#lazarus pit
baptism anon @ it again. wanted to come back and say i know i said racist undertones but they aren’t exactly UNDERtones there were several times I read something and physically recoiled … also yeah every time i read what you say in response to my asks i giggle and kick my feet emotionally because you GET IT. im reading lonely place of dying next so will send you my thoughts…
also wanted to say yeah i agree on the cane user jason truther thing. and from someone who has had lifelong chronic pain i think the idea of him going from being a happy go lucky kid to being brutally murdered and having all that shit happen to him and then getting dragged back to life only to live in pain and trauma is. interesting (and by that i mean i am shaking like a wet chihuahua)
and on a last note… i have this headcanon that lazarus pits HURT. like hell. i mean you’re being forcibly dragged back to life and i think especially if you had been dead for a while prior to everything, but even if you were killed and thrown in there a few minutes later. not sure why i think this? i think i read a fic where a character was put through it and it reduced them to just sort of sobbing in pain and thrashing like a wounded animal and. i know that isn’t CANON but I think it’s sooooo much more fucked up like that and im a fucked up shit enjoyer. so. thoughts on being revived being incredibly physically painful in and of itself, not even counting the aftermath?
anon you have ME all giddy and kicking my feet giggling when you send asks!!!!
you had me rereading a death in the family AND a lonely place of dying yesterday... and yeah, yikes. unfortunately racism is a common theme for batman comics in general, especially the further back you go. the content of those comics will only get more jarring the longer they've been published.
i 100% agree with the sentiment of jason going from being a 'happy-go-lucky' kid, to brutally dying, and coming back through trials and tribulations, only then forced to live in pain arguably worse. defying the odds, but at what cost???? i can so see how he'd resent it, and even feel an amount of hatred for his circumstances.
i LOVE the idea of resurrection via lazarus pits being an excruciating process.. in hbo titans (i know we all have mixed opinions on it... throw rotten tomatoes at me or something) they explore a similar-ish concept. the resurrection itself is something the victim actually has to fight for (unknowingly), and they're put through trials of their worst memories and fears, having to combat through the mental and physical anguish to be successfully revived, or the resurrection fails and they never emerge from the pit.
i think i enjoy that concept more than the pit causing aimless pain, although i do also think the aftermath of revival should be painful, but in a different way, like a full-body sensation of a wound in it's first stage of healing. almost like they've been revived with a completely new body, one fresh to the world and unfamiliar, it needs breaking in, in order to begin feeling comfortable to live in. and in the meantime, EVERYTHING is going to hurt.
similar to a butterfly in a chrysalis, the fight for new beginnings (revival) is a task in itself, and an act of metamorphosis (the trials causing both mental and physical anguish).
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etc etc. that's how i imagine resurrection via lazarus pit to be.
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dragonpyre · 5 months
If the Lazarus pit can restore lost limbs and bones and shit, would that mean it also restores wisdom teeth?
What I’m saying is, assuming Jason had his wisdom teeth out early (like I did), he’d have to get them out AGAIN before enacting his 5D chess revenge plan on Batman
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ditzybat · 2 months
kon: so i know i don’t age, but why don’t you age?
tim: might have to do with the massive lazarus pit underneath gotham that’s slowly polluting our water, which is why gothamites are constantly angry and why none of our rogues die - maybe idk don’t quote me
kon: WHATTT?!
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The Smell of Home
Damian had noticed the new student in his school.
Not because he was new or how he looked
no, not any of the usual reasons someone would grab peoples attention.
Weirdly enough it was his scent, which was really weird. He usually didn't take notice of how people smell besides the usual just like anyone else.
But something about the smell that seemed to emanate from this new student who he had learned his name was Danny Fenton, just would not leave his mind.
He knew the smell but couldn't remember from where and it was just at the tip of his tongue, it was driving him crazy.
His family seemed to notice him become more irritable from usual.
But not around Fenton, he seemed to unconsciously calm down in his presence, which just made him suspicious and more irritated.
It wasn't until he woke up from a dream of memories from when he was little and still living with his mom that he realized what he was smelling.
The Lazarus Pits.
He grew up with that smell, it used to hang around the entire area and buildings.
