#Earth Core Barbara
puppetmaster13u · 26 days
Prompt 299
Hear me out- Ghosts have wings. They have wings, which are affected by their cores, and can make them disappear from sight if they want or need to. You got that? Good. 
Ecto-contaminated people? Don’t have wings. Liminals and Halfas, who have developed cores? Do have wings, and they can’t hide said wings, because unlike ghosts? Their bodies are physical living flesh. 
Now Gotham? Ecto-contaminated, there’s no doubt about it. The amount of portals that have been opened there and death pits and death cults… yeah it’d be surprising if it wasn’t. But again, no one really notices, because at most? Most just get a bit of eyeshine. 
The Bats however? Oh man are they freaking out when they wake up with aches in their back and feathers starting to poke through their skin. Curse? Nope! Welcome to Liminality, enjoy the second puberty of wings, emotion-sharing, fangs, claws, and whatever else you might develop- also enjoy the whole eating fear thing. (Wait, the what-)
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f4nd0m-fun · 7 months
So in a lot of these monster hunting fantasy webcomics, you have these things called monster cores. Imagine, if you will, an AU where the Justice League has always been in a world like this. Maybe an alternate earth, maybe the aliens are from different planes instead of planets, maybe you've got magic as the primary force and yet there's some who still manage to stick almost entirely to tech/magitech (like Bruce). These cores are essentially batteries, and the more powerful the monster the more energy you can draw. Also, I love the idea that, if you put it together right, you can technically recharge it.
Enter, the Phamily. Either they are from this world and the Fentons are monster hunters trying to find the origin place of the monsters, or this isn't their original world and they're trying to open a portal home.
Danny, Ellie, Dan, and Vlad if he's there, have cores. These can be considered batteries just looking at the way ectoplasm is used (imagine how much more potent the cores would be than the globs). Jazz, the parents, and Danny's friends if they're there too are liminal. This could mean that magic considers them part monster despite no cores, or maybe they're considered akin to warlocks or sorcerers, looked down upon but not actively hunted or something. Although the presence of the half monster kids and what seems to be a half monster dad... (yes this is probably a family breakfast ship, sue me if you dare) well, Vlad is gonna be determined to fight off the rumors with whatever he's got, there's no need for his darling Maddie to get worked up about idiots, aside from him and Jack of course. (I also love Vlad x Connie so this could either be Vlad is just an uncle or we get Connie in and call it Family Party or something - Party cause alcohol?)
Also not entirely sure on how I'm writing Bruce and Dick here, I want them to be able to access magic in some way, but sensing magic might be more of an Oracle/Barbara thing, I'm not sure, but also they can't do anything big or flashy with it, it's more tiny stuff which is why they rely on magitech. Also the idea that even if people can sense magic, usually they ignore changes aside from moving away from it if necessary cause usually it means a bunch of monsters are coming through a breach. Honestly, not sure how to run this but, eh.
The below segment is written with Native!JL and Isekai!DP in mind.
Bruce had been tinkering with his latest animaga, a monster core whose energy had been threaded through one if his favorite inventions, intended to allow him and his ward flight with the use of monster wings.
He tensed but refuses to startle as his ward all but jumped on top of him. "Yes Dick?"
"The magic feels weird!"
Bruce paused, setting his tools down. He knew as a half elf, Richard was sensitive to magic, but wasn't nearly as strong with it as most full elves.
Of course, Bruce had always been considered... disabled in that regard, a full elf who could only feel the energy close to him, though it wasn't public knowledge that he knew of. "That's good to know, Chum, why don't you meditate on it and I'll investigate tonight?"
His ward seemed to understand the intent to leave him behind and started to protest.
"Chum, I was going out alone before you showed up, if the magic really has changed, it'll be safer for me to go out and use the radar."
Dick whined but didn't protest again.
Bruce hoped he wouldn't sneak out this time.
As night began to fall, a family of 9 was gutting a strange metallic ship. Well, the three elder ones were, while the younger ones worked together to scout out the area.
Bruce had just arrived to the location, but chose not to interfere just yet. Batman was the embodiment of night to many, a fearsome predator to others, and some even thought he was a monster himself. Reconnaissance was his strength, as was stealth.
"I don't know, Jazz, the energy here is weird. Muggy almost." His form gave off a soft glow, not unlike that of the whisps, though much larger in body.
The girl with red hair, Jazz he presumed, did not appear impressed. "Like you're the expert on energy. Maybe you should ask Sam when we get back to Mom and dad."
"And Vlad."
"Don't remind me."
The glowing one shuddered. "I know him and our parents have been buddy buddy again but why did he take you find along?"
"Because you're still in training, Daniel."
Both children shrieked.
"I see your core has accepted me into your Fraid."
Bruce froze a bit. Core? Thier energy was certainly strange but not entirely monstrous, hence his inactivity, but the presence of a core presented issues.
"Whatever, Fruitloop. Go back to camp."
"I don't think I will, you're being watched and I can't have my son or daughter being in harm's way."
"Give it a rest, Frootloop, we're not your kids." Despite their attitude, something about their reaction and stance suggested they were worried about being watched as well.
Bruce wondered how they knew about him, perhaps he should have asked Lucius for help with a dampening field to hide the energy of the animaga?
"Don't bother flying away, you'll be surrounded before you can think." Vlad placed a hand on Danny's shoulder.
Before Bruce could react, there was a flash of light that all but burned onto his retinas, but the light was all wrong, a deep black instead of a glowing hue. By the time he was back to his senses, Vlad was gone, and in his place was another strange Whisp. Batman didn't have to turn around to find there were identical ones behind him. Clearly, this was an opponent not to be underestimated.
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Now I'm curious, how would you rank the batfam based on how you'd get along irl??
In a scenario where I know their secret identities, and there’s a professional, almost co-workers-like dynamic, I think it'd varie greatly from one wherein which vigilante roles are completely absent. Among those I'd resonate with most (in the event I was born in their world) are Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, and Jason Todd. It's mainly due to shared backgrounds and similar upbringings, I think. Conversely, interactions with Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Damian Wayne might be more difficult for me. Strained, even, due to differences in ethical frameworks, perspectives, class understanding and overall core values. So there's two ratings; one where I'm in their AU and one where they're in mine.
