#giving thanks
thelcsdaily · 6 months
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Gratitude For You
I wanted to take a moment to sincerely offer you and the whole Tumblr community my deepest gratitude. I want you to know that your support has been a cornerstone of my journey. Reflecting on this journey and realizing how far we've all gone together is amazing. I am truly thankful as the holiday season draws near.
I'd want to send you and your family my best wishes as we soon get together to spend the holidays with loved ones. I hope you have a lot of laughs, lots of warmth, and lots of good meals to share with the people you care about during this special time.
I hope the holidays are serene and filled with delectable and flavorful food for you and your loved ones.
With gratitude and my deepest, most profound thanks to you,
“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust
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stone-cold-groove · 7 months
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Nearly time to do the turkey dance.
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stormee-sky · 6 months
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Happy Thanksgiving. 🦃
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elsaqqa-4ever · 2 months
Good morning 🌹
Sometimes we give others what we lack.
We send a grin even when we're sad.
We offer them our attention when we are distracted.
We give them hope when we are in despair.
We offer them things that we sorely need because we have a kind heart that enjoys giving.
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m0tiv8me · 2 years
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From leaner days to bulkier times. As low as 160lbs and up to 198lbs. Over the past 8 years my journey to build muscle, strength, and a healthy body has been anything but easy. It’s come with many ups and downs, twists and turns, highs and lows and failures and triumphs. I’ve felt accomplished and proud, I’ve felt defeated and depressed.
It’s been a heck of a ride so far and I appreciate all those who have encouraged and supported me over the years. I am truly grateful for the kindness and inspiration you have all provided. So I guess I just want to say THANKS! Stay positive and keep working toward that better version of you, whatever that may be!
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pxvstll · 4 months
kawaii desu
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Zoo wee mama😍😍😍😍‼️‼️‼️‼️
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cleansedmedia · 6 months
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Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thes 5:16-18)
No matter where you are, or what you're going through- remember to give thanks on this Thanksgiving day to Jesus- for He supplies your every need. From us here at CleansedMedia- Happy Thanksgiving; Thanks for being around, we hope you stay longer for the projects in production!
(art by Qwest44 and @chrystallink )
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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Amen! 🙌🙌🙌
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starspanner · 6 months
I love media when it does that thing where you are blindsided with emotion and amazement and your world is forever shook.
When the camera pulls back, and then rotates, and I gasp, "It's Yggdrasil!" And burst into tears.
When the bounty hunter we just met opens that pod and I shout, "It's a little Yoda!"
When the voice comes through on the com: "On your left." And the whole theater just roars.
When Harrow the Ninth comes together like a magic eye picture in the middle of the night and I whisper in elation, "THAT's why!"
Hearing Sora's promise as he and Kairi are pulled apart, and then When you walk away… and just crumbling.
Wrapped in a blanket peering through my fingers at the things Will Graham sees in his delirium.
The tears of laughter the first time I ever see the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
Trying so hard not to just jump up and down in the theater as the Enterprise tears through the enemy ships by blasting Beastie Boys. "That's a good choice."
And so many years previous, crying my eyes out as the Enterprise burns through the atmosphere of the genesis planet. "What have I done?"
And in between, cringing in terror in my seat as that T-Rex peers through the jeep window.
Being unable to breathe from the laughter when Baron Afanas tries pizza pie. "Totally worth it!"
Struck speechless by the rain in the first scene of the first episode of Mononoke.
Cheering for the flight of dragons coming over the waterfall when Raya's trust pays off.
Sitting back in my seat and whispering, "I'm actually seeing it. I'm actually watching the Battle of the Pelannor Fields!"
That mix of both loss and anticipation each time the Doctor regenerates.
Thor when the Immigrant Song plays. "Are you the god of hammers?"
The silence of the temple as Mono wakes up.
When Wonder Woman climbs the ladder to No Man's Land.
And hundreds more:
Celebrating with my main when we take out the boss together.
Literally shouting at the pages of a book. "No! Don't you DARE do that!"
Stumbling upon some art and just…feeling it, deep inside…
Eating a meal designed by a great chef and feeling almost like you know them.
That prickle of goosebumps when someone starts singing and it's just that good…
I could go on and on…those moments, when we are surprised or devastated or delighted or helpless with laughter…they are all gifts, and each one different. To every creator who has ever created…thank you.
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theuniversalscat · 6 months
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Happy Thanksgiving one day late. But to me, everyday is a day to give thanks for all the good that surrounds me. Thank you! 🥰
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Colossians 3:17 (NLT) - And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
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helloparkerrose · 6 months
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kawaiibabeshop · 2 years
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🦃 Happy Thanksgiving Cuties! 🦃
Use code "THANKS" at Kawaii Babe today for 25% off
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gemini-sensei · 6 months
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate 🍾
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anotherfauxredhead · 6 months
Being Thankful...
--for being sterilized
--that I still have my reproductive rights
--that I have medical practitioners in my region who are respectful of my decision to get sterilized
--that my sterilization procedure went smoothly (and five-plus months post-op, no complications whatsoever!)
--that I'll never have the responsibility of dealing with my own kids because I can no longer have them!
--that I won't ever subject my would-be child to the horrors of this world
--that I go to bed with quiet and to wake up to quiet (unless if the fire alarm in my apartment building "accidentally" goes off again, which can be a total beeyotch)
--that I won't subject myself to inane child-friendly shit (the kid-friendly stuff when I was a kid eons ago was more fun, though)
--that I'm not a tired-ass, entitled mombie
--that I'll never make a man a dad
--that my vag and all will never experience the horrors of childbirth
--that I'm permanently childfree!
ETA: my 150th post here! There should be more, but busy AF still.
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fortheloveofpiggy · 6 months
Happy giving thanks day
I’m thankful for my wife and husbands, my bestfriend, overwatch, being alive right now, my sys parents, my sys in general, my brother, food, sleep, the week long school break I got, and all the small things keeping me alive right now :)
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