He hadn't realized how long it had been since he had smelled it
He unconsciously related it to the smell of his childhood home.
But why would this random boy give off that very same odor?
Some investigating needed to be done.
Danny had noticed one of his classmates a boy he learned was called Damian seemed to act ...odd?
But only around him it seemed
With everyone else he was normal if a bit cold.
He would seem to relax an then suddenly tense up and send him a suspicious glare.
Also he was pretty sure that the boy seemed to be sniffing him?
Did he smell bad or something?
Why was he the only one who he seemed to act weird with.
Oh God, maybe he thought the smell of ecto was weird?
But that's not something he could control and most people never even seemed to notice the smell of ecto he produced since he became a halfa.
Damian glaring at Danny every time he realizes he's relaxed
Danny: "What did I do!?"
Batfam notices Damian being extra grouchy :" Ah, he's going through his rebellious phase"
Danny: "Did you just sniff mE!"
Damian: *scoff* "Don't be absurd"
Damian stealing Danny's clothes to analyze
Danny: " Who keeps taking my stuff?!"
Batfam: "Damian we know you're growing and experiencing new things, but stealing the things especially clothes from your crush is crossing boundaries"
Damian: "This is a misunderstanding, I don't have a crush on anyone!"
Bruce: "Son I think it's time I give you 'The Talk TM', I have an entire slideshow and docume-"
Damian: "This family is a nightmare!"
Just an Idea
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gobingirl · 3 months
Dad Hood
Jumping on the Dad Red Hood bandwagon. [insert jazz hands here]
I imagine Jason hands granola bars out to the homeless in his territory, and he generally provides food and fresh water for those who need it on his terf.
And then he passes Danny post reveal gone bad and just hands him a granola bar thinking nothing of it.
Danny would be so confused why this stranger in a red helmet gave him food.
Danny meets this stranger’s eyes in his confusion and both his and the older man’s eyes flash green.
Jason’s first thought would be that this kid was Lazarus touched. While Danny would think he just found a ghost or another hafla.
Either way the pits seam to be calm. Not just calm, happy. Practically excited and cooing at the kid. It’s confusing as hell and what’s worse is that when the kid look up at him with those wide green eyes a surge of protective instinct rises through him along with the strange urge to punch him. But not punch him in a ‘I want to fight’ way, more like a ‘hi my name is Jason and you’re coming home with me now’ way. Which is bizarre and new and strange and kind of freaking him out.
Danny on the other hand is having a field day trying to get his core under control. His instinct is to punch this dude in the gut and introduce himself, but his brain keeps saying stranger danger run for the hills.
Hood just… turns around and grapples to the nearest roof. Trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with the pits, and he turns around to see if the kids still on the sidewalk because his instincts scream at him not to leave the kid alone and he’s just… gone. And all the sudden he’s going into a rage for no apparent reason.
Three days later after the interaction Danny sees Hood on a rooftop and lets out an involuntary chirp at him. Hood whips around to pinpoint the sound but Danny goes invisible out of mortification.
Why the hell would he chirp? He didn’t even know he could do that!
He spends the next few weeks unintentionally trailing Red Hood and vise versa with a very confused and slightly irritated air about them both.
Danny’s core is confused because he just lost his family and his haunt and was thrust into this new one without warning, so it latches onto the first familiar thing which just so happens to be Jason Todd.
Jason is just trying to live a normal life as a crime lord, but the pits cling to his this kid. …Was this how Bruce felt?
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chai-law · 3 months
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I can never let go of Lazarus pit Jason, it’s just too beautifully sad
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noisilyscreechingsong · 11 months
Dp x Dc Crossover Writing Idea
“Red Robin!”
When he backtracked to find the owner of the voice he was a bit surprised to find a young boy, maybe eight years old if he had to guess, dressed in a red sweatshirt that dwarfed him and a pair of gym shorts that had seen better days.
Not many Gothamites called out to the vigilantes, a silent agreement to stay out of their way and not to look too closely. This kid however stared up at him with bright blue eyes unafraid of getting the Red Robin’s attention.
A fan?
Before he even opens his mouth, the kid gives him a small, hopeful smile, eyes shining with something that reminds him of himself when he was that age and following Batman and Robin with his camera around his tiny neck.
