#dc hc
I have an idea for Baker!Tim au but he only likes to bake for his favorite people and doesn't have any shop so he's like those stay–at–home baker.
I imagine that he gifts others with cupcakes, croissants, brownies, etc... I think it will be so adorable that one of the siblings maybe Damian secretly watches him from the outside of the kitchen to know how Tim bakes and when another time Tim bakes again, Damian, comes up to him and just silently stares at Tim to let him bake with Tim and Tim let's him!!. I bet Alfred will be so proud of them!
I think it's wholesome!! Just two brothers bonding together!!
Tim baking for loved ones is an adorable concept. I especially love how Damian and him are bonding with the younger one just watching him bake. Tim, after seeing Damian's repeated interest in baking and the very pointed silence, offers for the kid to help him.
Eventually, they get used to each other's presence in the kitchen and know when the other needs an ingredient, tool, or space by the other person's body language. They can chat, but they usually work without words as they enjoy the slow process of creating with their hands.
It'd be hilarious if they also had slight arguments about baking methods (such as how to fold in butter), which devolved into full-blown duels.
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frogaroundandfindout · 2 months
Au where Jason Todd is sacrificed to the King of the Infinite Realms and, upon realizing Danny isnt actually interested in human sacrifice nonsense, immediately shoots his shot
Like this man has been reading romance novels for as long as he can remember and he absolutely refuses to let this set up go to waste. He has a strange new world, a kind but powerful king, a castle, and big ass fucking library right there.
Too bad his family didn’t get the memo and reverse summoned him back too early.
Jason: *finally seduced Danny and is about to initiate the “frantic sex after weeks of pining” portion of the plot*
Jason: *is summoned back*
Jason: *has hickies all over his neck, claw marks down his back, unzipped pants, and no belt*
Jason: …
Jason: I hate all of you, you cockblocking motherfuckers. I had him right there! I could have been his husband. HUSBAND!!!!!
Dick: …looks like you’ve been having a better few weeks than we have.
Damian: Father, I believe this is sufficient proof for removing Todd from the family.
Tim: sorry that we worried about you being at the mercy of an all powerful ruler of the dead???
Jason: *sighs with heart eyes* god I fucking wish. His eyes are so pretty when he’s angry 💕
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nicomoon69 · 2 months
due to Bernard refusing to put any furniture in his apartment Tim keeps buying him little things to put in there so it looks less empty
it however, as all things do, gets wildly out of control and the little things turn into full IKEA furniture. which means once or twice a month Tim is lugging a huge ass package up to Bernard’s apartment while Bernard is still at school or his job and putting it together
Bernard has tried to stop him, but he can’t really get mad when Tim is sitting beside the newly built furniture looking all proud for building it
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vivianthepigeon · 6 months
Dick: As your best friend-
Jason: you’re not my best friend.
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daffodilcamps · 10 months
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Ive come to realize my favorite fandoms are ones where canon just- doesn't exist?? Like the world building and characters are there- but the rest is ehhh
Marauders, half of them don't exist in the story outside a name drop or two, but in my end they have a million very complex dynamics and lives. Sure there are some commonly accepted "truths" but everything is a headcanon outside of the stuff written by she-who-shall-not-be-named
DC??? There are 10000 different canons- I doubt if you asked an employee and went "What is canon rn" They could give you an 100% right awnser outside whatever character they specialize. You get to pick and choose. Something isn't "Canon accurate"?? Canon isn't even canon accurate.
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glassdecanters · 1 year
more bart and tim hcs because u guys ate the OTHERS UP <3
tim calls him baz. that's all. no one else can.
bart loves fidgeting with anything and everything tim has. tim'll be carrying his shuriken and bart'll just find it, touch it, cut himself on a corner, complain, then go back to fidgeting with it
bart holds onto tim's cape all the time. calls him boy wonder too. all of the time.
tim loves bart because bart is one of the only people who really congratulates him. it's always "YOU DID SO GOOD!!!" and "WELL DONE WONDER BOY!!!" and tim's never gotten that before. he loves it.
bart uses :D and :3 on a regular
tim's strong enough to lift up + throw bart. that's all.
