#dead boy detectives spoilers
Charles really said "she's a lot like you, maybe that's why I like her so much" while making THAT face, and "the answer's gotta be somewhere inside that brain of yours" while gently tapping Edwin's temple, and "they won't separate us" and "I'm not leaving you", and he kept being frustrated and jealous by every one of Edwin's love interests, and that slutty little "my smile can be prETTy convincing", and being overprotective of Edwin, and comparing them to Orpheus and Eurydice, and all this just so that he could stand on the stairs of hell, gently caressing Edwin's collar bones with his thumbs and saying "i can't really say im IN love with you".
My boy that is the most unhinged of behaviours
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ambwosialive · 1 day
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STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!!
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tessxblxckthorn · 2 days
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You really gave up a potentially tranquil eternity…for your friend?
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mileenaxyz · 3 days
Makes me wanna binge the show for the fifty-eleventh time 🥹😭
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shaylogic · 11 hours
"That was the last me."
Do you guys ever think about how the Edwin that was dragged to Hell in episode 6/7 isn't exactly the same one that confessed to Charles and was hugged by Niko?
I mean he is the same essence but existentially...
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thatbeeagain · 3 days
Crystal's mum is probably also a psychic, so she could also probably see Charles and Edwin if they ever fuck around together back in london. Ive had some melatonin and im very tired so excuse the sloppy writing for now, but im imagining Crystal is packing stuff from her old house so she can move into the agency building and she's chatting with Charles and Edwin throughout, and her mother walks in on her and realises their ghosts and just. big sigh. very tired + will finish this though later give me like a day
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mossyvoidknight · 10 hours
My heart stopped when I saw the loss of colors in Niko's outfits as the episodes progressed. Like she clearly loves colors! Her room is filled with. Her outfits are full of color! Yes it was the parasites but even her first appearance was colorful! So when her colors start to leave? Instant alarm bells. Her all light/white outfits really made her seem like a spectre of herself. Like how you would image a ghost of Niko to look and given how episode 8 turned out? I can't say I'm surprised
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asherloa · 1 day
crystal in the shower after esther's but no matter how hard she scrubs she can't rid herself of the stench and memory of niko's blood
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1 AM theories about dead boy detectives here goes
saw a post about how Charles felt like he could open up emotionally to crystal but not to Edwin because he was idolising Edwin and didn't want to seem weak in front of him. I can't find this post now but I have THOUGHTS.
Yes. Charles thinks Edwin is so smart and strong and amazing, and yes, he sees him not only as his best mate, but also as some sort of idol, which is why in all those 30 years he never wanted Edwin, his beloved idol, to see his weaknesses and fears. He knows Edwin's been through so much, and he takes it upon himself to always be happy and optimistic for the both of them. And that is why when a crystal joins their group Charles is so relieved he can finally talk to someone about these parts of him, despite literally just meeting her.
But it's not just Charles! The same goes for Edwin!
Why on earth was Edwin hiding the whole cat king situation from Charles, but was fully honest and vulnerable with Niko despite literally just meeting her the day before? Hell, he even feels comfortable having emotional conversations with monty! A boy he just met!
You see, Edwin is aware of the way Charles perceives him, and he is trying so hard to fit into this role, this "responsible ghost friend who is always in control and who is there to take care of anything" and "don't worry Charles, let's get you sorted out first".
and that's what stopped them from acknowledging their love earlier, I think... Because they didn't really see each other as people, but rather as ideals, as the masks they each wear. They never allowed themselves to be vulnerable with each other.
I think it really starts changing at the end of episode 5, when Charles has this small breakdown and he finally allows Edwin to see this part of him, to calm him and to take care of him. Once Charles takes off this mask of being always happy, he is suddenly much more approachable for Edwin.
And only during episode 7, when Edwin lets down his Facade, let's himself be scared and vulnerable and weak near Charles, and let's Charles take care of him - that is the first time Edwin is truly approachable to Charles (and maybe that will now allow Charles to see his feelings for him differently??)
Anyways I'm out here screaming and eating the furniture
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hapfairy · 1 day
I don't have the time or ability to clip this so screenshot is my best attempt 😂 was watching this new interview:
And Jayden says:
"Also, you know what, the prep for that scene was... to be honest, it was actually quite easy I think even, delivering that scene. I mean like me and George are super close now and you know I... I meant it when I said there's nobody else that I'd go to hell for. So delivering that line with that weight was super easy." 😭❤️
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verityandcourage · 2 days
Watching Dead Boy Detectives again, and I noticed that the amount of time between when the Night Nurse says ‘I’ll give you thirty seconds’ and when she turns around is almost exactly thirty seconds
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The Cat King's dynamic with Esther, Monty, and Niko are his most interesting to me. It feels like he becomes more a character in his scenes with them (though I did really like his scenes with Edwin in the woods).
Especially Esther, two supernatural big shots about their humble town. Two big cats in a small safari. How long have they known one another? Enough to know each other's lore, enough for Monty to have some familiar(heh)ity with the Cat King. Monty and the Cat King's dynamic is so— homoerotic haters— a thorn in a wing or a paw, frustration and pettiness with a hint of something else, something intriguing. Niko, well, Niko tamed the Cat King in 10 seconds flat. One meeting with Niko and he was ready to twine through her legs, jump on her lap, and purr as he settled in for a nap.
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 month
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mossyvoidknight · 2 days
Oh hey this date's pretty cute look at my lesbians finding love how adorable <3
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nikossasaki · 1 month
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Sorry. No version of this where I didn't come get you, is there?
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densewentz · 6 days
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When a cunty witch beats you to death then steals your boy toy for eternal torment 😢 (based on that 'don't you miss her???' meme)
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