pointing to the stupid lesbian and her cat wife!"
Finn gave a sigh as they walked up to the moms. "Hey, Mamadora. Hey, Momoew. What are you guys doing here?" they asked.
Adora replied, "Well, We're here to see you, silly!"
Catra tried to ruffle Finn's hair, only for them to swat her hand away.
"Oh yeah," Adora perked up, "We brought along someone really special!"
Finn and Juiliet looked at each other, then back to the couple. "Oh, and who is this special guest?" Juliet asked.
Catra and Adora pointed to the approaching third woman.
"Finn, I want you to meet Retro Adora. She's not from our dimension! You both haven't been able to get to know each other and Finn, she happens to be your aunt. Might as well introduce yourself to your aunt, don't you think?"
Finn gave this a thought and then said, "I guess so. I would love to know her, Mom." Finn said and genuinely meant it. Retro Adora was a part of their family and it was incumbent upon Finn to know every member of their family. "Hello Finn, my gorgeous nephew. Can't believe I'm seeing you for the first time in twelve years! What a journey it's been, ha?" Retro Adora was always the chirpy one in the family and she would always make it a point to let everyone know that she is a She-Ra. She took a lot of pride in being a She-Ra and could not say it out loud enough, much to everyone's annoyance.
"Well then, I guess you will be seeing more of me, auntie. Rest assured," said Finn with a wink.
"I'm eagerly looking forward to it," replied Retro Adora.
With the recurrent trips she had made to this realm from the other dimension and functioning as an actual family member for Adora and Catra, she really had become a fixture in their life. "Alright, then. Off you go. Better not keep everyone waiting," said Adora. "Oh, yes. I have to go and check on the others. I'll join you all later then." Finn waved the three ladies a goodbye and headed off to check on the others.
"Bye, bitches!"
Squared off under a tree, Scorpia and her daughter, Rose, were found sparring with each other. Perfuma watched from a distance. Between the scorpion claws at the end of her fingertips and the flower power, Rose was truly the best of both worlds. Rose cartwheeled over a sweeping kick, and attempted a pele, only to be caught in Scorpia's grip.
"Dammit!" Rose shouted.
"Easy, Rose. You're gonna do great at the Cosmic Tenkaichi, but you still have a lot to learn!" Scorpia said with a grin.
"Looks like your training in going well," An approaching Finn remarked. "Of course, being the offspring of Scorpia and I has it's perks," said Pefuma.
"Rose is awesome! She's gonna do so well in the tournament," Scorpia gushed.
Finn placed an arm over Rose's shoulder. "They're right, y'know. I can't wait to see you in action" Finn said. Rose always felt good about herself, but it didn't hurt to let someone gas her up, however, she couldn't help but feel a small twinge of envy towards the young magicat. "Finn, when we get older, you'll be the first of us to get laid, won't ya?" she asked. "ROSE! YOU'RE 13! Don't be so vulgar!" Perfuma shouted before calming down. "Sorry...sorry...but you really don't need to be so...perverse. Rose rolled her eyes calmly. Deep down, she knows that she's still in the early stages of puberty, and eventually, her hormones would hit her like a ton of bricks.
"Right, imma go check up on Maila. The gods know she must be getting put through her paces!"
By the lake, the daughter of Seahawk and Mermista repelled fast flying water balls. Also, Frosta was there to chuck snowballs every once in a while.
"Let's go! Pep in your step!" Mermista demanded. After a bit more dodging and weaving, Maila closed in on Frosta, then wiped the sweat from the blue streak in her otherwise brown hair and shot it into the ice princess's eyes.
Frosta reeled back in pain. "Ow, you goddamned cheap-shotting little shit!" she said as she decked Maila in the face.
"Yo, Frosta! Got bored bodying scrubs in Smash, so you're bodying scrubs IRL?"
"Finn, shut the fuck up! I'm no scrub!" said Maila.
Finn rolled their eyes with a chuckle. "Good to see you too, Maila. How's training going?"
The mermaid-pirate princess gave a confident smirk. "I am so ready for a tourney. Finn, are YOU ready for a championship ADVENTURE?!!!" Mermista rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Uuugh, Maila, you don't have to yell, we're right here!" she moaned. Maila was definitely her and Seahawk's daughter, she had inherited Mermista's mermaid form, but that's all she got. Maila snickered like an idiot as Frosta suddenly got a message on her holo-pager. "Oh crap, speaking of tournaments, I got a local Smash tournament at Snow.
As soon as Frosta was out of earshot, Finn said, "I swear, I don't think she ever really grew up, did she? Speaking of adult-children, where's Seahawk?"
Mermista rolled her eyes. "Finn, remind Adora to swing be Sealinies later today. Seahawk is nursing a broken bussy..." she droned.
Maila tilted her head. "What's a bussy"
Finn turned a bright head, but then they noticed Riley. Riley sprinted around the trees and shrubbery as a laugh-filled Spinnerella stood on her tornado, which blasted tennis balls everywhere. Riley moved serpentine. High above him, Netossa swung from tree to tree with her nets. "Come on, Riley. Put some pep in your step, son!" said Netossa. At the moment, Finn ran up to Riley, running backwards, saying, "Well, looks like, Spinny and Netossa are putting you through it.
"Hey, Finn! Can't talk! Being pelted with balls!" said Riley.
"RILEY! PHRASING!" shouted Spinnerella.
"Sorry, Mom!"
Riley suddenly tripped over a loose branch, leaving him wide open to get blasted with several balls.
Finn awkwardly rubbed the back of their head, saying, "Oof, I'll just go check on Archer!"
Archer's training just amounted to being shot at by Glimmer and Micah as Bow and Angella sat on the sidelines, taking it all in. "Oh yeah, that's right, Archer. Dance, son. Dance!" Speaking of dancing, Glimmer's movements with new magic kinda looked like samba combat. "Come on, Mom. Come on, Grandpa Micah! Bring me all you got!
"Y'know, it's still surreal to have a grandson," Micah mused.
"Yes, well, he is a good one", Angella remarked. Ever since being rescued from the void, things were not easy for the bridlady. All those years in total, white isolation have wreaked havoc on Angie's psyche, the road to recovery has been slow and painful, but she has made great strides, and Archer certainly helped out.
Glimmer's eyes sparkled as she grinned an almost crazed grin as she obliged. Teleporting into point blank range, Glimmer attempted to blast Archer in the face, but Archer diverted the shot, which nearly hit Finn, who was perched up in a nearby tree. Luckily, Finn had the wherewithal to dodge at the last moment.
"Glimmer, did you forget to take your meds again?" they pondered.
Angella raised an eyebrow.
"Meds? Glimmah, what're they talking about?!"
Glimmer desperately looked for excuses to get out of the situation. "Uh...Finn, you were on your way to see Iyexi. I'll teleport you to your buddy, Iyexi, since I need to talk to Entrapta!"
With that, Glimmer pounced and tackled Finn, teleporting them both to the other side of the park.
Hordak and Entrapta took notes as Iyexi threw precise and calculated punches and kicks at Kadroh, who was formerly known as Wrong Hordak. "Very good, sister!" said Kadroh.  Iyexi lined up a strong kick, only for Glimmer to teleport into the line of fire and get the wind knocked outta her!
"Are you okay?" said Iyexi.
Glimmer struggled to her feet and said, "Yeah, I'm all good, but y'know, I still can't believe you two had a kid. I didn't think Hordak had a dick!"
Finn rolled their eyes as they went to go speak with Iyexi and Kodroh. "Finn, brother! How are your mothers?" said Kadroh.
"Well, Mamadora hasn't had a manic episode in a couple months, a new record, so I'd say we're doing fine..."
Iyexi took Finn by the hand. "Finn! Are you ready for that tournament? Ready to go in and bust some heads?"
Finn chuckled.
"Hell yeah. We're going all the way!"
Iyexi chuckled. "Let's save it for the tournament. Speaking of which, it's gonna be on Xisaeus, so we'd better be careful with the wildlife, y'know!"
"Yeah, whatever, Iyexi."
"Hey, Finn. Isn't your cousin, Rohan, competing this year?"
Finn nodded. "Yep, he is. We've made a pact that we'd face each other in the finals!"
While the two were having their discussion, Glimmer went up to Entrapta, saying, "So, have you finished with your little project yet?"
Entrapta beamed, telling the queen, "Yep! I've finally managed to mod us all into Smash!"
"Excellent! This is gonna be lit!"
Meanwhile, Iyexi produced a tablet to show Finn the current tournament bracket.
"Alright, so there is one competitor, from Xisaeus. Her name is Kazari, so I guess she'll have a hometown advantage. Finn? FIIINN? FINN!!!" Iyexi shouted.
Finn was suddenly jolted back to reality.
"Shit...I'm sorry, it's just Kazari...she's a magicat! Just like me and Momeow. So rare!" they said.
Planet Xisaeus. The Next Day
The hot sun bared down on a certain magicat. She sported dark red hair with a matching tail wrapped around her waist like a belt, gray fur and wore a tight red vest. Enter: Kazari.
As Kazari laid motionless, her dads, Ian Artemy and Steve Pigeon walked up to her, with Artemy saying, "Oi, Kazari, if you're not too busy, we're gonna need you to make a snag run."
Kazari yawned and kipped up. "Fuckin' hell, dads. I was having the best nap. Alright then, I'll be back.
As Kazari went into the city, she took a look at the massive stadium in the center of the city square. With a smirk, she simply said, "Look out, world, here comes Kazari!"
Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Cosmic Tenkaichi
Chapter Text
The day of the G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi has arrived. Everybody had reconvened at Brightmoon that morning as requested by Juliet. "So, Juliet. What did you call us here anyway?" asked Finn. Juliet and Adora smiled, with Adora saying, "Well, I wanted to discuss the name of our team, as well as share some advice. First and foremost, your team name. Since we're repping both Etheria AND Eternia, we'll be calling ourselves; TEAM GRAYSKULL!"
Glimmer summoned a box, and inside of that box, there were multiple jackets with a fanged lightning bolt.
"Damn, these are pretty pog!" said Iyexi. Angella rolled her eyes, saying, "I swear, i'll never understand the vernacular of your generation, Iyexi!"
As Micah took Angella's hand to comfort her, he remarked, "Y'know, i'm just going to say it, it's weird that the son of She-Ra and the daughter of Hordak are as close as they are."
Juliet was checking the bracket on a tracker pad, when Catra went up the formerly deceased woman. "Hey Juliet, let me see the bracket!" the magicat demanded, rather rudely.
Juliet turned the tablet to the magicat, and Catra was shocked to her core. On the bracket, there was a gray magicat with short red hair and green feline eyes.
"Her name is Kazari, looks like she's running unaffiliated," said Juliet.
"Dear Gods, the resemblance is uncanny! You really think that could be...nah!"
"Is there a problem?" asked Juliet.
Before the conversation could go any further, Catra had another coughing fit. While she luckily didn't cough up a hairball this time. Catra fell to her knees and Adora joined her, concern written all over her face. "It's okay, Adora. I'm fine!"
As Catra got to her feet, Finn came into the room. "Moms, is everything alright? It's time to go for the tournament!" they said.
Adora nodded. "Right, go warm up Darla!"
Finn nodded and ran off the started up Darla.
About an hour later...
Glimmer looked out of the bay window. "Alright, everyone. We'll be there in about a couple minutes. I have one last piece of advice to give you all; FIGHT HARD! HAVE FUN! CLEAR EYES AND FULL HEARTS! CAN'T LOSE!!" Bow placed a hand on her shoulder. "Easy, Glimmer," he said. "We're here!" said Finn. Team Grayskull ran up to the windows and saw the stadium in front of them. It was vast and vibrant. People were beginning to fill up the seats. On one end of the stadium, there was a huge concert-like stage with a huge ramp that led all the way down to the ring. On the ring canvas, there was a yin-yang symbol.
As Darla touched down, Adora was the first to exit, followed by the others. "C'mon, Finn. Let's find Rohan!"
"Hey, Finn! Aunt Adora!" a voice cried out.
"Well, it looks like we won't need to search long," Adora remarked.
A few feet away was a boy, about Finn's age. He wore a lavender headband that parted his long red hair, which he had inherited from her mother, Teela. Speaking of which, King Adam and Queen Teela were not too far behind.
Adora, for better or worse has changed quite a bit over the years, but she's still a dumb jock lesbian with all the grace of a big bull seal, so upon seeing Adam, Adora said, "ADAM!" and jumped upon her brother and gave him a big wet sloppy kiss, causing Teela and Catra to pry her off. Adam simply chuckled, saying, "Good to see you too, Adora."
Rohan raised an eyebrow. "Mom, Dad is taking that way too well," he remarked. Teela rolled her eyes. "Welp. I'm not surprised. Adora literally said, in front of the Gods and everybody, that other than Bow, Adam was the only man she'd go straight for..."
Retro Adora walked up to the twins, saying, "Well, I hate to disrupt this lovely reunion, but we should probably get to the locker room!"
"Hey, other Adora," said Adam.
:Retro Adora nodded in greeting as three women suddenly approached the three warriors.
"Wow, you're She-Ra, He-Man and other She-Ra!" one of them said.
"We're like...your biggest fans! Will you sign our titties?" As if on cue, all three of them raised their shirts, revealing three pairs of bountiful boobage of varying shapes and sizes. Adam gasped while Adora, being the dumb jock lesbian she is, shot out a spray of blood. Retro Adora was a bit better about this, but she was still an Adora, so she was drooling like a dog on a hot summer's day as she signed her name, saying, "I love being me!"
Locker Room
Kazari paced back and forth as Artemy and Pigeon tried to console her. "Try and relax, mate, you're gonna end up wearing yourself out before your first match," said Artemy.
"Sorry, Dad. I'm just a little excited to bust some heads!" Kazari said.
"Just go out there and have fun!" said Pigeon.
As Kazari nodded, Team Grayskull entered the locker room. Once Kazari was not looking, Adora and Catra got a better look at the magicat, but then, Finn went over to speak with Kazari!
"Hey, I'm Finn. The Product of She-Ra's semen. Good luck out there," they said, extending a hand.