they bicker like a married couple though. like back and forth until kon or cassie is like "girls stfu ur both pretty ok"
when tim came out bart was the only person around him who wasn't really like "yeah, we know" because that's kinda mean. bart just kind of accepted it and didn't talk too much about it, it didn't matter to him, tim's tim either way
they are just best friends your honour
if tim's hurt (early red robin days this happens a lot.) and i mean hurt badly, needs time to recover kind of hurt, bart stays with him. alfred is really strict on tim not getting up and possibly hurting himself more, and alfred is one of the only people tim'll listen to. bart sits with him. talks to him, tells him everything he's "missing", make sure he eats and doesn't just continue to work whilst he's resting. but then bart leaves and tim goes straight back to it. unfortunately. old habits die hard.
tim cut bart's hair once as payback for bart and kon dying a streak in tim's. it was a jason joke and it stung like hell but tim brushed it off and got revenge
that's all for now my sweets but this wiLL CONTINUE BECAUSE IM GLAD PEOPLE LOVE THESE POSTS JUST ASM AS I DO MAKING THEM heres one of my favourite panels of them
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riotlain · 8 months
Batboys Playing Mario Kart
mario kart 8(?) deluxe specifically
little in between hc just tk get something out but i have stuff in the works i swear
Dick Grayson
He either plays DK or Luigi
Maybe Rosalina idk
He's very cocky about winning and usually comes in 6/7th place
Bets and always loses the bets
Will cheat in the older brother way yknow
Fav course is Toad's Turnpike
Jason Todd
Shy guy player
Blue shell 24/7 like he always gets it
Insanely competitive
Gets 4th place a lot
Bowser Castle enjoyer🔥
Tim Drake
Plays as Link
Wins most of the time just barely
Also competitive and is there to win
Is the one making bets with Dick (and Jason too probably)
Hardly talks when he plays. He's in the zone
Fav course is Moo Moo Meadows
Damian Wayne
Always takes Bowser no matter what
Im not saying he would throw a fit if he didn't but like you just can't be Bowser only Damian can
Satisfied as long he's higher ranked than Tim
Has broken a controller or 2
The 1 rainbow road enjoyer
Bruce Wayne
Plays as Mario because he's a simple man
Not good at the game at all !!
Sometimes wins on sheer luck
The maps confuses him
Likes Dolphin Shoals
Duke Thomas
Plays as inkling
Competitive but not as much as Jason
Gets the blooper thing a lot
Targets Dick bc its funny to him
Fav course is Thwomp Ruins
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winged-bat · 3 months
I know its a popular headcanon that Dick Grayson doesn’t know how to cook but he acts like he does but I like to hc that he does know just doesn’t cook/show that he does for a varity of reasons being either
a) his abilities are only applicable when for a large group of people, no small portions here (also maybe brings too much nostalgia from the circus days)
b) he prefers others food and didn’t see a need to make it known that he can cook
c) he doesn’t care about his own well being and cant be bothered so his place is filled with grab and go shit/microwave meals/easy to throw together things and everyone has just seen this and assumed he can’t cook
d) its a bit and he wants to see his friends/families faces when he pulls out the most vile and atrocious thing he can cobble together
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shattersstar · 10 months
hello!!! just wanted to send in a message that i have a meltdown every time I read one of your Jason pieces; so freaking good! its really special to find writers who can really get a feel for Jason without making him sound like a goofy caricature of a y/a trope or like. an incel LMAO. would love to see more of your thoughts or headcanons on Jason's opinion on college! I think he's expressed some sort of desire to attend university, but yk. the whole vigilante thing kinda screws with it. thanks again :)
college/university hcs + jason todd
a/n: aw tysm that’s so nice to hear <33 ive always wanted to know what ppl think of my take on jason bc yeah the fandoms consensus is not always. my fave. to say the least. dnejjfjdjd but im glad u enjoy it!! this was also a greatly timed ask bc im working on smth that has a section of robin jason talking abt his life n college so im gonna save some of my thoughts for when that comes out but…
i do think it’s definitely something jason’s always been interested even if his relationship with post secondary school has been fluid to say the least. sort of like: i might have a chance if i get a scholarship, to not even in school, to having a shot at going to any school, to missing out on that part of his life in favour of vigilantism and revenge
with his past briefly out of the way i definitely see jason being that person who just Attends lectures even if he isn’t enrolled. he’d go to classes with friends or someone he’s seeing if he had the time. but if anything, jason would take a course just because he finds it interesting. he’d sit in the back of the class and he 100% takes notes even if there’s no reason
if he is serious about going back to school i do stand with majority rule that he’d probably be an english/lit major.
