#just imagine a proud batdad in background
brutaliakent · 2 years
I am not a literature major jason truther or jason getting teaching degree truther but a secret third thing (doctor jason todd)
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epiemy · 3 years
Jason Todd Dating a Brazilian Fem! Reader - Pt. 2
Warnings: Just cursing and mentions of violence (nothing at all). Pairing: Fem! Brazilian Reader x Jason Todd. Word Count: 919.
Good reading!
Pt. 1 Pt. 3
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Okay, recap... Dick, being the gossip that he is, ended up telling Tim that he told Damian, who told the rest of the family about the new love bird;
imagine him later being tortured by Jason btw;
Bruce didn't even think twice about trying to be Father Of The Year™ and inviting his then-daughter-in-law to a family lunch;
he obviously did a background check even before Jay dated you bc "i'M tHe BaTmAn";
Richard is the happiest with all this as we can see, he even tried to cook something Brazilian for you, but Alfred threw him out of the kitchen in horror when he saw a very expensive pan melted on the corner of the counter...
he never knew how the boy managed to do this, he thinks that this talent is natural to Grayson;
our dear Timmy is too tired to call who Jason is dating...
lowkey he does all the checking on you, your family, connections and other things until he's sure you're good for dating your brother
he thinks you're too good to date your brother;
Damian... what about the little plague? He doesn't really care who his foster brothers put to bed, so much so that he thinks you're just a one-night stand or something;
Alfred was H A P P Y that Jason was finally getting back to being that happy little bean;
#proud grandfather;
the girls, Cass, Steph and Barbara were just happy to have another woman in the family, not least because dealing with so much testosterone is terrible;
lowkey all three helped Tim with the check and agreed that you are really too good for your brother;
Jaybird would probably be bombarded with messages the next day and one of them would be from the Billionaire™, asking to take her in a few hours for lunch since everyone wants to meet her;
he's quite tempted to refuse, but ends up accepting since you guys talked before about you seeing your family and you can tell your girl was pretty excited;
you would probably be too nervous about it, it would take you at least two hours to choose an outfit, and you would inadvertently swear in Portuguese just before entering the mansion;
surely Batdad heard, I mean... he's Batman
and was at the door to welcome you, while Alfred finished trying to control the young people in the dining room;
I say he had an amused face and a small smile, because that bastard sure knows how to speak Portuguese;
"Now that's interesting language, Miss Y/N L/N I suppose?"
"Oh shit, y-yes sir"
red face check;
and at these times you ask me: but where is Jason to help his girlfriend?
I'll answer you, dear reader: the bastard was laughing his ass off, because at this point in the championship he would already know what all his curses mean;
when he stopped laughing in your face (probably because you punched him in the stomach), he would go back to serious because tension will always prevail between batboy and Bruce;
entering the dining room the first person who practically dances to officially meet you is our first Boy Wonder, but obviously you had to comment something witty before the guy even opened his mouth
"I can finally meet the owner of the most fantastic ass in this country"
Damian will never admit it out loud, but it was surprising that you managed to shut Dick Grayson up for a few seconds before he burst out laughing, albeit with a red blush;
"Thank you miss, I work out a lot for this"
Jason Todd Jealous Activated;
"Take that hand off of her before I take it for you, birdie"
"Sorry dear"
he wasn't sorry, but it was a start;
coming back to the scene, Tim would just look at you with a small smile and shake your hand in greeting...
likely to be the most calm and indifferent;
Demon Spawn at first was just skeptical of you, but as he was telling his story in Brazil and teaching the boys a few things, he would grudgingly start enjoying his company;
two different ethnicities in the family, he would no longer be alone and that would bring positive points to warm up quickly with you;
"Y/N isn't as bad as I expected, and that's the most you'll get out of me, Grayson"
if Titus and Alfred the cat like you, let's say he'll find it even easier to accept you without any threat to his life.
You could only talk to Alfred in peace when he went to the kitchen at the end of the day;
obviously his approval counts more than everyone else in Jay's family and when you say that to him, let's just say our sweet butler is delighted
"Jaybird always comments that you were more of a father figure to him than Bruce, so I think your validation counts for our relationship."
"You're good for Master Jason, Miss Y/N... it's been a while since I saw that boy smile so much."
# proud grandfather again
if you know how to cook, he would definitely ask for some typical Brazilian recipes to do from time to time;
if not, he would be very happy to teach you;
you would be the infallible duo to put batboys in their proper places...
mainly Damian and Jason;
I even imagine that the youngest would be very attached to you after a while
like, comment and reblog if you want a part 3 with the relation with Dami & reader!
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batsfinest · 4 years
Goddddddd Batdad taking baby Damian in as soon as he's born is SO fucking cute it makes my TEETH rot. Talia knowing how cutthroat, merciless, ruthless and overall toxic environment the Al Ghuls live into and not wanting another her, another Bruce, another child being born with a sword in their hand.
She's disowned when her role in helping Bruce leave with Damian is revealed. Bruce becomes an enemy to them and she has no father anymore, but it feels welcomed. Freeing. Her shoulders finally feel light, knowing her reputation isn't tied to her father anymore.
Talia can be her own demon.
Damian is Bruce's first love, no you cannot change my mind.