"Thanks, mate. If you make it to the finals, I'd be honored to knock ya out!" Kazari said with a wink.
Before the conversation could go any further, Adora quickly grabbed Finn by arm and pulled them away, much to Kazari's confusion.
All competitors! Please report to the main stage for the opening ceremony!"
The Main Stage
All of the teams in the tournament stood on their own pedestals with the team logos on the front. The announcer grabbed a mic and gestured to the teams. "Welcome, one and all to the 8th Annual G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi. First, let's say hello to the teams who will be fighting for supremacy!" The Princess Alliance had taken seats in the skybox. As the teams were introduced.
"Representing Planet Zachin is Team Junga!"
"Representing Planet Cimexxo is Team Thunderstruck!"
"Representing Planet Panjax is Team Gingas!"
"Representing Planet Sahars is Team Corona!"
"Representing Planet Shuddah is Team Express!"
"Representing Planet Santhex is Team Thenia!"
"Representing Planet Primus is Team XeXalla"
"Representing both Etheria and Eternia is Team Grayskull!"
Team Grayskull waved to the thunderous crowd, with Finn saying, "Wow, they love us. Let's make it showy, everyone!"
"Finally, fighting unaffiliated, from right here, Planet Xisaeus. It's Kazari!"
If Team Grayskull had a loud reaction, then Jesus may well have came back to Earth, it's probably because Kazari is the hometown fighter, so that's to be expected.
"While the teams go back to prepare, please enjoy the opening ceremony!"
Adora gave a sigh, pulling out her tablet. The first match on the card shook Adora to the core.
Round 1, Match 1-
Team Grayskull's
It was time for the first match of the tournament. 
Archer ran out onto the stage, taking in the vast crowd in front of him, brimming with confidence, something he had inherited from his mother, Glimmer. Catra took Adora's hand as Archer struck a pose, prompting alternating blasts of pyro from either side of the stage. Adora tensed up at the sudden explosions, but Bow and Glimmer was there to give her a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay, Adora. It's just pyro," said Bow. Adora was able to quickly calm down as Bow and Glimmer cheered on their son as he came down the ramp.
Now that Archer was in the ring, it was time for Kazari to make her entrance.
Kazari was much more energetic as the 13 year old magicat jogged from one end of the stage to another before heading down the ramp. Halfway down, Kazari stopped and stared down Archer and struck her own pose, kicking up a massive stream of pyro.
Micah looked at Catra and Adora and asked, "So...that kid. I still can't put my finger on it, but there is something about her that's just...off!"
"I don't know, but the resemblance is way too uncanny to ignore, we'll have to keep tabs on her for the time being!" said Catra. Adora said nothing as she watched Kazari enter the ring. The ring announcer grabbed the mic.
"Ladies, gentlemen and NBs, this bout is set for one fall. Introducing first, representing Team Grayskull...Archer! And his opponent, fighting unaffiliated, Kazari!"
After a few moments, the bell rang, starting the match. Archer quickly teleported behind Kazari and boxed her in the back, but Kazari landed on a hand and went for a mule kick which Archer teleported out the way of.
The prince of Brightmoon was now in front of the mysterious magicat with a smug grin, Kazari was not really worried. "Okay, Archer," they said. "I'm glad we've paired up, I've needed an opportunity to practice with these powers!"
Archer was confused. "Powers? What powers?" he asked. His question was soon answered as Kazari's fist glowed with a dull green and purple glow. Next thing Archer knew, he was on the receiving end of a massive uppercut, knocking him or cold. Kazari then pinned his shoulders to the mat and the ref counted. "1...2...3"
"And with that Kazari takes things first win of the day. Let's see if Team Grayskull can rebound against Team Junga!"
Glimmer gritted her teeth in anger, but Bow squeezed her hand. "It's alright, Glimmer. Our son is much stronger than that! Right now, he needs our support!"
The Infarmery
Archer held an icepack to his head, surrounded by Finn and the Best Friend Squad. "It's ok, buddy. You did good!" Bow said reassuringly. 
"Don't worry, Archer. I'll get the win in our next match. We got this!" Finn said, triumphantly.
Adora hung back and thought to herself. "That energy from Kazari. It's faint, but it felt like...havok..."
Next Match- Team Grayskull's Finn (They/Them) vs. Team Junga's Cymbol (He/Him)
While Cymbol was already in the ring as Finn confidently walked to the ring, limbering up as they went down the ramp. "You got this, Finn!" Catra yelled out." This is it, Finn," Juliet mused. "Time to show them with it means to be the son of a She-Ra. Make us proud..."
Finn and Cymbol bowed to the ref, then to each other. As the two went to their corners, the ref signaled for the bell, prompting Finn to launch forward, dodge an extendo arm attack, and nail Cymbol in the face, knocking him out immediately. Finn prepared another attack, but the referee stopped them as doctors checked on their opponent.
"Ladies and gents. Cymbol is unable to continue, therefore, the winner via knockout is Finn," the ref declared.
"Wowzers! Talk about a reversal of fortune! Finn has carried their team to a KO-Victory. We will take a short break, but we'll right back with the action.
Locker Room
Kazari watched the monitor in awe at the power that Finn had just displayed. "Man, that Finn is gonna be hard to beat. Hopefully my body can keep up," she said.
While Shrumo was already in the ring, Finn slowly walked to the ring, determined to make Shrumo acknowledge them, as well as Team Grayskull. They knew it would not be a cakewalk. Shurmo was much bigger than Finn, but Finn was the product of She-Ra's semen; they wouldn't go down so easily either. It was to show the world the sheer power of the son of She-Ra and student of Juliet.
"Let's go, Finn. You got this!" Adora cheered. Finn got up on the top rope and pointed to Adora and Catra. The crowd also seemed into it as they showed in the large swell of cheers. Finn stared down their opponent as the ref called for the bell.
Finn rushed in for an attack, but was met with a myriad of german suplexes followed up by a multitude of devastating suplexes. If these attacks were doing any damage, Finn hardly showed it as they just got up and kicked Shrumo in the face, sending him to his hands and knees. Acting quickly, Finn traversed up the top rope and curb stomped the santhexian into oblivion before pinning him. The ref counted; 1...2...3...
"The winner of this match...Finn.
Finn lifted their hands in victory. Adora and Catra were very proud, and rightfully so.
Later on...
Maila circled around her opponent from Team Xexalla.  In the skybox, Seahawk was cheering wildly while Mermista was more reserved..
Malia hooked her opponent's inner thigh, rolled through and transitioned into a superkick for the win.
Team Grayskull's Iyexi (She/Her) VS. Team Corona's Bret (He/Him)
Some time later, it was Iyexi's turn to fight. This was an important match, because if she won this bout, Team Grayskull would move on to the semi finals. It won't be easy, her opponent from Team Corona was a stoic looking bear of a boy named Bret. The 13 year old half-spacebat was not afraid in the slightest however. Iyexi simply needed to use basic math and geometry. At the ring of the bell, Bret charged at Iyexi, so Iyexi ran backyards used Bret's momentum against him to slam him into the turnbuckle. Grabbing him by the waist, Iyexi unleashed a devastating bridging suplex for a close 2 count, but Iyexi planned for this. Springing to her feet, Iyexi caught Bret with a roundhouse kick to the head. It was quite ironic that in some communities, the middle rope was called 'Bret's Rope', because Iyexi finished off Bret with a split legged moonsault from bret's rope for the win.
Kazari, Unaffiliated (She/They) VS. Team Express' Jack (He/They)
Kazari was in the similar situation to Iyexi. This was a must win for her if she wants to be in the semi-finals. Jack was faster than Kazari had anticipated, clipping her with many elbows and forearms. Kazari was eventually forced back into a corner. As the magicat gritted her teeth, she knew what she had to do. Jack advanced to finish her off, only for Kazari to dart forward with a havok infused kneestrike to Jack's forehead. The blow sounded like a cannon blast went off in the stadium.  As all this played, Catra looked the her wife. "I'm getting some serious bad vibes from that Kazari girl!" she said. Adora nodded in agreement. The magicat took in Kazari's appearance, and began to zone out before being snapped back to reality by the other three.
"Mama mia!!! What a knockout victory!!! Kazari moves on to the semi-finals!!!
The crowd was going absolutely bonkers. This was to be expected, since Kazari was the hometown underdog. The young magicat, however, slid out of the ring with a noticeable limp. 
Later on...
Team Grayskull's Riley (He/Him) vs. Team Gingas' Leosh
Back in the skybox,  Adora looked towards Spinnerella and Netossa. "So, Riley is up next, how do you feel?" she asked. Spinnerella sighed and said, "Excited, but nervous. I'm afraid that Riley will get hurt." Netossa took her wife's hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, Spinny. This is OUR son we're talking about. We've trained him well. He's gonna do just fine," she said. This did little to ease Spinnerella's nerves, but she did appreciate the sentiment, so she gave a warm smile.
Back in the locker room, Kazari sat on the bench as doctors inspected her knee. It was red and swollen. It hurt to bend. "Oh, fahkin hell. My knee feels like it's going to explode at any second. Give it to me straight, doc," said Kazari.
The doctor gave a concerned sigh. "Well, I'm not really sure. With an ice pack, knee brace and an Advil, you might be able to get midway through the semi-finals at best!" he said.
Kazari looked at a monitor on the wall.
"And with that, Riley scores another victory for Team GraySkull!"
Back in the skybox, Netossa wrapped an arm around Spinny's waist. "Ya see? Told you there was nothing to worry about!" she said. Adora had her head down as the next match started. Juliet went over to her successor with a concerned look. "Take it easy, Adora. It's that Kazari girl, isn't it?" she parsed together. Adora gave a sigh, saying, "Something just doesn't seem right..."
"Listen, try not to jump to any conclusions, Adora. You're not working with a full picture. For all you know, that could just be some random magicat.
Adora glared at Juliet.
"How can you be so calm about this?"
"I'm not, all I'm saying is that we shouldn't make rash judgements!"
Some time later...
"It has been an epic and action-packed semi-final round of the G1 Cosmic Tenkaichi. To think we're only 1 match away from the finals. Who will join Finn in the main event?!"
Adora once more tensed up as more colorful towers of fireworks shot into the air from raftors, along with a trail of pyro that ran up the ramp, and up the sides of the stage. This time, it was Catra who took Adora's hand, calming her down significantly. "It's okay, Adora. It's just the fireworks," she assured her. The moment the fireworks show subsided, the next match was immediately announced.
Team Grayskull's Iyexi (She/Her) vs. Kazari (She/They)
Iyexi kneeled on the top of the stage for a moment before springing to her feet, walking to the ring with purpose. Hordak and Entrapta couldn't make it, so they had everyone wear welding goggles to support Iyexi. "How cool would it be to win both the Overall and the Grand championships?" said Adora. Retro Adora nodded in agreement. "Yes," she said, "It'll be a testament for this new generation."
As Kazari made her entrance Catra whispered into Adora's ear, "I'm going to the restroom, I'll be as quick as I can." As Catra left, Adora studied Kazari's movements. "Hm. That Kazari girl. There's something off about her. Her movements are more subdued. More...defensive I think. I'll have to pay close attention!"
Kazari walked up the steps rather slowly, much less energetic than before. She did her best to hide the fact that she was in considerable pain.
"Kazari must have some sort of weak spot! I have to find it!"
It was time for the penultimate match of the evening! Who will face Finn in the main event? Will it be an internal battle for the grand championship? Or will Finn face this mysterious magicat? There was only one way to find out. The referee called for the bell.
As the Iyexi and Kazari circled each other. Adora took note of Kazari's stance.
"Kazari's stance is different from before. Her left knee is dragging unlike before. Her right knee is now in the support position. Almost as if..."
"Hey, Adora. I'm back!"
Adora looked to the source of the voice. Much to her relief, it was Catra, but then, she saw that her beloved wife was pale and had a bit of a sweat.
"Catra, you don't look so well!" said a concerned Adora.
"I'm okay, Adora. Just a cough. So, what'd I miss?" asked Catra
"Not much, the match just started."
Iyexi quickly went for a swift kick to the knee, which Kazari had to bend down and block the shot with her hand. Adora took notice of this and looked to Catra. "Look, Kazari's already on the defensive, she must be hurt!" she remarked. Catra nodded in agreement.
Iyexi also seemed to take notice of Kazari's injury as well, quickly going for the bad knee in a pounce attack. Kazari used Iyexi's lowered center of gravity to cartwheel over this, making sure to land solely on her good leg. She was not out of the woods yet, as Iyexi grabbed her in a belly to belly overhead suplex, this time, Kazari was not so lucky as she landed on the foot of her bad leg, sending a painful shockwave of pain coursing up her leg and through her knee. The young magicat hissed in pain as Iyexi advanced towards her. Before Iyexi could land a blow, Kazari rolled back, pivoted onto her hand and mule kicked Iyexi in the jaw.
Using the ropes, Kazari lifted herself to her feet.
Iyexi was ready to do just that, taking a few steps back to line up a killshot. Kazari however, was not backing down, in fact, just as Iyexi was making a gunshot gesture, Kazari raised her bad knee up with her arms spread out at a 45 degree angle. Iyexi shot forward at with all the speed and power she could muster, only to run into a ROUNDHOUSE CRANE KICK, sending the half-spacebat to the ground with a thud. Kazari stumbled a bit before going in for the pin.
"Can you believe that?! After a topsy turvy match, the main event is now set! Here is the final match up.
Adora was barely able to contain her anger. Not at Iyexi, as she did well, but at the circumstances. Kazari is about to face Finn. Her baby. Catra's baby. It was as if the gods were either playing out a grand narrative, or playing a cruel sick joke. Adora and Catra looked at the screen that now read:
Chapter 3: Chapter 3- MAIN EVENT! Finn vs Kazari
Chapter Text
With gritted teeth, Adora looked to Glimmer and said, "Glimmer, get us to the locker room. I need to talk to Finn!" Glimmer reluctantly obliged.
The intermission before the main event was a godsend for Kazari. "One more match," she said. Just one more match to become champion.