i like to imagine jason did attempt to go to university after everything went down with bruce when he first came back though. a little scorned and confused about his place in everything. i could see him trying to play the part of someone normal and ordinary, what did people his age do again? oh yeah, go to school or leave the city.
i think he’d originally take something a bit more serious, respectable even. law, engineering, business, anything to emulate some version of himself bruce had expected jason to become. i think jason also knowing dick refused, finally agreed, then dropped out of uni would fuel him to go to spite his older brother and appease bruce even if it wasn’t conscious. like it’s an added bonus if jason really thought abt it (which he won’t ofc)
back to school: being forced to take those required liberal art courses would remind jason of what he loved in high school. he loved english class on whole and arguing with the history teacher and picked up languages surprisingly well that he did both spanish and french for a time. and while he really thought about switching majors he ultimately dropped out because he was still playing pretend and into the hands of a man his relationship was beyond complicated with.
i think jason would return when he was a few years older, a little less angry and less focused on his connection to bruce/batman. and this is when he’d major in english, im not enough of a lit baddie to pick a focus but im sure y’all can imagine <33
he’d start with night courses bc he’s already used to being awake so whats a 7-10pm lecture before patrol.
it only became an issue when courses jason’s wanted to take wouldn’t work with his nighttime plan. he started really feeling the burden of living a double life in those moments. and definitely gets antsy in class/studying when an important case is taking up his mind.
he was fortunate to take online classes that interested him greatly too but when school started becoming priority jason would have a moment with himself to decide if he wanted to spend a few years pursuing his degree with a bit more focus or go back to his life before.
and i cannot say what decision i think he’d make bc i know jason gains satisfaction from life by being red hood and cannot fully give it up but he’s also one of those people that is always dying to learn more, to know more and exercise his brain. it’s why his electives r insanely difficult mathematic courses or science labs bc everything interests him. the study of art just moves him a little more which is why he majors in it.
some other points:
- he’s not a fan of the education system and even if money is not a problem jason doesn’t rlly care abt going to elite schools and will gladly transfer around to take courses he wants or depending on where he’s currently is in the world. he’s done classes at most of gothams community colleges and at least one ivy league school
- jason’s doesn’t care how long it takes no finish school either, which works well with his vigilantism. he’s always had an unstable relationship with schooling and completing school in its expected time/format never appealed to him. jason will do it how it wants because he can :)
- he’s a handwritten notes kinda guy but understands that typing is more efficient
- will spend time at uni (and public) libraries just for funsies like he’ll b investigating new drug rings next to people studying for their midterms
- like most of us he really hates group assignments bc he’s too much of a control freak and will do all the work, hand it in and email the prof abt doing it alone without even contacting his group members bc he’s a little shit like that
- but will help in tutoring programs, be a note taker for certain courses and if jason’s fully dedicated to school he might just TA <3
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qcomicsy · 2 years
Bruce wayne platonically sleep with both Clark and Diana pass it on.
It started as the three of them were responsible to supervise a very particular thing on a random mission, it went for literally days. They played cards. Gossiped about their coworkers. Had a heart-to-heart (to-heart-to-heart-to-heart-to?). Clark cried a little. Played cards again. Diana cheated except she didn't because she would never, but Bruce was bored and butthurt so he said it anyway and "Clark stop laughing this is a serious matter". They ate whatever the jl freezer had. It tasted horrible. They talked about their family's. Clark is a good father. "Bruce it's going to work it out if you're just open it up-". They fought.
and then made it up because otherwise Clark would get sad. "How long it has been?" "42 hours". They waited in silence. "Bruce you should sleep". "No you won't stay awake a second night in a roll while we sleep. No I don't care how much your ninja training prepared you for that, I also don't care if he's going to do It anyway. Diana which side are you on?" Bruce stayed awake a second night in a roll. Clark woke up in a bad mood. It's nice how they're one of the few people who ever saw Superman in a bad mood. No they will never talk about it out loud. Diana made coffee. "It's not strong Clark. You have the taste buds of a child, don't look at me like that". They waited a couple of more hours. "How long it has been? I'm calling Jon-". Batman and Wonder woman play chess. Clark still is on his phone, he waits patiently as Jon tell him about his day, only giving his input every now and then. When they run out of things to say, Clark tells him to be good to his mother, that he loves them both and he's going to be back soon. He waits Jon to hang up. "Who's winning? Oh he's fine but Lois already went to work,". Batman won 5 times and Wonder Woman won 7. He's sulky about it.
