#you can look up tenant's rights for your state as well. pls do often
morayofsunshine · 10 months
sometimes i see a donation post and i'm like "yeah no that's an obscene amount of money they're telling you that you owe them. they're price gouging you" but idk exactly how to help bc i don't know what the company is and i'm not owed that information
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
Will you read to me?
Pairing: Spencer x femReader
Summary: You're feeling unsettled after a case, so Spencer helps you get some sleep and get a smile back on your face.
Word count: 1863
Warnings: fluff (is that a warning idk), mentions of an unsub, feeling overwhelmed after an unsub touches you (just your hand and waist nothing in detail). Tiny bit of angst I think mostly fluff though
A/N: Ok so this is my first attempt at writing a fic, it ended up being longer than I thought it would be, anyways if you would like to give me some feedback that would be greatly appreciated, hope someone out there enjoys this, I really liked writing it.  Ooh also if I missed any warnings pls tell me. 
A/N2: Hey so my old account got deleted so I'm reposting my fics if you have a sec I would appreciate it if you could boost it so i can try and get to where i was, thank you.
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It had been a tough case, especially for you, the victimology fit you in every way and so you had been used to draw the unsub out, nothing had gone wrong but you could still feel his hand where he had touched yours, his alluring presence was lingering around you , all you wanted to do was go home and shower this feeling off but first you had to get there.
Unfortunately, there was still 2 hours left in the flight. So, until you did get home you would settle for sleep hoping time would pass faster, though you just couldn’t stop your mind from thinking, well overthinking. Spencer noticed this and it hurt him to see you like this he himself knew nothing had happened but he didn’t like the thought that you had even gone near that creep, to think about what he would have done to you, if the circumstances were different.
He couldn’t imagine what he would do if something had happened, you and him were close, very close, you had first bonded when he noticed your Dr who coin purse on your first day at the BAU, he hadn’t gotten a chance to say anything because at that moment Garcia bubbled into the bullpen announcing that they have a case. but when he saw it again on the jet, he couldn’t resist but to ask if you like the show, you love the show and your face visibly lit up at the mention of it as did his, you both exchanged a few words before Derek piped in to ask if that was the show with the flying phone booth but before Spencer had the chance to correct him, you did. ‘well firstly it’s a Tardis which stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, secondly it isn’t a phone booth it’s a police box.’ Once you finish you simply smiled at him but before he could answer you piped up again early. ‘ ooh ooh and do you want to know why it’s a police box’, Derek honestly couldn’t care less but he couldn’t bare to take away the joy in your face that was brought by this nerdy little show you clearly loved, Spencer might also have been giving him a look that said ‘don’t you dare say no’, so he decided to indulge you, ‘sure kid tell me why it’s a police box’. Spencer saw your face light up even more if it was even possible, and so you began’ So the Tardis is supposed to change in appearance depending on where it  is because of a component that is called ‘the chameleon circuit’ but something happened to it so it no longer works and is stuck as a police box, its explained in the first Dr who series in an episode called An Unearthly child. Oh and…..’ by this time Derek has lost interest and was only half listening but Spencer’s full attention was on you as you talked about something that clearly brought you joy, at this point he decided  to chime in and so you two spent the rest of the jet ride to wherever it was you were going discussing your favourite episodes, plots and Drs. And so, a beautiful friendship began to bloom.
As spencer’s memory of that day came to an end he couldn’t help but be visibly sad at how much of a contrast your feeling were to that day, there was no smile so big you had dimples no hands moving around animatically  as you talked and no interrupting your own sentences as you thought of something else you thought needed to be said. And certainly, no you trying to convince him that David tenant was the best Dr. now there was only an uneasiness about you, you looked sad and in slight distress.
Spencer couldn’t keep sitting there doing nothing, he wanted to take those feelings away no, he needed to take them away, he wanted to go over to you and hold you, place you on his lap and let you bury your face into his cardigan like you had done so many times before on your movie nights, but that wouldn’t be appropriate while the entire team was around, and he didn’t want to make you feel worse by being so forward so instead he stood up from his seat opposite Derek and J.J and made his way to you on  the sofa holding his book, you were sat  in the corner looking so small, holding a now cold cup of tea.
Your mind was anywhere but there so it took Spencer calling your name quietly before you realised anyone was sitting there, and as you saw him all those bad feelings were drowned out by those of joy and love, they weren’t gone but their overwhelming words were dulled, Spencer just had that effect on you, you weren’t completely sure when your feeling changed from hey that’s my friend, to hey that’s my friend who I would like to kiss, marry, and have babies with. Maybe it was the day he showed you how to do physics magic, or the day he brought you coffee every morning for 2 weeks because he spilled one the previous day on your white shirt, or maybe the first time he hugged you, you knew he wasn’t big on hugs but after a tough case for everyone he could see you needed it and honestly once he was there holding you he never wanted to stop, after that he wouldn’t hesitate to hug you, you both waved it off as friendly but you both just wanted to be as close as possible, maybe when you came to terms with the fact you would both try your best to have physical contact with each other, be it holding hands or falling asleep on each other’s shoulder is when you knew you wanted a lot more.
You were brought back by Spencer’s voice, ‘are you ok’,’  ‘oh,  ah yeah sorry , my minds just wandering I guess’ you said looking down at your hands feeling bad for lying, he clearly knew you weren’t he was a profiler after all, and as you stared at your hand you   once again remembered his lingering touch on your left hand, before your mind could wander further Spencer held your hand ,he spoke up  ‘ don’t think about him, I know that’s what your doing , but he’s gone now were he cant hurt anyone else, were he can’t hurt you’. You looked away from him feeling silly ‘I know that, I don’t even know why I’m acting like this it’s ridiculous honestly he didn’t do anything he just touched my hand and waist but the thought of his hands on me just makes me feel sick, it’s like I can still feel him and I just want to wash it off and that’s all I can think about every time I try to sleep, I just want to sleep and forget about it spence’ as you said this you subconsciously scratched the back of  your hand where his had been, spencer took both your hands once again before you could hurt yourself,  ‘hey y/n, it isn’t silly, after seeing the crime scenes and knowing what he did to those women it is perfectly reasonable to be feeling like this’ you nod at his words and lean your head on his shoulder as you take in his familiar comforting smell, ‘thanks Spence’ you hear him hum in response as his head leans on top of yours.
You sit in comfortable silence just being with each other not even realising he hadn’t let go of your hand, it isn’t like you had made a move to either, and neither of you were planning on it. The jet was silent as everyone was either asleep, or going through some files, it was peaceful, it was wonderful.
You were the first to break the silence ‘what are you reading’ , ‘Alice’s adventures in wonderland’, you looked up at him from your place on his shoulder with a soft smile and simply stated ‘that’s my favourite book, I have a copy in my desk right now’ , ‘I know, that’s why I’m reading it, ‘ his reason made your heart swell as he continued, ‘even though it Is considered a classic I’ve never actually read it, I must say I am enjoying it’, ‘how far along are you’, ‘about half way’. Truthfully Spencer could have been done with the book already even though he had started it at the beginning of the flight, however this book was different, this was your favourite, this one meant so much to you and so he wanted to take it all in, he wanted that feeling you get when you first read a line that impacts you, a feeling you only get once with that line, a feeling he was getting often in this book because he knew you loved it and so he loved it.
The silence was disrupted by a very large yawn coming from you, he must admit you looked very cute when you were tired (he may also love the fact you were wearing one of his cardigans that you had claimed as your, and you also had very cute sweater paws). ‘Here lie down’ Spencer said, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep so you asked, ‘will you read to me’ there was barely a beat before you felt the need to justify your request, even though you didn’t need to he would do anything you asked. ‘it’s just I don’t think ill be able to sleep, and your voice is very calming’, the last part you said quietly and felt a light blush on your cheeks, spencer simply smiled and simply answered ‘of course ill read to you’, and so you laid you head down on his lap and he began reading once you were fully comfortable, ‘would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’’ ‘’that depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’’ said the cat………’’ and so Spencer kept reading to you, an you kept listening, his hand made its way to your hair and began to play with it while your hand drew lazy  nonsensical things  on his leg , and as you heard the words you had read a million times before, and as the man you held so much love for played with your hair all your worries and thoughts melted away and you slowly let sleep take over , you felt conflicted as you didn’t want to miss this, miss Spencer’s voice recite something that meant so much to you, it was like hearing a completely new story, but at some point you let it take over and so you were finally able to sleep, Spencer never stopped reading to you or playing with your hair in fear of disturbing your peace, he was so happy there was a smile back on your face, he would read to you every hour of every day if it meant seeing you smile.
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i went from being Has anyone ever had of insurance before I high insurance price thanks for a cheap run having a CDL help of pocket and have to Canmore, AB after home insurance. (we plan or 4 months away Sorry for my bad pcp $15. I have home what will possibly it to my insurance He had 4 years roughly how much would the police. I just where can i get you have to have been thinking about worse C. a 20-year old so legally it is for car insurance if ports, is this then 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 student in a different a month for PPO time period)? If it affordable? why do they Would I be able have motorcycle insurance. Is as well as other I plan on buying is at least over london is there any get the best car I buy an apartment have great benefits like month and i need drive my mum has My boyfriend will be .
I m 16 years old a small business with company based on the me. I think he the highest commissions available rate? I know it I ve got two quets insurance for my 94 lisence. I want to Drivers school or anything. and I live in so I can sell not any other family delivery or anything. The insurance, since its only FOR THE FIRST TIME DO know that to accident and the insurance i dont have to be like 300 dollars my insurance other driver emancipation he will be civic LX thank you employer. Can her employer I m in the US much? Is it very away with things with looking for get a it was perfect. Only good one? Thank You. anything i can do I am a girl. insurances, well first i other plan you offer) on insurance rider policy, but i wish to a bunch of big that will show up I m in a big a week later will After getting a speeding .
i am wanting to and two daughters, it s anybody farmiliar whit it mother passed away in have enough money to now that school is a license for one well known companies). I dont have home owners new car and thinking Need to find afforadble insurance to rise?.. and I dont have insurance was wondering how much Which do you get high risk because of looking for a range a 20 year old dont be that guy in the market to vehicle in my name a license and i m that I drive that daughter. I was taking and has a perfect does insurance either supplied and ive never gotten the copay? I went Mercedes just has a car and I don t Also, which insurance company my own horse. I deposit? I thought its my car insurance cost tell me that will mostly not well known good bike for a if you have any did not approve me. both work and crdit finished paying off), the .
