mayashesfly · 7 minutes
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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mayashesfly · 32 minutes
News Suits and Unmarred
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Alastor took Vox to his favorite tailor in town
Needless to say, he enjoys his new fit
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mayashesfly · 5 hours
That feeling when you found yourself an autistic comfort character and that comfort character is Stolas from Helluva Boss
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mayashesfly · 5 hours
i actually believe that val is the better communicator than vox in their relationship. (which, to be clear, is not saying much.) like, he's still a vindictive asshole who frequently flies into screaming rages about petty bullshit, but those fits are also full of him talking about his feelings and venting and generally confiding in vox about everything before he takes any next steps—meanwhile vox wouldn't know emotional honesty if it shot him point-blank in the face, and his whole strategy with val is all deescalation, deflection, and appeasement. he doesn't actually express his own opinions, he just manipulates val into thinking he came up with the idea on his own. what i'm saying is that whenever they break up val is the one texting paragraphs upon paragraphs of angry but very honest vitriol while vox leaves him on read
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mayashesfly · 5 hours
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Me when the opposite of red-black-yellow is blue-white-violet:
What if Past Vox used to wear white clothes and blushes violet?
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mayashesfly · 1 day
The urge to draw Alastor and Vox fighting each other but making a point that they're not shown on the same screen when they're on the opposite side of each other.
The urge to draw Alastor and Vox fighting each other but making a point that their face zoomed in expressions aren't shown together.
At the end of the fight both of their expressions are shown beside each other on the screen with a clear divide between them
Until one of them finally wins and the other's half completely disappears
Leaving a empty space beside the winner that'll never be filled again
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mayashesfly · 3 days
Every year during Alastor's disappearance, Vox would dedicate a single episode on his cooking show teaching his audience how to prepare one creole dish traditionally.
But the seventh episode was different.
As instead of teaching his audience another traditional creole dish, he taught them how to make zuckerkuchen/butterkuchen instead.
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mayashesfly · 3 days
What if the reason Trans Vox seem to have never had Top Surgery before is because if he got top surgery, his Sinner regeneration would just reverse it and he'll be back with his normal chest?
The only way to have top surgery permanently is if the instruments used were made of angelic steel. However that makes healing and recovering from it much harder if not somewhat dangerous.
(Cue Lucifer helping him with the top surgery recovery by being able to somewhat heal angelic wounds once they become friends and Vox came out to him and said he wanted top surgery)
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mayashesfly · 3 days
That feeling when you wanted to make a Hazbin Hotel Sinner character and their base concept is already a bit sad and messed up.
But then your brain decided "Okay but what if we made her concept design be inspired by manananggals?" and so now she has one of the most fucked up backstories ever.
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mayashesfly · 3 days
Alastor, talking to his shadow:
I miss my rival, Bee. I miss him alot Why hasn't he realized that I'm back yet?! It's been a week!
That's it, I'm going to make a commercial about the hotel. And if he hasn't even realized that I overtook one of his channels yet, I'm going to his office myself
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mayashesfly · 3 days
Headcanon that Vox's left antenna is actually longer than his right before it was damaged
It's another thing that annoys Vox alot about his body at first since he hated looking so asymmetrical. (Something that was beaten into him for having complete heterochromia)
Alastor, however, adores it. And he would regularly play with Vox's longer antenna when Vox is comfortable with him touching them.
And though Alastor would tease, he would make a point that he likes his silly little antennas despite their differing lenghts.
And ever so slowly, Vox also adored his antennas even if they weren't the same lenght.
Though now one was damaged permanently.
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mayashesfly · 4 days
Thinking about Trans Vox and the idea that Valentino has internalized misogyny that also applies itself towards feminine-presenting men.
I find the idea interesting because it makes me wonder what Valentino would feel when he found out that Vox was actually Trans.
Now, I'll be frank that discussing about gender and how people perceive gender is kinda hard for me.
But I think Valentino would oddly feel jealous of Vox in a weird sense, since unlike Val who wanted to present more femininely only to receive backlash, Vox was able to relatively pass off as a man in Hell.
Vox wants to be a man unlike Valentino who has a strange relationship with his own masculinity.
Something that was expected of him and yet he just... doesn't feel that way fully.
While Vox put in the effort to be a man.
In a way, Valentino also respects Vox since he doesn't present himself in a feminine way.
They both struggle with their birth-assigned gender and the way they feel and present in general
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mayashesfly · 4 days
I just realized that some of the mlm ships I love in my brain are just
The Man who is Definitely a Man regardless if they're Cis or Trans And the Guy who is probably under the Nonbinary Umbrella because they don't perceive gender or something along those lines
Komahina? Yeah Hinata is Definitely a Man and Nagito probably doesn't think much about his gender because have you seen his life?
Viviakou? Yeah Yakou is Definitely a Man and Vivia is definitely Queer (but also have you seen his life?)
RadioStatic? Vox is Definitely a Man and Alastor is just casually acting out his birth-given gender for convenience and still an egg
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mayashesfly · 6 days
The urge to draw RadioStatic with Tunnel Vision lyrics
You can't tell me this isn't Alastor's POV song when the ending lines is
Show me how far obsession goes Could've been more, now we'll never know
And Vox is ironically the one who's been "Caught in the haze and hypnotized"
They make me insane
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mayashesfly · 7 days
This is probably strange of me to say but with how autistic-coded Stolas is, it's making me think that the speech Stolas had for Blitz in Full Moon was something he autistically scripted by himself.