"Let's do a re-mach again Alfred will make cookies".
They made it up for real this time.
"Bruce you should take a nap". "He wont". "I wont". "I know but he should". It's getting cold and didn't they had a warmer? Oh yeah of course it broke, they should really fix that thing. Diana wonders if she's ever going to get used to this type of weather. She misses home, not the one made of concrete, the one she danced with her sisters, she wonders what they're up to- "Oh thanks Clark". The fabric of this cape is really soft. "Thanks-
"my mom made it"
"his mom made it"
Clark glares at Bruce. They laugh. It's night again. "Have I ever told y'all...". "Yes Clark". "Oh". Now it's time to Diana glare at Bruce. "But tell us again". He does.
Diana laughs and in the same breath "When I was a child...". When she finishes Bruce hums "My father he...". "There was this girl...". When they blink it's day and when they blink twice is night again.
This time Bruce is going to sleep. Clark it's not playing. "You look like a mess". "He's right-" Diana adjust Clark's cape in her shoulders. "Even the bravest soldier needs a rest. You'll be no help if you keep going like this". Bruce want's to tell her they're not soldiers, they're a bunch of delusional misfits with too much power on their hands. But there's a curve in Diana's brow and a frown in Clark's lower lip that wisely tells him not to. He's exhausted. "I'm fine". "I won't argue about that". They do.
Bruce sleeps in the fourth night. He refuses to lay down so he just slauches in his chair, grumpy. Clark is not happy about it. Diana is not going to babysit a grown man. He'll sleep however he likes. They whisper. They don't need to have their faces close to eachother, they both have super hearing. But they do it anyway. It's comfy and Clark's shoulder is warm. Bruce might be having a nightmare. Clark reaches to the nape of his neck without thinking, thumb slowly caressing his cheek. "It's what ma uses to do". Present tense. Diana smiles. She does a small nod without taking her head of his shoulder.
They talk. Clark's heart is so big Diana swears she can feel it. They wait. Diana's knowledge transcends time and space and make Clark feels small in a good way. He almost feels like a child again. The world's too big fill with unthinkable wonder. It's when he realizes, he's a boy from a farm listening to a goddess. It doesn't feel as intimidating as it sounds. He misses not being expected to know it all. To do it all.
Bruce is awake but he's pretends he isn't. And Clark is aware but is pretending to not notice. He doesn't ask Clark's to take his hand off him. Nor does it take it himself. So Clark stays there. Diana is talking about art, culture and war and the good and bad of it all. Bruce it's breathing deep and his heart it's calm. The moment seems frozen on time.
It almost felt human.
It happens on the sixth day. Clark and Diana had an arm wrestling context. Clark won five times and Diana won two of it. He's trying not to get up to his head or overthink the possibility of her letting him think he won. Or the fact that with their sleep schedule no outcome would even come close to a honest result. She's not usually the type to lie and let him take the victory like that. "A fair match is a fair match" but she's has done it before. He's pretty sure of it. Batman is stuck in front of his computer, he misses his family. He misses his family but he won't say it. His jaw is clenched, he checks his phone every ten to ten minutes. But he won't say it. So he's keeping himself occupied.
Diana looks at the window and sit on the couch as Clark stretch himself before he sits next to her. Its noon. It's almost over. Bruce let's out a frustrated sight and turns off the computer crossing his arms to himself. He looks at them as Clark finishes stretching and lays his entire weight on Wonder Woman's side. There's few people there are able to handle him like that. And even fewer times where they actually have the time and the freedom to do it, so he's saving every opportunity that he gets. Bruce is staring at them. Clark lays his head on her shoulder. Bruce is staring. She mindlessly circles her arm on his neck resting her hand in his hair and messing his curls with the tip of her fingers. Bruce is staring. Clark looks at her to check if she's seeing it too, but her eyes never leave the unbreakable glass of the window. He looks at Bruce as he rest his head on her shoulder. There's a grown ass man dessed as a bat in the middle of a conference room crossing his arms glaring at an alien made of steal who's resting his head on a demigoddess who's humming a comercial dingle to herself, all of that, because he's to petty to come in and enjoy the moment. Clark wants to laugh about that.