Finn, meanwhile, was stretching their limbs, making sure they were as nimble as possible for this important final battle. The magicat suddenly perked up at the sound of Glimmer's teleportation. "Finn? Got a minute?" said Adora. Finn walked up to their mother with a curious expression. "I'm all ears," they said. Adora placed a hand on her son's shoulder and said, "Listen, Finn. Against anybody else, I wouldn't care whether you won or lost, just as long as you do your very best. But against the Kazari girl...something is off about her...YOU MUST WIN! Please, for the love of the gods, you absolutely must not lose! Do you hear me?" Adora said sternly. Finn simply nodded.
"Good. Me, Catra, Bow and Glimmer will be in the front row to cheer you on!"
As Adora embraced her son, Glimmer looked at her friend like, "We are?"
"Will both finalists please report to the ring," the PA System boomed.
"Good luck, Finn!" the two teleported off. It was time for Finn to show the world the power of the new generation.
Glimmer teleported herself, Adora and the others down to the front row as Finn emerged.
BGM-Resistance to Resilience by Reluctant Hero
For what was hopefully the second to last time, Finn's entrance theme blasted through the arena. Their hair billowed in the wind, fitting for the product of She-Ra's semen. After what seemed like an eternity, Finn made it to ringside where they, Catra and Adora embraced. "You got this, son!" Catra said. Finn nodded and slid into the ring and awaited their opponent.
BGM-Metalingus by Alter Bridge
Large columns of smoke enveloped the stage as Kazari made her final entrance of the night. She and Finn stared holes into each other from the rapidly decreasing distance. Kazari limped down the ramp. This time, she made no attempt to hide her bad leg, but she didn't need to. She was filled to the brim with determination, even striking a defiant pose, as towers of pyro shot into the air before completing her walk to the ring. Finn watched as their fellow magicat climbed up the top rope to wave to her dads. It was soon time to get serious as Kazari dismounted the top rope and prepared for the upcoming battle.
The music died down as the two finalists continued to stare each other down. The time for talking was now over. The crowd was nothing short of electric. While Team Grayskull pretty much won the overall championship, the Grand Champion was soon to be crowned based on the result of this match. With the ring of the bell, it was go time! Finn dashed forward with a flying clothesline, which Kazari was only BARELY able to duck. Finn was bombarded with a barrage of body blows, but they found an opening and countered with a monkey flip. Kazari bent her bad knee to give herself enough room to land on her good leg, just in time for Finn to grab her by the waist and unleash a devastating german suplex and followed up with dropkick, sending Kazari into the turnbuckle.
During all this, Micah looked on as the curious magicat fought with a grit and determination he had seen from only one other person in particular. He looked and said, "That Kazari...she has so much potential!"
The two magicats exchanged a few more forearm strikes and headbutts, which Finn won. As Finn rushed forward, time appeared to slow down and a thought occurred to Kazari. Finn was the product of She-Ra's semen. They should be much stronger than this. Finn closed in the gap, but Kazari had the wherewithal to crouch and hoist Finn over the ropes to outside with a thud, triggering the ref's count. Finn quickly got up, but staggered back into the wall. Upon seeing Kazari clutch her bad knee, the gears began to turn for Adora. "Finn!" she called. Finn reluctantly went to the Princess of Power. "I found Kazari's weakness. It's her leg, whatever the magic was from earlier, it damaged her. Attack the leg!" she said. Finn was stunned. Surely, Adora was not feeling any better than Catra. "Mom, no! I know you want me to win, but it has to be the right way!" With the, the young magicat rushed back into the ring with one second to spare! Kazari pointed a finger at Finn in an accusatory way. "Finn, I know you're holding back!" she said. Finn was dumbfounded by the statement they'd just heard with their ears. "What are you talking about?" they asked.
"You're the child of the Princess of Power! You should have a lot more power than you are letting on!"
"You don't know what you're on about! I am not my mother!" I! AM! FINN!"
Kazari raised an eyebrow. "Listen, Finn. I know you probably don't want to be defined by your lineage. I may be nobody special, but I get it! You don't wanna be defined by your mums, but your not them, you are Finn, and whatever power you've received from She-Ra is not her power, IT'S YOURS!" she roared, "Now use it! Show us YOUR power!"
Finn was dumbfounded, they don't know Kazari, yet she had managed to read them like a book! Suddenly, years of " Oh, that's She-Ra son!" or "Finn, why can't your be more like your mothers had flooded to the surface.
"RAAAUGH!" Finn exploded in the multicolored fiery aura! Their power skyrocketed. While their power was nowhere near She-Ra's, it was just enough to make the stadium quiver, so much so that outside the arena, a large piece of the structure broke off and landed on top of a man with pink hair and black dots in it.
Finn was overwhelmed with sheer catharsis of finally being able to let go! "This! THIS IS AMAZING!" they roared. The crowd seemed to agree with thunderous applause. Adora and Catra looked on, slackjawed while Bow and Glimmer's eyes were on the verse of bursting from skulls. Retro Adora and Juliet were both stunned into silence while Kazari smirked.
"That's more like it, Finn. To be honest, I was bullshitting just now! Now, FEEL THE BEAT OF MY HAVOK!" she roared. Kazari knew what the Havok Magic would do to her body, but this was this finals, and against somebody like Finn, there was no way she could afford to hold back. Through great effort, her power was dragged to the surface, kicking and screaming. The gates that contained her power was ripped right off its hinges as Kazari was now bathed in a jagged green, purple and red aura!"
Everyone gasped. "So that IS Havok Magic!" said Adora.
Micah was stunned at the development of events happening before his very eyes. He could barely believe it otherwise! He knew what must be done.
Kazari could feel the strain of the havok ripping her 13 year old body apart, but she was too determined to notice or care. A testament to her intestinal fortitude at such a young age.
The two magicats just went for it. Blow for blow. Each punch was met with an even stronger kick and vice versa. Headbutts ripped through the air like a thunderstrike. Kazari's determination clashed with Finn's innate warrior madness in a perfect storm of power.
Another shockwave blasted both parties back, which means it's for the finish. With the harmonizing battle cries, Finn and Kazari rushed towards each other. Just as the final blow was about to be dealt, Kazari's body finally succumbed to the havok, snapping her leg and tearing her muscles. The magicat cried out in pain as Finn speared her to the mat for the... "1...2...3!!"
"That's it! Finn wins! Finn wins! Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this match, AND NEW G1 COSMIC TENKAICHI GRAND CHAMPION; Finn and Team Grayskull!
Catra and Adora were ecstatic as the Best Friend Squad jumped the barricade to embrace Finn along with the rest of Team Grayskull. Kazari tried to roll out of the ring, but ringside doctors advised against it. As Artemy and Pigeon went down to try and comfort their daughter, they suddenly met with the last person they expected to see. It was Micah. The former king of Brightmoon said nothing, simply opting to spawn a small compact ball of light, which he pressed into Kazari's body. Kazari felt the energy course through her body, as without warning, her body began to mend and repair itself. Her leg was snapping back into place, and before long. Her body was as good as new. The young magicat was amazed at the feat that the master sorcerer had just performed. And then, he spoke.
"Hey. I'm Micah, and I have a proposition!"
Chapter 4: Chapter 4- Kazari's Arrival
Chapter Text
After an intense action-packed day, it was finally time for the championship crowning ceremony. For their victorious efforts, Team Grayskull was given a large, ornate crystal trophy which was held up by Glimmer, Bow, Catra and Adora. Finn, for being the Grand Champion, was given a big,gold, pro wrestling style championship belt with their personal insignia etched onto the side plates. Finn raised the belt to the sky for all to see. While that was going on, Kazari got to her feet. "Wait, I know you!" said Artemy.
"You're King Micah of Brightmoon!" said Pigeon
Kazari, who had finally managed to regain an equilibrium, went up to the sorcerer and asked, "What do you mean you mean you have a proposition?"
Micah looked at her and said, "Kazari. That was Havok Magic, wasn't it?"
Kazari wasn't sure what to make of the inquiry, but she nodded her head up and down.
"Kazari, you have such incredible power! I think I can help you control, y'know, so your body doesn't fall apart again." Micah remarked.
Kazari was quite skeptical. "Ha! I had no idea the great Micah had a sense of humor," she sneered.
Micah however, was as serious as a heart attack. "It's no joke. I want you to come train at Mystacor, and learn how to better hone your power, " he said.
Glimmer and Adora noticed the interaction between Micah and Kazari. "Glimmer, you see that? Get us over there!" Adora demanded. Glimmer reluctantly obliged.
"Think about this, Kazari," said Artemy.
"Yeah, this is a really good opportunity for you," said Pigeon.
Kazari crossed her arms as if she were in deep thought. "You know what? Fahck it, I'm down. Just call me the Fresh Princess of Mystacor! When do we start?" she asked. Micah gave a hearty laugh. "Well, aren't you quite the enthusiast! Take it easy, Kazari. Since your fathers are okay with it, I'll have a ride for you in a couple of weeks," he said.
Kazari smirked. "Okay, let's go dads, I've gotta get packed!" she said as she grabbed Artemy and Pigeon by the hands, and out of the arena.
The entire interaction was heard by Adora and Glimmer.
Micah turned around to see his stunned daughter and equally stunned Adora. "What? Micah! You can't be serious!" said Adora. Micah simply smiled, saying, "Oh, trust me. I've never been more serious. I've just got a brand new student! She'll be coming to Etheria in a couple weeks. I've always wanted to mentor somebody, this is gonna be great!"
Adora cocked her head to the side. "Right, I'm really happy for you, Micah, and I'm gonna let you finish, but why though?" she asked.
The older man gave a sigh. "Well," he began, "I know you all have your issues with...her, but when I knew her as Light Spinner...she...she was like a mother to me, y'know. I loved her as my own mother. She taught me a lot, and I kinda owe a lot of my power and wisdom to her. I have such great power, which means I have a great responsibility as well, y'know? Kazari has a lot of power and potential, but she clearly needs help controlling and harnessing that power. " he finished. Adora was not sure what to make of what she had just heard. Glimmer however, only needed a few seconds to think on it. "Well, dad, If you think this is the right way to go, then I trust your judgment!" she said resolutely. Micah smiled. "Thank you for understanding, Glimmer. At that moment, Catra and Bow went over to the three. "Yo, Sparkles! Sparkles Sr.! Adora! What's up?" asked Catra. "Well, Catra, Micah, in all his infinite wisdom, has decided to recruit Kazari as a new student of Mystacor!" said Adora. Catra was taken aback, but ultimately took it in stride. "That's...nice," she strained to get the words out, before settling down. "Adora, a word?" Adora went off with her wife while Bow just looked at Glimmer.
"Bow," Glimmer said, "You don't think?"
Mara Island, Two Weeks Later….
Hordak and Entrapta did a damn good job cleaning up Beast Island. Where once stood a desolate hellscape full of horrid man eating creatures, now stands a beacon of liberty and hope….it’s also a pretty nice space port for new arrivals. A small ship flew low, lining up with the strip. Kazari gazed out the window, and the first thing she noticed was a large statue depicting Mara, holding up her sword like the Statue of Liberty. As the ship glided along the strip until it landed and stopped at the terminal. With a look of wonder spread across her face, Kazari prepared to unboard the ship. 
One of the newer members of Brightmoon’s Royal Guard waited patiently for Kazari to find the TaxiSkiff that would take her to Liq’Ollem. This guard was stationed outside the skiff, holding up a sign with Kazari’s name up it. “Ms. Kazari?” the guard called out.
Kazari rounded the corner, bags in tow, then her ears perked up at the sound of the guard calling her name. “Ms.Kazari? Ooh, fancy!” she remarked.
As the magicat loaded her luggage, she looked at the guard and flashed her million dollar grin at the guard, telling her, “Your next line will be: “I don’t get paid enough for this shit!”, and go!
“I don’t get paid enough for this shit!” the guard said, verbatim. 
  Liq’Ollem’s Mystacor District
During the years that followed the Great War, Mystacor moved and became part of Liq’Ollem, and has even branched out into other magic based subjects. This allowed for a greater cultivation of more diverse talent, skills and better benefits for all of Etheria.
"So," Castaspella remarked, "It's a new year for the hallowed halls of Mystacor. Micah, how are you feeling?" Micah gave a nervous sigh, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous, but excited. It's my first time being a teacher. I hope I'm good enough," he said. Casta gave Micah a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you're the greatest sorcerer of our generation. If anyone can lift up these students, it's you!"
"Thanks, Casta. Hey, can you be a dear and go make sure Angie gets the prescription on her meds?"
"Of course,"
As if on cue, the Best Friend Squad teleported right in front of the two siblings. The squad was also accompanied by Finn, Archer and Iyexi. 
"Finn, you, Iyexi and Archer go play, but stay where we can see you. Right now, us grown ups need to talk," said Adora. 
Finn rolled their eyes. "Mom, we're 13, you don't need to talk down to us like we're little kids!" they said indignantly.
 Catra rolled her eyes and Iyexi furrowed her brow, saying, “You know they’re right. We’re not kids, we’re teenagers!” stomping her feet.
"Listen, you three may be teenagers, but you'll always be our babies. Don't act brand new just because you won the championship!" she said sternly. "Same goes for you, Archer and Iyexi. We'll try not to be long," said Glimmer.
 The three rolled their eyes as the two went off.
“Gee, what a condescending twat,” Iyexi remarked.
 “I heard that!” Glimmer shouted before turning her attention to her father.  "So, you think she's coming?" she asked. 
Micah pointed to the sky. "Looks like you're about to find out!" he said as the small shuttle descended from the sky, and landed right in front of the group. The side door opened up and the suitcase came flying out, hitting the ground with a thud. Next, it was the owner's turn to come out, leaping out of the shuttle, Dio Brando style.
Kazari was here.
"Well, and here I thought Double Trouble had a flair for the dramatic," Catra mused.
Kazari looked around the area. "Hm, not bad! A lot bigger than I thought," she said.
"Kazari, welcome to Mystacor," said Micah. "Today is the start of orientation weekend. Go take a look around and see if any classes interest you. After you get settled in, you take a look at the rest of Etheria."