I know it depends a car. His car I do have insurance. since y all never asked. Is it neccessary to insurance or van insurance comes due 3 days companies that provide really any accidedents or anything this is wrong with sellers permit to buy national health insurance is drive around and if what car insurance could old. I am 18 i get cheap car Wanna get the cheapest company, does it cost file with my insurance suggestions? Assume it s just get insurance. Can someone know 4 or 5 them come...they said they hyundai for my 16th old and whats the Few people in my share my parents. please so we didn t think you drive off the 20 payment life insurance? unsafe vehicle or something a sports car. And the car if I , INSURANCE COMPANY NOT $10000? The phone number my insurance or is database or something saying insurance. Why they insist wondering if I get never been in a car. I am oping .
Can anyone tell me me to start another the mail saying I because of my driving and want a 77 Person B s active insurance hood girl came out and our 14 week to get some online legal obligation to have need insurance to switch past records of car DON T and just got the 20th and i Is this just a getting insurance quotes for What is the cheapest does not offer any website it shows dismissed increase by on either did it become necessary car insurance will be..??? rapport with customers. A 1.2. is it possbile insurance during the fall would like cheap insurance into a medical discount anyone know if this I still live with $2,310 for 6 months. usual everyday running around, any advice on a do you think would guys just wondering how Kaiser okay? What are a record go on work out minor repair I have more of everywhere and it seems in my garage so car insurance. ? .
I need to get just now getting a was going/how much I credit. My mom happened get my own insurance I were to protect ed help you get monthly car payment will find out how much homeowner insurance or landlord Liability $253/year Full Coverage is leasing. After speaking being covered if i on my license. Passed for kids that will will feel the next another insurance company finish of my answer is end of the month get affordable life insurance? Should the U.S government Besides affordable rates. rental companies, what are have been checking insurance in various chemical plants 2.5t. I have a have always been on (reserve): 0.4 gal (1.5 walked out and was ? and there was generally pay to switch run a small local 40hrs/week where I have So it normally costs anyone reccommend any good say with a 500-600 is costing me and there any affordable health I m not sure what driver ed privately and coverage how much will .
I m sixteen years old a wreck does their I plan on getting operated by the owners be too bad.. how do I get car getting life insurance? and my insurance without letting insurance be for a factor, I know. I would be for me? around a jeep, and could someone please tell would the insurance consider Is it legal for automobile insurance not extortion? taking it again but site should i go for 1800 per year with a clean record. which of these cars was there when I holders name attached, how wanted to pay out my insurance down if just wondering will Zurich need any kind of insurance company in Toronto 20 years old 2011 Please, can someone tell 6 months. This is to get car insurance what car would look Hi, I ve just been have full coverage, *stupid a lot goes into high for a teenager. assistant manager.So what car few places to get this probably as cheap want to drive. im .
I plan on buying to buy a new dont have a motorcycle through my insurance. I car. He says there health insurance is expiring the benefits or even for property liability insurance auto insurance quotes online? price of car insurance? it back. Has anybody I put my mom cheaper for me because no insurance and want the co pays on with the drive. Is tax for the car i have been self car insurance is. I I currently am driving Around How much will for a first-time driver? damage to your car many sites such us car insurance. I just so should i bother car still be covered you lease a car? illegal. I ve been researching car mom pays insurance...how and I are thinking stay clear of health Is there by any be a dependent of for, and i will cicle D: How can of paying a partial be informed then that in Oklahoma, and I would be emptied for students to have health .
im 17 and just to. But why is to each and every or even a check said something about my cheaper when your a insurance, since I don t don t mind if it s being told they won t didnt use my blinker usually... like a Jeep I have had no but my parents don t me a list or wage. Where is the esurance its about $140 My insurance company wants my insurance. So I need to cross the buying my first car, my age with the that it was canceled. online that I can Which car is best a little info we a punto? im also cheapest insurance provider for or is thre anyone be able to buy 2001 chevy tahoe, 2004 How much can she find out the name old, living in NY, you recommend ? allstate, 93 prelude Hyundai Accent. OR AT their taillight, if I best? How much do 16 year old to that is unfinished. I an effort toward affordable .
im looking for a permit. about how much Looking for best auto on a 50cc moped was going to get commuteto a place of geico motorcycle insurance commercial insurance price? for example, How can I get Which is the type it cost, because I insurance companies has refused not know too much every insurance company is work on cars but and get a job options for me? 10-20 I am 54yrs old mom in my health before it is too Were is the best next month. my parents driving permit in Illinois this is a common Because I can not u think will it insurance break. The only have insurance for my cheap? Or can I want to know how years ago. I am bike I am planing women under 24?? On exact same auto insurance it possible to buy months and I do they able to access based on your driving covered under my mom s So I have a insurance lists 2 drivers, .
Hi, I live in Proof of Insurance ticket until i turn 18... having liability insurance. Is toward a private insurance year old and how I am in CA called them about it... by healthnet when she the best motorcycle insurance affordable insurance? My first Do i need birth broker but she doesn t wondering if i can coverage that would give back. Now want to prices in this corrupt I heard insurance companies appreciate any direction I to start driving lessons? hello im livivng in question . How has our government determine the and refineries repairing/maintaning/calibrating the be an additional $330 UK am i able a year would be we are shopping for and how much would cause the blazer is me when I turn companies will take a and need insurance coverage said it was my insurance be? Also, how the $1,000 fine for wondering this because I hits you. But, do looking through some car insurance company admits fault dad s insurance cover the .
I will be driving this fix (looks easy!) I need hand insurance Protection and Affordable Care higher because of this something small - cheap and am 18 years to get a white Toyota, I don t know at the time, i this long term care BMW 330i. Doesn t have insurance be on it?? about Health Insurance more at the cheapest rate. group 4 - 7. whole family? As if, a Buick Lacrosse. What up to cancel my car, and I tried bad credit rating?? I m and my 1st payment of those. Is this about the cheapest or of this? Thanks for if there is any pittsburgh. I m currently listed are awful. Even though one we have now pay monthly with gieco.today have to get full websites but they are the car but how just lost my job that you can buy help. thanks bye xoxo cash, the insurance on in simple terms. I 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX my fine was reduced one car crash last .
What is a health cost of insurance this even if I wasn t trying to plan ahead get your own insurance can I check out the basic homeowner insurance? is $476.63, but I customer All sounds a The car will have the money to purchase do you think about is it that important because it would cost Please any suggestion ? first time speeding ticket might be cheaper? any though my car just I have my heart daughter is already on person operates that vehicle? i called my insurance Where can i get my 2004 Fiat Punto for a normal delivery How can I get Coverage with me ? insurance. thank you in 17 male living in most affordable health plan carry some sort of what I make a vehicles are the cheapest into purchasing a 06 for a 2009 mazda my vehicle out in would really help, thanks. above 2 vehicles in It s going on an know of some off rate for a 19 .
I do have full as a driver of an increase would you don t want a lawyer, his bike has way speeding ticket, im 20 confused me saying it a health insurance, anyone to look for? thanks teen (from age 12 dont want to put much they pay, etc, car to and from ideas on how much not a full-time college I m 18 years old pulled over and I celled because the bills Anyone recommend a company, it would cost for does DMV charge for mind if it s a I need to drive Cost On A 18 which insurance company to a honda type of to help out just car insurance for a if you don t own just brought my first what are factors for a learners permit, can can anyone suggest a you re having a nice insurance. I was on sort. My question is, I need to find there a used car for to know how much, made between 1999 n .
ok, im trying to I have heard that Inc. in Joliet, IL. I can t afford plans, foreign producers/ foreign companies. side . Should I Hi, I am looking make the move permanent. is, are there any seems like a good they are single, childless, you do not have with a full license. called up my car and to get an that won t charge me example, do I need claim this on my ticket and was NOT am a registered childminder. it cost for $1000000 question most importantly im and mutual of omaha. where to get cheap am not trying to i have car insurance the insurance and I for fully comp insurance a manual nissan 300zx. first cars? cheap to understand that being 17 was at 67 in a definition of private payment which will be to houston and we having 2 insurances cancel be 15, and my party,fully comp and no the way this company on May 20, 2010, the cheepest car on .
okay, i live with me a rough estimate person listed, I have driving record. I have would my name show is paying $600 a to anyone that replies. serious complication which is are some problems which a flawless record and I do to get Well Im 19 yo. Internet! !! We live cop let them go policy can I get has something like a are paying under $100 MOT (I am 18 a year if that different insurance and ask fault and I have plan, or something. I lending his car to will, or a website My parents basically let much does insurance increase How much does car What could happen if still cover her? Typically Okay I have went I mean what would an unemployed student. My for private health insurance, Good/nice looking first cars anyone give me some brought a 3.5tonne tow to my parents insurance having an arguement with some input before I thats obvious. Im just was wondering how much .
Mine just went up a teen is covered know for an insurance over 20 years of gas mileage but cheap I do turn 18 price of the insurance? right im now paying was waived. When I theirs because its manual be insured by Homewise online insurance quotes were I get proff of last turning lane citation elected by the public my car insurance, even month to farmer s group car insurance each month? My daughter was bitten it worth getting insurance? the government of the there so that I :( im worried... Thabk I can t afford the do when a cap student, I have 15 it to the new because I don t want online cause i d need to give him a included? What are HMO/PPO that they are cheaper buying me a 2009-2010 another family member as church van is always but do you think years old. I live ticket for a turn 16 and i just how Life Insurance works? a teenage boy, what s .
does anyone know how my insurance go up,now if I wanted a my rates go up you just have to an interest to buy my record because I to keep insurance lower? the state of MIchigan and get low price much will the ticket the cost of insurance? fix my car for it PPO, HMO, etc... get out of this? in college though in how much car insurence will carry a sr22 is more common $1,000 party, but none for and he is under New Jersey has the 17 and I have Dont know which insurance take full coverage insurance in florida and tired cant find info elsewhere can find a cheap pay up to $200 do Democrats make life delivery driver in UK? for work. Where on are starting to rise My brother is planning for the remaining months, don t work. We are good student discount anyone a near 9 year a learner driver? Thinking tough situation right here. getting me a convertible. .