And he does a little.
"You know, you can join too." He humours.
He's still glaring. Clark wonders if he's blinking.
He listen to Diana's heart. It's beating slowly, he's listening because we kinda wants to listen Bruce's, too. But the fact that Diana's heartbeat is matching the strokes in his hair caught him in a surprise. He's about ot say it when Diana goes unprompted.
"For a man who's willing to die for those he love you're sure afraid of showing intimacy."
It sounded like a teasing but her voice is cristal clear. It was obviously directed at Bruce but she's not even looking at him. And Clark want's to laugh because the man in his front it's unshakeable but his mouth twitched.
Clark still wonders if it was or wasn't a tease when she doubles down.
"Scary cat."
Clark chuckles.
Now she's looking at him.
Bruce lays on his back unmovable.
"Didn't know it was a requirement."
"There's a lot you don't know."
"Enlighten me."
"You're smart enough to get it."
Bruce takes a deep breath. The type no one would noticed, well no one but him. He's frustrated and Clark notices. But Bruce always look frustrated, so Clark knows it's not at them. The man eyes exchanged between his and Diana's.
"It's almost over".
"That's good."
"But we will have to stay a little more."
He can hear Wonder woman's other hand scratch the surfice of the couch with short nails something so small that he just silently registers it.
"How long." She's using her Wonder Woman voice. They all have one. All super-heros he means.
Some villains too.
Funny enough not many anti-heros do.
She's not even asking.
"I like this as much as you do."
"I never said I hate it."
"Neither do I."
"But I'm not happy with it." There is, Diana's voice. The tired one, the one he only heard five years into their friendship.
Batman drops the act.
"Me too." He takes of the cowl and passes his both cloves hands over his face and stays there as if he's analysing if he should say it. "I'm going to lose Damian's PTA and Cass's Ballet."
"It's the third..." When his hand reaches his mouth he stops himself.
"So it's 16th." Diana helps.
"Three days."
"Until it's done."
"Have you warned the others?"
Batman just looks at her.
She doesn't bother to answer.
Silence again.
It's crushing. Clark misses Lois. He doesn't know if Jon has eaten, he called yesterday but no one picked up. They must've been sleeping. Kara promised check in. He misses his wife. He misses his wife and his house and his dog. He hopes Jon is feeding Crypto well because he forgot once, but he hopes Jon's be more aware now even if he's not there to remind him. He's kid is grown. He should send a message. And he should call Kon. But Kara promised check in. But that doesn't really matter because that's not the reason why he should call. And he should call. He won't, but he should. And Clark Kent was supposed to go back to his work after being "sick" four days ago. And-
"I mean it is cozy"
He hears his voice saying, it's the first time he intervene in a while.
Both Di and Bruce smile.
"He wouldn't know." She follows.
And that's enough to Bruce to join in. He sits besides them with the silent over-confidence he always has. But he clearly has no ideia about what to do with his hands. At first he puts on his own thighs, then he tries to rest in the back of the couch behind them, his hand nudges wonder woman's arm so the retreats it. Clark want's to giggle, instead he just take it on his own.
Clark was fourteen when he noticed men aren't supposed to be as affectionate as he was.
There's a akward wait between them. It's not the first time they do it, it probably won't be the last. But he always like to check. So he waits. There's a small squeeze, lighter than a feather and Bruce's weight slowly rests on him.
Clark's hand is too soft for someone made of steal.
They're exhausted. They all are, but they're not supposed to say it. Clark is resting on Diana's shoulder and holdings his hand and Bruce refuses confront what that does to hi heart. It's something too warm, too fuzzy and tender for him to grasp. Men like him aren't supposed to get that.
They sat in silence. Two of the most important beings of the universe and a spoiled brat. It's a joke. But he doesn't feel like laughing. He's not worth it. God knows he's not. But Clark's hand is soft and Diana's voice is crystal clear. So he stays anyway.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Hoping it never does.
Diana's reciting the constellations name's. More to herself than to any of them. She knows the star's first names. He knows the scientific one's. He kinda wants to correct her, just to be a brat. But his eyes are closing and clark is warm.