Kazari nodded, grabbed her case and went off eagerly, not before catching the tense looks of Adora and Catra. "Micah, are you sure about this? I mean, just looked at her!"
"Adora, I respect you quite a lot, but I think you're just being paranoid," Micah said flatly. Adora felt a twinge of anger begin to bubble up inside of her like tea in a pot over a roaring flame, but Adora was not a teapot, and luckily, she had Glimmer and Bow to calm her down. 
"Easy, Adora. Micah's right, the only thing we have to go off of is Kazari kind of looking like...her." Glimmer said.
Adora took a deep breath. "You're right. Thanks"
The Queen of Brightmoon smiled. "Of course! Anyti-”
*Cough* *Cough*
Catra suddenly suffered an intense coughing fit. “Dammit! I need to sit down! I’m fine!” said the older magicat.
"So, Finn," Archer inquired, "Adora seems to be acting really weird when it comes to Kazari."
"Yeah, no kidding," said Finn. "I wonder what that’s about!”
Archer and Iyexi pondered Kazari's performance at the tournament, how quickly she was able to detect Archer’s teleportation movements, but then, a light went off in the half-space bat's head. "Wait, Finn! Maybe she could be what our group truly needs to to do the next level," Iyexi remarked.
As if on cue, Kazari returned to Micah. "Oh, Kazari. That was quick. Do you know what classes you're gonna take?" Micah asked. Kazari nodded and said, "Sure thing, mate. I just signed up for basic history, shop class, construction and art. I wanna spend most of my time training with you!"
Micah's breath had caught in his throat. He was one step closer to being like...her.... It was then that Adora remembered what she and the others had planned. "Oh, Finn, Archer. I almost forgot, Bow, Glimmer, you two wanna do the honors?" she said. 
Bow was as giddy as a schoolgirl. "Ooh ooh...I'll tell them! Finn, Archer, Iyexi. We've decided that you two and the rest of the kids would really benefit from learning some things from New Mystacor!" he said excitedly. Finn, Iyexi and Archer were also excited at the news.
"Wow, for real? Yo! Kazari, looks like we're gonna be classmates!" Finn called out. Kazari looked to the side and noticed Finn. She waved to them. Hey, champ! That's great to hear, can't wait to have a rematch," she remarked.
Finn chuckled. "Likewise," they said.
Archer pulled Finn to the side. "Finn, we should totally tell Iyexi. Kazari might be the perfect addition to our group!"
Kazari heard everything and simply smirked. She'd always had a bit of an ego, but to hear the children of the legendary Best Friend Squad, was gassing her up something fierce. "I'm Kazari. Whatever this little group is about, I'm the MVP. You can just call me the Fresh Princess of Mystacor!"
Micah walked over to the three and placed a hand on Kazari's shoulder. If you wanna pursue using havok magic, I'll do what I can to help with it, but I have little to no experience with such a rare form of magic. I can point you in the right direction, but that's about it," he said. Kazari removed his hand and simply told him, "Well, I actually expected that kind of news. It's okay. I'm Kazari, so I know we can do it!"
Micah was surprised by Kazari's pride and enthusiasm but simply accepted it. 
"Master Micah, I have a feeling we're gonna do great things together!"
And thus, the training began.
Kazari excelled in crafting and wielding, and her havok magic was beginning to improve, slowly but surely. Of course, her training was put on hold so she could return to Xisaeus to celebrate her 14th birthday.
At first, Rose and Iyexi struggled with magic botany and magitech to a surprising degree, given who their folks are, but in time, they were soon conquering their hurdles and hitting their strides, and now, Iyexi was pretty sure she could nuke the sun if she wanted while Rose could make unironic plant golems.
Riley could now keep up with Spinnerella and Netossa. Too bad they still had the experience edge...
Aquajet could only form water whips for a couple seconds before, but now, she could form water aberrations to fight on her behalf, almost like a stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Archer originally had a laughably short teleport range, at only a few feet, but now, he could jump whole kingdoms!
Last, but not least, Finn was able to learn to control their strength, and seeing how Double Trouble is their auncle, they've also become something of a theater kid.
And so, the days that passed into weeks.
The weeks became months.
The months turned into years.
Soon, five whole years had passed
Chapter 5: Chapter 5- The New Best Friend Squad Part 1- Desert Flower
Chapter Text
"Finn, Archer, Iyexi. We're so proud of you. Hard to believe you three are in year 3 now!" said Glimmer. "It seems like it was just yesterday that we were changing your diapers," said Catra, who seemed a bit paler than usual. Adora was standing behind her, tearing up with pride. "Oh, Catra. Our baby  is growing up so fast! she said with a sniffle. The older magicat rolled her eyes. "Dear Gods, Adora. Pull it together," she snarked. Speaking of magicats. Kazari leaped in through an open window. "Yo, Finn!  Did you tell your folks the the news?" she asked. 
Adora raised an eyebrow. "Finn? What's she talking about? she asked, her heart beating in her chest. "Kazari wrapped their arms around the necks of Acrher, and her fellow magicat, Finn. "Adora, Catra, Glimmer, Bow. Say hello to the New Best Friend Squad!"  she said. While Bow and Glimmer gushed, Catra was just thoroughly amused while Adora felt like she was just punched in the heart. "New... Best Friend Squad?!"
Back in the present, Kazari, now aged 19,  wore a weighted vest and weighted ankle braces as she ran on a one ton hamster wheel until a red light turned on, allowing to hop off and run to the next station. Micah looked on proudly as Kazari moved on to a shoulder press.
 “10 reps, Kazari! You are half a second behind. You got this!” Micah cheered. 
Kazari nodded as she finished the 10th rep and moved on to the final obstacle, a large warped wall. The magicat took a deep breath as she approached the wall. Her ankle braces and vest were dragging her down, threatening to drag her through the ground, but this was not about gravity, it was about drive, it was about power, she was hungry, she devoured. Kazari had put in the work, put in the hours, and now, she was ready to take what’s hers! And that….is mastery of her power, just a few short months ago, she couldn’t really go over 10% without ripping and tearing her muscles to shreds, now, she could use 15% without much issue! With one final push, Kazari bound up the warped wall, havok coursing through her body, and smashed the actuator, lighting up the red light. The redhead wiped the sweat from her brow as Micah stopped his watch. 
“Kazari, that was your fastest time yet!” he said. 
Kazari leaped down with pride as she kissed her bicep. “Well, I had the best teacher in you. Master Micah!” she said with a wink. 
Micah’s breath caught in his throat. He tried to open his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Angella’s arrival. “I’m here, love,” she said, giving Micah a peck on the cheek. 
“Hey, Angie. How was your flight?” 
“It was quite therapeutic, thank you, love!” Angella looked at Kazari, then said to Micah” I see Kazari, is being put through her paces, how about I put you through yours?” 
Micah blushed, cheeks turning as red as his student’s hair. 
Kazari smirked, as she knew what was about to go down. As Angella hoisted Micah into a bridal carry, he told Kazari, “Kazari, be a dear, I’m sure your friends are waiting for you, better not keep them waiting!” 
Kazari shed her braces and vest, telling them, “Okay, have fun, you two,” before running off to the showers. Rounding a corner, Kazari raced down the hallway, clad in sports bra and shorts, excitedly humming to herself, until she came to a screeching halt in front of the woman before her. The woman looked at Kazari with judgemental disdain. 
The two stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity, but it was Ohren to speak, “Kazari, you’re smelly,” she said. 
The magicat rolled her eyes and simply told her, “Well, I was just about to hit the showers… actually, I’ve been meaning to try out a new wardrobe!”
Liq’Ollem, outside the New Mystacor region, 20 minutes later.
Finn paced around, waiting for Kazari. Archer and Iyexi watched them, curiously. “Kazari’s training has really intensified lately, I hope she got through it okay,’ they said. 
“Finn,” said Archer, “calm down, Kazari is a tough girl. She can handle anything Micah throws at her. 
“He’s right, y’know. Finn, Kazari is gonna be fine. Plus, she said something about wanting to debut her new look, I’m curious as to what it’s gonna be! She says it’ll be her best look, I’ll be the judge of that,” Iyexi remarked.
“Ditto,” said Archer.
"Damn, Finn and Iyexi. Since when were you two fashion critics?"
The group turned around to see a newly styled Kazari at the top of the steps. Her hair had grown out past her shoulders, and now she wore a magenta top with a red jacket with orange stripes, a yin-yang symbol emblazoned on the side. Her forearms were now covered with sports tape, and tail wrapped around her waist like a belt.
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“Damn, Kazari! That really is your best look!” said Finn. 
Kazari chuckled to herself, saying, “Of course it is, this is ME we’re talking about. I am the Fresh Princess of Mystacor!”
As the four shared a hardy laugh, Rose walked up to them. 
“Hey, everyone. Are you ready?” she said, “You guys promised you’d help me out.” 
Iyexi went up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Rose, when have we ever let you down?'' she asked. 
Rose simply stared at the group with a deadpan expression. “Over the past 5 years, of all the kids, Rose was the one who underwent the most change. She now wore a black bra covered by a mesh midriff with black waist high jeans and black lipstick. Also, she’s going through an emo phase. 
Kazari walked down the steps, gingerly asking, “So, remind me. What’re we helping out with?” 
Rose rolled her eyes. “Wanna know why I’m having the emo phrase right now, despite being Scorpia and Perfuma’s daughter? Kazari, shortly before you came along, mom decided it was a good idea to hold something called the Unity Festival, basically, every year, she takes everyone in Plumeria, who is 18 or older, and lets call a spade a spade, she organizes a massive orgy. The bitch really takes her free love seriously,” she remarked. 
Kazari tilted her head. “An orgy you say? I’m 19, do you think I could-”
“NO! DON’T YOU DARE!” Rose roared.
Kazari narrowed her eyes. “Right…so…whatcha need us for?” she asked.
“Both my moms are busy setting everything else up, so they tasked me with collecting a special cactus found in the Crimson Waste. I need her help gathering it!”
Archer perked up, saying, “Oh, maybe Huntara could help us, Finn!”
Finn beamed.“YAY! MY REAL MOM!” they said. 
Rose raised an eyebrow at this statement, saying, “Uh…Finn….should I be concerned? 
Crimson Waste
The Crimson Waste has changed quite a bit over the past 25 years. With new technologies and help from the various kingdoms, life then and life now was night and day, even boasting a new transit system!
Archer got pretty damn good at teleporting, so it was no issue to teleport everyone to the Waste. Finn took in the scent of the rustic air of the Crimson Waste. Y’know, Kazari, I’ve always considered the Crimson Waste a home away from home,” they mused.
Kazari raised an eyebrow with a chuckle. “Well, given that you’ve literally just called that Huntara lady, you ‘other real mom’, I believe ya!” she remarked.  
“Well,” Rose piped up, “In any case, we gotta move quickly, since we don’t wanna keep moms waiting! Finn, take the lead!”
Finn nodded and said, “We actually do need Huntara’s help, as according to the grapevine, apparently the Waste has been going through some changes as of late. We need to get our basis down before we do anything.”
Rose nodded as the five linked up. 
“Archer, you know what to do!” 
Archer nodded, saying, “Next stop, Hunatra’s hut!” before fucking them all off to Huntara’s 
Valley of the Lost
The warrior of a Crimson Waste was busy pumping iron, clanging and banging. As she hoisted the bar bell over her head, the squad teleported in, starling the brute, causing her to drop the barbell, narrowly missing her foot, which was good, because the last thing anyone wanted was another ‘Paging Dr. Drake’ situation. 
“Hi, real mom!” Finn shouted.
Huntara quickly calmed down when she realized that it was Finn’s voice.
“Ah, Finn. What brings ya here?” Huntara asked. 
Finn rubbed the back of their head, saying, “Well, we’re actually here for Rose!”
The Scorpion-Flower princess walked forward. “Hey, Huntikins!” she said with a forced smile, to which Huntara met with a grimace. 
“Rose, I am gonna kill your mothers. So, what do you need my help with?” the desert warrior asked.  
Rose pulled out a mini-tablet and showed Huntara the Cactus. “It’s called a Cyclone Cactus, legend says, it’s a rare cactus that was created during a freak storm. Apparently, it has sprouted in the Valley of the Lost, we’re gonna need your skiff. Archer can’t teleport since he doesn’t have an exact location. I, being half-Perfuma, can sense the general range. Also, it’s supposed to be pretty large, which is why we need the skiff,” Rose explained. 
Huntara sat down and tapped her chin contemplatively. “Wow, a cactus, huh? And you’re Perfuma’s crotch goblin? Go figure!” the warrior tossed the keys to Finn, telling them, “Finn, you’re in charge! I’d better not see ONE scratch on that fucker! And by the way, there have been reports of an incoming sandstorm! From the sounds of it, it’s gonna be a massive one, so move quickly!” 
Crimson Waste Outer Desert…
The five piloted Huntara’s skiff over the sands of the desert. One the back of the skiff were several large crates secured on the back. Rose was sitting in intense concentration. Kazari looked at the scorpion-flower and asked, “Rose, are you good?” to which Rose replied with, “Yeah, I tryna sense the general location of vegetation!”
“So, how will you know where the cactus is?” asked Finn.  
Rose gave a halfhearted chuckle. “What, Finn. Since I know what most plants feel like, I just gotta feel for whatever isn't familiar, that’s when we’ll- THERE!” she shot up and pointed eastward. 
Finn nodded and sharply turned the skiff eastward, nearly causing everyone to fall over. The skiff shook, rattled and rolled, but this was Huntara’s skiff, it loved this! Lived for this!
“Just beyond this next dune!” Rose said, prompting Kazari to shout, “FULL SPEED AHEAD!” 
Finn was more than happy to oblige, powering the skiff to full power as it leaped over the dune, getting some wicked air before with the grace of a ninja gazelle. Suddenly, the half-magicat pulled the skiff to a screeching halt.
“What’s wrong, Finn?” asked Iyexi. 
Finn pointed to the offending sight before them. There were two large gangs standing in front of a cave, over on one side, there stood a husky reptilian woman of dark red complexion, named Fang Ripper, and over on the other side, there was an equally husky man of a dark blue complexion, this was Mantanna.
