#non bianry
whereserpentswalk · 3 days
The worst part about a website as transphobic as tumblr.com being the called the queerest place on the internet is its true.
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an-albino-pinetree · 10 hours
Howdy, Tree! Happy pride month!! 🏳️‍🌈
For requests, could we get Og Jax with the pan flag and another one with the nonbinary and sapphic flags?
Thanks so much!! 💜💜💜
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I tried to do three sorta different expressions! <:] 🩷💛💜
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transition goal <3
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amongussexgif · 1 year
Transphobes often say gender is like a coin, either heads or tails. They're more right than they realize.
Gender is a coin. Everybody is given one at birth, and they're given it either heads or tails. You can flip it over. You can flip it back. You can keep flipping it all you want. You can balance it on its side. You can throw it away. You can get a new one. You can take it to the zoo or museum to one of thise penny press machines. You can melt it and reform it. You can keep it melted. You could even take someone else's. You can glue fun things to it. You can paint it. You can take the paint off. You can trade them for cool shit.
Transphobes often say gender is a coin. They say this not realizing how easily coins can be changed.
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a-gay-poptart · 3 months
Say their name.
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Nex Benedict was a indigenous trans nonbinary teenager. Their head was beaten against the floor in a bathroom stall. Less than 24 hours later, they died, most likely from undiagnosed head trauma. Conservatives say they want to, "protect the children", where was the protection for Nex? That's the thing. There wasn't any. Nex died. And many more trans, queer, and nonbinary minors will if we don't step up and do something. What happened to Nex has and will happen to queer folk around the globe. Say their name.
Edit: I didn't expect this to get much attention, but thank you everyone. What alot of people, "forget" to mention was that Nex was two spirited, which means they were indigenous. The fact that I wouldn't have heard about this if I didn't have Tumblr is absolutely revolting. News needs to be covering this. But what are Republicans doing? Sucking their thumbs and crying about how, "trans people shouldn't be able to piss". What are Democrats doing? Twiddling their thumbs and groveling to an old geezer that somehow falls up the stairs and supports I$r3@l. It's disgusting and America needs to do better.
Edit 2: Any and all hate/saying that Nex Benedict wasn't murdered (they were) will immediately get deleted, just because you don't like trans people doesn't mean you can be an whiny little bitch. A child was murdered. This has nothing to do with politics, a child was murdered.
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sandra-6s-blog · 1 month
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strobe-fluid · 3 months
help a latinx sibling with rent and bills!
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hi everyone! sorry for doing a post so soon i thought february was going to be okay but i need some help right now with some stuff
i need to pay house bills like wi-fi and electricity (food would be nice too!) and also rent. my sister can’t help me get through this month,as you know i am unable to work because of my mental health and i have no family other than my sister
anything helps and reblogs come a long way too
if we are able to reach my goal before the end of the month i would really appreciate it
and i want to remember you all reblogs and sharing my story helps a ton too, if there’s anything you want to know please let me know and we can have a chat, being skeptical about strangers online it’s okay…
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lifeanditsquirks · 4 months
I remember my mum was friends with a "gender counselor". And that said gender counselor talked me out of being nonbinary and into being a trans man. I assumed that since they were a professional they had to be right. So I started wearing my binder more often. Almost every day in fact. Sometimes for more than 8 hours because I felt so dysphoric (don't do this. I ended up with chronic costochondritis). I dressed masc. I got an endocrinologist so I could start T. I tried changing my voice through vocal training videos. I got a top surgery referral. I was doing everything I thought was right.
I was miserable.
It took years to undo the brainwashing she put me through. Making me something I was not. Making me second-guess everything about my identity. It was horrific. She would constantly use he/him pronouns for me. She would constantly refer to me as a man. And she would correct others if they used they/them pronouns for me.
After she was arrested I spent some time really thinking. Why was I so dysphoric all the time? I stared unraveling the rope she used to tie me up. And I found that she was wrong about me. I wasn't a trans man at all. I was nonbinary! The identity I started with. I started using they them pronouns again. I let people know that I wanted to be referred to with gender-neutral terms.
I feel so much more confident in myself.
So I guess the moral of the story is don't let anyone tell you who you are. You know yourself best. Your identity is your journey. Don't let others move you in directions you feel uncomfortable with. You'll be alright. You've got this.
