shaylogic · 2 days
DBDA Season 2 Wishlist Part 2:
Seeing the inside of Charles' Bag of Tricks and learning more about the mechanics of it
Charles running into one/some of the bullies that killed him. They're much older now. Maybe he has realizations about them like Edwin did with Simon. Or maybe they're still scum attacking people, and Charles poltergeist-haunts their asses
Finding out more about how Edwin learned all these languages, magic tools, and supernatural creatures lore. Did he pick it up in Hell or after he got back from it?
On that note, what exactly went down with him in Hell? "--traded to a demon who traded me to another demon who traded me to something WORSE than a demon!"
Crystal family/ancestor tree realm and powers. I'd love to learn more about each woman at the table, like Avatar past reincarnation life flashbacks
Niko new character love interest?
Mission to help Tragic Mick. Maybe we get to see Sedna?! Crystal could potentially make that happen, since she addressed Lilith and the Forest Spirit.
The Dandelion Sprites/"gods"? become cursed to be mortals and now they have to figure out how to navigate the world as attention-seeking assholes. Maybe they work with Crystal's parents lol
Crystal and Charles really make a go at dating to see if those feelings can really go anywhere, but there ends up being quite a bit of conflict and difficulty. Still, we get lots of nice ship moments in the early half of the season.
Edwin has started accepting and leaning into modern gay culture and tries chatting up guys to distract himself from Charles and Crystal (trying to be a good friend to Charles, especially).
If they can get the copyright permission, please gods give us Edwin and Niko watching Heartstopper together. Charles happens to witness a bi Nick scene when he's walking through.
More Niko & Charles friendship development. They didn't get enough moments together in season 1.
More ghost possession! The Night Nurse is already well aware of them, so they're not alerting her. But of course she would not allow it.
Night Nurse refuses to be a secretary and forces the boys to do paperwork after every case. They've got homework now.
Also, in s1e1, there's a pregnant pause between Edwin and Charles talking about the dangers of possession. There's a story there, and I need to know it in season 2. What did Edwin do? Who'd he try to possess?
More clear explanation to the audience of how touch works between humans/ghosts and ghosts/ghosts on various planes (earth vs hell for example, so we can go back to scream and cry at s. 1)
Crystal and Niko girls' day sightseeing in England!
Now we're in London, we're back on the boys' turf. Where are their main hangouts, contacts, and magic shops? Do they have any place special to the two of them with nostalgic memories? It's been 30 years!!!
We've seen some Edwin culture clash (and I want more!) but also more Charles culture clash with modern times (charles: "😮‍💨 Can you believe they don't make mixed tapes anymore?" Niko: "🥰they do playlists online now. I'll make you one! " Crystal: "👀 You made mixed tapes, Charles?")
Cat King and Meowpheus interaction
Domestic friend fluff (core four all in a big bed together watching movies)
Feel free to add your own wishlist in the reblogs/comments! <3
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Okay, hear me out
What if we completely skew some random company's customer survey? Nothing harmful for the workers, obviously, just, I don't know, going to "Give us your opinion" page and writing something like "I love how all your coworkers have rubber ducks on their tables, that's really cute!"
You know, just to see what happens
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panboiiibish · 2 days
Haven't had any good ideas lately so imma set it up to a pole.
First option will be an NSFW write for a male werewolf x fem human.
Second option a soft fluff write for a fem Naga x fem human reader
Don't forget to comment ideas too!
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1delta-chaos1 · 2 days
Being an artist is like casually sitting with your morning coffee, then imagining how vox dresses casual, and realizing he probably dresses like a fucking golf dad.
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Yall already know I had to draw this soooo, here ya go :/
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y’all I need fanart ideas. Please let me know some before I implode. Preferably tadc or murder drones. But idk. Thanks
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marvelmaniac715 · 1 day
This song is the perfect fit for Wiggly singing to literally any of his brothers (in this scenario Wiggly is the frog, Constantine):
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heatheneldritch · 2 days
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Backyard of a Witch.