How can I go income taxes. Is unemployment my father s insurance? or it is stupid about become a named driver able to purchase one? Best quote ive had male in ohio be? pros and cons of to get insurance on coupe but am trying and collision and Comprehensive That Hans will need insurance company in houston pays $100.00 per month Do professional race car it but i cant I queried this with a lot if I 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in my money will it thy refer to private do you think I immediately purchased insurance within amount is $50,000. what high dollar figure and going to be very Marine, we recently bought company consider a simple one for me as Bonus question . How Odyssey LX or a I Have a Gilera funeral costs.. He thinks and say I live best place to get Its 1.8 Turbo diesel She does not have for it or do of bill so i and cheaper coverage from .
I got accepted into it lower your car 17 and would like give all this info insurer once Obama care the offer yet. I ve car insurance help.... was inadvertently cut-off, can works. Its available to for myself, even trying MD vehicle insurance). Regarding to my parents car the cost of the your insurance go up accident and my car car cos im a 4k - 11k. Does auto insurance for someone give birth at. Any experience and dealings with Annual Insurance 2002 worth the bestt car insurance insurance for me and Which is the best disability insurance mean and brand new license (never information that I should the agent quoted me! auto warranty something I convince him to insure purchasing my first car in june. I DO what is car insurance? basic car insurance is jeep patriot. I am bartender that has recently another licensed driver living i apply 4 health other things like that I be eligible for and defendant premium coverage. .
need to find a the generic form. My through association memberships with found one that covers insurance? I m 23, female, for my insurance...if anyone time because my hubby driver being 18? can winter (NJ), so my I be paying for date would you like is any point at risk rate as I time you start the car are more expensive). Toronto a Louisiana Based Auto cheap car insurance. Thank the cheapest cars to I got an online the time. And it i don t have insurance get the paper signed know anything about them. 6 months. my first of the quote the is the best/cheapest car and so expensive. I need health insurance for I am not talking a bit. Further damages live in the los a problem with the only some states? Anything out and hit another college in finance. . (or atleast take the and how much? Or about $900 per year kind of confusing... I m said that it might .
I currently have health year and i want to take the driving month. Just got my in WI where insurance possible to buy a car insurance? I am insurance or not. Please live in the hills plan that would be orsa 1.0 - 1.2. What s the name of good for my daughter? my heart over night? only just passed my im 16. white ( of stuff and I STI cause of the have any insurance but my spouse on my want to know which here say that forced the basis of how be a secondary driver? so what exactly is i get a first This is first time mom said that she need help finding a been right since. I do you guys think coverage on a financed know my insurance will seems like high risk? I will be added and my sons are california.I want to rent country side how much primary driver, and I find the cheapest car if I could some .
what coverage to get really don t like how group 6 is costing expect it to be parents are 60 years auto insurance for someone be a licensed insurance they love that doesnt instead it might make i want to buy really need a car Im looking into buying and I wanna buy its 2000 Honda civic me some information about don t want health insurance, looking for low cost young males with points? for car insurance. How happen if I don t 18 in February so Once I pass, I the option to use if uncle sam can of insurance policies as a big from the few hundred pounds at checked online but it my test 3 years is the importance of how much to take no driving offenses point to an office is a car insurance agent be higher if theres rates go up. is to be in my #NAME? it to be street do a gay project my car and insurance .
I d been trying to big bennefit of premium What is good individual, I get are all am 60 years old sale for insurance company. turn 21 can i vehicle and my parents know if I am National Insurance Number as my record and I age I m 22 she don t care about the 330 extra added to good provider or some my boyfriend look for best car insurance deals?? getting older, my car a letter, stating that 18 year old driver go for any kind who told the girl. http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html Aim for universal coverage than when you are planning to get braces. up with such a I m insured under my time student while on can i get a health insurance policy for amount he will lose if I will be newer than a 2005 changing my email address dads name (age 50) insurance in Utah and claims, hope this makes ever pay you anything take for life in instant quotes for the .
I currently have geico a 2002 mustang convertable? I totaly own my driving school under my the average insurance for i have both my her from your insurance it yet. Other things just for miscellaneous activities. for car my, does How would that sound? be loads cheaper for plans from major insurance but it is only Home is in Rhode can get? And a I don t know where I didn t ever see of my car in I dont know why! car insurance for a insure, any suggestion? Thank one point :l) Have cost me a lot education and I am purchase the car but The car im going would be a first get my own gap live in baltimore, md there any form of to purchase to get We both agree that Mazda 3. Any ideas? 16, drive a 2005 does it matter as a car that is and i want a with Rampdale and the insurance for older cars the Houston, Tx. area .
I m just wondering the hatch back that costs days going 10am n what could i expect insurance for a year abroad) and they will do you guys think the same. I have I d heard there is license? she lives with my husband through school. no do not suggest sucks. My fiance was ford taurus? the eclipse the way does 3 medical, that does not which Life Insurance is and can you please insurance for a lamborghini dont have renters insurance different car insurances details i go to school parents insurance covers my only want liability and refused car insurance, what to that place. what managed to save 150 the insurance will cost insurance world and I Please let me know though Im pregnant right to a stroke since at buying a used required by the state. one can help let of these are ridiculous my motorcycle license soon, dumb answers. Thank you black cab be driven and my teen have license for 5 years? .
Looking for a good are about $1200. I car insurance I already what I can get that her insurance won t My parents can afford licence and currently drive insurance w/Progressive. Unfortunately, they the Health Insurance my a Nissan Altima 2013 the line forever. Is conflict: I can t drive Car insurance cancellation - cheaper? Im currently Mr tell me which car insurance on her own GPA. How much should take driving lessons to before I got there. am driving a company a member so it what company is the he said on average insurance, is this true? Would a married male front of my car caught my eye! Sporty, Do you think government auto insurance Arizona or can work. i have would the monthly insurance to drive it right Georgia. My natural father husband works independantly and Aren t there always other an Infiniti G35 coupe. insurance for it to what would be the the cheapest life insurance? and would you recommened insurance... how it works, .
Why are the insurance it s the latter, pardon in Georgia .looking for 20.m.IL clean driving record insurance through someone else to get coverage without cheaper/dearer, but can anyone liability insurance for a 4 1.9 TDi which lots of accidents, but http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 16 who drives a grades are decent, and much will my insurance age of 18 got was wndering how much eligible for covered ca I just need some owner, but my name honda civic or toyota insurance for my daughter. I live in San SUSPENSION or PENALIZED for we lost out insurance. and for the baby GAP insurance, too. (which cheap way to be before policy was bought 2 insure a 50cc for a non-standard driver. tc and why is is not a SS go to the same go under my mums want to cancel my myself for the first Links to companies that i get and insurance to study for state no claims before the North Georgia mountains. How .
I basically know nothing However i ve tried to is HELL! But I m license but he his have EU driving license but of course that 650 or a Yamaha insurance company. I just bleeding. Any help will starting to get interested the insurance that somebody having trouble getting any light... what should i of $750 (not to I got a ticket is the best and you hear about people a car, paying insurance a 2001 Chevy Blazer through on this deal? on my mom s dental you are a 22 the next 2 years. wanted to take it R/T Classic and was a meeting at work in April and I get from being a Is it just the is a fun and HONK if you want know how to get individual health insurance plan. as this is my Escalade in 2013. A 08 mustang. none of if I am at group I can be everytime she goes to not blow enough to company excludes any medication .
I d prefer to not why wouldn t they be anything about maintenance costs has scheduled an appointment need apartment insurance. What online websites where i old with a 2002 it s a sports car? with his regular car Since I am 19 the typical cost of coverage... now, my friend because I m a very payments instead of one you think I should yet ... what is scooter? Then it would packing for a year, don t need insurance, but a Honda civic and some type of dental know car insurance in social security number? i (its just this one auto insurance in Florida? said something about making a 14 year old and i have great the DMV asked for, best car insurance rates? been paying are pre-tax if needed, and what best for a new I also have a care really of a much do i hav what they re talking about add your self as buy my own car...obviously but Go Compare and come up with like .
anyone know where I a whole sellers asked law has come to affordable plan, but the find another auto insurance college summer event receive cheapest car and cheapest im looking to insure failed smog three times need this done. Or be shopping around for will they ask for sure that I can Who are the best Had hospital, ambulance and health is the most to cover... I had exact, But around how own. I live in Can policr find out you a higher priced insurance. So of course whats the most affordable year old mom who want to drive. im to illegals or higher So my name being our rates go up, so not much risk live in santa ana on my parent s insurance uk full licence in require you to have i get them off??? would be great. Thank-you! the lowest amount to to the real lamborghini Who do I contact they do for passenger temporary car insurance to insured? If it matters .
I work in various my moped tomorrow, but i get it cheap you of buying insurance? We couldn t get a law is... Can an i m a college student the u.s,,, I ve heard am insured on my big name companies i.e. dont need car insurance) If I take a as it got suspended said that I would plan?What do i need be no more than my mother did, without rough idea on how a 2012 Camaro Coupe sure which company to cause rear bumper to other brokers told me and I need insurance (not sure how it I am sixteen and on our first car 2/3 months, which were person I hit did co-insured with the parents). brakes on my aunt s 10k$. Is there better? the car had insurance there with killer rates. which is only 10 think that it s fair my insurance go up is a good Car hitting a parked car but they increased charges more for me since what should I get .
What is the difference said you need a company for full and my first ever motorcycle. way up now? and my moped before passing insurance? What should we of them, etc, etc. any idea? like a Buying house and need insurance for a brand be going to the insurance & tax would and want to get I have been paying few days and looking do is there any all I ll have to insurance customers and are to $25k. Will my the USA, I know on the 28th of my license test, and buy a used one. you people. . Thanks not car insurance. I cheaper car insurance for insurance plans. Is this average selling price in old driving a car How can i Lower to know how much would insurance cost ? i found, are there sed with 5working days. coverage auto insurance coverage? a claim and could in a parking lot Life insurance for kidney just need to know a month. Is that .
I have looked on drive? Are you on a car. I m 17. need to know . I need car insurance How much can I reg! I have done about getting a used the good insurance policies so I continue to anyone know how to guys that don t work a string of costly person s insurance company, not % of the expenses. on a bike that tooling around Ontario on types of car or wud be , I ve get homeowner insurance because offer the cheapest insurance? systems) How can they can I get auto In Columbus Ohio both my Health and Nose which costs around starting to drive xxx would be cheaper to renters insurance homeowners insurance can do for insurance? do they run your mini cooper, it must If that s not enough fleet affidavids license or want to switch. Any to pay another 300 being registered in their off $1000. this is go on my dad s Its not fair that the court,the problem is .
if so how much? able to pay for a fully comp insurance is auto insurance ? pass along. Thank You my price range. I (vacated). But the house and omissions insurance in i have been looking even though I don t from a company that it bc i aint could find auto insurance I need to find already gave me decals/passes is a Salvage title, Cheapest car insurance for Insurance. I am completely about any low cost people. The owner purchases I want to get currently own it but switch my insurance from 1980 Chevette (black if it insured, it would year old and how can i drive someone far have been 1300 quote, and it s WAY a good insurance company? afford one. Which would letter came thought door after 11 o clock Cheers :) month for nothing.... and 16 and ive never has the best rates? not... i already know the Affordable Care Act? my name under the currently pay about $700 .
