#because I am worried about running out of tags or Tumblr eating them lol
puppetmaster13u · 26 days
Prompt 299
Hear me out- Ghosts have wings. They have wings, which are affected by their cores, and can make them disappear from sight if they want or need to. You got that? Good. 
Ecto-contaminated people? Don’t have wings. Liminals and Halfas, who have developed cores? Do have wings, and they can’t hide said wings, because unlike ghosts? Their bodies are physical living flesh. 
Now Gotham? Ecto-contaminated, there’s no doubt about it. The amount of portals that have been opened there and death pits and death cults… yeah it’d be surprising if it wasn’t. But again, no one really notices, because at most? Most just get a bit of eyeshine. 
The Bats however? Oh man are they freaking out when they wake up with aches in their back and feathers starting to poke through their skin. Curse? Nope! Welcome to Liminality, enjoy the second puberty of wings, emotion-sharing, fangs, claws, and whatever else you might develop- also enjoy the whole eating fear thing. (Wait, the what-)
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Unwinding in the Vines
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Reader can’t get enough of cuddling Spencer.
A/N: Hey Heyyyy! Here’s my twenty-third fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April! Sorry this one is again out a little later than usual- I’ve started a new job and it was my mom’s birthday today! This ones based on this request from @lexieshuntingsstuff- it’s a user smol sweet moment between Reader and Spencer. Feel free to send me an ask here (I promise I don’t bite lol) Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Vague mentions of death (of minor characters & a tree lol) & Reader is overprotective of Spencer after he had a run in with an unsub- other than that it’s just a smol fluffy moment.
Main Masterlist Word Count: 1.2k
His arms were wrapped around my torso tight. They wound around to hug every dip and curve of my body, like the vines of ivy trailing up the tree he was resting his back on. Unlike the tree, who was being choked slowly to death by the vine, I thrived under his hold.
His hold on me made me feel safer than I ever had been, grounding me. Him being clingy also assured me that he was real, I could feel his skin on mine, even when his touch was dampened by our clothing. Though I craved him being closer, even more clingy than he already was being, I’d have to settle with how we were. I tried to sink into his touch even more despite it not being possible, winding my own arms up around his to create vines of my own.
I often felt unsafe, specifically at my job which was also Spencer’s. He was by my side through every investigation, through thick and thin, willing to do whatever it takes. It didn’t matter whether we were personally involved or it was the most routine case we had all year, he was always by my side. Though I often craved for him to be closer to me, to smother me with his whole body twisted around me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.
I then hooked my legs around his, intertwining myself even further into him, no longer knowing where I stopped and he began. It had been too close of a call during the last case for me not to want him so close. He was the one holding me, but really I was protecting him from the man who dared pull a gun on him even though he was dead.
“What are you thinking about?” Spencer spoke up pulling me out of my daydream for a moment.
I fiddled with my fingers that I had intertwined with his, assuring me that he was here, safe and here to keep me safe. He nudged my side as I started to drift off back into my thoughts to prompt me to give him an answer, “How much closer I want you,” Was the first answer that came to my mind, until the true answer came to me. I hesitated, reluctant to spill my guts even though I knew he wouldn’t be mad, “ and- how glad I am that you’re safe…”
His breath hitched, probably him thinking back to his brush with death, all because of some cocky unsub so chaotic he had been hard to predict. I wanted to apologize for bringing it up, but Spencer had already moved on from the subject, choosing to focus on the positive, “I don’t think I can’t physically be closer- unless you want our atoms fuse.”
I giggled a little along with Spencer, making our chests vibrate with one another. Twisting myse a little around for just a moment I booped the tip of his nose delicately before teasing him with my tongue stuck out just a bit, “Think you could figure that out doc?”
“Maybe- I could probably do it with an assistant.” He teased right back, with a boop on my nose too as revenge.
“Only if it’s me.”
“I’d never be able to do anything without you.” My heart swelled at the affection, just as it always did around Spencer. He always leveled attacks of affection on me, which some would find obnoxiously overbearing. I thought those people were crazy. I loved him so much, letting him go or him letting me go sounded sad. When we were unable to touch each other at work I always felt a slight pain in my chest at the thought of it. Guess that probably made me clingy as well, but Spencer loved it just as much as I did.
My mind had shifted back to thinking about the BAU, our job that caused constant turmoil within me. Ever since he had nearly been fatally wounded I couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything else for us, something safer. Looking up at the clouds floating along without a care in the sky, I envied their ability to be carefree, to be able to see where the wind takes them.
“Did you ever think this was where you’d be?” He looked up at the clouds with me, perhaps also wishing life would be just as easy and carefree.
“No.” It was true, and also not surprising. Whether his answer was about his job or about me, I knew that even not that long ago he never would have imagined being here underneath the tree with me. Though, I was still worried that he no longer wanted to be a part of the BAU, especially after the recent fiasco. I did not want him to stay only for me.
“Do you want to be here?” My meaning had a double entendres, at surface level meaning his time with the BAU which even with my anxiety over recent events, I knew realistically we were meant to be there. Suddenly I was now anxious for his answer to the other meaning, whether or not he wanted to be here tangled up with me. We had said the words I love you out loud, and even then self doubt liked to poison me.
“Yes.” His arms choked around me tighter, but I never felt more free to be me. I never felt more alive than when I was close to Spencer, thriving with him. My own arms were holding Spencer down to me, but he had told me once that I was the only reason he ever grew to be better which I happily did along with him.
My stomach rumbled, interrupting our deep conversation. It was loud enough that Spencer could hear it even with the breeze that was muffling almost everything. He moved his hand down to rub my stomach, soothing it for the time being. “Do you want to eat the rest of the food?”
Wistfully I looked over to the picnic basket that we had packed for our time to unwind. We had eaten only a small portion of it before he had pulled me back to rest on his chest. My stomach may be slightly rumbling, but I wouldn’t want to give up my hold on Spencer or have him give up his hold on me. “No, you’d have to let me go if I did.”
I felt warm, almost hot, his arms insulating all the heat inside me along with what I produced on my own. My cheeks were definitely burning, but I didn’t care, I felt safe here away from the horrors I faced everyday with him. I never wanted him to stop clinging on to me like a koala bear or like the vines around us. He brushed a finger along my cheek, which was probably hot to the touch as he then asked, “Are you sure I’m not holding you too tight?”
Nuzzling my face on the side of one of his arms, I then squeezed my palms around him three times, a silent confession of my love. Turning my head up I saw him looking down at me in adoration, not at the other beauties of nature around me. I squeezed him tight once again, trying to entangle us permanently like a vine to a tree before I told him, “No, it’s perfect.”
Ask Me Anything
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All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @spenxerslut @boxofsparklingmuses @katexrichardson @takeyourleap-of-faith
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat @anaagraceeberr @ashcakes1918 @reid-me-a-story @cosmic-psychickitty
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
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stillwithkoo · 4 years
Royal Spies and Everything Nice
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Summary: It's hard being a princess who's also an undercover spy, but with the help of your rival and sort of boyfrienemy Prince Jeon, maybe you'll make it through alive.
Tags & warnings: fluff, angst, some violence, just beware- jk. Rivals2luvers, some shrek characters make an appearance cos i smoke cracK das wut i smoke. Smut in the end, a lil cussing etc.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Commissioned for @nochusyn 💋 tysm for being so patient ilyyy and im so happy i didn't d13 so i could finish this! Shsh xx (if y'all wanna commission me just message me here on tumblr!)
Wc: 10k+++
A/N: I almost di3d writing this so pls read it n check it out char- begging? Lol jk. But fr, I was so sick with 39.5 fevers and I didn't even know when i would finish it but I'm so happy I finally did today! This is also like a late jk bday present. Ily all and JK always! 💜
Once upon a time in the futuristic land of Royalea, a secret spy academy was made for royals to train and become professional spies. After years of suffering from invaders and having their kin kidnapped and slain by the same invader rebels, the royals wanted to put a stop to it all, they wanted to protect their children, their future heirs.
They had learned from their past mistakes and devised a plan to become stronger. They strictly trained their children at a young age to help in preparing them to face all kinds of enemies. So that when the time comes, they will be able to protect themselves. They won't be the ones cowering in fear, feeling helpless and begging for mercy at the hands of their enemies.
They will be the ones invading other lands and eradicating anyone who threatens to come in their way. That is how they innovated their land. With their newfound courage and mindset. Within just a few years of establishing the academy, they had the latest gadgets and technology the neighboring countries would envy. Their princes and princesses trained brilliant in combat. To them, it didn't make their heirs any less poised and graceful just because they knew how to fight. Those times are done, and they knew what was most important having witnessed the chaotic events that happened before.
Although most of them thought that- not everyone did. A few royals still wanted to live the traditional way, they preferred to raise their royal children by the book and with grace, as they say. They reasoned that their heirs' responsibilities were to lead a land, not play as guards. They were curious about the superb technology their land had now, but they limited their use of it. Your parents were one of those traditional royals.
The queen was about to enjoy the morning's prepared feast, when she caught you in the corner of her eye wearing a cloak heading for the door. You were probably planning to sneak out before breakfast again. "Y/N, come back here dear. You were trying to sneak out again right? Where have you been running off to these days? I hope it's not where I think it is, because I've told you not to go there-" The queen had ranted but you cut her off. "It's not where you think it is okay? But even if it was, why won't you let me go anyway? How will I be safe If I don't know how to defend myself?"
"You know why we forbid you to go to that place. You're safer here. You don't need to become a brute to be safe. That's why there are guards to protect you, you have your own knight Hoseok to protect you-" The queen rambled and explained only to be interrupted by you again. "Well I don't want to just rely on the guards and my knight, your majesty. I wanna be able to protect myself whenever and wherever. You say I'm safer here, but you can't always assure that. I don't know why you won't just let me be a-" It was the queen's turn to interrupt you, "And I don't know why you keep on insisting to disrespect and disobey me. Don't finish that sentence or you'll regret it princess. Actually, If you won't listen to me then maybe you'd be better off inside your room the whole day. Guards, please escort Princess Y/N to her room and make sure she doesn't leave the palace."
"This is so unfair! Why are you doing this to me?" You exclaimed. "You know why, my child. It's because I only want to keep you safe. I'm doing this for you so don't dare to disobey me again, or you might have to stay in your tower for a year again." The queen warned. You didn't bother to retort anymore, it was futile.
You were bored, your breakfast was sent to your room but you didn't have the appetite to eat. You were supposed to be assigned to a new mission today, it just sucks that your mother had seen you on the way out. All of it sucked. This castle you're in, your mother, (though you loved her deeply, she can sometimes be so difficult and strict.) everyone on this planet, Prince Jeon, wait… Jeon Jungkook. That's it! Maybe if his panties aren't in a twist today- maybe he can help you get out. It won't hurt to try though, so that's what you decided to do. You took your phone and messaged him.
To Agent 🐰: 9:18 am
Hey bunny I need your help.
To Agent 🦊 princess: 9:19 am
And why should I help you? 🤔
To Agent 🐰: 9:20 am
Because I'm stuck here and I can't fight you if I can't get out. So come here and get me 😜
To Agent 🦊 princess: 9:21 am
Touché. But what's the magic word princess? 😉 you need to say it.
To Agent 🐰: 9:22 am
Ughh. Fr? Fine. Pls help me my furry prince and hurryyyy.
To Agent 🦊 princess: 9:23 am
I'm otw my princess. And for the Nth time I told you I'm not a furry!
Jungkook arrived to the palace after a while, the queen was always delighted to see his presence. "Prince Jungkook, It's a pleasure to see you. If you don't mind me asking, what brings you here today?" the queen inquired. "It's a pleasure to see you too your majesty. I actually came here to see Princess Y/N, is she busy?" Jungkook said albeit knowing you were stuck in your room.
"Oh not really. Let me ask the maids to get her for you."
"Um, if you don't mind your majesty, I can just go into her room myself. If that's okay?" Jungkook asked. "Of course that's okay dear. You know where her room is right?" Jungkook nodded.
Jungkook was taking a little too long, you thought. If only you had another choice, you wouldn't conspire with that annoying prince. After a few seconds, you heard someone knocking on your door. Could it be him? "Jungkook is that you?" you inquired. "No, I'm not Jungkook miss. I'm just your friendly neighborhood spiderman." you opened the door and there stood the handsome ebony haired prince. "Spiderman your ass, what took you so long? I've been waiting here for ages!" You whined. "Sorry princess, I did try to hurry a little for you. Anyway, what's the plan?" The prince said as he sat and made himself comfortable in your bed.
"Hmm. I was thinking maybe you could convince my mother to let me go out with you today," You looked at him directly, trying to convey what your plan is with your eyes. "Even though I'm supposed to be grounded. Maybe you could tell her that we're gonna practice archery, or we're gonna conquer other lands, whatever just do your thing. As gross as it is and I don't know why but, she's quite fond of you so- help me get out of here." Jungkook stares at you and notices how your long brown wavy hair falls over your face. He always thought your hairstyle matched perfectly to your face. You were actually kind of perfect to him. But he'll never tell you that of course, even if you or someone threatened to kill him.
"And what do I get by helping you princess?" He smirked. He loved teasing you and making you irritated, he thought it was kind of cute how your face would turn red from anger after he irritated the shit out of you and when you get flustered. Everytime he teased you he couldn't help but think you were sort of cute. "You can get the satisfaction of me letting you get more points on the top spies leaderboard." You replied smartly.
"As if you'd let me do that without chewing my ear off. Please give me something that's actually factual."
"Fine. Hmm, how about me promising not to insult you for a week even if you annoy the hell out of me?" You suggested smiling a little manipulatively at him. "Eh, that's lame. How about you do me a dare and maybe I'll agree to your planposal." He retorted and smirked arrogantly. You hated when he smiled like that, he's always so cocky and just because he looked handsome as hell- not that you'll admit it out loud ever, doesn't mean you'll fall for his insufferable cute ass. Wait did you just say handsome and cute? Ew. You meant evil. Yes that's what you meant… Anyway.
"Please don't say planposal ever again," You rolled your eyes at him. "Regardless, it depends on what the dare is. If you want me to run around naked and flash the whole kingdom then that's not gonna happen baby." You told him strictly.
"Don't worry princess, as satisfying that concept is for me, I don't wanna be the cause of blindness and curse the whole land." What the heck did he mean? Did he just insult me? "Whatever, Jeon. Just tell me what you want." You demanded.
"I want you." What? Did his last tiny brain cell die and now he's talking nonsense?
"What?" you replied flustered by his weird statement.
"I want you to do this mission for me. That's my dare. Why are you flustered though? Did you think about something else?" He taunted and smirked again, It's like he never stops being cocky when he's around you.
"Of course not. I'm not delusional like you. And what mission is it that you can't seem to do it yourself? Is Prince Jeon a little scared?"
"I'm not scared. It's just no fun to do it myself when I can have my princess to do it for me. That's my condition though if you want me to help you get out of here. I'll help you escape, and you'll help me when you're out. Is it a deal?"
"Hmm, tell me what mission is it and maybe I'll agree." You proposed. "You'll know when you do it, so I'm not telling you right now. Also, I want you to do another little thing for me." He grinned evilly. You have a feeling you're gonna hate him even more for what he's about to make you do. Nevertheless you agreed, if that meant he'd help you get away from your mother today. [INSERT PIC]
You were finally able to get out of the palace thanks to Jeon Jungkook's annoying face. You don't know how he charmed your mother, but at least she bought the act that the two of you were practicing your archery skills. You got what you wanted, but at the cost of your ego. You couldn't believe you actually praised Jeon Jungkook in public and embarrassed yourself on social media. Anyhow, the two of you were now on the way to the academy riding your respective monocycles. (the ones the guys in Men in Black used to ride, if you've seen the movie.)
It didn't take long for you to arrive, and before the other royal spies could see that you two came together, you already told Jungkook to maintain some distance beforehand, and act as if you didn't just hangout awhile ago.
You parked your monocycle and just as you were about to go inside the academy, you noticed how Jeon Jungkook gathered the attention of some girls and even boys too. Maybe it was the way his hair still looked perfect and fluffy in the wind, or the way he walked so gracefully just how a prince should. Either way, you couldn't deny how popular he was. He was every prince/princess' dream guy. No one could resist him, and maybe you couldn't too, maybe that's why you loathe him a lot.
In Prince Jungkook's defense, it wasn't his fault he was born so damn beautiful. He didn't pretend that he didn't notice the stares and the attention people gave him. But he also wasn't so cocky about it. He was still quite humble if he might say, and he was a shy guy too. He didn't actually care about everyone's attention, well maybe except one. It was still confusing to him how you always thought he was cocky because he was popular, as if you weren't cocky and popular too? He wondered if you noticed the other princes gawking at you when you walk by, or the insecure princesses rolling their eyes because they can't be you. You weren't even just a princess, you were one of the best spies in the academy too.
You were practicing your knife throwing skills when you noticed a presence beside you.
"Go on continue, don't mind my gorgeous presence here." He said.
"What are you doing here Jeon? And what do you want? I'm busy," you retorted. "I just wanted to remind you about our deal princess. The mission I want you to do, it's at 1800. Just wanted you to be ready."
"I'm always ready Jeon."
"I know but you might need a good luck from me personally for this one, that's why I came to see you before you go. Good luck my princess, be safe." He said and left you wondering if the mission was truly as dangerous as he hinted.
It turned out that the mission was quite harder than you expected. You had to overthrow a mad king, but not just any mad king- he was a retired superspy too. It didn't help that his army were giant killer robots, and although you've trained at a young age, it was still a little difficult to defeat them alone. You understand now why Jungkook made you do this mission, it was a trap.
That insufferable prince- he'll see when you get out of this hell hole, if you get out of here alive he'll really get his ass kicked. "Ballsacks!" you cursed as you barely dodged the laser beam the giant robot just shot at you. You were debating now if you should call reinforcements but you didn't wanna lower your pride for him even more. You didn’t wanna give him the satisfaction of knowing you're failing this mission.
Just as you thought you were gonna get crushed by one of the ginormous robots- to your surprise, the nasty thing got blown into bits.
"I knew these bubblegum bombs would come in handy someday," the voice spoke. "It's really unprofessional of you to leave your gadgets behind princess. You should be thankful I decided to bring them here to you." Of course it was the insufferable agent rabbit.
"What are you doing here Jeon?" you inquired rudely.
"What does it look like I'm doing Y/N? I'm saving your ass from getting killed." he retorted, and you were taken aback when he called you by your first name. It was a rule that agents should call each other by their codenames, you wondered if he forgot about that. "How dare you call me by my name! You know that isn't allowed. Call me by my codename you idiot, and I don't need you to save me, I can save myself thank you very much." You retorted.
"You called me by my name first! Whatever, and sure you can, you were obviously not about to get crushed just five minutes ago. I didn't even get a sincere thanks from you 'cause in case you forgot, just like how you forgot your gadgets, I saved you princess." he said snarkily. "Well, I didn't ask you to, but fine thanks a lot! I'm so grateful you saved me. Happy now?" So what if he saved your ass this time, it's not like he saved the world? And you were only in this predicament because of him anyway. This was his mission and he made you do it, maybe it was your fault for underestimating the mission hence, you only brought a few gadgets- but that's not even such a big deal. So why is he blaming you and making such a fuss about this? You really despised his ass.
"That still sounds so insincere princess, but sure I'll accept that, we have bigger robots to fry right now anyway-"
"Don't stop attacking them annihilate them fast!" The mad king exclaimed as he instructed his gigantic robots to attack the two of you even harder. You heard his minions reply and called him Agust, maybe that was his name. Jungkook and you were hiding at this point, their attacks were getting stronger and you really needed to finish this mission fast but that's still a problem for now. Luckily Jungkook thought of a plan, and he decided you should use the remaining bubblegum bombs to destroy all the massive robots, but you had to chew the gums first before blowing it on them.
You blew the last one on the king and successfully eradicated his existence for good. It was satisfying to defeat him albeit it wasn't that easy.
"Ugh, finally we can go home now." Jungkook whined. "Yeah, mayhaps I can't believe we could work as a team." You added. "A team? I did all the work though? Without me you'd probably be-" you cut him off, "Yeah sure, whatever but I still helped blow the gum bombs! Anyway, we better leave now my mother's probably worried."
"I would be too, if I had a daughter like you." he remarked. "What's that supposed to mean Jeon?" You glared at him. "Oh nothing, nothing my princess." there he goes again smirking like a cocky idiot. Gross. He didn't even stop grinning when you rode your monocycles all the way home.
"Prince Jeon, Princess Y/N, It's late. What took you so long?" The King inquired. You were surprised to say the least that it wasn't your mother, the queen who was waiting for you when you arrived. "Sorry if I took her out so long your majesty, we decided to visit my kingdom after practicing archery and got distracted. We didn't realize the sun had already set when we were done, my apologies." Jungkook smoothly reasoned.
"It's fine, next time just don't stay out too late. Though Y/N dear, what happened to your dress? It's as dirty as a peasant! Is that how a princess should behave and carry herself? You're lucky your mother isn't here and on an emergency meeting right now, or you'll be grounded for life!" Your father added. "Dad I-" you were about to defend yourself and explain when Jungkook cut you off.
"It's actually my fault, your majesty. Please don't blame Princess Y/N. We were playing at the castle, and mayhaps we had too much fun. I apologize again, your majesty." Jungkook looked at you in a conspiring way, as if to tell you to ride along with his story. "Very well. You should stop apologizing son, accidents can happen." Wow. Your father didn't get mad at the obnoxious rabbit prince, but he got mad at you, how fracking fair. It's totally fine. You truly felt great. "Although you both should always be mindful of how you look and your actions, you are royalty after all." The king added.
"Of course dad, even though I didn't ask to be born like this…" You quipped, voice lowering a little as you finished saying it. "What did you say Y/N?" "Nothing dad, can I go eat dinner now? I'm hungry as heck. Bye Jeon, have a safe trip on the way home." You told Jungkook and were already heading to the dining area when your father decided to say something that stopped you from going there completely, "Mind your language dear, also it's truly quite late, aren't you starving Prince Jungkook?" The king inquired, staring at Jungkook to check his reaction. "Um, It's late your majesty I should be heading home, and I don't know if Princess Y/N wants me to eat with her…" You glared at him and mouthed 'What the fck Jeon? You frackin pig!' well obnoxiously he looked like a rabbit with his big bunny teeth, but the way he was acting now- he was like a starving pig. The king ignored what Jungkook said and told him, "Nonsense boy! I'm sure Princess Y/N will be delighted to have you join us for dinner. I already ate actually, but I'd love to join you both for dinner again I could get some snack- you can't always have enough snacks!" The king exclaimed enthusiastically.
"But dad-" you try to dissuade him to no avail, "No buts my lovely daughter, Prince Jungkook will be joining us for dinner. You should probably change your clothes before you eat dinner, Jungkook and I will head to the dining room first. Come along now Jungkook," The king beckoned as Jungkook followed him to the dining room. You were planning to have a peaceful dinner tonight, but of course Jeon Jungkook would ruin that as fracking always. When will he ever stop annoying you?
You went to your room begrudgingly, and changed into some casual clothes that were still appropriate for dinner but also for having an annoying guest eating with you. After a short while, you finally joined them to eat. You sat beside Jungkook and your father was at the center of the table. It wouldn't have been awkward if your father didn't start to ask obnoxious questions.
"So Prince Jeon, what have you been up to these days? Searching for potential wife candidates?" The king inquired. You glared at your father. Jungkook almost choked on a piece of steak he was eating, but he managed to answer after drinking some water. "Uh, I've been busy with my duties your majesty. Ensuring the safety of my people and thinking of ways to stop the remaining rebels. I haven't really had the time to look for potential wife candidates."
"Oh. It's good to hear that you prioritize the safety of your people Prince Jeon. But you're not getting any younger. Soon enough, you'll need a good wife to be your future queen and help you lead the kingdom. Do you have anyone in mind right now?" The king probed. "Dad- stop being so nosy." You said, annoyed and a little embarrassed. "I'm not, I'm just asking the boy if he has an idea or a person in mind to be his future queen. So do you, Prince Jeon?"