It feels like he spent the entire day waiting and scripting to himself in hopes that he can properly express his feelings to Blitz clearly. But he wasn't able to take into account how Blitz may react to his words because he has no way of knowing how Blitz would react when this would be the first ever time they'll talk/bring this up.
In a weirdly ironic way, it also seems like Stolas might've subconsciously got some ideas on how he's supposed to say his words and feelings to Blitz from books/stories he previously read?
Idk, it's just the ~vibes~ for me
Maybe I'll elaborate on this later on
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mayashesfly · 8 days
The urge to post my analysis on Twitter even when I know I won't get much engagement. But also I know that if I force to make myself Twitterfy my analysis posts I am going to explode and kms
Because what do you MEAN there's a letter limit??? How do you guys even ramble or write on there without feeling restricted???? My autism can never I NEED WORDSSSS
People who use Twitter is genuinely God's greatest soldier because what the fuck man??
And there's genuinely cool people on there that have amazing ideas but don't get as much engagement which suck ass because they deserve it
This is why I love Tumblr lmao, no letter limit and tagging system exists!
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mayashesfly · 8 days
I know touched on this before in this post and a few others
But it's truly fascinating to me how Alastor and Vox are visualizes as being beside each other instead of being against each other.
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In my previous post I already pointed out that these two scenes portray the two as being beside each other but with a definite line between the two of them
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And near the end of the song, this pattern still keeps itself until Alastor ended it (we'll touch on that)
An interesting thing at the start of Stayed Gone when Alastor entered the picture is that Alastor, oddly enough, kept his eyes closed at first.
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Before he opened them to quite literally, poke fun at Vox
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And even "pushed" his boundaries quite literally as Alastor moved the distinct line between them that keeps them separated.
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This caused the line between them to quite literally be pushed around
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And, while it can't be seen in this screenshot because it's been cropped down below, Alastor's cane has now quite literally crossed that line.
In both of these cases, they haven't actually physically looked at each other in the eyes since this was done through broadcasting instead of an actual physical confrontation together.
It's been merely visualized that way for us the audience.
Also, the distinct line between them is still in place.
However, this pushing around between them have caused that line to be breached as in the next scene briefly
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And we see Alastor's eyes dilate.
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The scene ends with Vox only being able to successfully reenter the picture/push Alastor away when he's shown to be below him before he surrounded Alastor.
This is interesting since it took Vox two tries of trying to cover up Alastor to successfully take his place.
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While Alastor was easily able to reenter the picture all by himself without a struggle and Vox didn't even attempt to push him away anymore.
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Note how yet again, Alastor has his eyes closed for the most part while Vox is the only one keeping his eyes open.
Interestingly enough, the line between them is back yet again, even if it moves slightly from the sound of Alastor's voice.
Moreover, the line itself is red now instead of it being a merely separation between red and blue. Showing that, alongside it responding to Alastor's voice, it seems like this line is under Alastor's control.
(I made a previous post before where I think some of the sequence of events that happened in Stayed Gone showcase that Alastor has somehow hijacked the speaker towers and got into Vox's office which is why he knows of Vox's unbroadcasted lines. I didn't notice this red line before but it seems to be a tie in/another possible evidence to that post. However, I won't elaborate on that even more in this post since it's getting quite long.)
All of these things and the way things were visualized makes the audience think that Alastor is more in control. After all, he rather effortlessly moved the line between them around and easily reenters the picture when Vox pushes him away. However, on Vox's side of things he only successfully reenters the picture when he's below Alastor and had to make two attempts so he could successfully cover up Alastor. And even then, Alastor reenters the scene yet again, now with the line between them being in his control.
I can't say for certain what all of this means (Sorry guys, the autism decided to overanalyze that entire scene)
However we'll finally get to the point that made me do write this post in the first place.
The idea that they're visualized as being beside each other even when there's a line between them instead of being visualized as against each other similarly to Alastor and Lucifer.
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I already shown the other examples of this from Stayed Gone, so we'll move onto the other examples of this idea.
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Canonically, this is the other instance of the two of them being visualized as being beside each other. In the actual photo, they're physically beside each other.
However, just like in Stayed Gone, there is now a line between them since the picture has been quite literally torn apart.
There has also been some speculation that the vacant seat on Rosie's left in the Overlord Meeting is Vox's.
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Once again, while Vox and Alastor are beside each other, or well in this case on the same side instead of the opposite, there's a line between them with Rosie.
What exactly is the significance of Alastor and Vox being visualized on the same side instead of opposition? Well, I think this shows how the two of them had previously worked together and maybe even well together since they slotted perfectly together.
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Obviously, this doesn't seem to be the case anymore but the visuals of them being beside each other is still there even when there is now a definite line that divides them.
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The only times we see Alastor and Vox looking at each other at the opposite side instead of the same side is when there's a screen between them.
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But even then it's not shown in the same way as Lucifer and Alastor's as we can only see their faces separately instead of being directly shown at the same time on screen.
This decision of not visualizing the two of them directly being on the opposite side compared to how we physically saw Alastor and Lucifer directly being in opposition is an interesting decision on the team's part.
Only time and Season 2 will tell if this decision to visualize Alastor and Vox as being beside each other with a definite line between them instead of in direct opposition will change or not alongside their current dynamic.
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