#zahra is an hbcu marching band alum in this au and shaan played snare in a military band but won't disclose what military lol
14carrotghoul · 10 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
Thank you @xthelastknownsurvivorx for the tag!!
This one is being resurrected BECAUSE it is marching band season and I am a simple gal. So my goal is to have this stay a long one shot and FINALLY get it fleshed out enough to post! So here's nine sentences! 🥁🎺
The thing is… The thing is Mr. Luna doesn’t know that Henry hates him right back, for no apparent reason.
He remembers the euphoria a few short months ago when he’d been selected as a drum major against all odds – as much of a surprise as when he’d been announced as section leader when he was a measly sophomore thanks to the upperclassmen’s tendencies to get into literal fistfights over who would get which solo. He’d beamed and received congratulations from a majority of the band, but after school, he’d overheard Henry Fox and Pez Okonjo (AKA the English delegation) in one of the practice rooms. Henry bemoaned the fact that this was ‘the worst possible outcome’ and ‘he’d have to look at Alex all the time’ and Pez had snorted and told him to get over himself before getting back to practicing.
Not to mention Henry's mysterious absence from last year’s mandatory leadership camp without consequence. That pissed a metric shit ton of people off, not just Alex.
“If that’s too difficult for you to muster, I’ll add to Ms. Bankston’s long list of responsibilities and have her be your own personal leadership mentor. To avoid any confusion, I’ll make it explicitly clear that it was due to your decision to not play nice.”
Alex’s eyes fly wide open and he squeaks, “Y’know, Henry’s great!"
Tagging @sherryvalli @orchidscript and @myheartalivewrites!
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