#you really think I wasn't going to make days 5 & 6 a 2 parter?
pixelatedraindrops 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 6: Comfort
Keep nice and warm when you鈥檙e recovering 馃挏
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theoncomingdoo-dah 2 years
So DW Series 5.
um. it ended and I think it was supposed to feel something and I feel next to nothing. The finale flopped, simple as that and Moffat continues to shove his perfect girl in my face thinking I'm gonna like her and I don't.
I think what his writing lacks the most of is genuineness. If that makes sense. When your characters are spouting out catchphrases or just saying stuff because it sounds cool or smart, it gets tiring and annoying. Also Moffat can't write women well. There, I said it.
I though 3, yes 3, episodes out of the series were actually worth the watch. Everything else, was either eh or TERRIBLE.
Best episode: Vincent and The Doctor
No one is surprised. The episode wasn't even written by Moffat and it will probably be the best in his run, I'm sure of it. It's a gorgeous, emotional episode and made me cry big time.
Most surprising episode: A Christmas Carol. It's no Runaway Bride or Christmas Invasion but it's still a wonderful and actually very whimsical episode. It has a unique setting, and only pulls from its inspiration when its necessary for the story. And Micah and I agree that the episode being so good adds insult to injury. Since Moffat CAN write good stories. And genuine, actually emotional stories, not emotionally manipulative stories.
Most disappointing: The Big Bang.
This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a lack luster series finale that barely had any finality to it.
Admist some really obnoxious techno-babble (and not even charming techno-babble that Doctor Who is known for) and something I think was supposed to be a plot, you have...this. This episode wasn't even bad, it was just a nothing burger which was supposed to be emotional at points?? I don't know, the more I think I about it, the more it upsets me...
Watch a 2 parter where Moffat shits all over his best monster and disregards all rules he sets up for them in Blink. Along with some really awkward interaction between the Doctor and River that I'm supposed to find charming (because Moffat said so, and this is his Original Character Do Not Steal and she HAS to be with the Doctor) but I mostly just found obnoxious and painful to watch.
Speaking of painful to watch, the episode ends with Amy sexually assaulting the Doctor and it's played as if it funny even though he says NO multiple times.
The episodes drag and just keep getting worse and worse and you just want them to end...
Series rating, uh, 5/10.
The bad stuff was REALLY bad, but I don't regret watching what I really enjoyed.
11 is still my blorbo, skrimmy bingus, shrunkly.
Can't wait for series 6...and Day of the Doctor...ugh.
if you need me I'm going back to writing my elevenrose fic
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jasper-rolls 3 months
Media Roundup (February 2024)
a few days late because my job is kicking my ass lately, but i've got another batch of little reviews of stuff i've been checking out. take a look!
Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor (Seasons 19-21)
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it only took 20 years but this show is truly getting good i think. you can start to see where the DNA of the reboot comes from, especially how davison's performance would influence tennant's - and what a sendoff he got in the end, some really wild shit happening there. not much more to go now
Faraway Downs
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a lot more digestible than the movie it was edited from, and makes me ponder if it shouldn't have just been this way from the start. the changed ending feels more in line with the rest of baz's ouvre, given his penchant for tragic deaths - but i'm not sure it's a better ending for this in particular. otherwise, everything from the movie applies, good and bad
Checkmate - Malorie Blackman
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a strong conclusion to this first trilogy, about healing from the scars of your past and focusing on the ones who are here now. some elements feel all too real to this day, and it's heartbreaking. believe in something better
Puella Magi Oriko鈽哅agica: Extra Story - Magica Quartet, Mura Kuroe
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boy i just鈥o not care about this spinoff
Iron Man 3
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james bond by way of marvel while grappling with tony's actual damage instead of just libertarian-ing all over the place. disappointing that they did "What If Iron Man But Evil" yet a fucking gain but once i get past my annoyance at that, they do make it kind of work, and tony getting down in the dirt and getting to know actual regular people was really fun. good start, phase 2. try and keep it up please
Ben 10 Versus the Universe: The Movie
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this was distinctly pretty okay, definitely far more enjoyable than the nonsense that the live action movies are, and there was some poignancy to it all - gwen and max thinking ben might be dead, ben having similar worries on his end, azmuth's test pushing him to be better than he can be. it may be a bit rote hero's journey stuff, but ben 10 has always been extremely by the numbers - it's no different here. my main gripe is that for being a movie, they really don't push the animation much. this genuinely looks like it could've been split into a 5-6 parter to cap off the last season of the show and there would be no obvious difference, and for all i know it probably is aired this way when the show is in syndication.