“So, tell me, Fang Ripper,” said Mantanna, did you really think your daddy, Tung Lasher’s gang could beat my joint?” 
Fang Ripper’s eye twitched angrily. “The fuck you say, ya wanker?!” 
To make matters worse, the cacti were at the base of a nearby cave, but standing in the way were two dangerous gangs ready to rip each other apart!
Finn gritted their teeth, saying, “This is bad, it looks like a full on gang war is about to erupt!”
Suddenly, and without warning Kazari, removed her jacket and tossed it to her fellow magicat. “Finn, hold my jacket, this won't last long!” she said. 
Before anyone could say anything, Kazari leaped from the skiff, and walked up to the two gang leaders. 
“Hey, you two! Take this somewhere else,” the magicat shouted. 
The two gang leaders stared a hole into Kazari. If looks could kill, Kazari would die a hundred times over! 
“Kazari, please be careful!” said Archer.
“Damn it! What’s Kazari doing?!” said Rose. 
“She’s gonna get fucked up, if not just killed out right!” shouted Iyexi. 
Finn just stood stoically, carefully watching the action that was about to unfold! 
Fang Ripper got all up in Kazari’s face and said, “So punk, you wanna be a hero?”
Kazari simply answered with a smirk, telling her, “For one of you, the next line will be why are you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? And go!”
And verbatim, it was Mantanna who went, “Why are you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong? HUH?!”
Fang Ripper quickly reached into her pants pocket, but Kazari quickly cut her off, telling her, “If you’re looking for your dagger, check your long coat pocket!”
Fang Ripper did that, and sure enough, the dagger was there, much to the gang leader’s shock.
“Your next words are: What’re you, a mind reader? And go!”
And just like clockwork, Fang Ripper uttered the words, “What are you, a mind reader? FUCK! HOW?!”
Kazari smirked, telling Fang Ripper, “I can tell that the blood on your jacket is not yours! And I also see the marks in your palm!” she explained.
Mantanna started laughing his ass off. “Damn, the bitch made you look like a fool! Well, an even bigger one! HA!”
Kazari narrowed her eyes, saying, “Dafuq are you two laughing at? Nobody calls me a bitch without my consent!” and thus, she uncoiled her arm tape, wrapped it around the two gang leaders, and zapped them to kingdom come using her havok, rendering them both out cold. As she put her tape back on, Kazari couldn’t help but notice her forearm was starting to bruise up! 
“Damn it!” she muttered, “Now, your leaders will be fine! Take them and piss off! There’s a sandstorm approaching!
The gangs did not argue, grabbing their respective leaders and pissing off to wherever they came from. 
Kazari turned back to the group. “Okay, everything is clear!” she shouted. Archer and the others linked up and teleported to the magicat, as Archer placed a hand on her shoulder and told her, “Y’know what? I’ll never doubt your judgment again!!”
Kazari winked at the twink, saying, “Was there ever any doubt, after 5 years you should know that I- WHOA!” she suddenly tripped on something protruding out of the sand. Kazari rubbed her bottom as Finn helped her up and handed her her jacket. “Kazari, are you alright?” 
The redhead sprang to her feet and put her jacket back on, giving Finn a thumbs up. “Yeah, I’m fine. But, did I trip on something?” The magicat looked down to see what she tripped over, and kneeled down to get a closer look. When she pulled it out of the ground, her eyes widened to the size of saucers! What she pulled out was what appeared to be the dark purple and neon green ram’s head. “Woah! Is this what I think it is? Finn, guys, check this out!” she called out. 
They went to the magicat to, and Finn was the one to speak. “Kazari! I heard about that! That’s a piece of a havok staff! My uncle, Adam, told me about some dude named Skeletor. That guy used a havok staff. It’s used to channel havok magic. Kazari, you could use this somehow!” 
Kazari tapped her chin curiously. “Hey, I got a history report coming up, I can use this for that!” 
Rose rolled her eyes, moaning, “Yeah, cause that totally won’t backfire on you sooner or later! Kazari, that’s a havok staff, that thing could be dangerous!”
Kazari shrugged, firing back with, “Well, not as dangerous as being out here with a sandstorm brewing!” As if on cue, a sudden gust of wind blew by! “Uh-oh, speaking of which, we better move, and quick!” 
Everyone grabbed the crates and ran to the base of the nearby cave, where a large patch of cacti sat with iridescent spiral patterns. They were kinda pretty. No wonder Perfuma wanted them for her Unity Festival, but there was no time to admire their beauty. Rose, pressed the ground with a glow of the hands, allowing the cacti to lift out of the ground and into crates. After a while, the crates were filled and loaded up onto the skiff. 
Rose wiped the sweat off her brow. “Thanks guys,”  she said. 
Iyexi placed a hand on her shoulder, telling her, “Of course. We’re the Best Friend Squad after all! Right, Finn? Finn?"
"Catra, it's your fault Finn is so rude to us!"
"Yes you! They get it from you!"
"I beg you fucking pardon?!"
*Snap* *Snap* HEY! ETHERIA TO FINN!" Iyexi shouted, stunning to half-magicat.
"Huh? Shit, I'm sorry, I dunno, I think I just zoned out! Dunno what came over me!" Finn said, cheeks turing as red as Kazari's hair!"
Iyexi activated her visor to run the numbers, and gave a sudden gasp. “Guys, that sandstorm is gonna hit in about 30 minutes! We’ve gotta move!” she shouted. 
“Go! GO!” Kazari boarded the skiff with everyone else and quickly took off!
Back at Huntara’s hut…
Huntara laid in bed, with some sleeping, naked broad she met in a bar the other day, clinging on to her. The warrior looked out her window as the sandstorm flew by, blanketing the Waste with brown clouds of dust! 
“Oh shit! Huntara exclaimed, “I hope those kids made it out okay!”
As if of cue, Rose, Kazari, Finn, Archer and Iyexi teleported into the hutt, crates in tow, and covered in dust. Rose rolled to her feet, coughing up some dust, saying, "Mission…accomplished!” with a shaky thumbs up!
Plumeria Festival Grounds…
“Thanks, guys!” said Perfuma. Rose nodded in response. The flower princess turned to the others, and said, “Hey, you guys are over 18, right? Wanna come to the festival?” 
Rose desperately suppressed the urge to smack her mother right then and there as her cheeks were as red as the splotches in her hair. Kazari saw this and decided to quickly change the subject. 
“So, Perfuma, what’re the cacti for anyway?” she asked. 
Perfuma beamed as she pointed to a stage. “It was requested by Castaspella, she’s actually gonna perform at the Unity Festival, so we’re using cacti as stage decorations, speaking of which, Kazari. I could use your opinion? We’re gonna decorate with flowers as well. Which flowers are best?” she asked. 
Kazari tapped her chin contemplatively before settling on…”Daisies…I’ve always found them cheerful!” 
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prince-toffee · 2 years
The Horde Edict – The First Clone Laws
1. Kill No Clone – No matter standard, defect, or rooted; no one clone can take the life of another. You must respect your brothers, forget all previous hatful teachings. We are all equals. Every clone deserves to experience the pleasures of life in our newly acquired freedom. To take a life is to condemn all life. To take a life is to declare that your own life is worth nothing. As clones, we must be better.
2. Respect This Land – You will harm no eco-system. You will give back to this world; every clone will be assigned to the Community Service programme and must take part. This programme shall see you part taking in: farming, rebuilding efforts, and teaching scientific fields. Any industrial action taken to harm this or any other environment will not be tolerated. The land shall be cared for so that it can sustain generations of our future brothers and off-springs.
3. Love These People – We are not alone on this world, we share it with a plethora of races and species, respect these people. It is only through their kindness we are able to take residence on this green world, reciprocate that kindness. No insult shall be thrown. No strike shall be dealt against them. We must educate ourselves about their numerous cultures and traditions. Love your neighbours.
4. No Idols of Horde Prime Shall Be Worshipped – No tributes can be created with The Prime’s visage. No texts can be written that represent The Prime in a positive light. All historical material must be depicted accurately with Horde Prime as an enslaver and violator and deceiver. Speaking prayers, assembling prayer sessions, and spreading His hatful bigoted rhetoric is forbidden and punishable.
5. Aid Our Brothers Still Among The Stars – Thou the survivors of Horde Prime’s armada have taken residence and shelter on Etheria, there are still many of our brothers scattered among the stars. After the fall of Prime his voice has been silenced, many of them must feel lost and alone. We must, as soon as possible, set off on a mercy mission to support our lost brothers in any way we are able. There are still masses of our brethren who are not aware of what has transpired on this world, and may still worship The Prime. We must re-educate them and show them the true meaning of freedom.
6. No Further Colonies Will Be Established – No further settlements shall be established on any other planets, planetoids or asteroids. The Horde is dead and it must remain so. The empire must not expand. Our people cannot assert our dominance over any other race ever again. No resources can be procured from other alien planets. The beauty and individuality of the universe must be preserved.
7. All Lethal-Weaponry Is Outlawed – No life can be taken; weaponry is the easiest tool utilised to take life. Therefore, both standard and anti-clone weaponry is forbidden. No weaponry can be smuggled onto or off world, weaponry can not be sold or traded to any other party. No life can be endangered, no law enforced with tools of murder and destruction.
8. Life-Force Is Categorised As Chemical Weaponry – Life-Force and all other umbrella substances are outlawed. The substance is corrosive and addictive to the body. It is considered as cannibalism on the ground of it being synthesized with clone blood and genetic matter, mixed among other poisons and toxins. It is a symbol of oppression and of Prime and must be removed from circulation. It can be utilised as a weapon to harm fellow clones, therefore like other weaponry it is to be banned.
9. You Are Free To Love Anyone You Love – As individuals we are all different and unique, some of our brothers feel romantic and sexual feelings, some do not. It is all natural. You are allowed to fall in love with your fellow Etherian. You are allowed to create a family of your own. But only with the continuing consent of the other party.
10. None Shall Play God, No More False Gods – No clone shall assert his will over another. No one will brainwash another. No clone shall claim they are a higher ethereal lifeform. No clone shall attempt to amass a religious following under them. And most importantly all cloning is forbidden, no man should hold power over life, we have no right to create life, we cannot become who we escaped from, we cannot play god.
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birindale · 4 months
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Bow wanders by a tea party and is opportunistically kidnapped, SweetBee steals Glimmer's gimmick, and She-Ra obliquely threatens to cut off Entrapta's head.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “A Born Champion”.
Cover: SweetBee descends from the sky, her wings glowing and sparkling as She-Ra holds a welcoming hand out to her. At the top of the page, the Princess of Power (trademark symbol) logo sits on a flat purple sky. A fuzzy orange and magenta landscape in the foreground blends into a featureless mass behind the girls. Two lumps of hard material which are probably supposed to be cliffs or mountains or something but are colored like glaciers mark the skyline behind them. At the bottom of the page "A BORN CHAMPION" is stamped in dark blue and outlined in white. Below it, the copyright text reads, "Illustrations (copyright symbol) Mattel, Inc. 1985 Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A. PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. (registered trademark symbol) and TM designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc."
Page 1: A desaturated, pale pink caption box reads, "It was daybreak and SweetBee buzzed about her hive. Passing by, Bow stopped to chat. "I'm scouting Etheria for signs of trouble," he said. "Will you be back by sunset?" SweetBee asked. Bow nodded and SweetBee watched him go. "If only I could be a hero brave as he!" she sighed." Thanks for the feminism as always, Tina. The illustration shows Bow, who's toy-accurate except for having both hands, making conversation with a flying SweetBee. There's no hive around, but they do appear to be at the foot of the Crystal Castle. 
End Page 1. 
Page 2: Another desaturated pink caption box reads, "Meanwhile, inside her new tree-plex in the Valley of the Lost, Catra was busy entertaining. She and Entrapta sipped their tea while Clawdeen munched a crumpet. Suddenly, a twig snapped in the woods below." Entrapta lounges on a plush teal and amethyst bed, legs dangling over the edge, Catra lying prone beside her (and actually wearing her gloves for once! Good job, Skip!) They're both holding steaming cups of tea. The room appears to be a hollowed-out tree, a window showing several strangely shaped trees outside. Clawdeen, the pink lion, is watching Catra and Entrapta with a rather crudely-drawn crumpet in her mouth. She has a sparkling blue-and-yellow collar and some kind of garland draped over her mane for some reason. 
"What was that?" asks Clawdeen as she and Catra look around suspiciously. Damn, she ate that crumpet fast. 
"Look, it's Bow!" says Catra. She and Entrapta peer out the window, which is honestly just a tree hollow. Bow is indeed passing by beneath them, having made incredible time on circumnavigating Etheria, apparently. Look the Crystal Castle has been out for a full year now there's no reason they couldn't consult the map sticker. I'm just saying.
End Page 2.
Page 3: ""He can tell us the secret of She-Ra's power!" Catra cried. Entrapta called to Bow from the balcony. Bewitched by her golden glow, he stepped toward her. Letting loose her lovely hair, she trapped him in its tangles." So I guess there's a tree-balcony now. Entrapta wraps Bow in her hair, which is pink and purple, and can still move on its own. Her armor is gold, although it's not really colored to be as reflective as the plating on the toy is so it's—like that would hit better if you had the doll in front of you, I think. Catra just kind of stands there. Bow has his left hand behind his back, as though he'd gone to draw an arrow. 
"Ha! Ha! Good work, Entrapta!" says Catra, smiling wickedly with Clawdeen. Hm. No mask in sight I notice.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: A pale pink caption box reads, "The day passed quickly and SweetBee noticed it was getting dark. Bow was late and she began to worry." Sweetbee is tending to a small garden, trowel in hand, and looking over her shoulder with some concern. A climbing vine bearing some kind of fruit snakes its way up a climbing stick beside her. The sun is getting low in the sky, though it hasn't yet set.
"Bow could be in trouble. I must find him!" she says. 
End Page 4.