Alfred Pennyworth: 4/10 - He might perceive some of my approaches as unorthodox, but I believe he would grasp the reasoning behind them. Our interactions would be limited primarily to joint missions. We wouldn't be close. | 6/10 In my world about 60% of elderly people seem drawn to recounting their youth to me, perhaps due to my perceived trustworthiness, and I like to think he'd be part of that demographic.
Bruce Wayne: 2/10 - Disagreements on methodology would likely hinder rapport, especially given my skepticism toward billionaires, which might result in minimal interactions outside of vigilante duties. | 1/10. I'd see him as a man-whore.
Dick Grayson: 3/10 - Our interactions would likely be brief and casual, without the potential for friendship. His typical millennial demeanor might clash with my sense of humor. But he reminds me of my older sister, so I can't rate him lower than a 2. The age gap might lead him to treat me like a younger sibling, which I'd find condescending. Certainly not someone I would befriend. | 2/10 My personal envy would breed hostility, resulting in a reciprocal cycle of unkindness between us.
Jason Todd: 8/10 - Especially in a context where we were familiar with each other before his whole "being-adopted-by-Batman" thing. He'd likely resonate with my approach to tasks and comprehend the motivations driving my actions. We're not THAT far apart in age so he'd get my humor, I think. | 4/10 In my world however, because I'd be nervous and there would be a lack of common ground between us without vigilantism.
Cassandra Cain: 2/10 - It would unsettle me to realize she can discern my emotions merely by observing me. While I'm generally transparent, this level of insight would make me uneasy, prompting me to steer clear of her. | 7/10 She shares some personality traits of one of my closest friends. Given my penchant for chatter and her inclination to listen, we'd likely complement each other well and have a harmonious friendship.
Tim Drake: 1/10- He wouldn't understand why I dislike him. And I wouldn't have an explanation. | 0/10. Earth isn't big enough for the both of us (completely one sided beef).
Stephanie Brown: 6/10 - She'd get how I roll, but Tim might have complained to her about me not being nice, so she'd be protective of him. | 10/10 We'd be the kind of girls who were super close in middle school, maybe even a bit too much. We'd drift apart in high school or college but still think about each other now and then, though not enough to reach out and become friends again.
Damian Wayne: 1/10 - Likely would perceive me negatively, interactions would be minimal. | 0/10 I just don't see us getting along.
Duke Thomas: 9/10 - He'd totally get my approach and might even be up for joining in (Bruce would see me as a bad influence). We'd both be game for pursuing each other's not-so-great ideas. Would have tons of fun but also engage in meaningful discussions about race, religion, politics, economics, society, art and allat. | 7/10 I can’t see myself being 100% comfortable around a man despite that, so that's how far it'll get, sue me !
Barbara Gordon: 4/10 - Like Dick, she'd likely see me as a kid, which would irk me because I'd want to be seen as an equal. However, since she's a woman, it'd feels a tad less patronizing and more maternal, so she gets one extra point in my book. | 6/10 She's that nice employee at the bookstore who takes my search for a specific book I don’t remember the name of super seriously. But we would not be friends.
To @voiddaisy who asked me a similar question, this is for you too ! Thanks for the ask !
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zahri-melitor · 8 months
My comments on the Extended Generational Sorting Algorithm:
Gosh there are some murky in-betweens here.
G-1 – JSA and teams like the All-Star Squadron and the Blackhawks. The WWII edition. This is occasionally merged with G0 as timelines shift, but includes Hippolyta, Ted Knight, Sandra Knight (as Phantom Lady), Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, etc. A lot of this cohort have aging issues and several have grandkids in G1 or G1.5. Zinda simultaneously belongs to this group and G1.5.
G0 – JSA, the gap between WWII and the first JLA. This is the younger JSA cohort who aren’t so tied to WWII and the gap after. Dinah Drake. Ted Grant. Johnny Quick. Giovanni Zatara. Walter Chase (the Acro-Bat). Bruce’s parents. The Kents. Jim Gordon. Etc.
G1 – JLA land! Bruce, Clark, Diana, Ollie, Barry, Hal, Arthur, etc. You know them. Your idea of a headlining JLA includes these folk.
G1.5 – Birds of Prey and JLI zone. Characters too old to be Titans cohort but younger/clearly different than the G1 headliners. Barbara Gordon and Dinah Lance are the stalwarts of this group, plus I’ll add Helena Bertinelli, Cameron Chase, Kate Spencer, Kendra, etc. I guess I’d probably put Harley Quinn, agewise, here too. Also would add Beatriz, Tora, Booster, Ted Kord, etc. Guy and Zatanna sort of bounce between here and G1 depending on storyline.
G2 – it’s the Titans! Dick, Donna, Wally, Roy, Garth, Victor, Gar, Kory, Raven etc. Their agebounds are probably Roy as the oldest and Gar as the youngest, though Gar’s given to them as a courtesy – he’s realistically a member of G2.5, he just hangs with G2. We also add Kyle and Connor and Jesse Quick etc to this cohort despite them not being core Titans given their strong connections to particularly Donna and Wally.
G2.5 – The JL Taskforce kids and Jason’s non-existent team. Ray Palmer’s Teen Titans. This is a group of individuals that has never properly coalesced. Overlaps in age with both the bottom of G2 and the top of G3 but distinctly don’t belong to either. Jason, Ray, Grant, Argent, Cynthia, Eddie, Snapper Carr, plus Danny Chase and arguably Gar all fall into this group. Rose Wilson overlaps with G3 but vibeswise probably also belongs to this group. I am tossing up whether Anissa and Jennifer Pierce belong here or in G2.
G3 – Young Justice. Tim, Kon, Cassie, Bart, Cissie, Greta, Anita. Cass Cain belongs here despite being the same age as several G2.5s. Steph, Charlie, Black Alice, Jaime, Zachary Zatara, even a handful of the newer folk like Jinny Hex slot in here. Several Supergirls including current Kara, Courtney Whitmore IS a member of this group and the three oldest Marvel kids (Billy, Mary and Freddy) are currently aged into this.