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angelfragil · 2 days
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인형 with angel–eyes
ۙ 𓊑 ( doll )
◟ 🖱
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nudjismoo · 2 days
⸻ ⠀ू⠀ usernames for ig 𓍚
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@suavecjtas⠀⠀@pervercjion⠀⠀ @petalcjtos @ambicjon⠀⠀⠀@sacrijfices⠀⠀⠀@squoorcj⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀@profundjo⠀⠀@cortefilozo⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ @suavjzame @cortamipiel⠀⠀⠀⠀@amor_____sedante
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theobsidianempress · 2 days
So I had this idea for band au. Don’t get me wrong, I know everybody’s done a band au. Maybe I’m the same. Maybe I’m different but just hear me out. So I was thinking a punk rock/alt band Au with Nanami, Choso, Satoru and Suguru. Maybe one other person but I can’t think who to add. Maybe that’s where the Oc or reader comes in- depending on how I write it. Like a member of their band quits and now they need a new (insert person here) they pick pc/reader but there there’s shipping.
Who does she go for? Should I write it an otome game? Different choices lead to different outcomes? Or should I just pick someone and go with it? Because I think writing it like an ultimate game would be fun and like after chapter 3 or 4 that’s kind of the person you would pick and go from there. I also think this would be really fun opportunity to collaborate with other writers like people who specialize with not writing for Nanami or people who specialize in writing for Gojo that kind of thing so that way they could write the route the right way you know what I’m talking about?
Anyway, this was just a random thought. I had let me know what you guys think. I should do. I kinda like the idea of collaborating with other writers for like an otome type story. I think writing just a regular OC story would be fun too.
I was also thinking about maybe having like a whole rival we going on with like the main band they would call themselves a sorcerer and then like Sukuna would show up with his own band and then it’s like they called themselves the King of curses because of course he wouldn’t need the band after himself. Maybe there’s some “I’m gonna steal your girl” action or something. Idk… anyway thank you all for reading this if you got this far.
Also, I almost forgot happy #Pride! Love you all; as a fellow, bisexual and part of the LGBTQIA+ community - you are valid, you are loved ,you are worthy. Be safe and stay blessed.
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ahnahhhhh · 3 days
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Any suggestions on a background? I'm drawing a blank.
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catchymemes · 9 months
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roebeanstalk · 2 months
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i wanna finish this and make a playful lil print out of this ;>_>
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panboiiibish · 4 hours
This ones gonna be a bit diffrent from the Thinking about series. Imma try and make it longer, it's going to be a full on fem reader, and of course NSFW under the line.
Warnings! Nsfw, predator/prey kink, chasing, semi-public nudity, CNC, really good acting, slight blood, biting, after care, and Werewolf.
Short puffed out breaths come from you, the rattling in your lungs telling how long you've been running through the dark forest. It has to be at least an hour since you've started. Having to run from the beast stalking your camp sight.
Now your believing it would have been better to just wait it out in your tent. But those glowing yellow eyes still haunt your memory. Its deep guttural huffs making your skin cover in goosebumps and fill your mind with the need to flee. And you did, not even grabbing a flashlight before dashing away from the relative safety of your camp fire.
Now lost in the woods, legs burning, you start to slow attempting to catch your breath. Though the subtle sounds of the forest only serve to scare you more. Overhead an owl flutters off from its perch. Scared by something in the distance while also scaring a yelp out of you as the crickets chime out their songs.
You tried laughing it off, but quickly bolted again as a deep growl had come from the brush besides you. Mind racing you tried to think of a way to escape it but those yellow eyes are back. Followed by the slight outline of a creature on all fours running alongside you.
Now in a better range to see your heart almost stills in your chest at the sight of it. Bark brown fur that blends in perfectly with it's surroundings, a lanky but tall form running on all fours. Though with its humanoid shape it seemed janky and far too practiced. And those eyes... The bright almost gold color tempts to real you in but its wide grinning teeth reminds you of why your running.