"Um- as I've said your majesty, I'm too busy to think about marriage right now. I'm still young though, so I'm not that in a hurry to get married." Jungkook replied a little uncomfortable but still respectful. "That's comprehensible. I think Y/N here," Your father said while looking at you, "is the same too."
"Although, I have someone in mind for her already." The king announced, making Jungkook feel something weird inside him. Jungkook wondered what the king meant- or who he meant? For some crazy reason, he can't imagine you marrying someone. Or someone else… Of course not that he wants to marry you! But- maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all too. "Okay, this conversation is over dad," You told the king. "We're done eating and Jungkook has to go home, so goodbye everyone I'm going to my room now." You stood up and went to your room in a hurry.
"But Y/N I'm not done talking you brat! I still haven't finished this delicious croissant-" The king quipped disappointedly. "She's quite a disrespectful brat sometimes, I wonder who she got it from- forgive my daughter Jeon."
"It's okay your majesty, I was about to leave too. I'll be going now if you don't mind-"
"Wait-" Jungkook stood up and sat again because of what the king said. "I hope you're not mad at her, she really is a little hard to handle." The king looked at him pitifully, "Oh, I'm not your majesty. Though I won't disagree with you on that statement- about her being hard to handle I mean…" he joked.
"Yes, she is quite stubborn. But I'm sure you can handle her quite well." Jungkook was confused again, what did your father mean? "I'm sorry your majesty, I don't really get what you're trying to say?" The king looked him in the eye gleefully and said, "I'm saying, I like you- for her. I think the both of you would make a perfect match." Jungkook blushed, oh. So that's what he meant.
"Don't you agree Prince Jeon?" The king teased him further. "I-... Yes I suppose so, your majesty." He shyly replied. It would be rude to disagree, or say awful stuff. "That is- if you're not secretly a couple yet, are you not?"
"No!" Jungkook replied a little too loud. "I meant- no we aren't yet your majesty. We're not secretly seeing each other…" he backtracked, calmer now. "Oh, you aren't yet. That's alright, the two of you are still young- there's still a lot of time. We're just excited for your wedding and to see our grandchildren! But all in God's perfect timing- anyway sorry for keeping you here, have a safe trip home Prince Jeon! Hopefully you'll be calling me dad soon." The king whispered the last bit as Jungkook was finally on his way out of the palace, but he still heard it to his dismay, and it didn't help in making the forming blush on his cheeks go away. The thought of getting married with you isn't so appalling to him- but having kids right away… it was weird to think about. The whole conversation was weird to think about and yet it was the most constant thing on his mind the whole night.
You were lucky the queen was still on an important meeting as you made your way out of the palace, or so you thought- when your father, the king shouted your name in your lawn. Of course he made you go back to your room, and unless you had important things to do outside you won't be able to go out. And because of that, you resorted to call the bunny prince for help again. So now, you're waiting for him to be your knight in shining armor and take you away from the palace again. After an hour of agony, he finally arrived and managed to convince your father with a shitty excuse to let you go with him. If you weren't seeing things, you might've thought they were whispering some secret information to each other. Your parents always looked like they were so elated to see that prince in the palace. Your dad was being weird now too. Men are such eerie creatures, you thought.
"Hey Jeon. What were you whispering about to my dad a while ago?" You called to him as you rode your speedy monocycles. "What?" Mayhaps he didn't hear you, as the wind gushed too loud. "I said- nevermind." You didn't bother to ask him what they talked about anymore, maybe it didn't matter anyway. You were nearing the academy, and you parked your monocycle right away when you arrived. Not bothering to look at him and see his fangirls flocking over him again.
You were practicing with throwing your dart knives when you overheard a girl and a familiar someone talking. "Baby! You're always so hot and perfect! you're on the top spies leaderboard again, marry me please!" Her rat-like voice annoyed you, so you decided to stare at her in hopes that she'll feel a little embarrassed at least. But to no avail, she only continued her mouth breathing sentiments."I don't mean to be rude Princess Fiona, but I'm not ready to get married right now." or ever with you, Jungkook wanted to add- but he only did in his mind.
And of course, the cause of this headache inducing fiasco is no other than Prince Jungkook, why are you even surprised? Why can't they be annoying somewhere else? Probably a million miles away from you? "Oh, I don't mean right away silly. Maybe in a few weeks or months? I just know we're meant to be my prince." Gawd, you're actually praying for her future husband. Hopefully he can stand her annoying rat-ogre voice. "I'm sorry Fiona, I really think I'm not the right guy for you. Although I heard Lord Farquaad seemed to have feelings for you." Jungkook suggested. "What? Lord Farquaad? Ew, he's a midget gross. Is that why you won't marry me? Are you jealous baby? You don't have to be!" she squealed and giggled, you had to stop yourself for aiming at her face, it wasn't the knife's fault and you were against animal cruelty anyway.
"No," Jungkook sighed, she wasn't getting it. "I'm not jealous. I just think you're better off with Lord Farquaad, and I'm better with…"
"Better with who? Oh please tell me Prince Jeon who's better with you rather than I?" She seemed to look around at other girls, hoping to find the answer to her question when Jungkook still couldn't reply. She only stopped when she noticed you looking at her too, so you looked away from her and turned your attention on a laser gun that was displayed instead. You were planning to tune them out fully, when she spoke something that triggered something in you. Something you didn't quite like.
"When you said you were better off with someone else, did you mean to say you were better off with someone like Princess Y/N? Are you serious Prince Jeon? She's not even that pretty, or that great of a spy." Hearing her utter those ill-founded words made your blood boil, how dare she point out your flaws and insecurity? You were already one of the best spies, yet you still trained to be a better spy everyday, even if you being a spy was against your parents' wishes- maybe that's why you couldn't control your next actions- you threw one of the dart knives at her direction.
Lucky for her, it missed her face by a centimeter. Actually, if you wanted to hit her you could've, but you just wanted to shut her up. And shut her up you did. She was too shocked to speak at first, too in awe at what happened. Until she regained her senses and confronted the perpetrator. "You! Y/N how dare you try to impale my face with that dirty knife! My father will hear about this!" she pointed at you looking mad and ogre-like at the same time.
"Oh stop being too dramatic Fiona, maybe it was an accident, I'm sure Y/N didn't mean to throw it at you." Jungkook said glancing your way, though it looked more like he was trying to save your ass rather than comfort the ogre like princess. "But I did though Jungkook. I meant to aim it at her to shut her up," You replied looking Fiona directly in the eyes. "See Jungkook? She didn't even deny it!" she exclaimed.
"Which I only did because of what you spoke about me. You had the audacity to insult and slander me, yet you got scared of almost getting what you deserved. Please Princess Fiona save it for someone who cares, it's not me or Jungkook but mayhaps another ogre does." You kept your knives and walked away from them. "Come back here you bitch! You still have to pay for almost murdering me!" she screamed wanting to follow you, but Jungkook held her back from doing so.
"Fiona stop harassing Y/N. You won't follow her nor will you continue to insult her, if you as much touch her hair or be near her- you'll be hearing from me. And I also won't hesitate to tell your father about what you're doing." Jungkook reprimanded her and left the fuming princess to follow after you.
Jungkook found you at another training station trying some new gadget that was actually quite useful to distract and even escape rebels, if you were in a hurry. You didn’t seem to notice him yet or you pretended not to, so he made his presence known by speaking first.
"That seems really handy, you could totally make use of that a lot when needing an escape for extremely hard missions." You were still ignoring him so he spoke again. "Not saying you always escape hard missions-" You interrupted him. "Then what are you saying Jeon? Just because I needed a little help from you on that difficult mission, doesn't mean I'll always need someone or something to save me. For the record, I don't always rely on gadgets to defeat enemies, I've successfully completed a lot of missions without them."
"I know that Y/N, I'm just trying to give you some advice." he retorted. "More like you're trying to prove to me that you're always right."
"But aren't I babe? I'm indeed always right,"
"Don't call me that, hearing you call me it just gave me a disease." You chided. "Oh really? I bet you secretly like it though, just like you like me." He boasted. "Wait what? Where did that come from? Are you on crack or did your last brain cell finally decided to leave you?" How dare he assume and say such horrendous things? He's probably hallucinating or something.
"Excuse me I don't do crack, but you don't have to deny it. I get it you're shy, and you were jealous of Fiona that's why you acted up a while ago-" he's truly insufferable. "Me Jealous? Please don't delude yourself, wake up from that dream it isn't healthy." You wanted to leave his delusional ass once more, but he prevented you from doing that when he cornered you to a wall and got too close for comfort. "I can prove it you know, that you're jealous," He was breathing hotly on your face, staring deeply into your eyes and slowly, he seemed to inch his face closer to yours- as if planning to steal a taste of your lips, you were so flustered that you decided to close your eyes. Waiting and kind of hoping to feel his soft lips on yours, but it never came.
Because just before Jungkook could kiss you, you heard someone cough, and the both of you decided to break apart from each other. "Ehem. Agent Y/N and Agent JK, I'm going to assign mission partners, you should both probably be at the assembly hall so you don't miss it." Your instructor said looking at the two of you weirdly. You both awkwardly looked at him back and nodded.
"Agent Fiona and Agent Farquaad, you'll be partners for this mission and probably the succeeding ones too." Your instructor announced, Fiona grimaced seemingly disappointed with who her partner was but not bothering to say anything. Meanwhile, Farquaad had a smile on his face as he was partnered with the gal he liked. When your turn came, you couldn't believe the luck you just had to be partnered with the guy you wanted to avoid the most.
"Agent Y/N and Agent JK, you’ll be partners for this mission and the succeeding ones, as you both are the best spies in this academy." Your instructor said with gleam in his eyes. Did he plan this? Did he think you and Jungkook got along well because of what he almost saw a while ago? What the hell? What is he doing? You were having an internal monologue, as you were still having a hard time processing the fact that you'll have to spend more time with annoying Prince Jungkook again. You couldn't believe it, you wouldn't. Your mental breakdown was interrupted by someone's disgustingly familiar voice speaking to you,
"So, partners huh? I'd say I'm glad to be partnered by a top spy in our academy, but I'm not really sure I am. Maybe 'cause I loathe it as much as you do?" You glared at him. "As if I'll be partners with you," you retorted and stormed off to find your instructor to plead with him.
"Um. Excuse me sir, can I please switch partners?" you pleaded to your instructor when you found him. "Agent Y/N… I'm sorry, but I chose your partners for a reason. Also, Agent JK is one of the best spy princes. I don't understand why you don't wanna be partners with him?" He replied.
"I know sir, but- we just don't get along that well, and actually, I think I can handle a mission on my own just fine." you explained. "I'm one of the best spies as you've said, and we all know that's true so… Please?"
"I'm really sorry Agent Y/N, but my decision is final. Your partner is Agent JK, and if you have problems with each other right now, then hopefully this mission will help you guys resolve it, and make you feel closer." Your instructor paused for a bit, you didn't know why but he was seemingly and suddenly in deep thought. "If you don't mind me asking and I don't mean to be nosy, but are you guys having a lovers quarrel or something?" he inquired.
"W-what? Of course not sir! Me and him lovers? Not in this lifetime. Why did you even think of that if I may ask?" you were flustered but curious. Did your instructor think of that because of what he saw a while ago? You didn't even know what truly transpired between you and Jungkook in that moment, you just knew that it felt right and wrong at the same time. "I think you realize that I saw you both a while ago, you two were pretty close to each other. I just thought you might be dating. It's a little disappointing that you aren't but that's okay." you fought another blush that threatened to show in your cheeks because of what your instructor said.
"But sir- why would it be disappointing?" you asked dumbly. "It's a little disappointing because you two look great together. You're both compatible in my opinion," he said looking at you seriously. "You're both top spies, both popular within the academy and even outside of it, you're both competitive, but you complement each other. Should I tell you more?" you didn't know if he was asking rhetorically or if he really wanted you to answer that question, so you just looked at the walls of the academy instead. But you also thought about what he said, did you and Jungkook really complement each other?
"If you don't have anymore questions Agent YN, I'll be going now. I still have some tasks to do, but remember that I'm rooting for both of you." he smiled at you knowingly, and your instructor went back to his room. Whether he meant that in regards to you both being spies, or the concept of you and Jungkook dating, mayhaps it was both- you didn’t know. But you were more scared than curious to ponder about it and find out.
You still went home together with Jungkook despite of the awkward air around the two of you, even if you didn't wanna be partners with him mayhaps you didn't have any choice, so why bother complaining about it anymore. You both chose to stay silent during the ride on the way home, not really talking until you arrived at the palace.
"You got home late again. What have you both been doing that's taking up your whole time and day?" The king inquired immediately when you both arrived. "Dad- we were just…" You replied until Jungkook cut you off again, he seemed to be doing that frequently these days.
"We were just hanging out as usual your majesty. Actually- we're hanging out too much because…" Jungkook hesitantly took a peek in your direction, "Because- we're dating." what in the name of crippled hairy ballsacks is he on now? Mayhaps he's really lost it and now cursing you.
"What the hell are you talking about Jeon?" you yelled and glared at him. He looked like he was trying to talk to you telepathically with his eyes, because he obviously can't do it with his mind. "Y/N- can you just play along-" he whispered to you. Your father wasn't all too happy with the way you screamed and cursed though, so he reprimanded you again. "Princess Y/N! Your language!" he also yelled brows furrowed in disappointment. "Have you forgotten your manners? A princess doesn't act like a tasteless fool!" he chided, you ignored him and pretended that you didn’t hear him. You just wanted to go to your room and disappear forever.
"And you Prince Jeon, is what you're saying the truth?" The king said as he looked at Jungkook pointedly. "Are you and Y/N truly dating? Why haven't you told us this? When did you both even start seeing each other?"
"Your majesty I can explain. Please don't be furious at us- or at least at Y/N that much-" Jungkook reasoned. "We wanted to keep it a secret for a while, as we were afraid of your reaction."
"Well aren't you afraid now? You just confessed your relationship in front of me." The king said. "We still are. Though I thought maybe you needed to know now, because secrets aren't meant to be kept forever." Jungkook explained.
"And is that truly the reason why you keep visiting Princess Y/N here and having all your rendezvous?" The king inquired again. "Well obviously dad, didn't you hear what he said?" You retorted smartly. You decided you were going to go with whatever this ballsack show Jungkook wants to play, if that meant your real secret won't be found out. (that is if they don't know of it already and are just letting you go for now.) Anyway, If this fake relationship is your escape pass then so be it. You were still planning to confront Jungkook about this shit show later though.
"Stop being sassy you brat, I wasn't talking to you, I was clearly asking our prince here." your dad scolded you. "Did you even court her properly Prince Jeon? I hope you did everything you can to truly deserve her heart."
"I- I did…Your majesty. I can tell you all about how I wooed her during dinner. That is if you'll allow me to stay for dinner?" Jungkook somewhat smoothly replied. You gave him a grim warning look- because he was really pushing it. Though mayhaps, you supposed him staying for dinner wouldn't be so insufferable- since you could talk to him after, and discuss what's going on in his heinous mind.
"Alright, Prince Jeon. You can stay for dinner, and maybe you can convince me if you're truly fitting for my dear Princess Y/N." The king replied.
Your father and Jungkook chatted amicably, though the king interrogated Jungkook a lot about your relationship. The king asked about how you both realized you were in love with each other, which was awkward because you weren't really in love. You let Jungkook do all the talking since he's a better liar in your opinion. Your father even had the audacity to ask when was your first kiss together? To which Jungkook almost choked on his water, while his cheeks burned red. It didn't seem like he'd stop interrogating Jungkook soon, so before he could ask Jungkook more personal questions like, if you'd slept together already- (It was common for the new generation of royals in your land to sleep around even before being wed.) You decided to interrupt and end their conversation.
You excused yourself from the table, telling your father you were full, and took Jungkook with you. The king surprisingly allowed you to go without a lot of fuss, but he did shoot you both suggestive looks. When you got to your room, Jungkook seemed to be relieved that you stopped the king from torturing him even further. Maybe using the word 'torturing' was a bit harsh- but that was kinda what Jungkook felt when your father asked him all those personal questions. Not that he was truly in pain, but more like he felt weird thinking about all the little white lies he told the king. He wondered if in the future it might come true? Would he still feel awkward or would he enjoy it? He was interrupted from his pondering when he heard your adorable voice, he realized you were talking to him.
"Hello?? Earth to rabbit prince? I was asking you a question but you seemed to be on planet mars or something," You commented while sitting on your bed. "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about some stuff and things…" He was thinking about the possibilities of you and him- was what he wanted to say, but he'll probably never say it even if he was blackmailed by an enemy. "Stuff and things huh? Are you the main lead of Walking Dead now? Anyway- I was just asking you why you suddenly decided that we should fake date?"
"I-" Jungkook sighed while sitting on the chair near your bed, "I thought you had the idea why already," he simply replied. "Well, maybe I do have an idea." you told him. "But is my idea correct? Did you do it so I could go on missions without having a hard time sneaking out on my parents?"
"I guess. Mayhaps, I wanted to help you in a way." he shyly admitted, avoiding looking at your direction. "For real though? Why? What's in it for you?" you inquired, curious as to why he did such things to help you. "I don't know, maybe just because," was his curt reply. "Just because? What kind of answer is that? It doesn't make sense. I still want to know Jungkook," you probed.
"Maybe it's just because I can okay?" you looked at him still unconvinced. "Fine- maybe because I feel a little bad for you. You have boomer parents who still think you should stick to being a prim and proper princess, when we both know how much you want to be an amazing superspy too. And you already are," He told you, looking at you proudly. "But, I know how much you want to protect yourself and the people you love. I know that you love being a spy and going on missions. So maybe, that's why I made the whole fake dating show." He proclaimed.
"Okay...that seems comprehensible. You didn't have to do it, but you still did anyway. So I wanna thank you for that." you told Jungkook honestly. "Actually I was mad at first, I was confused about what your plan was. I didn't realize you were doing it for me. But when I did, I guessed it didn't seem so bad after all." you confessed looking at him shyly. "It's okay, I didn't tell you about it beforehand too. So I can understand why you were mad." he replied.
"Uh… yeah. Though, I'm still sorry for being rude. I guess we'll have to get along because we're partners now anyway." you suggested. "Okay, I guess we should try to be friends since we're partners now." Jungkook replied. Maybe being friends with Jungkook wouldn't be so bad.
Your first official mission with Jungkook was at a nearby kingdom. It was reigned by the Kim family, and now ruled by their obnoxious tyrant son, Kim Seokjin. His beloved parents have been deceased for a few years now, that is why he's became king, and is doing whatever he wants with the land. Your mission is to teach him a lesson; and that is to learn how to share his wealth to his people. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's using up all the land's wealth for his selfish needs, and leaving his people to die of hunger and starvation.
Meeting King Seokjin was quite amusing. He didn't even spare you a glance as he sat on his throne, and looked at his face in his handheld mirror. He seemed to focus on his face only, quite a narcissistic trait. He also didn't seem to take you both seriously when you told him that he should change his ways- before it's too late. That is why you had no choice but to make him listen to you even if you had to exert a little force.
You had shot the wall near where he was sitting with your laser gun, (you also finally decided to bring a few gadgets just in case.) therefore catching his attention, finally. "What the hell? Are you deranged? Why did you do that you imbecile! You could've hit my beautiful face! I could have you killed for trying to scratch my gorgeous face you know!" King Seokjin exclaimed. "Well we had to get your attention you narcissistic king. You won't listen to us." Jungkook answered him for you.
"Stop acting like a spoiled child, and help your people. They need you." You retorted. "Who are you peasants to even tell me what to do?!! Actually, how did you both even get inside here? Guards!" the tyrant king screamed. "We're just people who were sent to teach you a lesson. Your guards are asleep if you must know. We kind of knocked them out, sorry about that your majesty." Jungkook quipped.
"Who are you heathens? I don't have time for your tomfoolery, so if it's money you want then just tell me how much and maybe I'll give you some." King Seokjin proclaimed. "We don't want any of your dirty money. What we want is that you learn how to share them with your people." You chided. "Share my money with commoners? What kind of ridiculous thing are you talking about? I'll never share my wealth with useless peasants! Never!"
"The useless peasants you called are the ones feeding you, and are the source of the food you eat. You don't even pay them for their rice and crops, you only know how to take but never give back." "I don't care what you say! I'm not sharing my money with slaves or anyone else even til I die!" he screamed. It seemed like he truly wasn't gonna cooperate or change his ways, so you had to resort to doing things by force yet again.
"Fine, you're really not gonna change? Then we'll just have to make you then." You announced to him. "Oh. please make me!" King Seokjin mocked. "Oh we really are, until you learn your lesson you selfish king." Jungkook retorted. And before he could reply or notice, you were both tying him up on his chair that he loves sitting on. And when he realized what you had done, it was too late and he couldn't move anymore. "What are you doing? Let me go! You'll pay for this you crazies!"
"I think we won't be paying for anything unlike you, your majesty. Now if you don't want us to carry you and leave you outside for the townspeople to beat up- you'll give us the money to pay your people." Jungkook demanded. "How dare you threaten me?! I'm not scared of you buffoons! And I'm not giving you any of my money! If you don't untie me this instant, you'll truly regret it! I promise you both!" He exclaimed. "I see you still won't cooperate with us, Okay. Let's go agent Fox."
Jungkook motioned for you to untie King Seokjin on the chair, only to tie him up again as Jungkook carried him down his throne. You were about to go out and leave him on the streets for the townspeople to beat up, when he suddenly screamed and begged you both not to. "Wait! Are you really gonna leave me out there to get beaten up?! Please don't! They'll ruin my beautiful face! Ok- Okay! I'll tell you where my money is and share them to my people! Just put me down please!"
"Are you seriously gonna help your people now? Do you promise?" Jungkook inquired. "Yes! Yes I promise! Now please put me down." King Seokjin replied. Jungkook put him back on his throne and you both waited for him to do what he promised. After getting some money from his secret vault, he then fulfilled his promise of paying the people he's been indebted with for so long. You both went with him to visit the townspeople he neglected and left to starve. Surprisingly, he paid them without so much fuss and no complaints from him. Even the townspeople were shocked at his sudden actions.
After giving the people the money they deserved, You were both surprised to be invited by the King for dinner. He explained that he wanted to thank you for making him realize his selfish ways, and he wanted to show you how grateful he was by letting you enjoy a good meal. Not wanting to be rude and mayhaps you were both kinda hungry too, you accepted his offer of dinner.
The dinner with the king went well. Mayhaps too well that is. You were just finishing your dessert when you felt a little light headed. You didn’t wanna think about it too much and ignored it, but then you felt dizzy. You decided to ask Jungkook if he felt the same weird feeling you felt but when you looked at him sitting beside you he was already knocked out on the table. Something seems amiss. "Excuse me King Seokjin, there's something wrong with your food. Did you put something in it?" you asked struggling to stay conscious. You knew you were right, when you looked at the treacherous king. He was grinning. "Oh. Did I? It's such a shame you caught on too late my dear. Have a nice slumber!" You were really gonna kick his ass when you regain your strength. But for now you had no choice but to succumb to the darkness inviting you so enticingly. Your last memory being King Seokjin's taunting and laughing face.
You woke up confused and unsure of where you were, til you remembered the events of yesterday. The narcissistic king. The dinner. Jungkook. You guys blacked out. It was morning you guessed, but you couldn't really see anything since you had been blindfolded. Your other senses were more alert since you couldn't see, but you just wanted to feel if Jungkook was there with you. If he was near you. "Agent Bunny…? Are you here? Are you near me?" you called, you were glad the crazy king didn't tape your mouth to shut you up so you could call out for your partner. You were starting to get nervous because you didn't hear Jungkook respond right away. What if King Seokjin did something to him? Where did he take him?
You wanted to escape at that moment and find Jungkook, but you realized your hands were tied up. You couldn't do so much but try to thrash around and be free. Your gadgets were probably confiscated too, so you couldn't use them. You were still trying to escape when you heard a muffled sound that made you stop. Was it Jungkook? "Agent Bunny! Was that you? Are you okay? I'll get us out of here, don't worry!" Jungkook tried to reply, but of course all you heard was his muffled voice. You thrashed again as if it'll help you, when the traitor king made his presence obvious. "Oh you should worry. If you don't stop moving around, the rope that's holding you might snap. And you wouldn't want to know where you'll be falling into." he chided.