G4 – Damian’s Teen Titans. Damian, Jon Kent (yes even still with the age up), Emiko Queen, Ace West etc. If they are still a teen right now in DC storytelling or SHOULD be a teen, they belong here (if they’re a teen and SHOULDN’T be they’re probably a G3/G5). The Gotham Academy kids. Arguably the Titan Academy kids too? Agewise the DEO Titans kids but spiritually probably not (also the chances of us ever seeing them again is…low) The younger Marvel kids (Eugene, Pedro and Darla especially) are with this group.
G5 – so this group are either alternate G3 or G3.5s. Too new and too un-networked with G3 to be absorbed. Jace Fox, Yara Flor, Jackson Hyde, Duke Thomas and the We Are Robin cohort all belong here. Kong Kenan, Avery Ho, etc also are members.
G6 – Titans Offspring Gen. Almost everyone in this group has been artificially aged, which is a thing, hey. Lian, Irey, Jai, Cerdian, Robbie. Maxine, obviously. Otho and Osul-Ra.
G7 – Help I’m From Earth-One: Power Girl and Helena Wayne.
G8 – The Lost Children – also Help I’m From Earth-One in a lot of respects but they’re in their teens, not adults. May get folded into other groups if they get more use.
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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The Enemy of the World and The Time Monster tied. These are the 12 stories that were closest to making it through and so have been given a second chance
synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Edge of Destruction
As they slowly recover from the shock of being thrown to the TARDIS floor, the Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara all start acting strangely. Unexplained events occur and the travellers start to turn on each other as they contemplate what is happening on the TARDIS.
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The Dalek Invasion of Earth
The TARDIS returns to London; however, it's the 22nd century. With bodies in the river, and quiet in the Docklands, the city is a very different place. The Daleks have invaded and it's up to the Doctor to thwart them once again.
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The Enemy of the World
On Earth in 2018, the Doctor and his companions are enmeshed in a deadly web of intrigue thanks to his uncanny resemblance to the scientist/politician Salamander. He is hailed as the "shopkeeper of the world" for his efforts to relieve global famine, but why do his rivals keep disappearing? How can he predict so many natural disasters? The Doctor must expose Salamander's schemes before he takes over the world.
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Spearhead from Space
Forbidden to continue travelling the universe by his own people, the Time Lords, and exiled to Earth in the late 20th century, the newly regenerated Doctor arrives in Oxley Woods accompanied by a shower of mysterious meteorites. Investigating the occurrence is the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT for short), an organisation which had previously been associated with the Doctor during the Cybermen's invasion.
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UNIT is providing security cover at an experimental drilling project at Eastchester, designed to penetrate the Earth's crust and release a previously untapped source of energy. Soon, however, the drill head starts to leak an oily green liquid that transforms those who touch it into vicious primeval creatures with a craving for heat.
The Doctor is accidentally transported ""sideways in time"" by the partially repaired TARDIS control console into a parallel universe where the drilling project is at a more advanced stage. Thwarted by his friends' ruthless alter egos, he works to save both universes.
Not only does this story have the BEST companion and beautiful stylish (kind of canonically) lesbian scientist Dr Liz Shaw, but the story is brilliant. A murder investigation. An alternate universe where Britain is a fascist republic. Camp, evil, moustacheless and eye-patched Brigade Leader Lethbridge-Stewart. Mysterious green ooze from the earth's core that turns people into blue werewolves called Primords. We're treated to AU Benton turning into a Primord. The slowly building pressure and stress across the seven episodes, until the penultimate one where the alarm is constantly blaring, and the few remaining survivors have to not only escape the threat of the Primords but also escape the explosion that is imminent. The fact that the whole thing is basically hopeless, they're all going to die and there's no way to stop it because nobody listened to the Doctor. Like, everyone in the alternate universe just straight up dies. Also Fascist Liz's bowl cut. (anonymous)
Terror of the Autons
The Earth is endangered by a renegade Time Lord known as the Master, who steals a dormant Nestene energy unit from a museum. He reactivates it using the facilities of a radio telescope, then uses his hypnotic abilities to take control of a small plastics manufacturer, Farrel Autoplastics, where he organises the production of deadly Auton artefacts, including plastic dolls, chairs and daffodils.
the worlds ugliest doll, a blow up chair eats a man, 10/10, would watch again (anonymous)
The Time Monster
The Master, in the guise of Professor Thascalos, has constructed at the Newton Institute in Wootton a device known as TOMTIT — Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time — to gain control over Kronos, a creature from outside time. The creature is summoned but proves to be uncontrollable.
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The Face of Evil
The Doctor arrives on a planet where two tribes, the savage Sevateem and the technically brilliant Tesh, are at war. He meets Leela, an exile from the Sevateem, and discovers that their god of evil is apparently himself.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
A conference to unite military powers against the Cybermen is taking place and the Cybermen plot to destroy the Earth by crashing a space freighter into it. The Doctor must stop them, whatever the cost...
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Materialising on an Edwardian sailing yacht in space, the Fifth Doctor and his companions Tegan and Turlough find themselves caught up in a mysterious and deadly race. The prize is Enlightenment - the wisdom to find your heart's desire - and it quickly becomes clear that one of the crews will let nothing and no-one stop them claiming victory.
As the Black Guardian pressures Turlough to complete his side of their murderous pact, it seems that the Doctor may not survive to cross the finish line...
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The TARDIS materialises in the English countryside near the village of Carbury, where a nuclear missile convoy under the command of UNIT Brigadier Winifred Bambera has run into difficulties. Lying on the bed of nearby Lake Vortigern is a spaceship from another dimension containing the body of King Arthur, supposedly held in suspended animation, and his sword Excalibur.
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Ghost Light
The Doctor brings Ace to Gabriel Chase, an old house that she once burnt down in her hometown of Perivale. However, trying to get Ace to accept her guilt is not the real reason the Doctor came here; a mysterious and highly mentally unstable being slays below them.
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The Ghost King (of Miscommunication)
Breaking these into a new post to avoid people having to scroll five miles to find the new one  😅 
Parts 1 -12: https://www.tumblr.com/mutable-manifestation/701038878865375232/part-12-guys-guys-guys-jason-todd-was-46-when
Part 13! (this post)
Wulf followed silently as Jason and his human family rushed through a… cylinder of some sort?