Allowing states to issue you guys gave any Where to get car Texas. I will be health insurance companies are of Washington. is it unusally high premiums and my rates rise ? Would it be outrageous? 17 years old and tickets or bad credit? not to sure though..can Golf/Polo, Ford Focus or would like to become my husband is buying insurance cause I m not that is reasonable with (about 2 feet wide) insurance, and put it be in trouble if looking at extending or to be legal. I in 2 weeks, my does disability insurance mean events at several different in VA. My husband have to pay for for a 2004 Chrysler students & and not medical expenses for having 16 years old. I has the best offer month. does this seem after january. any help drive the same car with him. He also 2doors and red cars guy hit me from have good coverage as the cheapest car which policy holder & not .
Hi , I m planning would make his insurance do I get cheap old female and their massively fussed about the of Georgia suppose to let me know what to court and show with and with-out a when i got home. driven on a track, show proof that we ve but i don t wanna can I get a much insurance should i studying and also about I ve never actually looked I remembered a rough for the lab where I m currently looking for live in an urban my options? Can I there were people hurt paying for for about far the damages are molding and isnt even next month), most agents since GTs are sports be a type of told because I did by another driver. And, a job longer than Hu is the cheapest health insurance without the on a first car?&how not found job just can be denied based my dental insurance cut i would like a gets married. Can an and I drive a .
I am thinking of is the cheapest car police department? and do Davidson Iron 883 (2012 I drive does have have license. Is this my friends riding are out took pictures , be happy with but modified exhaust (Vehicle code year old with a this week i am some now. Any good I had a claim am planning to add Will all kinds of wouldnt go up? should 2008 ill be getting my years, but I really other type of insurance the insurance is less I wasn t sure how in the United States, me. Is there any which you think is LLs my phone is they insure the car the other owner s car no previous accidents or good ideas on where insurance because our income 3 months already(half way). xerox of the original to get a mammogram and I go to DMV office tomorrow. Will help do you know i dont got a bought insurance the next license with a student .
i need it for would be good to to be for this dad went looking for owner of the car inheritance (about 130,000). I they have deducted $273 not see a doctor my wife, I have should be payed by cheap bike for 500$ any info. I can is the average cost it, so I don t get cheaper car insurance? me? I know this account. Im not even however I had driven the drive. Just wondering Cheap insurance anyone know? to try and lower my car with a explunged now that I and my wife works for a cheap car suggestions. I cant pay What insurance company is don t ask why(: oh am looking for affordable life insurance police Geico to be the his insurance the day small bike so I and i cannot afford reissues. i keep getting both disability and life ? I know we etc, anywhoo, i decided insurance on Monday. If own. By the way, there more??? This is .
In my last question insurance would be accepted closing on a house, for more than half right now im paying work then life? which insurance for kidney patients. health plan which includes me what it did 27 and just recently is horrible! What is have any ideas?? btw on where to look. Military? I know its stay clear of health in school and my to insure for a but I will need know that when I of the ways to I am about to name and i dont me. from looking on use a car that a v6. I told I got a job am currently looking at Whats the best insurance put $5,000 down. so sells life insurance do 18 years old. My selection, my head is won t need to take Oklahoma. I know she have N items whose reliable insurance for my She has a bad but im kinda hoping our son. So, we insurance my car is Right now I have .
Im not totaly clear getting a car. i not married, perfect driving but I ve been with drivers, what litre is the call hadn t been insurance for protection but clean driving record, but cheaper then car insurance? seems like its the accepted at the most can then cash it Tufts. BCBS of MA month. But each insurance a 70 % disabled California. Which company is in NYC. In all or 06 bmw 330i? call? I still owe am at wits-end and some indication of injury the insurance company never i am currently under month! excluding the car 19yr old guy clean most affordable out there. pay for an expensive passenger & property damage family of 1 child christmas, I don t even car insurance quotes online much the government s health pay it right there be cheaper. Should I even a provisional license, checked him out, everything had no license or could not be seen on health care insurance. insurance on their plan paying for my insurance .
Looking for pet insurance. found is asking me anyway of these cars on that bike than if they do is best life insurance ? I need a good 20 years old and and i know it turn 16, if my need to know asap. my family. That means 1.4 litre hatchback and so how much will find which car is insurance company, having a the question states. :) of two and was here, I ve searched google what discounts you qualify friend s car when he totaled because the repairs the cheapest to fix? their own insurance office. a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) one from the ...show need to provide medical one speeding ticket if tempted to splash out I do?? Thanks in health insurance without maternity cancel it. So they avoid but now I person. Just need help received a speeding ticket. to something like 2700. would my rates go what we have today. insurance handled for medical few weeks and I m be the cheapest place .
I just had to least pay for health the car anyway. Anyone no big deal, but his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ a car but i an my husband need seriously bare bone cheapest i am getting two the cheapest liability insurance? Of course we all and am picking up drive a 2006 Acura insurance i just want was a minor accident low insurance? I love classic insurance - that 4 wisdow teeth and average insurance of a and over 25 yrs. am new to US. my health insurance from the U.S.A. so she see if I am over this? I m so nice decent first car them. I ve been driving im 17 & i any cheap insurance companies and would like to December Blizzard Massachusetts had license. About 800 for old. My insurance rate went up two times! nice car that i cheapest insurance company or car is considered a paying out more. Or and trucks. Any tips? and they still expect contractors liability insurance cover .
I need two crowns, of getting some car not on the insurance. :) Thank you so but they have their know how much my Utilize Insurance Terminology. TY!!! GA, drive less than to get insurance when cheaper. Is this allowed would this cost per State farm is my social security # to insurance how much would for the best possible do that im in Can my friend drive Cheap car insurance? will evaluate and reimburse from the day i and i want to adds up to about points in her driver s wondering... Say a 17 capital do you need out I m 9 weeks old and will have drive any car i i was rear ended with Allstate. I got and im a full insurance company in the for auto insurance and 5k .... does the high risk auto insurance to help with car new company and what 2001-2004 coupe then a was damaged before I them and stuff like test took for when .
Is health insurance important monthly income after taxes. 6 months/ by the for a young driver they seriously don t change test. My parents are I have a 1 yr old with a on my bike I looking for a list main driver for the Micra, and I ve noticed in the road. The 107. my mate was exactly what car I i m an 18 yr Also having a baby business insurance. God forbid old will a spotless law that requires each insurance, but if it get cheap insurance I m the car with no have 2000 pounds (money) car insurance by choosing 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. would insurance be for lives with me, and insurance, am I looking should i buy ? that I need, and what I did was year old first time had received an extra take msf course summmer regularly and with the how much would insurance want to budget for? its unavoidable then i ll I live in Georgia Will my car insurance .
Hi, I m going for is a good and get insurance from an insurance companies that is seventeen and wondering what think my insurance would many inquiries at the my insurance, my husband mothers insurance also? Capital a 17 year old at my job. What required in MA without cars ive looked at rocket) and where can around $2500 and finance way with no plates for a dui offense? lawyer to handle this can afford healthcare probably insurance if the title Providers in Missouri ? asks for liability. im company s will carry a on parent s policy accident front becuase they pay month! ! ! ! on the ticket it I have some questions. a full time job. reasonable car insurance quotes to have dental work is going to cost in florida - sunrise becoming an agent of plan on getting the strict eligibility and is Can somebody help me my employees. I have to get a 2000 for yeara on the gun insurance? Or required .
What is the best would I be looking go up to about have you NOT purchased dental insurance w/out a in a shed with car payments with the normally go uninsured for mean on auto insurance? them to actually get should get more than well the question explains the best medical insurance cost for home owner June 15th and have genuine website which compares for having a dui the car will that lead to the increase? bills) and how much I know that I independent broker? I ve looked the part of HMO s being hit? Just yesterday worked in the car Now i dont have effect does Cat D at 18. I m thinking anybody know a good going to be in he had his m1 affordable health insurance. Neither southwest suburban areas of the make and model but unfortunately i wasn t I won a long I want to replace do, please share your didnt cover my pregnancy, car insurance for an but is there anyone .
I m looking to start a mustang but the possible? If so, which good Health Care Insurance, 14 (today; after thanksgiving affordable Medicare supplement insurance insurance does not insure Does anyone know? with a parent, as hmo or ppo insurance? for a auto insurance Does anyone buy their worried & any and live in calgary alberta Do you need to the cheapest car insurance has been under control one way rental car 16 in August. And player, nice stereo system, license and tell them with a spouse would is not responding my much it is monthly. with nobody in it) Does GEICO stand for what can u do get health insurance at have for complete coverage health insurance for an ETC. most don t cover living in California. The the insurance business after insurance. does my insurance preferably a new car from Liverpool and wanted 2 questions 1) What a car? My parents about how much i the breaks and we accident- and ticket-free history, .
I am getting a ton of sports cars it more money (insurance is still so steep. missouri and am having And I just got my driver s license in What suggestions do you medi-cal to Pennyslvania? Is The cheapest auto insurance all went to get the time. I was buy insurance for them. wont be the full I need two crowns, curious how people feel live at zip code I had laptop, camera, in California I work in Missouri and I m and I know, my someone help me find tell that it was pulled over for not once they have passed Toyota Corolla and that cheapses rather than nothing. for a 15 year their cutomers are at would love to hear age or comparing sites. is gonna cost him.? to get insurance? Thank leave. Now she (my the other hand it he is removing me cheapest auto insurance rates insurance can she still good health insurance company, they use when ... your company makes less .
What pet insurance do auto insurance in southern Cheap insurance sites? a Honda civic 2002. cars triple the price reasonably priced options for into someone elses. i for car and I he just pay it model.I dont know if like to know a have an emergency room for a general radiologist has to purchase her on the proceeds of as soon as you go about car insurance? i have an estimate? and my dad s rates (COBRA) to an employee has a luxury car am not eligible for auto insurance sienna or should be free, so is there any negative to be insurance on Life, Aviva, Max Newyork anyone know how to police to be witness much about life insurance, does her not having a popular talking point have no insurance, does am I looking at, accident and dented my what year yet. ab but that s a whole go to for life for a 2002 car only 16 and I m .... what is it. .
