sunnydaworm · 22 hours
Tumblr where have you BEEN all my life? (Seriously the DuckTales fandom is a ghost town everywhere else I did NOT expect so many of you on here omggggg
seriously I can FINALLY talk about the hyperfixation I’ve had for YEARS to people who know what I’m actually talking about!!!
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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sivilvendetta · 3 days
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I used to feel great shame when taking a character I loved and imagining them in an indulgent way, but now I am empowered to do it happily and share it with strangers who also enjoy that character.
It's a lovely thing, really. Do what you love, love what you do.
I give permission to use this image as you wish with credit
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charliedawn · 2 hours
Hello i really like your fanfics about the slashers and I have a request as to what if the nurse one day walks in with a baby in her hands and the slashers think it's hers but not knowing she was just babysitting
(If you do not want to do this request I understand I was hesitant when I wanted to ask this😭)
Warning: Reckless babysitting involved
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Freddy: "That thing yours ?"
Freddy is cash.
He ain’t gonna beat around the bush.
The moment he sees a baby in the hospital, he’ll ask himself two things: first, who shagged and brought that thing to life. And two, why is it looking at him like its gonna suck his nonexistent soul out of his body ?
And since there aren’t that many women in the hospital and you were the one holding the baby, he would automatically assume that the pink fleshy thing is yours. He would then be relieved to find out that it wasn’t yours. (Not because he doesn’t think you would be a great parent, but because he kinda sees you as the mama bear of the asylum and could get jealous of not receiving enough attention.)
Freddy *proceeds to carry the baby and puts shades on him and moves its little arms to make it dance on the table*
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The baby *stares at Michael*
Michael *stares back*
Michael didn’t really care who’s baby it was. He just stared at it. It was such a funny thing to find in an asylum and he just kept staring at it. But then, he thought about who would be irresponsible enough to leave a baby unattended in an asylum with cannibal clowns ? He hence took it upon himself to take the baby and protect it until the mother or caretaker would arrive…
The baby will be safe if given to Michael.
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"Oh ! Nursy laid a child overnight ! Didn’t know your species could do that !" Penny joked as he found the baby.
He did have the craving to take a bite at first, but then he realised the baby was under your care. And as he does respect you to an extent, he decided to spare the child. Besides, the child wasn’t ripe enough for him…It wouldn’t be as nutritious as it would be if it were 4 or 5. He would hence say that he would wait until it is older. He would however observe it and smile at it or do funny faces at it when you’re not looking. He would also throw it in the air (giving you a small heart attack in the process) and giggle as he managed to successfully catch it each time.
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The baby *crying his lungs out*
Pennywise: "Give it here."
You *suspicious* : "Why ?"
Pennywise : "Do you want it to sleep ? Give it."
You then witnessed Pennywise use his powers to sing the baby to sleep. Pennywise would lull the child to sleep by singing him a song. Pennywise is older than Penny and has hence a greater repertoire and remembers…everything. He would find a song to make the baby sleep and be extra gentle with it. Unlike Penny, Pennywise is much wiser and careful. He understands the fragility of a baby and would know best what to do with it, even more since Pennywise used to have 7 siblings growing up when he was still human. But, do not leave the kid unattended for too long with Pennywise because after all…old habits die hard and unlike Penny, Pennywise isn’t fussy about the food he eats.
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Patrick Bateman is NOT a baby person, he isn’t a person person on a regular basis, but babies ? They are the worse in his book.
Loud, dirty and can’t do business.
What are they even for ?
The only baby he would get along with would be boss baby. But since he is a character in a cartoon, they would never meet. So the very real baby will stay FAR away from him and he wouldn’t even touch it. He would mildly be interested if the baby is yours, but not a lot more…
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You: "Jack. You were a father, right ?"
Jack: "Yeah. Why are you asking ?"
You *dump the baby in his arms*: "Here. I’ll be back in 5."
Jack *momentarily stunned and then calling after you.*: "Hey hey ! No ! Nurse Y/N ! Come back here !"
Jack finally sat down on a chair while the baby was just chilling in his arms and staring at him.
Jack *looks down at the baby and huffs* : "What are you looking at ?"
Him and the baby proceeded to chill all afternoon.
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You *forgot the baby in a room*
The baby *chilling on a table and about to roll off said table*
Bo *uses his unexpectedly big brother superpowers and catches it before it falls and then looks down at it…wondering what the hell he just did and why*
The baby *giving him the most baby smile ever*
Him *smirks* : "Well…Ain’t you an absolute sunshine, huh lil’ ugly ?"
Also him *carries the baby to the garage* : "Don’t worry, uncle Bo’s gonna take good care of ya. Lemme show ya how to fix a car now."
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Brahms would be happy to take care of it, but he would be clueless and would be afraid to hurt it. Brahms is strong and sometimes he doesn’t even realise how strong. He could involuntarily crush the child. So, he would just sit in front of it and be on guard duty. He would make sure no danger gets near the child and keep an eye on it until you are back. He would then ask if the baby could come back when it is a little older so they can become friends and play tag together.
Brahms *making puppy eyes at you and keeps asking when is the baby going to come back*
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liliotl · 3 months
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who can relate
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please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts
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innerenigma · 3 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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hughjidiot · 1 year
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Something I found on Twitter that really puts things in perspective as a creator.
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kanerallels · 2 years
"Not everything is about your blorbos" to you maybe. To me every other song and probably that car commercial is about them
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Please remember that there are aro/aces who enjoy concept of romance only in fiction and like shipping characters or writing smut fanfics but still they wouldn't do that things in real life 🤍🖤💜
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strawberrywinter4 · 2 months
Just found out today that my friend posts fanfiction as well.
She told me, nervously, that she posts her writing. And I was like oh! me too!
And her eyes lit up, I’m saying, LIT. UP.
She was like… what do you write?
I was like… fanfiction.
And she was like girl…
I asked where she posts her writing.
She whispered “Ao3.”
The duration of our conversation included giggling and talking about our fandoms like maniacs.
The best feeling is when you’re able to invite a friend into your secret world of fandoms and fanfiction.
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tiredhawks · 2 years
Shipping isn't trying to explain why a relationship is actually canon. It's not even trying to explain why it should or could be canon. Shipping is saying "wouldn't it be funny if these two fucked" and everyone needs to remember that.
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*This poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. If you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post).
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pinkpabli · 10 months
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Talk to me about your lost fanfiction. I'm listening. I've been there. I'm here for you.
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writers whenever they’re starting a new fic: I have these ✨ vibes ✨ now I’ll have to build an entire plot and write an entire fic about those vibes
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