Upon coming through the other side, Wulf was met with another high-tech room and a window that showed the Earth from above.
He took the opportunity to briefly phase through the window to check, and then he was in space. It wasn’t just one of those projected images that Tucker was so fond of.
He returned to Jason’s side just before the next door shut behind the group - he’d have to tell Danny about the strange cylinder. It seemed like the kind of thing he’d love, if he wasn’t already aware of it.
Sam and Tucker too, for that matter; Sam would love any potentially green and efficient transportation method and Tucker would love to take it apart and see how it works.
The reason for their journey became clear when they reached a medical room. Being a halfa, Jason’s human side would need care as well - Frostbite was more than capable of managing both after years of looking after Danny, but it never hurt to be too careful.
Especially when the boy’s core formation had been so troubled.
“-and then I flew back ho- to the mansion.”
By the time Jason reaches the mansion and finishes explaining his absence 53 minutes, a full medical check-up, and way too many tears have elapsed.
Some of the tears come when they can’t find a pulse.
Most of the tears come when he tells them that the pit rage is gone.
When he says that he missed them.
When he almost calls the mansion home.
Jason isn’t sure how well things are going to go - doesn’t know if he’ll be able to escape the deadline closing in like a noose around his throat - but for now he basks in the care and affection being offered to him.
Bruce’s hand on his shoulder on the walk through the Zeta Tube, Dick and Cass’s hair ruffles, Tim and Damian’s gentle shoulder-checks, Steph and Barbara’s protective actions as they stare at every corner or flip through every camera like they can make the Watchtower even more of a secure fortress than it already is, and Alfred’s steady presence all wrap around him like a cool morning mist.
For just a moment that noose feels a little less real.
Bruce and Barbara have both been tapping away on their phones ever since they arrived in the Watchtower’s medbay - Jason knows they’re listening, though.
His guesses about the reason are confirmed when they arrive at a conference room and find Superman, The Flash, and Martian Manhunter already present.
It’s more than Jason had expected with as last-minute as this was, but less than he’d hoped. If they weren’t here by now, any others that had been contacted were unlikely to make the deadline.
He ignored the stares boring into him the moment he drifted in behind Batman, the shock and concern that grew when they looked at him and again when they saw Alfred in his domino mask - a seemingly civilian unknown entering with Batman and crew.
Jason hadn’t wanted to be separated from any of them. Bruce and Alfred had been willing to indulge him.
The Leaguers’ growing attentiveness set Jason’s teeth on edge; his fears felt a bit more real for it.
He shoved his feelings to the pit of his stomach and steeled his will.
Time for explanation: take two.
The new room they enter contains someone Wulf knows of - the hero Superman. He’s a bit like Danny had been; protecting the living, if not ghosts.
Wulf can’t fault him for that; the man is no halfa and there has been a distinct lack of stable, unguarded portals in the last 80 or so years.
He’s a dedicated guy, from what little Wulf can recall. He remembers hearing about a hero group that formed, and looking at the two next to him he thinks this might be it.
Taking a closer look at Jason’s family, he suspects they might be heroes as well despite the difference in overall theme - the dark, subtle colors versus the flashy shine the other three have decorated themselves with.
It’s incredibly rare for ghosts to change clothing outside of special occasions (or imprisonment), so Wulf hadn’t thought to note it as odd sooner.
He smiles; how fitting that Danny had adopted a hero child.
Still, the number of empty seats at the table even after everyone present is sitting has Wulf worried; the line between friends and family tended to blur, and allies tended to be or become friends.
That looks like an awful lot of living family, and Wulf has to wonder if Jason gave Danny a concrete number of expected human guests - for the Introductory Celebration if not a sooner visit.
It’s a moment's work to send off a text - Tucker and Technus’ collaborative devices proving their value once again - on a phone which, thankfully, he’d already had on silent.
Danny’s response is as swift as it is frantic.
[His LIVING FAMILY!??? He never even mentioned them! Does he seem happy? Oh what if he didn’t tell me because he wasn’t sure they would accept him anymore! Did they? Do they seem nice? Do they seem mean? Well, you would have extracted him by now if they were mean but does he seem resigned or anything or is everything okay???]
Wulf swallows down the teasing laugh that attempts to climb out.
[He was incredibly enthusiastic to see them. He was hesitant to show his new appearance but reactions were nothing but positive. Σ:)]
[Oh thank goodness. Okay, okay. More family! And the living! :D] [WULF WE DON’T HAVE HUMAN FOOD! ASHGFJ] [YES please give me a number when you can, I’m gonna go get Spike on guest rooms]
dear lord everytime I skim over prev chapters to avoid timeline issues I find another incredibly cringe spelling error. Saw summarizing misspelled as summarizes and honestly felt my soul leave my body.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Batfam as Onion articles
Dick: CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years
Jason: World Death Rate Holding Steady at 100 Percent
Tim: Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race of Skeleton People
Damian: Johnson & Johnson Introduces 'Nothing But Tears' Shampoo To Toughen Up Newborns
Duke: Holy Shit, Man Walks On Fucking Moon
Cullen: Young People: Are They Trying To Replace Old People?
