#silent love
yooils · 2 months
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the warmth of love. sae itoshi x reader. fluff. (my comeback era!?)
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"i have no idea why your apartment always runs so cold, sae."
he scoffs at your words, raising an eyebrow at the way you're quivering so much. it's almost as if you haven't been anywhere cold before. how cute–
he shakes the rest of his thoughts away, banishing them from every nook and cranny of his mind. he doesn't like the way you make him feel. he's riding high on the wave of you, he thinks, because now he can't even do anything properly without you occupying his mind like a parasite.
(hypothetically, though. you would be the only parasite he would let consume his soul inside out, metaphorically and emotionally.)
sae frowns. "it's really not that bad. you're exagerrating so much, y'know. what is this, an elaborate ploy for me to give you my hoodie, or something?"
(he would've done it in a heartbeat if you asked. both of you knew it–) somehow, you still muster enough decency to roll your eyes and treat his words as a joke.
"actually, i wanted you to turn up the thermostat. but i highly doubt you'll be able to survive the heat, mr lukewarm."
his only response was to place his ice-cold fingers around your neck, making you squirm from the massive gap between his hands and your natural body temperature. he supposes you are a lot warmer than he is– emotionally and biologically.
he raises an eyebrow at your overly-dramatic reaction of thrashing around, a hint of a smile playing at his lips. "say that again, i dare you."
"okay, mr lukewarm."
sae hates that nickname– yet somehow, everything coming from you seems a lot better. softer, as if thawing his cold heart.
he makes a show of walking over to the thermostat of his home. your protests (pleas, really–) appear to fall upon deaf ears.
neither of you comment on the way he wordlessly sticks closer to you on the couch, nor your body stops shivering.
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orikiys · 1 year
Silent love (quiet moments):
Reading together. Gently running their fingers through the other’s hair as they read to them in a soft voice. The other one silently listens to them and their heartbeat until they get fully immersed in the story they’re bringing to life.
Cooking together. Backhugging the person that cooks. Smearing flour over each other’s face and making the kitchen a mess. Playing rock, paper and scissors to decide who cleans up. But both end up cleaning together while sharing stories of their relationship.
Walking together. Intertwining fingers, shoulder brushing against each other and shy giddy smiles as they walk. Pulling the one on the road closer so that they don’t get hit. Caressing each other’s thumb and finding comfort amidst the crowd. 
Sleeping together. Hushed breathing and feather-light touched when one wakes before the other. Covering the other’s face with their hand in order to block sunlight. Pulling the other one deeper in their embrace. The asleep one unconsciously rolls over and curls into the other one as if it’s their comfort place.
Watching TV together. Volume turned up just loud enough to be heard for the two. Lights dimmed, wrapped in blankets and aircon switched on. Leaning against each other’s shoulder/ head as they absentmindedly run their fingers over the other one’s arms. Silent giggles and speaking out their observations to the other ones. Staring at each other during an intimate scene. Pillow fights and causing havoc while the now forgotten movies continues to play in the background.
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nemfrog · 11 months
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Silent love. 1845. Cover.
Internet Archive
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akwardlydifficult · 3 months
Is it so wrong to want to merge my soul with yours?
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poetricismic · 1 month
"I fell in love with the idea of being in love...with you"
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(When I saw you today, I wanted to grin at you, I wanted to hug you and give you a kiss on your cheek and see you blush, I wanted to say I love you but I know we're only friends right now, I know we have to wait, but I wanted to hold your hand.) Hi, what are you doing, right now?
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I am the type of lover who'd write love letters.
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random-xpressions · 5 months
The silent ones love the best...
Random Xpressions
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clockworkbee · 1 year
oh, oh, oh. How I love ‘the said and the unsaid’ parts of conversations in books!
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jdramasource · 9 months
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SILENT LOVE サイレントラブ (2024) — dir. Uchida Eiji 
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questintheskies · 7 months
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heartofmuse · 8 months
A shy "I love you" lost in the rose garden of my cheeks and in the constelations of my eyes.
e.v.e. (When I look at you)
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dumblr · 2 years
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Just like the moon, i love you in silence from a distance.
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akwardlydifficult · 1 month
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I miss you...
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poetricismic · 3 months
I was lost in loving you in silence...Until I woke up to you gone...
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I believe soulmates are real, and I think you're mine.
I believe invisible strings are real, and I think I'm tied to you.
Suddenly that song I listened to was about you and always was.
I believe love is real, and I think I love you.
I believe soulmates are real, and I think you're mine
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