It doesn't let you go further along, becoming too.. exited. To catch it's prey, the creature quickly turns and barrels right for your smaller form. Its weight knocking you off the ground for a moment before you, thankfully, land into a slightly soft pile of leaves. Making you a breathless gasping heap on the forest floor as he circles.
It takes a moment to look you over almost making sure you are ok before crawling up from between your legs. Out of reflex your thighs clamp shut, stopped as they get blocked by the creatures waist. It makes a rumbling sound akin to a laugh as its eyes narrowed in onto your warm face. Then shifting to your heaving chest.
Your quick run through the woods had left you covered in dirt and leaves as the branches just made sure to snag onto your cloths and tear at them. Making you slightly regret wearing just a button up shirt to bed as now your stuck half nude under this creature.
Using your elbows to dig into the ground you tried to crawl away but that was stopped quickly. A clawed hand rested on top your torso as it effortlessly pinned your back down. Pressing just right to keep you breathing but not fleeing.
it made another sound, happy at your helpless expretion and trembling limbs. It made sure to flash you those pearly white canines before shoving his face into the crook of your neck.
Fear and adrenaline was pumping through your veins, alighting your burning joints as you whimpered out "please dont kill me!" You say, trying not to stammer as a slimy wet tongue rolls up your shoulder to your ear. He only responded with a chuckle before shifting his hands to your waist.
He moved you so easy almost like a little doll as his claws dug into the plush of your belly to yank you down into the lap of his legs. This allowed his aching cock to press right against your soaked panties. You hadn't even noticed the drooling of your cunt till he started rubbing against you. Sending a mix of emotions through your mind as your back arched from the stimulation.
It felt like too much, still panting, though now not because you were out of breath, while your hands gripped at his biceps. A weak attempt at pushing him away as his tongue worked against your skin. Licking over the chilled area before nipping at it with his terrifyingly sharp teeth.
You felt like he could just rip through your skin if not careful, and he could but what's the fun in ripping apart your favorite toy. No he wants to savor your sweet scent and salty skin for longer. He wants to make sure your covered in only his scent before taking you back to be his little stress ball.
And look at you, already being so perfect as you whine out and squirm against his aching cock. Bringing a good burn against his weeping tip from the friction of your panties. Though he was becoming inpatient, slowly loosing control of how hard his nips became as he started to rut against your puffy lips.
A yelp rang from you as a sharp sting followed his last nip, though it was more like a bite to your collarbone as it left a dribble of red blood leading down your chest to your still shirt covered brests. His actions stopped suddenly, those yellow eyes looking up into yours filled with worry till you gave him a slight nod and they went back to being lust filled.
Ducking his head down he savored the coppery tang of your blood. Lapping at it like a dog till your shirt stopped his trail. With a low growl he ripped at the material with his teeth. Shredding the white blood stained fabric as to unwrap his pretty little prey. And what a sight to see after he was done, your shivering little body just trembling as the cold air nips at your skin.
Your peeked nipples begging him to suck on them as the blood trail ended right at the dent of your breast. He dosnt wait to dig in. Quickly ducking his head down he laps at your feverish skin. Collecting all the blood and sweat in a single sweep before littering your areolas with teasing kisses.
He wanted to play with his prey. Really make you squirm to try and run from him as his cock dug into the only thing keeping him from knotting your pussy. It was exhilarating for the both of you as his hands moved. Slightly tugging on the flimsy cotton of your underwear before digging his claw into the side of the fabric.
All the while your whining out, trying to kick at him if it wasnt for his body being pressed so close to yours. And you both know there was nothing you could do with your hands to make him stop. Tugging at the length of fur on top his head only pulled out a deep growl.
So you resorted to clutching at the leaf littered floor. Praying to something that he would stop this suffering as you once again jolted from a rough thrust across your cunt. His tugging at your panties only made them dig into your soaked self, uncomfortable with how they started to rub at sensitive spots.