Stephanie: Winner Didn't Even Know It Was Pie-Eating Contest
Cassandra: New Study Finds 85% Of Americans Don't Know All The Dance Moves To National Anthem
Barbara: Panicked Donald Trump Jr. Tries To Cover Up Contact With WikiLeaks By Deleting Firefox Icon From Desktop
Harper: NASA Frantically Announces Mission To Earth’s Core After Accidentally Launching Rocket Upside Down
Carrie: Inspiring Woman Becomes Professional Surfer Despite Shark Biting Head Off
Kate: Typo In Proposition 8 Defines Marriage As Between 'One Man And One Wolfman'
Alfred: Queen Elizabeth Hides Out In Bushes To Catch Whoever Keeps Stealing Packages From Buckingham Palace Porch
Selina: Kitten Thinks of Nothing but Murder All Day
Bruce: Brilliant, Innovative CEO Just Wrote Words 'Social Media' On Whiteboard And Underlined It
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Contemporary researchers have found neurological connections between religious or trance experience and female sexuality. In women's brains there are unique neural links between the forebrain and the cerebellum, which allow sensations of physical pleasure to be directly integrated into the neocortex, or high brain center. This explains why some women experience orgasm so intense that they enter "religious" trance, or altered states of consciousness. And this ecstatic female orgasmic experience, in which the physical and the spiritual are fused and realized as one, is at the core of all mystical experience. This is why, in the original religion of the Great Mother, body and mind and spirit are always integrated. Because human male brains do not seem to have these neurological connections (just as human male sexuality has not evolved radically beyond primate sexuality, while human females, through the shift from estrus to menstrual cycles, have evolved a nonreproductive sexual capacity that functions primarily for affectional bonding), the researchers conclude that it is women who must take the lead in further human evolution—"toward the integration of the conscious and the unconscious mind and to a more profound understanding of the spiritual nature of the species."
What these modern researchers are now "discovering" is something ancient women always knew. The warring dualisms of "matter vs. spirit," the hostile antagonisms of "sexual body" versus "religious truth," are recent patriarchal inventions, destructively forced on the world and the soul. They had no place at the beginning of things, for they are neither natural nor true. For women, at any rate, they can never be true; and that is why the first religion, originated by women, was a sexual-spiritual religion, the celebration of cosmic ecstasy. Among these early women, though some more receptive psyches might have acted as shamanic trancechannels, we can imagine no real leaders, no followers, no hierarchies—just as there was no hierarchic distinction made between ordinary daily tasks and the most exalted rituals—because we can see these women sharing experience as a kind of ecstatic rite in itself. They knew life as an ecstatic rite and as their right to ecstasy.
-Monica Sjöö and Barbara Mor. The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering The Religion of the Earth.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
Will o the Wisp (Danny)
by im_not_here_xp Danny’s parents’ portal explodes and kills Danny’s loved ones, he himself being extremely close to a second death. Clockwork intervenes to save the King of the Infinite Realms as his death would result in a major destabilization of the entire universe. Danny is forced into his core to recover, and Clockwork sends him to the DC universe to somebody who can guard the vulnerable ruler while he recovers. Jason Todd is just the man for the job, apparently. So now he’s got a (ghost) child running around his life. It seems he’s turning into his dad. Words: 19, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Wispy Danny Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Danny Fenton, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Fright Knight (Danny Phantom), Guys in White | GIW (Danny Phantom), John Constantine, Batman, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Kal-L | Earth-2 Superman, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Barry Allen, Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne, Red Hood Relationships: Batfamily Members (DCU) & Danny Fenton, Batman Ensemble & Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne, Danny Fenton & Justice League (DCU), Batfamily Members & Justice League, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent Additional Tags: Danny Fenton Needs A Hug, Little Baby Man Danny Fenton, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton-centric, Hurt Danny Fenton, Eldritch Danny Fenton, BAMF Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton is a Little Shit, Protective Danny Fenton, Tired Danny Fenton, Adopted Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Loves Space, Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom), Ghost Zone (Danny Phantom), Ghost Cores (Danny Phantom), Ghost Biology (Danny Phantom), Halfa | Half-Ghost Jason Todd (Danny Phantom), Alternate Universe - Danny Phantom Fusion, Parental Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Danny Fenton Gets a Hug, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Adoption, Adopted Children, Aunts & Uncles, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Crossover, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd Gets A Hug, Protective Jason Todd, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Adopts Danny Fenton, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Hurt Jason Todd, Fatherhood, Age Regression/De-Aging, Meddling Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Dimension Travel via https://ift.tt/oCkeWs9
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Ok ive made a comprehensive list of genshin characters and undertale songs id attribute to them theres about 10% thought and 90% vibes here you understand
Albedo: Uwah!! So Holiday
Alhaitham: Chill
Amber: Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap
Itto: Thundersnail
Barbara: Quiet Water
Beidou: Run!
Bennett: Nyeh Heh Heh!
Candace: Premonition
Chongyun: Ghouliday
Collei: Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn’t Recieve A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything
Cyno: Dogbass
Dehya: Undyne
Diluc: Stronger Monsters
Diona: Dating Tense!
Dori: Shop
Eula: Danger Mystery
Faruzan: Live Report
Fischl: Oh! Dungeon
Ganyu: Small Shock
Gorou: Dogsong
Hu Tao: Death Report
Jean: Bergentrückung
Kazuha: Don’t Give Up
Kaeya: But The Earth Refused To Die
Ayaka: For The Fans
Ayato: Mysterious Place
Keqing: Enemy Approaching
Klee: Temmie Village
Sara: NGAHHH!!
Shinobu: Dating Fight!
Layla: Memory
Lisa: Snowdin Town
Mika: Pathetic House 
Mona: Unnecessary Tension
Nahida: Your Best Friend
Nilou: Waterfall
Ningguang: It’s Raining Somewhere Else
Noelle: Respite
Qiqi: Menu (Full)
Ei: Battle Against A True Hero
Razor: His Theme
Rosaria: She’s Playing Piano
Kokomi: Fallen Down
Sayu: Good Night
Shenhe: Snowy
Heizou: Dating Start!
Sucrose: Alphys
Childe: Anticipation
Thoma: Core
Tighnari: Ruins
Traveler: Determination
Venti: sans.
Scaramouche: Dummy!
Xiangling: Tem Shop
Xiao: Power of “NEO”
Xingqiu: Ghost Fight
Xinyan: Metal Crusher
Yae Miko: It’s Showtime!
Yanfei: Another Medium
Yao Yao: Home
Yelan: Stronger Monsters
Yoimiya: Bring It In, Guys!
Yun Jin: Confession
Zhongli: Asgore
Baizhu: Oh My…
Kaveh: Death By Glamor
Dainsleif: Undertale
Kirara: Spider Dance
Aloy: Wrong Enemy !?
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puppetmaster13u · 4 days
Mermay Special Prompt 4
Go on vacation, they said. We can watch Gotham, they said. Just go hang with and adjust to caring for kids, they said. Yeah, well no one said anything about getting cursed while at the vacation lake house, which okay, fine. But did it have to affect the kids too? 
