#you brought the whole emotion into your 2d sketch
lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Cromulent Crab!
Commissions:  I don't think I will be for quite some time ^^ I still have much to learn in the ways of valuable art
Social Medias:  No thank you
What's your artistic process like?
I'm a great deal into both traditional and digital art, but I've found that in both cases using the loomis method for people and/or power lines for animals has really started to boost the quality of my art. My inspiration seems to usually stem from music (Perhaps due to my synesthesia), and blooms into a story based on the words and feel of the piece. It took a few weeks of me listening to the song I chose for my Zine to finally get a clear vision of what I wanted.
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Greetings! I'm a closeted Non-Binary person who prefers to go by the name Marzen on the internet though the nickname Marz I also seem attached to. I've been absolutely engrossed by LoZ games and everything else they have to offer since I first played Botw in 2018. How real and fleshed out the world feels really brought me to what you could call a release from responsibilities. And, since I have diagnosed ADHD, botw just so happens to be the only puzzle-focused game I've ever 100%ed! Sorry Skyward Sword. I love the colour gold, not like jewellery or riches, no, like a bright gold against a black background. Red through green are colours I am also delighted to see. I'm a dog person with an infinity for reptiles and birds. And Bugs! Maybe crustaceans as well... and arachnids. Well, you get it! I'm a sucker for angst, love the Hunger Games books, laughs at everything, allergic to just about everything as well, middle school student who's thinking of joining the Canadian Military just to make enough money to pay for school- I would give anything for a scholarship to RingLing college of Art and Design! I want to work on video game rigs when I come of age!
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
If I had any money at all I would use it for cosplay and/or and apple pencil, I was able to scrape together enough last year for a Wild costume to be made but I have greater aspirations for when I'm old enough to get a job ^^ For now, I've been spending my time memorizing Richard Williams "The Animator's Survival Kit" so I can get a head start in animating. Just wait until I get an apple pencil! I'll be animating 24/7 now that I'm out of dance!  
What got you into art? what inspires you to keep creating art?
Art for me is the ability to create ANYTHING! There's no limit with a pencil and paper. I mean, the LU wouldn't exist without it! There's so much power to be harnessed in being able to draw anything. You can tell stories, make gifts, brighten people's days and bring life to worlds that couldn't exist otherwise. It took me all 15 years of my life to figure out how much art can mean to people. It's so much harder than it looks, and yet, when you finally get it right, a lot can come from that!
What's your favorite/least favorite subjects to use in your art?
I love drawing cats. That's it. They came easily to me! In fact, learning the ways cats move was the key to me figuring out how to use power lines! I'm not great at fan art, I've fallen victim to the whole 'The sketch looks better than the final piece' thing which is sincerely frustrating sometimes. Really, creating completely randomized OCs help teach me how to draw much more than trying to paint Legends hair from 11 different angles.
What's the worst thing you had to draw?
I tried to draw curly hair once... never again. That's what I need to work on the most.
Is there something that you struggled with that made you grow as an artist?
Currently, I've been working on attaching legs to human figures a little more seamlessly. My big breakthrough came with finding the inspiration to learn from others. I've never had 1on1 help when it comes to art, but watching YouTube videos have provided me with an archive of vital information. Learning the way torsos worked in general on a person was a big turning point. That's when my art went from 2d, staring directly at the audience doing nothing, to being able to picture how I want the character to move in my mind and translating that with fancy angles and weight distribution accounted for. That either came from me watching other people create art or I just unlocked that part of my brain during puberty. I will admit though, I can draw the shape of a head really well but I struggled to capture the right emotions.
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
I did an art swap with a friend a few months ago, while I gave her Warriors to draw, she gave me a furry and two weeks to complete an "exciting" scene. Now, I have nothing against this type of art, however, I had absolutely no clue how to draw non-humanoid characters in that format. I forked over ALL of my free time to learning how to draw fluffy people and it honestly drained my soul. The piece didn't even turn out good.
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