“I brought you a gift,” the boy say with nervous excitement. He enthusiastically swings off the backpack he had on to dig through the contents, taking his eyes off the vigilante and showing his unwavering trust that nothing bad would happen to him while Red Robin was here.
The boy pulls out what appears to be a jar wrapped in newspaper, the worn page ripping in some spots to show the clear glass underneath. Small hands present it like it’s Red Robin’s birthday (which it wasn’t).
He takes it cautiously, the kid hasn’t been hostile but this was still weird, and pulls it closer with enough space so if it’s a bomb it doesn’t blow up in his face.
It’s got weight to it and the slight sloshing tells him it’s filled with liquid. He carefully unwraps the ‘gift’, keeping his eye on the boy who stands waiting anxiously.
Tim almost drops the jar as soon as he sees what’s inside. Only his reflexes from over the years held on and his expression turned neutral.
A pair of eyes sit at the bottom of the jar. The orbs were crudely extracted, tissue floating around them like a mane of hair around a head.
He turns the jar to see the irises and… he knew these eyes. The slimy green is filmed with death, but he recognized these eyes from the number of times the owner locked them onto him, the cruel possessiveness they possessed when they gazed at him. Never again apparently.
Tim doesn’t speak for a while, not knowing what to say, but also thoughts racing too fast to form any proper sentences.
“Do you like it?” The small, nervous voice interrupts those thoughts.
What an innocent question on an equally innocent looking face.
“How did you get Ra’s Al Ghul’s eyes?”
The teasing chatter over the comms immediately hushes into shocked silence.
“I took them from his body, so you knew he was dead. I burned the rest so you don’t have to worry about him coming back again. The Pit there is gone anyway,” the child explains easily, not fazed in the slightest from the words he speaks.
“Grandfather is dead?” He hears Damian whisper over the comm.
So many other questions were flying through Tim’s head. He looks the kid over again.
Black hair and blue eyes. In any other situation the kid might have been a possible Wayne adoptee. He’s not a clone from what he can see though. Despite the coloring he doesn’t really look like any of them. Pale skin like Tim, but has freckles. The same kind of nose as Damian, but wide, round eyes. Jaw kind of like Jason, but his body shape is too narrow. Bright, almost icy blue eyes like Dick, but eyebrow shape is flatter. Lip shape like Bruce, but from the kid’s anxious lip biting he could see the faintest trace of dimples.
“Who are you?” He asks instead of the other million and one questions.
The boy blinks almost like he wasn’t expecting the question. He’s cheeks color pink with blush as he grins widely.
“I’m Danny!” He introduces cheerfully like he didn’t just hand a vigilante a jar of eyes.
“Hi, Danny,” Tim greets almost dumbly. “Want to tell me why you gave me this?”
Danny scoffs his shoe against the pavement in what appears to be embarrassment.
“Well, I know when you ask someone for something, it’s nice to give a gift or something. Like I did something nice for you so maybe you’ll do something nice for me?”
He takes a moment to absorb that child-like reasoning.
“So you want me to do something for you and you thought I would like Ra’s Al Ghul’s eyes in exchange?”
Danny studies him and fidgets with the large sweatshirt sleeve.
“I just thought you would like proof. Like the whole ‘bring me the heart of my enemy’ kind of thing. Do you not like it? I couldn’t just take a picture ‘cuz I didn’t have a camera with me, I know you like photography. I can do something else for you if it’s not enough,” he offers worriedly.
Tim freezes.
“How do you know I like photography?” He demands.
Danny tilts his head curiously.
“Because Tim Drake likes photography,” he says like it’s obvious, “and you’re Tim Drake.”
Well. This is less than ideal.
“Red Robin, take him back to the Cave,” Batman instructs over the comms.
Yeah, he was getting there.
“Do you know the other’s’ identities?”
Danny nods and hums affirmatively. Tim waits.
“Oh! Yea. Batman is Bruce Wayne. Robin is Damian Wayne. Red Hood is Jason Todd. Nightwing is Richard Grey-“
“Okay. That’s enough.”
Tim glances around the empty alley they were standing in, checking to make sure no stray people heard. Luckily they were truly alone.