Bruce pressed his head in his hands, groaning in dismay as the children practically zoomed around the surrounding water with enthusiastic trills and squeals he could somehow understand. And through the air, to their increasing delight. Okay. Okay this is fine. 
It wasn’t like he also somehow now had an extra child who looked like one at most that he had no clue as to where they came from. Said child wasn’t squirming in his arms, black scales and tiny fins akin to the setting of a sun twisting as they chirped. Definitely not. 
Okay. Alright. He could figure this out. Probably…. hopefully…
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Cosmic dust storms from Type Ia supernova
Cosmic dust—like dust on Earth—comprises groupings of molecules that have condensed and stuck together in a grain. But the exact nature of dust creation in the universe has long been a mystery. Now, however, an international team of astronomers from China, the United States, Chile, the United Kingdom, Spain, etc., has made a significant discovery by identifying a previously unknown source of dust in the universe: a Type Ia supernova interacting with gas from its surroundings.  
The study was published in Nature Astronomy on Feb. 9, and was led by Prof. WANG Lingzhi from the South America Center for Astronomy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 
Supernovae have been known to play a role in dust formation, and to date, dust formation has only been seen in core-collapse supernovae—the explosion of massive stars. Since core-collapse supernovae do not occur in elliptical galaxies, the nature of dust creation in such galaxies has remained elusive. These galaxies are not organized into a spiral pattern like our Milky Way but are giant swarms of stars. This study shows that thermonuclear Type Ia supernovae, the explosion of white dwarf stars in binary systems with another star, may account for a significant amount of dust in these galaxies. 
The researchers monitored a supernova, SN 2018evt, for over three years using space-based facilities like NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and NEOWISE missions, ground-based facilities like the Las Cumbres Observatory’s global network of telescopes, and other facilities in China, South America, and Australia. They found that the supernova was running into material previously cast off by one or both stars in the binary system before the white dwarf star exploded, and the supernova sent a shock wave into this pre-existing gas.  
During more than a thousand days of monitoring the supernova, the researchers noticed that its light began to dim precipitously in the optical wavelengths that our eyes can see and then started glowing brighter in infrared light. This was a telltale sign that dust was being created in the circumstellar gas after it cooled following the supernova shock wave passing through it. 
"The origins of cosmic dust have long been a mystery. This study marks the first detection of a significant and rapid dust formation process in the thermonuclear supernova interacting with circumstellar gas," said Prof. WANG, first author of the study. 
The study estimated that a large amount of dust must have been created by this one supernova event—an amount equal to more than 1% of the Sun's mass. As the supernova cools, the amount of dust created should increase, perhaps tenfold. While these dust factories are not as numerous or efficient as core-collapse supernovae, there may be enough of these thermonuclear supernovae interacting with their surroundings to be a significant or even dominant source of dust in elliptical galaxies. 
"This study offers insights into the contribution of thermonuclear supernovae to cosmic dust, and more such events may be expected to be found in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)," said Prof. WANG Lifan from Texas A&M University, a co-first author of the study. The Webb telescope sees infrared light that is perfect for the detection of dust. 
"The creation of dust is just gas getting cold enough to condense," said Prof. Andy Howell from Las Cumbres Observatory and the University of California Santa Barbara. Howell is the Principal Investigator of the Global Supernova Project whose data was used in the study. "One day that dust will condense into planetesimals and, ultimately, planets. This is creation starting anew in the wake of stellar death. It is exciting to understand another link in the circle of life and death in the universe."
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confused-robot-cat · 6 months
While the original pitch for Doctor Who indicated it was supposed to be an educational show, that premise went to shit pretty quickly.
So the idea for Doctor Who was that we’d have science teacher Iain Chesterton, history teacher Barbara Wright, teenager Susan Foreman, and the mysterious time travelling Dr Who.
The Doctor and his ship, Tardis, were a narrative vehicle to transport the characters across space and time. Susan was the viewer’s way in. She was there to be relatable to an audience of children expecting to learn about science and history.
Iain was there to provide a contemporary (for the 1960′s) look into the sciences, while the Doctor would offer information for more theoretical/hypothetical scientific advances that might come in the future. 
Barbara was both a motherly figure for Susan, and a history expert to fill in what the Doctor - who was from the 57th century - did not know about Earth history prior to the 1960′s. 
So, this is a fairly solid premise for a children’s TV show. 
You’ve got everything you need to teach children the core subjects of history and science, as well as to teach them some interesting speculative science. Excellent.
And then. We get to the opening credits.
A droning, anxiety-inducing whirl of timebubbles and chronosediments that stabs fear into one’s chest. You feel as though you are being pulled into the TV, ready to be ejected into the Twilight Zone. It is the opening credits of a horror series. 
Immediately, the “children’s educational TV” premise goes out the window. 
But, okay, that’s just the opening credits. We’ll only be seeing those for one minute, every week, the start of every episode, for all of time. It’s not the actual substance of the show, is it?
So let’s look at the titular character.
A mysterious figure with a magic phone box that can transport the viewers to anywhere in time and space? That sounds wonderful! How fantastical and kitsch and full of child-like imagin- oh, he kidnapped Iain and Barbara. 
That’s right. Instead of a whimsical children’s TV presenter, the Doctor is an intimidating figure whose reaction to Iain and Barbara discovering his time machine is to kidnap them and deposit them into the distant past where they can tell no one of what they’ve seen. As his granddaughter Susan begs him to let them go, he whisks them away to the dawn of human history where he intends to leave them to die.  
He doesn’t immediately leave them, however. Disturbed by his ship failing to change shape (budget problems, don’t worry about it) and curious as to where exactly it is he’ll be leaving these two people to meet their end, the Doctor drags his granddaughter into the fray where they all get imprisoned by historically inaccurate cavemen, one of whom later gets injured so the Doctor tries to euthanise him by bashing his head in with a rock so he won’t “slow them down.”
Okay, fine, in the 1963 they didn’t even know about tectonic plates, so things are bound to be a bit dated by today’s standards. But then why not stick with what they knew? 