The rope that's holding you? What did he mean? Weren't you sitting down on a chair? Wait- is that why it feels weird and unstable? Are you… hanging in the air? Ballsacks. "Fine, since I'm feeling a little merciful today, I'll let your partner or is he your boyfriend? give you a little warning." the king said as he removed the cover on Jungkook's mouth, "Y/N- I meant- agent Fox! stop moving! The rope that's holding your chair is weak, If it snaps you'll fall into a piranha tank!" In Jungkook's haste to warn you, he forgot and called you by your real name again.
You didn't really mind his mistake that much right now, until the obnoxious king taunted you. "Wait- did I hear that right? Did your boyfriend just call you Y/N? Is that your name princess? It is isn't it? A dreadful name for a dreadful girl!" You weren't actually tasked to kill him but you just might. How dare he slander your name? Just he wait til you get out of here alive, you'll absolutely kick his ass! "Shut up you're the dreadful one Kim Seokjin! How dare you call her that, and insult her name!" Jungkook defended you.
"Yada yada. You're the one who should shut up. Do you want to be muffled again?" the king threatened your partner. "Let us go you foolish king! What do you gain from doing all of this anyway?" You inquired. "And what if I don't huh? What are you gonna do about it? Nothing! You can't do anything you tied up fools! You asked me what do I gain from this? A satisfying revenge! And now your boyfriend is gonna see you get eaten by piranhas, but he won't be able to do anything but watch." He retorted.
Of course it makes sense how Jungkook was able to see where you were right now, the king didn't blindfold Jungkook like he did with you. But he covered his mouth instead. "You're wrong, King Seokjin. I'm gonna save her and you can't stop me!" Jungkook screamed furious at the king. "And how are you planning to do that? You can't even get up from your seat. I'd tell you I'd like to see you try, but I've already wasted too much of my precious time for this nonsense." King Seokjin yawned seemingly to show his boredom and annoyance. "Guards! Pull the rope and bring her down." He ordered to them, but before they could pull the rope and feed you to the piranhas- a commotion happened.
And there stood, two people you didn't expect to see. "Our instructor was wondering where you two were ya know? Tsk. For supposedly being the best spies you two are getting rusty." Fiona the ogre looking princess said. "Anyway, sir told us to find you guys and save your asses, that's why we're here. I don't like you but sir asked us to save you both- so it's whatever." Fiona said as she got rid of the guards who were still trying to pull you down. Of course Agent Farquaad came with her too, and he was the one who helped untie Jungkook. Seokjin was still shookt at how his plans crumbled ever so quickly, that he just stood there mouth agape.
For the first time in your life, you were kinda relieved to see her. You finally got out of your restraints and you wanted to face King Seokjin right away, but Fiona's next words stopped you. "Now that we've saved you both, our job here is done. Though next time, try to do your job better idiots so we don't have to do it for you." she told you as they were about to go, you didn't have the time to get mad at her so you just ignored her, but before they actually did she told you one last thing. "Oh I almost forgot, there are rumors about rebels planning to attack this dumb king who hostaged you. They might be on the way here now. We'd love to help ya guys, but we have other rebels from another city to take care of. So ttyl!" and then she scurried off with her partner.
Well it's not like you can't fight the rebels yourselves, but an earlier warning would've been nice. You moved closer to Jungkook who was keeping an eye on the now submissive king. "So bunny, what's the plan now?" you inquired. "I guess we wait for them to arrive and defeat them all." was his reply. You nodded in agreement, of course that's what you're going to do.
The rebels arrived not long after, and it was quite a taxing battle, but nothing you weren't used to. They carried high tech weapons too, but you managed to steal some from them and use it on them. Just as one rebel almost shot King Seokjin, you managed to pull him to the side just in time and save his plumpous ass. To say he was shocked that you saved him, was an understatement. He was literally in awe that you still saved his life, even if he had tied you up and almost fed you to the piranhas.
The act was actually enough that he started to mayhaps have a change of heart. After a hundred butts kicked and a few exhausting hours later, you finally defeated the rebels. Police reinforcements came to collect most of them (because a few rebels always manage to escape) and took them to jail, meanwhile you've never wanted more but to get back home already and just lie on your bed for a month. Your partner looked exhausted too, but still undeniably handsome. Not that you'll ever admit that to him. You were actually missing home, even though it's only been a day. Your parents would probably- oh glob, your parents! They're probably worried sick now. You hope you'll still be allowed to go out after this.
You were so busy worrying if you'll get grounded, that you didn’t notice the narcissistic King coming up to you. "Hey." He called out, breaking you out of your thoughts and surprising you. What did he want now? "I just wanted to say, thanks for saving me. You shouldn't have, but you still did anyway. And I'm sorry for everything. Promise, I'm being sincere this time." He seemed sincere with his apology, even though he couldn't really look you in the eye that well. You could say he was embarrassed? Or guilty? Maybe both. Still, you wanted to tease him and so you probed. "Are you really being honest now? Or is it another act of yours to deceive me again?"
"I'm being sincere this time I swear, I really felt awful about what I did to you. What I did to you both." he corrected. "I realized how selfish and crazy I've been, and I'm honestly sorry for that." "Well it's great that you realized your mistakes. I forgive you I guess, I don't wanna hold grudges for too long anyway." you replied. "Really? Thank you so much! I swear I'll prove to you that I'll change for real this time." he exclaimed getting your partner's attention, making him check up on you both in case something's wrong.
"Is everything alright with you two?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah bunny. He was just apologizing that's all." you replied. "Oh ok. Wait- he apologized? For real? How unbelievable." he then sent an accusing look at King Seokjin. "Yes he did. He seemed genuine so let's just let bygones be bygones." "Yeah. You sure he won't drug us to sleep again?" "Jungkook-"
"I won't. I should've never, it was truly wrong of me. I'm sorry for taunting you and for every wrong thing I've done. Believe me, I really do feel shitty for hurting you guys who saved me." King Seokjin heard your conversation and decided to apologize to Jungkook too. "If there's anything I could do to make it up to you guys, just please tell me. I'll do it in a heartbeat." "Hmm. Maybe there is something you could do." Jungkook suddenly had an idea.
"Princess Y/N! Where have you been? we've been worried sick about you! Your mother couldn't sleep waiting for you!" Your father said when you finally arrived home. "Dad it was just a day, we were invited by our friend King Seokjin to stay for the night because it was getting late." you reasoned.
"King Seokjin? Is he the gorgeous man standing next to Jungkook right now?" your father inquired. "Yes dad," "Who is he? Why didn't you both tell us about him?" "He's our new friend, we helped him and he felt grateful so he made us stay for the night."
"It's amazing how you can plan quite a perfect lie my dear, you may have fooled your father- but we both know you can't fool me." the queen finally appeared. "So tell me Y/N, where were you really?" "Mom… I can explain-" "Were you at that spy academy of yours? Or going on those nonsense missions weren't you? I'm very disappointed in you Y/N. I thought you had quit being a useless spy. But of course, you had lied to me." she scolded you. You didn’t know what hurt more, the fact that she was disappointed in you, or the fact that she thought and probably still thinks- you're a useless spy.
"She isn't a useless spy, she saved me for crying out loud!" you were surprised to see King Seokjin was actually defending you. Maybe he truly had changed. "It's true your majesty. She isn't a useless spy, in fact she's one of the best spies in our academy. She's one of the best spies I know." Jungkook added. "Spectacular, but I don't recall asking you both for your opinion. So I suggest you both stay out of this. King Seokjin it's nice to meet you but you can go home now. As for you Prince Jungkook, you should probably leave too. I had a feeling you influenced her, and I was right." the queen reprimanded.
"Jungkook didn't influence me! I wanted to be a spy on my own. I just don't understand why you won't let me. Do you not love me mom?" you exclaimed. "Enough Y/N! Not another word from you, or you'll be spending your whole life in your tower. You're grounded for a year, and that's final. Guards, escort Princess Y/N to her tower and make sure she stays there for a year." you can't believe your mother right now, she had done this before when she first discovered what you were doing in the academy, and now she's doing it again. "Darling, don't you think you're being a little too harsh on our daughter? Locked for a year in her tower? Isn't that quite too much-" the king interrupted but the queen silenced him. "No I'm not being too harsh on her, you're too lenient on her that's why she keeps being a brat. She needs to learn how to listen to me, I'm her mother and the queen after all.
You lashed out on some of the guards on the way to your tower, you were just so upset you couldn't believe it had come to this. You could've escaped them easily, but you didn't want to be disowned by your family. So you decided to take your punishment.
You scrolled through your phone for the nth time today, and you were bored. Luckily, she at least let you had your phone. You wanted to see if you had new missions to do, but you felt conflicted too, because you can't disobey your mother this time. You were just planning to take a nap again when a strawberry hit you on the face. You looked at your window to find out where the strawberry came from, and you were in awe to see it was your bunny prince on a drone airplane. "Jungkook? How did you- why are you here?"
"To get you out, of course. Who else would help you other than me?" he cockily said. "You didn't even tell me you were coming. Anyway, thanks for wanting to take me out of here, but I can't. Even if I really want to escape, I can't anymore Jungkook." you refused. "You can't or you shouldn't? I know you're afraid of disappointing your mother again baby, but I think she'll understand. Besides, I think she was just angry at that moment. She probably wants to let you go back to your room now."
Your heart warmed at his pet name for you, but you still can't agree to go with him. "Exactly, Kook. Maybe she'll want to end my punishment sooner, but what if she finds out I disobeyed her again? She'll be furious, and I don't want my punishment to be extended." "Well what if she doesn't find out? I'm sure she can't see me when I'm this high on the ground. And I promise I'll bring you back home before they check on you. Come on princess, do you really wanna stay here alone in your tower, for a year?" he persuaded. "I don't… but ugh, I hate you Jeon Jungkook. Fine, just let me get my stuff." you caved in. How were you supposed to say no when a guy as annoyingly handsome as prince Jeon asked you?
You hopped on the airplane drone and went away with your handsome prince. You and Jungkook just flew around the land, it was awe inspiring to look at the villages and people from above. When he finally brought you home you felt a little glum that the day had to end. You were relieved that you weren't caught by the queen though. You were relieved to have Prince Jeon with you. You texted your instructor about your current situation and why you can't go on missions for a while. He told you he understood, he truly is the best instructor.
Jungkook came to see you again the next day. He didn't take you away this time, he just stayed with you and you two talked all day. Jungkook visited your tower everyday, and you couldn't help but fall for him each passing day too. One night, the two of you finally shared your first kiss and it felt amazing. He didn't come back the next day though, which made you feel worried that he didn't feel the same way. Unbeknownst to you, he was actually planning how to get you out of your current situation- while he couldn't stop thinking about your kiss too.
"Y/N, it's been 3 months since you've been locked here in your tower. I don't mind visiting you but, don't you miss going on missions with me? Don't lie, I know you do. We need to get you out of here." Jungkook declared. "Jungkook is that why you didn't come yesterday? 'Cause you were planning my escape from here?" you inquired still a little upset, he didn't come to see you yesterday. "Yes actually. Why? Did you think about something else?"
"No… I just thought- nevermind it doesn't matter." "Of course it matters princess, tell me what's on your mind." he asked you moving closer to touch your cheek fondly. "I thought you didn't like our kiss… And that you thought it was a mistake. Am i right?" you asked honestly.
"No you aren't baby. I loved our kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm sorry I made you think that way, I really was just busy pondering how to get you out of here. But I have a plan now, and that's why I'm here to ask you if you'll agree with it."
"You do? You have a plan? Why do I have a feeling it's gonna be chaotic… But fine- I wanna hear it anyway,"
"Run away with me."
Ballsacks, he's kidding right? Your Jungkook is kidding right?
You made a decision that day that changed your life. You ran away with Jungkook and lived at his palace. You were finally free to go on missions without worrying about what your mother would say. Jungkook kept your existence at the palace a secret at first, putting you in a secret room no one else knows but him. But of course as all secrets do, all secrets will be revealed. His parents found out that you were now living with them, and they were shookt but thankfully they let you stay.
They advised you to tell your parents though, so your parents would stop worrying about you. You did tell your parents about your whereabouts, you missed them after all. But you also told them you couldn't live with them, if they can't accept you for being a spy. You only talked to your father, the king. As your mother didn't seem interested to talk to you. You hoped she'll accept you for who you are someday.
3 years passed and you've decided to return to the palace, your home. You're full of nerves as you're worried about how they'll react to you coming back, but also because you have an important thing to talk about to them. You had returned to inform and personally invite them to your wedding. Your relationship with Jungkook grew stronger over the years, and one lovely night he proposed to you, which you accepted of course. That's why you're now getting married and elated to be one with him.
You're with Jungkook as you faced your parents. They looked quite surprised to see your presence again after a few years. Your father smiled at you and he seemed happy to finally see you again. Your mother on the other hand, still looked indifferent as before. "My dearest princess, I'm so glad you came back." your father told you. "I'm happy to see you too, dad." you smiled at him. "Actually, I'm here- I mean we're here, because we wanted to tell you something very important. Jungkook and I are getting married."
They didn't seem surprised to hear that actually. You guessed they figured out why you came today. "We want to personally invite you to our wedding. It'd be great if you both were there." you added. "Of course we'll be there. It's a good thing we didn't have to push through with the arranged marriage we planned for you guys before. It's spectacular that you fell for each other naturally." the queen surprised you all when she replied. She didn't seem to mean it with malice but with all honesty.
"Wait- you were planning to make us have an arranged marriage?" you inquired, you weren't mad anymore just shocked that your parents had planned to wed you with Jungkook after all. "Yes. Well it was because Jungkook's parents are our friends, and your marriage would be great to strengthen our kingdom. We're sorry if the knowledge infuriates you now."
"It doesn't. I'm just surprised that's all. Anyway, mayhaps we're truly meant to be as I'm still marrying him now." you said quite fondly. "The preparations have started as the wedding is in 3 days, the stylists will come soon so please tell them if you need something. I already picked yours and dad's clothes, I hope you don't mind. Can I stay in my room for tonight? Jungkook can take the guest room." you asked. "Wait Y/N. I wanted to apologize for being a cruel mother to you." the queen's words stopped you. "I'm sorry for locking you in the tower which made you runaway from us."
"I'm sorry for not believing in you, I always knew you were a great spy- I just didn't wanna acknowledge it because I was scared of losing you. And I did anyway. I guess I'm just sorry for being a bad mom and for everything my dear. I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me." you could feel the queen's remorse through her words and facial expressions, and you realized there wasn't really anger anymore. You were just sad for the lost time. "Thanks mom, that's all I've ever wanted to hear. I just wanted you to be proud of me. And you aren't a bad mother, I understand now why you did those things. Though they're quite questionable, but I forgive you. I already did a long time ago." You hugged each other and were finally glad to be on good terms again.
Your wedding day came, and everything went perfect. You wore the loveliest wedding dress, and Jungkook wore the fittest suit. You only invited your close friends and family, you actually just wanted a simple wedding. The selfish but now kind King Seokjin, came too. Along with your fellow agents, Fiona and Farquaad. They all watched as you two sealed your newly formed union with a short but sweet passionate kiss.
After the glorious event, you were now inside Jungkook's room fidgeting and anticipating- what to do for the remainder of the night. You had just finished taking a relaxing bath, and were now dressed in your nightgown. Were you finally gonna do it with him after abstaining for years? Thoughts ran through your mind while waiting for Jungkook. He had to go somewhere for a bit because of some emergency prince duties. He was even busier now, that they want him to take over as the new king. But surely he'll make time for you on your wedding night right?
You were getting sleepy waiting for him when after a while, the knob to his door slowly turned. And then came your prince- and husband, the person you've been waiting for. "I'm sorry I took so long baby, the council and the advisors were just so-" "It's okay Kook, just come here and lie with me," you called. You didn’t even realize the implications of your words until you said them, and you couldn't take them back. You blushed furiously at seeming so desperate.
"I will my love, I'm just gonna take a shower first, then I'll come join you in bed" he chirped. After Jungkook's long agonizing shower- (or it just seemed long to you, when he really didn't take that long) he finally joined you in bed. Though, you couldn't face him because you were so embarrassed of your daring words awhile ago, that you may or may not have meant. You pretended to be asleep, but of course Jungkook knows you too much to know you were just pretending. "I know you're awake baby, don't pretend to fall asleep on me now. Not when we haven't made love yet."
Jungkook's words made you a little wet, okay maybe a lot. How can he be so irresistible? You tried to take a peek at his face but failed miserably, as your attention went to his beautifully sculptured body. He was lying so close to you without any clothes on! You almost saw his dick if not for the sheets covering it. "Like what you see my love? I didn't put any clothes on yet, 'cause It would be stupid if I'm just gonna take them off in a bit. I've really been waiting for this night Y/N," he said, touching your back through your nightgown tracing your curves.
"I'm finally gonna claim you and make you mine, can I make love to you now my love?" Jungkook sincerely inquired, and you gave him your permission because you wanted him to. You wanted him to make you his and you wanted to make love with him too. And you showed how much you loved each other all through the night. You loved it when he treated you so delicately, and he wasn't in a rush. You loved it when he sucked your perky nipples until they were so sensitive and swollen. You loved it when he thrusted inside you while kissing you at the same time and holding your hand. You loved your partner in crime Jeon Jungkook, the most loyal agent and bunny in the world. Your prince and your husband. And you're pretty sure he loved you too.
And they loved happily ever after. Fin. 🧚🏻‍♀️
A/N: tysm for reading! If you enjoyed please reblog and leave a nice comment! 🥺💜
Btw! This is the pic dat's should've been on the insert pic but tumblr luvs to f- me raw in the ass, so it re-arranged it. I'm only on mobile so i can't do sht so im very sorry!
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Iron 3 (Peter Parker x F!Oc)
Words: 1,756
Chapter 2  / Chapter 4
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Tony Stark's trip to showcase the new Jericho missile is a success with the military, but when soldiers take him back, they’re intercepted and the billionaire is kidnapped.
Both Lily and Pepper find out by watching television. The call from Colonel James Rhodes confirms their fears. Although the information isn’t much, the important thing is that they’re doing everything to find him.
Pepper Potts concentrates on everything she has to do for the company without her boss. Working for Tony for so many years has formed a special connection, even if it is not the conventional one. Sometimes thoughts of possible horrible scenarios come to her mind, but she pushes them away.
Something she can be thankful for is the company of little Lily, who also can't help but worry about the man. He may not have been kind, but no one deserves to be tortured.
The tension remains for three long months, the wait for news from Tony along with the paternity results in the envelope which has not been opened. Nobody knows what to do in a situation like this.
Rhodes keeps searching for his best friend with the help of the army. Pepper and Happy take care of the little girl. The relationship between Tony and Lily's small circle has been strengthened in all this time, even Rhodey receives some calls from her asking if he’s okay and if he has found Tony. Regardless of the test results, they would protect Lily.
At the end of the three months, the new news give everyone a great respite. Tony Stark is alive and returns home.
Although Lily wants to meet Tony along with Pepper and Happy, they won't let her. Surely there would be a lot of reporters and they’d ask a lot of questions if they see the girl.
For those cases, Pepper had already arranged a babysitter. A difficult task, but she managed to find a twenty year old girl, she has no idea who the girl is, nor who hired her. The contact was a Stark Industries worker. With that problem solved, they both wait in Pepper's apartment.
Jessica the babysitter isn't so bad, Lily thinks. The only bad thing is that she spends a lot of time on her phone.
Lily searches all the channels for any news about Tony and finds one where they’re broadcasting a press conference with him eating a hamburger.
"That man must be crazy," Jessica says from the couch.
“He just said that he will no longer make weapons. His company produces the most. He’ll run out of money,” She explains.
Lily frowns.
Why would Tony stop producing what makes so much money?
"Did you think I wasn't going to find out about the girl, Tony?"
Obadiah Stane raises his hand to interrupt him.
"It hurts me that you don't trust me.”
Tony sighs.
"I didn't have much time to explain everything to you and after my obligatory vacation, I couldn't do it.”
"Is she yours or not?"
“I don't know, I haven't seen the results. But, I don't think you called me for this,” Tony tries to deflect that topic as soon as possible. He can't handle this now.
They walk through Stark Industries until they reach the room where the Arc Reactor is. They argue about the actions of the company and how it affects Tony's decision. He tries to show Stane another form of energy, but in the end he fails to do much.
Happy waits for him in the limousine to take him back to the house. Tony gets in the car.
"Sir, Lily asked me to give you this," says Happy, handing him a folded paper. "She's already at your house," He informs and starts the car.
Tony unfolds the paper, finding a drawing made with colored crayons. A big house, the sea behind and three people standing in front. The names Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper are written under each person in crooked letters. The man can't help but smile, but what he’s really surprised about is seeing the fourth person in the air with outstretched arms. It's him with a big smile and the words 'I'm alive' next to him. He doesn’t know whether to feel fear at those words or simply laugh at the idea.
The truth is that during his experience in Afghanistan, he did think about her. How his life would be if the test was positive. If he’d manage to get out of that situation and return to have a family. Images from his childhood, everything he lived with his parents came to his mind.
Howard Stark was not the best father in the world. Tony doesn't remember loving or encouraging words from him, no matter how hard he tries. He discussed this with his assistant and his friend Yinsen, who was very helpful in giving real advice, but even so, he still doesn't believe that he’s capable of raising a girl. He doesn't have a clue how to do it.
“Sir," Happy interrupts his thoughts. “We’re home.”
"You're good?”
"You don't look good.”
"Well, I am," Tony answers, arranging some things in his workshop.
"Did you like my drawing?"
"It could be better.”
Lily frowns. It���s not the answer she expected. Maybe that means he wants more drawings, to see how much I can improve, she thinks.
Tony takes off his shirt and leans back on a table. He connects several cables to his body. Lily looks at him curiously and notices the circle in the center of his chest.
"What is that?”
"You wouldn’t understand.”
"Doesn't it hurt?"
"How does it work?"
“You wouldn’t understand-"
“Try me,” She cuts him off. She’s sick of that answer. Tony sighs.
"This little wheel of light,” He touches it. “It's what keeps me alive, it works so that the shrapnel doesn’t reach my heart.”
"What is shrapnel?"
"Fragments of a missile that tried to kill me.”
She nods.
"And what are you going to do now?"
“Update it. Jarvis, call Miss Potts.”
"Can I ask another question?"
"You already did.”
"I'll ask another question," She informs. Tony brings his lips together to avoid a smile.
“Your dad was also an inventor. Did he answer all your questions?"
Tony frowns. He could never ask so many questions to his father. Howard kept him as far away as possible, but he had other teachers or he did research himself.
Pepper's arrival interrupts them. Her steps are nervous, she thought that finally her boss would want to know the result of the paternity test, but seeing that he needs her for something else, she leaves the envelope on a table.
The man explains what she has to do to replace the reactor in his heart with a better one. Lily looks amused as Pepper panics and Tony tries to relax her, but it only upsets her further.
"It's like the game ‘operating'."
"What is that?" asks Pepper scared.
"I know what it is, can I try it?"
"No!" The two adults answer. She makes a face.
When the machines sound faster on alert, Lily freaks out and looks around for something she can help out with, but she doesn't know what all of Tony's toys work for. But Pepper manages to solve it in time and everything ends.
“You're better?" She asks approaching again.
“Yes, Kid. Back off,” He answers, pulling her away a bit.
Pepper wipes her hands. Tony explains what she has to do with the old reactor, she nods, but after she clears her throat.
"We have a pending issue,” Tony turns to see them. Pepper points to the girl.
“Right," He sighs. "Just tell me if she's mine or not.”
"Don't you want to see the papers?"
Tony sits on a bench and looks at Lily.
Pepper opens the envelope carefully. Reads every detail and sighs in relief. She smiles and looks up at her boss.
“Lily's your daughter, sir.”
Tony doesn't take his eyes off the girl.
Pepper notices the tension between them.
"Just fine?"
"Yes, that's it,” Now he stares at the redhead. "Thank you, Miss Potts.”