“Danny, do you want to come back with me?” He asks, but it’s not really a question. The kid was coming back regardless, it would just be better if he went willingly.
Unsurprisingly, the kid lights up like a little sun at the offer.
“Really?” He nearly shouts in excitement.
“Yeah, kid. I parked my bike a few blocks from here. You ever rode a motorcycle before?”
Danny shakes his head, nearly bounding on his toes.
“Not in this lifetime.” And wasn’t that odd wording? “Are we gonna grapple there?”
“Think you can hold on?”
He kneels down so the boy can climb onto his back and lock his arms around his neck and hook his feet together around his torso. Danny is worryingly light as he stands.
The kid is the picture of an excited and overeager child as they carefully fly over rooftops and then drive back to the Cave. Even when they park inside the safety of the Batcave, Danny’s eyes are filled with child-like awe and wonder, so curious and chattering with questions and wild imagination. It would be cute, endearing even, if the jar of eyes wasn’t sitting heavily in his pocket.
Alfred came down not too long after their arrival with a tray of healthy snacks and some waters. Danny happily munches on the apple slices as he wanders around where Tim can see him.
The rumble of the Batmobile can be heard almost an hour later after Tim has to tell Danny not to touch the weapons for the fourth time. The kid’s attention is drawn to the sleek black vehicle as it parks by Tim’s bike. He trots over with wide eyes as the doors open and Robin exits, then Batman.
Unfortunately, Dick is in Bludhaven and Jason is visiting Roy and Lian this week. Cass and Steph were gone as well and Duke was sleeping. It was just the three of them and this kid with Alfred as the only buffer.
Danny stares openly, curious, as the duo makes their way over to the computer where Tim has claimed his sit.
Tim turns the jar that he set on the table so the eyes are facing them and slowly leans back again, suddenly very tired. Damian flexes his hands into fists tightly while Batman is very still.
“Hi,” Danny chirps like nothing is wrong, oblivious to the tension in the air.
Batman takes a measured breath. Robin glares down at the child, but remains silent for now.
“Who killed Ra’s Al Ghul?”
Danny blinks blankly.
“You’re saying he just dropped dead?” Damian sneered in sarcasm.
“Death took him,” the child says simply as if that explained everything.
“How?” The word is demanded and emphasized.
“Like Death takes everyone. His expiration was overdue.”
Bruce frowns and Damian almost snarls.
“I demand you start making sense!”
Danny glares back in offense.
“I’m being very clear! Maybe you should ask better questions!”
The twelve year old growls at the smaller child and Batman has to place a firm hand on his shoulder to keep him from attacking.
“Danny?” Batman questions after a tense moment.
The boy’s arms are crossed in irritation, but he blinks out of his glare to stare up at the man.
“How do you know our identities?”
“Oh, memories.”
Danny looked like everything he said made sense and it was driving Tim up a wall.
“Memories,” Bruce repeats.
“Uh-huh,” Danny nods confidently. “From the Lazarus Pit.”
A jolt goes through Tim as he recalls what the boy said earlier about the Pit.
“Didn’t you say the Pit was gone?” He asks before Bruce could continue his line of questioning.
Danny turns with a bright smile as if he was proud Tim remembered.
“Yea! Well, gone from this world anyway.” Tim was concerned. “I took the memories from it before sending it back where it belongs.”
“Okay. How did you know how to ‘take the memories’ and send it back? Back where?”
“I was born from it. Duh. It went back to the Realms or I guess you’d call it the Afterlife,” Danny actually rolls his eyes as if they should already know this.
“Born from it?” Damian asks with a wavering voice, hidden well from the child but not from them. “Nothing has ever been born from the Pits.”
“That you know of.”
And wasn’t that the kicker.
“So, to clarify, you come from the Pits. You know who we are because you took the memories from said Pits. Death took Ra’s because his time was up. And you took the eyes from his corpse to give to me because you thought I would like it as a gift so I would do something for you.”
Danny positively beams.
“This is why you’re my favorite!”
Damian grinds his teeth harshly.
“What is it you want Red Robin to do for you?” Batman asks in strangled hesitation.