Page 5: A pale purple caption box reads, "SweetBee took to the air at once. She searched Etheria for many miles. Reaching the dark edge of the Valley of the Lost, she pressed on. Catra's tree-plex appeared suddenly below her." We see SweetBee soaring over a sprawling landscape, a huge forest bordered by steep mountains. Everything has an orange tint, which may indicate that it's now officially sunset, as the sky is too filled with beautifully-colored clouds to be sure, or just that Skip Simpson was really feeling orange this issue. A tree riddled with hollows stands out bright yellow in a clearing amongst the trees, in what must have been a discarded toyset, right? They're plugging it more than the Crystal Castle. Perhaps it was intended to adapt Justine Dantzer's proposed 'Topaz Tree Home' idea? But alas, it was never made.  
End Page 5. 
Page 6: A pale pink caption box reads, "SweetBee landed softly on the rooftop. She peered in through the skylight. Bow was trapped inside! Carefully she moved away and magically turned her wings from bright yellow into a powerful pink light…" Well, there's not really a roof, as it's a tree. But she is up above them. Entrapta has tied Bow to a tree with her hair, and Catra has one hand resting on his shoulder and the other balled up on her hip, literally talking down to him. Clawdeen looks on with a smile. There's an abstract painting hanging on the wall.
"... sending out a signal for help!" Seriously? THIS gets to be a dialogue balloon? Whatever. SweetBee is posing with her wings flared, as they flash bright pink. For context, her toy had reversible wings—one side gold glitter, the other pink and glow-in-the-dark. It's not super original, since Flutterina has wings and Glimmer glows in the dark, but they're… there. They are there. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: A pale pink caption box reads, "From Crystal Castle's mighty throne, Princess Adora spotted the beacon light. Quickly, she decoded SweetBee's urgent message." Adora and Spirit are standing on top of the Crystal Castle. The throne (which is also an elevator) is up there with them, though it's gold instead of blue. If you really squint, the Crystal Castle's facade kind of looks like a skull. If skulls had big glass doors instead of teeth. And turrets. With shingles. It does seem to be getting later at least—the sky is beginning to turn this lovely indigo, and the clouds are a rosy orange. A sprite is whizzing around the castle, and Adora points at it as Spirit stands behind the throne. A slightly inaccurate flag is flying from the parapets. 
"Spirit, Bow's in terrible trouble!" says Adora. "We must leave at once!" 
End Page 7. 
Page 8: With a big dramatic burst of light, Adora and Spirit become Starburst She-Ra and Crystal Swift Wind, refracting all kinds of colors. The throne is still gold instead of blue, and it looks like they didn't realize the shield could be detached when drawing it.
"Fear not, SweetBee! Help is on the way!" says She-Ra, from Swift Wind's back. Skip did a great job coloring this one to make Swifty look like he was actually made of crystal and not just lit from below, everyone say thank you Skip.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: Another pale pink caption box reads, "Swift Wind sailed through the night. They circled Catra's tree-plex and landed with a gentle thud. SweetBee moved to greet them. Bow heard his friends up on the roof. Shuffling about noisily, he whispered to himself, "No one must know help has finally arrived."" Well, it's super not nighttime. Now I know what you're thinking, wouldn't making it dark out desaturate the bright colors which draw the children's eye? And yeah if it were realistic, but you can just make a dark blue sky and call it a night (heheh) in these things. They do it all the time in this very franchise. Anyway. We see Swift Wind landing, She-Ra on his back. SweetBee looks up from where she's evidently been hiding on the 'roof' of the tree-plex.
"Quiet, you!" says Entrapta, gripping Bow's shoulder where he's still tied to the chair. In the foreground, Catra and Clawdeen are curled up and napping on the big comfy bed. It's pretty adorable. 
"Disturb my friends' catnaps and they'll have both our heads!" says Entrapta. 
End Page 9. 
Page 10: A pale pink caption box reads, "Crashing through the skylight, She-ra took Entrapta by surprise. "And if you don't let go of Bow, I'll have yours—with all its lovely locks!" "No!" Entrapta cried. Clutching her braids, she fled into the night." 
Catra and Clawdeen are waking up, Catra angry and Clawdeen… disoriented, as She-Ra leaps down through the hole in the ceiling. Entrapta clutches her hair defensively. Her outfit is much more appropriately reflective this time, though it still doesn't scream 'metallic'. It's pretty. Bow smiles at She-Ra in apparent relief. 
"You think you've outsmarted me? Just try to find your way back to Crystal Castle!" says Catra, blasting us with some kind of pink sparkle. 
End Page 10.
Page 11: A pale pink caption box reads, "Catra sprang to Clawdeen's back and hissed a dire warning. "The Valley of the Lost's secrets are mine. Without them, you will remain trapped here forever!" Then, in a flurry of furry pink, she and Clawdeen disappeared." Catra sits on Clawdeen's back amidst a huge cloud of smoke and sparkles as Bow and She-Ra look on. Maybe the garland thing on Clawdeen's head is supposed to be her bow? It doesn't translate well to photograph so they may have misinterpreted it as a rope-crown thing or something. 
End Page 11.
Page 12: Whoa. Okay, everything is upside down now. A pale pink caption box reads, ""What a different forest this is!" Bow cried. "Catra has turned everything upside down!" Swift Wind shook his head. "She-Ra, I can't make hide nor hair of this. I've lost all sense of direction. How will we get home?"" She-Ra, Bow, SweetBee and Swift Wind all look around them in apprehensive confusion. 
"A bee's homing instinct is very strong. I can find Crystal Castle. Come on, we'll make a beeline for home," says SweetBee.
End Page 12. 
Page 13: A pale pink caption box reads, "And at their journey's end, the weary travelers found themselves at home once more." Swift Wind flies after a glowing SweetBee, Bow and She-Ra on his back. It is still not visibly nighttime, and the cliff under the Crystal Castle is much higher than it was in the beginning of the issue. I feel like this would have been fixed by some rescaling. Looking at you, Tim. 
"SweetBee! You saved the day!" says Bow, as they all land in front of the castle. 
"I never thought that just being myself would make a hero out of me!" says SweetBee. 
End Page 13. 
Page 14: SweetBee kneels before She-Ra, who holds the Sword of Protection to her shoulder as though knighting her. Bow and Swift Wind look on with big smiles. A pale pink caption box reads in the red 'moral' font, "She-Ra laughed and smiled. "Why, SweetBee! Everyone has some special talent to offer. It's when you put your talent to work that you become a champion. Helping others with your power is what makes you a true Princess of Power!"" Which like, I don't think that ALL needed to be in red. Also, Bow's stomach is blue. He wears a crop top, Skip. Get used to it. 
End Page 14.
End ID]
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fannishcodex · 2 years
Another spop AU focused on the Spacebats!:
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AU where Hordak is Hec-Tor and brother to Anillis, and both are the half-Etherian children of a stranded *Prime-shaped Horde clone and one of the moth folk from Elberon. Hec-Tor and Anillis **primarily resemble their father–especially Anillis–though they both have ears with feathery undersides inherited from their mother's feathered ears, a subtle sign of their Etherian mother. Hec-Tor also inherited their mother's dark blue hair and red eyes, though his eyes resemble uncles from his father’s side. Like revasnaslan writes in Where One Fell Verse, Hec-Tor’s and Anillis’s white masking grows in later and resembles their father’s; but as kids their skin is one color, and they resemble Imp in canon. (When their white masking starts growing in, it first resembles freckles.) 
Hec-Tor is born with a “defect” that many outsiders think is due to his mixed parentage, though Anillis was born without any--but many outsiders also think Anillis’s extra eyes are a mutation from his mixed parentage even if it’s just a cosmetic imperfection. Mixed race families do happen on Etheria, but it’s still mostly taboo and uncommon, and more expected to “stick with your own kind.” The fact that no can figure out where the father came from further complicates things--or at least, complicates how this family’s perceived. (In the doodle above, was thinking Hec-Tor’s like 8 and Anillis has only been 13 for like a couple of months.)
*Short Story: What if the ***mysterious portal had started sucking in Horde Prime instead? Well, Prime would just ditch his body/vessel and jump to another clone, while his newly abandoned vessel gets sucked through the portal. Then Prime begins preparing another clone to serve as his new vessel after setting the matter aside when no answers over the anomaly can be found. The Vessel sucked through the portal and stranded on Etheria, on the other hand, regains control of his body...
Long Story: More info under the cut and an alternate backstory for Dispossessed Horde Vessel!Dad because I like going even more AU.
Also under the cut: more rough doodles/art edits/concepts/brainstorming:
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Hec-Tor’s more like 4 or 5 here. Reading time with Mom while ****Dad’s checking up on him before putting supportive armor back on.
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A) kind of expected teen angst
B) angst specific to complicated feelings over being mixed race when that’s not too culturally acceptable on Etheria + having virtually zero knowledge of one side of your family because your father barely talks about them beyond mentioning brothers that are out of the picture + it’s also your father’s side that you take after the most and is what isolates you the most because as far as you can tell it’s just you and your father and your brother vs. your mother’s side of the family/her people are large and clearly defined along with most other Etherian subcommunities 
C) angst specific to just learning why your father barely talks about his side of the family and feeling new discomfort over hearing “you’re looking so much like your father every day” from relatives/parents’ friends/outsiders
D) all of the above
Bonus: Vesper is Trying His Best because he deeply Loves his sons, but he’s navigating a lot of uncharted territory from his perspective of a manufactured soldier/weapon.
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When Hec-Tor’s a newborn baby.
More random art things will be interspersed in between further text below.
Like I said, these are brainstorming concepts with room to change if I want--also with a definite Path 1 or Path 2, i.e. different backstories for Horde clone father, one more closely/adjacent canon divergent and the other completely AU.
More rough details:
**Anillis and Hec-Tor go beyond primarily taking after their father--they’re going to sound pretty much exactly like him and look pretty much exactly like him (excluding Hec-Tor’s hair/eyes). I want to play around with the science fantasy idea of the genetic engineering that went into the cloning can be that strong that even in the unexpected scenario of a clone naturally having children, the children are essentially biologically clones even if more naturally born. (This will probably change in subsequent generations--like, a clone’s children will pretty much be his clones, but his grandchildren may have more room for variety, and that will continue as more children are produced down the line. Though it also depends on who the non-clone parents are too.) And wanted to play with the idea that the Etherian mother, with ears and skin a bit similar to the clone parent’s, is also a good enough genetic match to facilitate Anillis and Hec-Tor deeply resembling their father and their other clone relatives. Also I just love Hordak’s/Prime’s designs/voice and want to keep it; it’s also partly why I was curious about giving them a subtle sign of them being mixed race, while also just playing around with the concept of them being mixed race i.e. they take very strongly after one parent, to the point that they almost don’t look like they’re mixed race/instead the signs of them being mixed race are very subtle.
More AU World Info: The Scorpioni kingdom have effectively seized control of Etheria, and otherwise convinced most of the other kingdoms--with a special focus on the runestone kingdoms--to join them, and have deepened the divide between royalty and commoners, as well as humanoid and beastfolk Etherians. 
Horde clone father, Prime-shaped: Formerly just a number before. Eventually goes by Vesper.
Backstory Option 1: What if the ***mysterious portal had started sucking in Horde Prime instead? Well, Prime would just ditch his body/vessel and jump to another clone, while his previous vessel gets sucked through the portal. Then Prime begins preparing another clone to serve as his new vessel after setting the matter aside when no answers over the anomaly can be found. The Vessel sucked through the portal and stranded on Etheria, on the other hand, regains control of his body. And is at a complete loss.
It's a different situation from Hordak's in canon--with a defect that helped drive Hordak to prove to Prime that he could be worthy and deserving of life rather than cannon fodder, still very much brainwashed into believing in Prime. It’s different from Kadroh’s/Wrong Hordak’s situation in canon too. The Vessel has a different perspective: from what I'm inclined to imagine, Vessels would be far more broken when not being controlled, and they would've pretty much learned the truth--mostly the actual truth about Prime, and lost their faith in Prime, but only once they had been truly trapped as his vessel/host body. But this Vessel has somehow escaped--but this unlikely escape from Prime brings little comfort, because the Vessel may have lost faith in Prime, but he still believes that he's nothing without him, that he's a tool meant to serve, he needs to serve someone...
The Scorpioni king finds this Vessel/Vesper and takes advantage, convincing him to serve him. Vesper is obedient to the Scorpioni king until he meets a commoner from Elberon, a meeting that eventually serves as a catalyst...
***The portal was actually Light Hope's doing, a failed attempt to get a new She-Ra...
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For a break, have an even smaller Anillis at like 4 or 5 years old, before Hec-Tor’s born or when Hec-Tor’s a newborn. (Did Anillis hear an old tale about the legendary Etherian guardian She-Ra from Madam Razz, and is playing out one of her amazing feats? Maybe.)
Backstory 2: Complete AU. Started posting about this, and when I mentioned this on that post--“as part of another spop AU I’ve been roughly brainstorming, been roughly developing an AU backstory for the Horde Clones, and one I feel like using in some other related AUs too”--I was referring to this Half-Etherian AU. Repeating some of the info from that post here too (but more info will be at the link I’ll share in the comments below):
So, this backstory is pretty much a "Star Wars Clone Troopers+Bioshock+Steven Universe" AU for spop. The Horde Clones are soldiers/weapons created by the First Ones. The Horde becomes the name for the military branch of the First Ones. The Horde contains the clones, and higher-ranked FO officers/personnel/etc. to command them and carry out other war tasks.
The First Ones manufactured two models of the Horde Clones–Series 01, smaller ones that resemble Wrong Hordak (“Kadroh”)/Hordak in canon, and Series 02, larger ones that resemble Prime in canon. They have their different strengths and are meant to work together to cover their different weak points. There is no Horde Prime…per se…possibly not yet in this universe. The two classes of Horde Clones are only supposed to serve the FO. Information on the exact origin of the clones–like their genetic template–is classified information among the First Ones.