The redhead nods unsure and leaves the workshop.
Tony makes a face and returns to the girl.
"You got scared?" He raises an eyebrow.
“What did you think?"
"I don't want to lose my dad so soon,” She cocks her head. "I just found him.”
"I should take you to an orphanage.”
“You'll do it?"
“You’d be better with someone else.”
"But I don't want to be an orphan.”
“Nobody wants to be. I am.”
"Is that why you're always sad?"
He opens his mouth thinking of an attack, but he decides to avoid it.
“This is a bad idea. Being my daughter, I don't recommend it.”
“Well, not that I have a choice. My mom is no longer at home and…” She sighs. "I don't think she wants me back.”
Tony puts his hands to his face and groans.
“Fine," He gets up and looks around. "I have other things to do. Pepper will handle the paperwork."
“Can I help?"
Tony walks to a desk and touches the surface. Holograms of plans and folders are projected in front of him. Lily approaches the desk, Tony looks at her from the corner of his eye, maybe he can admit that it is nice to have someone who’s easily impressed.
He and Jarvis talk about a secret project, outside of any Stark Industries business.
"I don't want this to fall into the wrong hands.”
"What about mine?" Lily asks. She raises both hands showing him her palms.
He sighs.
“They're still wrong, but,” He cocks his head. “I guess you're a Stark now. That's enough,” He crouches down to her level. "You can’t tell anyone about this.”
"Not even Happy?"
“I'll take care of Pepper, Happy and Rhodes. This shouldn't get out of here unless I say so. Okay?" He offers his hand.
“Deal," They shake hands. “Can I help?"
"Only if you follow my rules.”
"Which are?"
“Don't get in the way. Do exactly what I tell you and don't ask so many questions.”
She frowns at the last rule.
"I can't help it, how can I help you if I don't know what to do?"
He rolls his eyes.
"Fine, we’ll have a limit of questions.”
“Fine," She answers in a deep voice, imitating his. She smiles looking at him, but she stops when he doesn't.
"This will be more complicated than I thought.”
If your username is crossed out it’s because Tumblr didn’t let me tag you, sorry. If you want to be removed from the taglist, you can tell us, we also make mistakes, lol
@stardusthigh​   @sarcasticallywitty15​​ @silenthappyplace​​ @yourbonesareinmybody​​  @aylauwuuniverse @tyb1​​ @skittles-skittles​​ @hufflepuffzutara​​   @poetryislife0715
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dearest-bucky · 4 years
One kiss is all it takes (One Shot)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Requested by @softcobain - Where reader who’s Bucky’s best friend ask him to teach her how to kiss bc she really wants to impress a guy she’s going on a date with? But Bucky is totally in love with her, at first he doesn’t want to but then he agrees.
Words: 3.8K
Warnings: angst, fluff, one first detailed kissing scene lol
A/n: Because tumblr is apparently dumb I can’t tag the sweetheart that requested this, but @softcobain I really hope you like this love! 💕 Guys I got goosebumps while writing this, I hope y’all like it too.
Feedback is greatly appreciated! xx
The door of her small apartment made a small squeaky noise as she pushed it open. She wasn’t all that surprised to find it open, her key once again useless. The only noises in the otherwise quiet apartment were coming from the TV that was left on, some detergent commercial playing in one random channel. She turned on the small lamp next to the couch that she usually used to read at night, and smiled as the figure that was sleeping on her small and uncomfortable couch was illuminated by the soft light.
She crouched down next to him and softly touched his hair, making him stir in his sleep. “Hey sleepyhead, what are you still doing here?”
He opened one eye and when he was met with her face, a small smile crept onto his lips. “Hey, you’re back. Thought I’d wait up for you but apparently I failed at that too.”
She chuckled at his words and patted his cheek lightly. “Don’t worry about it. I’m here now.”
Bucky offered her a shy smile and got up in a sitting position, making space for her to sit on the couch too. “So, how was it?” He asked after she sat next to him.
She remained silent for a moment, as if she was thinking hard about the answer, but there was a smile plastered on her lips and a dreamy look on her eyes that kind of told Bucky everything he wanted to know. The answer, despite it not being said, was shown, written in her every feature. She finally turned her head on the side to face him, and then replied. “It was great. He asked me out again on Friday.” Her smile never faltered, but as she looked at Bucky’s reaction her eyes narrowed a little in curiosity.
He nodded at her words and fixed his stare down, unable to look her in the eye anymore. He cleared his throat once and then without even looking at her again, got up from the couch. “That’s great, if you’re happy then I’m happy too. It’s better if I go back to my apartment now. Good night Y/n.” He didn’t even spare her another glance and left her apartment in a hurry, not even allowing her the time to wish him good night too. He slammed the door closed behind himself harder than he intended to and that made him wince, but he wasn’t about to go back and apologize  for that.
With short but quick steps he arrived at his door on the other side of the hall and when he entered his apartment, without even realizing, he slammed his door shut too. He knew he had no right to be mad at her for going out on a date with somebody else, but he simply couldn’t talk his broken heart down. He’d been head over heels with Y/n for years and now having to see her date someone that wasn’t him, it was damn painful.
How could he even begin to explain what he felt for Y/n? Truth is he didn’t even remember how it all started.
After the Avengers defeated Thanos and Steve went to the past to get his second chance in life, Bucky chose to not stay with the rest of the Avengers at the new Avengers’ compound. Instead, with the help of Sam he bought a small apartment in Brooklyn where he’d been living for the last four years.
Y/n moved in her apartment on the other side of the hall only a couple of months after Bucky. When she was moving her furniture in, Sam, just like the perfect wing man he is, managed to introduce Bucky and Y/n, claiming they’d be neighbors so they needed to know each other if one of them ever ran out of sugar or flour. Bucky had scowled at Sam in annoyance but Y/n had only giggled at the new Captain America’s words and shook Bucky’s hand. “He’s right.” She had told him. “You’ll never know when one could need the help of a superhero.”
He had blushed then, at her words, and a smile had replaced the previous scowl.
That day they had both helped her move in, carrying the heavy boxes and the furniture. After everything had been put inside her new apartment, Sam and Bucky excused themselves and wished her a good night, seeing it was dark outside already. She had thanked them both for their help and when they were on the hall, she called out to Bucky. “Don’t be a stranger.”
He had smiled at her and nodded his head.
Ever since that day they’d spend many more days together, hanging out at each other’s apartments, but mostly at Y/n’s because she, as Bucky put it, had the better couch, despite the fact that it was smaller than his, but he enjoyed sitting close to her and watching movies and eating chinese takeout  almost every night. Eventually those nights became an every night occurrence, and without even realizing, Y/n and Bucky had become best friends, helping each other with everything, relying to each other, taking care of each other whenever one was sick, mostly Y/n. She even managed to help him calm down after a nightmare when he had knocked on her door at 3 am sweating and crying in pain.
In the last four years they had become almost family to each other.
Despite her very friendly nature, Y/n was actually very shy when it came to romantic relations. So whatever feeling Bucky started developing for his neighbor/best friend, he buried deep inside his heart, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. Because he knew there was no way someone as perfect as her would even like back someone like him.
Now he had to stand by and watch someone else take her out on dates and make her happy, when that could’ve been him.
With a heavy heart Bucky laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, a long sigh escaping his parted lips.
Bucky didn’t see Y/n the entire upcoming week. She was busy with her work and he spent most of the days at the compound, training for the next mission.
Days had been passing slowly and he missed her so much every passing  minute, especially on the evenings when they’d be almost cuddled up next to each other on her couch and binge watching whatever Netflix series was on his “to-watch-list”. He wanted to knock on her door but he couldn’t find it in himself to do so. After all she had started seeing someone now so he didn’t know if she still wanted him to go over.
It was almost 6 pm on a Saturday when he heard the hesitant knocks on the wood of his door and he moved lazily through his apartment to answer it. He was surprised to find Y/n on the other side of it.
She was wearing a nice dress, perfect for the warm weather of May evening and even more perfect for her. She looked absolutely breathtaking, but the almost panicked expression written all over her face made him break out of his stupor sooner than he would’ve wanted.
“Hey, Y/n. What’s up?” He spoke a little awkwardly, not knowing how to act around her anymore. It seemed as if it had been an eternity since the last time he saw her. Usually when she came over, she never knocked and she would always greet Bucky with a hug or a kiss on the cheek, but that seemed like a long time ago, and somewhat an inappropriate thing to do now.
She greeted him with a small smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes and asked him if she could come in.
“Uhmm, yeah yeah, sure.” He said, a little confused, but moved on the side to let her inside his apartment and closed the door again.
He saw her move towards the living room, but she never sat down, standing awkwardly in the middle of the small space between the couch and his coffee table.
“Is everything alright Y/n?” He asked then, unable to bare the silence anymore.
She picked her head up and looked at him, a look Bucky couldn’t quite understand. “I need your help.” She finally spoke. Her voice was unsure, even a little shy when she spoke, but he heard her loud and clear.
“Sure, doll. What can I do for you?” Always the hero. Always trying to help. Always helping.
She remained silent for a moment, as if wanting to organize her thoughts well and then she finally started speaking again. “So you know I’ve been talking to this guy for the past month..” she began and Bucky noticed how she was picking up at the skin of her fingernails, a tick of nervousness he knew she had. He moved closer to her and placed his hands on hers, stopping her assault on the fragile skin that had started to bleed a little already.
“What about him? Is everything okay? Is he bothering you? Do I need to kick his ass?” His mind was running a million miles per minute, thinking of the worst case scenarios, but she only shook her head lightly in response.
“Everything is okay with him. He’s great. It’s just…” She hesitated a little before she continued again. “Last night we went out and at the end of the date he walked me home and when he was saying goodnight he leaned in and wanted to kiss me and I turned away so he ended up kissing me on the cheek.” She explained, blushing a little and Bucky was listening to her every word intently.
“Tonight we’re going out again, to the movies this time and this is the third date and I’m thinking we should kiss, right? But I don’t know.” She concluded and let go of his hands that were holding hers, moving to the couch and finally sitting.
Bucky followed her lead and sat too. “You don’t know what?” He asked. If she were unsure about this guy she shouldn’t feel obligated to kiss him. She didn’t owe him anything. She should know that.
But Y/n surprised him with the next words she spoke. “I don’t know how to kiss.” She said and a crimson red painted her cheeks after the words had left her mouth.
Bucky could only stare at her, a little shocked at the confession and that only made her feel more embarrassed than before. “Forget it, this was a stupid idea.”  She said when he took a moment too long to reply and she tried to get up from the couch, but Bucky finally came to his senses.
“No, please doll.” He spoke softly and she sat down again. “I’m sorry.” He continued. “You took me by surprise, that’s all. I mean, how is it possible that you don’t.. you know.. know? How to kiss?”
The entire situation was embarrassing and awkward and they both were wishing the ground would open and swallow them whole.
Y/n felt her cheeks aflame by the embarrassment she was feeling. She knew it was a crazy idea to come to Bucky about this, but he was her only friend.
Despite the fact that she was 26 years old she was an introvert and she didn’t have many friends. Except for Bucky who was her best friend, she had another childhood friend back in her hometown but she was too far to come and help Y/n with her situation.
Her entire life she had avoided people as much as possible, especially boys and men. She never had a boyfriend in her life and she never even kissed a boy before. That’s why she was in  Bucky’s apartment now, asking him for help.
“I just..” she stuttered a reply. “Never kissed someone, so I don’t know how..” Her words were spoken in an almost hushed whisper, still mortified from the situation at hand.
“Okay, so you need me to…?”
“To teach me how to kiss.” She said matter of factly but she regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. They had sounded better in her head than they did when she said them out loud, but there was no way she could take them back now.
Bucky’s eyes widened at her request but he composed himself quickly. He was a highly trained assassin for God’s sake, he knew how to mask his  emotions, but apparently not around Y/n. “I can’t do that!” He finally exclaimed and he watched her face fall after those words. “I mean, it’s not fair to you.” He was quick to add and Y/n looked back up at him. “It’s your first kiss and it should be with someone you have feelings for. Not with me.”
“But Bucky…” A sound of protest left her lips. Those rosy and pillowy lips that he had wished so many times to kiss and that were now asking him to do so. “I’m going to be so embarrassed when he tries to kiss me again and I just stay there. It will be terrible if I just froze in the spot, you know.” She was trying to reason with him as much as she could. “Please? I kind of like this guy and I don’t wanna look stupid in front of him.”
“Doll. You could never look stupid.” He replied, still not saying anything about her request.
He wanted to give in and kiss her so much, but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop once he started. His heart and his mind were in war at the moment.
“Please Buck?” She tried again. “You know I wouldn’t ask this of you if it wasn’t really important to me.” She pleaded and Bucky knew who won the battle inside of him. How could he refuse those lips that he had dreamed of for several years now? How could he refuse her pretty eyes, giving her that sad puppy dog look he absolutely adored? He simply couldn’t. That’s why he found himself slowly nodding his head in response.
“Okay, okay doll. I’ll help.” He said and she nodded back to him, a small smile forming on her lips. “Just one kiss to show you how it’s done.”
“Okay.” She replied and he let out a long breath at the sight of her looking so hopeful now, and beautiful, always.
They turned their bodies to face each other and Bucky cupped her cheek with his flesh hand. Ever so slowly he started closing the distance between their faces, until their noses were almost touching.
Y/n had closed her eyes and was waiting for him to place his lips on hers, but she could only feel his soft breath tickling her lips, but not touching them.
“Relax, doll.” She heard him say and her shoulders sagged a little, finally free from the tension she’d been holding in. “Just go with it and let it happen.”
She was ready to say something when she finally felt his lips touch hers, so softly she thought she must be dreaming it. With the same softness he started kissing her lips, slowly, gently, just like a breeze touching the leaves on the trees. He slowly coaxed her lips to part and she quickly complied, allowing him to deepen the kiss a little, feeling the kiss a little more. He was caressing her lips with his, happy to finally be able to do so, his flesh hand holding her cheek while the metal one moved to her hair, carding through her silky locks.
Too soon for his liking she ended the kiss, but she didn’t back away from him. Her eyes were hooded and her lips still parted when she whispered his name. “Buck..”
It was all he needed to delve in again for another kiss, this one more passionate. He couldn’t hold back anymore, coaxing her mouth open with his tongue, kissing her lips with a passion that was about to burn him entirely. He had been holding back for too long.
The hand in her hair gripped the locks tightly in between the fingers and he felt her let out a small moan against his mouth at the action, which only spurred him to kiss her more. Tongues hugging each other and teeth clashing with each other, biting and kissing and licking lips, starved for each other.
Her hands had found home in his shirt, bunching the material in her fists as she reciprocated his kiss with everything she had.
They had been so lost in each other, not even considering about stopping, until the phone in her pocket ringed and she whined lowly in Bucky’s mouth in annoyance.
“Forget about it.” He spoke between kisses but the device continued ringing until they were forced to part away from each other. Y/n had an apologetic look in her eyes as she fished the phone out of her pocket and she visibly winced when he saw the name on the screen.
She waited a moment until she fixed her breath before answering. “Hi, Andrew.” She spoke, not looking at Bucky anymore. “Yes, I’m ready. I’ll be down in 5 minutes. Okay.” She hung up the phone and finally looked at Bucky again.
He had an unreadable expression in his face while he was still trying to catch his breath from the mind-blowing kiss they just shared.
“I’m sorry. My date is here, I have to go.” Y/n said and waited for Bucky to say something, anything, but he just nodded his head and got up first from the couch, moving to the front door and opening it for her.
She got up too and walked out of the apartment, unable to say another word to him. When she finally reached the door of her own apartment and was entering it, Bucky finally decided to break the silence.
“You’re a quick learner Y/n. Kiss him like that and he’ll be yours forever.” She wanted to laugh at his words, but she just turned her head back and smiled sadly at him.
“Thanks Buck.” She said before he closed the door and entered his apartment again.
This is it, he thought as he sat back on his couch. The same couch where less than 5 minutes ago he was kissing the woman he loved. He should’ve stopped her. He should’ve said something. Asked her not to go on that stupid date with stupid Andrew. But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Because he was a coward.
Besides, if Y/n felt something for him, after that kiss she sure would’ve said something too. But she didn’t. She just got up and left to go on her date with another man, leaving Bucky behind with swollen lips and a broken heart.
It was less than three hours later that she finally came back. Bucky heard the keys jingle out in the hall and he knew she was back. She was probably coming back home with her date, he thought, but he was shocked to see her open his door and enter his apartment instead.
She seemed hesitant as she walked inside his place, finding Bucky slouched on the couch, a half finished bottle of whiskey in his hand.
“Bucky?” She called his name cautiously and he picked up his head to look at her. The same dress from before, except this time she was wearing a denim jacket over it too. He stared at her for a while, simply admiring her beauty, cursing himself for not being enough for her.
“Are you drunk?” The question left her lips without thinking. She knew he couldn’t get drunk, but when she saw him like that it was the first thing that came to mind.
“You know I can’t get drunk doll.” His reply was court and composed. “How did it go? Where’s your date?” He then asked her, despite the fact that he had no interest in knowing the answer to either of those questions.
She moved to sit on the couch next to him, the same spot he had stolen her breath away with one kiss a couple of hours ago, and she couldn’t think of nothing else except for that kiss. “It was okay.” She spoke mechanically, staring at his face. In her mind she was still kissing him.
“Did you kiss him?” Another question he didn’t want to know the answer of but he couldn’t help but ask it. Her only reply was a nod, but it was enough for Bucky to understand what she meant.
He slouched his head, dejected, broken, not wanting to be near her anymore. He had lost her.
“Yes, I kissed him.” She spoke a second later and Bucky wanted to tell her he understood that from her nod. “But I realized his weren’t the lips I wanted to kiss me, the lips I wanted to kiss.” She added a little breathlessly.
Bucky fixed his eyes on her, this time waiting with curiosity for her to continue. That she did. “I never wanted to go to that date after the most amazing kiss of my life, but I didn’t want to be rude to Andrew, so I thought I’d give him a chance, because he was a really nice guy.” She let out a small breath before she continued to speak again, Bucky patiently and curiously listening to her. “The entire time we were out I was still thinking about a certain set of lips that managed to set me on fire. And I thought to myself, it’s just because it was my first kiss. I’m sure if I kiss Andrew it will be even better, because I like Andrew. So I kissed him, but there was nothing. I was still searching for a different kiss in him. I was still asking to feel another man’s lips on mine.”
The bottle of alcohol he’d been holding in his hands, he placed it carefully on the coffee table before turning his body to the side to fully face her. “Doll, what are you saying?”
She let out a small sigh before answering, looking him dead in the eye. “I’m saying I don’t want to kiss anyone else beside you.” She confessed and it seemed that the world came to a stop.
He moved to get closer to her, this time both of his hands cupping her cheeks, inching their faces so close to each other once again. “Are you sure?” There was a slight tremble in his voice when he asked the question, but there was none in hers as she answered “Absolutely.” before locking her lips to his and kissing him like there was no tomorrow.
Their mouths continued the exploration and their hands found homes in each other’s bodies.
Bucky was so happy he could die. He kept kissing her like his life depended on it and between kisses he managed to speak. “Good, because I’m planning to kiss you for the rest of my life.”
132 notes · View notes
The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 12: Final Home Exercise Program
Characters: Captain Syverson x OFC (Shane Dawson)
Summary: Our lovers spend one last night together and the next morning have a serious discussion about their future after more new information comes to light about Sy’s upcoming training. Can the new relationship sustain the stress? Are Shane’s feelings justified, or can they overcome what lies before them?
Spoilers suck! Start from the top or wherever you left off HERE!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, smut, angst…well, near angst. As angsty as I get.
Author’s Note: Sorry this has taken so long, my darling dears! I’m currently on vacation and although I was hoping to be inspired by new surroundings, it’s given me WICKED writer’s block! I have a pretty solid plan for more chapters, though, so, buckle up!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
@misslaland (apparently deactivated, idk what’s up with that)
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Sy's last two PT appointments could not have gone better. On paper, anyway. He was at full strength in his injured knee, his range of motion was better than it was in the so-called good knee, and he hadn't complained of pain above a 2/10 in the last five sessions. He'd even been using the treadmill properly the last two weeks, working up to his own goal of running again. Her goals for him were met…they could have probably stopped a session short, but she'd wanted to give him a few more handouts to finalize his HEP…and well, she'd be in major trouble for saying so, but…she couldn't stand the thought of cancelling that last visit. It felt like quitting, even though it would have been justified.
In practice, however, there was a tension between them that had never existed before. Something creating awkward energy that they couldn't seem to shake. They hadn't seen each other much outside of therapy this week, either. Not since the night of their argument. Sy had to do a lot of prep for his trip to Virginia, and Shane's caseload this week had been ridiculous. Dozens of evaluations and updates and calls to various companies on different kinds of splints and orthotics she was hoping to get for a few of her patients. A lot of time spent on the phone meant a lot of after-hours documentation. She needed a break. Even if it meant she'd have to do some work over the weekend. Sy was leaving tomorrow to get settled in Charlottesville before the big training course began. She didn't want them to be apart on his last night home for a month.
"Hey, as a celebration of your discharge from PT and your new career trajectory, how about dinner on me tonight?"
"But…you don't really want me to leave town…or to be done with therapy. Not that I, myself, won't miss you feeling me up in public." he smirked as she took his last set of range of motion measurements, her hands gently holding one arm of her goniometer to the side of his thigh…suddenly too aware of him.
"Not entirely true. I'm glad you're better, I'll just miss seeing you through the day. It breaks up the…" she sighed "the monotony of my daily life. Also, why would I want you to leave town? What would that say about me as your girlfriend?" she explained.
"S'pose you're right."
"In this case, yes. Yes I am." She winked at him.
They finished up and she gave him a few more exercises to keep in his arsenal to maintain strength and range in both knees.
"Okay, now, I won't be around to harass you about these, but keep doing them regularly, and just modify them as I've notated if they get too easy. Try to just do more reps, though. I wouldn't try to bulk it up just yet, and that's what you'll do with more weight added."
"Yes, ma'am." he said for old time's sake. She shook her head and smirked.
"And listen, please. This is your physical therapist talking right now. Be careful and mindful during … your cross country training." she wanted to call it "Survivor-Virginia," but refrained. She knew it would get his hackles up. And she was taking enough of a chance insisting that he be careful. "Nature has perils for the perfectly fit. The already injured are at a disadvantage from the gate. Mind your footing. And try not to run unless you have to. Uneven surfaces are not your friend just yet. You still need to work up to that. If you want, I'll help you with it when you get back. Just…don't undo all this work we've done together."
He seemed to see his woman peeking out from behind the mask of his therapist. Concern coloring the neutral and clinical advice she was giving him.
"I'll do my best, sunshine." he held her by the arms and kissed her forehead. It felt too intimate for the setting, but they had done worse. "I'll see ya tonight then?"
"Yeah, I'll bring some food by your place after work. What do you want?"
"Hmmm…I'll let you know." he kissed her cheek and left.
The next hour was her lunch, so she had time to contemplate what seeing him walk out for the last time had made her feel. She sighed, and started to well up, getting out her lunch bag to begin eating and documenting when a knock came at the door frame.
It was Sy, looking forlorn and manic and altogether a mess. Very unlike himself.
"I got out to the truck and something just felt wrong about the way I left today. As if it was any other day. Not our last session. You were trying to get that to land…I'm a little slow. But I finally got it." he walked to her, grabbing her up from her chair in a hug that mended all of the broken parts of her. Squeezed her back together when she'd been damn near falling apart. "Shane, you…you did more than just make me better. You've…made me better. Happier. Whole. I'll never be able to thank you properly for all of this, but…I intend to try for as long as you'll let me."
He held her while her tears fell softly onto his Def Leppard shirt. This was what she needed. For him to simply hold her, complete her, love her.
"Also, I think I'd like Chinese food tonight." she laughed into his neck.
"You idiot."
"You still like me."
"I do. And you don't need to worry about thanking me, Sy. You return the favor daily by just…being you…and being mine." She pulled him in to a ferociously sexy kiss, her hands in his hair, still too short for her liking, but getting there.
He broke away, neither wanting it to end, but both knowing it must, all the same.