Bruce is young. 24 years feeling like centuries old on a soul he felt was leaking away before holding his son's tiny hand between his thumb and index finger. The media is slamming him because sympathy for orphans washes away once they stop being children, but Bruce hasn't been one since he was 8 and watched his mother's hollow eyes sink in a body bag.
The media calls him immature. Reckless. Impulsive. All the synonyms in the thesaraous to describe what a horrible person he is for using a baby they speculate isn't even his to clean up the gritty, smudged image he made for himself. It doesn't make him want to hide Damian from the world, because he refuses to treat his baby like a shameful secret.
He's more proud of Damian than he ever was of the cowl.
Jason is his 2nd love, dirty, sharp tongued, and brave, looking him in the eyes when he tries to steal the tires off his car. His eyes are a stormy ocean reflecting a deep, lonely sadness, the kind you feel for a lifetime and more. Its like looking in a mirror.
Of course, not unexpectedly, he takes Jason home. "I can care for him. Why wouldn't I?"
Alfred is in the middle of preparing a blanket, fluffy and inviting, much like the ones Bruce was wrapped as a baby, when his throat raises with a high note of unconvinction. "I don't see a reason why anyone right in the mind would look at the lobsters boiled in a soda bath in our kitchen and say you weren't qualified to look after a child."
"That's strike 220, Alfred. "
"221, actually, sir."
Bruce's heatless retort dies quick once he sees Jason's thin limbs holding the small figure of a baby boy, covered in a light green blanket of his own, against his chest in a protective hold. He snaps a silent photo of the sweet scene, making it his phone background, and for the first time in years, his tears feel happy.
Its a cycle that repeats. He's proud of his boys, his kids, and wants to show it, then the world pushes. Bruce ignores it. Ignores the news station spitting on him for being the father of two without a ring on his finger, the scandal magazines speculating on a secret spouse he doesn't have, the journalists cornering him on every public appearance hunting for the hottest news to sell the freshest scoop.
He ignores it, until the push comes for his boys.
" That one, the new one, - Jason or something? I don't buy the whole nurturing father shtick. Wayne is a honcho in his prime, with more money than he has any right to have, on the cover of every magazine and news report imaginable, got women throwing themselves at him, left and right, and I'm just supposed to believe he'd trap himself with that responsibility, no question? Why?
Cause I'm supposed to be moved by the fact that he took in a crack whore's son after she slipped on the bucket? No. The courtain's gonna fall soon, and I'll be laughing when it does."
The TV is clicked off, the news anchor's smug face staring him in thr eye before darkness covers it, leaving Bruce to look at his own stormy reflection, crackling with cold fire, an expression Alfred mirrors in his tight silence. They both hear Jason's feet stomp up the stairs, but neither comment on it.
That particular news station falls in shambles in less than a few hours. It surprises everyone and no one.
When it comes to push and shove, Bruce was often the punch.
The public appearances get a bit easier after that. He can enjoy an ice cream with the boys in the park without annoying paparazzi following them, without reporters breathing down his shoulder for a private interview or a persistent business partner ringing him up.
He can just laugh when Damian covers his suit with creamy strawberry because the black is so dull for a baby's eye and when Jason draws mustaches and beards on his face with his own cone, and try not to sound too harsh when trying to tell Jason him and Damian are too heavy for him to push on the swings. But his son's more stubborn than a donkey, so he manages it, somehow, and Bruce gets a bright idea. To him.
Batman has a sidekick that he takes to McDonald's after crime is fought and people in Gotham has seen more scarring shit than That. Its just another Tuesday.
Now, because I'm superbat trash, of course I'm gonna make Clark eat shit with how fast he falls for Bruce. They're at the Wayne Gala, something extremely important for a new reporter on the block who has the chance of meeting the name that starts in Gotham and walks all the way to Metropolis.
The list of things he expected to cross out in the long scripture Clark thought of for Bruce Wayne shortens by the second when he watches the man and a little dark haired boy make silly faces at a camera, joy sparkling bright and evident in his smile as he cooes at whom the jounralist assumes to be his youngest.
A crisp voice hitching with a british accent emerges from the other line, sounding positively scandalized, as if to give voice to the stares Bruce is receiving. " Bruce Thomas Wayne, you are at high society event, control yourself - Do not force me to march there to fix that nest of hair I have no doubt that little menace was the culprit of , -"
" But it was sooo boring before! This whole thing is boring, Al, " the child,- Jason, he reminds himself. At the ridiculous amount of research he went through for this so he wouldn't look like a complete fool, he should at least know Bruce hates it when his children aren't referred to by name. "Can we come home now? I'm kind of tired of watching these numbnuts break their backs just to seen as good people for donating like a dime of what they actually make."
Bruce's hair is wild, sticking in every direction. Clark loves it with a vigor he can't put Into words.
"We talked about this before Jason, no talking about the uneven distribution of resource made by capitalists before you eat your vegetables, -- Aww, Dami! Look at daddy! Hi, baby," Bruce's smile, Bruce's voice, Bruce's face. Its all so warm it puts the sun to shame, and Clark is attracted like a moth to a flame.
He's got it, he realizes with a shiver.
He's got feelings.
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