#study goals
thelailasblog · 2 days
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cybermails · 3 days
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A checklist of what I did today:
solved some basic circuit problems
studied the biopsychosocial model and the spectrum model of narcissism
studied biology: contraceptives
proceeded with 'The unabridged journals of Sylvia Plath'
a rough sketch (I shall do the detailings about an eternity later)
started a grief group for gojo fans *akutami when I catch you-*
Seems like I slacked off a little less today. These days my eyes get red easily because I get enough sleep only during offs. Hopefully it will get better overtime ;/
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study-diaries · 24 days
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I will succeed. Not immediately. But definitely.
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study-sphere · 2 months
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- Banksy
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studyingscribbles · 2 months
you're getting distracted again. focus.
drink a cup of water, tie your hair up, pull on your comfiest clothes, get your desk clean and ready, print out past papers, set your notes out, turn your laptop on, turn off all distractions, take out your stationary, open your books, take a deep breath, and just start.
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neet-aspirant · 5 months
03–01–2024, Wednesday
my chem exam went better than expected today! tomorrow's english, i hope I'll do great 🤞🏻
2 hour lecture
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wandering-whisperer · 10 days
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Be stronger than your excuses.
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atelieron · 3 months
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finding new coffee shops to work in!
goals: finish case study, apply to some internships
🎧 listening: coffee - bts 🎶
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emmastudies · 6 months
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Free Digital Library & Reading Tracker Notion Template
It's Day 5 of the 12 Days of Giving! As someone who always wishes they could read more, I thought a space to store all my owned books, finished books, to read books, etc would be wonderful. This Notion helps to add detailed info to all your books and make organising and planning your reads manageable. Included fun features are built in genre & recommendations collections, and a "reread" suggestion date!
Download Free Here
Check back in each day for a new free item! Hopefully they're all useful and a fun way to end the year 🥰🎁
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thelailasblog · 10 months
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studies-version · 10 months
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friday, august 4th || 📔 (5/7)
today i didn't study as much as monday, i think my work is exhausting me a lot.
I managed to advance another chapter in the subject and I have my studies organized for next week (which is when classes return).
i had to start the day listening to a taylor song to get some pep 🩷
today I realized that I managed to keep 5 days in focus! my first goal will be 7 days — excluding Sunday.
I'm so excited to share forest week's focus minutes here 💚
🌷 ›› thank you for accompanying me here.
remember to be kind to yourself 🩷
see you tomorrow!
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winryrockbellwannabe · 7 months
✨ Getting my life together ✨
to be very honest, i've been feeling kinda awful this last couple of weeks, and i haven't been able to do anything but stress over exams and complain about my life. today this will end.
So here's a hopeful but realistic list of habit's I'll try to implement
🏋🏾‍♀️ 1: Im going to start working out again.
Not everyday at first, and i still have to understand if it works better for me to work out in the morning or at night. Ideally im going to rotate between: arms/abs workouts, youtube ballet classes (there's a youtuber that seems to have great adult ballet videos, and its a chill way for me to work out), and hopefully going on walks on fridays, since i have the morning off, when it's not raining.
🫗2 : Im going to do the dishes right after i use them
i dont even hate doing the dishes, i dont know how i accumulate so many shit. But i do, and then i have no clean dishes and that makes me not want to cook, and delay eating lunch and stuff like that. SO DO YOUR DISHES!!!
💊 3: im gonna go to the pharmacy to get my meds and actually take them
self explanatory, ive been super anxious about taking my adhd meds, since im going to try to take a more intense dose than im used to, and i was a bit scared bc of side effects but my friend has already calmed me down a bit about it
🖋️ 4. Im goint to try to post more regularly and journal more
4.1. Post more regularly
It helps me get excited and motivated about studying, so self explanatory
4.2. Journalling
Everything is being so weird rn. My friends are acting so weird, two of them are basically ignoring me, and other two are acting super shitty towards me and another friend. It's super messy, and we don't know why everyone is being off, so i think i need to let all this negativity out of my system and reflect about this, and see if i could also be in the wrong in this situation
🧹 5. Im going to be more organized, and try to keep my room tidied
💖 6. Im going to try to spend more time with people that actually recharge my energy, instead of people that just stress me more and make me more upset
📜 7. Im going to try new places to study, since my usual ones haven't been working as well for me
and there's more to go, but i don't want to be too optimistic, Im going to be happy if I actually manage to keep half of those for more than a week lol
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study-diaries · 15 days
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You don't have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something.
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study-sphere · 2 months
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Study with determination, for every page turned is a step closer to your aspirations fulfilled.
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studyingscribbles · 2 months
phones: keep your phone in another room, turn it on do not disturb, make your colour scheme black and white, delete apps that have you losing focus, set time limits.
set timers: set a specific time to study for, and then reward yourself with a break. for example, study for 45 minutes and have a 10 minute break; this can be adjusted throughout the day.
during breaks: do not use any devices during your 10-15 minute long breaks. instead, walk around your house, walk outside, stretch, get your legs moving. in your longer breaks, do something fun. talk to friends, family, read a book, watch a film.
sleeping: get to sleep as early as possible and try to sleep for at least 8 hours. sleep is essential to retain memories and without sleep you're likely to not remember anything.
atmosphere: keep your desk as tidy as possible, turn on some lofi music to study with or white noise, whatever suits you best. keep water beside you at all times.
i hope this helps, and i wish you luck on your study journey!
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neet-aspirant · 5 months
04–01–2024, Thursday
slayed English exam today! but tomorrow is maths and our teacher said the paper's gonna be super difficult. i hope I'll do good 🤞🏻 i will do good 🕯
practiced maths for tomorrow
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