#you don't need a translation for “Scheiße!” that one speaks for itself
aecho-again · 5 months
Bravern Ep2 spoilers
My comments of the German bits of dialogue:
"Was halten Sie davon?" (What do you think of this?)
"Das sind doch wieder die Amerikaner. So schnell findet niemand solches Zeugs." (That's got to be the Americans again. No finds such stuff as quickly.)
Good pronounciation, 9.75/10 could understand everything perfectly. Surely, she was supposed to say "erfindet" (invents) instead of "findet" (finds) but both words work in this context.
Then, Bravern says something like
"In diesen Zeiten müssen wir Menschen zusammen sein." (In times like these humanity must be united. Literal but awful translation: In these times, we humans need to be together.)
2/10, you fucking tried but please stick to Japanese. Half of the sentence is incomprehensible and the other half is slurred. I'm so sorry. And it should have been "zusammenhalten" (stick together, unite) instead of "zusammen sein" (be together). And either the "wir Menschen" (we humans) is a very clever foreshadowing device or they couldn't find a better way to phrase it... because Bravern isn't exactly a human.
"Danke." 10/10 again, well said.
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