Bruce wakes up the next day with Clark's cape on his shoulder and no one at his side.
He smells coffee from the kitchen and hears Clark's voice faintly complaining from the hallway.
And he's horrofied.
He's horrofied because that's the comfiest and safest that Bruce has ever slept in his entire life.
And he can't stop thinking about it.
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brucewaynehater101 · 6 hours
Some Random Person: Hey, can you take a picture of me and my friends?
Tim, who's Tony Hawk levels unrecognized: Sure.
After pic is taken...
Random Person: ...why the fuck do we look like heroes?
Random Person's Friend: *vibrating in so much happiness at how cool they all look*
I love the idea here that Tim's photography skills have been honed to where he can only take heroic photos, no matter the subject (which I bet Damian appreciates when Tim manages to capture Alfred the Cat's, Titus's, and Batcow's pictures).
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k4txlulzz · 5 months
i headcannon dick grayson to be PARTIALLY georgian/kartveli/ქართველი:3 (and no i don't mean the state i mean the COUNTRY in the caucasus region) because i like projecting a lot and its how i show love for my favorite characters tehee🤭 ANYWHO if i recall correctly his dad is non-romani in the current canon (he's white american i think?) so i just made him georgian instead! that makes grayson romani from his mom's side and georgian from his dad's side; im leaving the stuff with his romani heritage as it currently is in canon because i dont think its my place to really get into all that cuz im not romani myself
but i AM georgian so i'll just portray a part of his character that i know best<3 just want to focus on what im 100% educated on and familiar with cuz again, its not my place to portray something i dont have experience with/am not part of
i have a ton of other little headcannon tied to this and the main one is that bruce is also georgian + since wine is an incredibly important part of our culture (its what we are known for) and there are a ton of georgian wine companies, in my hc bruce inherited a very successful huge wine making business! i felt that if i made bruce georgian too it would connect them more and it did!! they talk to each other in georgian often + at first bonded over "the knight in the panther's skin" aka "ვეფხისტყაოსანი"/"vepkhistkhaosani" which is an huge epic poem that is like a second bible to us, i got the idea for dick's georgian name from there<3 one of the characters is named avtandili (ავთანდილი) and he's my favorite + reminds me of grayson sometimes so i just went with that! plus it suits him; i headcannon that bruce and dick would quote this epic poem to each other often:) OH AND speaking of bruce !! his georgian name would be abesalom/აბესალომ and the georgian version of his last name wayne would be-vakhtangishvili/ვახტანგიშვილი
bonus hc->wally is georgian(at least partially) as well and his georgian name is vazha/ვაჟა
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nicomoon69 · 1 month
I have a silly hc that Bernard is actually a brunet but decided at like 14 he wanted to be blond (lord knows why) so he’s been dying his since then. except he’s a mega freak so the moment the roots are even the slightest bit visible he’ll do a touch up and also purposely keeps the fact that he’s a brunet from people
this also means that even well into their relationship Tim never finds out Bernard is a brunet bc 1. no roots visible ever 2. there’s no kid pics of Bernard due to his parents 3. Bernard has no friends that know so they can’t snitch on him and 4. Bernard has zero intentions of revealing himself (for now)
the only time Tim came close to knowing was that time in td:r when Bernard fucked up while bleaching and went white. the only reason Tim didn’t put the pieces together is bc Bernard had been talking about experimenting with his hair, so Tim just assumed he meant dying his hair
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vivianthepigeon · 6 months
When I was a little kid I would take like HUNDREDS of videos on my mom/dads phone. Just like of me singing or talking about my day, stuff like that. Now I have a hc that when Dick was little he would do the same thing with Bruce’s and Alfred’s phone. Bruce kept them bc that’s freaking adorable and now there is a folder on the bat computer just of baby Dick’s videos
(Maybe the other batbrats too but SPECIFICALLY Dick)
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 8 months
I said it before and I’ll say it again; we NEED Superboy Conner and Lois Lane found family content
We all know that usually, Lois and Superboy would meet in a period of Clark’s "death". He’s one of several supermen who are trying to fill the gap Clark left and is a clone of his, lab-grown and about 14-15 years old at the time he and the famous journalist meet. Now let me explain my vision.