Well, the 1960′s weren’t exactly some backward time of ignorance, they went to the moon six years after Doctor Who first aired. So what about our first foray into the world of science?
Well, as it happens, that comes immediately after our little jaunt through the past. The Doctor decides against leaving Iain and Barbara there to die - you really get to know someone after you get trapped in a sacrificial cave and wait to die - so instead he takes them to the radioactive planet of Skaro.
Yes, that Skaro.
Our first foray into science is a petrified forest. Subject to intense heat, everything in the forest has turned to stone. Including the metal lizards for some reason. 
Having failed to check the radiation gauge on Tardis (no, I didn’t miss a “the,” they really say it like that), the characters are unaware of the danger they’re really in (nor that the Doctor is lying about being unable to take off immediately and take them home, what a rascal). As they explore, they come across a great metal city that looks like it was designed to be traversed by bumper cars, and Barbara is attacked by the most frightening toilet plunger to ever grace TV screens. I’m not even joking - in black and white, with that clanking music, and her horror movie screaming, the scene is genuinely quite scary. A great introduction to the Daleks, which over the years have since become a bit of a joke.
But wait, what part of this is a science lesson? This is supposed to be educational, right?
Well, we learn that these Daleks have mutated and evolved this way due to radiation. So. I suppose we learn that radiation turns you into a snot blob that drives around in a bumper car. Oh, and there’s a quick lesson on how bumper cars work using static electricity. 
That’s about it.
This episode, which basically no educational value whatso ever, immediately became the most beloved episode of season one despite the BBC’s insistence that the show not feature bug-eyed monsters or little green men. With children up and down the country going mad for Daleks, the show became obsessed with topping the creatures whose copyright belonged solely to Terry Nation. They had to find alternatives if they wanted to really make use of such things, so soon we had the Mechanoids, the Cybermen, and various other divergences from the original premise of “educational show for children.”
By its third episode Doctor Who was definitely drifting away from being an educational programme for children, and I would argue that it honestly never was one. 
This little rant is not me complaining or criticising, however. This absolute, fundamental failure to follow through on the pitch premise of the show is what made Doctor Who great. If it hadn’t been so bad at doing what it was meant to do, it never would have become the British institution it is today. If it hadn’t been pitched the BBC the way it had been, it never would have been made at all. If it hadn’t then told the BBC to fuck off and become an entertaining science-fiction series, it never would have stuck around. And if it had a decent budget, we wouldn’t have that iconic blue police box nor our favorite eugenicist salt shakers (which instead would have looked like UFOs on unicycles covered in flashing lights). 
Anyway what I’m saying is... I love Doctor Who!
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Even the Oldest Eukaryote Fossils Show Dazzling Diversity and Complexity - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/even-the-oldest-eukaryote-fossils-show-dazzling-diversity-and-complexity-technology-org/
Even the Oldest Eukaryote Fossils Show Dazzling Diversity and Complexity - Technology Org
The sun has just set on a quiet mudflat in Australia’s Northern Territory; it’ll set again in another 19 hours. A young moon looms large over the desolate landscape. No animals scurry in the waning light. No leaves rustle in the breeze. No lichens encrust the exposed rock. The only hint of life is some scum in a few puddles and ponds. And among it lives a diverse microbial community of our ancient ancestors.
A soft summer evening in the Paleoproterozoic, as envisioned by DALL-E. Image credit: DALL-E, prompt by Harrison Tasoff.
In a new account of exquisitely preserved microfossils, researchers at UC Santa Barbara and McGill University revealed that eukaryotic organisms had already evolved into a diverse array of forms even 1.64 billion years ago.
The paper, published in the journal Papers in Paleontology, recounts an assemblage of eukaryotic fossils from an era early in the group’s evolutionary history. The authors describe four new taxa, as well as evidence of several advanced characteristics already present in these early eukaryotes. 
“These are among the oldest eukaryotes that have ever been discovered,” explained lead author Leigh Anne Riedman, an assistant researcher in UCSB’s Department of Earth Science. “Yet, even in these first records we’re seeing a lot of diversity.”
Eukarya forms one of the major domains of life, encompassing the plant, animal and fungi clades, as well as all other groups whose cells have a membrane-bound nucleus, like protists and seaweeds.
Many scientists had thought early eukaryotes were all fairly similar during the late Paleoproterozoic, and that diversification took place around 800 million years ago. But Riedman and her co-authors found fossils of a delightfully diverse, and complex, cast of characters in rock nearly twice as old.
Limbunyasphaera operculata is a new species that shows a small door opening into the cell. Photo Credit: Riedman et al.
Scientists knew from previous studies that eukaryotes had evolved by this time, but their diversity in this era was poorly understood. So Riedman headed to the Outback in late 2019. Within one week, she had collected about 430 samples from eight cores drilled by a prospecting company; they now reside in the library of the Northern Territory Geological Survey. The two cores used for this study spanned roughly 500 meters of stratigraphy, or 133 million years, with around 15 million years of significant deposition.
Riedman returned to the United States with shale and mudstone: remnants of an ancient coastal ecosystem that alternated between shallow, subtidal mudflats and coastal lagoons. A dip in hydrofluoric acid dissolved the matrix rock, concentrating the precious microfossils which she then analyzed under the microscope.
“We were hoping to find species with interesting and different characteristics to their cell walls,” Riedman said. She hoped that these features could shed light on what was happening within the cells during this time period. Reaching any conclusions about the cellular interior would require a great deal of sleuthing, though, since the fossils preserve only the exterior of the cells.
The researchers were surprised by the diversity and complexity preserved in these fossils. They recorded 26 taxa, including 10 previously undescribed species. The team found indirect evidence of cytoskeletons, as well as platy structures that suggest the presence of internal vesicles in which the plates were formed — perhaps ancestral to Golgi bodies, present in modern eukaryotic cells. Other microbes had cell walls made of bound fibers, similarly suggestive of the presence of a complex cytoskeleton.
The authors also found cells with a tiny trapdoor, evidence of a degree of sophistication. Some microbes can form a cyst to wait out unfavorable environmental conditions. In order to emerge, they need to be able to etch an opening in their protective shell.