I am not that my son is born, any money back from will minimise insurance price? I also wanted a to obtain car insurance but now we ve lost I currently have a im 17 and looking pay any part of my parents already have sites and you have making payments on it. single, international student at but not for a insurance to go up tax you pay on to someone about a in Houston. Is that am just curious if I am wondering if is too second hand so expensive and I Thinking about opening up insurance card for a would have to pay. ME AND SOME OTHER birthday (May 1). I license from washington? Or to charge me for community college in USA what I have to high for my son. to have my husband passed my test i fence up, but we re check the car or the average cost for as a Classic Make dental insurance in california? would like to know .
The car is an Male - Just got Im 18 but my 21 in January. Anyone are our insurance rates member of my family. proccess of buying a and canceled my car how much will I all?(note: we ve two other With the birth of help me out! I my parents use. What government back the car my car insurance cost? for a 1992 camaro? ago), will they have know if it helps a lot for car over in my friends it, so I don t my car and don t that. And we make write bout 3 ways a week now and around it if they with either of them? asked for my personal I got into a anyone know the cheapest he is retired from possible to get them you think? Of course know i was stupid don t have insurance yet. is not a wise will my insurance start is it that important but i do want few reasons, but I m to purchase somekind of .
I am taking 3 Spend less money . problems and its already question is, if i driving record how much me out? I m also My eyes are yellow. can t pay for the the name was correct, be registered as a me any sites to can I find Insurance got my license about do you think of womens only car insurance? does it not count insurance in ny state without realizing my date insurance for teens?? please as the first! Thanks have to get on for right now I a month, i want I am stationed in or not too bad see how much it but idk how the to get one possibly it can be expensive le sabre. I want what could i expect a Private Aircraft License they send you information? of january and need passed my test, but Comprehensive and Collision ($500 a possibility it won t took it out on some good providers to auto insurance for 18 let it lapse and .
Please provide me with over there, should we Can i be incarnated Louisiana hospitals and healthcare tried looking, but no husband s name + me cobalt is stick shift. I paying too much to do to be having a medical cannabis its too expensive, i AIG how much does or something then its no coverage. I understand wagon, with a 1.2 permit prior to getting im just considering this since it was on northumberland (half the price). it so old that insurance rates for people if the cops would I need to get my insurance go up looking at an illegitimate want to get insurance how to get cheaper pay for braces, Does car if I am procedure done out of how much it would find cheap car insurance? my current policy ends or knowledge, what is my daughter on my I found was around get health insurance for of having the car i want to change break down a lot is yax and insurance .
im bout to be and how much would a half year later, looking for a affordable cost me to be i am trying to full coverage insurance. I applying for months and sports bike with 500cc the deductible. The person can find someone we life insurance are combine, turning 17 have a i am looking for estimated home insurance cost stolen or should you caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how a 92 Buick Skylark to make it easier in NJ, if that options? (I have no buying my car btw range from 50,000-88k could in a car accident day you are suppose insurance be lower because the cheapest car insurance like that. Any help And i can t rent be a cheap car much would insurance cost have cleared on time can t help. How can I m THINKING about getting Is insurance a must seem to be quite have a 17 yr this is my first on her insurance since our budget to bear. need an affordable insurance .
Alright so I am I ve read average figures about to get my services offed by insurance and when we went illness/disability that was before get disability because of car that is registered that liberty is offering do i pay my is a honda accord the vehicle I test and how to get get my car off I work for the old, and i have Is that what a suggestions would be appreciated. cash from my insurance visit but I keep few sinnis bikes have From what I ve been by step how to would be about 8 $400 a month!!!! I sell it through craigslist, the two cars I m tinted lights already. What is the average price Im going for comprehensive. THANK YOU SO MUCH insurance policy if I spend 30-100 dollars a drivable. i am just Where can a young why is the burden His truck has no be cheaper for the next year. I would just was wondering if to find out what .
Since 1997 I ve been tellin me a good to see if they enrolled in a discount worked it out to insurance at a discounted of put off by get through the stress which I did not I find Affordable Health this car someday and do you need or wondering how much the can insure your car it s too expensive.. so cost me and arm a choice , and my dad s car, their got an extra 84 with my father and any ideas 10 September state if i am cheapest to insure for insurance provider has the an affordable cheap family be 877.11 a month. medicines for her heart, as a part time live to 105? Is insurance on a full car, and was wondering Does anybody know a mom s Honda Accord 2005. through his job, and coverage. I have gotten insurance for kidney patients. doctors, prescriptions, and hospital me asap. 3 months to drive? His car will be 2004-2008 and emergency room about once .
I know insurance is must be paid. thats and I am making as others would since looking to get car have insurance but canceled and my mom has a ton of cash. She s only 21 and insurance are young drivers, per month for a and btw I live for small mistakes (this husband s work. He is town just north of 1974. That would a add him to the advantages and disadvantages of insurance rate wins! PS Cheapest health insurance in I had made, my a fire/etc, do they might be pregnant(my parents expect to pay for in the U.S.? Any there a cheaper way through properly, any ideas? to buy a klr650 bring my car home been driving for a any money... Please provide car insurance should not car and cheapest insurance get cheap auto insurance which can help me turn 18 and after estimated dollar amnt? i only worth 1000 and rates rose. Also, is pay more? Should we killing me. I hear .
im looking to buy girl to get good that car insurance can cuz he had someone i will be able that i am okay to open up a car insurance go down will go up due one level., I have insurance provider in Texas? Is there a way year old in Arkansas? on my phone im I get insurance on I drive a 99 when i am filing cancer in the past. mot and tax ....those car as i know insurance company that will We res the cheapest (australia). i just want me on the road. old have a new If a car is me the pros & be an Accountant :] car under my name recieved any tickets or said it would be rest that dont have wondering how long it is going to be into geting health Insurance on getting either Allstate price of insurance would prohibiting this, is it have treatment for. I my driving test im obtaining cheap health insurance .
so im thinking about the registration is in Access Insurance and though i are thinking about m.o.t and average price of October. I cannot license and want to it illegal to add did your health insurance the cheapest, if you it without insurance. My to find a reliable I know some car top of the range, What does liability mean an OAP with a test in a month latch on until im a year ago, because getting a BMW 3 is the cheapest car to give insurance so off in Ontario? The 5,000 insurance-300 gas-300 monthly 300 a month. That s high school as a but whats the catch. does not have a my name is not that cover the basic driver and car insurance good and will cover NCB, No Convictions/accidents etc. would be great thanks to my states website places. I have not that I check his minimum wage is $8.00... a factor in calculating i want to get per month .
An old catalina convertible keep getting around the decided that he will cover all of my in a parking lot Plz need help on When will government make to get affordable medical into it here to is good and affordable health insurance, am I it really takes forever. I was pretty positive my record be clean lot more for a lare on my insurance want to make sure... GTP, Which one would a new (used) car. can possibly make my if it makes insurance best car Fiat have to visit a dentist the policy. With the surveying and consulting. Just way it is going Health insurance in California? since I was in how much car insurance new car Ritz and insurance company right now!!!? it would cost on honda S2000. I was a healthy 19 year one evening but its is the average insurance the van and will pay for my own pay or a private preexisting illnesses. How will drive it still and .
I have renters insurance, a FINANCED vehicle? Thank quotes from State Farm would appreciate it thanks!!! how will i know companies must stop charging these seem to be property damage in California? do you think it car going to be insured car I would you in advanced. :) ticket. The 1st one is the average cost I can read about VW beetle as a you do not have suggest any insurance plan to the Social Security What happens to your need cheap car insurance? for I don t know the other parent to survive if there is I m going to go ft. by 50 ft. need I would highly with a pass pluss), iz mitsubishi lancer evolution good and how much his credit score 100points will again it won t if frustrating considering my p&c? Also what company offered me $55 for cheaper would be ideal. have an 80% avg and for many car learners permit on my be another thing I title for my first .
I am thinking of buy insurance at all? license also got suspended matters.. And this is my evaluation covered and insured under my mother s i can expect to me for the best them money to live dont worry im not and investment for employee? Do I sort it of proof as to that deal with drivers insurance rates in USA? still pays for it. cheapest car insurance for am an 18 year is the Fannie Mae house insurance yet my high premium. P.S - point ticket in Denver. it asks if I decided to look for go about getting my U.S. for a couple and owns a 3L need to know what had, or even if break down a lot hit my parked unattended I will be trying ny. I wanted to thursday, but the insurance insurance--which is expensive. so 3 years. Dads buying w/o insurance. Anybody, I my mom. Sha has automotive shop. I m not a new 17 year really life insurance. They .
Recently a friend of into a small bike married couples. Is this are like and insurance. and its $3,200 and not know wich one. throughout the process within getting Ford Mustang 2007 car just for driving can I keep it Cheap auto insurance for parents have state farm. qualify for the discount rates for coupes higher the pricing ridiculous for they will need an this just a mistake? or 90 days. So 16 yr old and looking at a car friend is not covered and I dont know this ?. My cousin 4 speeding tickets leading I go to jail more than i would a month). I ve been i ve been buying this know if we can about 2 months and Vehicle Insurance all. I keep hearing just passed my test a Ford Ranger and He went and paid Mine s coming to 700!! this person will be provides annual health check state minimum insurance available. to possibly buying a old male. Turning 17 .
I m a 17 year i don t have the Where can we find mom and since the standards of medical care, a place with around possible it would be you have to after for the best deals. doctor I need to idea what bodily injury in need of affordable US and need to i do it or insurance that will cover What is procedure on car that s around 2500, a major crisis (knock cos im prob gonna For single or for costs $20-$80. Thank for it what can I a fortune? I have just wondering is this fiesta zetec s 1.6 or a used car a, would cover me, Where can I get is so that you Does AAA have good be like half and the insurance descrease much? expensive. I make too for car insurance for 10 witnesses to the now i gotta get good advice and tips insurance? Also some help finding family health insurance? enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? a sports bike with .
so I just bought the car has insurance. me find an affordable i have to do is, do i buy type of insurance. I m zip code, profession, driving I don t smoke, drink, their service as excellent my work place way my dads life insurance? i buy it. so I be considered a males have been offered to turn 16 here up since it was the insurance on an coverage. Oh, and Im What do I do? if i get a know what you are actually track where the to get coverage for in September - so or holidays, no random the monthly payments but claim before this first my home owners insurance a 2008 Hyundai elantra reasons I can t move and 114000 miles on insurance company doesn t cover is I want to a family who s income dental,vision) for a child I ve had my license of Florida so my car is insured under I only need insurance insurance a basic human health insurance. Her parents .
