#death in the family
violent138 · 1 day
Thinking about Jason's death because of his second death-subsequent-return. It's a creepy inverse of the circumstances of Bruce's parents' death. Instead of the Waynes being stolen from, Sheila is a thief. There's a symbolic loss of innocence with the pearls, and a very similar loss of innocence for Jason who gets betrayed. While there was nothing Bruce could do for his parents and he was left alive, Jason still attempts to save Sheila and dies with her. The Waynes' killing has messy consequences, but it happens in an isolated place that's supposed to be familiar to them. Jason's death (while technically has less of an impact) is accompanied by an explosion, and it happens far away from his home and everything he knows. Bruce is the only constant between them, playing a similar role in both deaths.
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There’s an alternate universe where Jason Todd got killed via tumblr poll where only like 20 people actually voted on whether or not to kill him and the other 20,000 voted the vanilla extract option
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cardinalcheerio · 4 months
Half the time I'm like, "can we have jason todd media not all about his death"?
Then I realize. If I died I would never shut up about it.
"Can you get up and grab that for me?"- absolutely not. My legs are tired from death.
"Will you go to the store with me?"- leaving the house?!? What if I die AGAIN.
So yeah, anyone who thinks jason talks about his death too much. Be honest. We'd all do the exact same thing.
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beechfruit · 2 months
So in my class we name our glue sticks to stop the kids losing or mistreating them - they're much less likely to lose a glue lid if you're shouting "oh no, Alfred's been decapitated". It's fun.
Now, I'm a big batfam girlie ✨ so naturally I named all our glues after these characters. We have Richard and Bruce and Stephanie and Barbara etc. you see the point.
Recently, the first glue stick ran out. It had to go in the bin so unfortunately it "died", and you'll never guess which glue stick was the first to die...
It was Jason.
You could not conceive the sound I made as I had to throw Jason in the bin as all the children shouted things like "Jason's dead" and "noooo Jason!"
Worst things worse, I couldn't even explain how ironic that was that Jason, the second robin, was the first glue to go!
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*Jason is casually searching around the room*
Dick: Hey Jason, what’re you looking for?
Jason: My will to live.
*Y/N walks into the room*
Jason: Oh, there it is.
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horsechestnut · 9 months
The dichotomy between Jason dying because he disobeyed Batman and Stephanie dying specifically because she was trying to follow his rules is so good, and yet so under utilized.
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
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mr-potatoesssss · 4 months
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wwprice1 · 7 months
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Keith Browning absolutely nailing today’s Batober theme of Heartbreak.
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jeena-says-hi · 1 month
Dick canonically drinks boba tea
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ky-landfill · 3 months
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sadiewayne · 1 month
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full panel under the cut
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
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i, living ghost
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reyskitchensink · 1 month
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We need more Jason Todd content
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theredhood-jasontodd · 2 months
Jason: I need to get something of my chest
Y/N: Is it your shirt? Please say yes
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grayson1996 · 17 days
"Master Dick has left."
Bruce didn't respond, not that Alfred anticipated he would. The man had been infuriatingly quiet the last few months. Never saying more than a few words at a time to him, and never the one to initiate the dialogue.
Alfred hadn't been surprised, when Martha and Thomas passed Bruce had become mute for months. Alfred had been beside himself with concern, dragging the young boy to child psychologists and specialists. Certain he was already messing up this tremendous responsibility he had been given.
It made sense that Bruce would revert back to the bad habit with Jason's death.
It had almost been a relief when Richard arrived and he could hear the familiar melody of the two of them arguing, floating up the cave stairs. It was some sign that Bruce was still there, buried behind layers of grief and guilt.
He hadn't thought the fight would end in a punch, it never had before. But as soon as Alfred heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and Richards body crash to the floor he had bolted downstairs. Just in time to hear Bruce destroy any goodwill that remained between him and his only living son.
Despite popular belief, Alfred hadn't been the butler for decades. He was the guardian of Wayne Manor and his protection of it did not stop at Bruce. This was why his first step had been to ensure that Richard was alright as his oldest stomped away, most likely to skulk in the study.
The younger man was so far from fine it only served to further fester the disappointment he felt in Bruce. A disappointment that made way to determination. Alfred had allowed Bruce to destroy everything around him after his parent's death, he had assumed the boy had needed to to move on. He was still paying for that choice every time he saw one of them don a mask and go out into the streets of Gotham.
He would not stand for it now.
Not now that there was more than just Alfred in Bruce's line of attack. Who would feel the reverbs of destruction.