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tropacant · 2 years
have some shitty chaotic pride flags ^^
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check out the rest of the flags on my profile since tumblr has a 10 image limit lol as well as the fixed versions of a few of these cuz I’m big dumb
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t00th-opossum · 2 years
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I’m currently girl who is a boy
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transnathalia05 · 2 months
Reblog if you'd date a trans girl
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arlh0e · 3 months
The situation with the Owasso Public School district and the Owasso Police Department regarding the death of Nex Benedict is nothing short of fucking rage provoking.
A 16 year old non-binary child was brutally beaten in their high school’s bathroom (which they were forced to use because of Oklahoma legislation requiring that trans students use the restrooms coinciding with the gender assigned to them at birth) by THREE girls for over two minutes before other students and a singular school faculty member managed to pull these girls off of them.
They had their head repeatedly smashed into the floor. For over two minutes. Their face was covered in cuts and bruises and they were unable to walk without assistance following this attack.
Nex was suspended for several days for engaging in a “fight”. (Btw 3 to 1 is NOT a fight, thats called getting jumped.)
After seeing the schools nurse, Nex was denied the option to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance as it was deemed “unnecessary” but it was suggested that a guardian took them to get checked out if they were concerned about Nex’s injuries.
Nex was then taken to the hospital where they were discharged, but were then rushed back to said hospital the next morning, where they were pronounced dead.
The Owasso Public School district has stated that because Nex died the following morning and not the night of the attack, that the attack is unrelated and did not cause the death of this child.
The Owasso Police Department claims that they cannot release the autopsy report to the public but that “A complete autopsy was performed and indicated that the decedent did not die as a result of trauma.” It has been implied that Nex died of natural causes or from an underlying medical condition. Less than 24 hours after having their head brutally and repeatedly smashed into a bathroom floor for over 2 minutes.
I don’t know about you guys, but I personally am beyond sick and fucking tired of watching republican politicians be so loud about how they’re “protecting children” and then turning their backs on trans kids and believing what is probably the laziest cover up of a non-binary child being brutally beaten to death while they were AT SCHOOL.
And what makes this even worse is that according to the Benedict family, Nex had been telling them about how they were being bullied at school and that they felt unsafe. They had told the school that they were being bullied and they felt unsafe. The school had been given every opportunity to neutralize the problem and prevent this very situation and chose to do nothing, and that negligence caused the death of a student. And they have the audacity to claim that Nex’s blood is not on their hands and that they “do not tollerate violence or bullying of any kind” and “are taking the situation very seriously”.
Nex Benedict was brutally beaten to death in a school bathroom and Oklahoma schools, law enforcement, and legislative officials are doing nothing about it.
Nex Benedict. Say their fucking name.
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Attached is the link to the go fund me started by Nex’s mother. Warning, in the description, They are deadnamed and misgendered, however this was remedied in an edit lower down on the page, where their mother states that they will be addressed properly on their headstone.
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samijami · 10 months
Nonbinary lesbians, reblog if you agree
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Sometimes somebody is nonbinary and they're just a normal guy without gender. And sometimes someone is nonbinary and they're someone whose deeply uncomfortable with being either gender so they need to transition to something else. And sometimes someone is nonbinary because they hate gender and want to kill it. And sometimes someone is nonbinary in an otherworldly and eldrich way like an android or a fallen angel and it makes people think they're cool. And sometimes someone is nonbinary in a whimsical and magical way like a faerie and it makes people think they're cute and charming. And sometimes those are all different people and they're that way forever. And sometimes someone is many of those at once or at diffrent times. And that's just how being nonbinary is.
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sandra-6s-blog · 1 month
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strobe-fluid · 2 months
help a latinx sibling with their meds and rent 🇦🇷🇻🇪
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hi everyone i hope y’all doing alright <3
as many of you know I'm going through some tough times dealing with benzodiazepine withdrawals and depression. leaving benzodiazepine and stop taking them It's not easy, but I'm working on it. i’m highly medicated because of my mental illness
i’ve felt very demoralized by asking for help on here but i’ve talked with some friends and some of you said it wasn’t a problem and it was okay to ask for help
If you're willing and able any support would help cover my rent so i can keep having a roof over my head and my medication. if someone knows about any jobs online please let me know, i’m willing to work whatever
my rent is due for the 1st of the month and i have no medication left since monday
reblogs and sharing my story helps a ton too, if there’s anything you want to know please let me know and we have chat, being skeptical about strangers online it’s okay…thank you if you read this and thank you for the help everyone
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