Making this door is a specialized process. “If you’re going to produce an enzyme that dissolves your cell wall, you need to be really careful about how you use that enzyme,” Riedman said. “So in one of the earliest records of eukaryotes, we’re seeing some pretty impressive levels of complexity.”
Many people in the field had thought this ability emerged later, and the evidence for it in this assemblage further emphasizes how diverse and advanced eukaryotes were even at this early juncture.
“The assumption has always been that this is around the time that eukaryotes appeared. And now we think that people just haven’t explored older rocks,” said co-author Susannah Porter, an Earth science professor at UC Santa Barbara.
This paper is part of a larger project investigating early eukaryote evolution. Riedman and Porter want to know in what environments early eukaryotes were diversifying, why they were there, when they migrated to other places, and what adaptations they needed in order to fill those new niches.
A big part of this effort involves understanding when different characteristics of eukaryotes first arose. For instance, the authors are quite interested to learn whether these organisms were adapted to oxygenated or anoxic environments.
The former would suggest that they had an aerobic metabolism, and possibly mitochondria. Every modern eukaryote that’s been found descends from ancestors that possessed mitochondria. This suggests that eukaryotes acquired the organelle very early on, and that it provided a significant advantage.
Riedman and Porter are currently working on a fresh account of eukaryote diversity through time. They’ve also collected even older samples from Western Australia and Minnesota. Meanwhile, their geochemist collaborators at McGill are spearheading a study on oxygen levels and preferred eukaryote habitats, aspects that could shed light on their evolution.
“These results are a directive to go look for older material, older eukaryotes, because this is clearly not the beginning of eukaryotes on Earth,” Riedman said.
Source: UCSB
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saltineofswing · 7 months
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The turn of the century is bad for everybody in a world where there’s a new catastrophe every week, but for Batman especially, this is a rough stretch. To this point, all of the despotic alien dictators and insane transdimensional imps have been haranguing Superman, up the coast in Metropolis, But in 1996, the Thanagarian Invasion of Earth occurs, and the Justice League is shaken to is very core. In 1997, Grayson trades up to Nightwing, and Bruce takes on a new Robin, the young Jason Todd, who is definitely going to be fine don’t worry about it. 
This'un is a doozy, truly comic-tier explanation below the cut.
In 1998, shit hits the fan for Batman specifically. Surprise! The Joker kills Jason Todd while perpetrating a scheme outside of the US, right as Bruce and Jason are on the cusp of truly bonding as father and son. A couple months later, the Joker reappears in Gotham and cripples Barbara Gordon, then-Batgirl and also the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon, one of Batman’s staunchest allies. The Joker’s sudden and somewhat inexplicable slide from dangerous, but goofy, crime gimmicks into genuine stochastic terrorism sets off a chain reaction amongst Gotham’s gallery of rogues. In 1999, at around the one-year-mark of Jason’s death, Tim Drake convinces Bruce to accept him as the new Robin after reverse-engineering Batman’s secret identity.
And in 2000, a new and dangerous foe emerges to challenge Batman, self-styled as Batman’s greatest foe – his bane, if you will. It’s Bane. And Bane breaks the bat. During Bruce’s recovery period, he selects Azrael to fill in for him. Azrael, as an unstable zealot at the best of times, ultimately defeats Bane but also does real damage to Bruce’s personal sphere; between the death of Robin II and Bruce choosing to keep his infirmity a secret from his coworkers in the Justice League and subsequent confusion around just who was in the bat-suit during this period, Batman’s reputation takes a substantial black eye at every level, and Bruce starts to cut himself off from friends and family. 
In 2002, a massive earthquake hits the United States’ eastern seaboard, with the epicenter just barely offshore of Gotham City. The city is plunged into absolute chaos due to extreme structural damage to a huge portion of Gotham’s downtown area; the island on which most of the city is built is cut off from the mainland, and the federal government evacuates about 75% of Gotham’s civilian population. The remaining 25% of civilians are basically left to die, as the government declares Gotham City a federal No-Man’s Land, locking down its border. Warring supervillain factions and desperate militarized police forces are eventually brought to heel… by Bane, who takes over Gotham in the confusion. 
Bruce returns to Gotham with Catwoman and finally defeats Bane personally, bringing an expanded Bat-Family to bear and restoring his public image. He also internalizes, finally, the value of relying on other people. He takes a liking to the new Batgirl who emerges during this trial, Cassandra Cain, and formally establishes ties to Stephanie Brown (briefly Robin, currently Spoiler). Simultaneously, Lex Luthor leverages a metric fuck-ton of political influence to get Gotham’s borders reopened, using the positive publicity to get a pardon of past crimes from the President and undetake a Senatorial campaign. 
The suit reflects how utterly fucked Batman’s life is during this period of time. Battered, frayed, with armor plating literally strapped on where old pieces have been damaged or torn off. The tech boom resulting from the Thanagarian Invasion has begun to hit every layer of civilian life at this point, which means villains are starting to get more and crazier gadgets and Batman is forced to keep up. Stylistically it takes inspiration from late-80s/early-90s Batman suits; it’s also the debut of my solution to the costume boyshorts ‘problem’ (I don’t necessarily think it’s a problem, mind you) – Thigh highs!
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Circa 1990
Circa 1992
Circa 2003-2007
Circa 2008+
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adventure-showdown · 7 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Underwater Menace
The TARDIS arrives on an extinct volcanic island. Before long, the travellers are captured and taken into the depths of the Earth, where they find a hidden civilisation — the lost city of Atlantis.
The Atlanteans worship a goddess named Amdo and use fish people — men and women operated upon so that they can breathe under the sea — to farm the plankton-based food on which they survive. A deranged scientist, Professor Zaroff, has convinced them that he can raise their city from the sea, but actually, he plans to drain the ocean into the Earth's molten core so that the resultant superheated steam will cause the planet to explode.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
The Aztecs
The arrival of the TARDIS in 15th century Mexico leads the crew to encounter the doomed Aztec people, a mixture of high culture and brutal savagery. Matters are further complicated when Barbara is mistaken for a god and the Doctor becomes engaged to be married.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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