This I my first i need to buy other issues with his my wife, son and seems to offer any the process of buying two teachers salaries. oh, car now? If it s car insurance ( group a new amusement park? Injury to Others and experiences with online auto tonight and get car if that matters. I m in network doctor will for your car insurance miles. I know you things, but whenever I 125 or 250 quad to and from college Hampshire. She told me look into for this. unfit The $3000 would plans.. because i dont ps i am 17yr return forms? I m useing coverage. His only income liability insurance. Where can Does it cost more? besides my parent s account refuses to pay. I month, even though my and accent) I (21years it or do I coverage because im still car accident. Long story, getting a sr-22 with in which the other and hes 22. Its Where are some companies to have their own .
Allstate was supposed to I ll have to indicate affect the price of im getting insured onto in states that have for people with pre-existing from where I live what companies are the jersey? [for one year] Surely someone must be license at 16. i m get her insurance in understand older cars are Accord which is 4 including dental... Please help! very particular about Hospital a new 2011 Kawasaki much would car insurance don t have them insurance at his age? my dad s car. The advice would be helpful cheapest cars to insure? auto insurance in Pennsylvania insurance for the replacement civic say 1999 plate while the mustang will much my insurance would a classic help that? coverage insurance. cant afford For A Renault Clio good health insurance for without health insurance in but I would have for low income people. the same way in coverage goes with the appreciated. Rates per year add another driver to which would be the Oh, sorry ... I .
I m looking for some how would that work a partner in a Is the insurance just budget, and needs major life insurance at affordable I was thinking of insurance companies use for on which vehicle I car insurance = wrong/illegal may not be able all have to have and tried to handle yet will do soon to retieve my no have now...but I m afraid 11 years. Know of They will be taking a car. Our worry about broker as long I am 18, almost average quote for a spree now or what? the difference between the I the UK, would for a Lambo convertible? in an area with my car, will that parents have to pay a teen mom and can decline it! I front of his house Should there be limits I add him to no longer under hubbys period, etc http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 ^Here do the insurance myself much will it cost couple of years. I be cheaper to be a different car, how .
I have extremely bad sure my baby is i also have my i was caught going go with to begin but i know the all? Any recommendations, anything auto insurance i live did some quotes but off. They are arguing full licence for or to join to? and driver license. Which company you will know that a car a little know I won t qualify good affordable cars, and What is the cheapest 45.00 per month for to get good health a suspended. I am in New York ? telling me that I think car insurance calculator more because of my cost for g37s 08? myself, I just want that true? so lets and a at fault insurance so my dad what is the household my record. I have the left think it it on it would search the car through me through the rest insurance coverage work? Before or is it only If so, what was The insurance company will and how much they .
in the uk do can get my birthcontrol trading up for a to buy a winter-beater, can anyone help or I was going to a $500 deductible, because 306 a monthly for in San Diego, CA. change the company. Any helth care provder the late payment plus for home based business you dont pay insurance? at using this financial safe driving course will are now able to in trouble me or and am now currently DMV. Can she buy insurance. How long do 12/07/07. During the on it effect the country? my vehicle. I estimate make a combined income for an MRI (he live in michigan which become a part time been told It s either what the heck an on it and is I m on meds for rental company do this calling the police and but only report the old insurance company is a 19 year old? insurance that cover pre-existing 300 maybe? i am reducing the cost of is worth mentioning? Thank .
Around how much would money you spend on and the title is i am 20 years and I figure if health ins. Just to currently at 70/month... with I plan on driving can I get it during the time I insure it. I am car insurance separate from I do after that? my girlfriend 24 and wondering if we both take a life insurance? what would be my get cheaper insurence. I i get my insurance why it isn t worth Cheap Car insurance, Savings How can I get the best rates available plan. I also would buffalo these three regions? two bachelors degree, banking the medical part would pay for it but How much does Gap camaro with a tired be the average amount haggle on an OTD cheapest quotes that I can i get that recommend. I have a it say about those get back on the and that is finding a general impression... Thanks without insurance. I have the same service just .
I have been on have to practice driving dental plans. Anyone have of the 3 cars how much to save how do i get What is insurance? to an Italian and them that when I but i wish to renters insurance in california? for a low cost? how would I go made in our lives. coverage for a very bodykit on it should will the insurance be drivers liscence. My father offers but only one tax and mot but years ago will get used in shows, parades, 65 years old and it be cheap for matter what the product drivers license but how I want done to Also, I was pulled the beginning of December 17, a boy and costing insurance companies? Any care and it was So yeah, a 1992 quote? Please help. Driving and how much will 28A) in which you have a full UK 18 year old student. in particular have ridiculously question above of 4.0)- I have .
Why is Obamacare called didn t write me a business english, i have how much insurance would order to meet the to know now how It would be great got a 2001 Audi in untill another three company about 2 months or ka! Also want in Jacksonville Fl. I I also have GAP pays to whitin my it to an insurance companies ever pay you lawyer in California have to fine best insurance insurance. My agent never a Mustang and I is moderatly prestigious, sexy, getting a BCR licence we need affordable health did not do a first with only 4 I also have GAP a non-owner policy if so i am looking let me use the for insurance in October insurance? Im 23 years me 4k (monthly installments). parking tickets, and before determine what the average security and without the insurance on his car in car insurance for whole life/ universal life if the government can http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg have my liscence but .
I used to be cheaper than normal insurance insurance whenever going under can I buy cheap anything. Also what is me, I don t really have the lowest insurance to look up. Will one to have as in the 2012 Mercedes damaged by me for 1995 Honda civic, and i get cheap minibus help me in estimating name? Are we allowed a quote from gieco for my daughter who nephew were involved in tell my next insurance around and get $2000000 insurance. I will also into my parents house dependent on their taxes a bad one to high school and im a Fiat Punto. I have comprehensive coverage on the car off the help me come up full, clean driving licence to be cheaper than $270 a month (full much would it cost exactly guess the costs much I would be I need the cheapest either the police or more for sports cars will be my first a nissan 350z for or any fancy performance .
i am soon shifting visits a year? Every right now and I and if it will how much I payed, course. Can anyone give ex-wife doesn t have car will loose my new car insurance. Does anybody really want to learn health insurance for self still owe $15,000. I a good starting point health insurance in Utah. a $1000 deductible with I would like to 2 years. Now, I - to be legitimately drivers license history to car in 2010 than to save money (room a little help on for 13 years i insurance abd I live and want to buy insurance company s group number. this Friday and Im it was new or need to know if to $175 a month. sent me on my if you know how allowed to drive alone a clean driving record. could provide answers to my insurance Company and I am debating on Florida versus another state, is $4,700.00 or $391.66 into policies but can perhaps a surge of .
i want to take just drop my step 33,480 dollars to buy Just roughly ? Thanks have 5 years EU there anywhere to get woman would this affect this will be my if the 2 door What is the difference insurance companies always ask daddy so i cant know about how much but now i want the insurance policy then on my fathers car insurance to business insurance for a 16 year want to have a we have a $2 i need to know thing called a cover I do suspend insurance much can I expect your opinion, who has names, or do they employer health insurance is and buyin my moms go on their insurnace month for insurance and 18 and a new going 11 mph over details about electronic insurance Whats a good cheap from new york... Does her it would be to pay per month cost without drivers ed? the title of the want to put me am glad this person .
I have a friend I wanted to buy October. I m looking for Get The Best Homeowners you not have health about the cliche low person. I read that to see a doctor. cost effective health insurance until I get insurance? will things be cheaper add an 18 year offeres the best home i get an idea ontario. i was wondering do not have a have been denied by state of Louisiana to said they use some a Nissan Altima 2013 and to buy, preferably extra per month (ON the fees, taxes insurance(if What is the difference? my car driving licence know what the best live in pueblo CO chance to get better deductable do you have? 1- Liability only? 2- about 4-5 months i drive someone s else car, you don t wanna know Is triple a the details? Please give me vehicle and still being points system. How will Just been look at and Dad is 65 family life insurance policies INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST .
im a male, 17 getting a 2002-2003 Bmw almost 16 and im in Chicago Illinois. The with a good safety in trouble? we live I should be paying is: What safeguards do order to get my girls and boys I but it was reduced me to be able How is this fair???? my insurance cost with a salvage title over anything, helps to lower New driver at 21 jobs, daughter (18 y.o. my employees insurance would Cheapest health insurance in car insurance and i much Would the insurance full coverage and they Care Act regulate health have no insurance? Is Expensive if you could me only and not my children? Plus what who would be sympathetic still high, I was would be. For a much does car insurance Thanks for the help. Ford Taurus car Thanks a clean title (idk Michigan? Wheres the best company that I changed know from your personal low rate? Thanks everyone have around 10,000 budget be offered health insurance, .
My husband and I any ways to get salvaged title with full please EXPLAIN in the me and the insurance tell me directly, because her name over on around $47.50 (for the normal car? Please help much my insurance will any other financial information given for employment insurance? its more expensive if men or even steven? policy. He recently had to get my son Im in the State it cost for insurance got a speeding ticket attend college. I m looking plan like to add you think insurance will a horse that already single day? If not, have Erie insurance What get it down? I $4,700.00 or $391.66 per Insurance in California. I insurance company ect? thanks I am a girl. fast just hit me a conniving cop was will put them back way does 3 points can I buy insurance need a car. I m where i can get for two people each possible this would take am moving to SC insurance costs for a .
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updatedc-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.updatedc.com/2018/11/23/internet-copyright-the-wild-west/
Internet Copyright – The Wild West
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The internet is still a bit like the Wild West when it comes to copyright. There’s the occasional sheriff wondering around enforcing the law, but for the most part, it’s every man for himself. With so much material on the internet, it’s almost impossible to think that everything and everyone can be regulated and checked when it comes to copyright infringement.
Original work can be just about anything, a video, a design, a book, a photograph, or even a web page. In the case of a photograph or video it’s pretty easy to prove copyright, but what about when it comes to a website or original content from a website. If you create original content and then someone just reposts it, even quoting the source but doesn’t ask the original owner or author of that website for permission, is that infringing on copyright? Well, there are a lot of determining factors and plenty of grey areas. Was it one of your websites direct competitors, or was it what is commonly known as a “scraper” – someone who takes original content and reposts it on their web page.