Ms. Troy picked Dick up, and Alfred got the sense that the only reason she herself was not heading up to ream into Bruce, was because she could see a rare fire of rage reflecting back in his eyes. The two left, leaving Alfred with some relief knowing that Dick was out of the crosshairs.
When he finally made his way to the Manor he was right, Bruce was sitting in a high-backed armchair in his study. Face blank, and gaze looking unseeingly out the window as the first rays of dawn poked over the horizon.
Alfred was tired.
"Master Dick has left." Bruce didn't respond, not that Alfred anticipated he would. The man had been infuriatingly quiet the last few months. "Master Dick has left." He repeated, unwilling to let the man get away with silence this time.
For a moment Alfred could read the barest hint of guilt before it was buried under a veneer of indifference.
"What do you want?"
Alfred raised an eyebrow unimpressed, oh absolutely not.
"I would like many things Master Bruce, most notably for you to remove your head from where it's been so thoroughly put up your own ass." That at least got a reaction, since the arrival of the kids Alfred had preferred more subtle ways to admonish Bruce. But that was a kindness reserved for men who did not hit their sons.
"Go away Alfred."
"I will not." Alfred closed the study door behind him with a sense of finality that made Bruce shift slightly in his set. "I would like to understand what the hell it is you think you're doing?" The guilt was back but Bruce again hid it, this time with a snare.
"If you're talking about Dick, I was only telling him the truth. I don't need a partner, I don't need him, and I certainly do not need to be chided by you."
Anger was Bruce's defense mechanism and always had been. Alfred did not have the patience to humor it.
"In all the years I've known you, Master Bruce, you have never been cruel. It is unbefitting and frankly undeserved." Bruce's eyes flared at that.
"I lost my son!" I have lost so many, and yet I have never used it as an excuse to harm the ones I have left.
"I know.... You don't get to decide what happens to you in life. But you do get to choose how you will react to it and you're choosing wrong."
"Batman doesn't need-"
"I don't give a damn what Batman may or may not need!" Alfred felt his cool dissipate, leaving with it a weariness and a rage years in the making. He hated Batman, and hated it when Bruce hid behind him. "I don't give a damn about that mask of yours. Any and all of my loyalty and love has only been directed at you Master Bruce, not him. But you're quickly destroying it."
Bruce opened his mouth as though to argue, but perhaps seeing the ire held within Alfred decided against it. The fist crack in his stoic mask was showing however, as Alfred could see his eyebrows furrow deeply in some unexpressed emotion. Alfred continued,
"As soon as you brought that boy into this life his needs trumped yours and I refuse to stand here and watch as you treat him like the scum of the earth. As you verbally berate and physically demolish him just because you cannot cope. I stood by for too long but I will not stand for this. You've already lost one son and you're dangerously close to losing another if the damage is not already done. And mark my words Master Bruce, if you decide this is the path you're determined to go down, this path of cruelty and spite and solitude, I will stand with Master Dick and not you." This seemed to surprise Bruce, but Alfred didn't know why, he was many things but a pushover was not one of them. "I will not stand with you. Not this version of you who lacks any empathy and thinks he's the only man in this godforsaken family with any right to grieve." His voice broke on that last word, which seemed to spear through Bruce as he flinched at the noise.
"I've grieved with you Bruce. Lord knows I've grieved with you. But I refuse to grieve for you, not while you're still alive and still have the chance to fight." He walked over to Bruce, the man watching him warily from his seat as Alfred took his face in his hands. "My dear boy, you need to fight."
"I am fighting Alfred, everyday, I am fighting. But you don't understand what its like to lose a son." Bruce's words weren't mean, were all but desperate, but Alfred still received them like a slap in the face. He tightened his grip on Bruce's face.
"I loved Jason, I loved you, I understand all to well what your going through. I know your pain my boy, I have it, in the whole of my soul I feel it. But your cruelty is something I can't understand. Why you've decided that the best way to express your own pain is by inflicting it on others I can't understand. How you continuously do everything in your power to make Richard feel like nothing, that I can't understand..."
Finally, Alfred let go, standing up he ran a hand down his shirt, as though he could smooth out the flusteredness he was feeling.
"I don't mean to."
Alfred let out a sigh, once again feeling unbelievably exhausted.
"I know Master Bruce, but somehow that makes it worse." The sun was continuing to wain over the horizon, and Alfred thought maybe, just for today, he would sleep in. He started walking to the door, however before he could cross the threshold, he looked back at Bruce. Whose face looked both ancient and unbelievably young under the golden glow. "I have raised three boys Master Bruce. Three sons. I love you, but Richard is just as much mine as yours and I will not let you hurt him. Not again."
He turned and left the room. Hoping that he would not once again prove the Sisphysis to Bruce's unmovable rock.
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