#new mutuals
officiallyalbino · 1 day
Hello new mutual! Some asks for you:
- favourite flavour (for things to be in general)
- would you like to play Lazer tag?
- have you ever participated in a ritual 👹
Favorite flavor is caramel or lavender, I’ll make syrup for my coffee in the morning
I think laser tag is fun! I would totally play it
are you a cop? jkjkjkjk we sacrifice animal crackers to pass our finals in this house
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souljashawty · 17 days
Normalize telling people No.
No, I don’t want to hang out.
No, I don’t want to watch that.
No, I don’t like this song.
No, I don’t want to come over.
No, I don’t want to so you a favor.
No, you can’t not change my mind.
No, I don’t want to drink with you.
I know we put such an emphasis on respecting physical boundaries but why not just general boundaries?
There have been so many times I’ve been pressured into doing something I don’t want to. Rather it be going to a social gathering or even something doing for someone.
I’m not sure if it’s always been like that or if Covid made people more entitled but It’s not fair at all. Stop making your friends go out of their comfort zone. Stop putting your friends in situations you know they’re going to be uncomfortable in. Take no for an answer and stop peer pressuring.
No means fucking no.’
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brenninthetaylorverse · 6 months
my mutuals deserve all the love in world<3
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ireallyymissu · 6 months
texting a man first feels like ur on ur knees begging idk
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radio-xenu · 2 months
hey y’all i’m ty. 27 she/her looking for new mutuals.
made a new blog since my old one is 13 years old. gonna try posting more of my own stuff while tumblr is still alive and kickin.
follow if any of these tags jump out at you cuz we might just get along <3
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This is the part where I show the comics I own and beg for mutuals to talk about the Batfam.
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forestgreenivy · 1 month
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Fancy stuff last night. I guess it warrants a selfie.
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blackresedas · 25 days
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More selfies cause I still feel pretty even if he didn’t want me ;_;
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shikariiin · 4 months
thanks for getting inspired by my dumb silly post,, I'll contuine to be a lil funny man for TTTEblr
and for also following me omg?? you made me freak out/pos
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me rn
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Continue being funny🫵
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lilyroseheart · 5 months
Need to follow more rwby accounts.
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ikamigami · 25 days
Sorry for not saying anything for the past day. I've been trying to gather my thoughts and feelings over the whole situation. I'm not even sure what to say since I'm usually the "listen quietly and give small indications that I'm listening while someone vents" type of comfort. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing and make things worse for you. If simply mentioning the situation brings you back to a bad mind-space, please ignore this then and go about your day.
But I want to say that I love your analysis, the passion you have, and hope this situation didn't take away what appears to be something you enjoy doing for any other character you like to analyze. What happened was too far. Whether it was targeted to someone else or you, in the end people got hurt and you were one of them. You deeply connected to a character and worried for them, that's not something to be ashamed of. Whether you're right or wrong, that was your personal interpretation and it's not like you made a petition to make your interpretation true and harassed others. If it somehow came off that way to other people, the situation could have been handled better. Again, sorry being quiet until now. We're new mutuals and I wasn't sure if I should say anything. I'm glad others, however, had shown their support to you and helped you through all of that. Please take care of your mental health and I hope today is better than yesterday for you.
And sorry for making this anonymous. My anxiety is getting the better of me. If anything I wrote made you upset or if this itself is overstepping a boundary as a new mutual, please know that I'm sorry and to please just ignore anything I said/delete this. I don't plan to do something like this ever again.
You're absolutely fine. It's okay, dear anon 💗
I understand the hesitation. I also often hesitate when I want to say something that it makes me anxious.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support. Even though you're just a new mutual, you already expressed such deep concern about my well-being and I can't thank you enough for this ^^
They told me that it felt to them that my theories come across as if I think that I'm right and I'm upset when others don't agree with me.. which is true kind of.. idk anymore.. I also thought that others theories also had that feel to me.. but no one was upset so I am probably at fault.. right?
I left Discord on January.. and even before I stopped talking about it.. and I focused to talk about it only on my blog on Tumblr.. but one time I went under someone else's blog and there was an argument and I apologized and I promised that I won't do that again.. and I think that I didn't do that.. but idk.. I'm not sure..
Some people blocked me and that's fine and I blocked some people to so we wouldn't uspet each others.. but I was still upsetting everyone..
I.. I just.. Do VAs really think about me like if I was like that Miku fan..? I wish for to know for sure but I think that this is true.. Were they harassed because of me? Because of my posts? I hope not.. but idk.. I can't be sure..
It's okay..
You're so kind. Thank you so much for liking my analysises ^^ I appreciate your words and support 💗
Your words mean a lot to me, thank you 🫂
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forestgreenivy · 1 month
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Found this old pic from many many moons ago.
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portions-4foxes · 6 months
t4t but its just two little bugs kissing
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waldorflover · 2 months
✧˚ · . welcome to my account
read my card for more info.
he // him .. minor
gossip girl and rihanna lover.
vanessa abrams and jenny humphrey apologist.
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smallturtlebomb · 3 months
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Oh hi ronin :3
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misssclumsy · 1 year
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She's gone, but she's everywhere
@hell-lit011019 💜
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