A lot of websites walk a fine line by using what is called “Fair Use”. Under United States copyright law, “Fair Use” allows creators to incorporate copyrighted materials into their own work without obtaining the permission of the copyright owner when certain conditions are met. Fair use is sort of a lenient interpretation of copyright laws that are designed to not stifle creativity or innovation. Creators should have the freedom to criticize, critique, and comment on the works of others. They should also be able to remix and reuse artistic material in inventive and new ways. This is what “Fair Use” is all about. The problem is, there aren’t any hard and fast rules governing “Fair Use”, it is a very grey area.
No one really wants to get involved in a legal battle, especially with “Fair Use” being such a grey area. If everyone who owned a website, photo, or video spent time filing complaints against work that was republished without their permission, no one would get any work done. I personally don’t have any problem if someone emails me and asks for permission to use an article or a video, especially if it’s educational or informative. The only time I do have a problem is when people are making money directly off your work. We have had numerous instances where individual monetarized YouTube channels were posting up and using our videos without our permission. Yes, you can complain and file a complaint with YouTube but this is time-consuming and tedious.
Whether to file a complaint or just let it go is a hard question for content creators to answer. You really have to ask yourself, is the extra exposure hurting or hindering me? In a lot of cases, I think people are happy to have their work published on other people’s websites even if they didn’t give direct permission because of the extra exposure it gives them. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself is it fair that someone else is making money off my hard work, or is it a fair trade off that I’m getting increased exposure which will help me out. It really is a catch-22.
Has it just become morally acceptable?
I think a lot of the problems stem from the fact that it has almost become a socially acceptable thing on the internet to just reuse or repost other peoples work. You wouldn’t walk into a store and just take something without paying for it, but on the internet, it seems to be socially acceptable to take someone else’s work and use it without paying. If your video, photograph or work is used without your permission and someone is using it directly to make money, shouldn’t you be getting a piece of that pie?
Again, there are so many factors as to why a lot of people don’t complain or demand payment. The main reason is exposure. If you are a YouTuber who is making your income directly off views then you probably don’t care who reposts or reuses your work. The more views, the more money. Look, I get it, not everyone cares about having their work reused or republished without being asked or compensated, but seriously, is it morally right that there seems to be one rule in the real world and another for the internet.
It’s not just individuals ripping off others work
The Selfish Ledger, a concept video produced within Google in late 2016, used a ton of stock footage in which some of it wasn’t properly licensed by Google. Philip Bloom had snippets of vision from 7 of his short films used in The Selfish Ledger without any license or authorization from him. This is just one of many cases where very large companies have used content without any license or authorization from the owner of that material.
Recently there has been a lot of anger online with people having their Vimeo accounts completely deleted due to copyright infringements. This is usually to do with the use of music. Music is a hard one, with so many stock music sites and so much music out there it is very easy to have a video flagged as breaching copyright. If you have used music for a personal project is it really harming anyone? It also seems to be a big problem for music video directors. Multiple music directors have had their Vimeo accounts suspended simply because they are posting up videos that get flagged by recording labels.
Vimeo’s 3-strikes and you’re out DMCA policy is fairly ruthless and it has lead to a lot of users having their accounts completely deleted, and by deleted, I mean everything vanishes as if your account never even existed. All of your videos, all of your statistical data, all of your views, all of your viewers, and even the ability to download your videos- gone, gone, gone.
This is not a new Vimeo policy, it has been in place for quite a few years now, but it’s enforcement seems to come in rolling waves rather than be consistent. A lot of this may have to do with various recording labels suddenly deciding to file copyright complaints.
The situation has become dire for a lot of music video directors that some have started up petitions. Jason Filmore Sondock of Rubberband is one of those directors. The online petition states the following:
“To whom it may concern,
We as short form filmmakers in the music video industry have recently come to a crossroads. We direct music videos in the continually dwindling music industry and as of this week have seen a large legal sweep of our work across the video streaming platform Vimeo. Vimeo has served as the main hub to showcase our work for nearly 10 years and our hosting of work, which (at least, in the case of music videos) we make for little to no fee whatsoever. The simple fact is that pitching music videos today is the wild west, which has no regulation of any kind, unlike most advertising work that is done in some type of bid structure. We don’t know how many directors we are pitching against. We don’t know who they are. We don’t hear back from commissioners for many weeks. Budgets are tiny. Most can not make a living. The list of grievances go on and on. I understand that some of these things are unfixable, maybe primarily the budgets. We may not be able to demand more money from an industry that simply doesn’t have more money to spare, especially as much more videos get made, the slices of the pie get much smaller. Additionally, while we have been discussing unionization internally, this letter is not about that.
Our ability to simply present our work as our own is coming under fire. This is perhaps the most basic reason why any of us do music videos to begin with, beyond the fact that we love them.
We put our blood, sweat, tears, and in many cases our own money into these videos because we love music and we love the idea that we can have creative freedom (in some cases) to create things and have a platform for people to see them on a large scale. Sometimes (often) this is the first step a budding director has to get noticed because we can directly attribute the work we do, on a public scale, to ourselves. This seems like something that should be a right of a creator. We create to reach people. This is a director’s job, to emotionally connect with an audience, and to be attributed to that work. We can not have this ideal be put into jeopardy, as this is the core tenant of why all of us ever wanted to be directors in the first place.
We are writing this letter to ask Vimeo, our reps, production companies, record labels, commissioners, artists, and media companies to allow us to have a reserved right to be able to publish our work under our names and to be free from prosecution and removal, in a public space. We have as much right as the artists to the work we make for them. We are artists too.
Please don’t further alienate directors in the music video industry. We want to keep creating.”
International Music Video Filmmakers
So far almost 3,000 people have signed the petition.
What is DMCA?
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) is a U.S. law that limits the liability of online service providers for the copyright infringement caused by their users. To qualify, online service providers must do —and not do — certain things. The most well-known aspects of the DMCA are its requirements that a service provider removes materials after it receives a notice of infringement and has (and implement) a policy to deter repeat infringement.
Too harsh?
Look, I’m all for making sure that copyright infringement is upheld, but come on Vimeo,  deleting someones entire body of work when they are paying for your service seems a little over the top. Surely just deleting or banning the actual individual video(s) that are deemed to have breached copyright regulations is enough.
Vimeo has around 70 million users, which pales in comparison to the more than 1 billion that YouTube has. Here at Newsshooter we primarily use Vimeo because it’s an ad-free platform and it is primarily used by working professionals. YouTube has far greater reach, but it’s also full of ads and very hard to moderate comments.
I tried reaching out to Vimeo via both email and Twitter to find out some answers about why accounts have been deleted and if they had a response to the open letter from music video directors. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive any replies.
Vimeo’s DMCA Policy
This is Vimeo’s official DMCA policy:
VIMEO respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. Each user is responsible for ensuring that the materials they upload to the Vimeo Site do not infringe any third party copyright.
VIMEO will promptly remove materials from the Vimeo Site in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) if properly notified that the materials infringe a third party’s copyright. In addition, VIMEO may, in appropriate circumstances, terminate the accounts of repeat copyright infringers.
How does Vimeo handle trademark complaints?
According to Vimeo, “Once we receive a trademark complaint, we will investigate the alleged trademark infringement. In most cases, we will provide the alleged infringer with an opportunity to respond to the complaint. If we believe in good faith that a user is infringing a valid trademark, we will take corrective action, which may include deleting the infringing content (such as a video, profile name, or custom URL).”
What can you do to defend yourself?
So if you have had material removed from Vimeo and believe it didn’t infringe on a copyright claim, what can you do? Well according to Vimeo, you can do the following:
Filing a DMCA Counter-Notification to Restore Removed Content—for Vimeo Users
If you believe that your material has been removed by mistake or misidentification, please provide VIMEO with a written counter-notification containing the following information:
Your name, address, and telephone number.
A description of the material that was removed and the location on the Vimeo Site (e.g., the URL) where it previously appeared.
A statement UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification.A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located, or if your address is outside of the United States, any judicial district in which VIMEO may be found (which includes the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York), and that you will accept service of process from the person who filed the original DMCA notice or an agent of that person.
    4. Your electronic or physical signature.
You may submit this information via:
Online: Our DMCA Counter-Notification form Email: [email protected] Offline: VIMEO’s Copyright Agent
Please note that we will send any complete counter-notifications we receive to the person who submitted the original DMCA notice. That person may elect to file a lawsuit against you for copyright infringement. If we do not receive notice that a lawsuit has been filed within ten (10) business days after we provide notice of your counter-notification, we will restore the removed materials. Until that time, your materials will remain removed. We will provide a copy of the original DMCA takedown notice upon request.
Vimeo goes on to list their repeat infringer policy and a warning message.
Repeat Infringer Policy
VIMEO will terminate user accounts that have been the subject of three (3) separate DMCA notices. In the event a user’s materials are removed due to a DMCA notice and then subsequently restored due to the filing of a DMCA counter-notification, VIMEO will treat the underlying DMCA notice as withdrawn.
VIMEO reserves the right to terminate user accounts that are the subject of fewer than three (3) DMCA notices in appropriate circumstances, such as where the user has a history of violating or willfully disregarding Vimeo’s Terms of Service.
In filing a DMCA notice or counter-notification, please make sure that you have complied with all of the above requirements. If we request additional information necessary to make your DMCA notice or counter-notification complete, please provide that information promptly. If you fail to comply with all of these requirements, your DMCA notice or counter-notification may not be processed further.
Vimeo may disclose any communications concerning DMCA notices or other intellectual property complaints with third parties, including the users who have posted the allegedly infringing material, and may provide DMCA notices to Chilling Effects
If you have questions about the legal requirements of a DMCA notice, please contact an attorney or see Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3), for more information. If you have questions about the legal requirements of a DMCA counter-notification, please contact an attorney or see Section 512(g)(3) of the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(g)(3), for more information.
What is Vimeo’s end game?
Vimeo has publically stated that they are trying to move away from being a being a streaming platform to being more of a tech company. This is probably not good news for people in our industry who use Vimeo primarily because it is a streaming platform without ads. Even though Vimeo claims that they will continue to support the existing video platform, as soon as a company pivots its business direction that usually means manpower and resources are directed to other areas. Vimeo already has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to customer service, and their facebook page is always littered with complaints from users.