“Oh!” Danny perks up like he remembered and hops over to Tim with pleading hands. “Can you please make me an identity? You’re really good at all that stuff and I was hoping you could find me a family. Someone to adopt me. A nice family, with a bed and family dinners and a dog. I always wanted a dog.”
Tim has the sudden urge to scream.
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p0ssym1lker · 1 year
Ra's having a villain monologue at the bats when Danny swoops in, ignores everyone and starts taking mason jars of the lazarus pit
Ra's cries out in anger, takes a broom and starts chasing him
This is all with Danny is his normal form
This happens every week
Ra's has not been able to hit Danny once ever
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raynetheinsane · 4 days
percy jackson and batfam crossover au but the entire thing is jason thinking percy (and/or annabeth) got put into the lazarus pit and trying to get him to admit it and percy thinking jason held up the sky and trying to get him to admit it
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Bruce trains with the League of Shadows, grows close with Talia and Ra’s, but — eventually — spurns their movement to return to Gotham and pursue his mission.
Years later, he shows up in the middle of the night at Talia’s door. There’s a body in his arms, wrapped in bloodstained sheets.
“The Pit,” he whispers, trembling, “is it true?”
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magnoliasandarson · 4 months
the tragedy of Jason Todd
There's something so heart-rendering about Jason confronting Bruce. He died. His funeral service was closed casket because his body had been so severely brutalized. His brother wasn’t even on the planet when they lowered him six feet down. They buried him and moved on.
He dug himself out, breaking open his own casket with a belt buckle. He shredded the skin off his fingers and splintered his bones, choked on dirt and worms, almost suffocated without oxygen. He wandered the city begging for his dad.
When Jason came to after the Pit, Talia told him his father replaced him and let the Joker live. He makes his way back to his city, but he has a passenger riding around in his brain. There is a thirst for blood and vengeance that blurs his vision. He needs to be good, fix things, and prove himself all over again. Jason is half insane, but he still needs to help people.  He needs Bruce.
He catches the monster that killed him, stands him in front of his dad, and says, 'my killer or me.' He clawed his way out of his grave, fought the Gauntlet in Nanda Parbat, and battled the Lazarus Pit eating at his soul, all to beg his dad to love him.
Jason does all of that, all for Bruce to slice his throat. 
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mirailenkun · 16 days
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Because you were always the one who persevered
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mottemort · 7 months
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WFA fan edit - Jason al Ghul
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niche-pastiche · 2 months
One thing I can never stop thinking about with Jason Todd and his autopsy scars is... what happened to the viscera bag? kay, so for people who are less familiar with the deathcare industry, a viscera bag is kind of exactly what it sounds like. When a person gets autopsied by the coroner or medical examiner, they take all the organs out through the Y incision right? Well, they don't keep the organs. They put them all back in a big red plastic bag and put that bag inside the body and then stitch things up with temporary sutures. Once the body gets to the funeral home, they'll embalm all the organs and the rest of the body, but then the embalmed organs go back in the body cavity and depending on what technique the embalmer likes to use sometimes they also go back inside the viscera bag. (Alternately, they get layered in with a variety of compounds kind of like a weird lasagna. But that's less interesting storywise in this situation and honestly I think the bag method is more common.) Anyway, I can't stop imagining Jason, fresh out of the pit, off to the side hacking and coughing up a bloody red plastic bag.
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singswan-springswan · 2 months
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remember how he came back and he was still a kid
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slut4thebroken · 11 months
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jason Todd x reader
Summary | The Lazarus Pit had some unexpected side effects.
Warnings | 18+, sexual content, smut, grinding, in public, humiliation, light dubcon, multiple orgasms, no female orgasms, so much come, like genuinely so much, angst?, fluff, Jay is secretly a sweetheart and a simp, obviously.
Words | 2.8k
Notes | Based on this. (Lol imagine that’s you know what all over him in the pic🫣🤭)
Ao3 link | <3
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The pit didn’t just give him trauma— it affected his body too, giving him enhanced strength, speed, durability, and healing. But there was another, lesser known side effect. 
Honestly he hasn’t even thought about it for the past few years- always too focused on recovering from fucking dying, then on revenge and helping Gotham the way Batman couldn’t. But once it hit him… it hit him like a ton of bricks.
