#you not only lost sight of the translator's creed but the game designer's and teacher's creeds as well
kirbyddd · 8 months
Daina Chiba i love u but your obsession with anglicizing terminology is bordering insanity, like youre surpassing 4-kids levels of obsession
there are plenty of times when it makes perfect sense to just use a straightforward translation over the japanese lingo that's esoteric even in its own language
but there reaches a point when making up a bs english term is no more meaningful or easy to remember than the traditional term. "protoruns?" what the hell are you talking about? at least with taatsu some people will know what you mean
when it comes to abstract concepts that can't be summed up by an everyday word and have to be referred to with an original term, there's no longer any reason to translate them or even grounds to base a translation on... youre just replacing one made-up term with another
youre just sanitizing at this point, not translating barkbarkbarkbark
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