"I thought we couldn't do this at your work?" he inquired, slightly out of breath.
"We couldn't do this while you were a patient. You're officially discharged. Last appointment over. All I have to do is sign your note and it's a done deal. But now…if you wanted to drop by for lunch sometime when you get back from training for your fancy job…we could…make it a regular occurrence." she smiled up into his entrancing blue eyes, sparkling with promise.
"I like the sound of that, sunshine." he gave her one more chaste kiss before his official goodbye. "See ya tonight."
As she watched him leave, she remembered thinking to herself one day how he probably used to take very confident strides…that hardly did his walk justice.
She ordered their favorites, four entrees total, so they had options, crab rangoon, egg rolls, dumplings, the works. She would be happy to eat off the leftovers all weekend. She wasn't fussy. She loved leftover Chinese takeout.
He met her at the door, having advance warning of her arrival from the canine burglar alarm, Aika.
"You got her. Good girl." he said sweetly thanking the pup for sounding off the Twilight Bark throughout the neighborhood.
"Hello!" She handed off the food to Sy and scratched at the German Shepherd's ears the way she liked, her tail wagging with joyous speed.  
"I thought we could set up a buffet on the coffee table downstairs while we watch TV?"
"Sounds great!" She said, with an enthusiasm that sounded almost forced. She wasn't able to fully shake this foreboding she felt saying goodbye to him, no matter how long they'd be apart.
Sy grabbed plates and silverware while Shane got them some beverages, and they headed downstairs, Aika knowing her boundaries did not extend to the basement except by invitation, whined at their descent. Sy wasn't having it.
"Oh, don't give us that sob story, ya brat." he rolled his eyes at Shane.
"Aww, can't she come down with us?"
"No way. I want you all to myself." a devilish smirk twitched up the corners of his mouth making him even more handsome.
"Aika has nothin' on you. You're the real dog." she teased.
"I make no excuses or arguments. I'm gonna be selfish with you tonight." they put the food and supplies on the coffee table and he caught her up into his arms. He seemed to want to inhale her into his lungs.
"Mmmm, as endearing as I've always found generosity, I really like the sound of that." She let out a huff of amusement.
They spent an uncharacteristically short amount of time choosing something to watch. They'd already started a miniseries together, and they wanted to finish it before Sy left. It was a British political thriller with a lot of intrigue and quite a bit of sex. They only had two hours left, so they finished it quickly as they ate.
They decided to put on something familiar afterward. Die Hard. Which they both quoted with ridiculous precision. They were cuddled into each other on the big sectional, lulled into comfort by the familiar security of the dialogue and the warmth of the other.
Soon, Sy's hand found its way to Shane's thigh. It inched its way inside and up. She felt like he could hear her heart rate quicken, just as she knew he could hear her breaths come with more effort due to his touch.
She looked at him, and despite her apprehension about his decision to leave her so early in their relationship, she wanted him. She'd known for so long now. It felt like forever, for longer than they'd even known one another. A ridiculous notion. But with that same gaze, she begged him to continue. The signal was not lost on the captain. His mouth punished hers in a kiss so deliciously violent and needy she thought there was no way he couldn't feel the same for her. She pushed to the back of her busy mind all of the negative emotions the kiss brought up, the confusion as to how and why he was going to leave her when he clearly needed her just as badly as she needed him, and just let this beautiful moment become what it would.
As hard as that was to do.
The way he touched her was a pretty effective distraction. One hand held her firmly against his mouth by the nape while the other built friction in her over her jeans. She felt her body's primal responses of the building pressure and her hands gripping at his shirt. His guttural moan at her answering touch only fueled the inferno in her. She needed more of him. She thrust up into his hand wantonly. He took himself away from her, cruelly, but to be so very kind, she would soon see. He undid her jeans and tugged them down, along with her panties. In the process, he repositioned her conveniently at the edge of the sofa. He scooted the coffee table out of the way enough to kneel before her. He tortured her with kisses from her knee up her inner thigh on both sides before continuing those kisses where she really needed them.
His warm breath hit her first and she arched, aching in anticipation for the corporeal. He looked up at her with his dervish's grin, seeing the desire on her face and feeling it course through her body, and although he was a better man than her previous lovers, and a better man than most, no man was so good that making his woman feel like this didn't make him feel like a god.
"Darlin', you're so gorgeous like this." he said as he teased her with his mouth. Her words failed. She had only unintelligible syllables for him. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed thoroughly amused by her speechlessness. Amused and encouraged. She'd never felt like this before. His lips and tongue worked over her trembling flesh, both as familiar paths and brand new territory. Discovering the new and remembering the familiar, all at once.
"Sy." she whispered, so close to her peak, and needing him to continue, but unable to do more than moan his name.
"I know, sugar. I know it won't be long. Whenever you're ready, sweetheart."
And she fell apart under his expert touch. He soothed her body down from the climax and asked her if she was ready for bed.
"I think not!" she replied. "The movie isn't over." and she pulled him up to her by the cheeks into another crushing kiss and guided him to the couch. She kicked her bottoms off her ankles to avoid tripping and repositioned herself between his legs as he'd done with her.
"You don't have to, sunshine." he caressed her jaw.
"I know, babe. I want to. Let me do this for you." He was always eager to taste her but she'd yet to return the favor at his own request. She was done letting him decline. She didn't want him leaving without giving him this small parting gift.
It wasn't as if she was unfamiliar with how big he was. She'd touched him, and had him inside her…but seeing him this close was different. She fully appreciated what a feat it was to take him.
She started in with her own tricks, which made him moan, just as planned. His hands laced gently and lovingly in her hair as she worked her mouth and hands over him. She looked up at him after a few moments to gauge his reaction and couldn't have been more pleased. His expression was one of pure, tortured bliss. She felt so powerful.
"Angel, I'm not gonna last much longer." she took that as her cue to get on top of him.
She joined their bodies with a groan of ecstasy that he echoed. She gripped his shoulders as she moved against him, slow and measured at first, but becoming more frantic and erratic as she chased her climax. One hand remaining on her hip, the other came to her chin and directed her gaze to him. Her eyes, blazing with desire, met his, full of tears. She fell against his lips, as she climbed higher, needing that final push to send her over. Which it did, tumbling into that familiar bliss, that she'd have to savor for…well, too long. She didn't want to think too hard about that. This would be their last night together for several weeks. And she wanted to make the most of it. She looked at him, nodded, and after a few more thrusts, he came to his own pinnacle with a shudder beneath her, clutching at her back, resting his head on her sternum. She held him there, and took a few cleansing breaths with her own cheek pressed against his lengthening hair. She stroked the ones at the back of his neck for a moment as they came down from their impossible high.
"Shall we continue this upstairs?" she asked as the cheery, festive, and entirely out-of-season notes of "Let It Snow" played on the TV with the rolling credits of Die Hard. He grinned.
"Yeah, if I still have bones in my legs." he kissed her neck, just above the collar of her tee. "And I'll come down later and clear all this up. We'll just have to close the door so Aika doesn't come down and have herself a party. She's a good dog, but I'm not about to tempt her."
Shane carefully slid off of Sy's lap, attempting not to make too much of a mess, grabbed her panties and slipped them on for the walk to Sy's room.
The musical chiming of Sy's phone alarm came too damned early. They'd barely slept, not wanting to waste a moment together. When they finally nodded off after their last round of fervent love-making, they wrapped themselves around one another and were both out like lights in no time. Now he was untangling himself from her to turn the noise off and presumably begin the process of getting ready to leave for the airport. He only snoozed it, though, and pulled her more tightly against his bare, hairy chest.
"What time is it?" She asked, bleary from lack of sleep and extreme fatigue. Not that she was complaining.
"Seven. But my flight doesn't leave until 10, and it's just from the base. There's a flight leaving there for  Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport and I'm hitchin' a ride with them."
"Oh good. I had anticipated we'd have to drive to Springfield, or even St. Louis this morning." She would do it for Sy, of course, but she wasn't looking forward to a six hour minimum round trip, half of which she would have to make alone.
"Nah, and I'm hoping to work something out for the return trip, too, but I'll let you know about that, then. I've made those open ended, though, because I don't know about the return date."
"Sure. God, that's so…crazy. Not in a bad way, just, I can't imagine leaving home without a clear plan on when I'd be back. Of course, knowing it won't be more than a month helps, I guess."
"And really, a part of me has dreamed of living a sort of nomadic existence since I was very young, so I definitely see the romance in it."
"Totally agree. Hey, I'm hungry. How about we get ready and I'll buy ya breakfast?" He seemed evasive, but she was hungry, too, so she let it go.
"Sounds great!"
They got up and showered together, keeping the sexy time to a minimum given the current time constraints they'd now placed upon themselves. If they didn't hurry, they'd never get out of Cracker Barrell in time to get him to the base.
He loaded his bag in her cargo space and they headed off to the restaurant, which was hopping with traffic on a Saturday morning, as was expected. But since there were only two of them, they got a table without waiting.
They ordered coffees, and Cokes, not super healthy, but hey, this wasn't a daily occurrence. It was a splurge.
Sy ordered some massive and meaty breakfast spread that sounded like a heart attack waiting to happen, while Shane kept it simple with biscuits and gravy and a side of fruit…also, she stole a strip of Sy's bacon. Again…she was a weak woman.
The conversation was light and friendly and lovey…until the time came to leave. Sy picked up the check and took it to the counter to pay and then led her out the double doors back to her vehicle.
"You'll be able to FaceTime me on evenings you haven't gone walkabout in the wilderness, right?"
"I'm not sure they call it that outside of Australia, or even the Crocodile Dundee movies, but yeah, we'll plan on that, for sure."
"Good. I'll miss you so much. But at least I have a pretty good idea of when you'll be back." she was spouting excitedly, but he was being rather cagey again. He piped up with three words that never start off a good sentence.
"Yeah, about that…" she looked at him as they closed the doors to her Explorer, waiting for him to continue…hoping for good news, but expecting bad.
"I got an email last night…late…that I…that the training…might take longer than they told me at first." he winced for the impact of her reception of the anticipated bad news.
"Longer…uh-huh. How much longer?" she asked, backing out of her parking space.
"Ya know if you back into these spaces you don't have to worry about--"
"Really? This is the moment you want to man-splain the concepts of parking to me, Sy? I'll save you the trouble. My dad couldn't get me to do it, and I don't see you having any success, either. Now, how much longer?"
"I don't…they didn't give a concrete--"
"Give me your best guess based on what you know. Give me a range. A ballpark, if you will."
"Uhh…two or three more…weeks…than planned." he winced as she drove toward Fort Leonard Wood Army Base from the peaceful breakfast joint. It was rather poetic, really, since the conversation had turned from relaxed to militant. And they were driving from civilian territory into a land of combatants. Not a war zone, but a zone of warriors, perhaps. And she was ready for battle, herself.
"Sy. That's more than six weeks."
"I know." he said, his eyes downcast in some combination of shame, fear, and sadness.
"And you're…fine with it?" she prodded, prompting him to consider her.
"Of course I don't like it. I'm gonna hate being away from my sunshine for even a week. But this is…it's about who I am. Who I'm meant to be from now on. I have to find my way from here, Shane."
"I guess my only question is…where do I fit into this…path. This life you're making for yourself? We're brand new. But we've worked really hard already to get where we are. And I've worked really hard to get to where I am, professionally. In my dream job. No, the circumstances aren't ideal, but the work makes me think, and gives me purpose. What am I suppose to do? Either I give that up, or I give up…the only man I've ever been with who's made me actually happy."
"I don't want that. I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to give anything up for me, darlin.' That'll just lead to you resentin' me down the road, and I don't want that, neither." He stopped a moment and just looked at her, face holding back frustrated and angry tears…but also very sad ones. "What about this? Let's just, talk about all this moving forward stuff when I'm back from training. At that point, I'll know more about what to expect about jobs and assignments. And…if it would make you feel more comfortable…we can call ourselves…unexclusive. That way, if you meet someone while I'm gone--"
"Have you lost your mind?" She interrupted his ridiculous attempt to be selfless. She was secure enough in his feelings for her that he wasn't making the suggestion for himself.
"I'm serious. If you meet someone, and he sweeps you off your feet, don't resist. I want you to be happy, Shane."
"Then come back and teach gym at the local high school. Better yet, don't go, at all."
"You remember all that stuff you said about having your dream job and a purpose?" Shane nodded. "You want me to find all that too, don'tcha?"
"No. I'm a selfish bitch who wants you here with me no matter the cost. And I don't care if you resent me in the long run. At least I'll have you." she laughed at her sarcasm and only slightly true self-deprecation.
"You'll be fine. You managed so far without me." he reminded her as she pulled up to the gate, guarded by about four men, who's rank she couldn't tell, but one of whom Sy called a sergeant.
"I'll get out here and they'll take me to the hangar in a cart. No civilian vehicles allowed today. Apparently they're doing maneuvers." he shrugged and got out to grab his bag.
"I put the rest of the takeout in here too. It's in one of my nice coolers on ice."
"Thanks." she told her shoes as they stood under the shade of her rear access hatch. She couldn't look at him right now. He made her, though.
"This ain't quite like the airport, but I still don't have a lot of time, sunshine." he kissed her hard, and it really felt like a goodbye, which almost hurt more than his leaving. Almost. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and she knew she'd feel that embrace all evening. She hoped it would last for weeks.
"I love you, Sy." she sobbed to him. Trying like hell to keep it together.
"I love you, darlin.' Now don't you forget that when some other handsome fella gives you the eye. Make sure he's worth it, if you're gonna write me a dear john letter." he winked at her. She laughed and nodded, but didn't feel it was that funny, and didn't intend to adhere to his parameters of their relationship. He ducked under the arm that was preventing her from driving through. Although, legs as long as his, he almost could have stepped over it. She watched him walk away for as long as she could before she was given the signal that she must leave and let other traffic through…although, she resented this. There were two lanes, after all. Couldn't these men see what a mess she was? She'd just had to say goodbye to the love of her life…and she didn't know when…or indeed, if…she'd see him again. She had hope…but that didn't stop her from crying all the way home and the rest of the afternoon as the ghost of Sy's parting hug faded from her skin.
Up Next: Chapter 13: SNAFU
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quickspinner · 4 years
Alright tell me why my dumbass didn’t realize you had a load of stories on AO3... tell me why I’ve been moping around because I had no Lukanette to read and it was sitting right under my nose! Excuse me while I fall down that rabbit hole.
LOL tosses down a rope and yells “Don’t forget to eat and hydrate!”
I try to make sure everybody knows where to find all my stuff and keep things organized. I was just thinking it was time for another housekeeping post so thanks for the excuse! Here goes, and I’m gonna be extra thorough this time! I apologize up front for my wordiness, I don’t even fight it anymore, so for the TLDR folks I’ll try to bold the important stuff.
Just so you know what you’re getting into, my work is pretty much all Lukanette all the time and I like to think the sodium content is pretty low (I’m gonna level with you guys I am getting really sick of all these ‘Oh, if only there were Lukanette fics that weren’t mean to Adrien, but alas! they do not exist’ posts I’ve been seeing. Insert Will Smith gif here).
All my work on tumblr can be found under the tag quickspins and everything that’s part of a series has a series tag, and I try to link back to the other pieces.
Here’s my AO3. I personally think it’s the easiest place to find my stuff if you’re looking to binge, and some of my older works from there are not on Tumblr yet, which include:
I’ll Give You the Stars (which I’m currently in the process of posting here)
Second Chance (which is queued up next and pairs well with IGYTS) 
Finding Harmony (which is probably my favorite piece to date, honestly, sort of my mostly-unsalty fix-it for Season 3) (does it count as salt if it’s Lila acting like Lila?) 
All That’s Best of Dark and Bright (my very first Lukanette fic)
Can’t Stop the Pain (just a quick little thought piece mostly)
Until It Doesn’t Hurt (because who hasn’t written a post-puppeteer fixit at this point)
A Time to Every Purpose (the sort of sequel)
Take a Chance (a college AU that I did for the first week of Lukanette September)
Okay, that was more stuff than I realized, wow. I’m pretty sure everything else is cross-posted. The only thing on tumblr not on AO3 that I can think of is Payback and the April Kisses pieces I’ve been doing. However it will all end up on AO3 eventually so if you are worried about missing something, you can subscribe to my author updates on AO3 and get ALL THE THINGS.
Go nuts, leave me as many comments as you feel like! I promise my reaction to an inbox full of comments is not eek a stalker it is always OMG BEST DAY EVER. 
If you run out of my work, because I do have to sleep sometime, check out my AO3 bookmarks for other awesome Lukanette writers (and actually a few really good LS fics too believe it or not, I have been known to venture out of my niche once in a while). There’s a little bit of everything there so even if you find some that aren’t to your taste keep clicking, I promise there’s good stuff there. 
Links are in my blog header too if you lose this post, and you can also follow me if you’re looking for Lukanette because I try to reblog most of the Lukanette content I find. We’re all in this little ship together and I love to share other people’s work as well as my own. I strongly believe in supporting other content creators so love to all of you out there, even if you haven’t been brave enough to hit that publish button yet.
Please remember also that authors crave your feedback so try to leave some when you can. I try to answer all of my AO3 comments and anything that comes in my ask box; it’s a little harder for me to respond to replies in the notes here for some reason but I still love them just as much, and I love it when people leave some love in the reblog tags too. So, don’t feel bad if you can’t, but if you can, I’d love it if you did.
My ask box is open too, so if you have questions or can’t find something or you’re just curious, I promise that in real life I am seriously uncool and nobody you should be afraid of, so if you’re thinking about dropping me a note please feel safe and loved doing so. 
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Christmas Adventures
Paring: Kit x Steve
Summary: Steve doesn’t know what to get Kit for Christmas and turns to the one person he thinks can help him the most (mentions of some of the YA’s)
Warning: le FLUFFFFF, some swearing
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Sooooo for secret santa I got my wonderful, amazing, talented, beautiful tumblr wife Kit. I honestly didn’t know what to do lol. I had thought, ooh maybe a little song cover. But my singing is trash, and my writing is more decent. I tried but gave up on triple checking the grammar. HOPE YOU LIKE IT WIFEY!
Please let me know if you want to get tagged in any of my works. Enjoy!  Masterlist
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“I don’t know what to get her! I keep driving myself crazy but I just argh,” sighing defeatedly Steve plopped on the sofa next to his best friend, “I don’t know Buck.”
“Jewelry?” Bucky asked while popping some popcorn in his mouth. Steve shakes his head and sighs once more. 
“Something more personal, something that has meaning.”
“Hey! Jewelry can have meaning,” Bucky threw some popcorn at him. “Besides, you know whatever you give her she’ll love it.” Silence washed over them, the sounds of whatever was playing on TV in the background.
“Where’s Mel? She’ll be of more help than you.” Getting up and stretching, Steve looked down at Bucky before crossing his arms.
“Check the kitchen. She’s probably trying to find the cookies I hid from her,” Bucky looked at Steve before looking back at the TV. Shaking his head, Steve ventured to kitchen. Low and behold, upon entering he sees Melody standing on a chair trying to reach the top shelf.
“Fucking Bucky. I’ll get my cookies. Nothing’s gonna separate me from my cookies,” she says reaching for a box that’s all the way at the top.
“You’re going to fall.”
“SHIT!” Mel jumped and wobbled on the chair. “I thought you were Bucky - wait, how much of that did you hear?” She bit her bottom lip.
“Just enough,” Steve chuckled. “Listen, I wanted to ask for your help.” Mel nodded, gesturing for him to continue. “I don’t know what to get Kit for Christmas.”
“You do realize Christmas is in two days right?” She chuckled and hopped down the chair. Steve sighed for the third time that day. 
“Yeah, I know. I feel bad,” he shook his head and leaned against the counter. Looking around, he spotted a blue book on the top shelf. Grabbing and inspecting it, he found it was a recipe book. “What about getting her a baking recipe book?”
“Hmm, not a bad idea. But I think she already has one. Oh, and her grandparents and family gave her recipes too I think.” Mel hopped up and sat on the opposite counter of Steve, by the sink.
“You’re probably right.” He patted the book against the counter.
“Say, if you can reach to see if there are some cookies up there, I’d really appreciate it.” She beamed at him while pointing to the top shelf. With a chuckle, he set the book down.
“Bucky would kill me if I let you near those cookies.” He smirked at her pout. 
“Jerk,” she mumbled under her breath. “She’s your girlfriend, you should know this stuff Stevie,” she chided.
“Then why did you complain to me for days not knowing what to get Bucky?” 
“Seems like you don’t need my help then,” she hopped down the counter and started walking away. Steve gaped at her reaction. Gathering himself, he trailed after her like a lost puppy. Turning around she stopped him in his tracks. “Alright lover boy, try looking around her room. Go over previous conversations you two’ve had and go from there.”
“I have and here I am.” Steve was just desperate at this point. It was their first Christmas together and he wanted it to be memorable. He knew it wouldn’t be perfect, nothing ever was with these chaotic people they call family, but he wanted to give her something special. The jewelry idea Bucky gave him wasn’t all bad, it’s just not what Steve was really going for. At least not this year.
“What about drawing something for her? Something deep rooted and personal?” He smiled at that. “You already did, didn’t you?” He nodded. Of course he did, that was the first he did. He always draws her different things different days; skyscrapers, parks, animals, you name it. 
They stare at each other, both in thought. A beeping sound pulled them out. Looking down at her watch, Mel presses a button and looks back up at Steve. “Sorry to cut this short capsicle but Tony and Bruce need help back down in the lab. Something about Kat, Laura, and Blaize causing an explosion. Again.” She rolled her eyes and saluted to him before disappearing around the corner down the hall.
“Back to square one.” Steve muttered to himself. 
The day came and went as any other and Steve still didn’t know what to get her. He had already looked through her perfumes, lotions, and her closet at the different clothes she had the night before. As well as going through her mission suits and seeing if there was a design he can add. During his morning run is when it finally hit him. The one place he completely forgot to look. The bookshelf. Cutting his run short, he headed back inside and ran to her room. He opened the door and darted his way to see all the books she had. Good thing we share a room, he thought. He pulled out his phone and sent a few texts. Then he grabbed a small box that had a few more books that didn’t fit and laid them out on the bed, taking a picture of them and the one’s on the shelf. After putting everything away, he walked out and headed towards the kitchen.
“It’s Christmas Eve! Why aren’t you super excited? You’ve literally been counting down the days.” Sam said while flipping a pancake. 
“Fuck you it’s too early for this shit.” Mel huffed and groaned while taking a sip of her coffee, Bucky chuckling beside her. “You know she’s not a morning person Sammy.” He teases. At that moment, Steve walked in and sat down next to Melody with a pen and paper. 
“Oh look, the devil himself. Wanna tell me why the fuck your frozen ass woke me up by blowing up my phone with texts so damn early in the morning?” Mel glared at Steve. He pulled out his phone and started writing on the paper, occasionally glancing at his phone to copy something down.
“I finally figured out what to get her!” Steve moved the pen and paper aside while Sam was serving them. 
“Yeah? What’s that?” Bucky asked while stuffing his mouth with pancakes.
“Books! She absolutely adores them,” Steve smiled widely. “I just need to write down what she has and sees if she needs another copy or if she’s missing from a series.” He grabs a piece of bacon and stuffs it in his mouth.
“I can easily solve that problem blondey. Ender’s Game. She’s been going on that book for a few days.” Mel says grabbing the syrup.
“And you didn’t tell me yesterday because…” Steve stares at her, a hurt expression making it’s way on to his face.
“She just wanted to see how long it was going to take you.” Sam smirks, knowing that’s exactly why. All she did was smile at her plate and eat. 
After breakfast was done, Mel lead Steve to the lab. She was talking about a new upgrade or invention but Steve wasn’t really paying full attention this time. His mind was elsewhere. Thinking if she’d even like the idea of getting books for Christmas, if she’ll just think he’s a huge dork for it. He shook himself of those thoughts when they entered the lab.
“Friday, play time,” Mel walked over to a big desk, beckoning Steve to follow suit. He did and sat next to her, a big holographic screen popping up in front of them. He was still getting used to the whole technology thing, and stared at it in wonder. “Ender’s Game. All the books. How many are there, like eight? Let’s see where we can get some copies.”