He doesn’t know where Batman or Nightwing were and why they weren’t with you, but there you were, the Batgirl suit even more flattering on your now mature body, making his cock strain in his pants. And you— you stupid little girl— decided to go after him alone. 
He tried to fight it, really he did, but when he had you pinned under him in a matter of seconds, he couldn’t help the way he pushed his crotch against you, trying to get a little bit of relief. 
“W- Get off me, you fucking creep!” You yelled once you noticed. He didn’t give you an answer because he knew exactly what would shut you up. So he took off the helmet and tossed it to the ground as your eyes widened. “Jason?” You said through a breath, making him growl at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue. He parted your legs, then settled between them and leaned over you as he rutted against your clothed heat. He only lasted a few seconds before the tightness of his pants became painful, so he leaned up to open them and pull his cock out. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You gasped, but there was no malice in your tone. Just pure shock and arousal. He leaned back down, shoving his face in the crook of your neck and inhaling deeply, not able to control the way his hips started rutting against you  just from your scent. You still wear the same fucking perfume that always used to make his cock fatten up in his pants whenever he got too close to you. 
He was panting against your neck now, his cock, trapped between your bodies, growing so incredibly sensitive that it almost fucking hurt. And his balls— god, he doesn’t ever remember a time in his life where they were this fucking heavy and full and aching. 
It wasn’t long before he was nearing his orgasm, especially when he focused on your breath on his neck and the way the swell of your tits felt against his chest. He choked out a moan, not able to control the way he started whimpering- so fucking desperate for relief. His brows furrowed, mouth open in a silent moan as his cock started twitching, then shot out rope after rope of come. He’s had enough orgasms to know that the way this one felt was definitely not normal. Even after a few years without it, it shouldn’t be this fucking intense and long. 
“God- what the fuck?” He whined, hips still desperately rutting against you as he rode out the endless orgasm. He could feel the mess through his own layers of clothing and he knew that your suit would be fucking wrecked when he was done. But it didn’t stop. He came for what felt like hours, listening to the pulse in your neck, smelling your perfume, feeling the delicate skin on his lips. 
“Fuck,” He whimpered, still rutting against you, but the friction was starting to lessen because of his cock being completely soaked with come. His balls just barely lightened, still feeling incredibly full and sore. When he finally, finally felt his orgasm fading, his hips slowed to a stop as he panted, trying to catch his breath. 
“Jesus fucking christ-“ You moaned through a breath. His cock twitched at the sound of your voice, never even having a chance to start softening before his whole body burned with need again. He leaned up to examine the mess, finding the entire crotch area of both of your suits completely soaked, as well as most of your mid sections too. He looked down further, finding come still dripping down the flushed tip all the way to his balls. His cock was so hard, it was almost visibly throbbing and his balls looked almost as full as they felt. 
“Jason?” You asked quietly, making his eyes snap up to yours with a growl. Your cheeks were pink, lips red and swollen as if you were biting them and he wanted nothing more than to shove his cock between them and make you drink his come, but even with the primal urges overtaking his brain, he couldn’t do that. Not to you. So with another growl he flipped you over, his come making a slapping sound as you landed. This time he kneeled over your legs instead of between them and he laid over you again to hold you still as started rutting against your covered ass. 
If he thought the smell of your perfume was intoxicating, it was nothing compared to your hair. He took a deep breath and let out a quiet groan, remembering how he used to be able to smell it when you hugged him. But back then it didn’t make him feel like this— it didn’t make his cock throb and it didn’t make him start whining. 
“Jason,” You suddenly said, trying to push yourself up, but his entire body weight was holding you down. He didn’t want to listen to your protests— to your rejection, so he placed a hand over your mouth, making you release a startled moan. 
“Shh, I’m sorry. It’s okay, I just- I need this, baby— need you.” You whined against his palm, the sound sending a jolt to his cock. 
It took every fiber of his being to not tear your suit and fuck your cunt- fill you up with load after load of his come until you milked him dry. But through those thoughts, he could hear a quiet voice reasoning that he wouldn’t be able to come back from that and he would lose you forever. And even though his cock was begging to be buried in a tight, warm cunt— in your tight, warm cunt— he knew it was true. So this would have to do for now. Just thinking about fucking you had him barreling toward his second orgasm. 
