#yes i absolutely do mean people who are 'against' bi l.esbians when i say homophobes. that is what homophobia is. being against gay people
ei-mugi · 11 months
ok sorry i made a spontaneous post a while back cus i freaked out a little over it but is nobody else like actually disturbed by the existence of that public "blocklist" google spreadsheet thing that's here on e.nstars tumblr. like is nobody else concerned over the fact that there is a public list of Bad People that you could be added to at any time without your knowledge for even just thinking it's fine for a 17 year old and a 19 year old to date (perfectly normal.) what the fuck?
i got like an anon about it shortly after making my post & updating my pinned. an anon ask. i am mutuals with the majority of my followers that is suspicious as hell. and maybe they were asking a genuine question but it seemed awfully baity to me like they were trying to see if i needed to be added to the Bad People List
i understand curating a private blocklist like it's perfectly fine and normal, reasonable too, to have stuff you dislike seeing online so you like, block people who post that stuff... i also block people if i find them annoying or i dodge content that disturbs me. that isnt the issue. the issue is having all of this PUBLIC, that ANYONE can add to. it's just asking for people to be harassed, or worse. and maybe i'm alone in my anxiety i dunno but it makes me feel like i'm being watched or i have to walk on eggshells to not be deemed bad and be like punished for it. cus im no stranger to people ive recently met deciding im Bad off of a first impression and then twisting my words or going out of their way to villainise me because of it, it's a really dangerous power to hold. and i feel like its impossible to guess what people might think is Bad of me
a few people i know who arent on e.nstars tumblr agree with me on this but i havent seen anyone on here talking about it so im like wondering if im insane for this or something. is everyone else okay with this??? i dunno
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