#love letters
222heart · 3 days
made of love & made to love
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yourlovelyspace · 2 days
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I could use this message twice every day 💝
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iliveiloveiwrite · 1 day
Anthony bridgerton✨ after season 3 and seeing husband Anthony I am more obsessed with him😭😭
Darling Dearest,
It’s barely been an hour since we parted ways after our clandestine meeting, and already I am craving your presence.
I still feel your hand in mine; I still smell the jasmine from your perfume - the very remind makes me dizzy with want.
You say we have to keep meeting the way we do but I disagree. We cannot keep meeting like this but I cannot live without seeing you. The very idea feels like a dagger to the heart.
Without you in my life, the sky would be grey and the birds would not sing. There would be no joy, no laughter, no reason for sense.
You worry your employer will find out about us and turn you out onto the streets. My darling, I have to confess, I hope they do so I can show you to world proudly.
Every inch of me yearns for you. Your laugh, your smile, your touch, your kiss. Doctors would pronounce me an addict… and I am. I’m an addict for you. I burn for a minute longer with you with each meeting. I crave your presence beside me - at the dining table, at balls, in my bed. If I am an addict then I’ll never be sober.
Less than an hour has passed since I last tasted your lips and already I am planning our next meeting.
This will be our last meeting. The next time I hold you in my arms, my sweet, it will be as I introduce you to my family as my fiancée.
You’re the light of my life. I would be in eternal night without you. Marry me, always be mine.
From the first beat of my heart to the last beat of my heart, I promise to love you, honour you and cherish you.
Let me love you, openly.
With all the love that my heart can carry,
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logophilist1982 · 3 days
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Franz Kafka
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la-novellista · 1 day
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ccomelantartidee · 2 days
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100% real
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inkedberries · 2 days
Hello! I don't know if you're still in the YOI fandom, but I saw these lovely rings and they immediately reminded me of your lovely Day & Night AU.
oh these are so lovely!! im so happy to know that you thought of my Day and Night AU when you saw this💙
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storytimewriting · 11 hours
I never knew love to be gentle until I was loved by you.
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mournfulroses · 7 months
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Frida Kahlo, from a letter wr. c. January 1925, featured in The Letters of Frida Kahlo: Cartas Apasionadas
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deviika · 1 year
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— William Chapman
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xenia-x · 23 days
I’m the type of lover who will give you love letters.
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sadmates · 1 month
Write me love letters so I know it's real.
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yourlovelyspace · 3 days
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How lucky I am 💝
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iliveiloveiwrite · 1 day
Hey Millie, congratulations for 8k followers, you deserve it 😌👋🫂🫶❤️
Uhm can I please ask for this one? - ✨ - love letters - send me the name of a character from the below list, I’ll write a letter from their perspective.
With Benedict Bridgerton, please? Thank you 🥺🫂
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My Darling,
There was a night, not too long ago, where I had an epiphany. It came out of nowhere. To this day, I cannot tell you what exactly triggered it but I want to tell you the circumstances surrounding it.
It was at a ball, or rather, the ending of a ball. The musicians had long grown tired, the food had grown cold and the lemonade had grown warm. There were a few stragglers, but as it was Daphne’s ball, family was silently required to stay until the very last moment.
Like I said, it was the ending of a ball. The morning light was still pale; the sun having not made its full appearance just yet and it was then that I had my epiphany.
I’ve only ever had one epiphany before - when I chose to follow my passion for art - but this was different to the last.
It was as if I finally made sense. As if all the pieces of myself that I had collected over the years had clicked into place and I could see the whole picture.
Now, you’re wondering - how on earth does a ball trigger such a profound thought?
It wasn’t the ball.
It was you.
It was how seamlessly you fit into the pieces of myself and the pieces of my family. It was watching you check on the myriad of nieces and nephews that flocked to you like small, sticky magnets. It was hearing the laugh that left you as Gregory recited what was no doubt an inappropriate joke.
And finally, it was when you turned to search for me, your eyes finding me almost immediately and it was the way your gaze lit up and the smile grew on your face. My smile; the smile that only ever made itself known in my presence - the smile that beamed with love and affection for me.
The epiphany happened then and there. A moment of realisation of just how lucky I am to have someone like you love me as wholly as you do.
I’ve always known was fortunate to have you, but tonight… tonight reinforced it.
I adore you so wholeheartedly. If there is a life after this, I’ll love you then but I’ll continue to love you now too.
Yours - now and forever.
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ervotica · 6 months
“shhh, shhh..I know, I know..” with finnick pls 🥺
pairing: finnick odair x fem!reader
warnings: this takes place after the poison fog, r is badly injured and finnick takes care of her
hunger games masterlist
You twitch against Finnick’s chest in the tall grass, rough like sandpaper against your wounded face. You’re covered head to toe in blisters from the fog, eyes half lidded as you begin to lose consciousness from the pain.
Katniss’ strangled wail is muffled and far away in your ears and you barely register the words.
“The water! The water helps.”
You drag yourself from where you’ve collapsed on top of your fiancé; crawling along on your elbows, you make it a couple of feet at most before you’re exhausted; your entire body is burning, skin raw, every little touch flaring up every nerve ending inside of you.
There’s a rustling next to you as Finnick is lifted and dragged to the shallow pool of water a few feet away; there’s a splash and a gurgled scream as Katniss and Peeta start to clean his blistered skin.
“Finnick,” you gasp, your concern for him overriding the searing pain for a split second. “Finn,” you croak again, eyes heavy.
It’s quiet for a minute, the only sound the whispering of leaves brushing against each other. All the while you lay face down, trying to peel your eyes open where they feel like they’ve been superglued shut.
Thick fingers pull at your jaw and your head turns; your neck is stiff and the touch feels like the lick of a flame against your bulging wounds.
“C’mon,” It’s Peeta. “Gotta get you to the water.”
“It’s okay, I’ve got her,” comes Finnick’s voice and his hands pull you up by the armpits. You hiss and squirm away from his hold, the skin on skin contact causing too much pain.
“I know, honey, I’m sorry.” He speaks in that soft voice you love, the one reserved just for you. “It’ll feel better soon.”
He lowers you into the water and you scream. It’s a pain unlike any you’ve ever felt before, white-hot and scalding. It’s like you’re bleeding from every pore.
“Shhh, shhh… I know, I know.” He winces as the blisters start to lodge free from your skin and you relax, sagging in his arms.
“‘S better,” you slur. Your eyes snap open as you grapple for purchase against Finnick’s neck; your thumb rubs circles into his cheek. “You’re okay? You’re sure you’re okay?”
He laughs, incredulous that even at a time like this, he’s where your worries lie. Pointed teeth glare back at you as you thumb at his bottom lip and smile.
“I’m fine. Just worried about you.”
“I feel better. I’m okay now.”
His muscular arms engulf you, wrapping around your waist now it’s finally safe to touch you again.
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metamorphesque · 11 months
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— Vladimir Nabokov, Letters to Véra
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