“Oh fuck- oh my god.” He whined, resting his forehead on your shoulder. His free hand was clenched so hard to keep from touching your tits, or anywhere else, that his fingers were starting to hurt.  
Despite him pinning you down completely, you managed to push your hips up a little, pressing your ass even harder against his cock. The action had him gasping out as he fell over the edge again. He couldn’t hold in the whimpers and moans as his cock twitched between your ass and his pelvis, spurting ropes of come into the tight space. His balls were practically throbbing— pulsing with each shot of come that left his cock. 
He continued rutting against you desperately, trying to get the most out of this agonizingly long orgasm. While he could feel some of his come coating his cock, it seemed like most of it landed on the small of your back that was arched as you held your hips up. The ache in his balls was already starting to alleviate, but they weren’t empty yet, so he sat up on his knees to continue, groaning at the sight of the entire lower section of your midriff covered in his come.
“Jason?” You asked quietly, but he ignored you as he lifted you onto your knees, pushing you down by your upper back when you tried to rise on your hands. 
“I’m sorry- Just one more, I promise, baby, one more.” He whined, positioning you how he wanted, with your legs squeezed together. The sight of his come rolling up your back into your cape had his cock twitching in need, so he slipped between your thighs and immediately started fucking you. There was enough come covering his length that the friction didn’t hurt, but honestly he could’ve used a little more friction, especially because the material of your suit had him sliding in and out easily. 
His hands moved to your hips, gripping tight enough to make you whimper so that they didn’t drift to your ass. Bucking into you as he desperately chased relief again, his eyes trailed all over your body, mostly focusing on your ass through the skin tight suit, but moving up your come covered back too. His balls slapping against your thighs with each thrust was almost starting to hurt, but he couldn’t stop— not even if he wanted to. 
“Oh god- I’m so close. Almost there, baby. Just one more I think— Just one more and I’ll feel better.” He choked out, bucking into you wildly. The sound of his wet pants hitting your wet suit was deafening on the otherwise quiet rooftop. When you squeezed your thighs together even harder, he let out a broken moan, cock throbbing, anxiously awaiting the pleasure. 
“Oh fuck-“ He groaned, cock twitching between your legs as his come shot out, painting your stomach. Quickly pulling back, he fucked his fist, watching as his come covered your ass and dripped down your thighs. “Shit,” He whimpered, when it just didn’t stop. It was less than his previous orgasms, but still enough that you were practically kneeling in a pool of his come. The last few spurts landed on his fist, dripping down his hand to the puddle on the ground as he panted, trying to catch his breath. 
Releasing his cock, he watched the way it still twitched pathetically, but despite that, he knew he was done. What he didn’t know however, was how he was going to clean all of this shit up. His cock was slick with his arousal, dripping down to his balls, adding to the mess on his pants. His hand and clothes were in a similar state. 
“Jay?” You asked quietly, making his eyes snap up to you. 
“Shit-“ He helped you up so you were sitting in front of him. The come that was on your stomach had rolled up to your chest, coating your tits, making him hiss as his cock twitched at the sight. You were practically covered head to toe in it. “I- Are you…” You flung yourself at his body, wrapping your arms tight around his torso in a hug. He tried not to focus on the way that his come would now be on his chest too. When you pulled back— way too soon, he thought with a frown— you slapped his arm, making him grab the slightly aching spot. 
“Ow- What the hell?” 
“You have a lot of fucking nerve to be asking me that when you’re the one who needs to start explaining.” You growled, crossing your arms over your chest with a scowl. 
“…You’re mad?” He asked sheepishly, watching your expression start to shift into one of amusement before you hardened it again. 
“You’re dead. What the fuck, Jason?” 
“I’m sorry. Can we just- go somewhere other than here and get cleaned up, then I’ll explain?” He asked, gesturing to the pool of come you were both in. A light blush painted your cheeks when you glanced at the mess. 
He took you to his safe house and apologized profusely, promising to clean your suit for you. Only once you were both dressed in his clothes and sat on the couch did you suddenly realize that Jason is in front of you. Jason who you haven’t seen in years, Jason who’s older now, but still just as pretty as the day you met him. Jason who you couldn’t save.