Lois, usually sassy and blunt in her approach, becomes even more cold and short-tempered after her lover dies. Conner has been briefed on her close friendship with Superman however, so he tries to get into her good graces as she was always Supe’s #1 supporter and gave him good media-coverage.
At first, the woman is obviously done with him. Conner is being his teenage, edgy self and she is grieving over Clark and can’t take much of his bullshit, so after brutally shutting down his half-hearted flirting and correcting him to not call himself "superman", she promptly leaves whatever event she’s even invited to.
However, as Lois is having her little investigation arc, getting to know other supermen and observing how they deal with villains and emergencies, Conner appears on her radar more and more and through forced proximity, she begins guiding him, although roughly.
“Being a hero is not about fame. If that’s what you’re looking for — give up. This is volunteer work, and you’re doing it for the sake of keeping the innocent people safe. You wanna be a hero? Drop the bravado.”
Conner dislikes it at first, but Lois’s tough love quickly grows on him. He likes her honesty and the legit advice she gives him in spite of the dark place she’s clearly in. At the same time, the boy comes to resent Luther more and more every day, with how dead-set he is on treating Superboy like a product, and investing zero of his time into actually raising the kid who very much needs a parent at this age.
So Con just kinda…starts showing up at the same spots Lois is, even outside the hero work. At the cafe, at her job, at the park. Wherever she goes, the kid will most likely appear, and after listening to him talk about Lex, she minds him less and less.
“I’m, like, an investment y’know. I need to keep Mr. Luther happy or..”
“…Nothing. Forget it.”
“What’s this?”
“My number. If something’s up, if you need someone to talk to, if you need…help, call me.”
Lois doesn’t miss the way Conner’s cheeks redden and eyes sparkle. Do grown-ups never offer him support? She wouldn’t be surprised.
Anyway, now Conner texts and calls her daily. Sends her memes, funny Tik toks, and Lois dryly responds to them, yet never ghosts him. In other words — they’re constantly in contact now.
At the same time, Conner, through Lois’s advice, really starts getting into the whole superhero thing, doing it for the civilians instead of media attention. He gets good publicity but rarely shows up at LexCorp anymore. Luther feels his leash slipping and knows why. He wouldn’t let the kid have a phone without putting trackers to track his investment, and he knows that Conner holds Lois close to his heart; that he really wants her approval.
“I think it’ll be best if you stay away from Lane, boy.”
“What?! Why!?! You were the one who said I needed to get good media coverage!”
“Getting too buddy-buddy with journalists and not knowing when to keep your mouth shut will bring your downfall.”
“Mine? Or yours? Who’s really gonna be in trouble if I "don’t keep my mouth shut"?”
Lois gets anxious when Conner stops texting and answering calls. Something’s wrong, and Lex must be the reason. Her heart lurches.
Conner is just a kid. She can’t let him get hurt. Can’t loose someone again.
So she goes to LexCorp and interrogates Luther right off the porch.
“Where is he? What did you do to him!?”
“Conner? Nothing that is of your business, miss Lane.”
“I swear to god if you touch a hair on his head—“
“He’s my legal property, Lane. I created him, and I know better than anyone how to take care of him and keep him in line.”
Luther’s words send a shudder down her spine. He really didn’t see Conner as his own person? Then what was he capable of doing with him? How far would he go to keep the boy in line?
Long story short: she comes back with her special reinforcement (take a pick of whichever superman, or Batman).
They find Conner kept in a cell, surrounded by strange red lights and there are dried tear-tracks on his face. The door is broken/hacked open, and the three run away. The kid hugs Lois and sobs into her shoulder, and she holds him just as tightly.
“Oh Con, kid, did they hurt you?”
“*sob* I-that asshole said I’d stay there until I learned how to behave…”
“Well you’re definitely not coming back to that shithole. Ever.”
“Where…where do I go then?”
That evening, Conner ends up sitting in front of a TV in Lois’s apartment, eating noodles with her and watching action movies. For the first time since first waking up, he feels like he has a safe space, somewhere to call home. The legal battle with Luthor is going to be tough, but Con can rest assured knowing that Lois won’t let him go. She can get real scary when she wants to.
For now though, those worries are far away as he falls asleep on her shoulder, wearing an oversized sweater that used to belong to someone Lois loved, and she smiles, feeling, for the first time in months, that things will be okay…
Because they’ll have each other.
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