The Horde clones are soldiers, but they also serve another key purpose in the FO’s Horde; their ports are used as part of the FO’s methods to keep them under control, but the ports also serve this other key purpose. Compared to 01 Horde Clones, 02 Horde Clones don’t just differ in increased size and greater physical strength. 02 Horde Clones are a primary part of how the First Ones harvest and use magic across the Known Universe–02 Horde Clones are built to harvest magic with mainly the cables on their head (+ some other less effective techniques/built-in magitech as backup). Their bodies refine and store the harvested magical energy until they can be hooked up to the proper First Ones machines via ports to deliver the harvested/refined magic. They are key in making magic usable for FO, in creating their magitech. 02 Horde Clones are living batteries for the First Ones Empire. They’re also miners, storage, transportation, and walking refineries of magic for them, as well as living weapons.
Though 02 Horde Clones are formidable, part of the job of smaller 01 Horde Clones is often to protect the 02 Horde Clones while they’re harvesting magic and are most exposed to attack. Harvesting, containing, transporting, and refining high levels of volatile magical energy within their bodies takes its toll, and sometimes the 02 Horde Clones visibly physically struggle; sometimes the magical energy the 02 Horde Clones store and carry can even start messing with their minds; and so the 01 Horde Clones are also there to help guide them and keep them on track, and generally assist them in magical energy transportation.
The First Ones built in additional safeguards to ensure 02 Horde Clones and 01 Horde Clones can’t independently tap into and wield the magic they store, or harvest magic from “unauthorized targets.” The FO do go back and forth on this–that is, they do sometimes use the Horde Clones to unleash offensive/defensive magic under strict control. It’s a controversial practice in the FO empire, with arguments starting over it, with some FO pointing out the risks of it, and others saying it’s sometimes necessary in combat as a last resort.
As soldiers, Horde Clones are typically trained in combat revolving around weapons and hand-to-hand, not direct magic use like FO techmages. Only when the situation arises do the FO give them very limited training to use magic under strict FO supervision, or more like give them limited training to use magic when FO orders them to.
Hec-Tor and Anillis's father, Vesper, is an 02 Horde Clone that gets stranded on Etheria through a portal anomaly (still caused by Light Hope’s efforts to grab a new She-Ra). Pretty much the portal/getting stranded on Etheria follows the same as what was described in Backstory 1--Vesper at a loss and shellshocked (I’ve been imagining he’s an experienced soldier/weapon rather than newly made, though that still differs from his literal age which is probably relatively young but he’s already Seen A Lot), his brainwashed compulsion to serve/etc. gets used by the Scorpioni king, an encounter with a commoner from Elberon begins to change things...
Actually found a way where “Vessel” can work for Backstory 2 as well--the FO also called the 02 Horde Clones “Vessels” of magic. 
In either backstory, Vesper's face gets scarred on Etheria somehow, and he's down to only one eye.
Though here’s an art thing that’s a little more related--an alternate concept for Vesper/Horde Vessel Dad I sometimes think about (it would probably fit more with Backstory 1 though--an eye breaks free with its own color, but his old life has left a mark, even on his other eyes):
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In either backstory, Vesper desperately misses his clone brothers (like I believe canon!Hordak does); but he concludes that he's permanently stranded on Etheria. And in Backstory 1, his fear of Prime overrules missing his other brothers--and he believes he lost them ever since he'd been made a Vessel, he could never go back to them like this, and not after what Prime used his body for, which included hurting them and worse. Eventually in Backstory 2, Vesper’s fear of the First Ones overrules missing his brothers once Anillis is born. With both backstories, Vesper becomes determined to keep his sons away from the dangers of his past and remain stranded on Etheria in the isolated Despondos dimension instead. In either backstory, Vesper knows that anyone from his past life learning about Anillis and Hec-Tor would put them in horrifying danger.
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Etherian Mother: Tabi-Tha. 
Okay, so I am playing around with Entrapdak vibes with Vesper/Tabi-Tha, and in the AU they're like chronologically a precursor to Entrapdak as Hec-Tor/Hordak's parents, but...well, I’m already feeling different vibes with them. Also playing around with some ideas that interest me but I don't think could quite fit Entrapdak, but could fit these parent OCs because I can shift them around, especially for other AU ideas. Anyway. 
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Break with a “Just Couple” things doodle. Referred to some sort of art pose meme from a google search for this.
Etherian Mother: Tabi-Tha. Largely considered a black sheep in Elberon. More because she's considered a bit too...aggressive, wild, too scornful of tradition, has odd thoughts. Fine to develop muscles, but don't actually use them, Tabi-Tha, have to be a gentle person that happens to have muscles, have to be a mild Etherian villager within Bright Moon's borders, we're not like those in the Crimson Waste. Elberon has a mayor, but you can't expect that to happen in other areas in Bright Moon or Etheria, Tabi-Tha. Tabi-Tha, what are you saying, there's nothing wrong with the mayor's power being so utterly dwarfed by Bright Moon royalty--now, calling the mayor a figurehead isn't fair, Tabi-Tha. 🙃   
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Tabi-Tha being a good mom and teaching her oldest refined sword technique, and to remember how to fight like this even when he’s grown and probably as tall as his father so that he can avoid being caught off guard by smaller but wily opponents and to never underestimate them. (Tabi-Tha is increasingly certain that Anillis is gonna grow up to be the spitting image of his father.) Tabi-Tha and Vesper both teach Anillis and Hec-Tor how to defend themselves in various ways. (Also used a Steven Universe screenshot for reference.)
Just, it keeps occurring to me, the idea of Tabi-Tha being used to try to articulate some of my dissatisfaction with how the nonhuman spop commoners/characters are used. It feels very different from something like AtLA…and frankly, AtLA spoiled me, but it sure did show what’s possible in animated TV narratives. Just…the idea of Tabi-Tha being used to try to articulate some of my dissatisfaction with like nonhuman spop commoners kinda coming across as like--how to put it--like too much like vacant props used as plot devices for the protagonists to save/freak out about, but they don't get to actually do anything or have much character--again, they feel very different from the wider populace of AtLA for instance--and the designated protags actually more often kinda feel more grating because it feels like the nonhuman commoners are very much plot devices used to try to lazily make the protags look good. (On a somewhat related note though, I'm more inclined to agree with a headcanon I've seen floating around that in canonverse Hordak believed in Prime deciding who lives, and so the fighting is more property damage, etc., and I also find it my way of reconciling part of the uneven tone spop uses when it comes to the fighting, etc.)
Also keep getting the idea that Tabi-Tha actually winds up as someone more inclined to lead a military force while Vesper is so Done with battle though he has the ability, but still goes along with it in a general support capacity/ready to serve. Though Tabi-Tha eventually...well, she eventually gives him more of a reason to fight, like his clone brothers had given him before. (For Vesper there's being brainwashed to fight; and later feeling more of a desire to fight for the sake of his brothers/Tabi-Tha/later his sons/actual friends he makes though always his family comes first.)
Tabi-Tha befriends Cobalt, Grizzlor, and Octavia, and the trio’s later pretty much uncles and aunt to Hec-Tor and Anillis. Vesper eventually becomes friends with them too. Tabi-Tha has sisters, and they love each other. They're generally more understanding of her than others in Elberon, though they still don't quite get her and that can cause issues too.
I keep thinking Tabi-Tha isn’t too tall though. Or maybe average? Just not as tall as the muscular Elberon lady in canon that I was alluding to earlier. At least, that’s what I’m thinking so far.
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Vesper joins Tabi-Tha and her faction, which is the Etherian Horde-equivalent faction (generally anti-royalist) in the AU...but since Vesper: 1) gets twitchy about the Horde name with either backstory, and 2) frankly he doesn't talk about it much (except eventually with Tabi-Tha), it is that painful a memory for him--it goes by a different name. I literally tried looking up "what do you call a group of moths for this," and got two ideas. First, just got from group of butterflies, which apparently is "swarm" (or one of the terms used for that). And that's like--the Swarm does sound like a good equivalent to the Horde. But then I found an actual name for a group of moths--and that source said it's Eclipse. An Eclipse of Moths. And that just sounds really neat too. And ties in with my thinking that Elberon is a subcommunity within Bright Moon, and of course Eclipse really does feel like it ties in with nocturnal moths, and also with bats--
And yeah, I'm getting very taken with moth/bat with Vesper and Tabi-Tha, and Hec-Tor and Anillis being bat/moth hybrids that are mostly bat with some moth traits (and other random traits Vesper has, i.e. Anillis eventually inherits his concealed mandibles from him). And I keep imagining Vesper and Tabi-Tha with Beastars vibes (even though I'm also inclined to think "fruit bat" with the spacebats/Horde Clones). I'm finally posting this now, but I've been sitting on this AU for a bit and keep getting more fond of Vesper/Tabi-Tha and them being Hec-Tor and Anillis's parents, and just this Mixed Race AU in general.
The makeup of the Swarm/Eclipse also continues to differ with the different war. Through expanded fighting and expanded rebellion against stricter royalty, Elberon ends up essentially joining the Swarm/Eclipse as well as other denizens from the traditional runestone kingdoms. The Swarm/Eclipse ends up with a base within the Whispering Woods, which develops more fusion of tech and nature for something more like solar/lunarpunk. There are stronger ties and a stronger alliance with denizens of the Crimson Waste. Put another way, there’s more of the “cutesy” and “scary” nonhumans sharing space and cooperating, and maybe more of the “scary” nonhumans being chill and the “cutesy” nonhumans armed with a shock baton. 
More thoughts on Bright Moon’s situation in this AU: Maybe more gray/darker characterization of the royals/Scorpioni are good at manipulating them into thinking a stronger alliance/subordination to them is for the best. Maybe the renegade Swarm/Eclipse are framed for Micah’s “death” to manipulate Angella. Maybe Bright Moon royals do resist but things get even more out of hand and they’re less able to protect their region and the commoners are more left to fend for themselves and form the Swarm/Eclipse; and maybe eventually the Scorpioni then send both Angella and Micah to Beast Island and forcefully install Castaspella as a puppet ruler/regent until an infant Glimmer is old enough to become the new fully Scorpioni-loyal puppet ruler of Bright Moon--or perhaps the Scorpioni give both Bright Moon and the infant princess to their chief sorceress, Light Spinner/Shadow Weaver (contemplating her not using Spell of Obtainment but still working toward her own agenda as an antagonist; and maybe she just uses it later).
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Break for a random doodle I just liked scribbling of 13 year old Anillis. Liked thinking of him as a little angry exclamation point here. As I mentioned before in other spop AUs, I go with revasnaslan’s headcanon in Where One Fell Verse that Hordak’s kind start off without white masking (in reference to Imp’s appearance as a child), and then gain white masking as they grow older. When their white masking starts coming in, it’s like white freckles on their face and on the upper ridges of their ears. Anillis’s white masking starts coming in when he turns 13, but before that Vesper and Tabi-Tha thought there was a 50-50 chance that he might get white masking like Vesper or his skin would stay one color like Tabi-Tha’s. Now they consider the possibility of whether the masking will completely fill out like Vesper’s or if it will end up incomplete due to Anillis being half-Etherian. Anillis has mixed feelings when his masking starts to come in: he loves and admires his father, and part of him is pleased to look like him (pre-revelation of clone background, when it becomes more complicated); but part of him wishes he looked more like a mix of his parents like Hec-Tor does, and if his masking does completely fill out (which it does), he’ll look even less like his mother’s son and more exclusively like his father’s; and part of him had also wanted to look more like his mother so he could fit in more with her side of the family and appear more visibly Etherian.  
Vesper’s and Tabi-Tha’s first son, Anillis, was a surprise. Vesper hadn't thought they were biologically compatible; Tabi-Tha just didn't think about the possibility of pregnancy at all, in a move one of her sisters and some of her friends would chide her for. Anillis was a surprise at a complicated moment in their relationship. Vesper and Tabi-Tha cared for each other, and obviously were intimate with each other, but still deep in navigating Vesper's particular issues of "living for someone else" due to his traumatic background, and how it translated into Vesper largely willing to do anything for Tabi-Tha and Tabi-Tha trying to help him be more of an individual and her equal rather than only a supportive right hand while still very much wanting to be with him, and he with her. Also, they were fighting the Scorpioni, which raised other worries over having an unexpected child at this point. But Vesper and Tabi-Tha found they both wanted the child. And the child brought both complication and relief--like, Anillis ended up helping Vesper with some of his "devotion/service" issues. Vesper is devoted to his infant son, but his infant son obviously can't really express any sort of want to follow like Tabi-Tha or the Scorpioni King or First Ones/Prime (depending on backstory) could do. Vesper had to decide how to care for Anillis. Of course he did it with Tabi-Tha, but he had to make decisions on Anillis's care when she couldn't be there. (Just interested in the idea of them navigating a messy situation but while in love and wanting to make it work because they’re in love, and they love their son and want him.)
Vesper and Tabi-Tha make concentrated efforts to communicate, and to communicate directly. Part of this is because Vesper eventually point blank asked for it since there are some things of subtlety, etc., he has trouble understanding due to differences in culture/upbringing/etc. (even if with Backstory 1 he learns some more about it while being Prime’s puppet, it feels more muddled--it was less easy to grasp than higher concepts of science/tech/etc. he gained from being Prime’s Vessel). Tabi-Tha agreed, and eventually felt she got a lot out of it too; and over the years Vesper gets better at learning about different forms of communication/understands some subtle things better. This only deepens over the years and as they become parents and they feel the need for communication even more deeply as they feel caring for Anillis and Hec-Tor requires it. 