“How long have you been back?” You asked, trying to hide your emotions as you crossed your arms over your chest and cleared your throat.
“I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner. I had to… work through some things.” You tried to wait patiently for him to explain, but it didn’t seem like he was going to do that anytime soon, so you continued.
“Tell me what happened. I don’t understand how you’re here right now.” He sighed, glancing away from you. 
“Do you know what the Lazarus Pit is?”
“The thing Ra’s Al Ghul uses, right?”
“Yeah… He- put me in it. That’s how I’m back.” He muttered. 
“Shit- are you okay?” You’ve heard the stories of what it can do to a person and your chest ached knowing that he went through something like that. 
“I’m alive.” He shrugged with a dry chuckle. 
“I’m sorry.” You moved to wrap your arms around him in a hug, but stopped when he leaned back. When he saw your hurt expression, he rushed to explain himself. 
“It’s not you! I just- I can already smell you from here and it’s taking everything in me to not do something I’ll regret. Again.” Your brows furrowed in confusion but when you glanced at his crotch, your eyes widened in understanding. 
“I don’t understand how you can still be hard after that. Actually- I don’t even understand how that was possible in the first place.” 
“I didn’t know it was possible either… When I came back, I was different— stronger, faster. I guess that changed too.” He explained and you nodded in understanding even though it still barely made sense to you. “Plus the last time I came was like a week before I died so it’s been a while.” 
���Jesus- Jason, tmi.” 
“That’s tmi?” He scoffed in disbelief. “I just fucking came on you three times and that’s too much?” 
“Oh my god- stop.” You muttered, burying your burning face in your hands. “Why did you wait so long though? I mean, I’m assuming you had at least a little bit of time after you came back.” 
“The thought never even crossed my mind. Not until— until I… saw you.” He mumbled the last part so you could barely hear it, but you did. “Look, I’m really fucking sorry. I know it’s not an excuse to say I couldn’t control myself, but even then, I still shouldn’t have done it.” 
“You don’t have to apologize.” 
“Are you kidding? I assaulted you!” He exclaimed, making you roll your eyes. 
“Okay well maybe my mess wasn’t nearly as bad as yours, but if you’d bothered to check, you would’ve found evidence to the contrary.” His eyes widened slightly, lips parted in shock. 
“You-“ His eyes moved down to your pants as if he’d be able to see what you were talking about.  “I don’t… What?” 
“You’re so clueless sometimes, you know that?” You chuckled, giving him a small smile. 
“I’m not.. clueless. I was just distracted.” He muttered, a blush painting his cheeks. 
“Uh huh. I have a question.” You said, changing the subject. 
“Why me? I’m sure you saw plenty of other girls throughout the years so why did I make you break?” His lips curled up into a small smile and you couldn’t help but feel like there was an inside joke you weren’t a part of. 
“You’re so clueless sometimes.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You frowned. 
“Jesus- I don’t know what job you have, but I really fucking hope you’re not a detective.” He chuckled and you hit his arm again. 
“Shut up. Just tell me.” His expression suddenly dropped into a more serious one and you felt anxiety start to twist in your stomach. 
“Because I’ve had a crush on you since we were like 14.” He muttered. You stared at him in shock and when he turned to finally look at you, you could see the moment where he realized he wanted to backtrack. “Which is really fucking awkward if you have a boyfriend or don’t feel the same way because I did not think this through nearly enough,” 
“Me too.” You said, putting an end to his rambling. 
“What?” He choked out. 
“I’ve had a crush on you too. But since we met, not since we were 14.” 
“You did?” 
“Yeah… Why did you think I was so fucking awkward around you?” You chuckled, making him smile. 
“I don’t know, I just thought you were awkward.” He shrugged. “Do you… still have a crush on me?” He asked coyly, as if he was giving himself the opportunity to pass it off as a joke. 
“I wouldn’t have let you come on me three times if I didn’t.” You said teasingly, your smile widening from his reaction. You liked turning the tables, making him blush for once. “Do you still have a crush on me?”
“I wouldn’t have come on you three times if I didn’t.” 
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