The Wolverine
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watched the extended edition. man i just zoned the fuck out of this one. some nicely shot action at least but i just didn't have the mental energy to follow the plot and the silver samurai stuff was dummmbbb. very unmemorable
The Mandalorian (Season 3)
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the narrative arc must sacrifice all for The Lore. all subservient, all reverent of The Lore. mandalore is back. don't you feel proud? don't you feel serviced? don't you feel clever, for knowing all these things about our brand? we took the narrative arc of our main characters and shot it behind the shed so they could stand around while bo katan, our hidden true protagonist of this season, does all of the actually important stuff, but that's okay, right? you feel good, because you know who bo katan is, and why she's important, and why the darksaber is important, and why its so so sad that moff gideon destroyed this trinket from another series made 15 years ago. look, here's jack black, and lizzo, and christopher lloyd. isn't it fun that they're now part of the Star Wars brand? isn't it great? din and grogu have a house now, all to themselves. that works as an ending, right? this is what you want, right? this is what makes you happy. this is what you crave, fans. The Story is dead. long live The Lore.
Puella Magi Madoka鈽哅agica the Movie Part III: Rebellion
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what if hope doesn't spring聽eternal?
what if the energy you got from knowing the one you love is looking down and smiling on you wasn't enough? what if you really couldn't live without them? what if you said yes when in your heart of hearts you wanted to scream no, wanted to damn us all and destroy everything because if you have to suffer then the whole world should suffer聽too?
what if persephone and hades, but make it聽yuri?
Ben 10 (2016)
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honestly really not that bad if you take it for what it is rather than being mad that it's not alien force Like Some People. fun redesigns, some decent comedic writing and mixed additions to the rogue's gallery (extreme pass on breaker 1-9 and nanny nightmare, but xingo, the bugg brothers and tim buktu are fun). don't go in demanding deepness or tight canon or worldbuilding (factors ben 10 as a franchise has never actually been all that good at if we're really being honest) and you can have a fun time
Thor: The Dark World
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it should be a crime to misuse christopher eccleston this badly
Mario Kart 7
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this must have seemed like a shock to the devs of mkwii but it turns out when you don't entirely fucking explode the player for the crime of existing near first place, the game is actually fun and enjoyable, and i want to play more of it
Star Wars: Visions (Season 2)
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not as good as the first season IMO, but still some fantastic and beautiful animation from around the world. the aardman short got me good. i saw you grand day out robot
Nichijou: Original Run (Vol. 1-10)
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works just as good in manga format as the anime did, although it doesn't have quite as good an ending. keiichi arawi has an impeccable sense of timing that shines even in manga format, and their ability to take comedy to great extremes in their art is hilarious
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - The Fate of Atlantis
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well that was a load of nonsense. AC's take on greek mythology was admittedly pretty cool to see but it was just a lot of meandering in the end. a surface level tour with some juno teasing at the end which i'm pretty sick of tbh
AD:PIANO VIVACE 2 - Diverse System
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pretty good but not stellar. little really stuck out to me as truly awesome, even BlackY's track was kind of a let down. still, nothing actively bad here.
best track: "Flows With Errors"
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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it feels wild that thus far captain america consistently outdoes every other MCU movie. i didn't think i'd be this on board with him when i decided to start catching up. a great spy thriller that managed to contain a ton of engaging plot threads without feeling overstuffed and overlong, and genuinely left me pretty excited for more
Disney Gallery / The Mandalorian (Season 3)
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where is any of this for andor. i don't care. i hate this show now
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
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there's like, almost a movie here. it starts off pretty good! there's bits and pieces that shine, it feels like it should be better than it is, there's stuff throughout that could absolutely go somewhere exciting and then it just completely fumbles everything. what the fuck
got a longer review on my letterboxd
anyway kind of a pingpong month in terms of quality, but the show goes on...
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