“There are nineteen so far and there seem to be many available copies of each of the nineteen books in stores scattered all over the city.” Friday’s voice boomed through the lab. Both Steve and Mel’s jaw dropped.
“NINETEEN?!” Mel scoffed. “How the fuck are we gonna get eighteen books from different stores all over the city in less than a day?” Mel looked at Steve. Steve shrugged and slumped in the chair. They had 1/19 of the books. This is not how he wanted Christmas to go.
It was Christmas morning and everyone was running to the comm room where the tree was set up the month before. Just about everyone was there, including Thor and Loki.
Hot chocolate was being passed around, cookies as well, and the best part, it was snowing outside. Everything was going pretty well. Until…
“Anybody seen Mel or Steve?” Bucky called out. Leave it to his girl to find trouble Christmas day. Everyone shakes their heads. Kit slowly makes her way towards Bucky.
“So I’m not going crazy. Good,” She smiled a bit, worry evident on her face.
“I just figured she stuck herself in the lab the rest of the night. Moment I noticed Stevie was gone -” He got cut off by the door getting shoved open and two supersoldiers stumbling in, boxes in their hands. They set down the boxes and closed the door, shaking off all the snow from their coats. 
“Fuck it’s cold out,” Mel panted, pealing her coat and hat off. Steve doing the same. “The shit you pull on me Rogers, you’re lucky I like you,” she hung her coat on the coat rack, breathing a sigh of relief. “Better save some of them cookies for me,” Mel points at Laura and Thor who are teasing her. Bucky shakes his head and walks over to her. 
Steve pulls Kit to the side, away from the cookie commotion Mel is causing. He takes a deep breath and wipes his hands on his jeans.
“Sorry it took us long honey. We were getting your gift.” He smiles sheepishly. A small blush coating his already rosy cheeks. 
“You don’t have to apologize, I just got a little worried.” She grabbed his hands and looked into his baby blue eyes. They were sparkling with anticipation, worry, guilt, and excitement. That much she could tell. But boy was he nervous. Biting his bottom lip, he pointed to the boxes by the door.
“Sorry I couldn’t wrap them.” He nervously chuckled nervously. He guided her to the boxes and handed her his pocket knife to use to open them. She took it and gave him a reassuring smile. Opening the first box, her jaw dropped. She picked up the cover of one of the books and opened it, gently flipping through the pages. She put it down and launched into his chest, engulfing him an enormous hug. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. He heard the wobble in her throat through. He kissed her temple and gave the cheesiest smile. “And we got all of them,” he whispered back before shey slowly pulled apart. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and started opening the other boxes.
“I really hope you like it cause man was it a bitch to bring home,” Mel walks and stands behind her. Kit gives her a playful glare before standing up and hugging her.
“I love it, thank you for helping him.” Kit smiled and chuckled. “Were you two really out all night shopping for these?” She gestured to all the boxes. With a sigh and a nod, Mel starts telling the story.
“So after Friday gave us the locations to all the books, we just took the quinjet and started flying over the city, picking up book after book. We got around to 9/19 and Stevie Wonder over here said, ‘We should get her a new bookshelf.’ So we did, and got snowed in for about two hours. Then we had to get all the shit on the jet and clean out all the snow and still go pick up the rest of the books.” She finished with a huff. But they knew she was exaggerating by the grin etching its way on her face
“It wasn’t that bad.” Steve looks at Kit. “She’s exaggerating,” he smiles, "But it was totally worth it.” They stare into each others eyes. “Merry Christmas darling.” He nudges his nose against hers.
@agentpeggybarnes​ @katbtracy​ @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam​ @theladyoffangorn​ @blaizeannyt​ @ilovetomatoes3000​ @writing-for-hours-on-end​ @theofficialyoungavengers​
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Request: Can I please request an imagine where Bucky falls in love with a nerdy, sweet, innocent, short (I’m 4ft 10 1/2in btw LOL) Kindergarten teacher (I’m also a kindergarten teacher😂). They meet when she takes the kids on a field trip to the museum (the one that has all of the Captain America and Bucky stuff), they talk a lot and he asks her on a date + he introduces her to Steve and Sam as his girlfriend + Bucky being soft for the reader + sweet kisses, cuddles, and hugs.💜
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x teacher!Reader
Genre: super Fluffy
Requested by: @kpopgirlbtssvt
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @sinviix @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack
Warnings: none (?)
A/N: wanna hear something funny? I read it wrong. Like the whole request, so I had to delete what I'd written and write it again (why am I such a mess?) and THEN tumblr deleted it after I had finished it. Anyway, I hope the wait was worth it, enjoy <3
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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I didn't want to go to the Smithsonian to see the expo of Captain Fuckin' America all over again, but Natasha insisted that they had modified it, and that I sure had to go and see it all over again.
I was walking towards one of the newly added panels when a little kid bumped into my leg. "Fuck!" I turned around just in time to see the kid falling on his butt. "God 'm sorry" I kneeled in front of him to check if he was okay.
I heard rushed steps that preceded the view of a girl kneeling in front of me. "what did I say about running?-I'm sorry" she added, giving me an apologetic smile.
"I'm the one who's sorry" I smiled at her, but she wasn't even looking in my direction.
"Miss Y/n!" the woman turned around to look at a bunch of little kids that were now approaching us "look, It's Bucky Barnes!" the whole group started to squeal excited.
"Oh- I-" Y/n was finally looking at me with wide eyes and lips parted, and for the first time, I was able to see how damn beautiful she was. "Oh" she repeated, letting out nervous chuckle.
Her eyes, along with the children's ones and the few people's in the museum, were too much for me to deal with. "I-I'm sorry again. Have- have a good... time" I muttered, beaming at her before getting up to leave.
"Okay, kids, let's go pick things up" I said, smiling at the children while I grabbed the keys. I opened the five lockers where they had left their things, and then, after checking the number on my key, I looked for mine.
At the beginning of the trip, I had asked one of the receptionists to store my things while I helped the kids, in order to save some time. And, of course, they had to choose a locker from the third row.
Right before I left to ask for help, Bucky Barnes entered in the room and, flashling me a smile, he walked to his locker.
Taking a deep breath, I stepped to him and tapped his shoulder. "I'm- I don't want to bother but my things... They're in that locker and" he looked at the locker I was pointing at. "I kinda-" c'mon, say it, I thought, it's not like he hasn't seen you. "God this is so embarrassing" I let out a nervous chuckle "I'm too short to reach it, could you-"
He let out a chuckle. "sure. Gimme your key?" I gave it to him and waited besides him. "here" he called my attention, carefully handing me my bag.
The corners of my mouth twitched when, instead of giving me my jacket, he held it for me to put it on "Thank you so much"
"No worries, Y/n" I gnawed my lip nervously before adding something else. "it's Y/n right?" she, biting back a grin, nodded.
"well, thank you anyway... Bucky." she replied, looking up at me enough time to see the blush creeping over my neck and ears. There was a moment of awkward silence between the two of us. "I should get g-"
"Did you like the expo?" I blurted out, feeling incredibly unhappy about her leaving.
She looked at me, with a spark of surprise and confusion in her eyes. "yeah. I actually come with the kids often." I nodded, my mind buzzing, trying to find a way to keep the conversation going. "Did you like it?"
Sadly, I heard her question after I had spoken, and not before. "would you like to grab a coffee?" her lips parted and her eyes widened, I realized I should have thought twice. "God 'm sorry, I don't-"
"Uh... I've to come back to school with the children" before I was able to tell her to forget it, she spoke again. "but this- this afternoon I'm free?" she questioned more than stated, gnawing her lower lip.
"is that a yes?" she nodded, extending her hand to me. "what... Oh fuck sorry" we both laughed while I gave her my phone for her to write down her number.
"Okay so" she gave it back to me and grabbed her bag. "I finish at 4"
"Okay Uh..." I walked out of the building with her and her class "Send me the address of the school and I'll pick you up"
"Sure, see you later, Bucky!" She said excitedly, walking away with the kids.
I double checked the address she had sent me before climbing off my bike.
Bucky: I'm outside:) r u ready?
During the few minutes it took her to answer, a wave of insecurities overwhelmed me, but most of them were ridiculous things I had never been insecure of.
And then it hit me, how damn nervous I was.
Y/n: I have a problem :(
Y/n: come in, I'll explain
I did as she told me to do and, after asking where Y/n was, I got to her class' door, where she was already waiting for me.
"Hey there" I greeted with a smile, managing to suppress the 'beautiful' that almost came out of me. "what happened?"
"i have to prepare a last minute activity for tomorrow" She groaned dramatically, running a hand through her hair. "I'm so sorry, I really wanted to-"
"Hey, 's okay" I gave her a small smile, not even bothering on hiding my disappointment. "tomorrow maybe?"
"yeah... Okay" she parted her lips a couple of times like she wanted to say something, but she ended up giving me a tight-lipped smile and got in the class.
Who the fuck cancels a date with Bucky Barnes? Oh, yes. Me. I let out a loud groan followed by a whine, and I almost missed the buzz of my phone.
Bucky: are you gonna be alone?
Y/n: yeah why?
He did read the message, but the fact that I didn't get any kind of reply made me kind of upset.
To my surprise, not even ten minutes later Bucky was entering in the class with two coffees and two doughnuts.
"what's this?" I asked, a smile creeping over my face while he set everything over my desk.
"Didn't feel like waiting" he handed me a one of the coffees, leaning against the desk. "and I thought you could use some company"
"I definitely could" I confessed with a chuckle, walking to his side and hopping onto the table. "thanks Bucky. This was really sweet."
We looked at each other for a moment, the same stupid smile on our faces. "can you tell me if the coffee's good? 'cause I have no fucking clue what I ordered."
I let out a laugh "how's that even possible?"
"names were long and complicated, doll" he defended himself. "it was easier back in the day"
"back in the day" I echoed amused before taking a sip of my drink. "well it's... Sweet"
"just like you, then" I felt my cheeks reddening at that simple statement. "and it's hot too" snorting, I buried my face on Bucky arm, who was softly chuckling.
The sound of my alarm going off had never been so annoying.
When I tried to move to turn it off, Bucky’s strong arms tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. "don't"
"Bucky, I have to work" I mumbled, trying not so hard to get rid of his embrace. "c'mon, do you want me to lose my job?"
We had been dating for a few weeks already, but it was the first time that I had stayed the night at Bucky’s house —a. K. a the Avengers tower— so I wanted to leave before anyone could wake up.
"not gonna lose it, darlin'. You're too good at it." he stated, nuzzling his nose against my neck. "You're so warm. Like a blanket"
I couldn't help but laugh. "Bucky, c'mon" I half-heartedly pulled away, earing a whine from him, and jumped out of the bed.
It took me less time than I thought to find the kitchen. Surprisingly, the hardest part was to find the food.
I was focused on the things in the fridge when a voice almost gave me a heart attack. "Jesus Fucking Christ! Who are you?" I turned around to be met with Sam Wilson himself, dressed in a pigeon pj's.
"That's Barnes tee-shirt" he stated, calmly stepping to the hall. "STEVE GET YOUR ASS HERE, BARNES BROUGHT A GIRL!"
"WHAT WHERE?" My eyes went wide and I froze in place when Steve fucking Rogers entered. "Holy motherfucking shit, 's true"
"'Course it's true!" Sam yelled offended.
Thank God, in that moment Bucky entered in the kitchen and made his way towards me. "found your breakfast?" I denied, not being able to formule a proper sentence. "shouldda waited for me, baby" he whispered, grabbing a few things from the top shelf. "Sorry 'bout them" he pulled me closer and pecked my nose.
"Buck" Steve called his friend and we both turned to him. "who's her?"
"she's Y/n" he stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "my girlfriend." I started to blush like crazy, and Bucky might have felt it, because he pulled me to the side his chest with one of his arms, while with the other prepared my breakfast.
"You're what now?" Sam asked, and I saw him leaning over the counter between us. "Tell us about you, Y/n"
I opened my mouth to try to avoid that somehow, but Bucky was faster. "she gotta go to work, right?" I nodded and he gave me the breakfast. "c'mon, baby. Eat and I'll drive you there."
"Okay." I finally managed to speak, and Bucky leaned on me to peck my lips. "thanks Bucky"
He gave me a smile an guided my out of the kitchen with the breakfast in my hands, leaving behind us Steve's and Sam's bantering about us.
"I'm really sorry. Forgot today was training day" he apologized again in low voice, kissing my temple.
"it's okay, they seem nice" I said entering in his room and leaving the breakfast over the nightstand. "but they're like hyped kids"
"they're indeed" he agreed with a grin on his face. "so" throwing himself to the bed, he lay on his back with his head resting over one of his hands. "now that I'm taking you to school, and we've more time..."
I huffed, but when he pouted at me, I gave in. "just five more minutes." I warned, scooting closer to him and lying on his chest with my arms hugging him.
"Okay, miss" he replied, shifting his position to be able to cuddle me better. "just five more minutes"
"Bucky I mean it" I warned him again when he got way too comfortable.
"No you don't"
"fuck you, James" I said, chuckling heartedly.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him into a kiss, which turned out to be a mess due to both of our smiles.
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longsightmyth · 5 years
Myth Reads the Naming, Chapter 21
The chapter is called Council of Friends and I for one could use some more friendship is magic stuff in my life, bring it on.
Maerad has a nightmare and a voice speaks in something that is almost the Speech but fucked up. It says, “I am again, but none shall find my dwelling, for I live in every human heart.”
I just wanted friendship, book. You promised me friendship.
She wakes up and reassures herself, and then Hem knocks on her door having also had nightmares. They huddle together and fall back to sleep.
Maerad wakes up to a beautiful morning and Hem, eating bread in a corner. He’s been waiting for her to wake up. She asks how Cadvan is and Hem doesn’t seem to care much (which, fair) but says he’s probably still sleeping and Maerad should hurry up because there is food (I appreciate a lot about this interaction. If I forget to mention it in the comparison please bug me so I can talk about it in a reblog or something). Maerad kicks him out to get dressed and then they walk down to get lunch together.
When they get to the sitting room, Cadvan is awake and chatting with Saliman. Cadvan is the worse for wear still but he’s talking and awake and teasing Maerad a little bit, and Maerad almost cries with how happy she is that he’s alive, black eye and stitched up face cuts and all. He assures her when she asks that he feels great and sends her off to the food.
Appetite sated (Hem comes with her for seconds) the siblings return to Cadvan and Saliman, who are discussing Saliman’s journey. Turns out Saliman was attacked by three hulls and killed them, but not before they killed his horse. He’s pretty sad about it and so am I:  horse death is sad. The horses are just doing their best okay.
Anyway, Nelac comes in while Maerad is looking out at the gardens and says that most of his flowers survived the storm. Maerad immediately likes him, not least because he fixed up Cadvan and reminds her of Cadvan.
Hem continues to eat as the adult bards convene and catch each other up on everything, and when they get to the part about the Kulag Cadvan admits he was in a hurry and not as careful as he should have been with magic or travel. He credits Maerad with getting them all out alive.
“I wondered…,” said Maerad, and then stopped.
“What, O my Deliverer?” said Cadvan.
Maerad blushed again at his teasing. “I wondered if the Landrost had hurt you, and that was why…” she faltered and stopped again.
“The Landrost did indeed hurt me,” said Cadvan. “And I was less in my power than I could be. But that is no excuse for rushed decisions and the mistakes that come with them. I judge myself at fault, and so I am; and it is a severe judgment, Maerad, because things very nearly were otherwise, and the result would have been terrible for many more than us.”
Maerad saw for an instant an implacable harshness in Cadvan’s face, and she shivered; she thought she would not like to be judged by Cadvan, had she done any real wrong.
They continue to catch up, and Nelac remembers hearing about the Treesong somewhere but he’ll have to look for it again, but Saliman Knows What’s Up and sings a verse from the poem at the beginning of chapter 17, which I will transcribe here so nobody has to search the hellscape that is my tumblr tags:
Grows a Lily on the Briar
Grows a Briar on the Wave
Triple-tongued its voice of Fire
Edil-Amarandh with save
True and false the cunning Flame
Burning in the darkest Night
False and true the secret Name
Quickened in the womb of Light
Where the Briar on the Foam?
Doth the Lily stemless stand?
Who will bring the Singing home?
Where the Harp? And whose the Hand?
Nelac is like ‘lol it almost sounds like you’re saying Maerad, who can speak common, Elidhu, and the Speech, is the Foretold’
Cadvan’s ACTUAL (specified as distracted and absent) RESPONSE: “Yes, yes, of course I am.”
Maybe warn a guy before you drop prophetic bombs in his lap, Cadvan.
Nelac thinks about it a minute and sorta soul searches Maerad with eye contact is like ‘okay fine you may have a point’. Also the Treesong is a super ancient song, he remembers.
Nelac ALSO wants to scry Hem. Hem is not having it rn and runs into the garde. Maerad chastises Nelac with all the vehemence of a sibling vs outsiders and heads after her brother. After assuring Hem that SHE believes him, obviously, and that Cadvan does, he agrees to come back inside, where Nelac straight up bribes him with food to be scried later. Hem is like ‘well if there’s FOOD’ and agrees, which, fair.
Further, Nelac says they have to figure out where Hem can go to bard school because Norloch is being Particularly Racist at the moment and Hem, unlike Maerad, looks very Pilanel. Cadvan says irritably that Hem would like other schools better anyway, fuck Norloch (okay not in quite those words but it’s close).
Saliman: hey no worries I’ll take the kid home with me where racist dickheads aren’t in charge. Sound good, Hem?
Hem: Boy does it!
Section paraphrased for clarity.
Also, Nelac adds, y’all haven’t been here in a while so let me tell you what else Enkir has fucked up: no more lady bards can train at Norloch.
The fuck, everyone in the room basically mouths in unison.
Nelac: so the flaw in our system is, if all of our elected officials are old white rich white dudes with The Right Families then it turns out they elect an old rich white dude with The Right Family as leader, which means even the relatively benevolent old rich white dudes get outvoted when it comes to civil rights and not destroying the world because these guys have no concept of doing anything for other people even in the name of self interest.
Not that we know anything about that in the States or anything.
Everybody agrees that a council must be called regarding world saving because they still labor under the delusion that old rich white dudes with The Right Families in power give a shit what happens to the world if it doesn’t affect them in the next five minutes. The poor saps.
Cadvan shows Maerad around Norloch and assures her once again that even if she isn’t the foretold it’s no biggie, he’ll take her to a good bard school.
“Would you stay there?” she asked, knowing the answer already.
He glanced at her quickly, his face unreadable. “For a time, until you were settled in,” he said.
When they get back, Hem wants Maerad there while he’s scried. Nelac says it’s unusual, but so is scrying a child so why not. There isn’t much to see since we aren’t in Hem’s PoV, but Nelac confirms that Hem is Maerad’s brother and everybody rejoices. Maerad offers to get them something to drink, does so, and leaves, feeling like she intruded.
At dinner, which Hem actually skips, they make a game plan for presenting Maerad-as-The-Foretold to the council. Nelac is going to do it alone for political reasons. That’s the end of the chapter.
Three chapters of ToG is a fitting punishment for taking so long I guess. 46,47,48.
Dorian is hunting through the woods to ‘let the freezing air rush through him’  and burn off steam regarding Celaena, who apparently watches him like a cat watching a mouse, which is different from every single other woman ever, who otherwise look at him adoringly.
Dorian, I would think Kaltain fits that description. I’m just saying.
Apparently Celaena makes him want to be a better king or whatever by watching him and he’ll never be happy with any other woman now that he’s kissed her and he’s worried about her in the duel. Sure.
She’s thinking about the duel, worries that Cain might be better because he has stamina (I mean this is a valid concern: Celaena can’t seem to do any sort of strenuous physical activity without throwing up, her stamina IS crap) and then that she might have to obey the King of Adarlan if she’s his Champion.
I’m not sure what you thought you were signing up for, Celaena?
Then she decides she wants to stay in the castle because Hot Dudes, I guess.
Kaltain drugs Celaena’s goblet(?) in the outside duel.
Swap to Celaena’s PoV, where she complains about the cold and thinks that she doesn’t know why they have to have the duels outside. Me neither, Celaena. Me neither.
She recognizes a couple of council members who hired her in the past, and then Nehemia shows up. For reasons?
Anyway, the king makes a speech, the duels start, Cain wins his. Celaena thinks that the other guys hadn’t even lasted three minutes, which, I mean. People generally greatly overestimate how long fights take, especially fights that aren’t specifically hemmed in for competition. Three minutes is a long time to fight one on one for your life?
Oh wait they aren’t fighting to the death. That would be too men for the demon infested king? I don’t know.
Chaol offers Celaena his sword to fight with, and Nehemia offers her Nehemia’s staff instead.
“If I may,” Nehemia said in Eyllwe, “I’d like to offer this to you instead.” The princess held out her beautifully carved iron-tipped staff. Celaena glanced between Chaol’s sword and her friend’s weapon. The sword, obviously, was the wiser choice—and for Chaol to offer his own weapon made her feel strangely lightheaded—but the staff…
Nehemia leaned in to whisper in Celaena’s ear. “Let it be with an Eyllwe weapon that you take them down.” Her voice hitched. “Let wood from the forests of Eyllwe defeat steel from Adarlan. Let the King’s Champion be someone who understands how the innocents suffer.”
So Celaena chooses the staff, which is actually a GREAT weapon vs a sword assuming you know how to use it for a myriad of reasons? Why would a sword be a wiser choice? Why is that obvious? Especially if it’s ‘iron-tipped’ by which I think she means capped, but whatever. We already knew very little research went into this, I’m lucky Celaena isn’t using that soap and hairpin thing.
She’s going to fight Grave. Don’t worry about it, we’ll get an explanation about him in the second book when he suddenly becomes relevant again.
Chaol squeezed her hand, his skin warm in the frigid air. “Give him hell,” he said. Grave entered the ring and drew his sword.
Pulling her hand from Chaol’s, Celaena straightened her spine as she stepped into the ring. She quickly bowed to the king, then to her opponent.
She met Grave’s stare and smiled as she bent her knees, holding the staff in two hands.
You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, little man.
Grave’s first move is to try to break her staff. I. I’m just. Whatever at this point.
His sword gets stuck in her staff when he hits, and she punches him in the nose. He gets angry and charges, “aiming a direct blow to her heart.” She knocks his legs out from underneath him and puts the staff to his throat, which ends the fight I guess, though he doesn’t yield and isn’t injured aside from a broken nose.
She brought her mouth close to his ear. “My name is Celaena Sardothien,” she whispered. “But it makes no difference if my name’s Celaena or Lillian or Bitch, because I’d still beat you, no matter what you call me.” She smiled at him as she stood. He just stared up at her, his bloody nose leaking down the side of his cheek. She took the handkerchief from her pocket and dropped it on his chest. “You can keep that,” she said before she walked off the veranda.
She intercepted Chaol as soon as she crossed the line of chalk. “How long did that take?” she asked. She found Nehemia beaming at her, and Celaena lifted her staff a little in salute.
“Two minutes.”
She grinned at the captain. She was hardly winded. “Better than Cain’s time.”
How slowly are these people moving? Why are we counting time? What is HAPPENING.
Anyway they have a toast.
“Out of good faith, and honor to the Great Goddess,” Kaltain said in a dramatic voice. Celaena wanted to punch her. “May it be your offering to the Mother who bore us all. Drink, and let Her bless you, and replenish your strength.”
I want that all noted for the record on the religion front.
Celaena is thrown directly into fighting Cain without any more of a rest and does not realize she’s been drugged.
The conqueror of Erilea raised his hands.
“Begin!” he roared, and Celaena shook her head, trying to clear her blurry vision. She steadied herself, wielding the staff like a sword as Cain began circling. Nausea flashed through her as his muscles flexed. For some reason, the world was still hazy. She clenched her teeth, blinking. She’d use his strength against him.
Cain charged faster than she anticipated. She caught his sword on the broad side with the staff, avoiding the sharp edges, and leapt back as she heard the wood groan.