Finally the fabric ripped against his claw. Slow and tedious but it did leaving yourself fully open for his attacks now. And he did just that, teasing the tip against your hole before thrusting in. Gods was he big. Stretching your walls out so much your legs stopped squirming and just trembled around his waist.
The tapered tip was already pressed snug against your cervix but that didnt stop him from leaning in and pressing fully against you. Sending sparks of pleasure up your spine as your teeth bit down onto your lip. A tiny attempt to keep down the lewd sounds coming from your throat. He likes the challenge though, rolling his hips right before pulling back to start his thrusts.
His pace is deep and fast, making sure to rub right into that spot you like as your little body writhes under his with you quickly becomeing overwhelmed by the friction. In your little fight you had given up holding everything back. Letting your lips fall apart as strings of moans and whines left your lips.
It was hard not to make a sound with his cock kissing right against your spongey wall. And with his tongue working on your neck forcing your body to ragdoll. Perfectly limp in his arms except for the arching of your back and clenching hands around his shoulders.
The rough pinch of his claws against your thin skin and brushing of his fangs against your jugular sent all kinds of pleasure and pain signals through your brain. Instincts screaming to pull away from him and run again but the clamping of your cunt kept your mind a hazed mess barely remembering to breath.
It didnt take him long to get frustrated with this position having the ground not give him enough leverage to properly rut into your hole. He flipped you over making sure to press your face into the dirt with your ass high in the air. A whine of pain came from your lips as your knees dug into the leaf litter.
He turned that whine into a moan as he thrust back into your gummy walls. Really putting his weight into his thrusts while keeping you pinned to the floor. This new position gave you no wiggle room. Only enough space to press your back into his chest as claws pinched at your sensitive nubs.
Your cunt fluttered, the familiar feeling of an orgasm beging to knot up in your belly. It made your moans grumble out in mumbled please as his thrusts became more wild and stuttered. For once he even started to make soft sounds other then the growls. With every clench he whined out, feeling his knot starting to snag on the ring of your cunt making it just so much harder to move.
With one hard push he sheathed his full knot into you, dragging a keen out of your lips as the stretch was almost unbearable. Helping sooth the pain his hands moved, one going to kneed at your tit while the other brushed a knuckle against your swollen clit. His claws could truly hurt the sensitive nub so he rubbed at it gently with his knuckle. Moving in circles trying to draw more tight fluttering from your cunt and pretty little moans from your lips.
With a sharp whine that knot in your belly snapped, causing your body to spasm as a blinding orgasm rolled through. In conjunction he whimpered out too. Your clenching too much for his overstimulated cock causing him to cum, only beginning the prosses of filling your womb with this thick seed. Making sure to properly claim his prey with a deep bite to your shoulder mid spasm.
"you ok, love?" He finally spoke after carefully removing his maw from your skin. His his voice rough from all that growling and holding back. Your equally rough voice mutters out "perfect..." as it was all you could say between panting breaths.
He responded back with a soft chuckle cleaning off the claim bite and making sure to roll the two of you over onto your sides, getting comfortable in the leaves as he blanketed your waist with his arms. "Such a good prey... my pretty little prize..." he praised while pawing at your tummy. Soothing the ache his knot and cum was causing while cleaning up the leftover blood coating your skin.
"My perfect hunter" you muttered back before knocking out from exhaustion.
(Hi! This is Pan! I hope you like my smut XD this is the first fully dont nsfw iv done so ples leave comments and tell me if something sounded off. Anyways have a nice night!)
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1delta-chaos1 · 2 days
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As a bisexual, I was so exited to find out my favorite character was also bi, so here's some shitty vox art for pride month! Shout out to all the bisexuals out there, awell as the rest of the LGBT community ♡
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auntymurda · 7 months
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photography by saemouhl on instagram.
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