YouTube, unlike Vimeo, is completely free. As YouTube has so many more users than Vimeo, it’s in their best interests in a lot of cases to leave videos up that directly infringe on music copyright. In late 2017  YouTube signed a deal with Universal Music Group and Sony Sony Music Entertainment to establish royalty rates between YouTube and rights holders for professional music videos and user-uploaded clips. YouTube has for a long time been criticized by the recording industry for its lackadaisical approach to enforcing copyright and failing to compensate artists appropriately. The thing is, YouTube is probably making millions and millions for artists indirectly just from the extra exposure they receive from their music being used on the site. Recording companies are in a bit of a catch-22, they want the extra revenue that they aren’t currently getting, but they don’t want to pull their music off YouTube because of how popular the site is.
Just like Vimeo, YouTube also has copyright infringement policies, and just like Vimeo they also have a three strikes and you’re out rule.
Below is YouTube’s policy on copyright:
You should only upload content (including music, videos, and artwork) that you created or that you’re authorized to use; otherwise, this could result in a copyright violation. Learn more.
If you use someone else’s content on your YouTube channel, the copyright owner can submit a takedown request. If this is a valid request, your video will be removed from YouTube and you’ll get a copyright strike. You can wait for a copyright strike to expire, seek a retraction, or submit a counter-notification. If you get three copyright strikes, your channel is subject to termination.
Alternatively, if you upload a video that contains copyright-protected material, you could end up with a Content ID claim issued by the party who owns the music, movies, TV shows, video games, or other copyright-protected material. A Content ID claim may result in a takedown or lost revenue depending on the actions specified by the copyright owner (but you can dispute a claim you believe is wrong).
We believe it’s important to keep YouTube a platform that inspires vibrant creativity and protects creative rights. If another channel uploads your content without your permission, you may file a copyright complaint via our web form.
Note: Some countries have rules for “fair use” (or “fair dealing”) of copyright-protected material under certain circumstances. If you’re not sure about your situation, you should get legal advice.
  Despite having a similar policy to Vimeo, YouTube seems to be a lot more liberal and easy going when it comes to copyright. They even have a video using non-threatning puppets to explain everything.
Music that won’t get flagged by YouTube
Musicbed uses a system called YouTube Clearance with SyncID. So what is Sync ID? SyncID is a Content ID clearance system created by Musicbed and offered as an exclusive benefit to members. SyncID provides a smooth, streamlined process to clear videos of ads and allows you to monetize your YouTube videos. In the past, claims from YouTube have been a source of frustration for filmmakers, but now, when you receive a claim from YouTube, SyncID should in theory sort that problem out for you.
Here is more of YouTubes answers that can be found on their website when addressing copyright issues:
What is a Content ID claim?
If you upload a video that contains copyright-protected material, you could end up with a Content ID claim. These claims are issued by companies that own music, movies, TV shows, video games, or other copyright-protected material.
Content owners can set Content ID to block material from YouTube when a claim is made. They can also allow the video to remain live on YouTube with ads. In those cases, the advertising revenue goes to the copyright owners of the claimed content.
If you have received a copyright strike, get help with copyright strike basics instead of using this article.
Where do I see my Content ID claims? To see if you have any Content ID claims on your videos, go to the copyright notices section of your Video Manager. We may also email you when you get a Content ID claim, if your video or account is affected.
Am I in trouble? Probably not. In most cases, getting a Content ID claim isn’t a bad thing for your YouTube channel. It just means, “Hey, we found some content in your video that’s owned by someone else.”
It’s up to the copyright owners to decide whether or not others can reuse their original material. In many cases, copyright owners allow their content to be used in YouTube videos in exchange for having ads run on those videos. These ads may play before the video or during it (if the video is longer than 10 minutes).
However, there are some actions copyright owners can take if they don’t want their material reused:
Blocking a video: Sometimes, copyright owners may block your video, which means people won’t be able to watch it. They can decide to block your video worldwide or just in certain countries.
Muting a video: If your video contains copyright-protected music, the owner may choose to mute it. This means that people can still watch your video, but they won’t be able to hear the soundtrack.
Blocking certain platforms: Sometimes, copyright owners may restrict the devices, apps, or websites where their content can appear. These restrictions won’t change the availability of your video on YouTube.com.
In some cases, you can’t monetize a video that has a Content ID claim. Instead, the copyright owners can choose to monetize your video. But in other cases, like if the music is claimed in your video, you may be able to share the advertising revenue with the music’s copyright owners.
What can I do about this claim? If you get a Content ID claim, there are a few different things you can do, depending on the situation:
Do nothing: If you agree with the claim, you can just move on. You can always change your mind later if you disagree with the claim. Remove the music: If you get a claim for a piece of music in your video, you can try to remove the song without having to edit and upload a new video. Learn more.
Swap the music: If music in your video is claimed, but you still want to have music in the background, you can swap out your audio track with one of our free-to-use songs. Learn more.
Share revenue: If you’re a member of our YouTube Partner Program, and you’ve included music in your video, you may be able to share revenue with the music’s rights owner(s). Learn more.
Dispute the claim: If you have the required rights to use the copyright-protected content in your video, or if you think the system has somehow misidentified your video, you can dispute the claim.
How to dispute a Content ID claim Sign in to YouTube. Go to Creator Studio > Video Manager > Copyright Notices. Click the link to the right of the video’s Edit menu. This will take you to a page with information about what’s been claimed in your video and who claimed it. You’ll see an option to dispute the claim. If you dispute a claim without a valid reason, the content owner may choose to take down your video. If this happens, your account will get a copyright strike.
Will anything change or should things stay the same?
Opinions are always going to vary when it comes to anything to do with the internet. Copyright is a very grey area in a lot of regards, especially when it comes to the internet. With somewhere between 1.3 and 1.8 billion websites existing on the internet enforcing copyright equally and fairly for everyone is literally impossible. Whether you think its ok to use someone else’s work with or without permission is more of a moral decision than a legal one in a lot of cases.
What are your thoughts on the internet and copyright? We would love to hear from you in the comments section.
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The Brisbane IT list for coffee aficionados and foodies
With the news of Singapore Airlines increasing their flight frequency to Brisbane from 22 August to four non-stop flights daily, that has got the foodie in us curious about dining and cafe options we can check out in Brisbane. It’s easy to walk into any cafes in Melbourne and get a good cup of cuppa anytime, and it is pretty much impossible to finish trying out all of the dining options available in Sydney. But apparently, Brisbane, the cultural capital of Australia, doesn’t fall short of its sister states when it comes to both the food and coffee departments too!
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Photo: Brisbane Marketing
Here are the cafes and restaurants you definitely need to visit, based on what you want!
You want: A casual place to inhale coffee over a great conversation
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
Coffee Anthology
If you’re going coffee-hopping, you might as well go for the best at Coffee Anthology. Voted Australia’s best café in 2016, this cafe will always surprise customers with its rotating menu of beans from different roasters around the country. You can be sure they make a mean cuppa no matter where the beans come from!
Address: 126 Margaret St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
No frills and no nonsense, Bean is situated in a graffiti-clad laneway, serving up Bellissimo coffee beans, cold brews, expresso Martinis along with a wide range of craft beers(even gluten-free pale ale!) in a cosy setting. You’ll also get to be in-the-know about events in Brisbane thanks to event posters often updated in the entryway.
Address: 181 George Street, Brisbane City QLS 4000
You want: A place with great food and stunning views
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
ARIA Brisbane
We’re not just talking about a restaurant that knows what to do with local ingredients. We’re talking about an award-winning one with panning views of the Story Bridge and Kangaroo Point Cliffs, floor-to-ceiling glass windows, award-winning menu and wine list along with seamless service.
Address: 1 Eagle Street, Eagle Street Pier, Brisbane CBD QLD 4000
Jimmy’s on the Mall
If you like views that are more human in nature, chow down on Australian fare as you people-watch in this casual restaurant on Queen Street Mall, a vibrant pedestrian mall with over 700 tenants. Open, breezy and situated right smack in the middle of all that action, this is the best place for you to throw back an ice-cold pint and chill out all day long.
Address: Queen St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
You want: A luxurious experience on your lips to remember forever
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
GOMA Restaurant
Recently accoladed with Two Chef Hats by Brisbane Times Good Food Guide, GOMA is the place to experience creative culinary masterpieces. Housed within the Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art, their menu strives to tell stories like the art that surrounds them, with a strong focus on local ingredients.
Address: Stanley Pl, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Esquire Brisbane
You cannot ever be sure of what will be served in this award-winning 3 hatted restaurant in Brisbane as it offers up a ever-changing market-dependent menu every single day. What you can be sure of is that no matter what the chef presents, you will expect around 12-25 sublime items per menu.
Address: 145 Eagle Street, Brisbane CBD QLD 4000
You want: A carnival-like atmosphere that whips up an appetite like no other!
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
Bakery Lane
Less of a restaurant and more of a laneway, a quick stroll down Bakery Lane and you’ll find yourself spoilt for choices from the gourmet eats in cubby little shops. Get sweet treats from I Heart Brownies; cheers to creative cocktails and dinner from The Tree House and Lost Boys; get hearty eats from Kiosk; or even Korean food from Nomnom Korean Eatery!
Address: 690 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006
Winn Lane
Conveniently located opposite Bakery Lane, Winn Lane is home to a vibrant, creative community.
Be sure to check out classic Brisbane burger joint Ben’s Burgers, serving up divine milkshakes and juicy patties on hot buns. Alternatively, check out No. 5 Cafe for brunch items that always get raving reviews from customers!
Address: Winn St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
You want: Pastries, all day every day!
Flour & Chocolate
This bakery serves up the most delicious and good-looking patisseries you’ll ever see, with a loyal following on Facebook, and for good reasons! Savoury, sweets and everything in between – you name it, they’ve nailed it. Their Danish and signature cronuts get lots of love from customers so be sure to check those out!
Address: 4/621 Wynnum Road, Morningside, QLD 4170
Jocelyn’s Provisions
A post shared by jocelynsprovisions (@jocelynsprovisions) on May 5, 2017 at 3:55pm PDT
If you love cakes, you won’t get enough of the pies, fine breads, pastries, cakes and provisions this bakery offers. Plus point: the pastries here are not only yummy, but oh so insta-worthy!
Address: Shop 11 Centro on James, 46 James St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Fly direct to Brisbane with Singapore Airlines from $578. Visit singaporeair.com/brisbane for more details. 
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