He struck so quickly that she had to concede to the edge of his blade. It sank deep into the staff. Her arms ached from the impact. Before she could recover, Cain yanked his sword from her weapon and surged toward her. She could only bound back, deflecting the blow with the iron tip of the staff.
Given that Celaena is a, an assassin, b, just had a refresher course on poisons, and c, has been poisoned like this at least once before in the prequel novellas, I don’t know what to tell anybody here. Finally she gets it when she hears Kaltain laugh.
She had difficulty holding the staff. Cain came at her, and she had no choice but to meet his blows, barely having the strength to raise the weapon each time. How much bloodbane had they given her? The staff cracked, splintered, and groaned.
Did Nehemia give her a wimpy-ass staff or does Celaena just not know how to use it to deflect rather than just take the full force of a blade? His sword sinks into it, it splinters and cracks? Y’all. No.
She had to end this now, before the hallucinations started. She knew they’d be powerful: seers had once used bloodbane as a drug to view spirits from other worlds. Celaena shot forward with a sweep of the staff. Wood slammed into steel.
The staff snapped in two.
The iron-tipped head soared to the other side of the veranda, leaving Celaena with a piece of useless wood.
Y’all. Y’ALL. You don’t even know how much I’m despairing right now.
Anyway, we go through Dorian and Chaol’s PoVs in quick succession to show that they’re worried about her and are probably in love, because sure, that’s what’s important right now, why not.
Celaena starts seeing creatures from another world as Cain keeps beating her up and Chaol keeps telling her to get up. Apparently the eye of Elena actually was protecting her, because…
Cain reached for her throat, and she flung herself backward. All that he managed to grab was her amulet. With a resounding snap, the Eye of Elena ripped from her neck.
The sunlight disappeared, the bloodbane seizing control of her mind again, and Celaena found herself before an army of the dead. The shadowy figure that was Cain raised his arm, dropping the amulet upon the ground.
They came for her.
That’s the end of the chapter. Thank goodness.
Say it with me: I despair.
These chapters are pretty different from each other, but I said I wanted to talk about Hem and food and I do.
Both Hem and Maerad have been deprived all their lives, and while Maerad is slightly less preoccupied with filling her stomach than Hem, she also does not in my memory refuse food when it is offered, and only ever delights in the fact that she has it. Hem, obviously, is a little more fixated, but Maerad usually got ENOUGH to eat by virtue of her musical talent and value and the whole superstition thing. Hem rarely did.
Celaena turns her nose up at salmon and complains when chicken is a little bit dry. It’s just not behavior I would expect from someone starved in a salt mine for a year.
Pellinor’s mythology and religion and society remains consistent. ToG’s still rolling with the one goddess lots of little gods thing for now.
I’m just glad that Celaena used an actual weapon (poorly) and didn’t try to get creative. God knows what she would have done with a blade of grass or something. Why are we timing our fights. How was Chaol watching the clock closely enough to know that AND watching the fight. This could all have been solved with some research.
Pages: 23
Fragments: 36
Em-Dashes: 50
Ellipses: 14
Pages: 22
Fragments: 6
Em-Dashes: 2
Ellipses: 13
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creative-robot · 5 years
21 Question Tag
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better (make a separate post!)
Thanks for tagging me @kenai29 ! (sorry it took so long to get to it, Tumblrs a jerk lol)
Nickname: Robot mostly 
Zodiac: Saggitarius! 
Height: 5′3 last I checked
Last movie I saw: Into The Spiderverse, It was SO GOOD 
Last thing I googled: Minecraft Pigs (...art reasons)
Favorite Musicians: I don't really follow individual musicians, more just whatever songs catch my ears, but The Owl City guy is a gem
Song stuck in my head: It Took me by Surprise- Maria Mena
Other blogs: I run @robotic-writing , which is a dialogue prompt blog where I throw out my nonsense and sometimes people like it,  and @destructive-robot , where I write poems sometimes. Nothing super crazy ((Fun fact here I used to run a Fnaf Imagines blog to get people to kickstart other Fnaf imagines blogs and it worked, theres a bunch of people running them now and I hold the fact that I started that very close to my chest))
Do I get asks: Other than @statictay and an anon once in a while, not really. Sometimes when I'm down ill ask people to send me stuff and they do so I'm really appreciative of that.
Followers: 386, and I keep an eagle eye on them to weed out the pornbots so I'm like 89% sure they're all real people
Following: Hm,,, 312
Amount of sleep: I go to bed around midnight every night so it depends on if I work a morning shift but usually 8-10 hours a night
Lucky number: 13, and no it’s not ‘cause ‘’’Edgy Number’’’ it’s ‘cause that was the year I started grabbing who I was by the horns. 
What am I wearing: PJs, like 90% of the time I am in Pjs
Dream Job: Having a Living Wage (if I didn't have to worry about money I’d love to be a Nanny or consistent Pet/Kid sitter.)
Dream Trip: I’m working on visiting almost every state in America (excluding Hawaii and Alaska because,,,,Planes) so any trip that lets me get more, I’m at 23/48 and I aint stopping now.
Favorite Food: Burgers and Pizza, I never really get to eat it so it’s special when I do
Play any instruments: Not anymore but I used to play Trumpet
Favorite Song: I can’t choose one so I’m going to say an unpopular opinion instead, Nightcore’s Good Actually. (profiting off Nightcore, is bad. but I like nightcore itself, its helped me find songs I never would have found otherwise)
Random Fact: I have several pairs of long fingerless gloves that I wear almost everywhere all the time, they fit under sleeves and I love them so much. 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Looking in the mirror to convince yourself that you exist. Smiling when you're sad because you don't want to feel like a burden. Seeing someone be proud of themselves and feeling inspired. the feeling of having someone tell you that you inspired them. Listening to the same song 10 times in one hour so you can sing it later. Never quite coming out your daydreams. A single glow of color in a monochrome landscape. hearing your heartbeat in the silent darkness and remembering how human you are. Laughing at dumb nonsense with friends. Creating a whole world and continuously adding to it in ways only you know. 
Tags! @echoing-spades @statictay @stardustandstress @lucky-clover-cannot-hear-you @p0tat0pal @geekynerd101 @sockpansy @5carletterose @thesalmontoruletheworld and anyone else who want to do it! Just say I tagged you, cause i did!
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 1
A/N:  Ok my lovelies, here’s chapter 1. Again, this is my first time posting on tumblr so be gentle with me.... I bruise easily lol. This is a slightly AU, Seth, Dean, Roman and Renee still end up with the WWE. I’ve tried doing as much research as possible when it comes to the blind community. Also the ‘Amanda’ character is supposed to be Amanda Palmer. If you haven’t heard of her you should check her out!! I tell you this because it pertains to the story. I’ll try my hardest to do weekly updates!! Please let me know if there are any mistakes!! I tried tagging everyone who asked!! If I missed you please lmk asap!! Enjoy!!
Seth Rollins x Blind OC
Word Count: 3000+
Warnings: Swearing, a small altercation, talk of parents fighting, talk of a parent leaving. 
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?
“Are you sure you really wanna go to school here?!” Amanda asked as she helped Lily unpack the last of her boxes.
Lily couldn’t help but laugh at the whine in Amanda’s voice. “I’m very sure, not only does it have one of the best music programs but I also have a full ride scholarship so.... yeah Ms. Palmer, I’m staying.”
Amanda and Lily had been thick as thieves since the first grade when Amanda poured her chocolate milk on a second grader who had been picking on Lily.
“What about the area? It’s totally foreign to you! How will you learn it with out me?!”
“I’ll take daily walks, plus I have Siri.” She said holding up her iPhone.
“Ok... what about your classes?! Who will show you around?!”
“Nice try, the dean has already assigned someone to show me around. Next?”
Amanda was stumped, she wracked her brain for any and every excuse to keep her best friend from staying.
“Well.... what about me?! What the hell am I supposed to do without you?! Ya selfish piece of crap!!” She asked in desperation, hoping that good ol’ guilt would keep Lily by her side.
Giving Amanda a reassuring smile, she held out her hand. Amanda took the outstretched limb and was engulfed into a tight hug.
“I’ll miss you too, Mandy. Truth is, you’re going to do great things with your life!! I mean, you and Brian are gonna go far!! I can see it now, ‘The Dresden Dolls are the first music group to win 20 Grammies in one night!’ You’re gonna be famous!” Lily proclaimed as she held Amanda. Her smile faltered when she heard the unmistakable sound of sniffing.
“Oh Manda-Bear, please don’t cry! I’m only a call away!”
“I know but it’s not the same... I know that it seems like I take care of you a lot but in reality you’ve always had my back! How will I survive without my Lily-Pad?”
By now both girls were blubbering messes when Lily’s phone went off. She quickly cleared her throat and answered.
“Hello?” She asked, proud that her voice didn’t break.
“Hi, Lily Adams?”
“Speaking, may I ask who’s calling?”
“Of course! I’m Renee Young, I’ve been assigned to be your campus guide for the next few days.” Lily let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She was relieved that the voice on the other end sounded cheerful and sincere.
“Oh yes, hi! Thank you for taking the time to help me out. I promise I’m a fast learner so you won’t have to worry about spending too much time with me!”
Amanda reached over and gave Lily a firm pinch on her arm.
“Are you ok?!” Renee asked, slightly worried.
The red head scowled at her friend, well tried to at least. “I’m fine, just stubbed my toe.” She quickly answered while flipping Amanda the bird.  
“Stop thinking you’re a burden!” Amanda whisper yelled.
“Oh sorry about that. Ok, Dean Anderson already gave me your address so I’ll swing by your place tomorrow morning around 9am to pick you up and start the tour! I’ll take you to where all your classes will be, the best hangouts and show you all the sights- er, sorry I mean, um”
“That sounds great! I’m so excited, thank you so much!” Lily answered trying to reassure Renee that there was no harm done.
“Ok, I’ll call you tomorrow before I pick you up! See you, I mean, talk to you then! Bye!!”
Lily laughed, she could’ve sworn she heard Renee cuss before hanging up.
“Let me guess, she said something she felt was totally insensitive and started freaking out?” Amanda piped in once Lily set her phone down. She could hear the sarcasm dripping from her friends mouth.
“Be nice, it’s not everyday people meet someone like me. She was just trying to be polite. Now, what are the chances of you helping me decorate?”
“Hmm... buy me pizza and a beer and I’ll be your very own Martha Stewart!”
About two pizzas and four and a half beers later Lily and Amanda had almost everything put in its place, there was just one last detail.
“Do you remember when you got that?” Amanda asked as she watched Lily open the last box and gently run her fingers over the old keyboard.
“Of course, it’s one of my favorite memories. I scraped and saved for months only to have you surprise me by buying it for my birthday.” She smiled at the memory as she pulled it out while Amanda assembled the stand and small bench that came with it.
“It’s gonna be weird not having you play for me on stage anymore.” Amanda said with a sigh. Lily hugged her for the hundredth time that night.
“I know but you’re just as good at playing the piano as I am if not better. Plus people totally dig an artist who can sing and play at the same time!! I mean, Elton John does it and the audience eats that shit up!”
“I do like Sir Elton.” Amanda said earning a giggle from Lily.
They settled on Lily’s bed and spent the remainder of the night talking until sleep inevitably took them both.
“Well, I guess this is it.” Amanda said trying hard not to cry.
“Oh my gosh, I’m not dying, we’ll see each other again!!”
The two girls held each other for what felt like an eternity.
“Ugh, ok, I’ve got a flight to catch and you’ve got a campus tour in an hour!! Scoot that cute tush back to your room. I’ve already laid out an outfit for you, complete with your favorite pair of aviators and I placed your cane right next to your clothes!”
“You spoil me too much. Thank you so much tho! I love you so m-much. Damn it!! I almost made it through th-that with out crying.” Lily said as she felt the dam begin to break. She felt Amanda run her thumbs on her cheeks wiping the tears away.
“I love you too, baby cakes.” Amanda began to walk away but turned abruptly and cupped Lily’s cheeks and whispered “Remember, you’re not just a blind girl, you’re an amazing badass who doesn’t take shit from anyone! Say it!”
“I’m a badass.” Lily mumbled.
“I’m a badass!”
“Come again?”
“I’M A BADASS!!!” She yelled out, praying that her neighbors didn’t hear her.
“Hell yeah you are!”
With that Amanda kissed her on the forehead and went on her way. Lily counted the steps as she heard her best friend walk out of her new home. Before she could become a sobbing mess she heard her phone ringing.
“Hi Lily, it’s Renee, just calling to let you know that I’ll be there in about 45 minutes.”
“Perfect, thank you again!!”
“No problem!! Bye!”
Grateful for the distraction, Lily sprang into action, quickly throwing on her clothes and aviators. With one hand she ran her fingers through her hair while the other felt around for her cane. Just as she straightened it out she heard a knock at the door.
“Coming!” She shouted as she felt for her phone and purse. “Ok Lily, you can do this, twenty one steps from your room to the door.”
Opening the front door to her apartment she was greeted with a soft sent of a sweet floral perfume.
“Hi!! I’m Renee!” She said eagerly stretching her hand out, rolling her eyes when she realized that Lily couldn’t see her gesture and gently took her hand giving it a friendly shake.
“Nice to finally meet you!” Lily said with an excited smile.
“Same here, shall we?”
By the end of the tour Renee and Lily had talked a lot and formed a friendship in no time. Renee transferred here from Canada and was majoring in journalism. She was currently in a relationship with one of the students on the wrestling team named Dean Ambrose. They walked arm in arm towards the final stop of the day.
“And this is where you’ll most likely be spending a lot of your time.” Renee said as she led Lily to the music department. There she showed her all of the practice rooms, the majority of them equipped with pianos.
“I can’t thank you enough for showing me around! I’ve had so much fun!” Lily said giving Renee’s arm a gentle squeeze.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! I had fun to-HEY!” Lily gasped as she felt Renee’s arm being pulled from her grasp.
“Well, well, well,” said a deep, raspy voice “what do we have here?” Lily began to panic, it was bad enough that she couldn’t see what was happening, but she hated feeling useless! She frantically reached into her purse and pulled out her cane. She had put it in there once Renee took her arm. Before she could start swinging aimlessly, she heard Renee giggling.
“Damn it Dean! You scared the hell outta me!”
“I’m sorry doll, but you know I can’t resist sweeping you off your feet.” He chuckled.
Calming her breathing and lowering her cane, Lily began to notice the details about Dean. He smelt like leather and cigarettes with a subtle hint of soap, telling her nose that he had just recently showered. She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of them kissing. She scrunched her nose and giggled before she could stifle it.
Renee quickly pulled away from Dean.
“Sorry, Lily, this is my boyfriend Dean, Dean meet Lily! She’s starting here this semester!”
Dean looked Lily over, taking notice of her sunglasses and cane. Putting two and two together he reached for her hand, giving it a quick shake. Lily smiled, shaking his hand back as she felt the calluses on his hand.
“Welcome darlin’. “
“Thanks, nice to meet you. Renee told me you’re a wrestler?”
“Yes ma’am, you a fan?” He asked while Renee gently elbowed him.
“Ouch, what was that for?” He asked totally, missing Renee’s hand signals trying to quiet him.
‘She can’t see, why would she be a fan of wrestling?’ She mouthed.
Lily, sensing the awkwardness, spoke up in hopes of easing the tension.
“I am actually.”
If she wasn’t blind, she’d see both their heads snap in her direction, mouths agape. After a few seconds, Dean finally broke the silence.
“I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but how exactly? I mean it’s kind of a watching sport.”
“Well, believe it or not, each move has a distinct sound. My mom and I used to watch wrestling on tv together. My best friend Amanda and I also frequented the local indie circuit back home. She’d give me a play by play but most of the time I knew what was happening.”
“Well, hell darlin’, you should come check us out sometime!!” Dean bellowed as he wrapped his arm around Lily’s shoulders.
“Oh my gosh, that would be so fun!” Renee said, her voice laced with excitement, “You’d have so much fun!”
Just as she was about to answer, Lily’s stomach let out a growl that could put King-Kong to shame. She felt a blush slowly creep up her neck and spread to her face.
“Damn Renee, I think someone’s hungry.”
It was only then that both girls realized they hadn’t stopped for lunch and it was as nearly 6pm.
“Ok, I think now would be the best time to show you the cafeteria.” Renee said with a laugh.
“That’d be awesome.” Lily said just as her stomach decided to make itself heard again. Assuming Renee would want to hold Dean’s hand, Lily opted to use her cane instead of relying on Renee’s arm.
As the three of them made their way to the cafeteria, Lily heard a new set of footsteps accompanied with a scent of smooth cologne.
“Thanks for leaving without me, Uce.” said an unbelievably deep voice.
“Sorry Ro, I was helping the little lady escort Lily here to the cafeteria. Lily, this is Roman, he sounds like a bear but deep down he’s a gentle giant.”
Lily turned in the direction of Roman’s voice, hoping to shake his hand, but was stopped short when she felt her cane snag something... or rather someone.
“What the fu-“ this person said followed by a thud. Lily couldn’t help but flinch and cringe a bit knowing that she was the cause of someone getting hurt.
“I am so sorry!” She said quickly trying to feel for whoever she almost took out. Her hands landed on a well toned bicep as well as an intoxicating scent of aftershave and sweat. Before she could help whoever it was up she felt them shake off her hands and heard an irritated growl.
“Get the hell off me!” He said angrily.
Lily felt her eyes water. ‘Way to go Lily, making a great first impression...’ she mentally scolded herself.
“Easy Seth, it was an accident man.” Roman said as he reached down to help his friend up, trying his best to keep his temper in check when Seth slapped his hand away.
“Right.”  He said as he dusted himself off, turning towards Lily as he spoke.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going next time?” He seethed. Dean, Roman and Renee all tensed at his poor choice of words. It wasn’t his fault tho, he hadn’t known that Lily was blind.
“Believe me, I wish I could.” She said with a sad smile.
Sensing that Seth was about to say something hurtful, Dean quickly got his attention, unceremoniously placed his hands over his eyes while shaking his head ‘no’ trying his hardest to signal to his friend that Lily couldn’t see. Of course Seth, being the hot head that he was, just shook his head muttering a ‘whatever’ and walked away.
Lily bit her bottom lip, in a desperate attempt to stop it from quivering, when she felt a large hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about him baby girl,” Roman said gently “he’s just pissed off because coach gave him a hard time today.”
Renee rolled her eyes saying “Please, he’s always in a bad mood. Are you ok Lily?” She asked, coming to Lily’s side and hugging her.
Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded and allowed Roman to lead her into the cafeteria.
Having lost her appetite she just moved her food around with her fork.
As she sat with her new three friends, they took the opportunity to study her, she wasn’t that tall, maybe 5’3”, deep red hair and ivory skin. She was a petite little thing. Roman, having enough of this awkward silence, spoke up. “So Lily, tell us about yourself.”
“Oh, well, I graduated from high school about two years ago and took time off to play for my friend Amanda. She’s a singer trying to get her music career started. Have you ever heard of the Dresden Dolls?” She asked. It was a long shot but you never know.
“No.” Both Dean and Roman answered in almost perfect unison.
“I have!” Renee almost yelled “Do they sing Coin Operated Boy?!”
Lily almost choked on her soda. She couldn’t believe that someone knew of them!
“Yes!! I played the piano on that track! What a small world!”
“That’s awesome!” Renee exclaimed, “where did you learn to play?”
“I started when I was about 6, my mom said I needed a distraction after my- I mean...” Lily cleared her throat and started chugging her drink.
Dean, having no tact at all, took it upon himself to ask what no one else would.
“After What darlin’?”
Lily sighed, it was going to come out any way, might as well be now.
“After my dad left us. He didn’t like the fact that he was trapped with a ‘defective’ daughter so he took off with his 21 year old secretary, but not before having a huge screaming match with my mom. That’s one of the downsides of being blind, your other senses are heightened so I heard every word.”
A bastard tear fell down her cheek as she recalled the painful memory. She reached up to wipe it away but was beaten by Roman’s thumb.
“It’s his loss baby girl. He’s a fool for leaving you and your mom.”
“Thanks, um so. What about you guys?” She asked, changing the subject, “what do you guys look like?”
She learned that Dean was 6’4”, Caucasian, blue eyes, well built, with dirty blonde hair, Renee was just a few inches taller than Lily, hazel eyes, fair skinned as well with light blonde hair and Roman was 6’3”, Samoan, tan skin, brown eyes, long dark brown hair, and (according to Dean) was built like an Adonis.
“Wow, you all sound like you could be models!”
“Well, darlin’, when you’re rockin’ next to nothin’ when wrestling, you gotta look good.” Dean said as Roman laughed in agreement.
“You should come to one of our shows! It’d be fun!” Dean said, scooping the last of his chowder into his mouth.
“Maybe one day!” Lily said yawning. “Renee, I’m so sorry but would you mind taking me back to my place? I’m still a little jet lagged.”
“Of course!”
Roman helped Lily outta her seat and the four of them left. They said their goodbyes and Lily made her way up to her apartment.
“Alexa, play messages.” Lily called out as she threw her keys and purse on the table.
“You have one new message from Manda-Bear:
‘Hey Lily-Pad, just wanted to let you know that I made it back safely and I miss you already. You had better call me when you wake up and tell me all about your day or so help me I’ll jump back on a plane and come kick your adorable ass!! I love you... call me!!’
Lily smiled and made a mental note to call Amanda in the morning. She couldn’t help but feel completely alone at the moment. Not to mention she couldn’t believe that she hadn’t even been on campus for a full 24 hours and already she made a fool of herself. One thing was for sure, she was going to do her best to steer clear of this Seth guy.
“Alexa, what time is it?”
“It is 11:42pm”
Groaning she did the only thing that calmed her down when she was antsy. Sitting at the her keyboard she began playing the Moonlight Sanata. After 15 minutes of playing she was interrupted by someone pounding on her front door. She quickly ran to her door, not before grabbing her pocket knife, and swung open the door, stiffening when she was met with the same scent she smelt when she tripped Seth.
“Oh shit...” Seth mumbled under his breath.
“Can I help you?” Lily asked with a sigh.
“Yeah, I’m trying to sleep so could you keep the damn noise down?!” He said annoyed realizing that they were neighbors.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll do....” before she could finish she couldn’t help but hear Amanda’s words from earlier ‘you’re an amazing badass who doesn’t take shit from anyone’.
“Hello?!” He said, snapping his fingers in front of her face, a mistake on his part. With lightning speed, Lily grabbed his wrist and threw it back at him.
“Look,” She said pointing a finger at him, “I’m sorry about earlier and I’m sorry about the noise but you have no right to act like a prick! Now,” she took a deep breath, calming down “come in for a drink and we can start over.” Giving him her friendliest smile she moved out of the way to let him in.
A very stunned Seth stood there looking at her.  No one, let alone a woman, had ever spoken to him like that. It didn’t sit well with him. Not one bit.
“No thanks, I’ve got an early class.” And with that he retreated back to his apartment.
Embarrassed, she shut her door and went beck to her room. She wanted to be mad, she really did but being blind had its advantages. She depended greatly on her hearing when having conversations to pick up on social cues. She sensed something deeper in Seth’s voice, something he tried desperately to hide: insecurity. To everyone else he portrayed himself as a cocky athlete who was God’s gift to women, but Lily could hear past that. As she laid down she couldn’t help but feel an infatuation with him. She knew what it was like to pretend to be strong on the outside while vulnerable on the inside. Smiling to herself she decided that instead of avoiding him, she’d make it her goal to befriend him and lift him up. She closed her eyes and welcomed a dreamless sleep, excited for the new day.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @calwitch @neversatisfiedgirl @lost-in-the-stories
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rainberrydrops · 6 years
Tag Game: 100 Questions
Thanks for tagging me @theperksofbeingadreamer  ♥
Wow answering these questions felt like I am answering a slambook! I was in 6th grade when I last answered a slambook and that was years ago XD (okay, I sound like an old woman XD)
1. What is your nickname? Ries
2. How old are you? 19
3. What is your birth month? May
4. What is your zodiac sign? Taurus
5. What is your favorite color? Blue (all shades of blue!) and black
6. What’s your lucky number? none
7. Do you have any pets? Yes, two male dogs (Choconut and Chocolate, they are not brothers, btw) and two female kittens (Mallows and Butterscotch)
8. Where are you from? ✧ Philippines ✧
9. How tall are you? 4"11
10. What shoe size are you? 5 in US size (I'm Cinderella~ lmao)
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 6
12. Are you random? I'm not really sure what do you mean by this...
13. Last person you texted? I can't remember XD I hardly texted anyone because I prefer chatting them :3
14. Are you psychic in any way? No
15. Last TV show watched? evening news
16. Favourite movie? Until today, I still love The Sorcerer's Apprentice~
17. Favourite show from your childhood? Hmm... Powerpuff Girls, I think? XD
18. Do you want children? Yes! (but please not now okay, I am still too young for it XD lmao)
19. Do you want a church wedding? I don't think so (okay, what's with these questions hahahaha)
20. What is your religion? Christian
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes, I was confined when I was 11 because I nearly got pneumonia but I am glad I was treated before it got worse
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? No
23. How is life? Same as always, still trying my best to figure out what the heck I will do after I graduate in college because I am still very indecisive about it :<
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing any socks right now
26. Have you ever been famous? No
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? No! I am afraid of getting too much attention so definitely not!