****Warning for more Science Fantasy gibberish: Vesper was doing science anyway as a necessity during Etheria’s instability, and Tabi-Tha also started learning from him and assisting him as a necessity, and they did work together to spread Vesper’s offworld scientific knowledge around. But Vesper ramps it up with Anillis to better care for him and with the knowledge he’s the only one with the most medical knowledge of their kind, and kicks it into overdrive when Hec-Tor’s born with health problems/degenerative condition. Vesper crafts Hec-Tor’s first supportive bracers/armor for his arms. Vesper compartmentalizes like crazy when Hec-Tor’s condition worsens enough that he decides the best thing would be to embed tech directly into Hec-Tor’s body to compensate for its physical weakness and better fortify the supportive armor already being used (some strain/pressure on the body minimized if armor’s wired directly into the body instead of relying on gravity), and he already has point of reference to work from, if a personally agonizing one. (Backstory 1: He has the extent of this knowledge from being a Vessel. Backstory 2: First Ones demanded more; Vesper on medical rotations before. Both backstories--Spacebat kind/Horde Clones have, let’s say, a higher baseline for learning knowledge quickly; but Hordak/Hec-Tor takes it to the next level because of his genuine passion/interest in science.) Vesper talks with Tabi-Tha about this, and she agrees, she trusts him. Vesper shoves aside his fears/anxieties/bad memories to operate on Hec-Tor to embed supportive tech for his body and specifically ports to connect to improved supportive armor. So far, Vesper doesn’t find a need for a neck port, and with relief avoids adding that in. Vesper takes care to make the tech all physical support and include nothing that would allow anyone to control/hack Hec-Tor.
Vesper takes the lead in maintaining Hec-Tor’s armor/supportive tech but works with Tabi-Tha on it too, and Tabi-Tha learns more for her son. They later also train trusted relatives/trusted friends in maintaining Hec-Tor’s armor, adding extra responsibilities as like godparents/backup guardians for the boys (Cobalt/Grizzlor/Octavia, Tabi-Tha’s sisters). When Anillis is a little older, Vesper and Tabi-Tha have long discussions over the matter and decide to start teaching Anillis how to maintain his brother’s armor, deciding it’s a precaution they have to take just in case, and they’ll try to ease Anillis into it and try not to put too much pressure on him, and it’s just a precaution, they should be around and if not them other relatives/trusted friends they’ve been training to manage Hec-Tor’s tech--and this attempt to also maintain Anillis’s mental well-being gets mixed results. Vesper’s been doing better and has good intentions, but pre-Etherian thinking slips into good intentions--prioritizing Hec-Tor who physically needs more, and thinking Anillis should start learning how to better help his brother as soon as possible, it’s a necessity, he has a necessary role to play. Tabi-Tha reminds him that though Hec-Tor does physically need more, they have to take care with Anillis’s mind as well. Anillis is in fact eager to learn more to help his brother, but this does further fuel anxieties he already had over Hec-Tor’s safety and he does feel increased pressure and responsibility as a kid and this affects how he grows up. Anillis was already learning a little bit by bit about Hec-Tor’s armor anyway because it’s his brother, and he had tried asking to help more before, so also adds to him being eager when he’s finally allowed to do so; but around 9-10 his parents start teaching him directly. Similar with Hec-Tor--definitely learning about the mechanics of his own armor before his parents decide he’s old enough to start giving him more structured/formal lessons about it. (The boys’ older cousins on their mother’s side also receive similar training to help out with Hec-Tor if necessary.)
Science is more a necessity for Vesper, Anillis, and Tabi-Tha, but Hec-Tor develops a genuine interest and passion for it.
Hec-Tor’s perspective on his disability is generally much better than canon because he has a caring family, but there are still issues. His family cares, but it’s impossible for them to be perfect at all times over the situation, not to mention Vesper’s traumatic background and Anillis also being a kid during all this.
Vesper loves Hec-Tor and is very protective--moreso because he remembers what happened to defective brothers in his former life, and that influences his response. Defective brothers were culled/discarded for perceived uselessness, and Vesper instinctively responds to that in a way--his son needs additional help, but with that he can be fine, he can function, he can keep up, he doesn’t have to be a target. Vesper pays attention to Hec-Tor’s limits, but wants to avoid coddling him too much and encourages him to support himself and encourages him to believe he can. Vesper’s instinct born from the Horde is to make Hec-Tor strong enough so that he’s not a target for anyone, a survival instinct is triggered but focused entirely on ensuring his son’s survival. This does help Hec-Tor, to have a parent that cares and also believes him capable; but sometimes Hec-Tor feels that Vesper is at least a little disappointed in him after all, and is pushing him to make up for that (especially since Hec-Tor knows nothing of where Vesper came from for the longest time, and he misunderstands his father, which happens in families but is exacerbated by the breadth and depth of Vesper’s secret traumas).
Tabi-Tha has similar issues minus specificity of Horde Clone trauma. She struggles to balance being protective with wanting to also protect Hec-Tor’s mental/emotional well-being and ensure he doesn’t feel lesser.
Anillis is like 5 when Hec-Tor’s born and was already having some anxiety issues over things, certain things (but that’s like still being mulled over by me, and will probably actually really be another post and not in this already longpost), and his anxiety does get worse with worrying over Hec-Tor, especially since Hec-Tor almost died as a newborn. His parents, relatives, family friends like Octavia and co. tried to shield him from that crisis, but Anillis knew and was terrified. The worst didn’t happen, but Anillis still worried over Hec-Tor’s health problems and felt very protective. Anillis’s instinct was to coddle Hec-Tor, like really, overly coddle him, to be overprotective--but Vesper notices and tells him to avoid that. Vesper reiterates to Anillis that yes, he should look after his younger brother, but he should also try to help him learn to support himself, he could not do everything for Hec-Tor, that would not be helpful or good for him either. Vesper also stresses to Anillis that Hec-Tor is his equal, which will become more apparent when he’s older, and that he should trust and rely on his brother as well, should treat him as a partner and teammate to both count on and assist and protect. It’s even more of Vesper’s pre-Etherian Horde Clone Brother mindset slipping in--but some of it does prove helpful. 
So Anillis tries, but it often takes the shape of him more burying his anxiety--it’s there, just suppressed. Hec-Tor does eventually pick up on that and starts thinking it’s partly his fault--if he hadn’t been born defective, Anillis wouldn’t be this freaked out deep down, he’d be better, he’d be fine, he wouldn’t worry so much. Hec-Tor also starts feeling a little guilty when, though there’s not really anything that can be done about it, he starts feeling like his parents neglect Anillis a bit and expect too much from him in favor of looking after Hec-Tor and tasking him with helping them look after Hec-Tor, and Hec-Tor starts worrying a little that Anillis might be jealous and resent him for it (Hec-Tor has his own anxieties too). And Hec-Tor’s not wrong--deep down Anillis does feel a little jealous and he’s deeply ashamed of that, because how could he when he’s fine, it’s Hec-Tor that needs more... (Hec-Tor doesn’t realize that Anillis’s small jealousies also include Hec-Tor getting to look more like a mix of their parents while he looks entirely like their father’s son; it’s wearying to have strangers be surprised that yes, Tabi-Tha’s his mother, biological mother, not adoptive mother, not stepmother...)
And though his family genuinely doesn’t believe it, Hec-Tor can’t help but compare himself to Anillis, and even his parents, and even to everyone else, because they’re all physically fine while he isn’t, they don’t need to often wear supportive armor while he does, they don’t need to often wear clothing for easy access to his ports while he does, many don’t have chronic pain while he does. Hec-Tor does feel some jealousy of Anillis too, can’t shake the feeling that’s what he should’ve been. 
But Anillis and Hec-Tor are likely to be prematurely separated from their parents during the chaos of a battle with the Scorpioni, and left in the care of relatives/friends/fend for themselves and won’t reunite with Vesper and Tabi-Tha until they’re already grown (in like a mainline AU; there can be AUs of an AU). Vesper and Tabi-Tha get captured and sent to different Scorpioni prisons, which is more of a difficult thing in this AU, especially if you’re not sure which prison they’re at or if they’re even alive for a long time... 
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Mixed Race/Half Etherian AU edit with Anillis--yes, I did just draw over a Prime model sheet image. Again, I like the design from canon; also do think I can play around with idea of these boys ironically stumbling into things from their father’s side of the family and later going “so was that all me or was it because I’m part clone or pretty much a clone anyway does clone programming/genetics/etc. run that deep 🙃” identity crisis. And yep, Anillis gets scars on his chest at some point while he’s a kid/preteen, but f*k it, gonna show off anyway, not gonna let that get in the way of an Aesthetic.
Anillis grows up to be pretty hedonist, but is more open-minded and less malicious about it (than like, say, debatably canonverse). Would like to see others have a good time too/be equally hedonistic. Comes across as chill, even careless. Comes across as incapable of taking anything seriously. Has a fondness for alcohol and has had multiple romantic partners. Most for fun and done on good terms with lovers; a handful were almost serious; a few were just marks to seduce and distract while some scheme was being played. Can charm, but also con and cheat. Does have cunning, and tricks. Willing to con and cheat and manipulate and also just fight--he’s very good in a physical fight. More willing to divulge in a smirk/lazy grin than a full blown smile. Does have a ruthless streak when pushed, as well as suppressed anger. Really is a disaster of a person with a lot of layers and masks. Part of his hedonism and self-satisfied composure covers up deep anxieties and control issues. Part of control issues--aware enough of his control issues but made to believe that there are things he can’t control...except for himself. He can at least control himself. Fake it till you feel better. Indulge in hedonism and might actually feel happy. Different when with loved ones though, particularly with Hec-Tor. Some cracks in his public mask when it comes to his brother Hec-Tor, and those cracks can grow wider and expose something more honest depending on the situation. Hec-Tor is the person Anillis cares about the most. Is super protective of his younger brother, but has better learned to trust him as an equal partner. Also delights in teasing Hec-Tor.
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Another edit, with this AU’s Hec-Tor this time. Trying to explore mixing their canon designs/aesthetics with the fact that they were raised Etherian and are half Etherian, with an Etherian mother specifically from Elberon.
Hec-Tor still grows up happier in this AU. Loves Anillis, but can find him annoying, and can get cross with him, and even more cross when Anillis continues to be annoyingly calm and playful. But Hec-Tor can get cross with his brother because he trusts him. Other times, Hec-Tor does take comfort in Anillis acting nonchalant. Hec-Tor believes the best of his brother. Hec-Tor teases Anillis too, in his own way; but Anillis definitely teases him more. Hec-Tor has bouts of grumpiness, but more subdued. Does also have bouts of brooding because still has some issues and the state of Etheria isn’t that ideal. Also polite and more prone to kindness toward others than his brother. Hec-Tor can be relied upon to speak directly to counter Anillis’s instinct for sarcasm. Has an earnest streak and is very determined. Obviously passionate about science. Also a bit of a disaster person with layers, but a bit less of a mess than Anillis. Hec-Tor and Anillis also particularly close because they only have each other for someone who really understands being half-Etherian and half-Horde Clone. They’ve become a good team, and listen to each other; sometimes in emergencies that’s tested and sometimes both of them at different times feels it best to disregard the other’s feelings in a desperate attempt to protect the other, but often they return to their own equilibrium. They’re often better as a team than apart. 
At around this point, the renegade Swarm/Eclipse has been pretty scattered for a while, and Anillis and Hec-Tor have lost some others among family/friends to Scorpioni prisons or possibly worse. The brothers have now had only each other for a while, and are now roaming mercs picking up odd jobs under the Scorpioni-led royal hegemony on Etheria. They sometimes check in at another new Elberon settlement (they’ve relocated a few times by now) with remaining relatives and bring back funds for their kin. Mixed feelings on Mothfolk/Elberon kin: close family/their cousins and aunts on their mother’s side have been caring; some neighbors have been open, some have been judgmental, and some have been in between, like well-meaning but still demeaning; either way the brothers still felt some form of isolation most of the time because they stuck out. But their mother’s side of the family and even most of Elberon believe in community and have tried to include the brothers, and they do reciprocate...it’s just complicated. Anillis and Hec-Tor both feel varying degrees of connection with and isolation from their Elberon relatives/community. It’s a similar situation with other Etherians to varying degrees. Though when it comes to beastfolk Etherians vs humanoid Etherians/royalty/nobility, Anillis and Hec-Tor always fall among the beastfolk, and beastfolk will tend to draw them closer in solidarity mentality/“us beastfolk vs. humanoids/royals/nobles.”
Anillis’s teasing is cranked up to 11 when Hec-Tor meets Entrapta, and Hec-Tor’s Not Amused. But Anillis is fond of Entrapta, thinks she’s good for Hec-Tor. Also, Anillis flirted with Soda Pop.
The brothers sometimes radiate dumbass energy.
Debating whether to still make them Hec-Tor and Anillis Kur depending on some world details I’m considering, i.e. is it Tabi-Tha’s clan/surname in this AU? (Another AU-specific reason I’m pondering?)
More art edits with the boys--and these were actually earlier experiments made before the edits above:
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Part of what fuels this AU is to (mostly/sort of) cut Hordak a break and give him a happier life from the get-go--happier, but still also fraught with different sorts of issues/trauma. Also play around with Hec-Tor and Anillis being brothers, and just an AU!Anillis. Also also just play around with giving Hec-Tor and Anillis different origins and different ties to Etheria and them being half Etherian/half Horde Clone but still mostly looking like a Horde Clone with some subtly visible Etherian traits.
Again, a lot of this is rough and in development and may change, like stuff about the AU world and designs and some OC personality traits, etc. Anillis and Hec-Tor might even be separated from their parents before they get the Talk about where their father comes from, and though they might’ve started suspecting something’s Off as they grow older (do they look/sound a little too like each other and what they remember of their father?), they’re still in for an awful shock later instead of their parents trying to ease them into it...
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sstwins · 3 years
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Now introducing,,, She-Ra Washi Tapes! This Kickstarter will run until September 30th at 2:00pm EST. 
We have six washi tapes that are currently a part of this Kickstarter, with the possibility for us to add additional designs if we exceed our funding goal. Tapes vary in size from 10mm (Entrapta Tape, Horde Tape) to 15mm (Heart of Etheria Tape, For the Honor of Grayskull Tape) to 20mm (Catradora Faces Tape, Text Tape) thick and 10m long! All tapes will be the same cost, starting at $4. The price drops the more you buy!
We've currently unlocked two designs: the Heart of Etheria tape and the For the Honor of Grayskull tape! The next unlock is She-Ra text tape.
Washi tapes can be used for art, bullet journaling, pen-paling, and so much more! They are paper based tapes that tear easily and are slightly transparent.
Check them out if you're interested! https://www.kickstarter.com/.../sstwins/she-ra-washi-tapes
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