28. What type of music do you like? I like pop, pop rock, rock, Jrock, Jpop, OPM and instrumental music. I also listen to classical sometimes
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No and I don't know what the hell is that
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? I sleep in on my side
32. How big is your house? small
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I like eating spaghetti for breakfast or 2 slices of bread. If I'm in the mood to fry something then I'll eat whatever I can fry + rice (I really like rice!)
34. Have you ever left the country? Nope but I wish I would sooner :D
35. Have you ever tried archery? Nope but I want to! I really like sports that doesn't require me to move too much
36. Do you like anyone? Romantically? Nope. But if it's just plain "like" as in "admiration" then yes I like my favorite Japanese actors and my friends :D
37. Favourite swear word(s)? wth, sht, wtf and damn (seriously, these questions keep getting weirder...) 38. When do you fall asleep? around 00:00 to 2:00 am ⇀‸↼‶ it depends on how active my mind is 39. Do you have any scars? Yes
40. Sexual orientation? Straight
41. Are you a good liar? it depends...
42. What languages would you like to learn? I want to be fluent in Japanese and Spanish ^^ and after that I want to learn Dutch (even though I always get tongue-tied XD)
43. Top 10 songs? Ninelie - Aimer ft. Chelly Want You Back - 5sos Young Blood - 5SOS In my Blood - Shawn Mendes Euterpe - Egoist No Namae no Kaibutsu - Egoist Dreaming Alone - Against the Current ft. Taka Jet Black Heart - 5SOS Disconnected - 5SOS Castaway - 5SOS
44. Do you like your country? Nature-wise, my country is very beautiful and that's one of the things I like. But government system-wise, economy-wise I am not happy (wow, surprise Ries cares about politics and government and stuff like that XD)
45. Do you have friends from the web? Yes! 
46. What is your personality type? INFJ-T
47. Hogwarts House? Gryffindor ♥
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yasss!
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? Airis Riedel (MC of Lost Alice)
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? Nope
52. Favourite food? pizza and cookies and cream ice cream (that's not real food, Ries!)
53. Favorite foreign food? PIZZA! and I also love Mochi and takoyaki ^^
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? What I usually do. It doesn't matter if I'm a girl or guy :D
56. What color underwear? Red (seriously, whoever made these questions there's something wrong with you XD lol just saying)
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? it depends on my mood
58. Do you have much of an ego? No
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both (wait, why does it matter? =_=)
60. Do you talk to yourself? All the time (okay, I think I am crazy? XD) no seriously, for a writer it's a usual thing specially if you are trying to find your character's voice. It's really weird but yeah
62. Are you a good singer? I don't know. I'll ask my sister, she's the one who always hear me singing
63. Biggest Fears? Being unsuccessful and failure (same with @theperksofbeingadreamer)
64. Are you a gossip? No and why would I be one?  ⇀‸↼‶
65. Are you a grammar nazi? YES. VERY. MUCH.
66. Do you have long or short hair? medium length
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? NO
68. Favorite school subject? Hmm I think Journalism because that's my forte (I am in college so we have specialized subjects now and not the usual English, Science, etc.)
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No and I won't ever because I don't know how to swim T_T
71. What makes you nervous? it depends...
72. Are you scared of the dark? No
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Sometimes, but it's more like I give them advice rather than correct them because I prefer if they do the correcting part themselves for that will make them even better people
74. Are you ticklish? No, not at all
75. Have you ever started a rumor? No
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? No
77. Have you ever drank underage? No. I don't like the smell of any liquor so I haven't dared drinking any kind of liquor even until today
78. Have you ever done drugs? No and why would I? 
79. What do you fantasize about? it depends. It's tough being a writer, there's too much going on in my head (but I'm not crazy, don't worry XD)
80. How many piercings do you have? Two (earrings)
81. Can you roll your R’s? I think... nope?
82. How fast can you type? fast 83. How fast can you run? I am a fast runner :D
84. What color is your hair? Jet black
85. What color are your eyes? deepest shade of brown (at first glance it looks like black but if you look closer its actually brown)
86. What are you allergic to? Nothing
87. Do you keep a journal? Yes but it is just a notebook I use for keeping track of everything I have to do and I must do and a notebook where I write my poems
88. Are you depressed about anything? No
89. Do you like your age? Yes because I am almost an adult now and I am allowed to go anywhere I want by myself and go home late :D
90. What makes you angry? -annoying people -hypocrites -people who do not know the term "mind your own business" -people who do not bother contributing in groupworks -and many more! 91. Do you like your own name? I like my nickname Ries but my real name (Caries Ann Mae) nah, it's so lengthy and people always mispronounce "Caries" as "keh-riz" which means tooth decay rather than its actual pronunciation "kah-rees". And the meaning of my name is really lame so if I could choose, I'd rather want to be named "Ries Ann" :3 remove the "Ca and the Mae" XD
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? what the hell do you mean by this question?
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? BOTH
94. What talents do you have? I guess writing
96. How did you get your name? My father's idea
97. Are you religious? No but I believe in God and I always pray and read the bible but I don't have any faith in any religion
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? No
99. Color of your bedspread? purple
100. Tumblr Bestie? @theperksofbeingadreamer  ♥ she’s my sister from another parents~
I’m not sure if you want to do this because this is so lengthy and some questions are really weird but I’ll tag you anyways @amia-springs @reizenforlife @otome-doll @suzunofuusuke @yuuki-clyde @just-otome @fayemichaels
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85 statements about me
i was tagged by @qiuu-tong ty i love shit like this
last 1. drink - blueberry tea beer 2. phone call - i called my uni because i'm panicking about paperwork 3. text message - to my friend to answer a question about schoolwork we have 4. song you listened to - all i have to give by the backstreet boys IT'S ICONIC AND CLASSIC DON'T @ ME 5. time you cried - lowkey i watched the greatest showman recently and when they all performed as a circus for the first time i kinda maybe started crying ever 6. dated someone twice - nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nah regrets aren't my thing 8. been cheated on - probably not 9. lost someone special - yes, unfortunately. RIP gma nancy and jack you guys were amazing parts of my life and still amazing parts of my heart!!! 10. been depressed - lordy yes, been in some dark places 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - lmao yeah i drank an amount i knew i could handle BUT forgot i was totally sick not two days ago so my body was outta wack. it was nasty but my mom found me and was a complete pal about it fave colours 12. PINK 13. BLUE 14. UHHHHH GOLD OR LIKE SPRING SOFT GREEN in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - yes!! 16. fallen out of love - no!! 17. laughed until you cried - yes!! 18. found out someone was talking about you - my memory blows but i think so, yeah 19. met someone who changed you - not in any highkey way, maybe in some little ways but that's just life man 20. found out who your true friends are - i know who my people are 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nope general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - i don't really use my fb and i don't feel like looking forgive me. the amount that there is -2 or 3, probably 23. do you have any pets - YES i have my baby boy SIGMA, A SNAKE; i have my PUPPY, GUILDENSTERN; i have a collection of FINE, LARGE CHICKENS; and i have a cat with a serious bitchface, RAMSES 24. do you want to change your name - mmMMMMMMmm nah, like, i'd like other names better probably but my name is really tied to who i am for better or for worse. i'd totally change out my last name if i got married though 25. what did you do for your last birthday - i went to the zoo with my friend from northern ireland who visited me!!! at least i think that was last year lmao 26. what time did you wake up today - 9am I think?? i slept in 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - schoolwork. i'm working a lot these days... 28. what is something you can’t wait for - I'M GONNA GET TO DO AN ESCAPE ROOM WHEN I GO TO GENCON THIS YEAR I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO ONE 30. what are you listening to right now - siuil a run by celtic woman : D   31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - YES the father of my best friend growing up was named tom. he recently (ish, over a year ago?) passed away from his parkinson's so rest in paradise to him, too uu 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - someone i know no shade. if you're reading this don't worry it's not you lmao 33. most visited website - probably reddit or tumblr 34. hair colour - brown 35. long or short hair - short!! i've been loving having shoulder length hair 36. do you have a crush on someone - i carry no real thirst at the moment 37. what do you like about yourself - i'm really patient when handling people i think that's a good thing. stuff that'd get a rise outta a lot of other people i can deal with pretty well, i think 38. want any piercings? - i WISH i used to have some actually but i'm dangerously allergic to a common metal and i learned the very hard way that slipping up on that when you have piercings leads to bad experiences in a hospital!! 39. blood type - i actually don't know 40. nicknames - rae is actually a nickname teehee. people pretty much just call me that except my dad calls me lil bro i guess. 41. relationship status - wonshades 42. zodiac - gemini 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - fIREFLY and pushing daisies and a lot of others 45. tattoos - none right now but i'm planning to get one since my mom is a tattoo artist and somehow i still haven't had her give me one 46. right or left handed - SOUTHPAWS REPRESENT 47. ever had surgery - nope! 48. piercings - see #38 heehee 49. sport - i did gymnastics for a few years, i do martial arts now 50. vacation - i'm not a vacation person but i'd love to go to japan. last time i left ohio, i went to chicago for the monsta x concert. last time i went out of country was canada for a study abroad program in the same year 51. trainers - my running shoes are expensive but less expensive because i got them in an ugly wanted color that i think is perfect (H O T P I N K). i'm a runner so the shoes are imPORTANT, MAN more general 52. eating - i had pizza tonight i really want cheap chinese food right now 53. drinking - still drinking my blueberry tea beer want another but it's 11:40pm so that's not happening 54. i’m about to watch - series of unfortunate events s2 once i find the fuckin netflix password i wrote down 55. waiting for - the BBMAs i need to support my boys live (also it's a blast to watch them with my sister-in-law who i'm tagging <3) 56. want - attention and clothing 57. get married - yes yes yes i'd love to get married someday 58. career - i'm an english teacher which is exactly where i wanna be which is better 59. hugs or kisses - attention 60. lips or eyes - eyes but both are great 61. shorter or taller - somehow i always end up dating shorter people. i like my men sturdy. but i have no real preference on height 62. older or younger - close to my age in either direction 63. nice arms or stomach - sweats 64. hookup or relationship - relationships i'm not much of a hookup person 65. troublemaker or hesitant - trouble teehee have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - nope 67. drank hard liquor - yes 68. lost glasses - yes and i'm too blind to find them once i do 69. turned someone down - yep 70. sex on first date - nope 71. broken someone’s heart - yes 72. had your heart broken - oh god yes lol 73. been arrested - nope 74. cried when someone died - i don't actually remember for one instance but i know i didn't in the other. i was crushed though don't get me wrong the tears just done didn’t happen 75. fallen for a friend - oh god yes lol do you believe in 76. yourself - i try to! 77. miracles - yeah 78. love at first sight - it's never happened to me but i won't say i don't believe in it, it might be real for other people and i can't invalidate that 79. santa claus - THE SPIRIT OF SANTA CLAUS 80. kiss on a first date - if it seems like a thing to do why not 81. angels - yes, in a sense other 82. best friend’s name - L I S S A MY GIRL 83. eye colour - very brown 84. fave movie - the lotr trilogy 85. fave actor - probably tim roth i love tim roth like a lo t and i don't really know why but shoutout to tatiana maslany for being the actual goddess of acting
i’m tagging @freohrdatia, @pyrrhesia, @roymblog, and @pastelroseprincess and anyone else who sees this who wants to!! 
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rxdscarf · 6 years
85 Questions
I got tagged by @janiedean thanks :)
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my mum :D 3. text message: a friend 4. song you listened to: Der böse Wolf - Blumio 5. time you cried: uhh tbh I don’t remember...probably sometimes last week when my depression kicked back in?
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: kinda, yeah 7. kissed someone and regretted it: absolutely 8. been cheated on: kinda 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: once, not my proudest moment tbh
— fave colours
12. dark red 13. dark violet 14. dark green
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: lol i wish 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: luckily not 19. met someone who changed you: nope 20. found out who your friends are: kinda, yes 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: I don’t have facebook
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: again, no facebook xD 23. do you have any pets: no :( but i really want a cat 24. do you want to change your name: no 25. what did you do for your last birthday: I had a little sit in with a couple of friends, we had cake, went for a walk and played board games 26. what time did you wake up today: around 8 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: knowing me? probably sleeping lmao 28. what is something you can’t wait for: being done with uni (even though i love it), earning my own money for good, not being reliant on my parents anymore and hopefully get my dream job  30. what are you listening to right now: taylor swift (a playlist out of red, 1989 and reputation) 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so, no 32. something that’s getting on your nerves: people who spread half-knowledge, not having enough time on my hands to write on my “book” (exclamation marks bc it’s not nearly done), people not tagging my notps and/or various kinks that my ace ass is uncomfortable with so i can ignore them in peace 33. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, ao3, netflix 34. hair colour: brown 35. long or short hair: long 36. do you have a crush on someone: yes 37. what do you like about yourself: i’d like to think i’m a good friend, i’m constantly working on myself and i’m not completely stupid i guess? :’D 38. want any piercings: no, i got my ears pierced when i was like 7 and i cried for at least an hour because i’m a big baby when it comes to pain 39. blood type: idk 40. nicknames: juli if you’re my dad, jules for everyone else 41. relationship status: single bc i’m as ace as they come and i haven’t met a guy yet who’s okay with sex not being an option 42. sign: aries 43. pronouns: she 44. fave tv show: downton abbey 45. tattoos: i’d love a little one, but again - big baby when it comes to pain 46. right or left handed: right 47: ever had surgery: no 48. piercings: no 49. sport: i played tennis for years, now i go for a run every 100 years and do some yoga at home 50. vacation: as in my last vacation? croatia last year 51. trainers: shoes? i mostly wear heels tbh. or chucks
— more general
52. eating: vegetarian, also i love pasta, fruit and broccoli  53. drinking: tea, water and juice mostly, but also cappucino as long as it’s disgustingly sweet 54. i’m about to watch: too many shows i still have to finish tbh, but the next on my list is watching the rest of mr. robot s.3. and the new season of shadowhunters as well as my favourite trash shows riverdale and dynasty :D 55. waiting for: a miracle? 56. want: a boyfriend who’s okay with the ace-thing, for my grandma to become immortal so i don’t have to worry, a job right after i graduate....short: see “waiting for” 57. get married: I would love to get married but...well :’D 58. career: writer, journalist or something in the ministry of foreign affairs or something :’D
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs from the right people because i’m weird about people touching me 60. lips or eyes: eyes 61. shorter or taller: taller 62. older or younger: older 63. nice arms or stomach:  arms 64. hookup or relationships: again: ace. so obviously relationship xD 65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant i’m a socially anxious mess who can barely message people off anon on this hellside without having a nervous meltdown and “they don’t wanna talk to me anyway omg i’m so annoying”what makes you think i could cause trouble irl? XDDD like - literally the only time i can get my shit together is if you mistreated one of my friends because then i have to let the fires of hell rain upon you
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: is it arrogant when i say i stopped counting yes 69. sex on first date: aceaceace
70: broken someone’s heart: ...uh...maybe? 71. had your heart broken: god yes 72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yes  74. fallen for a friend: ...i feel very called out by this question can you not
— do you believe in
75. yourself: … depends on my mood tbh 76. miracles: nah 77. love at first sight: lol no 78. santa claus: not since i turned 6 79. angels: it’s a nice thought but i’m not sure
— misc
80. eye colour: green 81. best friend’s name: jessica 82. favourite movie: some like it hot, kill your darlings, pretty woman 83. favourite actor: oscar isaac, hayley atwell 84. favourite cartoon: anastasia 85. favourite teacher’s name: Lander
oh god, tagging 20 people? everyone who sees this and wants to do it i guess :’D
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lillesbianthatcould · 7 years
answers to anon
Is a kiss considered cheating? yes
Have you ever faked orgasm? i don’t think so
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? FLY 100%
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? haha definitely not
Tell us some funny drunk story. i’ve only been ‘drunk’ once and it wasn’t super exciting or anything. i remember running around in circles in the grass w/ my friends seeing how many i could do before i fell down or threw up lmfao
Why are you no longer together with your ex? well, i’ve had quite a few ex’s and none of them are even SLIGHTLY comparable to my current girlfriend. tbh no one ever could be in any way. she’s my soulmate and i wouldn’t trade her for the world.
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? in my sleep, in bed with my gf holding my hand.
What are your current goals? to get through the next 6 months or so without too many hurdles, and to do exceedingly well with the certificate i’m planning to get in order to get a full-time job so i can live by my gf (:
Do you like someone? obviously yes ^^
Who was the last person to disappoint you? probably one of my old friends
Do you like your body? i’m beginning to honestly
Can you keep a diet? if i put all my effort into it, i’m sure i could manage. i just don’t want to lmao.
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? love yourself first
Do you work? yep
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? probably either cheese or potatoes
Would you get a tattoo? already have one, want soooo many more
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? presents for my girlfriend or my friends
Can you drive? yes, i wouldn’t have a relationship if i couldn’t tbh
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? uhhh idk
What was the last thing you cried for? a stupid reason lol
Do you keep a journal? yeah sorta
Is life fun? sometimes
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? it’s funny ?? lmao
What’s your dream car? definitely a 67′ chevrolet impala
Are grades in school important? yeah i mean, they weren’t my biggest priority when i was in high school, but they are pretty important if you’re wanting to get into a 4 year college and whatnot.
Describe your crush. she’s fucking stunning. so intelligent. extremely sweet and kind. overall the most amazing woman i’ve ever known. (besides my mom ofc)
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? the glass castle. great movie.
What was your last lie? probably about eating lunch - i always tell my gf or mom that i ate, when sometimes i don’t (not because i’m restricting myself but because i’m either too lazy to make food or because nothing sounds appetizing).
Dumbest lie you ever told? i haven’t told many crazy lies or anything that i can remember..
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? nah, at least not to me. i always try to tell my friends, “crying is good. we all need to do it. don’t worry about looking dumb because you won’t to me.”
Something you did and you are proud of? uhh well it’s not a huge deal but on my last trip up to see my gf, i gave this lady at the grocery store a ride to her house because it was pouring rain and she lost her keys. i felt really bad, i wasn’t gonna make her walk home with a whole cart of groceries (she had a limp and was on the older side) and although it wasn’t my safest idea, it was still nice and she called me her savior like 100 times and said i was an angel from heaven, so that was sweet. (:
What’s your favourite cocktail? i don’t drink lol
Something you are good at? umm idk tbh.. i’m pretty decent at basketball????
Do you like small kids? yes as long as they’re respectful and sweet
How are you feeling right now? pretty good!
What would you name your daughter/son? son: atticus / daughter: mable
What do you need to be happy? music
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? yes always
What was the last gift you received? i think it was when my friend zoe surprised me with sweet-tarts on my break at work and it was so nice. i love her sm.
What was the last gift you gave? it’s technically not a gift but i just mailed  some random cute stuff to my gf and she opened it on skype like an hour or so ago (:
What was the last concert you went to? green day in st. louis, missouri!!
Favourite place to shop at? either h&m or old navy
Who inspires you? morgan freeman tbh
How old were you when you first got drunk? like 16 i think
How old were you when you first got high? probably early 16 also.
How old were you when you first had sex? 17 i think ?? or i had just turned 18
When was your first kiss? we don’t speak of that
Something you want to do until the end of this year? bANG MY GF
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? ohhh so many things
Post a selfie. ok i will 
Who are you most comfortable around? honestly cami
Name one thing that terrifies you. the ocean
What kind of books do you read? the typical basic-as-fuck teen novels
What would you tell your 12 year old self? don’t spend so much time on any of those people. you’ll lose them all in like 5 years. it’s so fckn sad but true like… i am not friends with a single person i was friends with back then.
What is your favourite flower? roses bc i’m baSIC-AS-FUCK
Any bad habits you have? uhhhh overthinking, comparing myself, not eating when i’m stressed, talking to people that aren’t worth my time, giving too many damn chances.. the list goes on and on.
What kind of people are you attracted to? idk nice people?? people who have the same sense of humor as me. idk like if you like trump,,,, we probably wouldn’t work out lmao.
What was the last thing you cried for? i think i already answered this but it was over someone i’m no longer friends with. idk it was earlier today & not worth it.
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? PINEAPPLE 
Are you in love? very
Something you find romantic? i like random notes or texts or cute shit to remind you that the other person is thinking about u
How long was your longest relationship? it is the current one i am in - 1 year and over 8 months so far.
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? uhhh idk this is a weird question for me
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? again ?? it’s weird ??
What are you saving money for? i should be saving it for moving away lmao. but i’m using most of my money on christmas presents for my gf, friends & parents.
How would you describe your bad side? HANGRY
Are you actually a good person? Why? idk think so ? maybe ? but sometimes i think i’m the worst person ever so ????
What are you living for? my future plans with my girlfriend honestly & cause i have the sweetest niece now (’:
Have you ever done anything illegal? yeah
Do you like your body? some of these questions are repeating lol ^ it’s also Q #11
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? yeah but not directly i don’t think :/
Ever sent nudes? all day erryday
Have you ever cheated on someone? nah
Favourite candy? anything sour especially sour jolly ranchers uggfuugfgf
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @wulfwire it’s my alpha gay (; she’s da best, go follow her !!!
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? i don’t really have time to play anymore :// 
Are you religious? Does God exist? i used to be christian and believe in god and whatnot, now i guess you’d call me agnostic?? like i believe in *something* but not in ‘God’ necessarily. 
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? i haven’t read in so longgggg
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? i mean, you do you. i know for a fact i couldn’t do it because i’m so picky and depend on dairy products so i know i could never go vegan and idk man it’s just so much work.
How long have you been on Tumblr? since july of 13′ so wow. over 4 years… 0.0
Do you like Chineese food? ehh. i’m trying to like it more!
McDonalds or Subway? mcdonalds probably.
Vodka or whiskey? neither bleh
Alcohol or drugs? drugs ?? i guess - only if weed counts ??
Ever been out of your province/state/country? yes many times
Meaning behind your blog name? don’t wanna talk about it
What are you scared of? lots of things; insects mainly, and open water - like not even just the ocean, but even lakes and ponds too. 
Last time you were insulted? i can’t remember ?? damn, that’s a great feeling
Most traumatic experience? probably the time i was having seizures for 5 years straight. thankfully i’ve been seizure free for about 6 years now.
Perfect date idea? something corny or cheesy idk. i love simple things like going to a park and talking for hours and eating ice cream and laughing about nonsense.
Favourite app on your phone? tumblr for sure, or 8-ball pool *cause i’m such a cool kid* 
What colour are the walls in your room? navy blue
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? always and forever a fothermucker (; @jackskellin
Share your favourite quote. “i’d rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not.” - miles mckenna 
What is the meaning of life? who knows, man. just enjoy the ride.
Do you like horror movies? eh not really, i’m a total baby. but my new friend is probably gonna end up making me like them cause that’s all she watches.
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? yeah probably a bunch of times. we used to fight all the time. we both weren’t mentally great a few years ago. mainly due to my dad dealing with being an alcoholic. we’re much better now, thankfully.
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? yeah i definitely feel lucky a lot of the time.
Can you keep a secret? always.
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